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04x02 - Chapter Sixty-Six

Posted: 12/19/21 15:30
by bunniefuu
Welcome back, friends.

You'll recall, Jane reunited
with her first love, Adam.

And Rafael, well, he'd reunited
with his first wife, Petra.

But things will be different now.
We'll communicate, and I'll listen.

Sweet, right? Not as sweet...

I am done feeling guilty
'cause I don't want Mateo

to have some small life
where he counts pennies

and doesn't get on a plane
till he's years old.

You know, if Mateo grew up
to say something like that,

I would feel like I failed as a parent.

And it seemed like they'd be

- stuck together a while longer.
- What the hell?

Yeah, see, Raf's sister, Luisa,

had kicked him out of her hotel.

And even worse, she'd teamed up
with Petra's twin sister, Anezka.

I know, straight out
of a telenovela, right?

And speaking of, Jane's father
had married Jane's mom.

Only problem...

- It's your dad's.
- Oh, my God.

Which reminds me, remember when

Jane slept with
her father's co-star, Fabian,

and he introduced her to his
granny, on, like, night three?

Well, ever since she ended it,
things had gotten a little tense

between the men on set,
but that was small potatoes

compared to this big news.

- I think I'm in labor.
- I know, right?

So let's give birth
to this episode already.

As you all know,
Jane Gloriana Villanueva

has always believed in following rules.

- You know the rules. Pick that up.

Oh, boy, what did Mateo do now?

I am serious, you pick that up
right now and you...

chug that beer!

Chug! Chug! Chug...

Hey, drinking games need structure, too.

Chug, chug, chug, chug!
Who's the champ? I'm the champ.

Change that leaderboard, Flaco,
and never question my dominance again.

Okay, one more round?

- I can't, I got to go home.
- Oh, boo.

I know, I suck, but I have
early morning school drop-off.

Say good-bye to Fun Jane.
It's back to Mom Jane.

Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.

For the road.

- That is you and your alter ego.
- _

Kind of like Bruce Wayne and Batman.

I like it. And thank you
for keeping the reference basic.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

- And I am your Alfred.
- Oh, you lost me already.

I'm the one that gets
to see the secret part.

Mm, I like that, too.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.



- Come back soon, bro.
- Yup.

Ooh, save me some pizza rolls, fam.
Fun Jane out!

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy,

- I'm gonna slime you.
- Nuh-uh-uh-uh. You know the rules.


No more shenanigans with protein shakes.

- Rafael.
- Here's the thing.

Chase, you'd be crazy
not to get in on this.

It's a minimal capital ask.

You would acquire
two-thirds of the Marbella,

and that means majority control.

How can you stand this?
His crap is everywhere.

Abuela, that doesn't mean
what you think it means.

Chase... Chase, look,

you'll be kicking yourself
if you pass this up.

Okay, we are gonna print money.

Zen Rafael was so much less annoying
than Douche Rafael.

Speaking of alter egos...

Of course I'm mad at him.

But it is his fault that he
wanted to get the hotel back

with a ridiculous scheme that pissed off

his crazy sister so much that
she froze Mateo's trust fund.

And Mateo's school
tuition check bounced.

Damn, Alba is ride-or-die for Rafael.

Okay, well, I also don't want to be late

for public school registration.

It's really a once-in-a-lifetime

Okay? To just turn a quick mil...


Well, wake me up when you
come to your senses, Chase.

- How many steps today?
- Ah...

So super awesome.
So... we can't be late today.

Well, we still have ten minutes.

Hey, have you started the wash yet?

Oh, yes, thank you.

Hey, Petra.

And I hear that, Petra, I do.

His "mature relationship" voice
is even more annoying

than his douche voice.

Your tone is hurtful.

And I am sorry
for hurting your feelings.

That was not my intention.

But, as you know,
I am being followed and harassed

by my... Oh!

I have to go.

Okay, what?

Do you just stand there
looking through the peephole

until I come out?

- _
- Don't be silly.

I have a high stool I sit on.

My biggest regret in life is that you
didn't drown in the Atlantic.

You may be wondering
why Petra didn't have

her sister arrested
for attempted m*rder.

Go ahead, report to police.

It will become top news story,
and hotel reputation will be ruined.

All beautiful sister has to do is

give Dr. Luisa permission to sell hotel.

I have papers to sign right here.

For the last time, I'm
not selling my shares.

And stop calling her doctor.

She lost her license years ago.

Then how come she found my fibroids?

- Aah...!
- Oh, wow.

Last time I heard a scream like that,

Darci was going into labor.

Or, rather, false labor
brought on by stress,

resulting in...


...bed rest.

I said "Xo," not "Ro."

Xo is indisposed.
Can I get you something?

Stay back. It's bad enough
I can't be alone.

I don't need to see
your big, stupid face.

Aren't you supposed to be back at work?

Or did they notice
your ten-pound weight gain

and write you off the novela?

For the sake of our unborn child,

I will continue to rise
above your insults.

And I return to work tomorrow.

What are you waiting for, then?

You only have hours
to learn how to act.

Never go to the bathroom again!

Breathe. Now, go ahead, let it out.

She's the most maddening
woman ever to exist.

And she called me fat.

That woman has gained at least pounds
since she got pregnant,

and even I know
babies don't weigh pounds!

What? Why are you smiling?

Because I've been thinking.
Remember what she said

during dinner last night?

That my pasta is more flaccid than my...

After that. The little dig
about you going back

to obsessing about work
after the baby comes,

and how she'll be stuck
doing everything?

I have an idea.

What was Chase thinking?

He turns down the deal,
then offers me a job selling condos?

I don't sell real estate, I buy it.

Priorities, please. This is going to be

Mateo's school for the next six years.

Six years? No way. One, tops.

- I'm getting my money back.
- Well, even so, we might love it.

I have great memories
of the public kindergarten I went to.

- Here?
- No, this one was overcrowded

and I was reassigned. But...
don't worry.

Okay, class sizes are
capped in Florida now.

So just give it a chance, okay?

No way in hell is Mateo going there!

Now I see why their ratings are so low.
The building is falling apart.

I'm so sorry, hon,
I know you wanted to love it.

It is so unfair.

It has half the budget of public
schools in wealthier districts.

How is that okay?
I-I mean, it's a vicious cycle.

Rich kids get better schools,

better education, get
into better colleges,

earn more money, put it
back into their schools...

Preach, Mama.

Could you ever convince Rafael
to go Catholic?

It's way less expensive than private.

Ro... I mean, we...
could probably afford it.

Isn't he still paying off the De
La Vega-Factor Factor lawsuit?

Yeah, but I've seen
our finances, we can spare it.

Let me check if there
are any openings first,

before asking Dad.
And Rafael. But thank you.

Cool. Now, where are those arepas?

Darci will tear me a new one

if I come home empty-handed.

That's not a "looking
into Catholic school" giggle.

It's Adam. He tagged my dinosaur.

- Kinky.
- No,

it's not a sex thing, it's a phone game.

But, now that you brought it up,

I think I am ready to have sex with him.


So it's serious?

I still don't know.
Our lives are so different.

But you were right...
I don't need to know

where it's going
in order to have sex with him.

Unless you think I should wait
to know if it's serious.

No, no, no, no, no, definitely not.

It's early, no need to think long-term.

You go over there tonight
and tag that dinosaur.

Well... those aren't
beer pong clothes.

Okay, wow, yeah, great. Thanks.

Yeah, let me think on that
and I'll call you back.

What is it?

Something insane just happened.

I-I applied for a VFX job months ago.

And I-I didn't think
I had a chance in hell,

but they just offered me the job.

But that's amazing!

Yeah, I know.

Only the-the job is in L.A.



Still amazing.


I'll, um...

I'll really miss you.

Well, uh, that's the thing, Jane.

This might sound crazy, but

if you want me to stay, I will.

In a heartbeat.


So I guess we are thinking long-term.

And so he has hours
to decide on the job,

which gives me, like, hours
to decide how I feel about him

or if he fits into my life
or Mateo's life.

Except, how can I even
do that when it's just

way too soon to even
introduce him to Mateo?

Sounds like classic passive-aggressive

commitment transference to me.
That's a big red flag.

Unless he's the one.
Pineapple juice?

How do you know if he's the one?

Oh, I've got tons of material from my
course at the Learning Annex.

Compatibility quizzes,
research reports, algorithms...

Jane doesn't need a test
to figure out her love life.

And you're not supposed to be working.

Well, I'm bored senseless.

The idiot celebrity magazines
your husband keeps buying me

are k*lling my brain cells.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have to take a whiz.

This baby's riding my
bladder like a carnival pony.

How are you not blowing your brains out?

Because there's a plan in motion.

Ro's building a nursery on set
to show how committed he is

- to being a good dad.
- Aw.

I'll check it out while I'm there.

Our Lady of Mercy has an opening,

and I'm going to ask about tuition.

- Wish me luck.
- How lucky am I?

A cake! You shouldn't have.

- _
- Thank you,

from the bottom of my heart,
for excluding my archnemesis,

- Fabian!
- Party!

Hello, hello, everyone,
welcome back from reruns.

Meet Alejandro, a sickly kitten

that I rescued and nursed
back to health.

Why does he get a cake?

You're just jealous because
mine is bigger and better.

And my cake is, too.

Your cake is so vulgar and distasteful.

And posing in the nude
with a feline is so .

I'll show you distasteful.

That's it!

I'm done. I'm never sh**ting
a scene with you again!

Not if I never sh**t a
scene with you again first!

Talk about an epic catfight.

It is obvious what has to happen.

Use doubles and pretend
we're in the same scene.

Excuse me?

For once, I agree
with the talentless hack!

The editors can make it work.

There are all kinds of tricks
you can do with doubles.

So, is it done?

Beautiful doctor, not yet.
Petra still saying no to sign.

So step up your game.
I need the hotel sold.

Y-Yes, Dr. Luisa. I call her again.

Hello, darling.

Ah, yes. I'm sure you remember

- our old friend Chuck Chesser.
- _


I'm here with a proposition.

- Oh.
- A business proposition.

Eh. That's too bad.

A good one.

I'm putting together
a silent investment group

to purchase two-thirds
of the Marbella.

What I need is a public face,
so Luisa doesn't get suspicious

and realize we're behind it.

Only an idiot
would turn that down, Chuck.


If the sale goes through,

you basically get ten percent
for doing nothing.


Depends if you ask Fun Jane...

Wild night out. What, what?!

- ...or Mom Jane.
- Absolutely not.

What if we come home
wasted and Mateo needs us?

And Alejandro is the ugliest
kitten I have ever seen!

Uh, bad time?

Of course not. I always have
time for my beloved daughter.

Aw, thanks, Dad.

Just make it snappy,
I have ten minutes.

Right. So, the short version.

I found a great Catholic school
with one spot left.

It'd be perfect for Mateo.
It's just the cost.

Say no more. I will pay for
everything your heart desires.

In the near to long-term future.

I'm not following.

Well, I'm having a few
very trendy financial issues.

It's possible that I overspent
a bit these past few years,

so I'm tracking Johnny Depp's lawsuit

against his business managers
to see how that plays out.

- _
- If Johnny loses,

I know it's my fault that I bought
that time-share in Cancún

and part of that vineyard,

after my business managers
warned me not to.

But if Johnny wins, then I can sue them

for my own financial negligence,

and I am back in the game, baby.

Got it. Don't worry,
I'll find the $ , .

Wait. Only $ , ?

Why didn't you say so?

That's less than I spent

to sh**t Ricardo Montalbán's
ashes into space.

You can swing that? Well, of course.

This is a deal of a lifetime.

I'm telling you, you'd be crazy
not to get in on it.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime

Sorry, you know how I
feel about Catholicism.

All that doom and gloom stuff,
it's not what I believe in.

Well, do you believe
in a great education?

All my teeth are brushed.

Can you please tickle my back?
Please, please, please?

- Yes. Come on.
- Sure.

Ow, can you guys tickle less hard?

"Darci's Surefire Strategy
to Spotting Your Soul Mate"?

Thought it could help me figure
out what to about Adam.

I'm ditching the quizzes,
and I'm going over there

and having a mature, adult conversation.


Alba is definitely not
ride-or-die for Adam.

Abuela, don't be such a downer.

Ooh! I think it's time
to see Alba's alter ego.

Can you spot the seven differences?

Fun Alba has spoken. What a surprise.

She agrees with Alba.

We happen to be fighting
over sending Mateo to Catholic school,

so you should be on my side here.


Yeah... actually,
now that you two are besties,

maybe you can talk to him
about Our Lady of Mercy.

Huh? Maybe between the kettlebell swings

and the Fitbit competitions,

you can convince him it's a good idea.

Thanks, Abuela.

You know what?

I am tired of being
trapped in my own home

during mature chat time.

I'm going in.

- Uh...
- Yeah. Mm-mm. I am.

And I acknowledge your concern.

But on the other hand, the fact
that I was involved with Chuck

makes him an ideal front man.

Anezka and Luisa would never think
I'd be in business with him.

And I acknowledge your point,

but Chuck still has feelings for you,

and that makes me uncomfortable.

You think I'm comfortable
with you living with Jane?

Remember: she tried to get
in the shower with you.

I hear you, but for the millionth time,

I don't have feelings for Jane.

Me neither, just to be clear.

Regardless, Jane can't buy a hotel.

So you can't unilaterally rule out Chuck

without providing a viable alternative.

Look, Anezka's driving me crazy.
I can't take much more.

I understand.

And I just happen to have a great lead.

Katherine Cortes.

Carlos Cortes' daughter?

- The hotelier?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, why didn't you tell me
about her in the first place?

Because we've been working
on communicating better,

and I wanted to give you a chance

to process your feelings about Chuck.


Thank you for that.


Call her.

Is it just me,

or is all this communicating
making them a little dull?

Now that's more like it.

What do you want to do tonight?

Ooh, make out and tequila poppers.

Absolutely not.
We're having a serious discussion

about whether this
relationship has legs.

Which it doesn't.

Why you looking confused?

I'm sorry. It's just...

This big decision.

I'm a little in my head about it.

- Buzzkill.
- Shh.

We need to know if Adam is capable
of a mature, adult relationship.

Know what I do when
I have a lot on my mind?

- Hmm?
- Roofball.

And I think we have our answer.

Okay, here we go.

Roofball. You score in the big trash
can, or the little trash can,

or the flower pot
that's covered in bird crap.

And do not fall off the roof.

- Has that ever happened?
- Many, many times.

I am going to crush this.

Okay. We're playing for
exactly eight minutes,

and then we're telling him to
take the job and "good luck."

- Ready?
- Okay.

Okay. That's, uh, that's
one point for me.

You got to try to block me.

Oh, okay. Okay.

Okay, okay. Now you're getting it.

- Nice!
- Oh!

- Nice!
- Okay, I got this.

You got this fast.

- Wow. Okay, cool.
- Yeah.

Hey, hey, hey...

- Oh! Oh!
- No.


Where'd it go?

Where'd it go, where'd it go?

Oh! Three points!

Bring it, b*tches!

Our eight minutes are up.


Well, this is just a slap to the face.

I'm sorry the editors

couldn't make the doubles thing work.

But they did put together something

we're really excited about.

Oldest trick in the book.

k*ll someone off to juice the ratings.

And since the two of you
can't work together...

The new plot
will involve the lady scientist

accidentally swallowing
Guillermo and Hector,

but only one of you
will survive the journey

out of her tush alive.

We're putting your characters
to a focus group

of women ages to ...

bored housewives,
our bread and butter...

they'll make the call.


I just have so much fun with you.

Mm. That's a good thing, right?


It's good to remember
that I'm young, you know?

More than just a mom.


Let's have sex.

Yeah? You ready?


Not a lot of inflatable swan sex?

Not as much as you'd think.

- Oh.
- Let's go inside.


Usually when this happens,
I just jump down, but...

I can jump.

Do I have to remind you
that I am young and fun?

- Let's do this.
- Mm-hmm.

Here I come.

And, friends,

in that moment,
Jane had never felt so free.

Do you think it's broken?

Of course it's broken, you idiot!

So, a simple fracture of
the distal fibula usually takes

four to six weeks of recovery.

Now, the pain meds will kick in
soon, so she'll be tired.

She'll also need help in the
shower. The cast can't get wet.

He can't give me a shower.
We haven't even had sex yet.


Can we even have sex?

It's, uh, possible.

Which positions?

I think those are the meds
that you were talking about.

You'll need to do the driving
for the next month.

He may not even be here in a month.

He got a job in California.

It's very exciting for him
and very confusing for me.


Uh, someone will be by with
the discharge papers shortly.

Hey, look.

I can tell that my question's
really stressing you out.

What? You have me
confused for Mom Jane.

I am Fun Jane.

Stay, go, whatevs. I'm cool.

Still, I'm taking the decision
off your plate.

I got this.


You're so sweet.

Oh, I think those dr*gs are kicking in.


Oh, no.

Sorry, you passed out there.
I couldn't move you.

No, I'm late for my meeting
at Our Lady of Mercy.

What's Our Lady of Mercy?

Uh, it's a Catholic school for Mateo.

I was supposed to meet
with them today. Ow! Oh!

Ooh. Oh, could you pass me my pants?

Hi. This is Jane Villanueva.

Um, I had an appointment,
um... two hours ago.


Y-You gave the slot away?

I am so glad this worked out.

- I know how busy you are.

So let me just say this.
This is easy money.

You'd clear ten percent without
putting in a dime of your own.

Looks like Katherine
wants to tag his dinosaur.

I still can't believe that we never met.

I've heard so much about you from Chase.

He and my ex-husband are golf buddies.

I'm sorry, it's about my kids.

Of course.

Thank God my ex and I never had kids.

We get it, lady, you're single.

So, let's discuss things
further, over drinks.

Water with lemon.

About time.

You know it's not good
for the baby to be dehydrated.

Were you working?

Just checking a few e-mails.

These aren't e-mails.

This is a dating profile.


This is for you?

Why are you posting a profile?

Why do you think?

I don't want to raise this baby alone.


Put this on.

I'm about to yell,

and I don't want to hurt the baby.

Doing this alone?!

We brought you into our home!

We wait on you hand and foot,

take you to your doctor's appointments.

In fact, my husband is on set right now

building you a nursery...
a surprise nursery...

so you know you won't be
doing this on your own.

So what? That's all stuff for the baby.

Neither of you would have
anything to do with me

if I weren't pregnant.

Of course not.

But you are.

So we're stuck together forever.

That's called family.

And we're trying.
You're the one who's not.

So, if you really want
what's best for the baby,

worry less about getting dehydrated

and more about getting along
with her father.

And you could be
a little nicer to me, too.

Pick me.

Choose me.

Love me.

Why do you look so worried, Papa?

Well, because these women
are deciding if Papa

or a terrible ogre will
stay on the telenovela.

Let's listen in, Matelio.

Sell it, woman with the lazy eye.

Jane, what happened?

No big deal, just a small fracture.


What's Fabian's grandma doing in there?

Oh, my God.

That floozy has infiltrated
the focus group.

Well, the jig is up, Granny.


Uh, w-wait, wait, wait! Think.

How is it gonna look if you storm
in there and attack a grandma?

You're right.

I have a better plan.

Which, my friends, brings us here.

Yup. Meet Rogelio's new alter ego.

Whoa there, Granny.

I'm uncomfortable.

Because it's obvious that
Katherine is looking for

a hookup with you in
exchange for signing on.

And I acknowledge your feelings.

Oh, man, I'm sick of
mature Rafael and Petra too.

But you have nothing to worry about,
because I can handle Katherine.

Just like I can handle Chuck.

He's the logical choice, a known entity.

You working with Chuck
makes me uncomfortable,

because I have no interest in Katherine.

You and Chuck have a romantic history.

How many more times and
ways can I explain to you

I know you don't.
But you've gone there before.

Slept with men
to advance your interests.

Whereas I haven't crossed that line.

And speaking of crossing a line.

- Hello.

The focus group chose me?

Say hello to your abuela for me.

And stay away from my daughter!


Who knew comic books
could be so romantic?

I know. I'm getting misty, too.

It's just a minor fracture.

I was playing roofball with Adam.

- Uh, roofball?
- Mm-hmm.

As in playing ball on a roof?

Are you gonna be okay?


But we need to talk about
Mateo's school situation.

Because of my accident,

I missed the appointment
for Our Lady of Mercy,

and now we don't even have
the option of Catholic school.

I have another one.

Did you know that your parents live

in the Elbamare School District?

It's a great public school

with a nine rating, plus music, art, TK.

We can enroll Mateo next year
using their address.

And lie about where we live?

Of course.

Of course your option is to lie.
Why am I surprised?

- That's not fair.
- But it's true.

I mean, that's what you do.
You try to game the system.

Why wouldn't you?
You grew up rich and entitled,

and you think that the rules
don't apply to you.

It was your grandmother's idea.


So as you're climbing
off your high horse,

try not to break your other leg.

Well, hello, Douche Jane.

I don't understand. You told
Rafael that we should lie

to get Mateo into a better school?

- What?

You used somebody else's address?

Back to real life for you.

No more excuses to lie
around getting spoiled.

You are officially off of bed rest.


- Oh, thank God.
- I'll see you next week.

So before you drop me off?


Let's go see that freakin' nursery.


But nobody better rub my belly

when I'm there. I'm not
friggin' public property.

I think that look on your face
will scare them off.

I think that's a smile?

I would have gone with a less
tacky mobile, but it's nice.

I'll take it.

Thank you, Rogelio.

You're welcome.

And I swear I will not put
work first when the baby comes.

I want to be a good co-parent with you.

I know.

We had a friendship once.

Long, long, long ago.

Can we again?

Let's try.

Now I have something to show you, too.

Welcome to your relaxation room.

Your lady cave.


What's this for?

Well, I spent some time
with some women today.

In a focus group.

And I learned that

sometimes women feel underappreciated.

And sometimes it's nice
to have a room of one's own.

I know you're going through a lot

with Darci, the baby, the dance studio.

So whenever you want to decompress,
this is the place.

This is so sweet.

And thoughtful.

My ladies group taught me
that sometimes it's nice

to do things without being asked.

They did, huh?

That's not all they taught me.

I guess I realized that
I was the one who was spoiled.

I took you...

and your money for granted.

And I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's not.

Look, I...

I-I don't want to fight anymore.

Can we be friends again?

I'd like that.

Me, too.

And I mean that.

The financial privileges
you've given this family

has been huge.

And parenting without it
is gonna be harder

and lead to making harder choices.

And so, let's do it.

Use my parents' address.

Don't worry. It won't be for long.

'Cause I'm gonna get it all back.

The money, the hotel, everything.


But until then, the family is
gonna need to make some changes.

Buckle down a little, grow up.

Which brings us here.

You have to take the job.

But I've already decided
that I'm staying.

Well, you shouldn't,
not if I'm part of the equation,

because honestly... I don't
think that we'll work long-term.

What are you talking about?
These past few weeks have been...

Amazing. But not real life.
And it's come with a cost.

I mean, Mateo may not have
anywhere to go to school next year.

And I can't drive for a month.

- Jane.
- And this. This, this...

is incredibly sweet. But it's a fantasy.

In reality, these panels
would be lice checks,

and Mateo puking and
getting in trouble at school,

and you texting me
that you'll be home late,

but I don't get it
because I already fell asleep,

and a lot of other not-fun things.

I know you have a kid, Jane.

And I know that makes everything
way more complicated.

But just like the school
meeting, if I'd known about it,

I-I would've set my alarm,

I-I would've dragged
your ass out of bed.

You're the one compartmentalizing.

Because you can't meet
Mateo yet... it's too early...

and without you meeting him,

I don't know how you fit in my life.

That's exactly my point. You can't know.

Then why did you ask me to make
this huge decision about your job?

I didn't ask you to make this decision.

I-I was just asking you
if you wanted me to stay.

- Of course I want you to stay!
- Okay, well, then I'm staying!

I'm staying.

I'm gonna need you to kiss me.

What are you doing?

Making you work for it.



Thought we could use a little romance.

Which we were not gonna get
at Jane's house.

Yeah, I've been thinking.

And you're right.

I should trust you.

Let's go with Chuck.


You want to go with Katherine?


I'm serious.

I've decided I can deal
with Anezka long enough

for us to find the right investor,

someone with no strings.

I can handle Katherine.

Okay? I am not gonna sleep with her.
I'm not that person.

But there'll always be
a part of you that thinks I am.


It's true.

And I don't blame you.

I've cheated.

But at the same time...

that's not who I am.

And I need a fresh start.

What kind of fresh start?


Are you breaking up with me?

We just decided to be mature and try.

And we have been.

But I'm just tired
of the effort, frankly.

And it's not what I want.

Then why did you get
back together with me?

I'm not completely sure.

I shouldn't have.

Maybe you just chose Jane so many times

that when you finally chose me,
I didn't want to say no.

Or maybe I just needed to be
the one to end it.

Well, I'm happy to help you
on your journey of self-empowerment.

I'm sorry, Rafael.

Just go!

Even the stench of his
mediocrity is gone.

It feels amazing to have my set back.

I will never have to see Fabian
and his deformed kitten again.

Oh, thank you.

It's great to be number
one on the call sheet.

Well, co-number one.

No, this can't be.

But it is.

- _
- Wow.


I was just seeing where I sit.

For when I win.

How funny. I was just seeing
where I sit for when I win.

Well, we can't both win.

Dang it!


Where's Fabian?

Get that delusional has-been
back here this instant!

This is my worst nightmare.

It's actually about
to get a whole lot worse.

Stop it.

Whoa, why are they talking?
Why-why is she laughing like that?

Oh, God.

I think... he likes her?

Ya think?

From chemical attraction
to an indecent proposal.

See? Isn't this nicer than
some crowded restaurant?

It is.

Wait. We have to toast
to working together.

I just hope we're compatible.

Say good-bye to Zen Rafael.

You won't break me.

I built this hotel, and nothing you
can do will make me give it up.

Whatever you are saying,
beautiful sister.

Hello, Petra.

That's right.

Granny's back.

I know!

Straight out of a telenovela, right?

Which reminds me.

One. Of. These. People. Will. Die!

What can I say?

It's the oldest trick
in the book, right?