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02x07 - Black Helmet Woman

Posted: 12/19/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
Your passport to paradise.

And here we are on yet another
krutackin' desert planet!

Quill, how come we never wind
up on lush tropical resorts,

where they serve ya, you know,
those little fruit drinks

with the paper umbrellas, huh?

Come on, Rocket.

Just be glad that searching
Yondu's hideouts finally paid off.

There's his space pod!

And there's the sarcophagus.

- I have a bad feeling about this.
- No. No, no, no. New rule.

Nobody's allowed to have bad
feelings or be too old for this,

and definitely, nobody says,
"Things can't get any worse."

Even though that's a Ravager ship,
and they want to blow us up.

All right, look. We got the
sarcophagus fair and square.

The Ravagers said I would
find my father's sarcophagus here.

They didn't mention I'd get
to destroy my sister as well.


So what?

Without all her cyborg stuff,
Quill could take her down.


Never underestimate
a daughter of Thanos.

Especially when she's in battle armor.


When did Nebula get an upgrade?

Maybe you should ask her. You know,
when she stops sh**ting at us!

Load the sarcophagus onto the ship.
I will deal with Nebula.

Anybody else got a plan?

That sarcophagus belonged to Thanos.

By all rights, it's mine!

When she gets close enough, I'm
gonna open the sarcophagus.

Boom! No more Nebula.

No. You saw what it did to the High
Evolutionary. You can't vaporize my sister.

Watch me.

You want this so bad? Then take it!

Huh? Take it! Take it!


- Oh!
- Don't touch them!

If Thanos hid these artifacts,
they must be incredibly dangerous.

Yeah? And I'm gonna make them
dangerous to Nebula!

Quit it!

You don't even know what they do.

Whatever they do,
they can't make things any...

Oh. See? You almost
made me say it.

Well, guess it's
up to us... Again.

I am Groot!

That the best you got, furless?

You couldn't handle
my best, rodent!


Ha! Now I have you!

Sorry, Nebs.
I'm shutting you down.


Come on. Reboot. Reboot!

You are freakishly strong.

Oh, sister, you are making
this way too easy.

All right. Desperate times,
desperate measures.



Oh, this can't be good.


That helmet is meant
for a true daughter of Thanos!

I can't touch the helmet,

but she gets to fly around and sh**t
lasers out of her hands?

Something's wrong, Quill.
That ain't Gamora.


Gamora, stop!

A minute ago, you were trying
to save your sister's life.

Now you're gonna tear her apart?

I've seen this kind of rage before.

Flarg, I've lived
this kind of rage before.


You are not free to go.


I'm not taking off the helmet.

Look, I get it. When I wore that
Asgardian armor, the power...

Not power. Information.

What kind of information?

Something else was inside
the sarcophagus.

The thing that vaporized the High
Evolutionary. Some sort of cocoon.

Whatever it is, it's long gone now.

The Ravagers said Yondu was selling
the sarcophagus to the Believers.

Obviously, they got here first,
took what they wanted, and left.

Too slow, as always, dear sister.

I don't know if it's the helmet, but
something wants me to find that cocoon.

To protect it.

We can't leave that kind to of power
in the hands of crazed fanatics.

Says the lady taking orders
from a magic hat.

- I am Groot!
- Groot's right.

You gotta get rid
of that krutackin' helmet

before it turns your
brains to applesauce!

There's a difference between crazy
prophecies and actual visions.

My visions led us to the
Cosmic Seed, remember?

Yeah, after they led us around
in circles for six months.

If your father, Thanos,
prized the helmet so,

then nothing good can come of it.
We should destroy it.

If you ask me, that artifact has
already warped my sister's mind.

But then again, a daughter of
Thanos will do anything for power.

Not this one.

But that still doesn't change the fact

that we need to get the cocoon
away from the Believers.

- Why are we bringing her along?
- So we can keep an eye on her.

"Keep your enemies closer,"
as some guy said one time.

That guy was me, just a minute ago.

Besides, there's gotta be
a bounty on her somewhere.

Make sure she don't try nothing.

I am Groot.

Okay, you're the one with
the visions this time around.

Where are we going?

All I got was a flood
of images and sensations.

It's not like the helmet drew me a map.

No problem.

Avoiding the Believers is d'ast
impossible, but finding them is easy.


Join the Believers
at this location.

Great! Planet
Tashlu, a five-star resort,

and we can't take five
minutes to enjoy it!

Just one receptionist up front.

Time to work
the ol' Star-Lord magic.

Hi. I'm the repairman, here to fix
the thing that is not working.

All righty. I'll call security
to walk you back there.

I was kind of hoping you
could show me the way.

I am really not supposed to leave
the desk, but it is a slow night.

I do not know what they see in him.

Perhaps it is his distinctive odor.

Nothing about any
cocoon in the comm system.

We gotta find an office or something.

I should tell you,
I've been hurt before.

I had a hard time
learning to trust again.

But thanks to my training here,

I believe I can see people
for who they really are.

- It's you!
- What? No, it's not!

You're one of the Unbelievers
who att*cked our flagship!

Okay. I usually don't have this effect
on women until after the first date!

I am Groot.

Nothing in here neither.

Nor here.

Oh, anger issues!

- Quill, what did you do?
- Nothing. I swear.

Halt, Unbelievers!

I thought we were doubters.

So we got an upgrade.
What's the difference?

The difference is Unbelievers
are terminated on sight.

I am Groot!

You sure are.
Rocket, open the door!

I thought you'd never ask.

Groot, close the door!

Great. We're trapped
in a supply closet!

Beats being trapped in a hallway!

Funny how your "friends" didn't
put up much of an argument

when you said you were staying behind.

They respect my decisions.

And someone had to keep an eye on you.

Or maybe they didn't really
want you on the mission.

Maybe they don't trust you.

No matter how much you try to make
up for the sins of your past,

you'll always be
a daughter of Thanos to them.

That cocoon is our rightful
inheritance, sister.

Not that you'd know what to
do with that kind of power.

Your conscience makes you weak.

Hey, Gamora?

Um, you know that
super-stealthy recon mission

that the Believers were
never gonna find out about?

It's not going well.

Ooh, rescue your friends,
or keep your sister c*ptive?

Which one will you choose?

All of the above.

I believe I can access
the supply closet.

I am Groot!

Rocket, can you cut through
the outer wall or not?

I'm working on it.

Who the heck builds
a triple-reinforced day spa?

Where is the cocoon?

I... I don't... On
the flagship, orbiting Panoris.

That's all I know. I swear!

Gamora! Put him down.

We can't leave anyone alive
to warn the other Believers.

I am Groot!

- Groot!
- I... am... Groot.


Lady, you just crossed
the krutackin' line.

If we're not careful, none of
us will make it out of here.

You don't need to do this. We can
knock out their communications.

I trust you, G.

But you need to trust me.

Take... the helmet... off.

See? Much better.

Gamora? Gamora!

What happened?

You honestly can't remember?

Groot! Is he...

He's gonna be okay.
But you hurt him pretty bad.

I told you you couldn't handle
that kind of power.

- It was an accident.
- It was the helmet.

We have to lock this thing up before
it destroys you or destroys one of us.

What about the cocoon?

The plan hasn't changed. Rocket's
flying us to the Believer flagship.


We're gonna be in
sensor range in a few minutes.

If you've got a plan, now would
be the time to share it.

I figured we'd do what we always do.

Oh, you mean go in clueless and
nearly get our tails shot off?

Uh-oh. Priority
call from Nova Prime.

Nova Prime! What can the Guardians
of the Galaxy do for you today?

We picked up an unusual Nova
Force signature on planet Tashlu

and traced it back to your ship.

Weird. Uh, hey, did I tell
you we captured Nebula?

How high is the bounty on her now, huh?
Seven thou?

Let's cut to the chase, Quill.

You have something extremely
dangerous in your possession.

The Nova Centurion helmets
were used by an elite squad

in the early days of the Corps.

Wow. That's a really cool story.

We haven't found any helmets like
that, but, you know, if we do...

Based on the energy signature, that
helmet has been tampered with.

It drains the life energy
from the user.

- Uh, how much life energy we talkin'?
- All of it.

I think the
Believers know we're here.

- Quill, what's going...
- Sorry, Prime. Gotta go.

What is it? Tractor beam?

Not exactly. Mantis!

Our brethren on Tashlu
told us you would be coming.

And now, like all Unbelievers,
you will be crushed.

Hate to say it, but I
kind of believe her!

Rocket, get us outta here.

Before that Belief energy bubble
puts the squeeze on us for good!

Diverting all power to main thrusters.

It's no good.
We need more than "all power."

There's too much pressure on the hull.
It's gonna crack!

I can't escape the energy field!

Drax the Destroyer does not escape.
He fights!

The flagship is well shielded.

Our weapons are useless.

What's happening?

The Believers on Tashlu told the flagship
we were coming. They're crushing the ship.

Hey, don't look at me. When I wreck
a comm system, it stays wrecked.

Must've had a backup or something.

You left witnesses alive?

Did you learn nothing from Father?

You have to let me use the helmet.

But it might destroy you.

Or you might destroy us.

I am the one who destroys!

I will leap out the airlock and
punch my way inside the flagship.

Yeah, I don't think
that's gonna work.

Punching always works.

No! Blowing
things up always works!

It did not work for me!

Which is why we need the helmet.

Yeah, I don't remember
you getting a vote.

Okay, I'm trusting you on this.

The Unbelievers are at the door!

We must act while there's still time.

I believe we can open the cocoon!

She did not wait for us.
That is very inconsiderate.

- Gamora!
- I'm not hurting them, Quill.

But I must protect the cocoon.

Time is running out.

Divert all Belief energy to the cocoon!

Engines, life support, everything!

I believe we will open the cocoon!

I believe we
will open the cocoon!

Guys, I think they cut the power!
This bird's going down!

Groot, can you hear me, buddy?

The flagship's crashing!
You gotta undock the Milano!


The Golden Age is nearly upon us.


Unbelievers! Destroy them!

We ain't got time for this.
The ship's gonna go splat.

I don't think they care.

You are too late, Unbeliever.

I believe nothing can stop
the cocoon from opening.

Come on! Close!

Did you forget about me, sister?




I knew you didn't have
what it takes, sister dear.

Quill, the helmet
told me what I have to do.

You must never let
the cocoon be opened, ever!

I'm trusting you on this.

- Wait. What are you gonna do?
- What's necessary.

No! Gamora!

Warning. Belief batteries
depleted. Backup power system failure.

Quill, we gotta get outta here.

Gamora trusted me.
I'm not gonna let her down.

Hurry, Quill.

Everyone, you must believe.
Believe we will survive this!

Yes, my friends, all things
are possible if only you believe!

Yondu's transport pod was
empty, except for this helmet,

which we totally found after you
mentioned it and not before.

I see. And what about Nebula?

She escaped.
She is very deceptive.

What happened to him?

Cooking accident.

I keep telling him to use oven mitts.

Very well.
Whatever really happened,

we thank you for bringing this dangerous
artifact to the proper authorities.


Why did you not tell Nova Prime
about the wristbands or the cocoon?

Because Gamora's
still out there somewhere.

And we're gonna get her back.

Where am I?

You mean "where are we," sister.

But if the High Evolutionary's here,
then it's nowhere good.