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02x06 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: 12/19/21 07:52
by bunniefuu
Good news, Grand Commissioner.
We have located the target.

I remind you, Peter Quill,
that this "target" is my daughter.

And she must arrive on Rigel-

in time for her
coming-of-age ceremony.

I expect you to treat her with the
respect that befits her station.

Ha, don't worry.

Drax and Gamora will flush her out.

And then...

Rocket, the Rigellian Grand Commissioner
is paying us four million units

to escort his daughter,
the princess, home.

Yeah? This is my fanciest sack!

I am Groot!

Good point, bud.
She ain't gonna care.

Rigellians got no emotions!

Stop, Princess.
I mean you no harm.

Who... Who are you?

I am Drax the Destroyer.


Uh, but perhaps you should
address me as simply Drax.

Oh, hey, Drax? Don't forget,
Rigellians are telekinetic.

She is making that fact
extremely difficult to forget.

Quill, we have a problem.

Princess Tana has taken
refuge in the one place

even Drax the Destroyer dare not enter.

Yo, Quill! What's the deal? Huh?

Trying to snatch my best customer?

Lu! Hey!
Long time no see, buddy.

Don't "buddy" me!

That wrecking ball you call
Drax is trashing my club!

You want Princess T?

You're gonna have to go through me!

Works for me.

Works for me, too.

And so does he!

Okay, this doesn't work for me.

Yo, Draxy! We could use
your destroying skills out here!

I have a delicate situation in here.

Never mind.
We'll just come to you.

Princess Tana, I presume?


Who... How...

Think you're the first club-crawler
to sneak out a bathroom window?

Let go! I have a right to party!

You remind me of Peter Quill.

- Who?
- It's not a compliment.

- Quill, she's on the move!
- I am Groot!

I saw nothing!

Please resume powdering your noses.

Or other breathing appendages.

I am Groot!

If you do not cooperate, you will miss
your coming-of-age ceremony.

Well, duh!

Why do you think I'm on
Conjunction in the first place?

Apparently, to behave monstrously
and spend your father's money.

And in two days, I will
officially be an adult.

Then nobody can make me
go through the Centering!


Then it is fortunate we will
get you home before that time.

A simple "thank you" would suffice.

Behold! Your transport
home has arrived.

Know what would've been helpful,
El Commissioner Grand-a-mentay?

Warning us the princess
is a hard-partying,

out-of-control brat!

I mean, respectful.

Admittedly, she is rather an
embarrassment to the royal family.

But I dispense information
on a need-to-know basis.

Speaking of which,
a group of Rigellian rebels,

calling themselves "The Empathetics"

are based somewhere in the system,

so do try to avoid contact with them.

It is imperative that Tana be home
in time to undergo the Centering.

- Anything else?
- Try not to antagonize her.

Negative emotions will
manifest in unfortunate ways.

I hate you!

Leave me alone!

Hey! I don't take kindly to temper tantrums
that cause expl*sive decompression!

So, knock it off, or spend the rest
of the trip in a pocket dimension.

That will not be necessary.

Please, don't take me home.

You don't understand what it's
like to deal with a strict father.

I was raised by the Mad Titan, Thanos.

I helped bury him
at the center of a planet.

That is awesome.

But, look. I can make it
worth your while.

Enough talk of escape.

We swore an oath
to the Grand Commissioner.

I am Groot.

Go that right, bud.

We didn't swear no oath.
What ya offering?

Whatever he's paying you, I'll double.


He closed my account!

Oh, well. Plan "A" it is.

Back to Daddy's lovin' arms.

If you try to force me home,

I'll make your lives so miserable
you'll have to get rid of me.

We've faced some of the
worst lowlifes in the galaxy.

Nothing you can do can faze us.

Worry not.
I will watch over her.


Who's gonna watch over you?

I am Groot.

I will clean that up for you.

Perhaps you can reuse them.

Oh! Come on, Princess!

- Time to get off the throne!
- My eyeballs are floatin' here!

Let me in!

Out, now.

I will handle this.

- Out of my way, Quill!
- I gotta go!

But I gotta go more!


Hey! Hey!

Those are my grenades you're juggling!

Princess, you should not tamper
with dangerous expl*sives, or rodents.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

You did that on purpose!

Allow me.

I have observed you perform
this Earth ritual many times.

Your actions toward us are hostile,

but your face displays fear.

Is this related to the Centering
ceremony you wish to avoid?

What do you know about it?

My people also have
a coming-of-age ritual.

One my own daughter would
be undertaking about now.

She would be roughly your age.

So what? Am I supposed to care?

That's it! You're nothing
but a spoiled brat.

And you, a spineless coddler!

I was raised by Thanos, you
little gronkah.

You're a princess! You're supposed
to set an example for your people!

But you can't,

because you don't care about
anyone's feelings but your own!

Well, they're my feelings!

You can't take them from me!

Ship's hull can't take
much more of this stress!

I hate you! Leave me alone!

I am Groot!

Never having kids.

Yo, Groot, put a cork
in that hull breach!

I remember what Yondu would tell me
whenever I put a hole in his ship.

"You need to go nighty-night,

Oh, man! Blew right back in my face.

I won't let you take me home.

I'll wreck your whole
ship if I have to!

Not gonna happen.

Groot, uncork!

Rocket, you just sent
the princess into space!

We don't get paid if she
explodes in a vacuum.

That's why I got the sack.

Ah, you have awakened.

- What happened?
- You threw a tantrum,

as would my own daughter when
she was tired or hungry.

This is Mr. Rhinopus.

He belonged to my Camaria.

She would've been
around your age had she...

I thought perhaps he would
make you feel better.

You have rested.
Now you must eat.

Why are you being nice to me?

I am concerned
for your well-being.

I'm not hungry.

Your behavior suggests otherwise.

Don't tell me what to do!

Why is a nearly-adult Rigellian
so unable to control herself,

or her telekinetic abilities?

You sound just like my dad!

Your father sounds like a wise man.

Well, he's not, okay?

And I don't care what he says.
I won't do the Centering.

Just... Just let me go.

You could say I knocked you out.

Drax the Destroyer does not
lie, or get knocked out.

I thought you cared about me.

This is why I will not let you run
out on your responsibilities.

Just like your father will not.

Right. Like you're
such a great dad.

Where's your precious
little Camaria now?

- Oh, that's right. She's...
- You do not speak her name!

She was taken from me by Ronan!

And this is all you have
to remember her by?


Drax, are you all right?

I am unharmed, physically.

The princess flew the coop.

We are not letting all those units...

I mean, "Tana" get away.

I will retrieve her.

I am at fault for letting her escape.

Yeah. And how'd that happen?

I am Groot!

Not Mr. Rhinopus!

I'm going with you.

That brat will pay for this.

Her pod signal's this way.

Empathetics, ready...

Aim and fire!

Aw, come on! You
can do better than that!

Let's bring some pain!

This is not what I expected.

I can see why the Grand Commissioner
wants Tana to control her powers.

So good! So good!

- Oh, yeah! Oh, I love it!
- Excuse me.

- What did I tell you? That girl is crazy!
- Excuse me!

- She's nuts! I love her!
- Have you seen...

- Hey!
- Back off!

What is so funny?

That was awesome for a flatliner.

You know, a non-TK-er.

Who are you people, and why
the random destruction?

Name's Jukka. We're Empathetics.

And this is hardcore training for,
like, revolution and whatnot.

You overgrown children
are the Rigellian rebels?

Flarg, yeah, we're rebels!
Fight the power!

And, oh, you might wanna look down.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!

It is unsportsmanlike to crush
your friend when he is down.

Whatever, Grandpa.


- Tana!
- Whoo!

Why would you endanger
your life like this?

I'm having fun.
Lighten up. Whoo!

I would never allow my daughter
to behave so irresponsibly.

I am not your daughter!

- This geezer bothering you, Tana?
- Yeah.

He's ruining everything.

This does not concern you.

I think it does.

Empathetics, you know what to do.

Now that we got
ourselves an easy target,

time to bring on the pain.

Lots of pain!

Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!

Let's crush this flatliner!

Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!

Yeah! All right!

Let's toss 'em in the proton drive.

It'll make a great light show
when they vaporize.

Wait. Stop!

Step away, Tana.

We just want a little entertainment.

No, Jukka. This isn't right.

I'll let you go,

if you swear to leave me alone.

You cannot demand promises
under threat.

I have responsibilities,
as do you to your people.

Even these people.

Oh, no.

How did they find us?

We tracked your pods and
gave the Commish a heads-up.

You're welcome.

Attention, disorderly rabble.

Return Princess Tana immediately,
or face the consequences.

You're not the boss of us, old man!

Empathetics rule!

Ready weapons.

Telekinetic cannons online.

Father, don't do this!

I will not harm them, daughter,

if you agree to come along peacefully

and return home for your Centering.

Don't listen to him, Tana!

You know what they'll do to you!

Yes. They will help you
control your powers.

Don't you get it, man?

The Centering helps Rigellians control
their powers by stripping them of emotions.

She'll never feel anger,
or joy, or fear, or love.

I am Groot?

Eh, probably just rebel propaganda.

Uh, excuse me, Your Grand

but, like, is that really
what the Centering does?

Telekinetic powers require
great discipline and judgment.

Emotions interfere with that.

And a princess rejecting our ways

poses a threat to the
stability of our society.

That's what you meant when you said
we couldn't take your feelings.

This is no different from
what Thanos did to me,

wiping my family from my memories so
I could serve him without question.

I can't let that happen to anyone else.

Even a spoiled brat.


As Tana pointed out,
she is not my daughter.

Her family has the right to do
what they feel is best for her.

Family without emotion, without love,

is nothing but imprisonment.

Look at those you stand with.

Their unfiltered emotions
cause wanton destruction.

I am trying to ensure
my daughter's safety,

and that of all my people.

Is that not love?

That said, if Tana will not
come of her own choosing,

then I will have no choice
but to take her by force.


Force this, bubble-heads!

Fire up the proton drive!

Here's an idea, Quill.

Why don't ya steer us
out of the line of fire?


Order will be maintained.

Neutralize the rebels.

Drax, what would you want for Camaria?

Wouldn't you want her to be
able to make her own choices?

Help me!

You may not be my daughter,

but I will protect you as if you were.

No harm will come to you, Tana,

so swears Drax the Destroyer.

What is that?

Yes! It's my birthday!

It is indeed.

Release them.

Tana, I now
recognize you as a legal adult.

And though I believe you
have made a grave error,

you are free to decide your fate.

I hope you will do so wisely.


Uh, no revolution?

Apparently not today.


Well, at least, we got
the princess on our side.

That's a win! Whoo!

Actually, I think I need to go
back to Rigel- .

You were right, Drax.

I have a responsibility to my people.

All of my people.

And while it is true
that young Rigellians

must learn discipline
and self-control,

it is also true that emotions
and feelings have value

in shaping a just society
with empathy and compassion.

We will find a way together.

I could not be more pleased
if she were truly my own daughter.

I could, if we truly got
the units we're owed.

Yeah, about that.

Uh, since we technically missed the
deadline to deliver the princess,

we're not, you know,
actually getting paid.

I am Groot!

But we did get a package.

It is from Tana.

"Dear Mr. Destroyer,"

"thank you for taking
an interest in my well-being."

"I know that any girl
would be proud and lucky"

"to have you as a father."

Ha! She is an excellent diplomat.

And a fine seamstress.