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03x02 - Double Trouble

Posted: 12/19/21 07:29
by bunniefuu
Jazz: Previously on "I Am Jazz"...

Skylar: Do you think you
would be interested in dating

trans people maybe?

For sure, yeah.

Well, I know this guy, Shane.

He would be interested in meeting you.

The next step, really,
is bottom surgery.

It should be done after
you finish high school,

which is when you're .

It is ultimately my decision.

Your testosterone suppression
didn't do you any favors

down below.

It's going to be difficult.

When you've wanted
something for so long,

and then you're told you may not get it,

it's a really scary feeling.

Jazz: years ago, I was
assigned male at birth,

but inside, I always knew I was a girl.

I have a girl brain and a boy body.

Being transgender hasn't been easy.

This is definitely not,
like, a straightforward case.

I don't think you have many
options for vaginoplasty.

- I had a good time.
- I had a lot of fun.

Have a great night.

- That sounds like a date.
- It's not a date!

Jazz: But it's made me who I am.

I am Jazz.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

Jeanette: Knock, knock, knock.

You're supposed to be
dressed for the beach.

I know, I'm just looking
for an outfit to wear.

That's not beach attire.

What are you looking to wear?

Should I wear a little sun dress? No.

You don't wear a sun
dress to play volleyball.

Okay, yeah, not to volleyball.

Pbht! Oops!

- I asked you a question.
- I'm just...

Today, I'm planning on meeting up with

some of my friends to go to the beach,

and my friend Skylar is in town,
so I'm looking forward to her

meeting some of my friends.

What are you doing? What are
you looking at on the phone?


There is something concerning
that you should probably know.

Now you're scaring me.

I have to sit down
when you get like that.

Sit down.

So, I came across this
really bad article.

Referring to you as a "he"?

Yeah, of course.

Which was not even nearly
the worst thing they...

Why don't you just show
me? What did you find?

Jazz has always been a target for hate,

but since she's really
active in social media,

it's only gotten worse.

You know we shouldn't be
looking at this if it's bad.

Just upsets me, upsets you.

For the most part, Jazz
doesn't even read the comments,

so it doesn't bother her,
but every now and then,

something huge will come
around and it will disturb her

and she'll bring it to my attention.

If she does that, I know
it's something really bad.

They mention where we live?
Do they have our address?

Our city. Mm-hmm.

And the comments are really awful, too.

"Thank you so much for
this insightful examination

of this repulsive, sick,
and degenerative lifestyle.

It's absolutely horrific
that a child would be given

hormone blockers and
thus rendered sterile

when a teenage girl or boy
would never be ethically allowed

by a surgeon to be neutered."

You didn't answer any of this, did you?

- ...and all this stuff.
- Did you say anything?

No, obviously not.

Because I know you don't usually...

Wait, this one's funny.

"The author needs the psychiatrist...

totally crazy, hateful, ignorant,

and full of conspiracy theories

that make Donald Trump look sane."

[Both laugh]

Just be... when you're putting
anything out on the Internet,

just be really careful
not to put where we live.

I never put where I live.

People say hateful things all
the time, and you know what,

we just have to not
care about it. Whatever.

But the fact that they
mention those personal details,

I thought it was
important that I tell you.

When it comes to bullying,
overall, it just makes me feel

a little bit upset that
people could be so hateful.

I don't understand
how they could come up

with these cruel remarks
and awful things to say.

You know, I'm not going to let
some online bullying affect me,

but I do know that I have to
live my life a little bit more

cautiously sometimes because
there are people out there

who will go to extreme
measures to do awful things.

Okay, you see that
gray shirt right there?

- This one.
- Where?

Here, that one.

- There you go.
- Maybe. I'll see.

Yeah, wear that.

Jazz: Ugh, I'll find
something else to wear.


Jump! Hit it, hit it! There you go!

Come on. Jazz, get it!

Good job! There you go.



Jazz: When things get a
little bit crazy in my life

in terms of the hatred that I face,

it's really great to have
a small group of friends

by my side because
they really understand

what I'm going through and
they are there to support me,

especially Skylar, who
is transgender, as well,

so she definitely can relate
to being in this situation.

Wait, can we take a quick break?

- Yeah.
- I'm tired!

Today, I just don't even want
to think about the bullying.

I just want to have a
good time with my friends,

so that's what I am going to do.

So, how's your college search going?

Pretty well.

I still haven't, like,
decided on one college yet.

I know. I haven't even started
thinking about college at all.

So, actually, recently I
heard that some universities

in Florida are willing to pay

for their student's bottom surgery.

Oh, okay. That's cool.

Is that something that
you would be, like,

interested in since you're
planning on getting it?

I honestly don't even
know what I'm doing.

I mean, I just had my first consultation

with this doctor named Dr. Reed.

What did he say?

He basically told me that,
like, there's not a lot

of material to work with
because, before I even

started puberty, the
hormone blocker prevented me

from getting testosterone in my body.

So, basically, like, I have
a prepubescent penis, right?



I understand, like,
that Jazz has a penis,

but it's not something, like,
I acknowledge on a daily.

It's not something that
ever crosses my mind at all

'cause to me, she's a normal girl.

So, basically, he said that I
should get a colon-vaginoplasty.

What that is is they
take part of the colon

and they stretch it out and
use that to create the vag*na.

The negative is that, um, it smells.

- Ew.
- Yeah, it's a weird smell,

they said.

In class, someone would
be, like, "who farted?"


It's my vag*na!

Jayleen: I know Jazz
has wanted the surgery

for a very long time,
but I didn't exactly know

the details, and it
does sound very scary.

Would that be more painful
than the regular procedure?

It sounds really painful.

- I think it would be.
- It might be, yeah.

- Oh, that's scary.
- Yeah.

No matter what procedure I
get, getting the bottom surgery

will provide me with a new confidence.

It's the last step
towards finally becoming

who I always was on the inside.

How many consultations
did you have to have

until you found the right doctor?

Oh, well, I went to one in Arizona...

That was the doctor I
was telling you about.


And my boyfriend actually
had a consultation with him

to have top surgery.

Wait, so you said your
boyfriend's also transgender.

- Yeah.
- So, then, you guys are both,

like, taking this step
forward in your life

- with these procedures.
- I think it's so cool,

yeah, when both people in
a relationship are trans.


I need a trans boyfriend.

Well, Shane's super excited
to go hang out this weekend.

Who's Shane?

He's my friend, and he's trans, too,

and he lives down here, actually.

We're going ice skating.

You never told me. Nobody told
me anything about this kid.

[Singsong voice] He likes Jazz.


I don't even know him!
He doesn't even know me.

I think he thinks
you're really beautiful.

Oh, my god. I look like
fresh out of the toilet.

Skylar: I want Jazz to meet
Shane because I feel like

they could really connect,
and to take the pressure off,

I suggested the idea
of going ice skating.

That's gonna be cool to meet him.

You're lucky you're going to have Skylar

and all them with you, so...

I know, 'cause I didn't
want it to be, like,

one-on-one awkward date, like...

Why wouldn't you do it one-on-one?

Because I just think one-on-one
is so awkward, you know?

And then it's actually
considered, like, a date.

Meeting new people...
It's just kind of awkward

the first time you're with someone.

And the fact that Shane is transgender

doesn't necessarily
make it easier because,

even though we have this
one thing that relates us,

it doesn't mean that we're
going to like one another.

I feel like I just
shouldn't over-think it.

You're definitely over-thinking it.


Greg: What you you making?

Jeanette: Teriyaki.

Are you cutting the chicken

and putting it in the
salad, or are we just...

- Nah.
- ...eating salad on the side.



Why would you do that
with someone who's...

I'm cooking!

What's wrong with...
Look what you just did!

Pick that up!

It is weird with the
twins out of the house.

It used to be balanced in my favor.


Now it going to be not
balanced in my favor.

You're in the minority again.

Jeanette: So, how was volleyball?

It was fine.

Oh, but Skylar did invite
me to go ice skating.

Why ice skating?

Well, she just wanted
me to hang out and meet

her boyfriend, Matt, who
is also in town with her,

and this also transgender
kid, Shane, as well.

So, she's getting
together a group of kids.

No, we're just going to hang out.

When I hear Jazz is going
ice skating with two boys,

two girls, I think it could
be classified as a date,

but it depends on how you
classify the term "date."

Do you remember how to ice skate?

Eh, you know, when you go out there,

you just kind of figure it out.

How are you getting there?

Shane is driving us.

You know what, you
haven't had too many kids

driving you around.

Put your shotgun away.

- You have one?
- That's a joke.

- It's an old joke.
- I know, I'm kidding.

We're fine, as long as
everybody meets here.

You guys talk to him before we go off.

We will.


I think it's a great springboard
for Jazz to start dating,

you know, trans boys first.

They totally get each other.

It's perfect. There's
none of the awkwardness.

As a parent, it's a sense of relief.

It's like, "okay,
she's with her people."

So, we just saw Dr. Reed.

Did you feel like we
got good information

from the consultation?

Jazz: Honestly, my mind is kind of lost,

'cause I always thought my
whole life that I was just

going to get the
standard vaginoplasty...

The penile skin inversion...
And that was the way to go,

and I didn't even know that
there was something like

the colon-vaginoplasty
where they take other parts

of your body, and it's just...


Greg: After Jazz's
consultation with Dr. Reed,

I think she's a little
out of sorts about

this procedure because she
realizes this is her body

and whatever procedure
she has down the road,

that's what she's going to
have for the rest of her life.

The whole point is that we need to have

at least a second opinion if
not a second and third opinion.

Hopefully, the person
that takes care of you

will have dealt with someone like you

and it won't be the first time.

Jazz: Dr. Reed didn't even
know what suppression was,

so he may not be right about
this colon-vaginoplasty.

We can visit some doctors
that just do vaginoplasties

and see what their thoughts
are after examining you.

I mean, there did seem to be
some negative things about it...

The fact that it might not
be as aesthetically pleasing.

Yeah, but it's inside, so...

I don't know. Can you
see my vaginal canal?

Can we not be too graphic?

Let's just focus on the education...

How much of mom's vag*na have you seen?


Be honest.

Greg: When we start discussing
vaginas at the dinner table,

I check out of the conversation.

It's not really dinner talk.

Can we get back on topic?

No, like, how much of a woman's vag*na

does a man actually see,
or does he not, you know,

inspect it, he just kind of goes for it.



I actually think it's a good question.

I want to know, in the future,
when I'm going to have a vag*na,

how much is my partner
going to actually see?

I can't have this conversation.

Are they going to,
like, open up and take

a magnifying glass like Dr. Reed?

In the past, we tried to
have a conversation with Jazz

about the birds and the bees,

and she really didn't want to hear it.

So, we came here... We
wanted to talk to you

about the birds and the bees.

Does it look like I'm
really doing anything sexual?

Now she's asking you
what my vag*na looks like.

We've come a long way, Greg.

Does it matter if a vag*na's
ugly, like slightly ugly?

Does it matter? If it works?


I-I would have to say...

I don't know how to answer the question.

I want to know from your viewpoint.

I mean, look, if it was
me and I was thinking about

what you're thinking about,
I would want functionality,

certainly, and I would
always want it to not...

- Look like a mess.
- Yeah.

Greg and I have been on
this journey with Jazz

for a really long time,

and we've always followed Jazz's lead.

We know it's her decision.

I want to know if other doctors
can provide some other options

for someone like me besides
the colon-vaginoplasty.

I'm on the search for
America's next top vag*na.

Oh, my god.

So, how are you feeling
about this new boy?

You're not nervous?

Skylar is making it seem like

this is going to be some sort of date.

But if, like, things happen...



Jazz: Ooh, I want everything already.

Do you think I should try this on?

Yeah, I feel like you have
stuff like this, probably.

Yeah. I like that kind of stuff.

I met Mya at the Gender
Bender support group,

and she's become a great friend.

Do you want to share
what cup size you are?

I don't know. Somebody was, like,

"oh, you're a solid A," but
I feel like I could work a B.

I could work a B.

I love her personality,
and I think, even though

I don't love shopping, she'll
help me find some cute clothes.

I can't wait to get, like, the surgery,

and then I can wear pants like this.

Like, I feel like a lot of
people think you do it for,

like, sexual reasons, but
it's a lot more for, like,

convenience, like...

Yeah, for real.

Mya really understands the
problems that transgender girls

face when it comes to wearing
certain articles of clothing.

We have to be very cautious
about wearing things

that are too tight or
stuff that shows our area.

- Want to try on...
- Yeah.

Getting the bottom surgery done
may mean that people will stop

seeing me differently, and it's
also about how I see myself.

I want to be confident in my body.

- Wow.
- I feel like I can see...

- Oh, I love it.
- But it's cute. I like it.

I think it's a definite get.

You can pull some guys in that.

- You think so?
- Yeah.

How has been your dating life?

Well, it's... hmm.


I've been dating more, I guess.

Really? That's good.

What about you? Any
more interesting guys?

Not really, no.

I mean, I'm going to
be going on this, like,

social gathering
thing, but I don't know.

I'm in no rush, honestly.

I don't know if I'm into it.

I feel like, when it comes
to me going out with Shane,

people have already been
putting pressure on me,

making it seem like this is
going to be some sort of date,

but I want it to be
something really casual

where it doesn't feel forced.

Do you have anything
for the weekend, though?

I was going to go see my brother.

We were talking, and
we might go play pool.

But I'm nervous because
since I transitioned,

I haven't really been
seeing him that much.

Does he know that you've,
like, transitioned?

Yeah, I mean, he's seen me.
I don't... like, we've never

really talked about it, so I
guess he doesn't really get it.

Mya: Jazz and I's situation
are pretty different.

She's had, like, had a
lot of time for her family

to get used to things and,
with mine, it's pretty new.

There's still a lot of
my family who have no clue

that I've transitioned,
and with my brother,

there was a big strain
on our relationship.

Well, him and his girlfriend,
like, they just don't really get

the pronouns right just yet.

- Really?
- Yeah.

He hasn't really... I
don't think he's even ever

really tried to say, like,
the right pronouns for me.

I think he just sees me,
like, as his brother still.

Obviously, I'm misgendered
on social media very often,

and being misgendered
is a form of bullying,

even if it is a family member.

His girlfriend's going to be there,

and I'll probably be,
like, third-wheeling it.

- Third-wheeling...
- Yeah.

If you want me to, like, I could go

'cause I don't really have anything.

So, yeah, I would love to go.

The fact that her own
brother isn't recognizing her

for her true identity really upsets me,

and I want to be there to
support her if her brother

isn't being very sensitive
towards her situation.

It could be, like,

an enlightening experience for him.


Greg: How much soil do we need?

More. A little more than that.


There's a froggy in there.

- There's a frog?
- Yeah.

Mr. Toad! Where are you?

I have an empty nest.

Come here!

I'm not running around all the
time going to sporting events,

so I'm filling a void.

- Feeling a void...
- Jazz is not home...

...that Jeanette has because

three of the kids are off to college.

Go, go, go, go, go! Bye!

So, what do you think
about Jazz's socializing?

I'm really secretly happy
that she's going somewhere

with someone of the opposite sex,

and it doesn't hurt that he's trans.

I think Jazz is long overdue
for something like this.

Yeah, no, I like the idea
that she's branching out,

but I also think she's got
to be cautious, you know?

Yeah, 'cause with Ari, she
always a steady boyfriend,

so like, I would know
the guy for so long

before she went off somewhere.

This is, like, the first kid
I've ever had where it's, like,

knock, knock on the door,
"well, hello! Nice to meet you.

Now take my precious child. Bye!"

This is a first.

We'll make sure we give
him the family welcome

and make sure that he has an
eye out for Jazz, you know?

"Better watch yourself, buddy."


As a dad, I have mixed
emotions about Jazz dating.

Part of me wants her
to find happiness, joy.

On the other hand, part of
me wants to be protective,

and I do not want her involved
in anything that might be too...

- What's the right word?
- Get her pregnant?

No, I'm just kidding. I had to say it.

I had to say...

I'm more worried about her just
having a good time, you know?

I want to make sure
that she goes out there

and she puts herself out
there and she opens her mind

to meeting new people.

And I hope that she's not rude

'cause you know how sometimes
she can do that to people?

She can put them off and
not give them a chance.

Jeanette: Jazz doesn't
like making new friends,

and I want her to be open-minded about

letting people in
'cause she's a fun kid.

And I have to not project
my own feelings on her.

But it pains me. It hurts me.

She doesn't hang out
with guys too often,

and so if it's a little uncomfortable,

you know she's going to have to learn

how to deal with that.


[Ring tone plays]

All right, come here. You answer it.

You don't know how to answer it?

Sander: Hello?

Hello, Sander.


- Hey!
- Hey, guys. Nice beard.

Jeanette: What's up?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Where's your hair on
the side of your head?

What's going on? Oh, my god.

- Oh, my god.
- What is that?

Jeanette: Sander, no,
not your beautiful hair.

[Gasps] That's horrible!

Is this fraternity-related?

It's tradition. But,
like, you got a choice,

but it's a tradition,
so we decided to do it.

You know, when we said,
"have fun at college,"

we were not exactly
thinking along these lines.

When the boys pop on the
screen with bad haircuts,

I have to laugh.

It's just... It's such...

Frat boys or college kids, it's just...

You know, send them off looking cute,

and they come back looking weird.

We'll get some gel
for you, for your hair,

- like spike...
- _

- No, not now!
- _

Isn't your hair supposed to stick up?

Mom, don't bother them.

He's not trying to get style points.

He's just trying to
get points on this test.

- He needs to go.
- It's very painful.

All right, good luck on the test.

Use hair gel.

- Okay. I love you.
- _

- Bye, Sander. See you.
- _


That makes me sad.

Jeanette's got to get used to
having a close to empty nest.

- The birds have flown...
- Flown the coup.

...the coup, and there's one left.

And she's a handful.

She's like having .

I get sad when I see them.

They were, like, there.

I feel like when you facetime them,

it makes you realize how
much you actually miss them.

And then it's sad.

You're lucky 'cause not all brothers...

Yeah, not everyone has
great brothers like I do.

You guys know Mya.

I love Mya.

It turns out Mya's brother
is not very accepting

of the situation that
Mya's going through.

Not at all?

- Mnh-mnh.
- Why?

Greg: He's just not educated
enough about the topic?

He just doesn't understand, yeah.

I think, yeah.

He's referring to her
with male pronouns,

and it's just the way it was.

Well, how long ago did she transition?

Like, a year and a
half, I think? A year?

They've just known her as Jordan, a guy.

It really makes me sad to
hear that family members

are misgendering the
transgender person in their life.

It's something that
doesn't happen in our family

'cause we've always been
very accepting of Jazz,

and I feel bad for anybody

that's misgendered by a loved one.

So, Mya, I think she's finally
ready to have a discussion

with Jon that he needs
to start, you know,

- correctly identifying...
- Yes. a female 'cause she is a woman.

And she invited me to be there with her

as she has this discussion.

You really don't know how
a person is going to react.

They could ugly, like, confrontational.

And I certainly know you
want to help your friend,

but I'm not sure this is a great idea.

I'm not keen on Jazz
hanging out with somebody

who's potentially transphobic.

This is a very sticky situation.

And you and Mya are going
in this, g*ns loaded,

and he might feel ganged-up-on.

I'm okay with that.

I want to be there to
support her no matter what.

Even though this technically
isn't really my business,

I want to be there for my friend,

and I'm going to say
something if it's necessary.

I remember one time I was
teaching him how to drive...

Are you open to the idea
of using female pronouns?


Well, look who's here. Hi, everybody.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hello, hello.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

This is my Jeanette.

My Mom has so many friends,
and this particular group,

I don't know as well as
some of her other friends

that she's had for, like, years.

It's nice to go out for lunch.

It's a great distraction
from the loss I'm feeling

of the twins going away to college.

We brought you here, Mom, for...

For our last anniversary,
you treated us to a meal here.

We had a lovely dinner.

- How many years?
- Heading towards .

- God bless you.
- Yes, I was a teenage bride.

No, I wasn't, you were.

I was an old maid.

- I was a teenage bride.
- You were a teenage bride.

Today's young girls,
they're teenage brides at .

That's right, and having
babies at , right, Ros?

Oh, my goodness. Okay.

Well, I'm glad I closed up shop earlier.

I'm fine, thank you.

My kids are adults, but babies.

- Right.
- It must be very quiet

in your house now.

Yes, 'cause, you know,
twin boys are rambunctious,

are loud, and... yeah, I
was a mess when they left.

Seeing them go, it was bad.

By the time they come
home for Thanksgiving

and then they leave, you
will be a happy camper.

Promise. Am I right, ladies?

- Mm-hmm.
- Absolutely.

This is their time for fly.

I know all that, but still,
it doesn't make it easier.

You can run around the house naked now.

Really? Jazz will appreciate that.


She'll be horrified.

I miss my children, and I get emotional

whenever I talk about it, but...

I hear there are support
groups for empty-nesters.

I have some updates
to talk to you about.

The doctor said to Jeanette and Jazz

that it is time to seriously
think about the final surgery.

Really? Wow, that's a step.

When my Mom announces that Jazz
wants to have bottom surgery,

I am like, "what are you thinking?

Why are you bringing this up?"

Which is removing the penis and...

- Remove it?
- Well, reconverting...

It's not like it's taken away.

...reconverting the penis
into a workable vag*na.

Reconstructing it beautifully.

Well, that's a good word.

Like, this is not the time or place.

Like, we're eating in a restaurant.

I don't know these people.

We're going to talk about
Jazz's bottom surgery, like...?

Woman: Back to the
operation, I'm just curious,

is your husband on board for this, also?

He is. I mean, he wants
what's best for Jazz.

But he's not in any rush.

Greg and I are in
different places with it.

I think men tend to be a
little more... reluctant.

You know, women, we make decisions.

And if you're converting an appendage,

which you are doing,

you're talking to a husband
who has that appendage.

And the thought of a man

having that changed
has to be very serious.

Mom's got a good point there, yeah.

- It's like a briss.
- It is.

It's like a grown up briss.


Jeanette: So, my mom does
bring up a good point,

but we shouldn't be discussing
Greg's penis at lunch

let alone Jazz's.

[Laughing] And that's
the way I feel about that.

Like, how did his penis
get thrown on the table?


Woman: I was wondering, if
Jazz does have this operation,

can she put some sperm
away for her future?

No. Because she never
went through male puberty.

What if they change their mind?

There's a couple of very
rare cases where people

kind of revert, but I think those people

were never like Jazz.

I'm so grateful that this
is out in the open now

and you can talk about it and we
can understand what's going on.

Kids are suffering,

and they don't need to
if parents understand.

You know, it's very personal.

Some people won't talk about it at all.

My mom's friends are really supportive,

and this is something that
they don't talk about a lot.

I mean, I know for a fact
this is not a common thing

in their lives, so I'm
really pleasantly surprised.

You've got some great friends, Mom.

I'm hanging out with you more often.

- I do.
- Doesn't she have great friends?

I do!



Aw! [Laughs]

I see them.

Jazz: Even though my parents are
hesitant about me going with Mya

to meet up with her brother,

I want to be there for my friend.

She invited me for a
reason, and if I see Jonathan

misgendering Mya or
being very unkind to her,

then it's in my nature to speak up.

Nice to meet you. I'm Jazz.

- Okay. Hi.
- This is my brother, Jonathan.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Mya: I'm really glad that
Jazz is coming to play pool

with my brother and
his girlfriend because

I'm nervous that he'll
say some things that...

will kind of make me want to shut down.

When's the last time
you have seen each other?

Um, since August?

It was August. Yeah.

- Since August?
- Yes.

It so good to see you though.

It's so good, it's so good.

I don't really get to
see Jordan too often.

Recently we have, you
know, drifted further apart,

which I'm not too happy about.

I really want to get back
to a good relationship.

So, school's good?

I mean, it's not bad, but...

I heard you're learning to drive, too?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Don't put out there that
I don't know yet, but...


I remember one time I was
teaching him how to drive.

You remember where we
stayed in plantation?

- Yeah.
- You know that little hump

before you turn into the parking lot?

In the grass?

So, I gave him the wheel,
and then he ran into that.

Mya's brother is misgendering
her, and it's really not okay.

He's using male pronouns,

and Mya's reaction is
to just remain silent.

So, you guys have never seen
Mya, like, dressed as she is?

For us, 'cause we were in
Orlando, we were going to UCF...

- Yeah.
- ...We didn't see everything,

and then we came back, and, you know,

he was in the transition stage

and we were like,
"whoa. What's going on?"

Are you open to the idea
of using female pronouns?


Are you open to the idea
of using female pronouns?

I think, like, it
would show Mya a lot...

How much you care... If you start using

the female pronouns, you know?

Like, for a lot of transgender people,

when their parent uses
the correct pronoun

for the first time, or a family member,

like, it's just this
huge moment of relief.

This conversation is hard
because Jordan has always been

my brother, and, you know,
it's my little brother

and I've been calling him
"him" and, you know, "he"

and "brother," you know, my whole life.

I don't see... well, I do see
it changing, but right now,

it's definitely a work in progress.

If we were, like, gradually
put into it, you know...


I feel like at this point,

I've been presenting
like this for a while.

It's not that hard to get the memo.

No, it's not... we're
not saying that it's hard.

What we're saying is that it's, like,

it's just an adjustment
that we have to make.

It's kind of, like, new
to us, so it's kind of...

- It definitely takes time.
- Yeah.

I do understand where
my brother's coming from

because he did know me a certain
way for a really long time,

but he needs to be open
to getting to know me

another type of way.

Don't get offended with
me 'cause I'm not...

I'll still say "he."

I'll say it and then
I'm, like, "oh, yeah."


Jazz: I can really tell
that Jonathan does love Mya,

and I'm actually surprised
because I was expecting Jonathan

to completely reject Mya for who she is.

And I feel just so lucky that
I haven't had to experience

what Mya is going through.

I honestly don't really know who Mya is,

so I want to get a
chance to know who Mya is.

You know, you grew up
with Jordan, not Mya.

- Yeah.
- But Mya was always there.


[Knock on door]

Jeanette: Jazz!

Jazz: I'm coming.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Skylar and Matt arrive
for the hang-out,

and I'm trying not to
have any hopes or concerns.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

I'm Jazz.

I want to see my friend Skylar.

I mean, I love her. I
don't get to see her often.

I want to see her with
her boyfriend, Matt.

And I just want to have a good time.

You must be Matt.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

I'm delighted because
Jazz definitely wants

to experience love,

but she doesn't do anything
to make that happen.

She's waiting for it to fall in her lap,

and you've got to go out there.

Are you wearing that or no 'cause...

No, I'm going to be really cold.

But you need to change,

- let's go.
- Okay.

So, this could be the beginning
of a new chapter where,

you know, there's more boys that
come up or girls that come by,

so I'm ready.

So, how's it going with you and Matt?

- It's good.
- It is?

- Mm-hmm.
- Aww.

This is actually his sweat shirt.

I'm probably going to
end up wearing that.

Yeah, that looks pretty.


Have you guys kissed?

- Yeah.
- You have? Aww.

Our first kiss was at camp.

Have you done more than a peck?



You don't have to share all the secrets.

I have not made out with a boy before.

I have kissed two girls,
and we were just practicing.

I'm going to leave it at that.

So, what do you and Matt do for fun?

Like, do you guys go on dates?

Sometimes we go hang out with my friends

or, like, we go out to eat.

Our relationship is, like,
really centered on food.

That's a great relationship.

[Both laugh]

Was it awkward at first?

We didn't really have
any awkward pauses at all,

like, in our conversations.

Hearing Skylar talk about
Matt, I'm a little bit jealous

because Skylar is experiencing stuff

that normal teenagers experience.

Do you think you'll ever fall in love?

I haven't really... I don't know.

I don't date a lot.

So, how are you feeling
about this new boy?

I don't know. I'm not
thinking much of it.

Just, like, "nice to meet you."

You're not nervous?

No, I'm not.

Skylar: I'm extremely pleased
that I put Shane and Jazz

in touch because I feel like
I'm playing kind of, like,

a matchmaker.

But if, like, things happen...

Then maybe you'll consider it?

I don't know. Who knows.

Jazz: I'm going ice
skating and meeting Shane

because Skylar is my friend.

But Skylar is making it
seem like this is going to be

some sort of date, and
I feel like it's putting

too much pressure on me,
and then my mind is racing

and I don't know what to expect
and it's going to make things

even more awkward
because I'm going to be

thinking about it too much.

[Knock on door]

Hey. How're you doing?

I'm good. I'm Shane. Nice to meet you.

Hey, Shane. I'm Greg.

Come on in.

How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

- Good.
- Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Meeting parents is very nerve-racking

because I've never had
to meet parents before

taking someone out,

so definitely a new
experience for me, too.

You an ice skater? Have
you ever ice skated?

Never. Never.

- Really?
- So...

Jazz doesn't ice skate
very often either, so...

You guys want to hold
on to each other...


So, you're going to
be driving then, right?


You got your driver's license, right?

Yes. [Laughs]

You've had it for a little while?

Yeah, I've had it for a little while.

Okay. And you're a good driver, right?

I'm a very good driver.

You'll take good care of my baby.

- Yes.
- Make sure.

You want to meet Matt?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, let's do that.

Matt's in there.

I feel the nervousness
coming off of Shane,

and it actually is endearing, kind of.

Skylar told me a lot about you.

Yeah? What'd she tell you?

She says you're cool.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I love Skylar. She's
pretty great, right?

She got so much taller.

Yeah, estrogen gave
her, like, seven inches.

Well, estrogen made Jazz stop growing.

Testosterone made me grow.

Jazz just grew here, not there.


Jeanette is out-of-bounds
in this conversation.

Bam! Done.

Hey, Jazz?

They're transgender.
They get... I can say...

Why would you be talking about that?

Because Skylar's trans
and Matt's Skylar's...

I see.

So, this is a medical
conversation we're having.

Yeah, he knows, like, trans girls.

- They, you know...?
- Yeah. Out-of-bounds.

[Groans] Hello.

Hey, it's nice to see you, too.

- What's up?
- Nice to meet you.

It's nice to meet you, too.

I heard you've never
been ice skating, right?


So, are you nervous?

Very nervous.

All right, let's get going.

Jazz: I'm hoping that having
Skylar and Matt with me

makes things less awkward when
it comes to talking with Shane.

- Bye, guys.
- Have fun.

It's good to see you.

- Bye.
- Thank you.


Biological ladies first.


- What's going on?
- Hello.

We're going to get four pairs of skates.

Thank you.

- Thank you.
- And what can I get

- for you guys?
- .

Hockey skates or figure skates?

Yeah, I don't know.

These are, like, figure.

Hockey skates are like
basketball shoes on skates.

Hockey skates.

- Manly.
- Yeah.

Skylar: Dating is pretty hard
for Jazz, so I hope there's

a bit of a connection
between Jazz and Shane.

The first two steps
are always the hardest.

Don't fall, please.

Oh, my god.


Okay, let's go.



- You got...
- I'm not falling first!


Do you want to try to
kiss when we turn around?

When we first get out on
to the ice, Skylar and Matt

are skating together and holding
hands, and it's just so cliché.

Stay at the wall. Just stay at the wall.

I'm staying at the wall.

They're leaving me alone with Shane,

and it puts more pressure on
me to have to talk with him,

and who wants to be
put in that situation?

I think I need to make
my right shoe tighter.


Thank you for helping.

I don't know, I didn't
really know how to tie them.

I think this shoe's okay.

- Well, this is very loose.
- Oh, okay.


Let me see how you do that.

Shane keeps trying to talk to me,

and I honestly just
have no idea what to say.

It's just a little bit weird.

I don't know.

All right, I think I'm fixed up now.



It's a date.

You're doing good, you're doing good.

I don't know what to do.

Jazz seems embarrassed with me.

Okay, this is not working well.

She left.

Guys, whoa! I'm, like, doing it!

- Try to go faster.
- Come on.

Uh-oh. Ooh! Ow.

I'm the loser!

Are you okay?

I hurt my back.


- Whoa!
- Where'd she go?



Where's Skylar and Matt?

They're out there still.

Oh. They want to stay skating, probably.

When I fell, I hurt my back.

Do you need help?

It's okay. I think I almost got it.

Shane: I feel like I put myself
out there a little bit today,

but I feel like Jazz didn't
respond too much to it,

so that kind of made
it a little awkward.

Well, what do you want to do?

Um, I don't know.

I think I'm just gonna
sit down, honestly.

I'll sit with you.

It's okay.

You can go skate.

Shane is trying to help
me, but I wish he would just

understand that when I'm
upset and want to be alone

that I really just want to be alone.

Either way, it's all good.

I'm going to go return these.

All right.

I definitely just want to go home.

We want to hear. How'd it go?


I just really hate myself!


I forget, did you ice skate
a lot when you were younger?

I did.

'Cause I used to go every day.

Once the pond froze over,
I used to always go skating.

My parents would just drop us off,

and we'd have to walk
home when we were done.

It was a pretty good walk.

I had to have an adult with me.


I had the hovering parents.


You know Jazz.

Would be nice if she had
a connection with somebody,

but with her, she's a tough cookie.

[Door opens]


- Is that her?
- Speak of the devil.

What do you mean,
"speaking of the devil"?

We were talking about you?

One, I'm a devil, and two,
why are you speaking about me?

So, how was your social event?

It was fun. It was fun.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


That's it?


So, we want to hear. How'd it go?

I mean, it was obviously
a little awkward at first.

We were all getting used
to each other, and yeah.

Had you ever met Matt,
or was it the first time?

Yes. Skylar and Matt are really cute.

Yeah? Perfect little couple.

She's so beautiful, and he's so cute.

Yes, they are.

So, what'd you think of Shane?

He's a cool kid.

Yeah? Tell, like, what's he like?

Is he an interesting person?

Yeah, he's very interesting, you know?

He likes art and tattoos.

So, is he somebody that you'd
like to hang out with again?

I don't know, Mom. I
would have to see him.

My parents keep grilling me
about how this hang-out went,

and my mom, she's focusing
specifically on Shane

and if I like Shane, and
it gets really annoying.

So, why don't you just talk to us

and just tell us what happened?


- Sorry.
- What happened?


I'm just insane.

Like, I don't know why anyone
would want to be around me.

Aw, stop. Don't say that. I
hate when you get like that.

Don't get down on yourself.

You don't look happy
right now. You just tired?

I'm not in a good mood right now.

I don't know what I
want, what I want to do,

who I like, who I... am.

Going into this ice skating situation,

there were a lot of social pressures,

and I don't deal with
the stress that well

and I felt like I was really rude,

and I was embarrassed about it.

You look really sad, Jazz.

Okay, I just really hate myself!



[Footsteps receding]

[Door opens, closes]

Next time on "I Am Jazz"...

[Voice breaking] I just
feel bad about myself.

- Why?
- I'm so mean to everyone.


I was asked to give a talk
about transgender issues.

I would like you to participate.

I'd love to transition without
hormones or very little.

I can't imagine how one could transition

without the appropriate hormones.

I disagree with that. Yeah, no.

I think I want a consultation
with Dr. McGinn in Pennsylvania.

When it comes to the
surgery, we don't have

the raw materials we need
to make what we're used to.

Now I am just worrying
because I don't know

if there is any procedure
that will work on me.