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03x18 - Journey to the Pridelands

Posted: 12/19/21 06:45
by bunniefuu
Triumph of the roar.

Now we gotcha.

How did they get here
without us knowing?

Ullu, what happened?

I dozed off. Sorry.

Dozing sounds nice.

It's the fourth day in a row
they've att*cked at sunrise.

That's why we're here.

One side, night pride.

The Lion Guard will handle 'em.

Beshte, take or a.

You got it, Kion.

Fuli, Chuluun.

Got it.


And mama's all mine.

Zuka zama.

Anga, Ono, you know what to do.

- Yep.
- Affirmative.

That leaves just you
and me, makucha.

Anga lenga!


Hey, mama.

I got something for you.

Oh, no!




Nice moves, Kion.

That's right.

The Lion Guard's
fiercest is back.


Actually, I think
Bunga is right.

This battle proved
you can be calm

and focused.

Your healing is complete.


- About time.
- Yep.

Feels great being
healed, doesn't it?

And now that you're
healed, we can go home.

Back to the pride lands.

Does this mean you're leaving?

Right now?


We agreed to help patrol
the tree of life during the day.

So right now,
that's what we'll do.

Thank you, Kion.

Lion Guard. Night pride,

time for us to rest.

So, now that you're all better,

you can use the
roar again, right?

Not yet.

Right. So now we... Say what?

Fuli, I need you to
take charge today.

There's something I need to do.

Not yet. What do
you mean not yet?

You're healed.

Nirmala said so!

Bunga, we're on
patrol, remember?

Let's go.

Yeah. Okay.

Askari, I'm back.

Greetings, Kion.

I'd like to continue
my training.

Of course.

You've already
made great progress.

But remember.

Only one who is willing to
let go of the roar completely

can truly master it.

I understand,

and I'm willing
to let the roar go.

I know I don't need it
to lead the Lion Guard.

Very well.

Soon, Kion,

you will learn everything
the roar can do.

I don't get it.

What's up with Kion?

Why doesn't he want
to use the roar yet?

And where does he go?

I don't know, Bunga.

Maybe to the valley of
none of our business,

or the field of be quiet.

Those sound like nice places.



Come on, you can do it.

Start walking.


He spit on me.

Actually, camels don't spit.

It's more like they
throw up a little.

Just when they're worried.

Oh! Hmm.

You okay now, camel?

See ya, camelly-amel!

And why did Kion say he's
not ready to use the roar?

What's that about?

Bunga, I don't know.

But I trust Kion to
know when he's ready.

Can you keep your
mind on our patrol?

But what if Kion's in trouble
and he's afraid to tell us?

I'm sure Kion would tell
us if he was in trouble.

Maybe. Maybe not.

You know what? I want answers.

I'm gonna ask rani.

Maybe she knows.

Want me to bring him back?

Nah, let's continue the patrol.

And enjoy the peace and quiet.

That last attack was a disaster.

Is it me or is the Lion
Guard getting better?

It's Kion.

He's even tougher
than he used to be.

Nothing gets past him now.


And the others
follow his every order.

I don't know about you two,

but I'm almost ready to give up.

Give up?

Mama binturong never gives up,

and neither do you.

We don't?

I do...


Don't you worry.

Things are going to be different

from now on.

Oh, yeah. How come?

Because we've
got reinforcements.


One porcupine?

Yeah, that should even the odds.


You did find the
others, like I asked?

Oh, yes, mama.

Still not impressed.

Wait for it.

Hello, makucha.

Long time no see.

Oh, yeah. Now we're talking.


Soon you'll be dining
on rare animals.

I'll have my revenge.

And that tree of
life will be ours.


Rani, you down there?

Anybody home?

Bunga, shh!

Be quiet.

Queen rani is resting
and she needs her rest.

If you keep talking,
you might wake her up.

So please don't wake
her up. If you just...


It's okay.

I'm awake.

Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty.

Hey, rani. You haven't seen
Kion anywhere, have you?

Not since we split up
at the mountain pass.


Well, just between
us, your queenliness,

I'm suspicious.

Suspicious of what?

Oh, you know...
Different things.

Like... where'd he go?

And why does he say that he's
not ready to use the roar yet?

Nirmala said Kion was healed.

Yes, she did.

Maybe he's still
working on the roar.

Still working on it?

What do you mean, makini?

Queen janna showed me a painting

from a long time ago.

That's askari.

Legend has it,

that askari would go
to cikha escarpment

to practice the roar...

Until he learned everything
that the roar could do.

If Kion were to learn

everything the roar can do,

and the roar
were to stay here...

I need to talk to Kion.

In private.

Great, let's go.

Bunga, you don't understand.

I need to go alone.

Right, and I'll go
alone with you.

Fine. Come on.

Bye, your majesty.

Hope you find Kion.

Sorry I woke you up.

The roar has great power.

And if you control
your emotions,

it can be precise as well.

Now... Stay calm,


and roar.


Well done, Kion.

You've mastered
that skill quickly.

Thank you.

I've had some help
learning to stay calm,

and I want to learn more.

Very well.

Here you stand on the
edge of earth and sky

you can command
them both if you try

look within you
may find even more

as you learn

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

it dwells inside you
and all around you

in ways you've
never seen before

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

once you think
you've found it all

you'll find there's
still much more

free yourself from
anger and from fear

the control that you seek

will be clear

although the roar goes far

beyond wind and sound

it can impact

everything all around

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

it dwells inside you
and all around you

in ways you've
never seen before

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

once you've think
you've found it all

you find there's
still much more

the power of the roar!

Who's there?

Hoo! Better warn
the night pride.

You better not.

Watch her, boys.

We don't want her
warning the night pride.

You wanna watch me?

Hoo-hoo! Please do.

And watch this, too.



Her head went
all the way around.


See you.


Maybe we don't
tell mama about this.

This way.

Cikha escarpment is up there.


So that's where askari
discovered the roar.

Hey. You think I
could get the roar?

And if I did,

would honey badgers
appear in the sky?

I really don't know.

But I'm starting to
understand Fuli a little better.

What'd you say?

Hey, how come you're
making a Fuli face?


That's Kion. And
he's using the roar.

And it's a big one.

It's coming from
the top of the cliff.

Come on.

Wait for me!


Night pride. Night pride.

Ullu. What is it?

Mama binturong
is headed this way

with an army of villains.

Warn the Lion Guard.

We'll get queen rani.

Anyone else hear that?

It sounds like a
stampeding herd.

I'll take a look.

It's a stampede, all right.

A stampede of bad guys.

And they've already made
it through the mountain pass.

They must be heading
for the tree of life.

Why didn't ullu warn us?

Hoo hoo! That's
what I'm here to do.

I saw the night pride first.

They're already on their way.

Okay, Lion Guard. Let's go.

And let's hope the night pride
can hold them off till we get there.

Queen rani. We have trouble.

Sis? You here?

Oh! Night pride.

Sorry. Queen rani and
Bunga went looking for Kion...

What was that?

I hope it's not
what it sounds like.

Come on.


We're trapped.

What's going on out there?

Nothing good.

That should keep them in there.


Now we don't have to
worry about the night pride.

Leave me alone!

Look at them run.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's get in on the fun.

The tree of life,

and everything around it,

is finally ours.

Looks like or a and
makucha's friends are here.

Mama binturong's
porcupines, too.

But how did they all
find their way here?

Doesn't matter
how they got here.

We've got to get rid of them.

Ullu? Where's the night pride?

They should be here.

They went to the tree
of life to get queen rani.


If they're in the
tree, they're trapped.

Anga. Find Kion.

And Bunga. Get them
here as fast as you can.


What'll we do till then?

We'll do the best
we can. Come on!


Oh, the roar is back!

Hi, Bunga. Rani.

How did you do that?

Hard to explain.

Ooh! Ooh! I know.
I know. I know.

You've been practicing.

How could you tell?

Kion! Bunga! Queen rani!

Anga? What's up?

Bad guys. They've
brought friends.

And captured the tree of life.

- What?
- No way!

What about the night pride?

I think they're
trapped inside the tree.

Makini, too.

We need to go.

Go on. I'll be right behind you.

Oh, yeah!

Look out, bad guys.

Here comes the roar like
you've never seen it before.

Thank you, askari.

I'm ready.

Come back here.

I just wanna eat ya.

Oh, no, you don't, makucha!



There are more
bad guys than rocks.

That's right.

For once we outnumber you.


How dare you peck
mama on the head?

Oh. It's no use.

Hey. It's moving.

Twende... kiboko!

And I know why.

Hippo. Leave that Boulder alone.


Stop that hippo.

Dragons. With me.

Keep pushing, Beshte.

Back off, hippo.

Let us see how you
like three bites at once.

Anga lenga!

Anga! You're back.

Oh, thanks.

Yep. And I've brought some help.


I knew this was too easy.

Makucha. Ora.

Forget about
catching your lunch.

Get them.

Especially that Bunga!


Mama binturong
remembered my name.

Hi, mama.

Sorry we're late.

Whew. About time.

I can handle this.

If that's okay.

I trust you.

Kion's gonna use the roar?

With all these animals around?

It's okay. You'll see.

Oh, no.

Not the roar.

Don't stop now.

Act like a dragon.

Stay calm.



At least it missed us.

What was that?

That's Kion.

And his roar.

See what I mean?


Look out!


He's not going to
use that roar on me.

There goes mama binturong.

Bunga. Get ready.


Zuka zama!

Oh, no. Not Bunga.

That's right, mama.

And here's something
else you won't forget.

That was great.
Let's do it again.

Beshte. This one's for you.

Poa. I've never flown before.

A flying hippo?

Twende kiboko.

Kion, the night pride and
makini are still trapped in the tree.


Oh. Glad I got my sight back.

I wouldn't have believed
that if I hadn't seen it.


What just happened?

I'm not sure...

But I think we won.

I've never seen anything
like that in my life.

Me neither.

Everything okay, Fuli?

You tell me.

Yeah. I think I'm okay.

So, what should we do with them?

I'd like to convince them to
never attack the tree of life again.

Be my guest.

This is all a mistake.

I'm just a harmless
old binturong.

I want to go home!

So, where'd you send 'em, Kion?

Far, far away.

Everyone all right?

Totally fine.

Just sorry we didn't get
to see more of Kion's roar.

I was right. I knew it.

You were working on your roar.

Now you really are healed.


I don't know what to say, Kion.

Thanks for getting rid of them?

It was the least I could do.

After all, I was the
one who led them here.

Now I know why queen
janna was so happy

to have the roar
return to the tree of life.

And now that it's here,

you should stick around.


The power of the roar

the power of the roar

it dwells inside you
and all around you

in ways you've
never seen before

the power of the roar

the power of the roar

once you think
you've found it all

you find there's
still much more