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03x12 - The River of Patience

Posted: 12/19/21 06:33
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

"The tree of life."

The last Moja Kwa Moja stone
is on the other side of the lake.

We're almost
at the tree of life.

I know. Finally.

Anga? How long will it
take to go around the lake?

It's pretty big.
Could take all night.

Ugh. Then let's get going.

Hey, Kion. Look at this.

The lake. It's hard.

The lake isn't "hard." It's ice.

It's so cold, it must
have frozen over.

Yeah, well, it's "ice" enough
that we can walk on it.

Maybe all the way across.

You think it's safe?

Ah, I'm not sure. It could be.

But I think we
should test it first.

- How do we do that?
- Maybe like that?

This is great. Hoo-hoo-ha!

C'mon out. The ice is fine.

I think Bunga's right. That looks
like the fastest way to go. C'mon.


Whoa. It's slippery.

- And kind of fun.
- Is it? Hmm... Whoa.

I think I'll stick to flying.

Guys? I'm not sure
this was a good idea.

Uh-oh. The ice is cracking!

Everyone, run!




- Makini.
- Anga? Can you reach her?

The wind from my wings might
tip the ice she's standing on.

Up to us, Fuli.




Oh, thank you,
Kion. Thank you, Fuli.

- You're welcome.
- Yeah.

Now, let's get off this ice.

I had a feeling that hard
water couldn't be trusted.

Makini? I think I
need some tuliza.

Sure, Kion.

Oh, no, my staff!

It must have slipped off
when I fell in the water.

I don't see it. Must
be under the ice.

So we don't have any tuliza?

Sorry, Kion.

It's okay.

At least we're close to the
last Moja Kwa Moja stone.

- Right, Anga?
- Yep.

Right over there.

Oh, no.

What is it, Ono?

I just realized.

Without makini's staff, we
can't bring the painting to life.

- So?
- So,

we can't be sure it's really
a Moja Kwa Moja stone.


But you remember Rafiki's
map, don't you, Ono?

If this is the last
Moja Kwa Moja stone,

then the tree of
life must be nearby.

Let me see. Nawaza.

According to the map, there's
a narrow mountain pass ahead.

And on the other
side is the tree of life.

Thanks, Ono.

Anga? Do you see a
pass in the mountain?

Let's see.

Got it.

This way.

Ooh, Anga, do you
see the tree of life, too?

I can't see through mountains.

Everyone, let's head
for that mountain pass.

Kion? I really think we
should wait until morning.

We don't know what's on
the other side of that mountain.

If we wait till sunrise,
we'll be able to see better.

Fuli, I'm not gonna get
any better just waiting here.

Now c'mon.

It's okay, Fuli.

Once we get Kion to the
tree of life, he'll feel better.

I sure hope so.

All right. You
heard Kion. Let's go.

Who could that be?

Hmm. Better to
be safe than sorry.

I'll go warn the night pride.

C'mon, everyone. Keep moving.

Huh? A beehive.

A beehive means
bees. And honey, too.


Bunga. Don't.

Don't worry.

I'm fine. Almost there.

Bunga. Look out.


Rock slide. Everyone, scatter!

Heyvi kabisa.

Now the whole
mountain pass is blocked.

Bunga. Why didn't
you listen to me?

- Bunga?
- In here.

Little b. You okay?

Yep, I'm good.
Kinda cozy in here.

Ugh. And we're so close.

Shwari, Kion.

- It's okay.
- Okay?

We've just blocked the
only way to the tree of life.

Everyone, we need to
clear these rocks. Now!

And get me free? Right?

That's right, little b.

We could just leave him.

Almost there.

Night pride, together!

This wasn't here before.

Thank you, ullu.
We'll take it from here.

Happy to help, rani.

Get me outta here!

- Stop moving.
- Come on.

Ullu was right. I don't
recognize these voices. Surak?

They're strangers for certain.

And if they caused the
mountainside to collapse,

they must be powerful.

Powerful could mean
dangerous. Nirmala?

They could be. I
suggest we take it slow.

Try talking to them.
Perhaps they come in peace.


Doesn't sound like peace to me.

Baliyo? Where are you going?

I'm takin' a look.

Let's keep going.

Once we clear these rocks,

nothing will stop us from
getting to the tree of life.

Nothing will stop them?

That really doesn't
sound like peace.

They're strangers.
And they sound mean.

But I'll stop them.

No, Baliyo. Wait.

Now what?

- Rani?
- Ugh.

He didn't leave us
with much of a choice.

With strength and respect...

Night pride protect.


Look out.


Fuli. More lions.

What's going on?

What do we do, Fuli?

Anga, Beshte, help
me hold off the lions.

Makini and Ono, keep
working to get Bunga free.

- On it.
- Affirmative.

- Okay.
- You got it, Fuli.

Twende kiboko!


Anga lenga!

Nirmala, duck.



I don't know what we did to you,

but this has gotta be
a misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding? Is that
what you call this rock slide?

The rock slide was an accident.
We didn't mean to start it.

And your lion friend attacking
my little brother is an accident, too?

Makini. Ono. Get me
outta here. I gotta help fight.

We're trying. But
you need to stop

squirming. You're
making more rocks fall.

Fine. Then at least
let me get a good view.

That's better.

Whoa. Look at that!

It's like we're fighting a
Lion Guard made of lions.


You fight good.

But I fight even more good!

Ah, oof.

I don't know who you are.

But we've come too far
to let you stop us now.

What? What is that?

- Did you see that, too?
- Indeed.

I've heard stories of a
lion with a powerful roar.

But not since I was a cub.

Rani? How do you
want to proceed?

Kion. You're out of control.

Fuli. I... yeah. I guess I was.

Lion, who are you?

What? Who are you?

I'm rani. Leader
of the night pride.

Night pride?

We protect everyone
at the tree of life

from those who might
cause them harm.

Like you. And your roar.

I'm sorry. We're
really not a threat.

I can explain.

You may say you and
your friends mean no harm.

But actions speak
louder than words.

We're not here to harm anyone.

Thanks. Rani, my name's Kion.

My friends and I have
been on a very long journey.

We need to get to the tree
of life to get help. I need help.

I'm sure you do.

But your roar sent
my brother flying.

I can only imagine

the damage you could do to
everyone living at the tree of life.

- But I...
- You and your "friends"

will never be welcome
at the tree of life.

Leave now and never return.

Night pride. Together!

I... I can't believe it.

So, now what?

Uh, maybe get me outta here?

Yeah. Come on.

Hey, hey, Kion? You
don't have to listen to her.

You've got the roar.

Those lions can't stop us
from goin' to the tree of life.

Bunga, just because we can do
something doesn't mean we should.

Really? Any time I
can eat a grub, I do.

Fuli's right, lil' b.

We want to be welcomed
at the tree of life.

Not fight our way in.

We did start the rock
slide and block the pass.

Maybe the lions were
just defending their home.

Just like we would if someone
started a rock slide in the pride lands.

Does this mean we're not
going to the tree of life now?

No. We just need to come up
with another plan. Right, Kion?


Okay. For now let's get
Bunga out of these rocks.

Hey. Did you see me fly?

Little brother. You're okay.

Of course, I'm okay.

And I'm not your little
brother. I'm just younger.


So who were those strangers?

And what was that roar thing?

It was like something
from a legend.

It doesn't matter who they
were. They're gone now.

But I should tell queen
janna what happened.

Surak? Nirmala?
Stay with Baliyo.

Make sure he's really okay.

- Of course.
- We will.

You know? I always thought
flyin' would be more fun.

Come on, Baliyo.

Let's get you
something for your head.


Queen janna?
Grandmother? Are you awake?

Yes, rani. Is everything okay?

Yes. At least, it is now.

Come, come, my
dear. What's wrong?

A very strange group of
animals caused a rock slide

that blocked off
the mountain pass.



They were led by a lion
with a scar across his eye.

A scar? Hmm.

But we fought them off. And I
told them to leave and never return.

I promise, grandmother.
They'll never get to the tree of life.

I believe you. Well done, rani.

The lion actually had a roar

powerful enough
to send Baliyo flying.

The roar.

It has finally returned.


here at the end of the trail

how could I
come all this way

only just to fail?

Now where where do I go?

I've tried all that I know

don't think there's
any more I can do

Come on, everyone. We
can do this. Work together.

But now I think I see

there's more to
this journey than me

so if I have to
I'll move along

in a group where I belong

with my friends

I know I won't be alone

with my friends
we'll find a path

that I can't find on my own

maybe this journey
won't end today

but with my
friends it'll be okay

with my friends

it begins and ends

with my friends

Almost... there!

Hoo-hoo-ha! I'm free! I'm free!

Phew, being trapped
sure works up an appetite.

Oh, yeah. Bees!

- Bunga!
- Oh, right.

Hey. Kion. Look.
I'm outta the rocks.

Now we can go
to the tree of life.

I'm glad you're out, Bunga. But I don't
think we can go to the tree of life.

Wha? Why not?

Because I lost control
of the roar. Again.

Maybe the leader of
the night pride is right.

Maybe it's not safe to
let me go to the tree of life.

I'm sorry. I took you
all on this journey.

You stuck with
me through it all.

And then, when we finally
get here, I ruined everything.

Kion. We know you didn't
mean to lose control of the roar.

Maybe if we talk to the night pride
again, we could explain everything.

- Yeah.
- Worth a try.

Don't worry, Kion.

Even if we can't
get to the tree of life,

we can find another
way to heal your scar.

And we won't
give up until we do.

You know, Ono? You're
right. We won't give up.

Because my scar isn't the
only thing that needs healing.

So, this roar is a good thing?

Yes. And it can
be a great thing.

What about the scar on
his eye? Didn't you say...

We all have our scars, rani.

Sisi ni sawa.

We're the same?

Yeah. But I'm still not sure I
totally understand why you think...

All will be clear soon enough.

But right now I need you to go

and welcome this lion and
his friends to the tree of life.

- Okay.
- And, hurry,

before they actually
do leave for good.

Yes. Of course, grandmother.

Thank you, rani.

C'mon, rani. Let's go.

Go? Go where?

Back to the pass.

We can't just tell those strangers
to go away. We gotta make them.

Glad you're feeling
better, Baliyo.

But the queen was actually excited
to hear about the strange lion's roar.

Huh? She was?

So it was the
roar of the elders.

I guess so.

Which means we must welcome the lion
and his friends to the tree of life.

Welcome them? Did you see
that roar? 'Cause I felt it and...

It is the power of legends.

We'll need to
treat him with care.

Treat him with care?

That roar thing sent me flying
all the way through the pass.

We gotta go do something.

Baliyo? Let's think
before we react.

Arama karo.

Relax. Right. Sorry.

- Give me a moment, too?
- Of course.

Mom? Dad?

We're here, rani.

How are you?

I'm okay. But I
need some advice.

Grandmother wants me to
welcome a strange lion and his friends

to the tree of life.

But I'm not sure that I should.

What if I let them in and
something bad happens?

It's my job to
protect the tree of life.

I'm proud you take your
duty so seriously, rani.

But the queen is very wise.

She wouldn't ask you to
let them in if it wasn't okay.

Listen to her, rani.

She's preparing you to lead
more than just the night pride.

Yes. One day you
will be queen as well.

I know. You're right.

We know you'll do
the right thing, rani.

You always do.

Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad.

- Of course.
- You're welcome.

Keep up. We need to find
them before they've gone too far.

I still don't get why we're...

They cleared the pass.

And yet, they didn't continue
any closer to the tree of life.

You're still here.

Yes. And I need to apologize.

I'm sorry for using my roar.

And I understand if you
won't allow me to enter.

But could you let my friend Ono complete
the journey to the tree of life?

He wasn't part
of the earlier fight.

And his eyes need healing.


Oh. Of course, we
will welcome Ono.

Thank you.

But anyone who is willing to put their
friend's well-being before their own

is worthy as well.


You and your friends are
all welcome at the tree of life.

Oh, thank you.

By the way? We're
called the Lion Guard.

Lion Guard? You
only got one lion.

Yeah. You get used to it.

Very well. Kion? Lion
Guard? Follow me.

Hey, Kion. Just don't do that
roar thing at me again. Ever.

I won't. I promise.

Lion Guard? We're here.

Welcome to the tree of life.