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03x16 - Chapter Sixty

Posted: 12/19/21 06:06
by bunniefuu
Okay, here we go. Let's
start with our Jane.

As a child her grandmother

taught her to protect her flower.

And so Jane waited to have sex

until she married Michael.

And then, well... you know.

Yeah. I still miss him, too.

But it's been three
years, and since then,

Jane wrote a novel
about their love story.

And she recently decided
she was ready to date again.

Also ready to date, Alba.

See, she was crushing
on her coworker Jorge,

and guess what. He asked her out.

And as for Rafael, well,
he'd recently gotten closer

to his ex-wife Petra.

In fact, he was downright into
her, lately. Only problem,

Petra was dating Chuck,
the owner of the hotel next door.

Plus, Petra had other problems.

See, her former employee, Scott,

died on the grounds of the Marbella.

And Scott used to be married

to her twin sister Anezka.

But Anezka was long gone,

and according to Petra,
they were no longer in touch.

But here's the thing... Petra was lying.

And the cops were on to her.

Oh, and speaking of crime,

you'll recall Rafael's sister Luisa

was dating Eileen, but Eileen

is really her old girlfriend, Rose,

aka the crime lord Sin Rostro.

I know, straight out
of a Telenovela, right?

And speaking of telenovelas,

Rogelio got a huge new part

playing someone very tiny.

Unfortunately, he felt chilly
about his new costar Fabian.

But Jane was positively hot for him.

I know, right? I'm
getting the tingles, too.

So let's get busy, people.

Ah, lust!

Jane Gloriana Villanueva

would never forget the
first time she felt it.


she was sitting between her mother

and grandmother at the time.


Más! Más!

Yeah, I'm uncomfortable, too.

I'm gonna do some homework.

So, yeah,

they clearly didn't
want to talk about it.

But, oh, how times have changed.

- Tell me everything.

About what?

Come on, you're clearly
crushing on Fabian.

I am not.

I am reading an article...

about how underboob
is the new side boob.

Oh, please. You've been finding
the most ridiculous excuses

to go see your father on set.

True, for the record.

You forgot your sides at home.

We shot this yesterday.


Más... Más...

Fine. I may have a small crush

in that he may excite
me in a superficial way.

So make a move.

Mom, he dated Miss Universe,

Shakira's backup dancer,

and Gisele Bundchen's twin.

For someone who's not interested,

- you sure know a lot about him.
- I'm just saying

that I'm not his type.

And-and he's not my type.

Maybe not to date.

But what about a fling?

You ever open to that?

With him?

Oh, yeah.

So, just casual sex?

No strings.

Why not, right?

I mean, I waited.

I did it.

But now, like, everything's changed,

and, you know, what...


She says with an extra helping

of guilt.

Not everyone wants

to be celibate, Mom.

Hey, how did Jorge take it?


When you told him you
weren't gonna have sex.

- Oh, my God, you didn't tell him.
- Ma.

No kidding.

Would you like me to give
you the advice you gave me?


Need a flower to destroy
in your angry fist?



Hey, Jeremy, what's up?

Wait, what?

So... that's it?

A big part of writing is knowing
when to put the pen down.

Pen down.

I love it.

The plot really moves,
the emotional payoff is huge...

and it's romantic as all hell.


I can't believe I'm
done. Well, not done.

Writing's only the half of it, right?

Now the fun part begins.

We gotta drop it like it's hot.

- I'll bring the pot holder.
- Great.

I set up a meeting with the
marketing and PR departments...

So they can figure out how to market it

to booksellers and audiences.

- That's amazing.
- I know.

Anyway, what's up? Why'd you call?

Ah, it's terrible timing.

- What is?
- Luisa's coming in tomorrow.

And we're pushing up our
annual shareholder meeting.

Yeah, no problem.
I'll keep Mateo till she's gone.

Can't blame them for
being a little skittish

around the ex-girlfriend of the
woman who kidnapped their son.

I'm sorry for messing up the schedule.

I just wish she would
give us notice for once.

It's fine.

I'll talk to you later.

Thank you, Jane. Bye.

So we set?

I know what you're thinking.

Are we finally going to find out

what this shady dude is up to?

- Yup, Luisa's suite is bugged.
- And she won't find anything?

No way. I went in through Petra's vent.

But trust me, if Rose tries

to get in touch with your sister,
we'll know.

Yup. Elvis isn't an ex-con

or a maintenance man;
he's Raf's private eye.

That explains a lot.

Or rather, I just explained it.

Good. My family will
never feel completely safe

until Rose is locked up for good.

I know,

straight out of a Telenovela, right?

Also known as a scientist.

Again, scientist.

And cut!


It must be nice not to have to
worry about your body anymore.

Sometimes I feel like a sex object.

It must be very hard for you.

- Not really, no.
- So listen, Ro,

do you want a stunt double for
when you swing from her hair?

Well, I-I-I'd be happy to do it.

I was an award-winning stunt double

before I discovered my talent
and passion for acting.

Rogelio De la Vega does his own stunts,

thank you very much.

You're very welcome.

Selfie? Yeah?

No more pictures.

We're just taking a test.

For the Gifted and Talented program.
That's a big deal!


I see critters.


Oh, now, why are my legs so heavy?

Did I step in something?

I didn't know the girls
were hanging out with Chuck.

What happened to our six-month rule?

You waited six months
to tell them about Abbey

and then broke up with her anyway.

they only know Chuck as Mommy's friend.


Hey, girls, who's this guy?

Mommy's boyfriend.

Smoochie, smoochie.

Well, they are gifted and talented.

Not again.

I already told you
guys everything I know.

Yeah, well, unfortunately,

there are a couple of
holes in your story.

My story.

Me, seconds.
That's all they need for the PR meeting.

A snapshot to help sell the book.

Well, you can start
practicing now with Fabian.

Ah, yes. Jane and her wing mom.

Don't worry. I have a plan.

What are those?

Oh, my God.

Goji berries! I love those so much!

Are you serious?
They're, like, my favorite snack.

No way. What a coincidence.

Or the result of a deep dive

- Internet search.
- Have one, please.

Look at this.
My hair is a mess, my forehead is shiny,

I'm holding a doughnut,
and he didn't even use a filter.

- You look fine.
- Exactly.


Fabian is clearly sabotaging me.

- What?
- He's trying to get in my head.

First he comments on my weight,

then on my ability to do my own stunts.

I am telling you,
this is an All About Eve situation.

Are you sure you're not overreacting?

This is exactly what
happened in my Telenovela,

No Eres Tú, Yo Soy Yo, Somos Nosotros.

One character tries to
sabotage another character?


No, I did it in real life.

Have you ever heard of Eduardo Espinosa?

- No.
- Exactly.



Why is Jane giggling like that?

Take a deep breath.

She might have a little crush.

That's ridiculous.
Jane would never be interested

- in that throw pillow.
- Why do you think

she's been making excuses
to come see you all week?

First he goes after my stunt,

and now my daughter?

Fasten your seat belt,

it's going to be a bumpy afternoon.

So I massage my kale

- for half an hour with olive oil.
- Wow.

That's amazing.

I think super foods
are just so... super.

Excuse me,
may I talk to my daughter privately?

Dad, where are we... what?

Dad, what are you...?

Dad, what is your problem?

My problem is that you've been
pretending to come visit me

to ogle Fabian's bee-stung lips.

That's right. Your mother told me

all about your unholy
mega-crush on Fabian.

And I forbid it.

See, Dad, look around.
Actual walls for privacy!

I am sorry, Jane.
I didn't mean for Fabian to overhear.

I'm just concerned.
The guy's a total playboy.

I just don't want you to
get your heart broken!

I don't think

Jane's thinking about her heart.

I know... but I'm an adult.

I can handle myself.

Fine. I'll talk to Fabian
and make things better.

No! Dad, you need to stay out
of it and let me handle it.

Yeah, I bet you'll handle it, Jane.


Oh, uh, sorry. Forgot something.

So embarrassed.

Ay. Better.

What's up?

I just wanted to clear that up.

I do not have a crush on you.

My dad is a little overprotective.

Well, don't worry. I totally understand.

You're his little daughter.

Not little.

Well, then again, I'm tiny on the show.

- We need you in your fitting.
- Well, bye, Jane.

I'm bringing you those
chia seeds tomorrow, eh?

- You're gonna die.
- Oh.

Right. Cool!

Actually, the opposite of die.

You're gonna live super extra long!


Stop leering, Jane.

You, too, Alba.


Stop it, both of you!

I am so, so sorry. Let's go.




No. We're not done.

Your client's story isn't true.

We tapped her computer.

- Is that legal?
- With a subpoena, yes.

Which we got after finding
out that you had just scooched

Mr. Archuletta's bones over
to Mr. Chesser's property.

You said you didn't know
where your sister was,

and you lied. You've been e-mailing her.

- You don't have to say anything.
- It's fine.

I've been sending her money.

Yes, but it's just to keep her away.

It has nothing to do with Scott.

And I didn't tell you earlier

because, well,
it's a personal family drama between us.

Well, we need to question Anezka.

So you need to convince
her to return to Miami.

I'd really prefer not to.


Well, it's your choice.

Of course, if you
don't, we'll charge you

with obstructing a police investigation.

On account of lying to us.

Oh, and the bones.

And speaking of criminal enterprises...

You remember Luisa, right?

And of course, her girlfriend, Eileen,

who, you'll recall, is actually...

Which makes Luisa...

Do you like them?

Yes, thank you.

Well, you Lou so good in linen.


These are for Mateo.

Mm. I want my nephew to know that

he has an auntie that loves him,

even if I'm not allowed to see him.

Even though he wouldn't
exist if it wasn't for me.

Yeah, I wouldn't brag
about that, Dr. Alver.

I'm just going through
some personal problems.

And these are for the twins.

Mm. Who I also hope to meet very soon.

Yes. Great. We'll see.

So, Raf,
we saw a bunch of cops around outside.

What's that about?

They're investigating Scott's death.

I thought it was an accident.

Yeah, well, now they're not so sure.

Did you...?

You know how hard it is
for me to fall asleep

when I'm not in my own bed,

so I got this contraption
that makes wave sounds.

Of course I did not k*ll Scott.

Oh, we were here right around then.

Are you saying it was
just a coincidence?

Yes, because we were
together that whole trip.

We sent away the real Eileen,
and then we made love.

There was no time for
me to have m*rder*d him.

But you did leave the
room once. Remember?

I had to stop having sex
and then take a shower

'cause the lotion we were
using gave me a rash?

And then we figured we might
as well get some Chinese?

And then, while I showered,
you went to get the food.

No, I was going to go
pick up the Chinese food,

but we ended up having it delivered,

and the concierge brought it up to us.

Because at that point,

the oil was starting to bother me,
too, remember?

And this is why I hate
coming to the Marbella,

because we always start fighting.

I know.

You're right.

We need to switch rooms, just in case.

In case what?

In case the cops are
here because of us...

and your room is wired.

You're being paranoid.

So, yes, I was strongly influenced

by the telenovelas I grew up watching.

But also by the romance
novels I grew up reading.

And I think you feel both
influences in my book.

Relax, Jane.

You have a whole two
seconds of wiggle room.

You're gonna crush this meeting.

So, you probably want to
hear a little about me.

Where to start?

You're spiraling, Jane.

You've practiced enough.

Play chapter three.

Good, yes.

A nice, juicy novel will help you relax.

Chapter three: selling yourself.

Let's start with posture.


Imagine a string

attached to the crown of your head,
pulling upward.

Which brings us here... now.

So, you probably want to
hear a little about me.

Oh, stop. We know all about you.

The artificial insemination,
the virgin birth,

the kidnapping, your
husband's tragic death.

Oh, wow.

Well, it's an amazing backstory,
and the fact

that it's all thinly veiled in there...

Well, it gives us a
real angle to market.

Right. Yes.

Uh, here's the thing.

I know it's a wild story,
but I actually think

that if it's out there,
it would kind of take over.

And it was pretty traumatic,

so I don't really want to talk
about any of that publicly.

- What?
- I just want to stick to the book.

Answering questions like

process, influences.

Remember the string, Jane.

Uh, it's sort of a
combination of the telenovelas

that I watched growing up,
plus the American...

But if you talk about your life,
we can get you interviews.

Print, radio.

The Miami book fair's this weekend.

Maria Semple is moderating.

Oh, my God!

One of her favorite authors!

And mine. Okay, freaking out a little.

Come on, Jane.

I'm sorry.

I really want the work
to stand on its own.

Okay, well, uh,
I think we have all the info we need.

We'll confer and then get back to you

about the size of the initial print run.

Wow. All in under seconds.

I know everyone's upset.

But we hadn't talked
about that past stuff.

I didn't think it was a secret.

I mean, is that why you
wanted to publish my book?

No. I liked your writing.

And I realized the marketing
team could sell you.

It's all connected.

Listen, it is what it is.

I still love your writing,
and I think people are gonna buy it.

It's just, the print run is
not as big as I had hoped.

What's the number?

, copies.


Not great, FYI.

How are my chances of
getting into that book fair?

What's your social media presence?

Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter followers?

You know... not as many as I'd like.

Too bad.

A big social media
following makes them think

you'll draw attendees,
which is what the organizers are after.

How many followers do I
need to get into the fair?

K, minimum, but there's no way in hell

you're gonna get that many
followers that quickly.

I happen to have a social
media expert in my family.

Now that's a Twitter feed!

Jane, hi!

Don't worry.
I assure you I am not here to see you.

I just came to get help from my dad.

Oh, he pulled a muscle doing a stunt.

No, he's fine.
He's just having an emergency massage.


- Is everything okay?
- Yeah. I just need his help

getting Twitter followers
for this book fair.

A book fair? Oh, does that
mean that you're an author?

I am. How did I not know that?

- I have a book coming out, too.
- You wrote a book?

- Every word of it.
- Wow.

- Wow.
- Hey, since you have a little time

while your dad's getting a massage,

maybe you'd like to go
grab a cup of coffee?

I would love to find out more
about you... and your book.

Sure. I'd like that.

Hmm. Perhaps he's interested after all.

Oh. Hi.

He sure is.


Just came by to check on you

and drop off some backpacks.

Hey, how'd your call with Anezka go?


I, uh, bought her a ticket,

promised I'd buy her an electric bike.

She's on her way.

You okay?

Yeah. It'll be fine.

She'll answer some
questions, then leave.

Oh, come on. It's got to be traumatic

to see her again.

Did you call your therapist?

She don't need to call her.

We talked about it a bunch. She's fine.

Appreciate the input, Chuck.

But, you know, you weren't around

when Anezka was here.

Well, Petra told me all about her.

Yeah, that's... that's not really

the same as actually being here.


It's better. You know, you're not

living in the past.

Look, I'm...

I'm not living in the past.

Huh. Well, this feels familiar,

doesn't it?

- You done?
- Yeah.

- Sorry.
- Great.

I appreciate your concern.

But I can handle my sister.

Your sister

switched rooms. Apparently the cannons

for the pirate tour can
be heard from their suite.

What do you want me to do?

All right, I'll shut off their AC.

You go repair it and put in a bug.

I must hear everything.

Tell me all about your book.

Oh. Well, it's a romance novel.

Of course it is.

Yeah. It takes place in .

Wh... Yes, yes, yes.

Such a good year. Such a good year.

Oh, you know it?

Well, if you chose it...

it must be great.


Tell me about your book.

Uh, it's-it's a memoir.

To help my fans understand the real me.

Not just the shirtless
doctor under a waterfall,

or the shirtless detective
under a waterfall,

or shirtless serial
k*ller under a waterfall.

Can you pass the sugar?

Oh, sure.

I can't believe you're doing this!

After everything we've been through!

- Excuse me?
- You broke my heart,

Jane Villanueva.

I'm done.

Shh, shh. It's okay.

It's me, Fabian.

That was incredible,
no? They're gonna think

- that you're my lady for sure.
- Who will?

All the paparazzi I tipped off.
You say you needed

more Twitter followers
to sell your book,

and now you'll have them.

My fans will hate-follow you instantly.

You... you did that so I could
get more Twitter followers?

Exactly. For the book fair.

Oh... Oh, that's...

that's kind of sweet.


Uh, will you tell your dad for me?

Excuse me?

Oh, he's... my hero.

Only I keep putting my foot in my mouth

every time I'm around him. Mm.

Will you put in a good word for me?

Uh, tell him that I tried to help you?


No problem.


Hey, Dad. Feeling better?

So much better.
I am refreshed and reenergized

and ready to help you with
all things social media.


Actually, Fabian already helped me.

- Huh?
- Dad.

I'm sorry. I know I'm not allowed to say

anything bad to you about Fabian.
It's just...

he's been a little hard on me.

What are you talking
about? He worships you.

- What?
- Yeah.

For a second I thought

he liked me and I got all excited.

But trust me: it's all you.

I have to say,
I'm a little tired of everybody

being so happy that
Fabian isn't into me.

What happened to my choice is my choice?

Yeah, with that big helping of guilt.

Wait for it.



Abuela, I'm so sorry.

On the other hand,

meaningless sex with me would be so hot,

- Oh.
- It's so stinking hot in here.

- _
- Well, no wonder.

The AC is broken.

- _
- I'm gonna call the front desk

and I'm gonna have 'em come fix it.

Don't you think it's
a little suspicious?

- That the AC is broken?
- Right after we happen to switch rooms?

Well, she's not a criminal
mastermind for nothing.

Aha... you see? You see that?

- You're being paranoid.
- Maybe. But I am not leaving

- this room unattended.
- Well...

Then what am I supposed to tell Rafael?

I don't know what to
tell you except it blows.

I couldn't get the book fair to bite.

But you said if I had
, followers...

I know, but my team did
analytics on your followers,

and they're all from Latin America,

which won't convert to book sales

till it's translated to Spanish,
which it won't be

if the first print run tanks.


I-I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated.

Yeah. Me, too.

So here's my frustration.

If you look up to me so much,
why would you assume

I need a stunt double?

And why would you take that dig at me

about not needing to take
my shirt off anymore?

No, those-those weren't digs.

I swear. All I meant was that

the show would fall
apart if you got hurt.

Without you, the show is nothing.

Just... my abs.

I'd binge it.

So this isn't an All
About Eve

Um, I-I don't know who Eve is.

But I'm all about you, man.

I-I worship you.

Ever since I was a little kid, I...

That's enough about that.

And no more using my daughter

and toying with her feelings.

- Jane?
- Yes.

She's brilliant and beautiful,

with the soul of Gandhi

and the talent of Shakespeare.

But you do not mess with her emotions.

You don't have to worry...
She said she didn't like me.

Okay. General rule:

when you look like we do,
you can never rule that out.

Ah! I get it.

I understand.

Thank you.

Hey, uh, you want to get
our nails done after work?

We're gonna be climbing that hair

all week. That means
a lot of hand acting.

Actually, I can't.

Hmm. Rogelio's never

turned down a good, clear polish before.

"A polished and lively debut"?

Something like that?
I just need a quick blurb

about my book, anything would help.

From me? I'm flattered.

Well... sort of more from your
well-known writer friends.

You're kind of blurb-adjacent.

Oh, I see how it is.
You only come when you need a favor.

That is not true. I am here every week.

- Yeah.

But, yes, I do happen to need one today.

The publisher only
ordered , copies.


I know. Actually,

you're probably the one person
who will understand this,

but I am trying to fight for my art.

- What do you mean?
- Well, I could get them

to print more copies and give
a bigger marketing budget

if I agree to talk about
my whole crazy backstory.

But of course I said no, because

I want my book to stand on its own.

Oh, don't be an idiot.

- What?
- I was once like you,

so full of integrity.


You know what being precious
about your art gets you?

And there's a storage locker
in Boca with the other

, unsold copies.

Trust me.
Sell it with everything you've got.

'Cause you don't get
a second debut novel.

- Hey, Jeremy, it's Jane.
- Oh, hi, Jane.

I've decided that the marketing people

can sell the book however they want.

What? You serious?

Just get me into the book fair, okay?

On it, yes.

What's wrong?

I just... I thought Eileen
was joining us for dinner.

It's my fault. I forgot that her guru

is in town for a one-night-only
breathing circle.

Okay, good. So she's
still out of the room.

- _
- Oh, two virgin daiquiris.

You're on your phone.

- Already.
- What are you doing?

Well, clearly, you only like

hanging out with me
when I'm with Eileen.

Quick, get her to sit back down!

That's not true.

It's not.

Hey, the last couple years,

things have been really good with us.

Good enough for me to see your kids?

It's worth having a
longer conversation about.

Good job, Raf.

Oh, my God, I can't take this.

I don't even know if I'm rooting for him

to catch her or not.

What the hell?!

I'm so sorry, ma'am.

- Ever heard of knocking?
- There was a complaint

- about the AC on the floor.
- Go! Go!

This is so humiliating.

"Straight out of a Telenovela.

"That's what comes to mind when you hear

"Jane Villanueva's story.

"And all that and more is
poured into this vibrant

- "and lively debut."
- So you're really

doing it?

It's "on the book fair
Web site" official.

The more you talk

about Michael, the easier it will get.


I know.

It already is.

I'm scared.

I don't...

I just...

I don't want Michael to be an anecdote,
you know?

Something that once happened.

And this book is part of
that process because I...

wrote the happily ever
after I never got.

Your real life story sounds so crazy.

OMG, I can't believe it.

- _
- First Britney, then Bruno,

- _
- now Maria Semple?

The accidental pregnancy,

the kidnapping.

You talked about your late husband.

How much of the rest
made it into the book?

Let's just say there's a lot in there.

- Thinly veiled.
- Any hesitation

talking about this stuff?

Oh, yeah. Tons.

Because with writing comes exposure,

and with exposure comes vulnerability.

And there are all these stages

of exposing yourself.

First with writing the book.

Then marketing it.

Uh, and the last is
people reading the book.

That's important,

because otherwise I'd just
be writing in my diary.

So please go buy the
book. Please, please.

Mommy, I want to read your book.

When you're older, Mr. Sweetface.

Much, much older.

I've read it. It's racy.

Sorry to interrupt,

but I just had to say hello.

- Oh, hello.
- My friend works at a publishing house

and got me an advance copy of your book.

I loved it so much.

Wow, really?

You're the first person who's
read it who I don't know.

I didn't get out of my
pajamas until I finished.

You are making my life right now.

Can I take a picture with you?

Is Jane fangirling out

- on her first fan?
- Only if you agree

to sign this for me.

You want my autograph?



I am passing the baton.

I mean...

it was only three autographs,
but it was kind of awesome.

And I can't believe
I'm even saying that.

Good, you deserved it.

Celebrate in your room tonight...

with this.

Don't be gross.

I'm over Fabian.

He texted and said he'd
come to the book fair,

and then he bailed on me.

Fame is my new lover.

Oh, can we talk?

Fabian, what are you doing here?

I... Oh.

I... I couldn't stop thinking about you

after the book fair.

You were there?

Why didn't you say hello?

I was too nervous.

- What?
- Your words

were so incredible.

What you said about being exposed,

it-it really spoke to me.

And I think you'll see
why when you read my book.


I can't wait to open it.

- That's my book.
- Yeah, you just said.

Also, I spoke to your dad,

and I told him that I was coming here

and that I wanted to ask you out.

He said it's okay.

He did?

Is that what's happening?

It is.

Will you go on a date with me,
Jane Villanueva?

I would love to.

Oh, this is really happening.

I guess the sprinklers
are just on timers.

- So, what time does Anezka get in?
- Noon.

Okay, girls. Have a great day at school.

I'll come get you after martial arts.

Bye, Mommy.

Okay, come on.

Come on.

Call me if you need anything.

Okay, so, when are we gonna have a talk

about the fact that your ex
still has the hots for you?


- No, he doesn't.
- Yes, he does.

And if you can't see it,

you're blinder than a
bat in a chimney fire.

Stop. You're being ridiculous.


I heard the great news.

They upped your book order.

Well, it's only , more copies.

But it's something.

Oh, and you're here to see Fabian.

Wait, he said he spoke to you.

Of course. Of course, yes. Go to him.

You okay, Dad?

O-Oh, yes.

I just have to accept

that I'm no longer the only
Telenovela star in your life.


You're still the main one, okay?

You're a great actor, Rogelio.

- I know. Thank you.
- But you can't fool me.

What's really going on?

It's just hard thinking about
Jane dating someone new.

And I know it's not fair.
I know she has to move on.

No, it's okay.

I just don't want to
start getting Mani-pedis

with Fabian.

Michael was my best friend.

I really loved him.

And I still think about
him every single day.

I know.

A-And I never want to burden Jane.

I know that, too.

Thank you for telling me.

- Mm-hmm.
- And trust me...

Fabian is not taking Michael's place.

Actually, Abuela,

technically they aren't selfies.

They're stills from his snaps.


What's with all the giggling?

We're reading Fabian's book.

"Chillin' in Capri pants in Capri.


Hey, he wrote that himself.

- Let's give him some credit.
- Oh, my God.

Let me see it. Oh, my God.

Oh, wow.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Aw, what a difference

years makes.

You may have to be married

to have sex, Abuela, but I do not.
And trust.

I am gonna hit this.

Also about to get screwed?

Anezka should have landed by now.

Okay, calm down. She's not that late.

I can't calm down. You have no idea

what she's capable of doing.

Why isn't she answering?

She's probably just getting her luggage.

No. Something is off.

- You're wrong.
- I am not.

And I am sick of being cooped up

in this sweaty room.

So I am going to put my face back on,

and then we are going to leave.



I don't want to leave.

I'm finally having a breakthrough

with Rafael, and I might meet his kids.


we can't stay.


I'm leaving, Luisa.

Are you coming with me?



Anezka, where are you?
You were supposed to get in a cab

and come straight to the Marbella.

Well, I couldn't do that because
when I got off the plane,

the police were arresting me.

Wait, what?

You said they were just
going to ask questions

and then I would get electric bike.

Yeah, well... that's what they said.

I'm in jail, Petra.

No. No, no, no.
That... That wasn't the deal.

No, they promised it was just questions.

Well, you better fix this,

or I will tell them all what I know.

And then you, sister,
will be in orange jumpsuit with me.