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02x29 & 02x30 - Fire from the Sky

Posted: 12/18/21 09:58
by bunniefuu
- Everything okay, dad?
- So far.

But with all the recent
att*cks from the outlanders,

any unexpected sight
or sound has us spooked.

Everyone out of the water! Now!

Twende kiboko!

Beshte? Beshte?

It's okay, dad.

It's just little Kiazi.

Basi? Beshte? Everything okay?

Uh, heh. Sorry, lion
guard. That was my fault.

There's no real danger.

Oh, that's okay.

Everyone in the pride
lands has been on edge.

Lion guard.
Something in the grass.

Uncle Timon? uncle Pumbaa?

Oh, hey, kids. Uh,
what are you doing here?

Pumbaa, no time for chitchat.

We're on the trail of a
slug-fest, remember?

Oh, right. Later, kids.

Lion guard! Lion guard!

Makini? What's wrong?

Wrong? Why would
anything be wrong?

Hmm. It's gonna be
one of those days.

I just wanted to invite you
all to my mpando mpya.


Mpando mpya.

It's the planting of a new
baobab tree in mizimu grove.

Yes. Every baobab tree in
mizimu grove was planted

by a royal mjuzi while
they were in training.

And tonight I get to plant mine.


Congratulations, makini.

Indeed. An mpando mpya
doesn't happen very often.

Sure doesn't.

I remember my dad
telling me about Rafiki's.

Ooh, basi, you and your
pod are welcome to come too.

We'd love to.

I'm sure it would lift
the whole pod's spirits.

Actually, it sounds like a
chance to lift everyone's spirits.


We should invite everyone
to makini's mpando mpya.

You really think everyone's gonna
wanna watch makini plant a tree?

If we turn it into a
big event, they will.

Hang on.

Timon. Pumbaa. I
have a favor to ask.

Not now, kid. Kind of busy here.

It's about you two putting
on a show at mizimu grove.

A show?

Well, why didn't you
say so in the first place?

It's for makini's mpando mpya.

I think if we turn
it into a big event,

it might cheer everyone up.

Maybe you two could
start it off with a song.

Ooh. That sounds like fun.

You said it, Pumbaa.

Nothing like a song and
dance to liven things up.

- Then you'll do it?
- Of course we will.

Oh, this is gonna be so amazing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Spread the word, kids.

Nobody's gonna wanna
miss a show like this.

Heh. Sounds like something
scar won't wanna miss either.

An mpando mpya.

Heh. Even I've
never been to one.

At least, not yet.

And the Lion Guard is
personally inviting animals

from all over the pride lands.


So lots of pride landers
gathered in one place

at the Lion Guard's request.

Surely they won't object
to a few uninvited guests.

And one very special guest.

Hello, pride landers,

and welcome to
makini's mpando mpya.

As you know,

every tree in mizimu grove has
been planted by a royal mjuzi.

In fact, the tree I
planted is right over there.

It is much bigger now. Ha, ha!

Today the circle
of life continues

as makini plants
her baobab tree.

And to help us
celebrate this occasion,

two very dear friends of mine
have agreed to perform a song.

And so, without further ado,

please welcome Timon and Pumbaa.

♪ When the Savannah
seems set against you ♪

♪ and things all
around go wrong ♪

♪ don't be feeling
scared and lonely ♪

♪ instead hold on to this song ♪

♪ things will get better
when we work together ♪

♪ things will get better
when we work together ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ is all you've got to say ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ when things
don't go your way ♪

♪ we'll lift
ourselves up today ♪

♪ so look at all the
friends around you ♪

♪ you know they're
on your side ♪

♪ so when we all stand united ♪

♪ we'll sing this
song with pride ♪

♪ things will get better
when we work together ♪

♪ things will get better
when we work together ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ is all you've got to say ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ when things
don't go your way ♪

♪ we'll lift
ourselves up today ♪

Let's lift ourselves up.

Let's lift ourselves up.

♪ Spirits so high ♪

♪ we can touch the sky ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ is all you've got to say... ♪

Okay. We all know the plan.

Crocs on the left,
jackals on the right,

hyenas up the middle.

Drive them towards that
big rock at the other end.

This'll be a show
they'll never forget.

Right. Now let's go.

♪ ...nue ♪


Heya, lion guard. Hope
we aren't interrupting.

It's more than just hyenas.
We've got crocs and jackals too.

Fuli, Ono crocs.

Beshte, Bunga, jackals.

I'll take the hyenas.

What about them?

This is what we
trained for, everyone.

Just tell us where
you need us, Kion.

All of us.

Hippos with Beshte.

Galagos and antelopes
with Fuli and Ono.

Elephants, help Bunga
protect the rest of the herds.

Dad, we'll take the hyenas.

Mtoto, find a place to hide.

We'll fight for what's right.

Pride landers unite.

Timon, what do we do?

Only one thing to do, Pumbaa.

Keep singing.

Oh, right.

The show must go on.

♪ Tujiinue ♪

♪ is all you've got to say ♪

Go back to the outlands, Janja.

You kidding? And
miss the big show?

- Heh, heh... aah!
- Going somewhere?

Uh, yeah. This way.

Cheezi, wait for me.

- Let go, you pesky varmint.
- Ha, ha.

Errh! Okay.

That's what you get
for spoiling my big night.

Well done, makini.

Rafiki, look out!

Get out of here, jackal.

I do say, I've never
seen a trunk do that.

Watch out, Fuli!

Oh, Kion, look.

Heyvi kabisa. Beshte, fire!

Got it, Kion. Hippos with me.

♪ We'll lift
ourselves up today ♪

Stage lights. Why
didn't we think of that?

♪ Tujiinue ♪

♪ when things
don't go your way ♪

There we go.

Poa. Great work, dad.

- Kion.
- Look around, Janja. You're losing.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, no. Rafiki, your tree!

- Is that...?
- How could it be?


That's right, Simba.

You never thought you'd
see me again, did you?

What do you want?

What do I want?

Ah, Simba, Simba.

Always so naive.

First, we took Kilio valley.

Then we wrecked big Springs.

And now your precious
mizimu grove is doomed.

It's only a matter of time

before all of the
pride lands is mine.

No. Not this time.

What do we do?

Panic and run! Panic and run!

The zebra's right.
Let's get out of here.

Wait for me.

Elephants, stop.

Come on, everyone.

Lion guard, go calm the herds.

I'll take care of
the outlanders.

You got it, Kion. Till
the pride lands end...

Lion guard defend.

Ha! They've all run away.

Mizimu grove is ours.

I don't think so.

Now that everyone's
gone, I can do this.

Well done, Kion.

Thanks, dad. Now to make
sure all the fires are out.

It looks like the damage
has already been done.

Simba. We need to talk.

Yes, I know.

Ma tembo and I can
handle the fires, Kion.

Go help the rest of the
guard calm the herds.

Makini? Are you okay?

Yes, but the whole
grove is ruined.

Shwari, makini. Be calm.

Yes, Rafiki, shwari.

Uh, doesn't anyone
wanna see the big finish?

Ono, you see them?


Most of them are straight ahead.

But the zebras are veering left.

Ahh! hapana!

And the antelope are running
right toward poromoko crevasse.

That's not good.

- Beshte, stop the hippos.
- You got it.

- Ono calm the elephants.
- On it.

Bunga, zebras. I'll
go after the antelopes.

- Zuka zama.
- Huwezi!

Bupu, you have to stop.

I don't take orders from you.

Take her orders.
Take her orders!

You're about to run off a cliff.

We are?

Everyone! Please, stop now!



I'm fine.

Just glad I remembered
to say "please."

Dad, you can stop now.

Huh? Okay,
Beshte. If you say so.

Thanks, son. I
was getting tired.

Everyone! Everyone!
Why are you running?

Nobody's chasing you.

Oh. How embarrassing.

Everyone stop!

Did you say "stop"?

Zuka zama!

Whoa, zebra-deebras. You
don't have to run anymore.

We don't? Why not?

Uh, because you won the race.

We did? Well, did you hear that?

We won.

I always knew we
would. Heh, heh.

Here comes Fuli with the
antelopes and galagos.

Lion guard? How'd it go?

Looks like everybody's okay.

Okay? No, we're not okay.

Was that really
scar in the flames?

How is that even possible?

Well, it's kind of
hard to explain.

Kind of impossible.

Is scar behind all the
outlanders' att*cks?

And the fires?

Is that why you asked us
all to defend the pride lands?

Why we trained together?

- I...
- What'll we do without mizimu grove?

What if our grazing
ground is next?

Kion, most importantly,

why didn't you tell
us scar was back?

I... Because he was
following my orders.

I asked the Lion Guard to
keep scar's return a secret.

I was afraid that if you knew
about scar, you would all panic.

He was right about that.

I've already told the king I
don't agree with his decision.

But I understand his reasons.

He was afraid we wouldn't
feel safe in the pride lands

and that we'd want to leave.

Of course we'd want to leave.

Why wouldn't we?

It is my duty to protect
all pride landers.

I cannot do that if you
are not in the pride lands.

As leader of the hippos,

it is my duty to protect my pod,

whether that's in the pride
lands or somewhere else.

Somewhere else?

You're right, basi. I never
want to lose a pride lander.

But I will always
respect your decision,

including the decision to leave.

This is something every herd
must decide for themselves.

And you'll need time. Come
to pride rock tomorrow morning.

You can tell me
your decision then.

There's nothing to discuss.

I want to hear from each of you.

Who thinks we should stay?

What do you think
they're talking about?

What should we do, Kion?

Nothing else we can do.
It's up to the herds now.

Everyone, go get some rest.

I'll see you at pride
rock in the morning.

So much destruction.

Grandfather Mufasa?

Yes, Kion, I'm here.

Grandfather, I'm worried.

Things have been
bad since scar returned.

But I never thought
it would be so bad

that the pride landers
would wanna leave.

I know they just wanna
protect their herds,

but I wanna protect them too.

I guess I feel like I failed.

Your ability to understand
the pride landers

even when it's difficult

makes you a good leader.

But I can't lead them
if they aren't here.

What am I supposed to do now?

Even on the darkest day,
Kion, you can find hope.

Thank you, grandfather.

What's that?

Heyvi kabisa. I
don't believe it.

I trust you've all
made your decisions.

- The hippos have reached a decision.
- Dad?

- It looks like...
- pride landers. Wait.


Everyone, please, if you
decide to leave, I understand.

But before you do, there's
something I'd like to show you.



Makini's tiny sapling survived
the attack on mizimu grove.

And if it survived here,

there's no reason we all can't.

If we stay together,
we'll be stronger.

Yes, scar has returned.
And I know you're scared.

But the last time scar was
around, there wasn't a lion guard.

There is now, and
we're here to protect you.

Even on the darkest
day, there's hope.

Kion's right.

We're stronger if
we stay together.

We do have hope.

The hippos are here to stay.


So are the elephants.

Giraffes too.

As are the zebras.

And the aardvarks.

Count the galagos in.

The antelopes will
be staying as well.

I'm happy to hear that.

Uh, what do we do now?

What else, honey badger?

We have makini's mpando mpya.

Ooh, can we? Right now?

I can't think of a better way
to celebrate this moment.

Too bad Timon and Pumbaa
aren't here to sing their song.

They're still at
hakuna matata falls.

Something about
needing beauty rest.

I think I can help
you out there.

♪ Tujiinue ♪

♪ is all you've gotta say ♪

♪ tujiinue ♪

♪ we'll lift
ourselves up today ♪

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪


The Lion Guard.

Fire from the sky.


Fire! Fire from the sky!

Fire? No!

Does that mean Scar?

Beshte, Ono, Bunga,
take care of the fire.

Fuli, we'll get the
giraffes to safety.

Giraffes, this way.

Everyone follow Kion.

- I got this one.
- And I got this one.

Awk! And that one almost got me.

Don't worry.
You'll be safe here.

- Ow.
- Safe from the fire, at least.

All clear, Kion. Fire's out.

Okay, giraffes.
You're good to go.

Ahh, thank goodness.

Scar's gotta be behind all
this fire falling from the sky.

But how's he doing it?

Ono? Any ideas?

I wish I knew.

But no matter how high I fly, it's
always coming from above me.

Well, maybe next time,
you can try to fly even higher.

I'll do my best.

And now's your chance. Look.

They're falling
over Chakula plains.

Here I go.

And we're back on fire
patrol. Chakula plains, fast.


Oh, they're coming
from up there,

above the clouds...

Air... too thin...

Can't go any higher.

There. That's the last one.

Till the next one.

- Whew.
- Ono?

I flew as high as I could, but I
still couldn't get high enough.

It's okay, Ono. I know
you did your best.

It's just that egrets
can only fly so high.

Hey, wait. I know somebody
who can fly really high.

Her name's Anga.

Is she a bird?

Yeah, little b. She's a
bird. Anga's a martial eagle.

A martial eagle.

Oh, they're amazing flyers.
And they do fly high. Very high.

Common knowledge, really.

You think she'd help us?

I think so.

I don't know her that well.
She doesn't talk much.

Well, let's go ask her.

Anga? Anga?

Hmm. I don't see her.

But I'm pretty sure she
lives in one of these trees.

Hey, what's that up
there? Another fire stick?

Thankfully, no.
It's a martial eagle.

That must be Anga.

Hey, Anga! Down here!

Anga lenga.

She's coming down pretty fast.

And right at us.

- You do something to make her mad?
- Me?

I don't think she's gonna stop.

Hevi kabisa! Everyone duck!


Whoa. That landing
was un-Bunga-lievable.

I agree. For once.

Hey, Anga. I want you
to meet Kion and the...

Lion Guard. I know who you are.

Course you do.

We are the protectors
of the pride lands.

Defenders of the circle of life?

Uh, aren't we?

Of course we are.

But if you know who we are,
why did you buzz us like that?

That's how I land.

So, Anga, we were
hoping you could help us.

We need someone who can
fly really, really high, like you.

Sure seems like you're
the right bird for the job.

Did we mention it's a
job with the Lion Guard?

Let me talk to
her, bird to bird.

Anga, you would really
be helping us out if...

- I'm in.
- But you're the only one who can...

Wait, did she just
say she'd do it?

- Heh. Sounds like it.
- Yep.

So when do we start?

Hapana! More fire sticks.

Falling over embamba canyon.

Then we start now. Let's go.

Ono, Anga, find out where
those fire sticks are coming from.

We'll put out the fires.

Affirmative. Come on, ang... oh.

They're coming from up there.

Getting... hard
to breathe again.

Save your breath,
Ono. I got this.

Anga lenga.

Remember, whatever
you find, report back to me.



Vultures? Those bone pickers.

Anga lenga.

Oh, dear. Seems
we've been spotted.

By an eagle, no less.

Should we break off the attack?

Not without
putting it to a vote.

Oi. She's getting closer.

Ah. Then I propose
we break off the attack

and reconvene somewhere safe to discuss
whether we should break off the attack.

- All in favor?
- Aye.

Ahh. They're lucky I
promised to report back to Ono.

Everyone! Everyone!

We figured it out.

- Mm?
- Or Anga figured it out, really.

Uh, Anga? You wanna tell them?

It's the vultures.

They're the ones
dropping the fire sticks.

- Vultures?
- That's why we couldn't spot them.

Vultures can fly
very, very high.

Common knowledge, really.

Scar must have
put them up to it.

Well, it ends now. Now we
know what we're up against.

Thanks, Anga.

We're not gonna let scar's
vultures control the pride lands' skies.

That's right.

Let me at them vultures.

Bunga, you can't fly.

So? Anga can carry me up.

Then I'll send
those vultures flying.

Hyah! Hyah! Hunh!
Give me a lift?

Is that a yes?

You know, Bunga's right.

- I am?
- He is?

Yeah. If we're gonna fight the
vultures, we need sky power.

Hear that? Let's go, Anga.



Not like that, Bunga.

What we need are
birds. And lots of them.

Yes. That could totally work.

The trick is getting all
the birds to come together.

Yeah. Birds can
be kind of flighty.

Get it? Birds? They fly?

Of course.

I know who can help us
assemble a squadron of birds.




Great idea, Ono.

Wherever Hadithi
goes, birds follow.

Last I heard, Hadithi was
hanging out near the Urembo river.

Okay.Onogo ask Hadithi
if he'd be willing to help.

On it.

Thanks for your help,
Anga. Nice meeting you.

I could come too.
To find Hadithi.

Or whatever.

Sure. Come on.


You martial
eagles sure fly high.

We do.

And you're a very
impressive flyer, Anga.


I wish I could do that fast
swoop and sudden stop like you.

You do?

But you'reOno keenest of sight.

You're really special. Any
eagle can swoop and stop.

Oh, not just any eagle.

Well, it's pretty easy.
Come on. I'll show you.

♪ Take a deep breath
and I'll show you how ♪

♪ we'll soar as high as
your wings will allow ♪

♪ now swing them back
and lead with your beak ♪

♪ swoop and dive ♪

♪ and try not to speak ♪

♪ our wings are the
same but not much more ♪

♪ but even so we
still see and soar ♪

♪ height and sight ♪

♪ to fly and to see ♪

♪ we learn from each other ♪

♪ so come and follow me ♪

♪ I can see bugs
from high in the sky ♪

♪ I can stop a nose
dive midair while I fly ♪

♪ look down there
see the turaco nest? ♪

♪ Third tree from the cliff? ♪

♪ Hey, yeah I'm impressed ♪

♪ our wings are the
same but not much more ♪

♪ but even so we
still see and soar ♪

♪ height and sight ♪

♪ to fly and to see ♪

♪ we learn from each other ♪

♪ so come and follow me ♪

♪ height and sight ♪

♪ to fly and to see ♪

♪ we learn from each other ♪

♪ so come and follow me ♪

♪ so come and follow me ♪

There's the Urembo river.

Ahh! And there's Hadithi.

And then I rescued the
klipspringers from the hyenas.


Oh. I hope he's not back to
taking credit for things he didn't do.

Which I never could have done

withoutOnoof the Lion Guard
showing me how to be a real hero.


Huh. What do you know?

Come on, Anga.
Let me introduce you.

Ono! I was just telling these
fine birds about our adventures.

Everyone, meetOno
hero of the pride lands.

- Ono.
- Of the Lion Guard. Wow.

Uh, hi, everybody.

Um, Hadithi, this
is my friend Anga.

Well, any friend of
Ono's is a friend of mine.

What do you say, Anga?

Uh... um...

You're Hadithi!

Indeed, I am.

He's Hadithi! Hadithi the hero!

♪ Hadithi the hero
wherever he goes ♪

Yes. That's me.

So to what do I owe
this hOnor, old friend?

The Lion Guard
needs you, Hadithi.

Actually, all the
pride lands need you.

Me? Why would the
pride lands need me?

- You're Hadithi.
- Ah. Well, yes, of course.

Well, then. Let's be off.

"You're Hadithi"?
What was I thinking?

I think that's them.

Yep. They got Hadithi.

Think we should tell all
the birds about Hadithi?

I think they figured it out.

Thanks for coming, Hadithi.

Uh, everyone? Everyone?!

Please listen!

My fellow birds. It's
good to see you all again.

We missed you, Hadithi.

And I've missed each
and every one of you.

But, I believe Kion has
something important to tell us.

We've recently learned

that the fire sticks
falling on the pride lands

are coming from the vultures.

And that's why we've
asked all of you here.

The Lion Guard has shown
great bravery protecting you,

especially on the ground.

But now we need
to control the skies.

The outlanders want to scare
us. But I won't let that happen.

Together we'll teach them not to
mess with the birds of the pride lands.

Are they cheering?
I don't talk bird.

Wait a tick.

Anga? You see what I see?

Smoke trails.

And you know what that means.

So will you join me?

Are we together?


It looks they're headed for
the maumivu Thorn patch.

Those Thorn bushes are so
dried out they'll catch fire right away.

And with all the sharp thorns?

Once the fire's started, we'll
never be able to put it out.

Hadithi,Onodon't let the
vultures make it to the Thorn patch.

- Affirmative.
- Birds of the pride lands...

No, that doesn't sound right.

Hadithi's high-flying
heroes, follow me.

Together, we will protect
the skies of the pride lands.

What I wouldn't give
to be a bird right now.

We still have plenty of
work to do down here, Bunga.

Maumivu Thorn patch. Let's go.

There. Aim for the smoke trails.

All right, everyone.
This is it. Let's stop them.

Hmm. If we can
see them coming...

They can probably see us.

Remember, everyone,

scar wants this fire at
maumivu Thorn patch.

So don't drop your
fire before then.

Is that clear, mwoga?

Uh, yeah, mzingo. But look.

Oh, dear.

Quite a few pride land
birds coming towards us.

- What do we do?
- What we always do.

Fly higher than they can.

Emergency resolution to
gain altitude. Those in favor?


Everyone, they're
trying to fly above us.

Heh, heh. I do so enjoy
looking down on pride landers.

Anga lenga.

Was that your little friend?

Little? No. Friend? Yes.


High-flying heroes, engage!

Whoa! Look at them go.

And here come the fire sticks.

I got them, Kion. Twende kiboko.

- Nice.
- Way to go, big b. Uh-oh.

Great work. Let's keep it up.

Oi! Get out of me face!

Green bee-eaters, help Ono.

Whoa! Look what you made me do.

Hapana! Incoming!

Got it. Zuka zama!

Dirt. Is there
anything it can't do?

Reconvene! Reconvene!

Are they leaving?

Did we win?

I don't think so. They're
going back for more fire sticks.

We'll see about that.

Green bee-eaters, follow us.

Oh, dear.

Two against one?
That's hardly fair.

- Hyah! Aah!
- Whoa!

Hapana! Anga!

Gotta dive faster. Just
like Anga showed me.

I got you...

You got me? Who's got you?



I've got you both.


Oh, no.

Pull up! Pull up!

Phew. You okay, Anga?


Everyone okay?

Fine. Just need a second.

I'm Hadithi. I'll be fine.

As soon as I get
out of these thorns.

We gotta get back up there
and stop those vultures.

I'm afraid I'm grounded
for the moment.

Kion, use the roar.

Blast those vultures
out of the sky.

And all the pride lands
birds along with them?

Yeah. The vultures
are too spread out.

But if the pride lands birds got
the vultures all in one place...

Hadithi, we need you to lead
them in one last maneuver.

Sorry. Even if I
could extricate myself,

I'm not sure I'd be sky-worthy.

You can lead them, Ono.


I know you can do it.

Sometimes you have no
choice, Ono. You just have to lead.

Right. I'll do it.

- But, Anga, I'll need your help.
- You got it.

Go get them, kids.

I believe in you both.

Hadithi believes in me?

Better believe it.

Everyone? Everyone!

Ahem. Listen to me!

- Here's the plan.
- He's doing it.

Reconvene. Reconvene.

Ah, what now?

I'm getting dizzy.

- I propose we fly higher.
- Aye.

Oh, no, you don't.

Pride landers, Anga, clear out.

All clear, Kion!

I knew you could do it.

Thanks, Hadithi. That
means a lot coming from you.

And that means a
lot coming from you.

Those vultures will think twice
before coming back to the pride lands.

And if they do come back,
we'll be ready for them,

thanks to the birds
of the pride lands.

So, Anga?

How'd you like working with
Hadithi and the Lion Guard?

I could get used to it.

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪