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02x23 - The Hyena Resistance

Posted: 12/18/21 09:52
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

The zibra mastermind.

We got another
dust devil. Come on.

Ugh! That's the third one today.

Well, the conditions
are perfect.

Fair skies, no wind.

Hot air rises and
starts to rotate and...


It's headed for ukuni woods.

That's where the hyraxes live.

They better hang
on to their branches.


Here come the hyraxes!

Got you!

And I got you.

There it goes.

They don't last long, but
they sure make a mess.

There you go, little guy.

And I think this is yours.

Something tells me we're gonna
be chasing these things all day.

Great! I love catching hyraxes.

I think Kion meant
the dust devils.

- Right. Ono keep an eye out.
- Affirmative.

Lion guard? Excuse me.

We need to talk.

Do we have to?

I know what you're thinking,
but we should at least check it out.

Is there a problem?

I should say there is.

That dust devil mussed my mane.

And I got hit by a leaf.

The Lion Guard needs
to stop those dust devils,

so it doesn't happen again.

I wish we could,

but nobody knows when a
dust devil's gonna happen,

or where it's gonna go.

Then you should
stay on the alert.

Everyone! Everyone!

Another dust devil
on the Chakula plains!

We gotta go now.
Thanks for the advice.

Lion guard, let's move.

Yes, that's right.

Get moving, lion guard.

Did you see that?

I gave the Lion Guard advice,
and they did just what I suggested.

I don't know what the lion
guard would do if it wasn't for me.

In fact, I think you could say I'm
the real brains behind lion guard.

♪ The Lion Guard
might be tough ♪

♪ but they're really
not that bright ♪

♪ that's why they talk to me ♪

♪ I help them
make things right ♪

♪ I know so many things like ♪

♪ zebras are black and white ♪

♪ so the guard always
checks with me ♪

♪ before they go and fight ♪

♪ oh, yes, he's the best ♪

♪ the smartest
that you'll find ♪

♪ brighter than the rest ♪

♪ a tribute to our kind ♪

♪ when he takes the lead ♪

♪ we all fall behind ♪

♪ he's the zebra ♪

♪ zebra ♪

♪ zebra mastermind

♪ just ask me
and I'll tell you ♪

♪ I'm so very, very smart ♪

♪ if you need an answer
I am the place to start ♪

♪ I don't brag about my wisdom
I just don't have the heart ♪

♪ but if it weren't for me
the guard would fall apart ♪

♪ oh, yes, he's the best ♪

♪ the smartest
that you'll find ♪

♪ brighter than the rest ♪

♪ a tribute to our kind ♪

♪ when he takes the
lead we all fall behind ♪

♪ he's the zebra zebra ♪

♪ zebra mastermind ♪

The zebra mastermind, that's me.

♪ He's the zebra ♪

♪ zebra ♪

♪ zebra mastermind ♪

Did you see that?

Yeah. Who knew
zebras could dance?

And who knew a zebra was
the brains behind the Lion Guard.

I wonder what it would be
like being smart like that.

If we were smart, we'd be in that
big meeting with Janja and scar.

The one Janja said we couldn't go
to because we're not smart enough?


They're trying to figure out
how to beat the Lion Guard.

Oh! Ooh! But that zebra is
the brains behind the Lion Guard.

Oh, yeah!

If we took that zebra to scar,

the Lion Guard wouldn't
be smart no more!

Cheezi, didn't we
just get an idea?

Our very first one.

Let's go get that zebra.

I'm not in the grazing
mood anymore.

Ta-ta for now.

Psst. Hey, you, zebra.

You're coming with us.

Oh, hello there.

Haven't we met before?

Well, we did try to eat you
once when we were lost.

Oh, yes!

But you didn't, right?

I guess not.

Fabulous. Now what's all
this about going somewhere?

We're taking you
to a big, uh, party!

Yeah, right! And you'll
be the guest of hOnor.

Marvelous! Will there be snacks?

There will be if you're there.

Sounds like fun. Lead the way.

I can honestly tell you I
was not looking forward

to another afternoon
with the herd.

Oh, they're nice and all...

There goes another
one. Bye-bye, dust devil.

- What's the damage? Anybody hurt?
- Over here!

It's a pangolin. He's
rolled up under all this stuff.

Aw. Poor little fella.

Actually, it's a very
effective defense strategy.

You can relax now.
The danger's passed.

You okay?

Were there other
pangolins with you?

They could have rolled
off anywhere. Ono.

On it.

Say, have I been here before?

I think you was here
with the Lion Guard once.

Hmm. Perhaps I led them here.

Finding their way around is
not one of their strong points.

Wait, wait, wait! The lion
guard's got weak point?

Oh, my, yes.

Uh, like what?

Well, like flowers.


Once, we were in a
field of fluffy red flowers,

just one sniff and they all started
sneezing and sneezing, and sneezing.

They were so overcome
from sneezing that anyone,

anyone could've beaten them.

Anyone? Chungu, come here.

You hear that?

When the Lion Guard sniffed them
flowers anyone can beat them.

Uh, so?

We're anyone.

Oh, yeah. We are!

So instead of
giving scar the zebra,

what if we gave
him the Lion Guard?

Ooh, he'd like that even better!

And all we gotta do is stick
flowers under the Lion Guard's noses.

Uh, hey, zebra. We got to go,
um, do something real important.

So we need you
to stay here, okay?

And then we'll go to the party?

Yeah. Yeah, the party. Right.

So do not go anywhere, okay?

I will be right here when
you return. Zebra's hOnor.

Uh, and, uh, where did
you say those flowers were?

The ones that make
the Lion Guard sneeze.

Ah, yes.

They're right next
to the place with

that big thing with
all that stuff on it.

Oh, yeah. I know that place.

Then let's get going! Come on!

I hope they don't bring
any of those flowers here.

I'm not fond of the smell,
and they make me sneeze.


Was it the Lion Guard who
sneezed at the flowers or was it me?

Oh, well. Either way, it
makes for a fascinating story.

Twende kiboko!

Hey, pangy-angolin.
Everything is okay now.

You're good to unroll and relax.

He might be more willing to
relax if you stop shaking him.

Mm. Good point.

Aw. I love a happy ending.

Then we will give you an
ending you will not forget.

Yeah, that's right.

Cheezi? Chungu?

What's going on you
two? Where's Janja?

Give it up, lion guard.

Yeah. Or you're gonna get this.

What are they doing?

It looks like they
brought us flowers.

Should we have
gotten them something?

That's right!

We got flowers and we
ain't afraid to use them.

We warned you, now take that.

And that!

And that, and that!

Yeah! Oh, we got you now!

Are they attacking us?

- How do you like that?
- Maybe?

Your turn.

Are you done?

Chungu, the flowers ain't
making them sneeze at all.

They're not?

Stop it!

I don't know why you want us to
sneeze, but we're putting an end to it.

Thanks for the
flowers. Now beat it.

Let's get out of here!

Good idea. Twende kiboko!

Why didn't the flowers
make them all sneezy?

Maybe we picked the
wrong kind of flowers?

That was different.

Yeah. I wonder what
they were really up to.

Hapana! No time to wonder.

We've got another dust devil.

Lion guard, let's go.

Goigoi! Wake up!

Huh? Honey paws?
Why you rousting me?

Scar's called a big meeting
for all of the pack leaders.

Okay, okay. I'm coming.

You're not invited.

I'm not? Phew!

What is it now, sugar snout?

I woke you because I want
you to round up some supper.

Me? Hunt?

That's right. Make
yourself useful for a change.

If I come back and find no food,
I better not find you here either,

you do-nothing lollygagger!

Do-nothing? Lollygagger?

It's like she thinks
I can't do nothing.

Well, I'll show her.

I'll do something so amazing...

Hmm, I'll be a baboon's brother.

That there is a month's
worth of fine dining.

Once I bring it home,

Reirei will have to admit
I've done something.

Oh! Well, hello there.

Eh... howdy, stranger.

What's a big juicy, uh, handsome
fella like you doing in these parts?

I am waiting for
my hyena friends.

- They're taking me to a big party.
- A party?

Yes. Because I'm an
expert on the Lion Guard.

The hyenas especially enjoyed
hearing about their weaknesses.

The Lion Guard has weaknesses?

Oh, yes.

You know, sometimes
they run right past me,

like they don't see me at all.

It's my stripes, of course.

They make me invisible
to lots of animals,

including the Lion Guard.

Invisible, huh?

So you can say you sneak up on all of
them, and they never see you coming?

Well, perhaps. But
you see there's...

So your stripes would let you
take the whole lion guard by surprise

and defeat them all by yourself?

I suppose.

But why would
anyone wanna do that?

Because it would really
be doing something,

and then Reirei would
know I ain't a do-nothing.

I see. Who's Reirei?

Wait here until I get back.

I'm gonna make you a big
part of my victory celebration.

Wonder where I could
get me some stripes?

Hmm. I wonder if I told my
stripes only make me invisible

when I'm surrounded
by other zebras?

Oh, well. I'll tell
him at the party.

That's right. Keep
going, dust devil.

The Lion Guard's here.

Heyvi kabisa! What
happened to you guys?

The dust devil
caught us in this gully.

At least, it was a gully
until all the sand blew in.

Don't worry. We'll
have you out in no time.

What do you know?

These red Berry
stripes really work.


Eh, keep doing what you're
doing. Nothing to see here.

Just an invisible jackal.

Uh, Goigoi, what makes
you think you're invisible?

Because I got stripes.

And the Lion Guard can't see
critters with stripes on them.

You think I'm here,
but I'm really here.

Or am I here? Who knows?

Maybe I'm right up in your face.

You have no idea.

You're about to get whooped
and you won't even see it...

That ain't fair!

I'm supposed to be invisible.

What's with all
these crazy att*cks?

I don't know. It doesn't
make any sense.

So did Kiburi say why we
couldn't go to scar's big meeting?

Yeah. Something about
us having fish for brains.

Hey, speaking about fish,
let's go find something to eat.

Ooh! That sounds good.

What you in the mood for?
Hyrax? Lizard? Mole rat?

Uh, how about a zebra?

Tamka, there ain't no
zebras in the outlands.

So what about him?

Shh. If we're quiet, he'll be
leftovers by the time he wakes up.


Oh, now you woke him.

Who me? I wasn't asleep. I
was merely resting my eyes.

Ain't you gonna panic and run?

What? And miss the big party?

Party? You mean the big
meeting? You were invited?

Not just invited, I am
the guest of hOnor.

Because I'm the pride
lands lion guard expert.

I know everything about them.


Oh, let me guess.

You wanna hear about
their weak points too.

Uh, okay.

Although, I'm sort of
running out of them...

Oh! I know!

I heard somewhere that
if you rub their tummies,

they'll all fall fast asleep.

- You believe it?
- Sure. I mean, it works on me.

Hey, we should tell Kiburi.

No! We ought to
fight the Lion Guard.

Put them to sleep and hand
them over to scar all by ourselves.

Then maybe next time, we'll
get to go to the big meeting.

Yeah, good idea.

- See you around, zebra.
- Ta-ta, crocodiles.

Oh, yes.

Rubbing my tummy
always puts me to sleep.

Gracious! Was I
talking about me again?

Oh, well.

Don't worry, Mbuni,
I'm almost there!

Oh, at last.

Thank you, lion
guard. Thank you.

Just doing our job.

We won't be needing
another dust-bath for a while.

- Okay, everybody, time for a break.
- Sounds good to me.

Oh, come on! Now, these guys?


- What do you want?
- You'll see soon enough!

That's right! We're
gonna put you to sleep.

What in the pride lands?


What kind of fighting
do you call this?

Uh, tamka, this ain't working.

Keep trying. Maybe, it
takes a while to kick in.

You're getting sleepy.

When you guys wake
up, you'll be facing scar.

Are they serious?

Apparently so.

So go to sleep already!

Yeah, we rubbed your tubbies.
Why are you still awake?

That's why you're trying
to rub out tummies?

What's going on
with you guys today?

- Sleepy.
- That's it!

I can't wait to get home.

I'm still aching all over.

Me too.

That Beshte doesn't
know his own...

You hear something?

Goigoi, what is wrong with you?

I ran into the Lion Guard.

Or the Lion Guard ran into me!

What happened to you?

We got bounced around
good by the Lion Guard.

And it's all that lousy,
no-good, zebras fault.


Did that donkey with
stripes trick you guys too?

He sure did.

That snooty, striped bag
of hot air is good for nothing!

Except for eating maybe.

That's the first good
idea I've heard all day.

Then what are we waiting for?

It's lunchtime!

Kion? What's the kurbubble?

All those crazy att*cks.

Scar's gotta be up to
something. But what?

What makes you
think scar's involved?

Because those guys don't do anything
unless somebody smarter tells them to.

But why would scar send them
after us on such silly missions?

Maybe he's up to
something really big,

and he's just trying
to keep us distracted.

Ono, take a look
at the outlands.

See if there's
anything going on.




That doesn't look good.

No sign of any big attack.

But I did see a
zebra in the outlands.

- A zebra?
- Yes.

And he's surrounded by Chungu,
Cheezi, Goigoi, tamka, and nduli.

Did you recognize the zebra?

It was, uh...

"Panic and run! Panic and run!"

That guy?

I know what you're thinking,
Fuli. But he's still a pride lander.

We've got to save him. Come on!

Now are we going
to this party or not?

Don't worry, zebra.

We're gonna have
a party, all right.

Listen, if we're gonna do
this, there's gotta be a fair split.

How's about the hyenas
get the ribs and brisket,

the crocs get the shanks
and I get the rump.

No way! We want the rump.

- I want a wing.
- I couldn't help but overhear.

If you wanna know the
tastiest part of a zebra,

ask a zebra.

Now I've always been
told that my tri-tip is espe...

Shut it, zebra.

We're sick of your
ridiculous stories!

Well, no need to be rude.

I'm just trying to be
entertaining and informative.

I don't even know
what those words mean.

Back off and hush up.

Now where were we?

- Figuring out who gets the wing.
- Excuse me.

Yoo-hoo. One last
word of advice?


Panic and run.

- That's three words.
- But its good advice.

We're here to take
the zebra home.

Don't make is do
it the hard way.

You don't scare us,
lion guard. Bring it on!

You asked for it.


Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Twende kiboko!

Zuka zama!

The zebra was right for
a change. Panic and run!

Panic and run! Panic and run!

Where are they going?
We were headed for a party.

They invited you to a party?

That's right. They all wanted
to talk to me about you.

Like how flowers make us sneeze?

Well... Or that we
can't see stripes.

Or if you rub our
tummies, we fall asleep.

Perhaps I may have mentioned
something along those lines.

Ever think you
might talk too much?

- Me?
- Come on, let's go home.

Well, perhaps I do
talk a tad too much.

But I can do better. In
fact, I'll start right now.

You'll see, I won't make a peep.

Not a peep!

Nope, not a single peep
from me. You're not...

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪