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02x21 - Cave of Secrets

Posted: 12/18/21 09:47
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

Undercover kinyonga.

Any sign of Ono?

Nope. Too bad he's not here.
Ono could spotOnofor sure.

Wait. There he is!

And... uh-oh. He's not alone!

Leaving so soon, Ono?

You've hardly had a chance
to get a good look around.

Don't touch the tail feathers.

Motion to attack from above
and behind at the same time?


Keep out of our skies, Ono.
You won't be so lucky next time!

Yeah. We'll catch
you sooner or later.

You guys couldn't catch
an updraft with both wings.

Good going!

Yeah. Mzingo and mwoga
got a beak-full of dirt for lunch.

Thanks. It was a
little too close for me.

What'd you see, Ono?

The crocs and jackals
are still in Kilio valley.

But the hyenas are
moving towards the volcano.

Maybe scar has plans for Janja.

Maybe. The vultures chased me
off before I could see anything else.

Sorry, Kion.

It's okay, Ono. I'm just glad
you made it back in one piece.

More or less.

It doesn't matter what scar's
planning. the Lion Guard will beat him!

I sure hope so, little b.

We need to stay alert.

Scar could make his
next move any time now.

Panic and run!

Panic and run!

What's up with the zebras?

Only one way to
find out. Come on!

Slow down, everybody.

You heard the lion.

Easy there, zebra-deebra!

Is everyone calmer now?

So what made
you panic this time?

Jackals? Hyenas? Dung beetles?

Uh, back there!


So what's the problem?

The rock.

The rock is the problem.
Something must be done about it.

The rock. Okay.
Let's go check it out.

Bad rock! Bad, bad,
rock. There. We done?

You don't understand. It talked.

The rock talked?

It most certainly did.
We all heard it. Didn't we?

A talking rock?

Like my dad always says, "you never know
what you might see until you see it."

All I see is a rock.

Lion guard! Help!

Twiga? What's wrong?

That tree, over there.

I tried to scratch my back
against it and it yelled at me!

It yelled at you?

Yes! It said, "careful.
I'm standing here."

First a talking rock.
Now a yelling tree.

Next thing you know
the grass will be singing.

You know what this means.

- You don't have to...
- Panic and...

Stop! Just calm down.
the Lion Guard's here.

Yeah. We'll protect you
from rocks, trees, and grass.

Okay. Everyone just stay calm.
Please. We'll go check it out.

I don't get it.

I know the zebras are
easily spooked. But not Twiga.

Yeah. Why would she
say she heard a voice?

Unless she really did.

Are you saying the
tree really talked?

No, but I think Twiga
heard something.

Perhaps it was an
animal cry from far away.

Sound can travel
great distances.

Common knowledge, really...

Something ran over my foot!

I don't see anything.

- Oops!
- What is that?

Where'd you come from?

Who, me? Just pretend
you never saw me.

I think we just found
our talking rock.

Where'd she go?

This way.

What did I miss?

I can't see you, but
maybe I can smell you.

Ah-ha! Here you are.

Not for long.


Over here! I saw her!

Hello? Are you here?

I've never seen anyone
disappear like you do.

You haven't seen anything yet.

Whoa! Is that your tongue?

Yes, it is.


Whoa! That tickles.

Hey, wait up! We
just wanna talk.

There she goes again.

How does she do that?

Now that I've seen her, I can
tell you exactly how she does it.

She's a chameleon.

Chameleons change their colors
to blend in with their surroundings.

It makes them almost invisible.



Okay, you got me.



Nobody's ever been able to see
me before. unless I get really scared.

Then I turn all
kinds of crazy colors.

Well, I could see you because
I am the keenest of sight.

Keenest of sight?
You must be Ono.

You guys are the Lion Guard.

Yep, you got that right!

What's your name, chameleon?
And why did you run from us?

I'm kinyonga. And I ran
because you chased me.

Makes sense to me.

Sorry if we scared
you, kinyonga.

We just wanted to know why you
were spooking Twiga and the zebras.

Oh, I didn't mean to. I
was trying to be friendly.

Sometimes I forget
that I'm camouflaged



It's what we chameleons call it when
we blend in with what's around us.

Let me show you.

♪ Camouflage is what
I call my neat ability ♪

♪ blending in is what I do ♪

♪ just look close
because you won't see ♪

♪ am I here or am I here ♪

♪ I change shades
and disappear ♪

♪ take a look hide and seek ♪

♪ yes, my skill is so unique ♪

♪ well, I could stay
one tone but I won't ♪

♪ so now you see
me now you don't ♪

♪ Shadows that I make ♪

♪ might scare an
unsuspecting friend ♪

♪ but scaring other
animals is not what I intend ♪

♪ am I here or am I there

♪ could it be that
I know where ♪

♪ take a look hide and seek ♪

♪ yes my skill is so unique ♪

♪ well you can try to
catch me but you won't ♪

♪ so now you see
me now you don't ♪

♪ my colors change
to help me hide ♪

♪ wherever I might run ♪

♪ but sometimes I just change
so I can have some fun ♪

♪ oh, am I here or am I here ♪

♪ I change shades
and disappear ♪

♪ take a look, hide and seek ♪

♪ yes, my skill is so unique ♪

♪ well, I can stay
one tone but I won't ♪

♪ so now you see me ♪

♪ now you don't ♪

That was the most
amazing thing I've ever seen.

Especially the
parts I couldn't see.

Ah, thanks. I was just
doing what comes naturally.

Well, kinyonga, you
can color me impressed.

Get it?

- She changes colors? I'm impressed?
- Ugh!

It's nice to meet you, kinyonga.

But please be careful
when you're camouflaged.

You might cause another panic.

Especially around zebras.

I'll do my best not to scare
anyone else. I promise.

Thank you. We've got enough
to deal with trying to figure out

what the outlanders
are gonna do next.

Sorry I couldn't find out more
before the vultures spotted me.

It's okay, Ono.

I know it's not easy to slip into
the outlands without being seen.

Oh! Oh!

I could do that.

I don't think so.

There's some really bad
stuff going on in the outlands.

Oh, I know. Scar's back.

You know about scar?

Yeah! I heard the
skinks talking about him.

The skinks talked about
scar? Right in front of you?

It's amazing what you hear
when nobody can see you.

And scar sounds like bad news
for everyone in the pride lands.

Let me go into the outlands and
find out what's going on for you.

I've been there lots of times.
Nobody sees me come or go.

Scar's inside the volcano. There
are bad guys all over the place.

What if one of them spots you?

Why would they? You guys didn't.

She's got a point.

We really do need to
know what scar's up to.

You promise to be careful?

I'll be in and out before
anybody knows I was there.

But if somebody does see you...

Never gonna happen.

And be back before sunset!

Yeah. You don't wanna
be in the outlands at night.

No problem.

See you around!

Or will we?


What you growling at, Chungu?

That wasn't me,
that was my tummy.

Let's go find something to eat.

But Janja told us to stay
here while he talks to scar.

We're the lookouts.

What are we looking out for?

I don't know. Whatever
shows up, I guess.

Whatever it is,
it better be tasty.

Because I'm so hungry
I could eat that rock.


Where'd that come from?

I do not know. But
I'm gonna eat it.

Not if I eat it first.

Hey, where'd it go?

Aww, you ate the
whole thing yourself.

I did not. You did.

Did I?

Uh, yeah.

No fair. I'm the hungry
one and you get the snack!

And it was good too.

Out of the way, skinks.

Watch where
you're walking, Janja.

If you're so good at spying,
you can watch out for me.

You're late!

I was about to send
out the skinks to find you!

Don't go getting
your scales in a knot.

Spare me your sarcasm.

And don't ever keep
me waiting again.

Back off, ushari. You
ain't the boss of me.


But I am.

And I have no time for
these ridiculous arguments.

Sorry, scar. But he started it.


Janja, I summoned
you here for a reason.

You have the hOnor of
carrying out my latest plan.

It will bring suffering
to the pride lands

and leave them weakened
and begging to surrender.

Janja, take your hyenas
into the pride lands.

Go to the rocky river bank
above hakuna matata falls.

Wait for the cover of darkness.

Then push the rocks into the river
and block the water from flowing.

Got it. Push rocks in
river and stop the water.

Um, how come?

It will cut off a major water supply
in the middle of the dry season.

And that's bad, right?

So, so bad.

Just take your clan and go.

I'm going, I'm going.

The pride lands are
about to get very thirsty.

And with thirst will come
unrest, desperation, and chaos.

Scar! Scar! Somebody's there.

Who dares spy on me?


A chameleon.

Stop the intruder!

Skinks, with me.

Kinyonga should be back by now.

I know.

I sure hope she's okay.

She should be.

Camouflage is very
effective at evading detection.

It sure is.

See? Or did you not see?

I saw.

Ono, take a look?


Watch out for vultures.


That chameleon couldn't have
gotten far. Spread out and search.

- Coming through.
- Oh!

Waza, you see where she went?

Ugh. Well, she's gotta be
around here some place. Find her!

Everyone, everyone!
I've spotted kinyonga.

And she's being
chased by the skinks!

Oh, no.

Time for a rescue.

Ono, lead the way.

Wait! What if the
vultures see us coming?

They'll call for reinforcements.

We could end up
facing scar's whole army.

So? Bring them on!

Easy, Bunga.

We need to save
kinyonga, not start a battle.

But I think I know how to get into
the outlands without being seen.

We've got her surrounded.
She's in there somewhere.

Don't let her get
away this time.

Ow! Gotta run.

Nyeusi! Nyata! Use
your speed. Stop her!

I appreciate the escort, but
I can find my own way out.

Very funny. Ready, njano? Now!


Now we've got
you! You're trapped.

I'm sorry. Were
you looking for me?

Doesn't matter what color you
turn. You won't get past us again.

And you won't get past us.

Who said that? Who's "us"?

We are.

Leave the chameleon
alone, skinks.

You heard the tree. Beat it!

The Lion Guard!
Let's get out of here!

Look at you.

And I thought I was
good at blending in.

We took some tips
from the master.

Are you okay?

Yes, but the pride
lands might not be.

Scar ordered Janja and his clan

to block the river above
hakuna matata falls.

Then we've got no
time to lose. Let's go!

Okay. Here we are.

Here we are where?

Doesn't matter. Just
break up into teams

and start pushing
rocks into the river.

And nobody stops
until the water does.

Cheezi! Chungu!

Yeah, Janja?

You guys push this rock.

But that's the
biggest one. Why us?

Because you're
the biggest furbrains.

Aw, thanks, Janja.

This is the easiest plan
scar's ever given us.

Hey! This rock
feels kind of funny.

Yeah. It's all squishy.

Who are you calling squishy?

And it's got a face.

What's going on over there?

They just met a talking rock.

Huh? Who said that?

I think you guys are
done for the night.

Ever seen a rock with claws?

You should be more
careful who you push around.

That's right. Keep moving.

Chungu. Cheezi. Get back here.

And, you, stay away!

What... who are you?

Can't you see?

I'm the one who's
about to kick your tail.

Wait a minute. I
know that voice.

The Lion Guard.

I knew that was Kion's voice.

Where'd they come from?

How'd they just
appear like that?

- They learned it from me.
- Whoa!


What was that?

Uh... I think it was my lunch.

But I thought you ate it.

Furbrains, shh.
You hear something?

Scar's gonna be mad the
lion guard beat us again.

So I won't tell him.

I'll say we were beat by a
bush, a tree, some rocks,

and a clump of grass.

It's that kind of thinking
that makes you Janja, Janja.

Keep going, Janja!

We're going, we're going.

Thanks, kinyonga.

Without your help,
we might not have...


Huh! I wonder where she went?

How do we know
she's really gone?

Sorry, Kion.

I've looked all morning, and I
haven't seen kinyonga anywhere!

That's the problem with having
a friend who's a chameleon.

I hope she shows up.

I want to thank her again for all
the help she gave us last night.

Wait a minute. Look over there.

I bet kinyonga's camouflaged
on that rock again.

I have to say, you are the
nicest talking rock I've ever met.

Thank you.

And I must say you're the
handsomest zebra I've ever met.

Yes, well, that's
what all the rocks say.


Oh, hi, everybody.

Where'd you go last night?

I thought you
might be mad at me.

Why would we be mad?

I scared those hyenas
and they fell into the river.

I broke my promise
not to scare anyone.

If it's Janja and his
hyenas, scare away.

Phew! I am glad to hear that!

But I won't scare anybody else!

Excuse me! Do you mind?

I was chatting with
my friend, the talking...


Panic and run! Panic and run!

Oh, no. I'm sorry.

Not your fault.

Lion guard, let's
round them up. Again.

Till the pride lands end...

Lion guard defend!

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪