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02x20 - Undercover Kinyonga

Posted: 12/18/21 09:44
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

The Kilio valley fire.

That's it! Keep it up, everyone!
We can't let the fire spread.


The fire break's done, Kion.

Great job, Fuli. Beshte,
Bunga, Bury the flames!

You got it, Kion.

Heads up!

Great work, guys.

The fire could have been a lot
worse for ma tembo and the elephants.

Kilio valley is safe now, ma
tembo. You're good to go back.

Thank you, Kion, lion guard.

Too bad you didn't
get here sooner.

My favorite grove's
been completely burned.

Zito, that's a small sacrifice
compared to what could have been.

Uh, guys, do you see that?

What are those?

I don't know. Ono?

I'll see what I can see.

It's fire! From the sky! They
must be embers from the fire.

I thought we put them all out.

Well, clearly you missed some!


Lion guard, it's up to
us to put out those fires.

But, Kion, the
fire's everywhere.

Then we will be too.

My strongest
elephants can help too.

Zito, zigo, johari, help the
lion guard fight these fires.

The rest of you, follow
me, and stay close.

Thank you, ma tembo.

Okay. Zito, zigo, you're with
Fuli and Bunga on the fire breaks.

Let's make sure
they work this time.

Johari, Beshte, Ono put out
as many flames as you can.

Got it.

I need to make more fire breaks.
Keep putting out those flames.

As if I wouldn't
have otherwise...


Not this time, falling sky-fire.

Yeah! Give me some trunk!

I got this one, johari. Grab more
dirt and get on the other fires.

Stay close, everyone.

And keep your trunks to the
ground where there's less smoke.

It ain't the smoke you
gotta worry about. It's us!


Circle the little
ones, and move!

Why, hello, elephants!

Away from the jackals,
everyone! This way!

Guess again, ma tembo.

Face it, ma tembo.

Between us and the fires,
you got nowhere to go.

Oh, no! Kion! Kion!

Ma tembo's herd! They're surrounded
by hyenas, jackals, and crocodiles!

All at the same time?

- Scar.
- Scar?

He's behind this.

So what do we do?

We save the herd.
Forget the fire.

Forget the fire?

There's no other choice. Tell the
rest of the guard and the elephants.


Hello, morsel.

Goodbye, Janja!

Kion, there's too many of them.

And the fire's headed this way.

We have to retreat. Ono
find the safest way out of here.


I've got it! But we'll need to move
quickly before the fire spreads!

Then lead the way. Beshte,
clear the path for the elephants.

- You got it.
- Bunga, Fuli, keep them safe.

- Will do.
- Let's go!

Get away from her!

Ma tembo, we need to get
everyone out of Kilio valley!

You want us to leave? But...

I want to save your herd.
So we gotta go! Now!

Everyone! Follow the Lion Guard
out of the valley! Immediately!

This way, everyone!

Fires are a part of the
circle of life. But this...

This was the biggest
fire I've ever seen.

- I'm so sorry, ma tembo.
- You're sorry?

If you'd put out the fire
properly to begin with,

we elephants would
still have a home!

You're right.

You know, fires do clear the
way for new plants to grow.

It's true. Our valley will
return. And so will we.

But in the meantime, we
elephants need a new place to live.

Somewhere we
can all be together.

I can't make up for
the fire, ma tembo.

But I promise, I'll find you
the perfect place to stay.

Thank you, Kion. I know
we can always rely on you.

We did good, boys.
Just like scar asked.

Now he's gonna know
he can rely on us hyenas.

You hyenas? You couldn't
find your own tails without us!

Why? Where'd they go?

Quit it. You're making me dizzy.

We all know it's the crocs
who made this day a success.

Yes, did someone say "success"?

It seems our mission has
been a rousing success.

And all thanks to we
vultures' pyrotechnic genius.

"Genius"? If you're so smart,
why's mwoga still holding that stick?

Oi! Emergency motion to
allow me to extinguish this fire!

Motion rescinded.

Whatever. Come on,
furbrains. Our job's done here.

- Let's go back to the outlands.
- "Go"?

But you've only just arrived.

Scar? Uh... what
are you doing here?

I came to say well done.

Kilio valley is ours, for as long
as we remain and lay claim to it.

So there's no going back.

You mean, you
want us to stay here?

But why?

All part of my plan.

We will take over the
pride lands piece by piece.

So in the end,

there will be nothing left
for the Lion Guard to defend!

Ma tembo, welcome
to your new home.

Ndefu grove? You're making
us live with the galagos?

Hush, zito. It looks
like a fine place to stay.

It is. It's big,
there's lots to eat,

and the galagos are
always really welcoming.

- Welcome!
- See?

Laini, there was a fire in Kilio valley,
so ma tembo and her elephants...

Need a place to stay? Oh,
we'd love to help! Come on in!

Like my dad always says:

"There's always room for
another hippo in the watering hole."

Thank you, Laini.

Our pleasure,
ma... Oh, my! Laini?

Hey, look at that!

The elephants and galagos
are already playing together!

I don't think it's
a game, Bunga.

- Kion, this is a disaster!
- A disaster!

It's okay, Laini. I've got this.

Elephants, hold still!

See? Everything's okay now.

But only because
they're not moving!

When they walk, the ground
shakes, and the trees move, and...

We elephants don't want to
cause any trouble for you, Laini.

We can find some
other place to stay.


I mean, if you think Kion
can find you some place else...

Oh, without a doubt.

I said I'd find you a
new home, and I will.

Elephants, follow me!


It just makes sense. Giraffes
and elephants are both big.

You both eat leaves.
It's a perfect match!

I suppose. If they really
need some place to stay.

Thank you, Twiga.

Ma tembo, you and your herd
are welcome in acacia grove!

Oh, what a relief.
Thank you, Twiga.

Pride landers helping pride
landers. That's what it's all about.

Yeah. It really is.

What? What are you doing?


I'm eating.

But you pulled down
the whole branch!

Well, yes. It's how we
elephants eat. Look around.


Twiga, I know the
elephants' ways are different.

But please. They need help.

Then get someone
else to help them.

If they stay here, they'll
eat our whole grove!

- Twiga...
- Giraffes need food too, Kion!

Do you want us to starve?

I guess the giraffes don't
want us around either.

I'm sure it's not that.

She's worried about
her own herd, that's all.

There is another place
we can go, isn't there?

I know the perfect place.

Lots of space,
beautiful groves of trees.

Oh, wait. The lion
guard let it burn.

There is another place. I
just need to figure out where.

Their home is gone, bupu.
Can they stay here for a while?


Well, since you asked politely.

Thanks, bupu.

Yes, thank you.

Elephants, let's make
ourselves at home!


Beshte, are the antelopes
going to kick us out too?

- Um...
- No. They're not.


A little time, bupu. That's all I
need. Just so I can figure this out.

How much time do
you think he'll give you?

Not much. Ono? Check
the damage in Kilio valley.

Try to get an idea of how long it'll be
before the elephants can move back.


It doesn't look good. The whole
valley's been burned pretty bad.

I don't see any
plants left at all.

- What is it?
- It's Goigoi!

And all the hyenas,
jackals, and crocs.

And mzingo and the vultures too!

That doesn't make sense.
Why wouldn't they just go home?

Because scar wants them to stay.

That must have
been his plan all along.

He didn't just wanna
scare the elephants.

He wanted to take
over Kilio valley, forever.

No way! He can't do that!

Can he?

I think he already has.

The pride lands
just got smaller.

And I let it happen.

We all agree this place is a
dump and no one likes it, right?

I think it's cozy.

Well, since everyone
else hates it,

I'm willing to do you a favor
and have us hyenas be in charge.

You hyenas?

No way. Scar didn't say
nothing about you running things.

Territorial leadership
claims cannot be determined

without proper
parliamentary procedure!

- Isn't that right?
- Aye!

We don't need no procedure.
Just let me run this dump!

♪ I'm gonna run this dump,
just you wait and see ♪

♪ and when I run this
dump, you all bow to me ♪

♪ I'll be king of dirt, ruler of ash,
lord of a muck, a kingdom of trash ♪

♪ I'm gonna run this dump,
just you wait and see ♪

Oh, you think so, do you?

♪ I'm gonna run this dump,
because I'm the smartest here ♪

♪ but when I run this dump
there's no need to fear ♪

♪ I'll treat you nice, I'll be so kind
just bring me all the food you find ♪

♪ and I'll run this dump
because I'm the smartest here ♪

Okay, my turn.

♪ I'm gonna run this dump
with everyone in this tree ♪

♪ and then I'll run this
dump democratically ♪

♪ you all get a vote,
but I'll get the most ♪

♪ no need to count,
it's true, not to boast ♪

♪ I'm gonna run this
dump quite deservedly ♪

I don't sing.

♪ Then I'll run this dump ♪

♪ no, I'll run this dump ♪

♪ I'll run this dump ♪

♪ just you wait and see ♪

I can't let scar win.

He may have
destroyed Kilio valley,

but I won't let him turn the
pride landers against each other.

What are you
worried about, Kion?

I bet by now the antelopes
love having the elephants around!

I wouldn't be so
sure about that.

It looks like the antelopes
have kicked them out too!

This can't keep
happening. Come on!

Ma tembo!

Ma tembo, whatever happened between
you and the antelope, I can fix it.

Thank you, Kion, but we don't
want to stay where we're not wanted.

And it seems we're not wanted
anywhere in the pride lands.

Are you kidding? Just because
the galagos didn't want you,

and the giraffes didn't want you,
and the antelopes didn't want you...

You know, he might have a point.

There's still lots of other places.
Like the zebra's grazing grounds, or...

Thank you for trying, Kion,
but I'm afraid zito is right.

My herd needs a real home.

It seems we'll have to
leave the pride lands.

Goodbye, Beshte.


Kion, what are we gonna do?

I'll be back.

Grandfather Mufasa?

Yes, Kion? I'm here.

Grandfather, I
failed the pride lands.

I lost Kilio valley to scar.

And the loss weighs
heavily on you.

Of course it does!

My whole job is to
protect the pride lands!

And I couldn't do it!

There is more to the
pride lands than just land.

What happened to the
elephants of Kilio valley?

They're all okay.

But they're leaving
the pride lands

because I can't find
a new home for them.

Maybe they're right to doubt me.

What other animals think
is beyond your control.

But don't let their doubt
cause you to doubt yourself.

You have indeed
suffered a defeat.

But how you deal with defeat

is just as important as
how you deal with victory.

Kion! Kion!

Ono, what's going on?

It's another fire! This
time in ndefu grove!

Was it scar again? Where
are Janja and the others?

Let me see.

They're still in Kilio valley.
And they're fighting each other.

Well, at least this new
fire isn't one of scar's plans.

Come on! Let's go
save ndefu grove.

Okay. Beshte, Ono you two...

Lion guard! Lion guard!

You have to save my galagos!
Please! Please! Please!

Oh. Sorry!

Don't worry, Laini.
We'll save them.

Let's go.

Help! Help us!

Just aim for my spots and jump!

- We'll catch you, don't worry!
- Yeah! I'm a great catcher!

See? I'm good at this.
Wanna do it again?

Kion, the fire's spreading. Ono
and I can't put it out fast enough.

Indeed! I'm afraid we
might lose ndefu grove!

No. I'm not losing any
more of the pride lands.

We just need some help.

Keep at it, guys!
Don't give up yet!

- Hooray!
- Yay! Hooray!

Thank you, lion
guard. Thank you!

Ma tembo, please stop. Please!

Kion, I know you
want us to stay...

It's not about that right
now. I need your help.

Ndefu grove is on fire, and
we can't save it on our own.

Ndefu grove? Shame there
aren't any elephants living there...

Zito, hush.

Zito, ma tembo, I'm so sorry the
other animals didn't take you in.

But you're still pride
landers. Please.

Help me show everyone
what that really means.

- Of course we'll help.
- We will?

Yes, zito. The pride
landers are our family.

And you don't turn your back on
family. Even when they make mistakes.

Stay with the little ones.

Everyone else, with me!

We'll go to ndefu grove
by way of lake kiziwa!

Thank you, ma tembo.

Don't worry about me
then. I'm staying right here.

With family that
appreciates elephants.

Am I right?

I'll take that as a yes.

It's Kion! With help!

Ready? Now!

Wow, that feels
great! Do it again!

Zito! You came!

Yes, well, you don't
turn your back on family.

Unless your back will save
them from a falling tree.

Thanks, zito. Come
on! Let's put out this fire.

Is it over?

Thanks to the elephants,
the damage isn't bad.

Once everything cools
down, you can go back.

Thank you.

And thank you.

You and your elephants saved our
home even after we pushed you away.

We know how it
feels to lose a home.

We were proud
to help save yours.

Please live with us galagos!
We'd love to have you!

Thank you. Your
offer is most generous.

Isn't it, zito?

Well, we have to
live somewhere...


I think this might
actually turn out okay.

I always knew it would.

Kilio valley...

We'll get you back home
one day, ma tembo. I promise.

Thank you, Kion. I look
forward to having our land back.

But as for home,
we're already here.

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪