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02x15 - The Little Guy

Posted: 12/18/21 09:33
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

The golden zebra.

We were here first.

No, we were.

Everyone, please, stay calm.

You all get water, but
you need to wait your turn.

But what if there's nothing
left by the time we get our turn?

I've never seen
the water this low.

What will we do
when it runs out?

What will we do?

We all need water.

I... I don't know.

But don't worry, I'm
sure the king has a plan.

Surely, I'm not the first
king of the pride lands

to face a water
shortage, Rafiki?

Did any of the earlier
kings find a solution?

If they did, the paintings of
the past do not have many clues.

Interesting. I'm not familiar
with that watering hole.

Do you know where it is?

Well, I do know it is
not in the pride lands.

Ooh, I've seen a watering
hole that looks like that.

- You have?
- I saw it in the back lands.

It's a big watering
hole with lots of water.

It was part of the zebra
herds' grazing grounds.

Zebras? That must
be dahabu's herd.

I didn't realize there was such
a big watering hole on her land.

That's our answer.

I knew my dad would have a plan.

So you want us to take over their
watering hole for the pride lands.

You got it, bro.

Uh, I mean, king bro?

No, Bunga, that
is not what I want.

Kion, I want you to talk to
the zebra leader, dhahabu.

Ask her if she'd be willing to
share her watering hole with us.

Oh, I guess that can work too.

Do you think she'll say yes?

It is a big request.

Ask her if there's anything
we can give them in return.

We need that water, Kion.

And we need it soon.

Don't worry, dad, we
won't let you down.

Be alert, guys.

This part of the back
lands is leopard territory.

Leopards, schmepards.

We can handle
them. Bring them on.

- Makucha!
- Wow, that was fast.

Hello, Fuli, Lion Guard.

Long time no see.

Yeah, haven't seen you since we
kicked you out of the pride lands.

And I'm here to
return the favor.

You're in my territory
now, so get out.

One, two, three,
four, five. I'm good.

Hey, pick on somebody
your own size.

Why don't you?

There's nobody my size here.

Back off, makucha. We
don't want any trouble.

We're just passing through.

You wouldn't want to
mess with us anyways.

It's five against one.

Four and a half maybe.


Oh, he means you.

Come on, makucha.
Just let us through.

I don't think so.

Zuka zama!


Fine, you win.

For now, but pass
through quickly.

And don't come back.

Let's go. But keep
your guard up.

I don't trust that guy.

You're right. There he is again.

Come on out, makucha.

We know you're in there.

Makucha? Who's he?

Oh, zebras!

Don't worry, we're friendly.

Yeah, no need to panic and run.

Oh, we never panic and run.

We frolic and romp.

♪ Frolic and romp
frolic and romp ♪

♪ frolic and romp
frolic and romp ♪

Will you look at that?

I think I like it better
when they panic and run.

♪ Frolic and romp ♪

Excuse me, zebras?

Sorry to interrupt.

- Hey!
- Yes?

We're looking for a
zebra named dhahabu.

Can you take us to her?

Of course we can.

Uh, will you take us to her?

Well, of course.

Why didn't you ask
us in the first place?

Come on.

What's going on?

No idea.

You ready?

Hold on to your hippos.

Got him.

♪ Prepared to be amazed
when we take you to find ♪

♪ fabulous dhahabu
fabulous dhahabu ♪

♪ like no one else around
yeah, she'll blow your mind ♪

♪ fabulous dhahabu
fabulous dhahabu ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu
just wait till you see her ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu the
fabulous golden zebra ♪

Here she is!

♪ There's more than black and
white when you're someone like me ♪

♪ fabulous dhahabu
fabulous dhahabu ♪

♪ yeah, I'm a different stripe
just one look and you'll see ♪

♪ fabulous dhahabu
fabulous dhahabu ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ I'm so pleased to meet you ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ give it up for
the golden zebra ♪

Zebras, frolic and romp!

- ♪ Yeah I'm so rare and so fine ♪
- ♪ so fine ♪

- ♪ everyone falls in love ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

- ♪ like a rainbow in the sky ♪
- ♪ in the sky ♪

- ♪ I'm a gift from above ♪
- ♪ she's a gift from above

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ I'm happy to lead you ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ you've found this zebra ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ I'll always please you ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ so give it up for
the golden zebra ♪

♪ dhahabu, dhahabu ♪

♪ ooh ♪


Dhahabu is a golden zebra.

They're incredibly rare.
I've never seen one before.

She's really different
and really pretty.

Pfft. She's not pretty,
she's incredible.

You are un-Bunga-lievable!

I don't know what that means,
but I'll take it as a compliment.

Thank you, little mongoose.

- Bunga's actually a...
- mongoose.

If she wants me to be
mongoose, I'm a mongoose.

Dhahabu, hello, my name is Kion.

I'm here with the
rest of the Lion Guard...

The Lion Guard?

Are you here to
guard me from lions?

You know, there aren't
any lions in dhahabu grove.

There are now. Kion is a lion.

Hmm, I thought
lions were bigger.

Let me start over.

I'm the leader
of the Lion Guard.

And this is Fuli,
Beshte, Bunga and Ono.

- Hey.
- Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
- We've already met.

Anyway, we're here from
the pride lands because...

The pride lands? You came
all the way from the pride lands?

How exciting!

Prance with me.

Whatever you say, dhahabu.


Kion, do we really
have time for this?

We need to ask her
about that watering hole.

I don't know, Fuli, if we
get to know dhahabu,

she might be more
willing to help us.

Beshte's right. We need to
talk to her and make friends.

Just like my dad said.

Welcome to dhahabu grove,

the happiest place
in the back lands.

Wow, dhahabu.

Everyone really does
seem to be happy.

Of course.

Good leaders keep
everyone happy,

and in return, everyone
loves them, right?

My dad's a good leader.

Everyone loves him because
he tries to keep everyone safe.

Hm, really?

Yes, and that's why we're here.

The pride lands have
had a tough dry season.

We need more water.

Oh, that's so sad.

It is.

So my dad sent us to ask if
we can share your watering hole.

Our watering hole?

You do have one, right?

- Well...
- Of course we do. It's huge.

The biggest in the back lands.

And it would be fun to
meet the pride landers.

Can we share it with them?


It would make my
herd happy, but...

We'd be happy to do something
for you in return. Just name it.


Oh, I know!

You can bring my
herd a tumboa plant.

A tumboa plant?

A tumboa plant?

Our favorite food,
a real delicacy.

But if you don't think
you're up to the task,

I quite understand...

You got it. One tumboa
plant, coming up.

- Really?
- Sure, whatever you want. Our pleasure.

Well, okay.

Thank you, and good luck.

Ono, you know what this
tumboa plant looks like?

Well, I saw one
from the sky once.

But they're incredibly rare.

It could take us
days to even find one.

But we don't have days, do we?

Nope. So we better get going.

Come on, Lion Guard.

Bye, dhahabu.

- Any luck, Ono?
- Not yet.

Ugh, we've been wandering
through the back lands for hours.

Come on, Fuli.
Ono's doing his best.

He did say tumboa
plants were rare.

Sorry, everyone,
I'm still looking.


- Well?
- I've spotted a tumboa plant.

But it's very far away.

And it'll be nearly
impossible for us to get to it.

Pfft. Since when does
"impossible" stop us?

We're the Lion Guard.

- I know, but...
- we'll find a way.

A lot of animals
are counting on us.

Ono, take the lead.


Ono, are you sure
this is the only way?

Unfortunately, yes.

Twende kiboko. Twende kiboko.

Twende kiboko.

Beshte, you okay?

Yeah, I guess.

You can do it, big
b. It's easy, see?

- Careful, little b.
- Don't worry about me, I'm fine.

Hakuna matata... ahh!

- Bunga!
- Huwezi.

Thanks, Fuli.

For a second there, I thought
I was one gone mongoose.

Hakuna matata, Bunga.

The tumboa plant is on the
other side of this Thorn patch.

You have to go around
to avoid the thorns.

- We don't have time to go around.
- So let's go through.

Not all of us have thick
skin like you, Bunga.

Hmm. Maybe we can go through.


Follow me, everybody.
Twende kiboko!

Whoa, look at that!

You heard Beshte.
Let's follow him.

Yeah. Whoo.

Nice job, Beshte.

Yeah, that was

Are you okay?

- I think so.
- Good.

Because I think we'll
need you at full strength.

That's a tumboa plant?

Ono, you said it was rare.
You didn't say it was huge.

It looked smaller from the sky.

We're supposed to carry
this thing back to the zebras?


Ah, leave it to me.

Come on, plantly
lanty. Here we go.

How are we gonna get
that thing out of the ground?

Well, if we can't pull it out,
maybe we can dig it out.

Wait. I've almost got... Whoa!

Digging's good.

Bunga, I think we're good.

One more handful.

Oops. Sorry.

No problem.

Beshte, it's all you now.

You got it, Kion.

Twende kiboko.

Way to go, big b.

One tumboa plant, ready to go.

Great job, Beshte. Now let's
get that plant back to dhahabu.

We love you, dhahabu!

And I love you, my zebras.

Let me guess. Now
you're gonna panic and run.

Why would we do that?

We're just surprised to
see a walking tumboa plant.

It's Beshte doing
the walking, see?

Okay, dhahabu. One
tumboa plant, as requested.

I... I never thought
you'd actually find one.

- What?
- I mean, I hoped you would.

I'm just surprised.

It wasn't easy. But we
delivered our side of the deal.

So if you could show
us the watering hole...

- We will! We will!
- No!

I'm sorry, the deal's off. We
can't share our watering hole.

- What?
- But...

- Why not?
- What do you mean you can't share?

It's... it's, uh,
against the rules.

- What rules?
- The... the secret rules.

We never heard
of any secret rules.

That's because they're secret.

In fact, you're not allowed to
go to the watering hole either.

- Huh?
- What?

That's right. Nobody
can use the watering hole.

That's my decree.


I don't get it. Why'd she
send us to get that plant,

if she wasn't gonna
let us share the water?

I think dhahabu's
hiding something.

Ono, try to get a look
at the watering hole.

Maybe there's reason she
doesn't want us to use it.



Everyone, everyone!

I know why dhahabu doesn't
want us to see the watering hole.

- Why?
- Because it's empty.

The watering
hole is all dried up.

All dried up?

- It's empty?
- What? No.

The bird must be seeing things.

I've seen things all right,

but maybe they're things you
don't want anyone else to see.

What a funny bird he is.

Why didn't you tell us, dhahabu?

This makes us really unhappy.

Wait! Please, come back.

We can frolic! And romp!

So you knew the
watering hole had dried up?

Yes, I saw it a few days ago.

But I don't know
where the water went.

Why didn't you tell your herd?

I didn't want to
make them unhappy.

But zebras can only go
a few days without water.

What were you planning to do?

I don't know.

I guess I hoped it
would fill itself up again.


A good leader tells her
herd the truth, dhahabu.

Even if it's bad news.

And when there's a problem,
a good leader tries to help.

You're right. I just
don't know what to do.

How about a hug?

We can do better
than that, Bunga.

We'll go to the watering hole
and see if we can figure out

what happened to the water.

Do you think you can fix it?

I don't know but if we can,

will you agree to share
it with the pride landers?

Yes! Yes, yes, yes!

Lion Guard, let's
go take a look.

Any idea why it dried up?

Well, there used to be
a waterfall over there.

Could that have
something to do with it?

Uh, yeah.

- Ono.
- On it.

I see the problem.

A rock slide
blocked the waterfall.

Okay, maybe we can unblock
it and let the water flow again.

Lion Guard, let's get
to the top of that cliff.

Wait, that's leopard territory.

We'll take our chances.

Do it all the time.

Then take me with you.

Um, I don't know if
that's such a good idea.

Leopards usually
aren't very nice.

Just leave it to us.

Kion, you said:

"When there's a problem, a good
leader does something about it."

And I wanna be a good leader.

Okay, dhahabu, come on.

- There's the rock slide.
- Thanks, Ono.

Beshte, think you can
move those boulders?

Sure thing, Kion.

Don't even think it.

That tree just spoke!

That wasn't a tree.


It was me.

I thought you were
just passing through.

Now you wanna take my water?

We're not taking it, makucha.

We just wanna move the rocks
so the zebras can have water too.

You don't get it, I don't share.

Now get out of here
before I make you.

I've got this.

Perhaps you don't know who I am.

Actually, I do.

You're lunch.

Dhahabu, take cover.

Beshte, move the rocks.

You got it, Kion.

Oh, forgot to mention.

This time, I brought my friends.



Hang on, big b! We'll get him.

- Ah!
- Out of the way, leopard.

Zuka zama! Ahh!

Oh, no. Ono! Look out!

- Ono?
- Hapana!

Thanks, Kion.

Hey, leopard!

You're not the only one
who can jump out of trees.

Zuka zama!

Come on, Beshte.
You can beat him.

Get off.

I think we got them all.

Think again.

You guys...

I'm starting to think it wasn't such
a good idea for me to come after all.

Leave right now
or the zebra gets it.

- Let her go, makucha.
- She didn't do anything to you.

Take me instead!

Ugh, no thanks.

I'm warning you, makucha.
Dhahabu's a good leader.

So? What do I care?

So if there's a problem, a good
leader does something about it.

Right? Isn't that what
a good leader does?

Oh, yeah, she doesn't
just stand there.

No, not her. Indeed.

Wait, who're we talking about?

I am a good leader.

And this is a problem.

And I'm gonna do
something about it!



Dhahabu, you did it. You
unblocked the watering hole.

I guess I did, didn't I?

Thanks for sharing, makucha.

Speaking of sharing.

The animals of the pride
lands are more than welcome

to share our watering hole.

Thanks, dhahabu. You
really are a good leader.

This way, everyone.

Dhahabu and her zebras have
something special to share with you.

Welcome to our
watering hole, everyone.

Plenty of water to go around.

All right!

This looks wonderful.

And I want you all to enjoy it.

But first, you have
to do something.

Huh? What's that?

You all have to frolic and romp!

♪ Frolic and romp
frolic and romp ♪

Looks like fun, I'm in.

Come on, Lion Guard. You too.

Frolic and romp.
Frolic and romp.

Watch this, dhahabu. Zuka zama!

- Bunga!
- Ah, come on, Fuli. It's a party!

Ugh. Fine.

Frolic and romp.
Frolic and romp.

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪