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04x05 - Heart of a Teacher

Posted: 12/18/21 07:07
by bunniefuu
[Elizabeth]: Previously,
on When Calls the Heart...

[Jack]: Meet Douglas Burke.

Leading a squad of Mounties up
to the Northern Territories.

Perhaps we'd find it easier

dealing with a more reasonable man.

[Abigail]: Henry?

[Henry]: Your services
will no longer be needed.

[Faith]: You won't be able to
perform strenuous labor for some time.

- You still need help?
- I'm your replacement.

Mayor Gowen, why is there
someone in my classroom

claiming to be the new teacher?

It's not your classroom, Miss Thatcher.

It's the town's.

Answer my question.

A letter in your employment file

was brought to my attention,

and given the contents,

well, I was forced to replace you.

What letter?

According to this,
you used your family's influence

and the promise of financial gain

to secure your first
teaching assignment.

It's quite a serious allegation.

That isn't true.

Well, it is,

according to Thomas Higgins.

Superintendent of Schools
for the Western Territories,

based out of Cape Fullerton.

He was the Superintendent in Hamilton,

before I moved here.

Well, then, apparently,
he can be trusted.

He's lying.

He is a well-respected official,

so you'll forgive me if I
take his word over yours.

If you'll excuse me.

This isn't over.


This is low... even for Henry Gowen.

You can bet the railroad's behind it.

Ray Wyatt isn't the kind of man
who's used to being told what to do.

There's no doubt that Gowen
is in Mr. Wyatt's pocket.

All that talk of expanding the school,

and he was planning on
getting rid of me all long.

That letter is a forgery, Elizabeth.

We're gonna prove it,

and you're gonna be back in
that classroom in no time,

I promise.

It isn't a forgery, Jack.

I know Thomas Higgins.

You'd never bribe anyone.

No, and I didn't.

But when my mother heard
Higgins was sending me West,

she tried to use influence and money

to keep me in Hamilton.

But you didn't take the job in Hamilton.

No. I turned it down to come here.

Then why did Higgins write the letter?

[sighs] Revenge.

Revenge? For what?

When I met with Thomas
Higgins, he made...


Oh, Elizabeth.

I turned him down.

Of course you did.

And that made him angry.

I just never realized how much.

He must've written the letter

as soon as I started working here.

So you didn't know about it until now?

Right, but now that the
letter has come to light...

I won't be able to teach anymore.

Not in Hope Valley, not anywhere.

Then you'll visit Mr. Thomas Higgins

and get him to tell the truth.

I have to take the Tate boys
to Union City for trial.

They've escaped before,
so I can't take any chances.

But we are gonna go to Cape Fullerton

as soon as I get back.

That's very sweet of you, Jack,

but I have to leave as soon as I can.

I'll be back at the end of the week.

No, this is my reputation and my career.

My students are too important to me.

It can't wait.


I'm going with you.

Oh, Abigail, you don't have to do that.

Yes, I do.

I don't want you going alone.

But what about Cody and the cafe?

Well, Clara can watch Cody,

and Carson can manage the cafe.

We won't be gone long.

Excuse me.

[exhales heavily]

I'm worried about you.

Don't be.

Are you sure you don't
need me to go with you?

I am sure.

[Mr. Stoneman]: Let's see...

Mr. Cantrell?

Could you please recite
your homework lesson

from last night?

Recite the homework?

Yes. I assume you memorized your lesson?

Miss Thatcher never made us
memorize our lessons before.

How very unfortunate.

From now on, when I
give you an assignment,

I expect you all to be
prepared for recitation

the next morning. Is that clear?

What's "recitation"?

It means you have to know it by heart.

There will be no talking
out of turn, young man.

Now, we have a great deal of work to do

to prepare for the regional exams.

Please open your readers
to chapter seven,


Yes. Miss...


I don't need to be examined.
I'm not sick.

[kids laughing]

[Stoneman snaps]: That's enough.


And there are no toys

in my classroom.

Brownie's not a toy!

- Give him back!
- After school.

And if I see this in my classroom again,

you will spend the rest of the day

standing in the corner.

Is that perfectly clear, Miss Weise?

Good. Now.

Open your readers to chapter seven

and copy...

Yes, Mr. Cantrell?

I forgot my book.

Then you shall receive a
demerit for being unprepared.

I expect more from you in
the future, Mr. Cantrell.

But he's new.

Would you like a demerit, too?


Then do what you're told.


[Bill]: Kinda makes you
wonder, doesn't it?

[Ray]: About what?

How Gowen keeps landing on his feet.

The evidence against him

was rock-solid,

until the accountant

who was gonna testify against him

changed his testimony.

Stranger things have happened.

It must've cost a pretty
penny to make that happen.

What I can't figure out is
how Gowen got his hands

on that much cash.


I know the two of you have a history,

but I need you to set it aside.

Business comes first.

What are you trying to say?

Now that Henry Gowen's back
in the Mayor's Office,

I want you to reach out to him.

All right.

If it'll make you happy,
I'll clear the air with Gowen.


I can't afford to have bad
blood between the two of you.

And to show my thanks,

I'll put a nice little bonus
in your paycheck this week.

Make it a big bonus.

[Henry]: I can assure you,

I'll look into the matter personally.

Thank you again for bringing
it to my attention.

Sometimes, I wonder how
you sleep at night.

I gather you're here

to talk to me about Miss Thatcher.

You had no right to fire her,

and you know it.

I had every right.

The evidence clearly showed
that she's unfit to teach.

That letter isn't evidence.
It's a false allegation.

I see.

Like the false allegation

that got me suspended as Mayor?

I guess the criteria is different

when the person who's under the cloud

is your lady friend.

My relationship with Elizabeth

has nothing to do with this.

Why are you so angry then?

You and I both know that
the railroad wants her gone

because she had the guts
to stand up to them.

She's done nothing to deserve this.

People don't always
get what they deserve,

now, do they, Jack?

She'll just have to learn that.




My dear Elizabeth,

I just heard the news!

I want you to know you
have my complete support

and all my sympathy.

That's very sweet of you,
Rosemary, thank you.

You are a wonderful teacher.

I can't believe something like
this could happen to you.

Neither can I, to tell you the truth.

You know...

This once happened to me
when I was on Broadway.

I auditioned for a play
called The Heiress,

and the director was,

uh, shockingly bold.

- What did you do?
- Well, I told his wife!

And that put an end to
it right then and there.

So you got the part?

Heavens, no. The show was canceled.

Turns out his dear wife
actually was an heiress.

She was bankrolling
the entire production.

So what happened to the director?

I hear he became an anvil salesman.

Dropped one on his foot,

lost a toe.

Mark my words, Elizabeth.

That horrid old Mr.
Higgins will be selling anvils

at this time next year.

And I hope he loses a foot!

[knocking at door]

Come in!


I hope I'm not interrupting.

No, not at all.

I heard what happened.

The man who wrote those lies

can't be allowed to get away with it.

I couldn't agree with you more.

I think it's very brave of
you to stand and fight.

- Hello!
- [Elizabeth]: Come in.

It's like Grand Central Station

around here tonight.

We just dropped by to
bring you some cookies

for your journey tomorrow.

Oh, thank you!

That's very thoughtful of you.

Oh, that awful school superintendent.

It's just unthinkable.

You must do what it takes

to clear the record, my dear.

The children here need you.

They certainly do.

I need them, too.

Can I just say

I am so very lucky to
have friends like you?

We're not just friends.

We're family.



Let's have a drink.

I only drink with friends.

Well, then you must be pretty thirsty.


What do you want?

I want a truce,

for the sake of the town.

The railroad's here now

and we need to work together.

Never figured you for
bending the knee for anyone.

Wyatt must be paying you a hefty sum.

Not as much as he's
paying you, I'm sure.

You know, you have a funny way
of trying to make friends.

I didn't say I wanted to be friends.

I just don't want to
fight anymore, Henry.

Well, I suppose it would be

in our mutual interest

to set aside our differences.

Yes, it would.

At least for now.


[frustrated sigh]

What's the problem?

I hate math.

I never liked it much myself.

What are you working on?

Multiplication by nines.

Mr. Stoneman says we have
to know all of these

by tomorrow.


Let me show you a little
trick that my mom taught me.

Spread out your fingers out, like this.

What's your first problem?

Four times nine.

Okay. Tuck your fourth finger.
Under, just like that.

How many fingers are to the left?


And how many fingers to the right?


Put them together.

Three, six... !

That's right.

- Try another one.
- Nine times two.


eight... !



Make sure you listen to Clara,

say your prayers before bedtime.

And don't forget to feed Dasher.

I promise.

Oh, I'm gonna miss you.

Me too.



When are you going to come
back to school, Miss Thatcher?

As soon as I can.

Mr. Stoneman's mean.

Oh, I'm sure he's not
as bad as you think.

Yes, he is.

Why do you have to go away at all?

Someone told a lie about me,

and I have to get him take it back.

It's like our civics
lesson from last week.

Do you remember?

"Bad things happen when
good people do nothing."

That's it.

And I intend to do something.


Let me.

Thank you.


- Here.
- No, no. I'm fine.

Just trying to be friendly.

Like you are with Henry Gowen?

What are you talking about?

I saw you shake hands yesterday,

as if nothing had happened.

How can you be civil to him

after everything he's done to Elizabeth?

I have my reasons.

I hope you do.

I still think I should
be going with you.

I'll be fine.

I'll be here when you get back.

That's what makes it easier.




We'll need a full re-allocation of men

to the Northern positions.

Five divisions at least

to bring them up to Fort
Winston if you have to.

Gordon Harvey.

Good to see you.

You too.

What brings you out our way?

Prisoner transfer.

Tell me...

What do you hear from the
Northern Territories?

Nothing good.

Our boys really got a
fight on their hands.

Guess I'll be seeing it
first-hand soon enough.

Collins transferred you up there?

He's looking for volunteers.

Needs as many as he can get.

We lost a squad in an ambush last week.

It's all-out w*r up there.

Well, good luck.


I'm going to need it.

- Sir.
- Jack.

I'm hearing that things aren't
going so well up north.

That's an understatement.

Truth be told,
we're outnumbered two to one.

The men are doing the best they can,

but it's open season up there,

and these criminal gangs are
more organized than we are,

and they're spreading faster than weeds.

Any news on Corporal Burke?

Well, he lost a few men in a turf w*r,

and a mother and her two sons
got caught in the crossfire,

and, unfortunately,

Doug couldn't save them all.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'd like it better

if Doug had as much experience
as he does courage.

Good work on the Tate brothers.


Good morning.

Sorry to keep you waiting, Miss...?


I thought you'd remember me.

Of course.

How are things going in, um...

I'm sorry, the name escapes me.

Hope Valley.

It was called Coal Valley back then.

So... [exhales]

What can I do for you, Miss Thatcher?

You can retract what you
wrote in that letter.


And here I was hoping
it was a social call.

You know as well as I do that
what you said is not true.

I never offered you a bribe.

That's not how I remember it.

Then let me refresh your memory.

I rejected your advances

and you decided to smear my name.

That's not what happened.

Yes, it is.

And I demand you take it
back and tell the truth.

You demand?

You're in no position
to demand anything.

I'd be interested to see

what your superiors
have to say about that.

And who do you think they'll believe?

A small-town teacher with a
black mark on her record?

Or a man with my
credentials and reputation?

It's your word against mine.

I apologize if I've spoken too harshly.

I'll accept your apology.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Don't you see?

I lost my teaching position
because of what you wrote.

Teaching is everything to me.

Now I see.

That being said, I...

I might reconsider.

Thank you, Mr. Higgins.


you'll reconsider your
feelings towards me,

I might find a way to make
that letter disappear.

I just feel sorry for you.

And I feel sorry for you.

[door shuts]

[kids chatting and playing]

[door bangs]

Recess is over.

Take your seats.
Everyone, take your seats now.

- [piano playing]
- Mr. Lawson.

Enough with the piano.

I s...

[snapping]: I said, enough.


[abrupt silence]

Take your seats now.

Since you are so
determined to waste time,

there will be no more recess
for the rest of the week.

Is that clear?

[class]: Yes, Mr. Stoneman.

And, Mr. Cantrell,

why did you not turn in
your homework assignment?

Miss Thatcher said

that if I couldn't finish reading,

I didn't have to answer
the study questions.

Miss Thatcher is no longer your teacher.

But I can't read without help.

Then you'll receive an
"F" on this assignment,

and you'll stay after class.

Before we get started,

I want you to all take
out your copy books

and write an essay on the
importance of homework.

And Miss Montgomery,

I expect you to hold
your pencil correctly.


Hey, that's mi...!

You will spend the rest of the day

standing in the corner.


And unless the rest of
you want to join him,

I suggest you stop gaping
and get back to work.

[Abigail]: We won't let
him get away with it.

He's right though, Abigail.

No one's going to believe me.

They're going to believe
Superintendent Higgins.

What if you're not the only one?

[sets pot down]

What if there's someone else
who was scared to speak up,

like you were?

But wouldn't they have
said something by now?

You didn't.

I was embarrassed.

I didn't want to tell anyone.

This can't be the first
time he's done this.

There was someone.

She took the teaching boards with me.

Francine Fessler.

Do you know how to get
in touch with her?

We wrote to each other

for a while when I first
moved to Hope Valley.

She's teaching here, in Cape Fullerton.

Francine is very pretty.

I always thought Higgins
had eyes for her.

Then I think you should pay her a visit.

Look at that man.

His nasty red pencil...

grading papers!

Well, he is the new teacher.

Well, I think it is just a shame

that he took away Elizabeth's job.

It's not his fault. Gowen hired him.

Don't you defend him, Lee Coulter!

What happened to
Elizabeth is abominable.

And to make matters worse,

I hear he's doing an
absolutely terrible job.

Well, I have heard some people say

that he's doing a good job.

"Some people" don't know
what they're talking about.

Sweetheart, I realize that
Elizabeth is a friend of yours...

She is your friend, too!
A very good friend!

Yes. Yes, she is. You're right,

but this is none of my business.

Everything in this town is my business.

I was afraid you were going to say that.

In fact...

I think I'm going to go over there

and give that man a piece of my mind.

I would really prefer if
you would just sit...

And there she goes.

Mr. Stoneman.

I have something to say to you.

I'm listening.

The children in this town
have come a long way

because of Elizabeth Thatcher.

She has transformed them

from sticky, uncivilized
little hooligans into...


into little people

who are, on occasion,
quite tolerable to be around.

But since you've arrived,

they have become quite
sullen and unhappy.

And, well, if you think
you can make them learn

by being a mean, old sourpuss,

then I think you are sorely mistaken.

I don't believe I caught your name.

Rosemary Coulter.


I don't remember a student
with that name in my class.

I actually don't have a
student in your class.


Well, when you do...

we can talk.

Good evening.

[word catches]


You're not still working, are you?

Skinner's Practical Anatomy.

A woman studying anatomy?

Now, there's a modern thought.

May I?

Of course.

I actually wanted to be a doctor,

but there aren't a lot
of medical schools

that accept women.

So you decided to be a nurse instead?

Runs in the family.

My mother was a nurse.

So what brought you out west?

I was engaged.

It didn't work out.

Well, I'm sure you're not

wanting for male companionship.

I'm so busy at the infirmary,

there's not much time for anything else.

All work and no play?

Well, what about you?

I've heard that railroad men

are notorious for having
a woman in every town.

The things people say.

Maybe you and I can find a little
free time to spend together.

It's getting late.

I should be going.

I'll walk you out.

It really isn't necessary.

I just want to make sure you
get home safe and sound.

I'll be fine.

I'm just trying to be a gentleman.

I'm not so sure it's working.

[Carson]: Is there a problem here?

I just offered to walk
the young lady home,

not that it's any of your business.

Actually, it is.

Because I'm walking her home.


He is.

I meant to tell you.

Well, then don't let me intrude.

[hushed]: You just made
a very big mistake.

So did you.


You're welcome.

Elizabeth, it's so good to see you.

It's been too long.

The last letter you wrote,

you said you were in Hope Valley.

And you said you were teaching here,

in Cape Fullerton.

I couldn't ask for a better life.

I love my students.

I know just how you feel.

It seems there's something wrong.

Something happened a long time ago.

Do you remember Superintendent
Thomas Higgins?

Of course.

Well, he made some
accusations against me

that weren't true,

but they've cost me my teaching post.

Why would he do something like that?

I rejected his advances.

He made advances?

This isn't an easy
thing to talk about...

I just thought if anything
ever happened to you,

or if he ever behaved
badly in any way...

He didn't.

In fact, I have the highest
respect for Mr. Higgins.

Well, you shouldn't.

He isn't what he seems.

That's your opinion.


if you are hiding the truth

because you're afraid
of losing your job...

I'm not hiding anything.

I don't know what this is about,

but it's putting me in a
very uncomfortable position.

If you're implying

that I'm of such low moral character

that I would trade favors...

No. I don't mean to imply anything.

I'm glad to hear it.

I'm sorry I can't help you, Elizabeth,

I really better be going.

Francine, please.


I still can't believe

your friend denied
anything ever happened.

Worse than that.

She was actually angry I asked.

She's just scared, Abigail.

To be honest, I can't blame her.

She's worried that Higgins
will have her fired, too.

Would you like me to talk to her?

No, thank you, but please don't.

If she's afraid of him,
it'll only make it harder,

and then who knows what she might say.

I don't know what to do.

What if Francine was my last chance?

We'll figure it out, I promise.

Teaching is my life.

I don't know what I'll
do if it's taken away.

There have to be others
besides Francine.

How many women took the
teaching boards with you?

At least a dozen.

We'll start with them.

What do you mean?

When we get home,

you'll write a letter to every woman

who had anything to do
with Thomas Higgins.

Ohh. Everyone's terrified of him.

We won't know unless we try.

Elizabeth, you have to fight
for what you want in this life,

you know that.

You've done it before.

It's not easy.

I know.

But the good news is,

you don't have to fight alone.


[Stoneman]: You must be Philip's father.

Shane Cantrell. Nice to meet you.

Good to meet you.

I hope everything's all right.

Philip doesn't usually
have to stay after school.

Yes. Um...

Perhaps we should... please.

I don't mean to sound harsh,

Mr. Cantrell,

but I don't think Philip belongs here.

Excuse me?

He's behind in his reading,

he has trouble memorizing his lessons.

He can't keep up with the
rest of the children his age.

I'm afraid he's just... slow.

Give him time. He'll catch up.

Philip will perform poorly

on the regional exam, and...

that will drag the
school's average down.

I can't allow that to happen.

Are you saying he isn't
welcome at school anymore?

You can't blame the boy.

Some children simply aren't born
with an ability for academics.

Philip would be far better off

learning a trade someday than
wasting his time in school.

Maybe it's just 'cause he's young,

and he hasn't had a lot
of formal education.

Expelling a pupil is
never easy, Mr. Cantrell,

but sometimes it's in
everyone's best interests.


I don't see how expelling
Philip is in his best interest.

Please, Mr. Cantrell.

Don't make this harder
than it already is.


Let's go.




[Bill]: When did you get back?

Late last night.

Everything okay?

Not really.

Tell me.

It's the Northern Territories.

Our boys are taking a real beating.

And you think you should be up there.

I know I could make a difference.

They need men with experience.

Mounties like you are needed everywhere,

Jack, including Hope Valley.

I love this place.

And I love Elizabeth.


But... I should be up there,
fighting the good fight.

I was a Mountie,

and probably always will be, at heart,

so I understand the call to duty.

But I also know that every man

has to answer it on his own.

[car rumbling nearby]

[Jack]: Any news on those two?

[Bill]: Only bad.

The accountant AJ Foster

disappeared into thin air.

[Jack]: One week after
changing his testimony?

What a coincidence.

I was going to go talk
some sense into him,

but now he's gone.

Which means any evidence
against Gowen's gone as well.

I'm not giving up on this, Jack.

If I'm right,

Wyatt had something to do

with Foster changing his tune.

He's the only man with enough
money and influence to do it.


[school bell clanging in the distance]

Miss Thatcher!


Good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Cantrell.

Shouldn't you be on your way to school?

Mr. Stoneman said I was expelled.


He said Philip's slow

and he's not smart enough
for a proper education.

No! That's not true at all!

All children are different.
All children learn differently.

I want to go back to school
and be with my friends,

but not with Mr. Stoneman.

I know you do, sweetheart,

and I wish there was
something I could do.

We know it's not your fault.

Come on, son.

Mrs. Brayman's gonna watch
you while I'm at work.



I thought I might find you around here.


Are you okay?

I know in my heart

God intended me to be a teacher, Jack.

It's who I am in my soul.

It's why I am.

I know.


Mr. Stoneman!

Oh, Mr. Stoneman.

- Mr. Stoneman?
- Yes?

If I could just have a
moment of your time?


Philip Cantrell.

He doesn't belong in the class.

If you would just work with him...

He is incapable of keeping up

with the rest of the students.

He deserves an education!

Why is this particular child

so special to you?

They're all special to me!

And if you would just take the time

to get to know them the way I do...

You've coddled them, Miss Thatcher.

I hate to be so blunt,

but they're a lazy group,
highly undisciplined.

You're wrong.

And the answer isn't
expelling them from school.

I teach my students one way.
There are no exceptions.

There should be!

And this isn't just about Philip.

Take Emily.

It doesn't matter how
she holds her pencil,

she should be encouraged to write.

And you can't take recess away

from a boy like Robert.

Of course, he's going to behave badly!

He needs to get out there

and run off some of that energy.

And Timmy,

he's only just starting
to come out of his shell,

and the piano is really helping him.

Miss Thatcher, I have been teaching

for years with great success.

The test scores are proof of that.

There are better ways of reaching them.

May I remind you

that you are no longer their teacher?

No, I understand that,

but this isn't about me,

this is about them,

and I care about what happens

to each and every one of them.

Actually, this is all about you.

You are the one who was
deemed unfit to teach.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a lesson to prepare.


That is the last one.

I've written to every woman I know

who was offered a teaching
position by Higgins.

Someone's going to step up.
Someone has to.

What if no one does?

Then you'll write more letters.

As many as it takes.

I just hope I can afford the postage.

[chuckles lightly]

Something's bothering you.

I can tell.

There was a lot of talk at headquarters

about what's happening up north.

You're worried about Doug.

I'm worried bout all the
men fighting up there.

I say a prayer for them every night.

Me, too.

But, from what I hear,

I'm not sure if prayers
are going to be enough.

What else can we do?

That's just it.

What is it?

I need to do my rounds.

I'll see you tonight.


[logs thudding]

Need a hand?

Why not?

We haven't actually met.
I'm Jack Thornton.

Carson Shepherd.

I heard you're working at Abigail's.

Yeah, she was nice enough

to give me the job.

Weren't you working for
the railroad before?

I go where life takes me.

And life is taking you to
working in Abigail's kitchen?


I don't deal the cards,
I just play the ones I'm given.

Well, that's a good
way of looking at it.

Sometimes, life doesn't turn out

the way you thought it would.

[quietly]: I know what you mean.


[Rip whines]

[Stoneman]: Open your practice exams...

and begin now.

Can I borrow your eraser?

No talking.


That is not how you hold a pencil.

But I can't hold it the other way.



Stop doing that.


will it take for you to learn?

Leave her alone!

Who said that?

I did.

Miss Thatcher says bad things happen

if good people do nothing.

And what you're doing to Emily is bad.

Sit down.


No. I won't let you do
this to her anymore.

Come on, Emily.

Return to your seats.

Return to your seats right now.
Return to your seats!

You will come back here
right now and sit down!

Take your seats.

There is work to do!

I said, sit down right now!



We're not going back.

[Robert]: Not while Mr.
Stoneman is our teacher.

School isn't fun anymore.

[all agreeing]: Yeah.

He's so mean to us.

[Elizabeth]: All right,
listen to me, everyone, please.

I know this is a very big
change for all of you,

and change can be scary,

but you can't just stay
home from school all day.

Education is important.

And like it or not, Mr.
Stoneman is your teacher.

[Opal]: But we want
you to be our teacher.

[Elizabeth]: I know you do.
I want that, too,

but I can't be...

at least, not for right now.

Then when?

Hopefully soon.

And, until then,

I need you all to be very
respectful of Mr. Stoneman.

[door opens]

[Cody]: But he doesn't
teach the way you do.

[Elizabeth]: I'll make you a deal.

If you all keep going to school,

I will tutor you for
your exam after school.

Can Philip come, too,

even though he isn't in school anymore?

[Elizabeth]: Oh,
that's a wonderful idea, Cody!

Of course, Philip can come.

But we still have to see Mr.
Stoneman every day?

Yes, you do.

And I need you to be on
your very best behavior.

[Timmy]: He won't even
let me play the piano.

Maybe we can have a recital next week,

and you can play the piano for everyone.

Music's for babies.

Uh... Mr. Avery plays the guitar.

You got a problem with that?

No, sir.

You know, maybe Mr. Avery

would like to play the
guitar for our recital.

[all]: Please?

Anything for Miss Thatcher.

- [chuckling]
- Yay!


What's wrong?

I thought you'd be excited
about the recital.

I've never played in
front of people before.

Oh, well, that's okay.
Everyone gets stage fright.

I don't think I can do it.

What if I sing along with you?

Would that make it better?

All right.

Then I will see all of you
after school tomorrow.


Happy birthday, sweetheart.


Mr. Trevoy said I could use
the saloon after school

to tutor the children.

I can help Philip.

I can help all of them!

What you've done with the kids here,

it's special.

They're lucky to have

someone like you in
their life, Elizabeth.

Mm. It's not the same

as being in charge of the classroom,

but it's something.

How many letters did you write?


I just hope there's
someone else out there

who's brave enough to tell the truth

about Thomas Higgins.

There will be.

No one can stop you

from doing what you're meant to do.

Not Gowen, or Wyatt, or Higgins.


What is it?

A telegram came in from
Mountie Headquarters.

I'm sorry, Jack.


what's wrong?

It's Doug.

He was k*lled in the line of duty.

[deep, shaky breath]