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02x06 - Let Sleeping Crocs Lie

Posted: 12/17/21 07:26
by bunniefuu
I'm so excited, Rafiki!

I can't believe I'm finally
starting my training!

I can't wait to learn
how to hear them!

This way, makini. This way.

Lion Guard! Come!

I have someone I
want you to meet.

This is my new
apprentice. Makini!

Makini, this is the Lion Guard.

And their lair.

Hiya, makini!

- Greetings!
- Nice to meet you.

Hi, again, makini.

Hi, Kion.

And, wow! It's so fantastic
to meet the rest of you!

I mean, obviously I've
seen you all before,

while you're going around
the pride lands, being all strong.

And brave. And fast.

And keenest of sight!

And always saving the day!

Yep. That's us all right!

And it's so exciting to meet
you all up close and personal!

- I'm sure it is.
- It is!

But I have to say, I really
admire you the most, Fuli.

Rafiki says you're the only
girl to ever be on the Lion Guard!

As in, ever!

Uh... I am?

- It is true.
- Yeah! You've got to be so proud!

I'm proud and I'm not even you!

- Thanks, makini.
- Sure!

So, Rafiki, why are you
taking on an apprentice?

- Are you okay?
- Yes, Beshte, yes. I am fine.

You see, when makini was born,

the lions of the past told
me that she would be the one

to continue my role
in the circle of life.

And now that the stripes
have appeared on her face,

it is time for makini
to begin her training!

Rafiki? Did you do
all of those paintings?

Only some.

Most were done by those
who came before me.

And someday it will be
your turn to paint them!


Kion, can you assemble
the royal family on pride rock

for makini's formal

Sure, Rafiki. I'll make
sure we're all there.

This is the place?

Yep. Nyeusi says Rafiki
and makini went in there.

Ugh, but if you ask me,

we're already too close
to pride rock for comfort.

That's fine. I'll
take it from here.

Thanks, shupavu.

Yeah. Let's get out of here.

So, Rafiki? Can I try
out my bakora staff now?

Wait. Your staff can
bring paintings to life too?

We shall soon find out.

Go ahead, makini.

- Whoa!
- Look at that!

- It worked!
- I'll say!

So! Makini's staff is
more than a simple stick!

It seems you have chosen
your staff well, makini.

That's scar, isn't it?

Yeah. The worst lion to
ever live in the pride lands!

Ooh, that reminds me, Rafiki.
My question. From earlier?


I know the bakora staff can help
me hear the great lions of the past.

But is there a way to hear
the bad lions of the past too?

Hmm. That is a serious
question, young one.

But you must know the
bad as well as the good.

As you know, makini,

your bakora not only brings
images of the past to life.

It can help you hear
the lions of the past.

The great lions of
the past are in the sky.

Their voices are in the wind.

And you have all have
seen Kion use the roar

to make those
great lions appear.

But the roar can also summon the
worst lions of the pride lands past.

Instead of clouds,
these lions appear in fire.

Once summoned,
the bakora can be used

to talk to evil lions as well.

All the evil lions? Even scar?

Yes. Even scar.


Whoa! Creepy!

- You said it, Bunga.
- Totally.

Thank you for
telling me, Rafiki.

Of course, young one. Of course.

But remember.
Talking to bad lions?

It is a bad idea!

Got it! I totally understand!

And so do I.

Now, it is time.

Time to present makini to Simba
and the rest of the royal family!

This way, makini!

Good luck, makini!

I'm looking forward to
meeting Rafiki's apprentice.

- You've already met her, Kion?
- unofficially, yeah.

She's, uh, very talkative.

Any word on ma
tembo's first water hunt?

According to Ono's last
report, she's still searching.

Can you imagine anything more
boring than having to look for water?


It's not so boring
if you're thirsty.

Mom? Dad?

Would it be okay if I
tried to help ma tembo?

I'm not sure there's anything
you can do to help, Kiara.

I'd at least like to try.

Finding the new water source
is ma tembo's responsibility.

But even if you can't
find the water yourself,

it might be a good experience for
you to learn to work with ma tembo.

Especially as future queen.

Oh, oh! Can I help?

If the future queen is going
on a mission, I'd like to go too!

I'm makini! Rafiki's
new apprentice!


The official introduction
is for me to do.

But why would
makini introduce you?

Yeah! We already
know who you are, Rafiki.

Rafiki is supposed
to introduce makini.

Oh! Now that makes sense.

Yes, yes. Stand here, makini.

King Simba. Queen Nala.
Royal family and friends.

May I present my
new apprentice, makini!

It's a great hOnor to be chosen

as the next knowledge
keeper for the pride lands.

But as royal mjuzi, you are
always welcome at pride rock.

Yes. It's a pleasure
to meet you, makini.

Thank you, your majesties.

Someday, makini will be
royal mjuzi for queen Kiara.

Then maybe makini
should come with me

to help ma tembo and
the elephants find water.

Oh, yes! Yes!

They will have to learn to work
together. Just like you and Rafiki do.

- That is true. Eh, Simba?
- Yes.

And the sooner they learn
how to work together, the better.

Oh, thank you, your highnesses!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You're welcome, makini.

Okay, my future
advisor. Let's go!

Wait. I thought we were
Kiara's royal advisors.

Yeah! She can't go
looking for water without us!

Wait! We're coming, too!

Ladies? Why don't we let
Kiara get to know makini.

You can stay here
on pride rock. With me.

With you?

- Oh, uh, yes, your majesty. Yes.
- Of course!

I'm so excited to be working
with you, Princess Kiara!

I'm sure I can learn
so much from you.

- Good luck, Kiara.
- Thanks, Kion.

C'mon, Princess Kiara! Let's go!

I might need it.

So, there is a
way to talk to scar!


According to Rafiki, the
evil lions appear in fire.

Well, one little eruption of this here
volcano and we'll get plenty of fire!

- Yeah, right!
- Plenty of it!

Yes. We'll also need
Rafiki or makini's staff.

The staff will allow
us to speak to scar.

We'll go after makini.

One little mandrill's
no match for us hyenas.

I agree.

So the real question
is, how do we lure Kion

to the volcano
and make him roar?

We'll want him to
give us a big roar, too.

One that will make the
volcano erupt in flames!

Ooh, ooh! I know. I know.

Kion roared real big the
time we tried to eat Bunga!


And his roar was even bigger
when we went after his mom.

It even made the ground open up!

What? Janja, is this true?

Yeah, yeah. The fur
brains are actually right.

Kion's roars are huge when his
friends and family are threatened!

Then that's what we have to do.

Target someone Kion cares
about, and bring them here.


And then when Kion roars,
we can bring back a legend!

♪ Scar was such a legend ♪

♪ though he's long
gone, his story lives on ♪

♪ if we bring back that legend ♪

♪ his big lion smarts
give us a new start ♪

♪ yeah, scar will help us
win with all his great advice ♪

♪ no more playing nice ♪

♪ no more playing nice ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend ♪

♪ a legend to help our fight ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend a
legend of darkness tonight ♪

♪ no one in the pride lands ♪

♪ could possible dream
of our big scheme ♪

♪ they'll all be astounded
when the Lion Guard's done ♪

♪ and a victory won ♪

♪ we just need fire and
a roar for our surprise ♪

♪ then we'll make scar rise ♪

♪ we will make scar rise ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend
a legend to help a fight ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend a
legend of darkness tonight ♪

Come on, everyone, all together.

♪ Oh, let's bring back the
legend a legend to help our fight ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend a
legend of darkness tonight ♪

♪ let's bring back a legend a
legend of darkness tonight ♪

You hyenas know what to do.

I'll be waiting at the top
of the volcano for the staff.

You got it, ushari.
Let's go, boys!


Water, water, water!
Water, water, water!

- When is she going to find the water?
- I'm sure it will be any minute.

Well, it better be! I'm parched!

So is there anything
we can do to help?

I don't know if there is.

I believe we're in the general
area of the new water source.

But I haven't found
the well site yet.

Maybe we could look
around for wet rocks,

or some other sign
of underground water?

Oh, yes. That would be helpful.

You know what they say. "Many
eyes make a search seem smaller."

Well said, makini.

And thank you, your highness.

Happy to help, ma tembo.

Come on, makini.
Let's find that water.

Water, water, water!

That was a good idea
you had back there, makini.

I'm impressed.

Well, I really
admire you, Kiara.

Water is so important
to the circle of life.

So your helping ma tembo
find water is even more...


- I thought I heard something.
- Hmmm.

That's funny. I
didn't hear anything.

But I know that's
something I need to work on.

Being quiet, so I can hear
things. Like the lions of the past!

Makini! Be quiet!

I know, right?

That's what everyone's
always trying to tell me!

Shwari, makini.
Shwari. But it's...

- Hyenas!
- Whoa!

- Chungu, grab her!
- Sure thing!

Let me go, hyenas!

Come on, boys! Let's go!

Kiara! Oh, no!

Makini! Help!

It's gonna take more than one
little mandrill to save you Kiara!

A lot more!

Janja's right. I'm no
match for those hyenas.

But I know who is!

Lion Guard! Lion Guard!

Makini? What's wrong?

The hyenas! They att*cked us.

And they... they've
taken off with Kiara!

- What?
- Kiara?

Ono! See if you can
spot Janja and his clan!



I see them, Kion! They're
taking Kiara into the outlands!

This is all my fault.

I wasn't quiet when
Kiara asked me to be.

Makini. You can't blame
yourself for something Janja did.

Right. What matters now is
that we rescue Kiara. Come on!

- Till the pride lands' end...
- Lion Guard defend!

Makini's staff! You got it.

And we got Kiara!

Excellent! That should
get Kion's attention.

Yeah. Janja figures the lion
guard should be here any second.

Then you should go. Janja
may need your help down below.

Yeah, all right.

I don't know what
you're thinking, Janja.

But you're not gonna
get away with this!

That's what you think.
Chungu, toss her in.

That ought to keep ya.

I don't think so.



Yeah! How about that, cub?

That steam is really hot!

Hapana. Gotta tell Kion.

Everyone! Everyone!

Ono! What do you see?

Kiara seems okay. But the
hyenas have her surrounded,

and trapped by steam vents.

What's Janja up to?

The only reason he'd
hold Kiara prisoner

is because he wants
something from me or my dad.

- Like what?
- Who cares?

We go in, Kion roars, and
we come back out with Kiara!

I'm not sure it's gonna
be as easy as that, Bunga.

Indeed. Kion won't
want to roar at the hyenas

if they're surrounding Kiara.

- Oh, yeah.
- I have an idea.

The hyenas will be expecting
me to come to the rescue.

But if they think I'm
the only one here,

I might be able to lure
them away from Kiara.

Then we'll only have to
get past the steam vents.

I think I know how to do that.

All right! Now we're talking!

Okay. I'll go this way and try
to distract Janja and the others.

Ono, scout a route the other way
so the hyenas won't see us coming.

Affirmative! Follow me!

Don't worry, Kion.
We'll save her.

Asante, Fuli. Thanks.

Ugh! Ugh!

Give it up, cub! You
ain't getting out of there!



Ooh! It's show time.

You fellas stay here and
keep our guest entertained.

I gotta see a lion about a roar.

Uh, he wants us
to entertain her?

That's what he said.

Then maybe we
should sing to her!

Yeah! Great idea!


Not only am I trapped. Now
they're gonna t*rture me!

Kion! What brings you
all the way to the outlands?

You know why I'm here,
Janja. Just let Kiara go.

Or there's gonna be trouble.

Without the guard
to back you up?

I don't think so, Kion.

We both know I don't
need the guard for back up.

But you might need your hyenas.

Oh. So you're gonna
roar at us then?

Yes! Roar, Kion.


Only if I have to.


Well, uh, we ain't giving her
back just because you say so.

Because we got
demands and, stuff!

Stop playing games, Janja.

Good scouting, Ono.


But Kion's plan isn't working
exactly the way we hoped.

What do you mean?

So far, Kion's only lured
Janja away from Kiara.

The rest of the hyenas are still
guarding Kiara at the steam vents!

And they appear
to be singing to her.

Oh, no! We really
gotta save her now.

It won't be easy.

She's still surrounded by
hyenas and the steam vents!

So? We're the Lion Guard.

If we have to do things the
hard way, that's what we'll do.

- You said it, Fuli.
- Right.

So here's the new plan!

What do you want, Janja?

What do I want?

Uh, good question, uh.

I want you and the Lion Guard to
let me and my pack alone! Yeah!

What? You dragged
my sister to the outlands.

You're holding her prisoner.
And you're doing all of this

because you want
me to leave you alone?

Uh... yeah! That's right!

Janja, that's a terrible
plan. Even for you!

- Huh. I thought it was a good plan!
- Me too!

Sure looks like Kion's
got them distracted.

Right. Now!

- Zuka zama!
- Ow!


Beshte! Now!

Twende kiboko!

We're here to rescue
you, your highness!

Yeah! Come on, Kiara. Let's go!

Thanks, guys. But I burned
my paws on the steam vent.

I can't move too fast.

Don't worry, Kiara.
I can carry you.

That's right. Easy does it.

There we go!

Okay! Let's get out of here!

Ono, go tell Kion we got Kiara!


Uh-oh. Now what do we do?

I know! You can entertain me!

Uh, okay.

Kion, we did it! Kiara's safe!

What? Ugh, fur brains.

We win again, Janja.

Oh, yeah? Well...

So what? We'll keep coming
back, Kion! Again and again.

Maybe next time we'll
actually get rid a Kiara.

Or Bunga.

Or maybe even your mom or dad.

Right there on pride rock!

Don't thr*aten my family, Janja!

Face it, Kion.

There ain't nothing
you can do to stop us!

Oh, yes there is!

Oh, hevi kabisa.


Run, run! The volcano's erupting!
There's fire and lava everywhere!

Tell us something we don't know!

Uh, right!

I see a way out!

This way!

Beshte, you first! Follow Ono!

Got it! Twende kiboko!


Hop on, Bunga!



Come on! Let's get Kiara
back to the pride lands!


Evil lions of the past!

Speak to me!

Speak to me!

Nice work, everybody.

- You okay, Kiara?
- I'll be fine.

- Thanks, Lion Guard.
- Just doing our job.

Come on, Kiara.
Let's get you home.

You okay, Kion?

I let Janja get to me.

I got really angry. And I
kind of lost control of the roar.

We noticed. You kind of
made that giant volcano erupt.

Which, by the way, was
totally un-Bunga-lievable!

Yeah, I guess it was.

And we're all okay.

Even Kiara.

I guess that's
what really counts.

I'm just glad nothing
else bad happened.

Voices of fire, speak
to me! I command you!

So, ushari. Where's scar?

It, uh, seems our plan
didn't exactly work.

It what? After all that?

Give me that stupid staff!

To think I believed you when you
said we could use this talk to scar!

Whoa! Are you...?


I am scar.

Water, water, water!

Oh, I really hope ma
tembo finds the water soon.

Yes! I need a drink!

Still no luck, ma tembo?

No, not yet.

And now there's more animals than
ever expecting me to find the new water!

Even with my ears, I'll
never hear where it is.

The hardest part of listening
is finding the quiet to hear.


Everyone! Everyone, shh! Shwari!

Ma tembo needs quiet
to find the new water site!

Just like I needed
when I found my staff.


Yes! Now I hear it!

This is it! I'm certain!

- Over here, everyone.
- Here.

Dig, everyone!

Dig, dig!

Zuka zama!

Twende kiboko!


The new water source for
the dry season has been found!

That was good advice, makini.

It seems you have finally
learned the importance of silence!

I have, Rafiki. I totally have!

♪ For now is my time ♪

♪ today is my day ♪

♪ I'm finally here ♪

♪ and nothing can
stand in my way ♪

♪ I've made it this far,
all doubts flushed away ♪

♪ my path is clear ♪

♪ and today is my... ♪

Has anyone seen my staff?

Do not worry, makini.

There is more than just one
stick that can be your staff!

What's most important
is who is holding the staff.

Nice job, ma tembo.

Even though it was
frustrating, you never gave up.

Well, that's what responsibility
is all about. Isn't it?

Yes. Yes, it is.

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪