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02x03 - The Traveling Baboon Show

Posted: 12/17/21 07:21
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

The traveling baboon show.

Sure is nice and quiet
around the pride lands today.

You won't hear me compLaining!

No, but we will
hear you chewing!

What's going on over there?

Do you think something's wrong?

I don't know. If there was,
you'd think they'd come to us.

Ma tembo? What's going
on? Why are you running?

Sorry, Kion. Don't mean to be
rude, but there's no time to talk.

Whoa! That was one big
elephant in one big hurry.

Ono, see if you can see why.

On it!

- Is something chasing them?
- Negative!

But they're not the
only ones running!

Well, if they're not
running from something...

They must be running to something.
Let's find out what. Come on!

I was so worried I'd miss it!

Me too! I was in a
panic, let me tell you!

I don't get it. What's the
big deal? It's just a tree.

Maybe it's time for
the sausage fruit to fall!

You ever tasted these
things? Mwah! Delicious!

I like them better on my
inside than my outside.

- Hey, mbeya!
- Oh, hi, Beshte.

So what's going on here?

I heard that you gotta
see these baboons.

Uh, do you see them?

Ugh. Baboons! What
have they done now?

Ono, check it out.


Hmm. I don't see any...

Hey! Get off!

I said get off,
not invite a friend!

You heard the cheetah!
Leave her alone!

Whoa! Look at them go!

Yeah, they're pretty impressive.

Hmm, maybe. But they need
to watch where they're going.

Who are these guys?

I'm confused. Are they
attacking us or what?

Shh! Here comes another one.

Hello, everybody! You've just met
the magnificent mwevi and mwizi!

My name is uroho, and we
are the traveling baboon show!

I'm so glad you could be here.

Thanks for taking time
out of your busy schedule

of eating, sleeping,
and standing around.

Or, if you're a zebra,
panicking and running!

Oh! It's funny
because it's true!

Just don't try to horn in
on the act, okay, buddy?

I won't!

Beg your pardon, ma'am, but I
think you forgot to unpack your trunk!

You think that was amazing?
Oh, no, you ain't seen nothing yet!

♪ You want to see amazing
you want to see some sights ♪

♪ well, stay
right here, don't go

nowhere our show
is filled with delight ♪

♪ prepare yourself for magic
prepare yourself for thrills ♪

♪ but don't rely on just your eyes
you might end up with some chills ♪

♪ we're the traveling baboon show
prepare for what you don't know ♪

♪ things may seem clear
then they disappear ♪

♪ and you wonder
where did we go? ♪

♪ We're the traveling ♪

♪ traveling baboon show ♪

♪ some call it entertainment
some call it crazy fun ♪

♪ we'll make you laugh
so don't hold back ♪

♪ because then we'll
keep moving on ♪

Ha-ha, yeah.

♪ We're the traveling baboon show
prepare for what you don't know ♪

♪ things may seem clear
then they disappear ♪

♪ you wonder where did we go? ♪

♪ We're the traveling ♪

♪ traveling baboon show ♪

♪ mystery is all around us
magic happens everywhere ♪

♪ so relax and enjoy this we're
gonna leave you without a care ♪

♪ we're the traveling baboon show
prepare for what you don't know ♪

♪ things may seem clear
then they disappear ♪

♪ and you wonder
where did we go? ♪

♪ We're the traveling baboon show
prepare for what you don't know ♪

♪ things may seem clear
then they disappear ♪

♪ and you wonder
where did we go? ♪

♪ We're the traveling,
traveling, traveling, traveling ♪

♪ traveling baboon show ♪

♪ baboon show ♪



Well, that's our show, folks!
Thank you for coming out!

These guys are great!

I know.

Mmm, they're okay
for baboons, I guess.

You kidding? They're so funny!

Yes, they're hysterical. Ha, ha.

At least you got to be
a part of the act, Ono.

Yeah! Wonder if they need
a honey badger for their act.

"Bunga and the baboons!"

- Seriously?
- I'm gonna go talk to them!

Since they're
visitors in the pride

lands, I think it's
my duty to say hello.

- Don't you?
- Good idea, Kion!

If you say so.

That was un-Bunga-lievable!

Glad you enjoyed that show!

Enjoyed it? I'll never look at
sausage fruit the same way again!

You know, I know a honey badger
who would be perfect for your act.

I'm sorry, but we don't
have any openings right now.

Oh, well. Your loss.

Welcome to the pride lands.

I'm Kion. I really
enjoyed the show.

You should come to pride rock
and perform for my mom and dad!

The royal family!

Yeah, that's right. I
know them. No biggie.

Oh, you're the son of the king?

He sure is!

And he's the leader of
the Lion Guard. That's us.

Uh, really? It's
interesting, uh...

Now, if you'll excuse us, we
need to rest up for this next show.

Yeah, sure.

We have to finish our
patrol, anyway. See you!

Yeah! Bye-bye! See you!

Come on, everybody. Let's go.


I still think "Bunga and the
baboons" has a good ring to it.

Anybody know how he made
those other two baboons disappear?

Nope. It was pretty amazing.

Lion Guard! Help!

Sounds like ma tembo. Come
on! Till the pride lands end...

Lion Guard defend!

What is it, ma
tembo? What's wrong?

Just this morning that tree
had plenty of flowers and leaves!

Yeah, and there was
lots of grass all around!

Now it's all gone.

Excuse me! I believe I was about
to say something very important!

- Sorry.
- There was scads and scads of grass!

Everywhere! And
now it's all gone!

Whoa! So are all the bugs!

Someone came and took it all!

You know what that means?


I don't know. I'm asking you.

It means there's a food
thief in the pride lands!

Eh, what's the big deal? There's
plenty of food to go around!

It's almost the dry
season, Bunga.

A lot of animals have to eat extra now
to survive when less stuff is growing.

Like my dad always says, "it's not
fair to take more than your share."

It's more than not fair, Beshte!
It goes against the circle of life.

Don't worry, ma tembo.

The Lion Guard will
figure out who did this

and make sure it
doesn't happen again!

Thank you, Kion. Come, everyone.
Let's find another place to eat.

Ono, fly up and get a
closer look at that acacia tree!


Even the highest flowers
and leaves are gone!

It must've been
somebody really tall!

A giraffe! I knew it!

But the food thief flipped over
that rock to get at the bugs.

Could a giraffe do that?

I doubt it. An elephant
could, maybe. With his trunk.

An elephant! I knew it!

Well, an elephant could use his trunk to
grab flowers and leaves from the tree.

But elephants don't eat bugs.

Check this out, guys!

Somebody ate this grass
clear down to the ground!

A zebra! I knew it!

I beg your pardon.

Bunga, a zebra couldn't reach
the high leaves and flowers.

Plus, some zebras
are afraid of...

Panic and run! Panic and run!


Thanks, buddy!

Okay, so what
does this all mean?

Well, the thief has to be somebody
who'll eat just about anything.

Like Bunga. He'll eat anything.

You got that right!
But it wasn't me!

We know that, Bunga.

Hey! What if this
isn't just one animal?

What do you mean?

What if it's a group of animals
who like to eat different things,

all working together?

A group of different
animals working together?

That sounds weird.

Uh, hello?


What was that?

- Ono?
- On it!

Well? What is it?

Just another baboon show.

Can we go? Can we? Can we?

I'd like to, but we need to
figure out who took all the food.

Yeah. I guess you're right.

Sounds like a lot of animals over
there. Maybe the thieves are there too.

We ought to check it out!

Hmm. Well...

Don't listen to him. He just
wants to see the show again.

So? Don't you?

No, thanks!

He's still upset about
the fruit on his head.

I am not!

Sorry, Ono. I think
Bunga has a point.

Yes! I have a point!

Maybe we should
check out the audience.

Uh, I guess we could see
if anyone looks suspicious.

Yeah, like maybe they have grass
on their face or bugs in their teeth!

- So we can go?
- I don't see why not.

I guess we'd better follow
them. See you there, Ono!

If it's okay with you, I'd
rather patrol from the air.

- You sure?
- Trust me.

I've seen enough
baboons for one day.

Suit yourself. You know where
to find us if you see anything.

Where's Bunga?

Up there, making
his dream come true!

Thank you! Thank you so much!


All right. And thank
you for volunteering.

You kidding? My pleasure!
What are we gonna do next?

What you're going to do is
join your friends in the audience.

Oh. Okay.

Mwevi! Mwizi! Mwevi! Mwizi!

Mwevi! Mwizi!

The magnificent mwevi
and mwizi will return

after a well-deserved rest.

But in the meantime,
how about a little magic?


Those baboons must be picking
on another poor unsuspecting bird!

You're the food thief!

Hey! Baboons! Come out! I
caught you fair and square!

Where'd you go?

Think you're getting away, huh?

Just wait till I tell Kion.

Kion, Kion! I
solved the mystery!

You did?

Well, who is it?
Who's the thief?

Well, it's...


Go, Ono, go!

Aww! He's so lucky!

It's them! It's them! The
baboons are the food thieves!

They're also very annoying.

No! That can't be right!

Think about it. Baboons
eat just about anything.

They can climb trees
and flip over rocks.

Hate to admit it, little b, but it
doesn't look good for the baboons.

No, no! You've got us all wrong!

Plus, I caught them!

Those two do it
during the magic act.

It can't be true!

Oh, come on, Bunga.

Who are you gonna
believe, your friend Ono,

or a couple of baboons?

Well, where's all the food?

Even I couldn't have
eaten it all this fast.

Beshte, go shake that tree.

You got it, Kion.

I feel so betrayed.

Show's over, folks!

Lion Guard! After them!

I can jump too, you know!

Whoops. Sorry, Kion.

Just give up and
say you're sorry!

Sorry. But I'm not sorry!

You will be!

- Hey!
- Look out!

They made it across the river!

Come on, ante-lanty-lopes!
Let us through!

Everyone, everyone! Two of
the antelopes fell into the water!

We'll need to pull them out!

- But the baboons!
- Forget the baboons! Come on!

Beshte! Bunga!
You know what to do.

- Fuli, you're with me!
- Got it!


There you go,
fellas. High and dry.

Well, the baboons are gone
for sure. They're in the outlands.

At least we got them
out of the pride lands.

Not our problem anymore.

Ugh. Baboons.

Yeah. Baboons.

Mmm! You know what'd
taste good right about now?


That's what I was gonna say!

You hear that?

What is it?

I don't know. But it's
catchy. Let's check it out!

Well, well. uninvited guests.

I got just two questions.

What are you doing here, and
which one of you am I gonna eat first?

You ain't getting
away that easy!

Too bad those baboonies
turned out to be thieves!

Still, you gotta admit,
they were funny.

Were they really?

Well, it was pretty funny when
they juggled you like a sausage fruit.

Funny? That was hilarious!

Now I can't even remember
why I was mad at them!

Oh, well, maybe
because they were

stealing food and
treating us like fools.

Oh, right.


I've heard enough
about those baboons!

Don't worry about it, Ono. It's
not like we'll ever see them again.


Kion, I think you
spoke too soon!

Guess who I just saw Janja
chasing across the outlands.

Wait, wait. Don't
tell me. Was it a fish?

No, probably not a fish.

It was those two
baboon acrobats.

Serves them right. Baboons.

Aw, come on, Fuli.

The outlands isn't
our territory, Ono.


I can't believe I'm
saying this, but...

They wouldn't be in the
outlands if it weren't for us.

We're the ones who
chased them there.

Yeah. You're right, Ono.

Lion Guard? We gotta save them.

Yeah, now you're talking, Kion!

Okay. But I don't
have to like it.

Wouldn't expect you
to, Fuli. Now let's go.

Wow. What a great audience!

Please, just hold your
applause till the end.

Hey! Is this where the catchy
sounds were coming from?

Oh, it sure is! All
part of the show!

Step right up and take a seat!

Um, oh, you wanna hear
a joke? I got a joke! Um...

Two hyenas go to the
watering hole to take a bath...

That's hilarious!

Hyenas taking a bath!

Janja! Are you
a part of the act?

No, fur-brain! Grab that baboon!

But he's funny!

Who cares if he's
funny? He's food!



Wait, wait, wait! One last joke!

What do you call
hyenas covered in mud?

Uh, I give up. What?


- I don't get it.
- Hey!

I just got it!

Look! We're covered in mud!

I found them!

Thanks, Ono! Lead the way!

Stop doing that!

I don't know if you noticed,
but there's two more of them!

Hold still!

Whoa! Janja! I'm getting dizzy!

Me too!

Ugh. Fur-brains!

Guys, this way!

Thanks for making this so easy!

Check it out, boys!
A baboon buffet!

Stop right there, Janja!


Step away from the baboons!

Hey, hey, they started it! I
caught them stealing from me!

And for that they
deserve to get eaten?

Makes sense to me.

Lion Guard, time to save
those baboons. Now!

Had enough, Janja?

Fine. Then beat it!

Yeah, we're going. But you
baboons stay out of my den!

Hey, Janja, you
wanna hear a joke?

A hyena takes a bath!

I can't believe you came
all this way to save us.

Now we feel bad. What
can we do to pay you back?

I've got an idea.

Step right up, folks.
Plenty of food to go around.

Great idea, Kion.

Thanks, Beshte.

Something for every taste.
There's also entertainment.

Just think of it as
dinner and a show!

Thank you. Very gracious of you.

See, Fuli? These baboons
aren't so bad after all!


I think she agrees
with you, Bunga.

Go, Fuli!


What about you, Ono? Changed
your mind about the baboons?

Ono, heads up!

I suppose they're okay.

- Yay!
- Go, Fuli!

Go, Ono!

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪