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02x01 - Babysitter Bunga

Posted: 12/17/21 07:17
by bunniefuu
The Lion Guard.

Babysitter Bunga.

I love the smell of
zebras in the morning.

Smells like breakfast.

Dogo, kijana, this is
a perfect opportunity

for you to try out what
we've been practicing.

You mean, luring the little one
away from the rest of the herd?

'Cause they're young
and easy to trick?

That's right. Chase
'em, charm 'em...

And then chomp 'em.

Yes. We'll scare the herd. You
two find yourselves a little one.

Let's go.

Smell that, Fuli?


And it doesn't smell good.

Don't look at me, I'm back here.

It's not you,
Bunga. It's jackals.

- Ono?
- I'll see what I can see.



It's jackals, all right.
They're attacking the zebras.

Then we need to move.

To the pride lands and...

Lion Guard defend!

Panic and run! Panic and run!

Panic and run,
hamu! Panic and run!

I am panicking.

But you're running too fast.

See that little one, kiddies?
You know what to do.

- Yes, mom.
- We sure do.

Hey, wait up. Wait for me.

Oh, no. The jackals have separated
hamu from the rest of the herd!

Hamu! Those stinkin' jackals.

Bunga, you and
Ono, go help ham...

- Affirmative.
- Zuka zama.

Fuli, Beshte, let's go
help the rest of the zebras.

Hey, wait up. Wait for me.

You? You're a jackal.

Yeah, but I'm a friendly
jackal. I just wanna play.

- You do?
- Yeah.

Come on. We can play tag.

I do like tag.

Oh, slow down so I can eat you.

Huwezi. hyah!

Heh. Now who's slowing down?

Uh, not the zebras.

Twende kiboko.

Let's play surprise-tag! You
stand still and close your eyes.

Hamu! Behind you!

Lion Guard? No!
Don't spoil the surprise.

Zuka zama. Ha!

What kind of game is this?

It's the last game
you'll ever play, zebra.

Oh, no, you don't.

I don't think you play
tag with your teeth.

Jackals do.

Kick him, hamu! Kick him!

Oh, yeah!


You're it!

Good guys, two.
Jackals, nothing.

Give it up, Reirei!

You're the last one standing.

I am?

Well, not anymore.

Where's hamu?

Hamu! Hamu!

Right here, mom.


- Bunga saved me.
- Nah, you saved yourself.

Bunga told me
to kick, and I did.

Did you hear that, Kion? That
little zebra att*cked my son.

Don't worry, Reirei.

You'll be safe from these vicious
zebras once you're back in the outlands.

No justice for jackals, I guess.

All right, kiddies, let's go.

- Goigoi!
- Coming, hun!

Thought you just
said, "kiddies."

Great job, everyone!

Lion Guard, wait!

Muhimu, what's wrong?

You can't just go.
We've been att*cked.

But the jackals are
gone now. You're fine.

No need to panic or run.

Yes, I know, but I...

I'm still sort of shaken up.

You just need to relax, muhimu.
Take some time for yourself.

Well, I'd love to, but what
would I do with hamu?

Maybe hamu could
stay with Bunga.

They really get along together.

- Stay with me?
- Stay with Bunga?

That sounds great!

What do you think, Bunga?

You okay keeping an eye
on hamu for a little while?

Sure, why not?


Oh, thank you.

I can relax now knowing that my little
one is with someone so responsible.

Hamu! You wanna dive
off hakuna matata falls?


Did she say "responsible"?

- Uh, Kion, I was wondering...
- What is it Ono?

Well, I'm a bit concerned
about Bunga being away.

Ono, it's fine. Bunga
will do great with ham...

I'm not worried about
that. I'm worried about us.

We do depend on Bunga.

For funny smells, bad jokes?

Fuli, you know
Bunga is the bravest.

And he's the best climber.

What if we need to
rescue someone from a tree

or some other high
place while he's gone?

You're right, Ono. We
should practice what we do.

Come on.

See that rock up there?

Let's pretend it's
a trapped animal.

Who wants to try to get it down?

Kion, you know
cheetahs don't climb.

Give it a try.



You're right,
cheetahs can't climb.

I didn't say that. I
said we don't climb.

And now we know why.

Yes, well, I can't climb either.

But I can fly to the rescue.

Hello, little animal in danger.

Allow me to help you out.

Ono, you okay?

Mmm. Affirmative.

Hey, I bet I could
pick up that rock.

Twende kiboko.

Wait, Beshte!

Uh-oh. Whoa!

- Whoa!
- Ooh!


Maybe that's enough
climbing practice for now.


Juhudi, stop running!

Juhudi, don't splash in the mud.

Juhudi, look out for that hyrax!


Oh. Forget it.

Excuse me.

E-Excuse me.


You look relaxed,
muhimu. Where's your boy?

Bunga's watching hamu,
so I can have a little me time.

Bunga the honey badger?
From the Lion Guard?


I told you not to play
with the porcupine.

Think he'd take Juhudi too?

This time, use your front
hooves to break through the water.

Got it.

Zuka zama!

Bunga, would you mind
watching our kids too?

Ooh, can you Bunga? Can you?

Hmm, I don't know. More kids,
bigger splashes, more noise.

I understand if it's
too much trouble.

Pfft, you kidding?
It sounds great!

Come on, kids, jump in.


Okay, well, we'll be
back before sunset.


- Now what, Bunga?
- Yeah, is there anything else to do?

You kidding?

Hakuna matata falls is
filled with fun stuff to do.

As long as you know how to
tay-Kay, roo-ka, and tay-layza.

Tay-Kay, roo-ka, and tay-layza?

Yeah, tay-Kay, kick!


- Tay-Kay!
- Tay-Kay!


Right back at you,
Bunga! Tay-Kay!

Good job, everybody!
Now, come on.

Roo-ka, jump!



That was great.

Now, tay-layza! Slide!

Tay-layza! Yay!

See? If you can kick, jump
and slide, you can do anything!

I'll show ya!

♪ Get up, everyone
it's time for us to play ♪

♪ I'll show you something
new that we can do all day ♪

♪ it's simple and it's fun ♪

♪ it's kinda like a game ♪

♪ just watch what I do ♪

♪ then you do the same ♪

- ♪ tay-Kay ♪
- ♪ everybody, kick

- ♪ roo-ka ♪
- ♪ everybody, jump ♪

- ♪ tay-layza ♪
- ♪ everybody, slide ♪

- ♪ yeah ♪
- ♪ kick, jump, slide ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ that's the way to go
now you're in the groove ♪

♪ who needs a fancy dance
when we can shake and move ♪

♪ it's simple and it's fun ♪

♪ it's kinda like a game ♪

♪ just watch what I do ♪

♪ then you do the same ♪

- ♪ tay-Kay ♪
- ♪ everybody, kick ♪

- ♪ roo-ka ♪
- ♪ everybody, jump ♪

- ♪ tay-layza ♪
- ♪ everybody, slide ♪

- ♪ yeah ♪
- ♪ kick, jump, slide ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

- ♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪
- ♪ bring it down ♪

♪ here we go, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ come on, that's right ♪

♪ now you got it ♪

♪ let's go it's
simple and it's fun ♪

♪ it's kinda like a game ♪

♪ just watch what I do ♪

♪ then you do the same ♪

- ♪ tay-Kay ♪
- ♪ everybody, kick ♪

- ♪ roo-ka ♪
- ♪ everybody, jump ♪

- ♪ tay-layza ♪
- ♪ everybody, slide ♪

- ♪ yeah ♪
- ♪ kick, jump, slide ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

- ♪ come on ♪
- ♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ yeah, and you kick, and
you jump, and you slide ♪

♪ kick, jump, slide ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

♪ tay-Kay, roo-ka, tay-layza ♪

Okay, kiddies. Find the little one
and move it away from the pack.

Uh, none of them
are little, mom.

That's okay. I'll be the little
one. You can chase me.

Isn't your daddy sweet?

Not smart, but sweet.

Now run him down, like
you're gonna eat him.

How'd we do, mom?

Real good, kids.

Good enough that I think it's
time to go back to the pride lands.

But what about the Lion Guard?

Leave that to me.

I'll come up with a plan to
keep them out of our way.

Is it over?

Uh, next time, can I be the big one
and someone else be the little one?

Hmm. I don't think I've ever
been this relaxed in my life.

Mm-hmm. Oh, have you
tried this grass over here?

No. Is it good?

Amazing! Try it.


You're right. So good.

Almost as good as acacia.

Let's move on. Nothing
here but tough old animals.

Mmm, think we should
go pick up the little ones?

Little ones?

Why? They're all having
fun at hakuna matata falls.

Let them play.

You hear that?

A bunch of little ones
at hakuna matata falls.

It's just what you need.

One final test to show
you know your stuff.

Little ones.


Not so fast.

Remember I said I'd
come up with a plan

- for the Lion Guard?
- You did?

You think of something
to distract the Lion Guard.

The rest of us will
go after the little ones.

But I'm hungry too.

Don't worry, we'll save you
a tidbit. Come on, kiddies.

Huh. Reirei thinks I
can think of something.

Well, I'm gonna do her proud.

I hope.

Nobody in any of those trees.

Good. I've had enough
climbing for one day.

Guys, it never hurts
to try new things.

It does, when
Beshte lands on you.

At least now we know
I'm not good at climbing.

Never thought I'd say it but
I'll be glad to have Bunga back.

Hey, let's go see how he's doing
with hamu at hakuna matata falls.

Poa, I'm sure
they're having fun.

Hakuna matata falls?

But that's where they're
not supposed to go.

Think, Goigoi, think! Think
like you've never thunk before.

- You hear that?
- Sounded like a jackal to me.

And it came from back there.

Till the pride lands' end...

Lion Guard, defend!

Yeah, I got their attention.

Roo-ka! Zuka zama.

Me next, my turn.

Okay. Get ready.


Too perfect.

What about Bunga?

You young'uns just leave
him to me. Y'all hungry?

Me too. And it looks like there's
plenty of little ones to go around.

We're gonna save
some for dad, right, mom?

Sure we are, sugar. Sure we are.

Goigoi, what are you doing?

Ono! I'm, uh, I'm, uh,
a chasing antelope.

Ha, it's gonna take the
whole Lion Guard to stop me.


Wait till Reirei hears about...

Ono, what did you see?

Well, it's Goigoi.

- Who's he chasing?
- That's the thing. He isn't.

Help! Help!

Howdy, Kion. Fancy
meeting you here.

What are you up to, Goigoi?

Oh, you know, just
chasing an antelope.

No antelope. I checked.

Really? Huh. Sure fooled me.

That part, I believe.

Don't worry. We'll
get you out of there.

You mean it? You'll lend me
a paw or a wing or something?

Sure. But first, you tell us where
Reirei and the rest of your family are.


I don't know if I could do
that. I'd be in big trouble.

You're upside down in a hole,
surrounded by the Lion Guard.

How could things get worse?

- Reirei could get mad at me.
- That would be worse.

Oh, you... you guys gotta help
me. I'm getting kind of dizzy.

Just give it up, Goigoi.

Fine. Fine.

They're at hakuna matata falls.

Hevi kabisa!

We've gotta help
Bunga and ham...

What about me?

You gotta just... huh?

Uh, thanks.

If Reirei asks, you
didn't hear it from me.

Ready for this?

A triple somersault into
the water from upside down.


Sorry to spoil your fun,

but we've been
waiting a really long time

to eat and we just
can't wait anymore.

Get out of here, Reirei. One
more step and you'll regret it.

Oh, really?

You think you can defend all
these little morsels by yourself?

Better believe it. I'm the
bravest in the pride lands.

Get outta here, kids. Run!

Bunga? They're all around us.

Tay-Kay, kids. Tay-Kay.




Yes! Now, run! Scatter!

You heard Bunga. Scatter!

You can't get away from us
that easy. We've been practicing.

They have, you know.

You're little ones
don't stand a chance.

Don't count on it, Reirei.

Juhudi. Tay-Kay, tay-Kay.


- I can't see.
- Me, neither.

We're right here,
come and get us.


Yes, way to go, kids.

You think that's enough
to stop my young'uns?

They've trained for this.

Not too well, I guess.

Little monkey! Tay-layza!

Got it. Tay-layza!

Great job.

- Hamu!
- It's okay.

I know what I'm doing.

Almost got ya.

- Roo-ka.
- Roo-ka.

And that's how we do
it in hakuna matata falls.

That's it, Reirei.

My kids beat your jackals.

What? But that's impossible.
They're just little kids.

Brave little kids.


Brave like Bunga.

Ready, kids?

Zuka zama.


Bunga, hamu, are you all right?

- Oh, hey guys.
- They look fine to me.

But there's a lot more
kids here than just ham...

Uh, what happened?

I guess, word spread about what
an un-Bunga-lievable babysitter I am.

Kion, look what these
horrible little animals

did to me and my babies.


You have to save us.

I think we can help you, Reirei.

As long as you promise not to
come after any pride lands kids again.

Fine. Come along, kids.

I don't care to stay
where we're not welcome.

Good, 'cause we
don't want you here.

Can we go, mom?

- Now, please?
- Yes.

Run, kids. Run!

You and the kids did
a great job, Bunga.

Nothing to it.

Here they are,
all our little ones.

How was your day, dear?

It was great!

You should've seen these guys.

They fought off a whole
pack of hungry jackals.


It was easy.

We did tay-Kay,
roo-ka and tay-layza.

Just like Bunga taught us.

You taught our kids
to defend themselves?

Pfft. Yeah, of course.

You're the best babysitter ever!


What can I say?
I knew it all along.

♪ Look out here
comes the Lion Guard ♪