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03x01 & 03x02 - Episode 1 & 2

Posted: 12/17/21 07:04
by bunniefuu
I was at a bus stop
on my way to work.

I'm a checkout chick.

Aisle , price check - groceries.

I'd never met Chelsea Babbage
before that prick tried to k*ll her.

We were shoved in the boot of a car,

then hunted down by thugs looking
for a man called Kel Morrison.

Well, you k*ll them both.

Yeah, I've been in trouble before,
but never like this.

Morrison even had cops
in his back pocket.

So Chelsea and me -
we've been on the run ever since.

She's the only person
I trust right now.

- What did happen to your mum?
- She had Huntington's disease.

It's a - chance
that I have it too.

Kel Morrison kidnapped my son,

m*rder*d my father,

and threatened my sister.

He was gonna k*ll me too -
but Chelsea saved my life.

So we buried him on that hill,

somewhere no one'll ever find him.

And now we just have to prove
we're innocent

so we can start our lives over.

You're under arrest!
Do not move!

♪ I'm only human

♪ I'm only... I'm only...

♪ I'm only human, human

♪ Maybe I'm foolish

♪ Maybe I'm blind

♪ Thinking I can see through this

♪ And see what's behind

♪ Got no way to prove it

♪ So maybe I'm lyin'

♪ But I'm only human after all

♪ I'm only human after all

♪ Don't put your blame on me

♪ Don't put your blame on me... ♪

ex-husband's veteran's pension?

So with the age benefits,

and if you apply for
subsidised housing, you could...

you could actually do quite well.

Well, relatively speaking.

It's actually two packets, Barb.

Thank you!

Amazing how many of the inmates
are suddenly gluten-free.

Did you know that Barbara
has been in here for years?

She give you any tips?
We might need them.

We are getting out of here.

You have read the list of charges
the cops have got against us?

Have you spoken to
Legal Aid recently?

Nup. Next week, maybe.

My father won't return my calls.

All communication is to be through
his lawyers only, apparently.

So... yep.

It's OK.

We're getting out, I know it.

We're gonna go to Queensland.

We're gonna get the money
that we stashed,

buy a beach house, and you're gonna
get to see David again.

Residents are being warned
to stay indoors.


After being extradited...

Yeah, great, that's all we need.

In remand, Lola Buckley
and Chelsea Babbage

gained notoriety
after evading police

whilst committing
a string of offences,

including kidnap, robbery,
and possession of firearms,

are due to face court.

The Director
of Public Prosecutions and Police

today announced
that there was enough evidence

to prosecute Buckley and Babbage
on all charges,

including a homicide charge
for Buckley.

As I've mentioned before...

Leave it.

My priority as Deputy Commissioner
is the protection of the community

from dangerous offenders
like the accused.

Buckley and Babbage
have been linked

to disgraced businessman
Kel Morrison,

who was alleged to be the head

of an extensive criminal network
in seven countries,

including Australia
and New Zealand.

Morrison is believed to be...

They're just going to
leave us in here to rot.

Buckley and Babbage may have
information as to his whereabouts.

So far, their unwillingness
to cooperate...

Chelsea, they're not going to
find his body.

Police efforts to locate Morrison,

continue their investigation into
his alleged criminal activities.

You sound terrible, Lil.

Yeah, well, it's prison,
not a day spa.

Jeez, we finally get to speak
and that's all you want to say to me?

Yeah, well, you're my sister -
I'm allowed to worry about you.

I put some flowers
on Dad's grave for you.

You know those cheap ones
that he used buy us

when he'd forgotten our birthdays?

I'm sorry I couldn't be there.

It all must have been hard.

All of his mates
propping up the bar for hours.

It wasn't that bad.

I take it she didn't show.

Knew it.


Mum had a stroke, bad one.


It was a while ago.

Now, I just didn't think
that you'd want to...

No, you're right, I don't.

Looks like she's going to have
the last laugh.

She always said trouble
followed me, so...

Not OK.

Just find her!

You've gotta keep your head.
You know that.

She can't have bloody disappeared!


Of course I'm upset.

Lil, you there?

Your old man was in high security,
wasn't he?

Well, it wasn't high security
enough for him, though, was it?

It's a hell of a way to go.

Broom and a bag.

Did you not know?


I can tell you how that works.

See, first you've got to
come up to him...

then hold it tight
so he can't breathe.

Come on, hurry up.

Hey, Dezza, call off the dogs.

You bloody do that again,
and I'll k*ll you!

Looks like
you've got yourself a fan.

We need protection.

- Kel Morrison - where is he?
- I've told you everything I know.

- Yeah, you keep saying that.
- And you keep asking.

OK, so my boss is prepared to look
at lessening some of your charges.

But it won't come for free.

- Been watching the news, has he?
- This is a good opportunity.

This could be a chance for you
to join your son a bit earlier.

What about now?

- That's not gonna happen.
- We can't stay in here.

Lola, this is the safest place for you.
Morrison can't get to you in here.

Prison didn't stop him
from getting to my father.

Well, that's unconfirmed.

Yeah, 'cause no one bothered
to look close enough.

You tell us everything
that you know,

or you're gonna be in here
for a very, very long time.

Why'd you help me?

You're not what I thought you'd be.

Which is?

Wide-eyed and naive
like your little friend.

But you...

you seem to know
your way around here.

Come in.

Got kids?

Yeah, one. David.

Haven't seen him visit.

He's on a fishing trawler
in Canada with a mate.

That's my Sophie.

Wee baby.

Not so little anymore.

Where is she?


I think.

She alright?

I think so.

Doesn't matter
how tough you are in here

or how you hold yourself together -

something happens to your kid,
then it just falls apart instantly.


Arseholes confiscated the last one.

Sorry, I've got to run.

Bloody bitch, I'll k*ll you!

- What if she does it again?
- I'll figure something out.

She's got eyes for you, I think.

We could put laxatives
in Dezza's food every day.

She won't have time to attack you
between trips to the bathroom.

And they say
I'm a menace to society.

I hear she's a nark.


You cold?

No, I'm fine.

- Then what's that?
- It's... it's nothing.

- It doesn't look like nothing.
- It's not... It's fine! It's not...

- It's not that.
- Well, if it is...

If it is Huntington's...

isn't it better that you know?

I don't know, is it? Is it better?
Is it better that I know?

Because it just means a long,
slow, painful, lonely death.

- Like Mum's. Probably in here. Great.
- Hey, hey.

Something to look forward to.

Hey, no one is dying in here, OK?

We're dying of old age
in some fancy beach house.

Showers where you don't wear shoes.

You know?

Meals that haven't been spat in.

- Don't, you'll make me vomit.
- Yeah, that'd be nice.

Underwear with actual elastic
would be good.


A full night's sleep
without my cellmate snoring

and making her many,
many other disturbing noises.

We still need to figure something
out about this Dezza problem.

If our lives were really in danger,

they'd have to move us
to a safer facility, wouldn't they?

You got a minute?

Hey, last supper. Eat up.

- Hey.
- Hey, what are you doing here?

You said you weren't coming.

Yeah, I've been thinking about
what you said yesterday,

and I... I think that you're right.
I think I should get tested.

I mean, it's probably better
to be prepared, don't you think?

Yeah, right, well, can we talk
about this later? You need to go.

- Why?
- You just need to go, Chelsea.

What have you done?

Yo, Lola.

No, no!

Stop it, Carpenter.

Drop it. Carpenter!

Kel Morrison sends his best.

- Drop it!
- Drop it now!

On the ground!

I didn't see this coming.

Yeah, well, I told you it would.

Carpenter's not saying anything
about Morrison,

but we'll get it out of her.

OK, so you'll spend a couple
of weeks at a secure location

while we finalise the details with
the witness protection program.

I want to go to Adelaide.

I thought your family
were in Queensland.

Yeah, well, I don't know anyone
there, so isn't that the idea?

OK, if I give you that, then you
give me everything you have.

Chelsea's coming with me,
though, right?

Witness protection.

It sounds so glamorous, doesn't it?

Maybe we could get a pet. A dog?


No. The puppy gifs are so cute,
but you forget how much they stink.

A cat? You'll have to deal with
the kitty litter, though.

I'm not touching it.
You are a genius...

- I need to tell you something.
- Stop there.


This is costing me.

I know.

You find my little girl.

I'll find her.

She isn't built like us.

Time's up.

Here's your ride, Buckley.

- No, no, not you, Babbage.
- What?

- You're going somewhere else.
- No, no, we're going together.

- No, you're not.
- No, we're going together!

We have to go together.


you knew?

- I'm sorry.
- You didn't...


just be smart, Chelsea.

If you need me - here.

Take it.

Make sure you get the t... test.

You ready?

How long do I have to keep wearing
these bloody things for?

Well, they're your most
recognisable features.

No one's recognised me so far.

You're lucky you're not wearing
a tracking device, Stella.

Hate that bloody name.

Not a bad office, is it?

I can think of a lot worse.

People would never guess

it's maintained
by a bunch of petty crims.

Hey, Kirra.

Good to see you found your way back.
Well done!

I shouldn't tease.
It's not her fault.

Runs in the family.

How is your mum, Kirra?

Back in custody, I hear.

See, the pin goes in the catch,

and it locks the tailgate in place.

It's a marvel of modern engineering.

Yeah, well, I checked,
and I thought it locked!

It must've hurt, all that thinking.

You know, sometimes I reckon
it'd be easier

if they sent me a busload
of specials from the special school.

It's alright, Vince.

I'll do it.

And so you should. I left you
in charge of these munters.

Under the trailer too,
don't waste any.

Yeah, alright,
we don't need supervision!

You sure about that?

I supervise all the animals
at the zoo.

Is that right?

Yes, Stella, that is right.


Sorry to interrupt.

We'd better get a move on.

Gotta get my bag.

I'd hurry up if I were you.

You're not going home
till it's done.

Hope you're not at risk
of compromising yourself.

Why, because I want to whack him
with a shovel?

Just keep your head down
for a while.

You're not going to be
stuck here forever.

Yeah, he'll still be a prick,
though, won't he?

Didn't you say
you were with homicide?

Yep, years.

So who'd you piss off
to end up on babysitting duty?

Maybe you should have been
the detective.

Yeah, no, thanks.

Not the ones I've met lately.

We're not all the same, you know.

- What?
- Nothing.

It's my son.

He's staying at my apartment.

He thinks I don't know, but I've got
a deal with my neighbours.

They let me know if he's got
more than two friends over.

Last count, .

Didn't know you had a son.

Yeah, two, actually.

But only one gives me grief.

Yeah, only takes one.

You know what they say.

"Little kids, little problems.
Big kids..."

He's got a karaoke machine now.

My eyes are k*lling me.

I'm just gonna take them out.

Good morning.

My name is Chel... Debbie from
the Department of Human Services

with a short survey
about your recent experience...


Good morning.
My name is Debbie,

from the Department of Human Services
with a short...

I was seconds away
from searching the whole building.

Yes, I know. I'm very sorry.

You always say that, but it
happens at least once a week.

It just took forever to find
something in the vending machine

that didn't have gluten
or palm sugar in it.

I mean, what is wrong with people?
Don't they like orangutans?

"On time all the time" -
it was the first thing we covered.

I was minutes and seconds late.

Late is late, Debbie.

We need to go over your statement.

Good morning to you too,

Will you be good to go
in half an hour or so?

Yeah, probably.

Can you save me some of that?
Don't push your luck.

So I thought that you told me you
didn't have any family in Adelaide.

I don't.

OK. Except your mother, Peg.

- She's not family.
- Really?


Alright, well, look,
if there's anything else

that you've just forgotten
to tell me, Lola, you let me know.

And I want to reassure you
about Susan Carpenter.

We're gonna put her
in front of the judge

and ask for the maximum,

so she won't get away
with what she did to you.


It is funny, though.

We haven't been able to find
any connection

between Carpenter and Morrison.

- What, they're not Facebook friends?
- No, apparently not.

In fact, there's that message
that she delivered from Morrison.

That's the first that we've heard
from him since he disappeared.

None for me.

- When was the last time you ate?
- On the plane.

Well, that's hardly food, is it?

OK, thanks. No chili.

No chili?

- It's not a crime.
- Well, that's debatable.

- It's good.
- It's better with chili.

Let's get started.

Something that Chelsea said
got me thinking.

Kel Morrison was an evil man.

And when you finally catch him,

he deserves to go away
for the rest of his life.

What do you think?

Look, Kel Morrison was an evil man.


It's funny that she talks about him
in the past tense, don't you reckon?

Not really. She's nervous.
She's by herself.

So does she need you
to get her story straight?

Stella, I've got to go sort out
the idiots in maintenance.

Keep an eye
on the crims for me, alright?

Don't let 'em nick anything.

Don't forget
to delete your browser history.

- Checks daily.
- Thanks.


You know you don't have to let him
speak to you like that.

I just want to do my hours
and get out of here.

You right?

Yeah, g'day.

I'm looking for Sophie. Is she here?

Who's asking?

I'm a friend
of Susan Carpenter's.


What does she want?

She wants to find her daughter.

Well, tell the old scrag
I haven't seen Sophie in months.

This is her house, isn't it?

Not anymore.


Well, do you know
where I could find her?

Have you got a phone number
or an address?

Who did you say you were again?

Lance, she is going to throw up

Use the bucket!

And hurry up!
Get your gear packed!

- Maybe they know where Sophie is.
- Nobody knows where Sophie is.

Alright? End of story.

Find her?

Nuh. Just some arsehole, Lance.

Said he hasn't seen Sophie
in months.

Listen, Susan, there's a lot of eyes
on me out here.

I just...
I don't know what else I can do.

That Lance is lying.
He's got a terrible hold on her.

He just, you know,
finishes fights with his fists.

You know the type.


Look, he was packing
to go somewhere.

He manages a hotel in the sticks,
Red Creek.

Look for her there.

I can't just take off
and go looking for her.

Getting you out cost me a lot.
I'm still paying.

So you just keep looking.

Hey, I thought maybe we could
watch a movie tonight.

It's a school night.
Think I'm just gonna go to bed.

I've got chocolates.

I'm your witness protection officer,
Chelsea, not your BFF.

Yeah, I know that.

- Night.
- Night.

The government
did not object to its release,

even though some ministers
have cast doubt on scientific links

between humans and climate change.

To breaking news now,

and there are reports
from New Zealand tonight

that missing property tycoon
Kel Morrison's car

has been discovered
by authorities.

After a three-month
public call for information

on the disgraced businessman...

You have reached
the personal messaging service

of Anthony Babbage.

If you would like to leave
a message, please...


I believe I was very clear
with the rules,

and in case there was any confusion,
this is what's called a 'breach'.

I totally understand,

only a bird flew into a window
at work,

and I got chosen
to take it to the vet,

and then there was
this huge queue...

For godsakes, Chelsea.
So who'd you see?

Who'd you make contact with?
I need to know.

- I didn't see anybody.
- Then where were you?


I went to a clinic to take a test.

What sort of test?

For Huntington's disease.

It's a neurodegenerative disease

that affects the basal ganglia
region of the brain.

It's genetic. My mum had it.

She's... she's dead.

When do you get the results?

I'm coming with you.

We'll find out together.

You know, what you're doing
is impressive,

cooperating with the cops.

I'm guessing you heard
they found Kel Morrison's car.


He's not gonna get to you.

No one will.

That's what I'm here for.

Can this really work?

Witness protection?
Do people start again?


But I'll be honest, it's not easy.

What is?

It's hard -

leaving the past behind.

Sometimes it's better to just look
at what's in front of you.

Right now I see someone's
drinking all my wine.

Yeah, well, being a smartarse
will cost you another bottle.

Worth every drop.


Are you serious?

I'm sorry.

I'd better call it a night.




I need to apologise.

No, you don't.

The line is there for a reason.
I crossed it.

- Mate, you weren't even close.
- I was.

After I drop you off,

I'm going to speak
to my commanding officer

about being reassigned.

I... it was just a kiss.

If people quit every time
they pashed someone from work,

half the country
would be out of a job.

Be no politicians left,
that's for sure.

Look, please don't.

You're one of the good ones.

It won't happen again.

Debbie Campbell.

Debbie Campbell.

- That's you.
- Hi.

This way.

Would you like a drink of water?

No, thank you.

As you know from your experience,

there is no cure,
and there is no treatment

to delay its progression,

but there is a lot we can do
to control it.

The best thing you can do right now

is to be in a stable environment
that is low-stress.


"Stable, low-stress."

It's not...


But have you worked hard enough
to qualify for all your hours?

Time on your phone -
texting, probably.

Time talking to other workers.

Time I have to take
to explain things to you twice.

It's not fair!

What have you learnt here, Kirra?

What guarantee do I have
I won't see you back here

in a couple of weeks?

A repeat client
like the rest of your family.

What the hell?

You are gonna sign off
on all Kirra's outstanding hours,

and then you're never
gonna see her again.

Are you mental?

Yeah, I am, actually.

Yeah, I was in a psych ward
for a really long time.

Do you want to know what I did?

Got a pen?

See ya, Kirra.

Yeah, that's right.

Yep, six weeks.

Yeah, six weeks and you'll get
a text message...

a text message telling you
that, um, you,

you need to return the survey.

So if you can just pop it in
the post, that would be...


Chelsea. Chelsea, it's me.

Lola. I knew that you'd call.

You need to get out of there, OK?

Out of where? Out of the building?

Chelsea, it's not safe.

Why? Are you OK?

I'm fine, just...
just get out of there, alright?

I've got my run bag,
and I've got a car.

Where do I meet you?

I'll call you back with a location.

Yeah, OK.

Bonjour, Catherine Sauvage.

G'day, Bridget.

I missed you so much.

Yeah, me too.

Are you OK? Who was it?
How did they find you?

Let's talk in the car, yeah?

Whose is this?

Um, I got it from my father's house.

Doesn't your dad drive Mercs?

Yeah, it's a long story.

I just thought
this was more our style.


- You're gonna drive?
- What do you reckon?


Do you have a plan?

We get the money,
and get the hell out of Australia.

♪ Don't walk away

♪ Won't you slow down and stay?

♪ I can't get these burns off me

♪ No, I can't get these burns
off me. ♪

Do you think Morrison
compromised the program?

Would have the contacts.
Or Buckley did it.


She grabbed the knife
from over here.

Stabbed him once there.

The victim stumbled here, fell.

It fits her MO - same way
she m*rder*d her husband.

I just don't see her
stabbing her wit pro officer.

You didn't see anything?
You didn't see anyone?

I saw Leon.

Do you think maybe
they're connected to Morrison?

I know as much as you do, OK?

Someone obviously
wanted to k*ll me, and Leon...

Leon got in the way.

Was he nice?

Yeah, he was nice.

- So you said you brought clothes.
- Ooh, yes.

- God.
- Hey, have a little trust, please.

- Just tell me they're practical.
- We don't need practical.

We need a completely new look
to get us from point A,

wherever this is, to point B,

rendezvous with Donna
in Ikara Springs,

in an outfit
no one will be expecting.

- Ooh, what about this?
- You're kidding me.

- What?
- Did you get anything sensible?

Jeans, shirts?

It is not a smart disguise if we
don't change it once in a while.

What's happening, Max?

It's messy and odd.
I don't know.

There's just something
not right about it.

I don't buy Buckley doing this.

How about we find her and ask her?

You got any news on Babbage?

She's gone too. I tried her father.
Currently unreachable.

Buckley's son?

On a fishing trawler nautical
miles off the west coast of Canada.

Have you put an alert out?

Not to the public.

Your next move
is the sister up north.

Air Wing is fuelled and ready.
Your wheels are up in minutes.

I... This is...

♪ When the leaves are falling...

♪ In the cold of November

♪ These are the days
that I will remember... ♪

Are we going the right way?
I thought Ikara was due north.

Yeah, but it's gonna take Donna
a few days to get there,

so I thought...

Why are we going
the long way round?

Because the police are going to be
all over the main roads.

- It's too risky.
- Right.

This way we can, um...
we can stop by Red Creek.

Why would we do that?

Because it might be
where Sophie is - Susan's daughter.

- Lola!
- This...

We wouldn't even be out
if it wasn't for Susan, alright?

Yeah, but...

Sophie's missing.

I met her ex, Lance.

Who, Lance?

Yeah, reminded me of Jackson,
the prick.

Lola, if we get caught...

We're not gonna get caught, OK?
I just...

Look, we're just gonna try and
find her, make sure she's alright.

She can call Susan,

and then we'll meet Donna
in Ikara Springs, OK?

I just wish you would tell me
about all these plans.

- Yeah, alright.
- We are partners in crime.

Don't forget about
the 'partners' bit.


- What are you doing?
- Getting changed into my disguise.

- I'll pull over up here.
- I'm sure I can do it.

- You don't...
- No, I can.

His name was Leon.
He has two kids.

One of them
just started high school.

My sister wouldn't do this.

Yeah, I believe you.
I think you're right.

I think there's more
to the picture here.

But I can't fill in the blanks
without Lola,

and if I can't fill in the blanks,
I can't protect her.

Donna, you clearly care a lot
about your sister, I can see that.

So you tell me,
how long do you reckon

they're gonna last on the run?

Their picture's everywhere.

They're being billed
as extremely dangerous.

Yeah, well, they're not.
Are you alright there?

Fine, thanks.

Lola didn't k*ll this man.

So help me prove it.

Work with me. Help me bring her in.

I'm not grassing up my own sister.


OK, family loyalty. I get it.

But one day
your phone's gonna ring, Donna,

and it is going to be
the state coroner,

and it is going to be
a very short call.

Think she'll call us?

Not in a million years.

Didn't know we had a court order
for a tracking device.

Wanna know how they managed
to stay a step ahead of us?

They don't have to wait around
for a court order.

OK, apparently he owns
a pub along here.

'Criterion' or something.

Up here, just there.

Do you think I need my hat
and my sunglasses,

or just my sunglasses is fine?

You're not coming in.


No, I'm just gonna be
five minutes!

I'm gonna go in, say,

"Hey, Sophie,
your mum's worried about you.

"Can you give her a call?"
That's it, we're gone.

OK, OK, fine, fine.

But can you at least
put this on, please? Stella.


Hi. What would you like?

- I'm actually looking for someone.
- Yeah?

Yeah, Sophie Halliday.

- Do you know her?
- I don't know her.

I think she might work here.

A lot of girls come through here,

stay upstairs,
move on somewhere else, you know?

Come on, Elsa.
A man's not a camel.

Sweet. Look good.

Dumb as dishwater, but.

Lance Greiner owns this pub,
doesn't he?

Lancie boy? Nah.

Not yet.

Heir to the throne.

Thanks, love.

So you've got a girlfriend?

Why? You applying?

No, I'm looking for someone.

So here I am.
What are your other two wishes?

Sophie Halliday. Do you know her?

No, but I'd like to get to know you.

I doubt that.

Hello! Here, let me give you a hand.

- That's OK, thanks.
- Are you sure?

Listen, my friend and I,
we're actually looking for somebody.


Who have we got here?


What can we do for ya?

I'm just, um...

I'm just actually looking for work.

- Yeah?
- Yep.

You're tall.
You come with a stepladder?

We're always looking for workers,
aren't we, Elsa?


Sorry, who are you?

The owner, Lance. Lance Greiner.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah.

You want to come
and fill out a form?

Look, I should probably...
I can just ask around...

Yeah, yeah, come on.

- Sure.
- Yep, come on.

Good game?

Play with us and find out.

Hey, don't run away, darl.

Classy. Alliteration.


That's about appreciating
women - you know, female form.

That's n... nice.

Lance, could I get my pay?

Yeah, sure. Sort that out in a tick.

Getting a new one, Lance?

If we're all lucky.

Here you are.
Have a hoon on that.

Just chuck my gear away.

Elsa, thirsty customers.

Yeah, but my pay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm onto it.

That's Lance.

Yeah, I know.
Should we go?

I just want to have a look upstairs
first, alright?

OK, I'll try and distract him
a bit longer.

- Yeah, well, just be careful.
- You be careful.

What are you doing?

It's OK, he thinks I'm getting
my tax file number.

As if I wouldn't have memorised it.
Come on, let's go.

What are these?

I don't know.

Who are these women?

She was wearing this.
This is Sophie's.

Don't keep going on about it.

Definitely not in front of
everyone else, OK?

OK! It's just...

- He's coming!
- It's too late. Shit!

- What are you doing?
- Just get in the cupboard.

- What?
- Get in the cupboard.


You said that
I could get it by Sunday.

Come on in.

Come on.

How much is it?

$ .

Come on.

Minus $ for board.

And those glasses
you broke last week.

- That was Barry.
- No, it was on your shift.

Here you are.


Um, Lance,
I probably won't stay much longer.


Once you pay me back the $ ,
you owe me for when you started,

you can get your passport back,
Bob's your uncle.

Go anywhere you like.

You should be making money
hand over fist down there.

I mean, those other girls...

But you're always
wearing this bloody thing.

What are you hiding?

- You got a tattoo? Funny scar?
- No, no. Come on.

Well, take it off.

You know what
those meatheads are like.

They need to see a bit of skin.

Go on, take it off now.

Jeez, Elsa,

you're the most beautiful girl
we've ever had in here.

Once they see this,
you're going to make so much money.

Really? Thanks.

Hey, you can pay back
a little bit of what you owe me

right here, right now.

Come here.

Don't. Please don't do this. Don't.

- Alright.
- Lance!

Lance, please.

- Hey, hey.
- Lance, I don't...

I... I don't... Please, stop.

Lance, no.

Don't. No, no!

Are you deaf?

You! What the f...?

What are you gonna do with that?

Come on, then!

Give me those!


♪ I need noise... ♪

I've gotta get my stuff!

♪ Need the crack of a whip

♪ Need some blood in the cut... ♪

And my passport!
Yeah, I've got them!

♪ I need blood in the cut
I need blood in the cut... ♪

♪ Cut, cut, cut, cut

♪ I need noise

♪ I need the buzz of a sub

♪ Need the crack of a whip

♪ Need some blood in the cut

♪ I need noise

♪ I need the buzz of a sub... ♪

- Here, that's yours.
- Thank you so much.

I can't believe you got it.

Hey, is that...?

That's his ute. You have to go!

He's crazy. He'll k*ll us.

Go, go, go!

Yes, I'm trying, Chelsea.
Couldn't you have got a faster car?

- It was this or a Mustang.
- A Mustang?!

- Or the Audi.
- But those cars are so conspicuous.

People look at them.
Besides, the fuel efficiency is terrible.

We would have been stopping
every five minutes for petrol.

Well, I'd rather be stopping for petrol
than for a b*mb that's overheating.

Just focus on getting us off
this road where he can't see us.

♪ Na-na-na, na na

♪ Na-na-na, na

♪ Na-na-na, na na... ♪

Any tunnels?

Yeah, there's one.
It's coming up. But just be careful.

It's on the left. You've just gotta
be careful, it's really tight.

♪ I need noise

♪ I need the buzz of a sub

♪ Need the crack of a whip

♪ Need some blood in the cut... ♪

Is he still there?

♪ I need the buzz of a sub

♪ I need some blood in the cut. ♪

Hey, do you think that she knows
who we are?

I don't know.

I can't keep driving
that dump tonight.

We're gonna have to find
somewhere nearby to camp.

Hey, do you still have that picture
of the girl you're looking for?


Yeah, it's possible
that I did see her at the pub.

- When?
- About a week ago.

Lance arrived late at night
with this group of girls.

I was still cleaning the bar,

and Lance was furious
that I was still there.

He told me to get out, so I did.

I came back the next morning,
and they were gone.

Was it these girls?

Show me.

I don't... I don't know.

Well, do you know where
he might have been taking them?

No idea.

Maybe wherever
he took my friend Lucie.

This is my friend.

She was working at the pub
when I started.

Lance said there was
work up north, big tips.

She wanted me to go with her.

When was that?

Three weeks ago.

I haven't heard from her since.

Did he say where he was taking her?


I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

- Watch your step.
- Yeah, thanks.

Hey, you OK?

Yeah. Yep.

Did you end up going to the doctor?

No, I didn't get a chance.

I don't...
I don't mind not knowing.

I don't even think about it
when I'm out here.


You know, this is what I thought
Australia would be like.

It mostly is.

Thank you.

For getting me out.



Do you ever think about
what happened in New Zealand?

I can't get it out of my head.

Pulling the trigger.

Watching him...

Hey, if you hadn't
pulled the trigger, I'd be dead.

What do I do?

Hey, you take control
of what happens next.


I know what it's like
to do things you want to take back.

But you can't change what you did.

It's just a part of who you are now.

I don't want to be a bad person.

Get off me!



Where are you going?

Lillian, what are you doing?

Get away from me!

Get in there!

Are you alright?


- Chelsea!
- What? What?

Hear that? It's a car.


Elsa, wake up.

I know you're out there.

There's no point in hiding!

Hey, Whip. Yeah.

Nah, just got a small problem
with the passports.

Yeah, I'm sorting it out now.

Where are you?

For real, already?
How many minors?

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!

I'm... I am hurrying up. I... Yep.

Yeah, I'll grab the girls now,
straight over.

Yeah. Sorry. See ya.


Alright, we're on our way.

Max, what is it?

On a mountaintop in New Zealand,

hikers found his body
in a shallow grave.

Probably not the weekend
they had in mind.

We don't know for sure
they k*lled him.

I think that it's still possible
that they're telling the truth.

That Morrison was chasing them.

He was running away from them
when they k*lled him.

- How do we know that?!
- Ballistics report, just through.

Shot in the back.

With the r*fle taken from Buckley
when she was arrested.

She k*lled Morrison,
and she k*lled Leon.

They've been playing us, Max.

But the games stop here.

I'm deploying every resource
we have,

and you're going back to the prison
to give Susan Carpenter a shake.

We shut this down now!

- Careful.
- You too.

Thank you.

Without you, I would have ended up
like those other girls.

- We're gonna find them.
- Hey, no promises.

I understand.

But if you do see Lucie, can you
please tell her that I said sorry?



Could you pay for us in there?

- Keep the change.
- No, I couldn't.

Yeah, you can.

The discovery of
Morrison's body in New Zealand

by German hikers has...

Get out of here.


Kel Morrison's dead.

He has been for a while now,
long before your little stunt.

So what did Buckley pay you?

A million bucks.
Check my bank account.

OK, so it's not money.

What else could Lola Buckley
do for you?

This is how you try
and set people up?

With your sweet little stories.

It looks as though Lola's m*rder*d
her witness protection officer,

but you know that, right?

Every police officer in Australia
wants her blood,

so whatever it is
that she offered you,

whatever it is that she promised,
she's not gonna do it.

She won't be able to.

But we can make you a promise.

We can make sure
that you never get out of here.

Now, you don't owe Lola anything.

You help us, we'll help you.

I don't dob, so you do your worst.


Whatever it is between you two,
we'll find it.

Good luck.

It's Susan.


I understand the need to run,
I really do,

but you've gotta find my girl.

Hey, I tried, OK?

Listen, Lola, I can get you
out of the country.

You and your friend - I can do that.



Our faces are all over the news.

We've just gotta get to Donna, OK?

Once we're somewhere safe,

I'll call Susan, and I'll tell her
to get the police involved.

They can find Sophie.


- Pull over. Lola, pull over.
- What?

Lance's car's back there.
He's at the motel.

You heard what she said.

If we find Sophie, Susan can get us
out of the country.

Maybe Sophie's in that room.

Yeah, maybe.

What do we do?
We need to get in there.

This cleaning crap's
gotta be good for something.



Go away!

You right there?

Yeah, just housekeeping.
You need anything?


Oi, shut the bloody door!

Don't open it unless it's me.

- Did you see her face?
- Yeah.

I don't need housekeeping.

Hey, are you alright?

No, no! - We're just gonna be
a couple of minutes, that's all.

- You can't come in here.
- We're just gonna change the sheets.

What are you doing?
You can't be in here.

Look, we're looking for
Sophie Halliday.

Do you know her?

This is you, isn't it?
May? May McKinnon.

May, we can help you.


I don't need your help.

Look, if you're in trouble,
if Lance is threatening you,

we could... we could take you
to a police station.

- They can help you.
- They can't help.

Holy shit,
you just barge in on people!

Just doing a bit of a clean.
Didn't know you were busy.

Don't worry about privacy, then.

Well, we'll come back later.

- Sorry!
- Wait a sec.

You got any of those little soaps?

- No, sorry.
- Not today!

What's the hurry, ladies?

Well, if it isn't Australia's
most wanted.

There's seven passports,
seven women.

- Why were their passports taken?
- Well, they're fake.

I mean, obviously they're trying
to pass themselves off as...

What? As -year-old backpackers?

Hey, boss, she's got a point.
Have a look at these.

Yeah, well, come on, then.
Just log them in evidence.

- Look at that.
- Yeah, OK. Away you go.

You can log the fact
that your boss is part of it!

- You just keep telling your story.
- You pig!

And in news just to hand,

criminals Lola Buckley
and Chelsea Babbage

have been arrested
in the mining town of Boulder Ridge

in South Australia.

This welcome breakthrough for police

comes as public and media scrutiny

over their failed pursuit
has reached a new high.

The two women, both on remand
for a string of offences,

including Buckley
on a homicide charge

for the death of her husband,

has sparked a nationwide police hunt
in recent days.

They are expected to be extradited
back to New South Wales

on a new set of charges.

Well, that town
doesn't even have an airstrip.

No, this one's over, Max.
You can go get a beer.

- I'll drive.
- It's done, Max. We got them.

Nuh. Nuh.
I am bringing them in this time.

I'll be there
for the bail hearing in the morning.

That's a -hour drive!

Mate, you cannot be here.
You arrested them.

Are you Ret*rded?

Hey, that's the country's
biggest crims in there,

so right now,
I'm the smartest cop in Australia.

No, Warren, you're the dumbest.

Where are the passports?

Well, they're evidence.

- Get 'em out of evidence!
- I can't do that!

Listen, if those passports
lead back to me, I'm screwed.

And if I'm screwed,
you're screwed.

I'll get them, OK?

- I'll bring them right to ya.
- Do not stuff this up.

Hey, listen, mate.

Why don't you...
why don't you go home?

I'll take this shift.

I've only just started logging
the evidence.

Have you uploaded anything
to the database?

No, I thought
I'd get everything in...

OK, I'll do that, then.
I'll do it. That's fine.

Are you sure? You haven't worked
the nightshift in over a year.

No, I just think I should be the one
who's here in the morning

when the Ds arrive, so...

Away you go.

Have a night off.

- Yep. I'll be fine, mate.
- Don't worry.

- OK.
- Yep.

- See you round, then.
- Hooroo.

Go on, say it.

"Told you so."

It's my fault.
I made us stop at the motel.

Didn't get very far, did we?

You still could.


We need to be realistic.

After this bail hearing,
they're gonna separate us,

and we need to get our stories
straight now.

- What story?
- I'm going to confess.

I don't have a previous
m*rder charge hanging over me.

No offence.

I come from a good background.

Again, no offence.

And it's my word against Morrison's,

who's in no position
to say anything right now, so...

You'd still get prison.

It's not up for discussion.
This is what I'm doing.

No, it's not.

They're gonna blame me
for Leon anyway.

I'll say it was me,
and that I just dragged you along.

Well, that's not fair either.

Besides, I won't give my father
the satisfaction.

So you'd plead guilty to m*rder
to piss your father off?


Plus it's the truth.

I k*lled him.
You didn't.


We'll find another way.

We will.

- Morning.
- How you going?

Here to extradite the prisoners
back to New South Wales.

Great, yeah. They're out the back.

Let me just...

Um, it says on the transfer notice
Maxine Middleton.

Yeah, delayed. She's in my unit.


Hey, you're the bloke
that finally caught them?

Yeah, you know.
Bit of good luck.

Well, show us the catch, then.

Yeah, mate.
Sorry. Of course.

Just, yeah, come on through.

Sorry it's a bit of a mess.

Young fella keeps leaving shit
everywhere as usual.

They're feisty.

Well, they were feisty before.

Did this numpty
show you the passports?


No, they had passports on them,
but I still have to process them.

A group of women
have been kidnapped.


They're in a motel.
The Opal Motel in town.

Do the transfer papers.

He's involved! We literally
caught him with his pants down.

Yeah, righto. Settle down.
He's not an idiot.

Let's get those transfer papers sorted?


Please look into those women.
They're in trouble!


Pretty big deal for me, this arrest.

You did well, sir.

You got those evidence bags?

I mean, just saying,

it'd be good for the right people
to hear about it, you know?

Yeah, I'll put a word in for you.

Cell keys.

I mean, nothing this big's
ever come through here before.

That's all.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I know what you mean, buddy.

I can pretty much guarantee

you will get a Christmas card
from the Sydney office this year.

You got the keys there?

are you just taking the piss?

No, I'll definitely need them.

Unless there's another way
to open that jail cell up.


Smartarse Sydney cop?

I'll take those passports
while you're there.

Yeah, well, like I said,
I haven't processed them.

And now you don't have to.


You know what?

I might just call
the Adelaide office,

just check they're across it all -
transfer and everything.

Suit yourself.

I will.

♪ Held my hand so tight

♪ As you stopped to say hello

♪ You wished me well

♪ You couldn't tell

♪ That I've been crying... ♪

- What?
- Did you hear that?

Hear what?

♪ Crying over you

♪ Crying... ♪

Good morning, ladies.

♪ Over you. ♪