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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 12/16/21 07:13
by bunniefuu
- Why do you want the g*n?
- Morrison kidnapped my son,

m*rder*d my father, and
is threatening my sister.

I can't go on the run forever.

- I need your help.
- No.

It's David.

- What did happen to your mum?
- She had Huntington's disease.

It's a - chance
that I have it, too.

What do you want me to do
about the women?

Find these women and Harry's kid
and end this.

I'll talk to Morrison then.

- I'll tell him we're no threat.
- That's the thing, Will.

- I still am a threat to him.
- Yeah, she knows something, Chelsea.

Something that's gonna
help us get Morrison.

So tell me where you are
and I'll come get you.

Hello? Chelsea, are you there?

Josh? What are you doing here?

Chelsea, you're acting recklessly. OK?

And there are a lot of g*ns out here.

You think I k*lled Ray
Stanton, don't you?

I understand if it was self-defence.

Stop right there!

If you don't stop,
we will sh**t you.

Stop and get down on the ground.



- I need to have a rest.
- Yeah.

- Don't you ever get sick of this?
- Sick of what?


I'm getting too old for
it, that's for sure.

You know it's important to continue
aerobic exercise into menopause.

Hey, once we cross this river,
where do we go?


- Lola?
- Shh!

- What?
- Shh!





David Buckley?

He's wounded.
He needs medical attention.

He needs to answer
a few questions first.

David, where are you wounded?

His shoulder.
He needs antibiotics.

Can you escort this gentleman out?
Thank you.

David, where's your mother gone?
When did they leave?

Were you with them when
they k*lled Ray Stanton?

- That's bullshit.
- You're right.

We don't know that.

Now, David,
do you know a Vincent Salazar?

How is he connected to all this?

Mate, we wanna help you.

She's not a m*rder*r.

Now, according to the file I read,
she k*lled your father.

- That was self-defence.
- So why is she still running?

David will be fine.
Cliff's with him.

What he did was really brave.

Yeah, it was.

Stupid, too.

He could have been shot.

OK, I wonder
where he gets that from.

We're gonna have to go.
Come on.

Maybe we can just wait here
until it gets dark.

No, we can't, Chelsea.
We need to find Will. OK?

What did he say exactly?

He just said
that his mum knows something

that could help us get Morrison.

- But he didn't say what?
- (g*nsh*t)

That was west.

Hey! Keep them here.
Hinkley, follow me!


Chelsea. Chelsea.

It's just a graze. OK?

We have to go. Come on.


Chelsea. Chelsea, Chelsea.


Stay with me. Stay with me.

I need you.



Lola, come on!
Come on, we have to go.

- He just...
- We have to go to the river. C'mon.

Jesus Christ.

He's still warm.

We need forensics up here immediately.

We have a body.
Levine will stay with it and guide you in.


Hinkley, come with me.

Yeah, I'm good. I'm good. Aah!

Hold it!

Put your hands up in the air
and get down on the ground!

- We didn't do anything.
- Get down on the ground!

- I can't.
- Keep your hands up!

What are you doing here, Levine?

Both of you!
Hands where I can see them!

Lola, Chelsea, do as she says.
Hey, I don't think they're armed.

Well, we both heard the sh*ts.
Stay back! Get down on the ground!

It's Kel Morrison, Josh.

Keep your hands
where I can see them!

- He's been trying to k*ll us.
- Get down!

- Chelsea, make her see sense.
- It's Morrison!

Hands where I can see
them or I'll sh**t!


- What did you just do?
- What? Were you gonna sh**t her?

- Go.
- She was going for a g*n!

- Get down on your knees.
- What?

Constable Hinkley,
hold your w*apon on him.

- You are kidding me.
- Get down!

Joshua Levine, I'm arresting you

for aiding and abetting known felons.

You just made a huge mistake.

We'll see.


- Hurry up.
- Yeah.

How far to the road?

Another couple of Ks.



- Will? It's Chelsea.
- Where are you?

Um, we're heading north,
I think, along...

- Along Chalmers Track.
- On Chalmers Track.

- A couple of Ks from Woodley Road.
- We're near Woodley Road.

Yeah, I know where that is.

- I'll come get you. OK?
- Will's gonna come and get us.

Well, tell him
there's cops everywhere.

There's police all around.
They're definitely trying to sh**t us.

Well, they're not looking for me.

- So just stay hidden beside the road.
- OK.

I'm driving a white ute.

OK, see you soon.

Please, just listen to me.
What if they are innocent?

Innocent people don't run.

Oh, I think they do when someone's
pointing a g*n at them.

Someone else was sh**ting at them.
Those were the sh*ts that we heard.

Kel Morrison
is Ray Stanton's father-in-law.

Right? She didn't just pick
that name out of thin air.

I knew you were personally
involved with Babbage.

Just let me check it out.
Let me call Australia.

Kel Morrison just did
time for tax avoidance.

You don't get it.

You're going back
to Sydney to face charges.

Well, at least check
if Morrison's in New Zealand.

Take Levine to the airport.
An Australian federal officer

- will meet up with you there.
- But do I really still need these?

Cuffs come off when he's
with the feds, not before.

Did Will say
how long he was gonna be?


So you rang your dad?

I'm really sorry.
I think he's the one who told the police.

No, I didn't mean that.

Did you talk to him?

Sort of.

Well, no.

He's in New Zealand.

He has a plane here. He wants
to take me back to Australia.

Back to his fleet of lawyers.

He'd love that.

I'd be his helpless little girl again.
I'd be completely at his mercy.

You'd be safe.

I'd be alone.

You'd be safe.

So, um, you and Cliff?

Looked pretty serious.

Ah. Yeah, as in,

"Hey! Gee, sorry I ran
away years ago.

Just give us a quick pash before
the police storm your farm."

He's a good guy.

And he loves David.

You know, it's actually alright to
let somebody care about you, Lola.

It's not a crime.

- Chelsea!
- No, it's Will.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- What does your mother know?
- Oh, I'm fine, thanks.

Thanks for asking.

- Hey, what happened to the...?
- She's fine, OK?

Just start talking. Hurry up.

There's something else that
ties Morrison to the crime.

The victims.
Their bodies were never found.

- Mum knows where they're buried.
- Where?

Well, she's not telling me.

- So we need to talk to her then.
- Alright. Alright, hey.

- You're kidding me?
- You're right about the cops.

They're everywhere.

What happened out there,

do you think she's alright?

She's crazy, but she's tough.

You know, David,

everything she's ever done
has been for you.

Yeah, I know.


Detective! Belongs to the deceased.


Who is this?

Who's calling?


- Oh, man.
- You guys, OK?

You alright?

You guys go in.
I'll go look for her.

She won't be far.


Oh. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

I'm just a bit light-headed.
That's all.

Yeah, well, you need to lie down.

Come on.

How many fingers?


And a thumb.

What day is it?

I don't know.

Who am I?

Catherine Savage.

Lillian Walsh. Lola Buckley.

Whoever you wanna be.

You are a constant
surprise, Chelsea Bridget.

I can't find her. What happened?

- No, I'm fine.
- You OK?

- Mm-hmm.
- Make sure she doesn't go to sleep.

How are you feeling?

Sleepy, actually.

- I'm sorry.
- You're not the one who shot at me.

No. No, I mean, none of this would
have happened if it wasn't for me.

Maybe Morrison would
be in prison by now.

Well, what you did before doesn't
have to dictate what you do next.

You can be better than that, Will.

- Mm.
- You are. You are.

Really, you are.

- Where's your passport?
- In there.

You're gonna have to pack for me too.

The dirty socks, jocks. Top drawer.

- That it?
- Toiletries.

I'm gonna need to, um...

- You're kidding.
- Nope.

- You can hold on.
- I can't, mate.

- I've been holding on all day.
- Well, what do you want me to do?

- You're gonna have to unzip me.
- Nah.

- I'm not gonna bloody unzip you.
- Well, I can't.

You're gonna have to hold it, too.

I don't get paid enough for that.

- Hey! Easy!
- Argh!

Hey, hey.
Settle down and uncuff me.

- Uncuff me!
- No!

- Undo the cuff!
- Argh!


Now, you hold it there.

I'll bust your shoulder, mate.
I will!


It's alright, mate.
You've done nothing wrong. Alright?

Now we're gonna walk over to that sink.

- OK.
- Are you gonna settle down?

- Yes.
- Are you gonna settle down?


Argh! Aah!

Hey. If you do that again,
I'll break your wrist.

If you do it again,
I'll break your arm.

- OK.
- Put your arm around the basin.

- No!
- Put your arm around the sink.

OK! Argh! Aah!

Levine! Levine,
you can't do this. Please.

Levine! Please! Please. Levine!

We need to know
where Morrison hid the bodies.

It's the only way to end this, mum.

Why couldn't you just stay out of this?

- It's got nothing to do with you.
- It's got everything to do with me.

He m*rder*d my father
and threatened my family.

You don't think you're in danger?
Will tried to blackmail him.

He will hunt you down
and k*ll you both.

I'm not frightened of Kel Morrison.

How long do you think you can
keep your son safe from the man?

He's a psychopath.

We need to end this.

I'll talk on one condition.


You keep Will out of this.

His involvement stops here.


What happened years ago?


Kel Morrison was a brute,

even back then.

Will's dad, Harry, and he
were business partners.

Importing dr*gs.

A local cop was onto them,
so Morrison went around to his house

and emptied his g*n into him.

But he didn't know the policeman's
wife was in the kitchen.

He k*lled her, too.

Morrison called Harry in a panic,
threatened him with all sorts

if he didn't help to clean it up.

You helped Harry, didn't you?

Morrison was questioned,
but without the bodies or that g*n,

they had to let him go.

But Harry kept the g*n.

It was the only thing
that controlled Morrison,

even after he took off
back to Australia.

Look, if we find the bodies,

the case can be re-opened.

I'm coming, too.

You're staying with me.
That was my condition!

Just hang on. Hang on, mum.

Will, we don't know where Morrison is.

You need to stay
and look after your mum.

Why don't you just call the police?

- I don't trust the police.
- So you're gonna go and dig them up?


I need proof. If we don't have
the bodies, we've got nothing.

Are you coming, Chelsea?

OK, OK. We'll bring
the car back. Thank you.

Hey, just be careful, OK?

It's not too bad.
It's just a scratch.

What are you doing?

I need to get some petrol.

Is it a Friday?

You should never fill up
just before a weekend.

The price spike is unforgivable.

So what have you got
on this weekend?

Here. I'll fill. You pay.

- OK.
- Wait. Take that.



In a place like this?

Just in case.


- Dad?
- Hello, Bubba.

She must be feeling guilty.
That's why she rang me.

My plane's on standby.
We need to get you home.

I've got lawyers waiting.
And a doctor.

Come on, Bubba.

Here we are. Come on. Get in.

I'm sorry for being over-protective.

Sometimes I feel like you're just
waiting for me to get sick like mum

so that you can control everything.

No, no, no. That's not true.
I'm just scared that...

Well, I'm scared, too.

But if we get you
tested, then we'll know.

I'm not scared of dying.
I'm scared of living my...

this whole experience
has taught me...

being with Lola has taught me

that I can even...

...sometimes even be useful.

That's good.

Good. That's important, Chelsea.

You've always tried your
best, even with mum.

I understand that now.

You know what?
I'm actually a bit hungry.

Uh, I doubt they'll have
anything to snack on in there,

but I'll check for you.


Yes, of course.

Of course, I will.
As long as we're agreed it's done.

Yes, absolutely.

That's the end of...


- Want a cuppa?
- Who were you talking to?

No-one. The bank.

Why don't you just sit down
and I'll make you a...

Give me the phone.
Hand me the phone.

Right now.

Right now, mum. Give it to me.

Let it go. Let it go.

What have you done?

I've made a deal to protect us.

Our lives for the women.

And you trust that man?

What choice did I have?

Will! No!



Lola Buckley.

You're real.

I was beginning to have my doubts.

The supermarket teller
that k*lled some of my best men.

Oh, tell me.
Really, who are you?

I'm Lillian Walsh.
I work at Lane Mart.

Where's the other one?

She's gone.
She's safe from you.

Doing some digging?

There are no bodies, are there?

Oh, I'm sure there are, knowing Alice.

Just not here.

Well, no bodies. No g*n.

No case to answer.

This may come as a surprise to you,

but I'm a decent man.

I haven't hurt anyone
in years until today.

Nah, you just get other
people to do your dirty work,

like all cowards.

You stuck your nose into business
that didn't concern you.

This was forced on us by you.

We didn't ask for it.
We never wanted it.

You keep telling yourself that.

We just wanted to go home.

Why did you keep running?

What did you feel when you opened
that bag and saw all that money?

I bet a little voice in your
head said, "Let's keep driving."

It was dirty money.

Speaking of dirt. Thanks for digging
that hole. I've got a dicky back.


- Chelsea?
- I had to. I had to.

- I know. I know.
- Yes. Yes.

Yeah. Look at me. Look at me.

Look at me. You had no choice.

- I had to.
- You had no choice.

I had to.

OK. It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.

It's OK. It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.

Thank you.


RADIO: All units, we have traced
Babbage's hire car to a location

on Three Mile Hill.

AOS units four and seven
approaching site.

Two minutes till contact, over.

Base to four and seven,

proceed with caution
until further orders.

It's believed both suspects
are holed up there.

We also believe they are armed
and extremely dangerous.

Copy that, base.
Closing in and awaiting orders, over.

- Aah. Oh, God!
- We need to get him to a hospital.

- Here. Try this.
- Careful, careful, careful.

Look, we need to get
out of here, alright?

- How bad is it?
- You'll live.

It was mum. It was mum.

She set you up.

- Yeah, no kidding.
- Aah. She wanted...



Set up a perimeter.

This is Jacobs. I have
the northern side, over.

Don't hurt her.

Just let me speak to her.

Keep him here until I deem it's safe.

- Dixon! Let me speak to my mum.
- You are here as a last resort.

Until then, shut up
and stay in the back.

This is Lee. I have a visual on east
exit, over. South side covered, over.

Confirming full coverage of sight.

Please report
any movement within, over.

Hey, you need to go.

- You need to go.
- It's too late.

Confirming visual on the suspects.

Repeat, we have the suspects contained.

Copy that.

- We have visual.
- Suspects in sight, over.

Lock it down.

Lola, my name is Detective Dixon.

We met earlier today.

- Yeah, when you tried to sh**t us.
- Aah!

Lola, if you and Chelsea come
out of that hut, unarmed,

with your hands clearly
where we can see them,

- no-one will get hurt today.
- We heard that this morning.




Buckley has a r*fle!

Suspects are armed.
Repeat, suspects are armed.

Oh, God. Aah!


Will, can you walk?


There's movement in the cabin.

Coming out.

- If they're armed, we sh**t.
- Copy that.

If armed, fire on sight.

Who is that?

Hands where we can see them!

Looks like a hostage.

Keep your hands in the air.

- Go.
- Go, go, go.

- Move!
- Move! Move!

Who are these women?


What do we do now?

Lola, there's no way out of that hut.

The area is completely surrounded.
You don't have any options.

We can't keep running,
can we, Lola?

There's no bodies. There's no bodies.

There's no proof
of anything Morrison did.

They think we k*lled Ray.

That guy in the forest.

Morrison's dead, shot with this g*n.

Do you know what that means?

I don't wanna go to jail.

If we go out there,
we are gonna go to jail.

Probably for the rest of our lives.

Unless they sh**t us.


Let me know when you have
clear sh*ts on both targets.

- Got a lock on Buckley.
- Lock on Babbage.


Where's Hinkley?

I need to speak to the women, please.

- Arrest him!
- I can talk them down, Dixon.

What have you done with my officer?

- I know why they're here.
- Get him out of here.

It's the McDonald murders.

Jack McDonald and his wife,
years ago. One of your own.

What do you know about that case?

Get off me.

Lola, Chelsea!
You need to come out.

I know why you're here.

The double homicide years ago,

you think it was Kel Morrison. Right?

There's no proof.

You can't help us, Josh.


Aren't you tired of running, Lola?

You're done. Get the Australian
feds to pick him up from here.

Do we get the boy?

We're beyond talking.

Get your guys ready to go in.

Copy that.

Get ready to sh**t.

Are you sure we're doing this?


'Cause we don't do anything
unless we both agree.

It's how it's always been.

Um, actually no. We've mostly
done what you've wanted to do,

like you leaving me with my father.
We haven't talked about that yet.

Yeah, OK.
Well, I'm sorry about that.

You know, I think I've
actually earnt my stripes.

You couldn't have done any of this
without me, no matter what you say.

No, you're right.

I'm sorry.

It's always just been you and me.

- You know, whatever comes next...
- No, please, no.

- Please don't do that.
- No, I want you to know

what it's meant to me

having you here with me
through this.

Me, too.

You know, if I had a daughter,
I'd want her to be just like you.

- Well, maybe not the OCD thing and...
- Oh.

...hopefully, she wouldn't
be gluten-intolerant.

But I'd want her to have your strength,

your loyalty.

I'm scared.

What are we doing?

Let's stop running, Chelsea Bridget.


♪ Take something beautiful
and go and smash it ♪

♪ Take something perfect
and pervert it

♪ Take something young
and proud and then shame it ♪

Hands, now! Give me your hands!

♪ Make a promise out
loud and then break it ♪

Do not move. Do not move!

♪ I wanna smile without regret

♪ I wanna die in my own bed ♪

Get him back in the car.

♪ I want a free mind, not caged

♪ I want a free mind,
unburdened or plagued

♪ I'm not here
I'm not there

♪ I'm not anywhere at all

♪ I'm not here
I'm not there

♪ I'm not anywhere at all

♪ I think I'm from nothing,
nothing, nothing at all ♪