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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 12/16/21 07:12
by bunniefuu
- Where's the g*n?
- What?

Chelsea? Are you alright?
What happened?

That guy from downstairs,
he knew about the g*n.

I'm not the bad guy, Lola.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Just get the bastard
who k*lled our dad.

Got something for me?


Ray's dead.

- What? How?
- I'll explain when I see you.

- Dixon.
- Josh Levine.

So any thoughts on the reason
why she's here?

It's Lola Buckley.
She's the reason.

Where are you going to get
the money from?

My mother.

I'm heading into town to pick
up David at the airport.

David? David?

- David!
- Mum, I'm sorry.


Why would Ray Stanton
come here to New Zealand?

To meet up with
Buckley and Babbage?

You don't spend weeks trying

to k*ll someone and then go
into business with them.

Lola Buckley is our number
one suspect right now.

She was the last person
seen with Ray Stanton.

All I'm saying is, it just...

It doesn't feel right to me.

Was the woman you saw with
Ray Stanton one of these?

That's her.
She was wearing a hat.

Did you see
this woman when you were assaulted?

- No.
- Well, in your opinion, did it seem

like Lola Buckley was there
under duress?


She was working with him.

- That's how they got the better of me.
- I'm just lucky to be alive.

Yeah, absolutely.
Well, thanks for your help.

- That's it?
- Yeah.

Get your report to me as soon
as soon as you're finished.

Game, set, and match.

Buckley and Stanton
were working together.

- Why'd she turn on him?
- Because that's what she does.

How could Lola Buckley
throw a grown man off a bridge?

Maybe she had help.

There it is.

- What are you doing?
- I'm just...

I'm just looking for the g*n.

Oh, come on.
Pick up, pick up, pick up.

The mobile number you have called
is currently unavailable.

- Oh!
- Please try...

Maybe David had trouble in customs.

You know when we arrived,
I had mud on my shoes

and they kept me back for ages.

Hey, Chels, we got to go.

- I'm driving.
- Wait. Don't!

♪ Got the fence, ain't got no pole

♪ Got the silver, bag no gold

♪ Got the match, can light no fire

♪ Got the will,
ain't got no desire. ♪

Out. Let's go.

Come on.

Come on.


What do you want?

Your boss has already
got the g*n.

What g*n?

Don't you work for Morrison?

Your son here,
he assured me that you had

...the money to cover his debts.
- His what?

David loves to gamble,
which is why we're here.

What are you talking about?

I would be very disappointed

...if I'd been misled.
- You haven't. You haven't, Vincent.

OK, how much does he owe?

Including my expenses,
let's call it , even.

- What?
- Mum, we need to pay him, OK?

- ? Are you crazy?
- I haven't got , .

- You lied to me?
- No, no, no. Look, OK,

I can get the money. Alright?

- I can get you the money.
- Good.

- Let's go get it.
- Well, I can't just move ,

like that! I need to go to a bank.
I need to...

I need... Look, I'll call my
New Zealand accountant, alright?

I'll call her and she can start
the transfer. Please, just...

- Vincent, please.
- Please.

Just let me call her.


- Wait.
- No!

Go speaker.

Oh, it's her. It's her.

- Lola!
- Ms Poussin?

- What?
- Is that Ms Poussin?

This is she.

Um, I'm glad I caught you
before you left for the day.

Look, I need to
transfer some money.

OK. Mm-hm.

Quite a lot actually.
Uh, , Australian Dollar.

- Miss Poussin? Are you there?
- Yeah, yes, yes. Um, OK.

I'll just need to get
authorisation from my manager.

Ah, yeah.

And I'm guessing I'll probably
need to come in

and sign some forms. Yeah?

- Yes, yes. You will.
- OK, so why don't we meet at the bank

tomorrow at : am when it opens.

OK. Sure.

Um, do you mean the...

Yeah, the HSB,
main branch, Queenstown.

- Great. I'll see you then.
- Great, thanks.

- Mm-hm, bye.
- What did she say?

- I don't really know.
- Did she say anything about the g*n?

She's in trouble.

You heard her. See, she...
: am tomorrow I'll get you the money.

OK. Let's go. Get in. Get in.

Go. Go, go, go.

- Say something, please.
- , !

- How could you let that happen?
- It just sort of snowballed.

Snowballed? Avalanched more
like it. So stupid.

Oh, yeah,
like you've never made mistakes.

No, we all make mistakes, OK.

And then we're meant to learn

from them, not repeat
them , times.

Why are you the one
who gets to get angry?

I got shot because of you, remember?

I didn't know that they were going
to come after you

and if I did, I would have laid down
and died to stop it.

You've got to start taking
responsibility for your own actions

...and stop blaming me.
- I wasn't blaming you.

Yeah, you were. You always have.

That's why you packed up and took
off the first moment you could.

You're the one who taught
me to move all the time.

Hey, we moved because
I was trying to protect you.

It would have been nice to stay at one
school for more than a year, though.

You were safe. You were fed.

- Maybe met some friends...
- I worked my arse off to look after you!

Whoa, whoa. Alright, easy!

Geez, well, you two should
speak to a counsellor.

Maybe you can get one of those
family discounts or something.


Look, it's freezing in here
and it's only going to get colder.

Could we at least sleep in the car?

- No. Give it to him.
- No. I don't want it.

No, just give it to him.

- She needs it.
- David, just take the blanket, OK.

- Look, I don't want it.
- You need it!


Oh, you feel like
you're warm enough there, David.

What do you... What do you mean?

Hey, no, I don't... David?

- Hey, are you alright?
- Yes.

Hey, listen.
I'm going to get you the money, alright?

You don't need him. Just me.

Well, unfortunately, I do.


Because if I don't get
the money tomorrow,

then I'm going to need
to take a part of him back to my bosses.

You know,
to prove that he's dead.

Hey. Have you ever seen anything
so beautiful? Huh?

Oh, come on!

- Oh! - Good morning.
- Morning. It won't...

Oh, come on!

- Maybe, maybe, maybe...
- Oi!

- Oh!
- Whoa!

You can't camp here.
I've reported you to the council.

OK, yep.



Rise and shine.

Hmm? Look.

Sleeping like a baby, huh?

- David?
- Come here, come here.



David? Oh, my god, he's burning up.

Please, just...
Please, don't... Oh, my god.

- His wound's gone septic.
- Oh, god.

So, we need to get him
to a doctor, please.

You can take him wherever you want
when I get the money in my account,


Huh? Better be quick though...

...that's starting to smell.
- Please.

Get up.

- No-one's meant to park here overnight.
- Two women?

No, a woman and a man.

And it was definitely this woman?


In which direction
did they take off in?

Just down this way.
Just up to the main road.

Can you describe
the man for me, please?

Yeah. He was medium height,
dark blond with a beard.

OK, this is how this will work.


You keep this out and on
speaker the whole time.

If I hear anything, you know,
slightly wrong or funny...

Lola, look at me.

I'm going to s*ab your
son in the gut

and drive away.
You understand?

He won't die fast and you'll
never find his body. OK?



- Ms Poussin, good morning.
- Good morning.

Have you been able to, um,
make the arrangements?

Yes, I've got most
of the paperwork together.

[font color="# ffff"]Vincent has David[/font]
Great. Thank you so much.

What do you need from me?

I just need the details
of the intended account for payment

and I'll just need you to
sign these forms. Thanks.

[font color="# ffff"]Embezzle?[/font]

Why not?

Uh... why not sign it all at once?

[font color="# ffff"]Please[/font]

OK, great.
You can start by signing this one.

[font color="# ffff"]No computer[/font]

And I'll just get you to sign here.

[font color="# ffff"]Have plan![/font]

And if you can just date there.

[font color="# ffff"]Tust me[/font]
Initial here, thanks.

Great and just sign here.

And if you just let me put it through,

everything's going to be just fine.


Don't do anything stupid.

Hey, sorry, mate.

I'm sorry.
I was looking down at my phone.

- Yeah, sorry.
- It's OK. Don't worry.

Yeah, oh, what an idiot. Hey,
before you go, I need to get your,

like, your insurance details.
Stuff like that.

- Can I get your name?
- Sure.

Yeah, and number.
Let me just find a pen.

I don't know where one is.


Hey, hey!


Oh, thank god.

Hey, sir?
Were you driving this car?


Look, I'm a police officer.
Everything alright?

Yeah, it's good. Thank you.

- They just stole his car.
- Really?

Yeah, they hit it and then they
took off in it. I saw it, mate.

I can, you know, be a witness, yeah.
The women stole it. Two of them.

So hold on.
Your car was just stolen?


Well, you want to tell
me about that?

We are done here.

What do you want me
to do about the women?

Find them before the cops do.

Well, I was thinking about
bringing in some of the boys.

No, no.

No-one else needs to know about this.
We do this ourselves.

Shadow the cops,
find out what they know.

Find these women and Harry's kid...

and end this.

So what happened with Ray?

The g*n's gone. It's over.

- You don't have the g*n?
- What did I just say?

Hey, I just rear ended
some guy for you.

Yeah, to get the g*n, obviously.

- No, to help you.
- Let's just get to a hospital, OK?

OK. So, who has the g*n?



OK, I've got to go get to Mum.

- Morrison's going to go after her.
- What?

No, no, no.
We're going to a hospital.

Look, I don't rate your chances
of getting out of a hospital.

You're wanted by the cops
and this is a very small town.

- Pull over.
- What?

- Chelsea, just pull over. Please.
- OK.

- Just pull over!
- OK!


I didn't just stay for the g*n.

Righto, let's go.

No. What if Will's right?
What if Morrison finds out

...that David's at the hospital?
- OK, so we'll go to a doctor then.

They're going to have to report
a b*llet wound to the police.

Yeah, alright.
I know where we can go.

Just drive.

That's great. Can you send
that through really quick? I've got to go.

Mr Salazar?

Quick word?

- I've just got to do something.
- Two seconds.

Trust me.

Read that.

So, the good news is,
we think we know who stole your car.

Um, now,

you'll recognise these women?

You don't? Well, that...
That's strange because we've got

witnesses who saw them take off
right in front of you.

I've already told her everything.

I'm certain she took your car.

What puzzles me is, why her son

was on the same flight as you
from Thailand.

Now tell me this.

What's your business
with Lola Buckley?

- I can go, yeah?
- No, I'm afraid not.

'Cause I've just been talking to
the Thai police about David's boss,

Tan Sittikul.

He was m*rder*d four days ago.

Apparently there's a witness.

Why are you telling me this?

Because they really want
to talk to you about it.


That's fine with me.
I'll talk to them when I get back.

I'm pretty sure they're going to
want to talk to you before that.

Right, Detective Dixon? Stop!

Stop! Hey! Hey! Hey! Down!

On the ground! On the ground!
I have been authorised by

Interpol to serve you with a
temporary apprehension warrant.

Thank you for your co-operation,
Mr Salazar. Much appreciated.

Good work.

- So you lived in New Zealand?
- Yeah.

How long did you live here?

- For a few years.
- Long enough to meet a friend?

- Lola?
- Yes, yes.

Is this friend
a doctor or something?

No. Well, sort of. He's a vet.

RADIO: And the Australian fugitives
continue to evade police...

- Hang on, hang on.
- Lola Buckley and Chelsea Babbage

are now wanted in relation
to the suspected homicide

of former detective
and escaped felon, Ray Stanton.

They think that you k*lled Ray Stanton.

No. They think that we
k*lled Ray Stanton. Got it.

Um, are you sure that that's
the GPS tracker thingy

and not some essential engine part?

Let's go.

You back already? What'd you bag?

What happened?

- Oh, no. Don't worry about it.
- What's the matter, Will?

I don't have time to explain, Mum.
Um, we need to get out of here.

- What are you talking about?
- I made a mistake mum. I, um...

- I did something stupid.
- Will?

I can't talk about it right now,
OK? We need to get out of here.

No. What've you done?

It's this guy, Morrison.

And um... Dad had something,

a g*n worth a shitload of money
to Morrison

and I got hold of it.

So I... I asked for some cash.

- Will.
- For our share, Mum.

Dad left us nothing.

He left us nothing.

You... You've got no idea
what you've done.

Just... pull into the next driveway.

Stop here.

Be back in a sec.

- What are you doing here?
- I need your help.


It's David.

Please, Cliff.
He's in the car. He's injured.

I wouldn't have come otherwise.

Keep watching him
for the next few hours.

I've got to go out.

Keep checking his
temperature every minutes

and if it isn't dropping
in the next hour, call me.

Thanks, Cliff.

Once David is stable,

you've got to find somewhere else
to go because you can't be here.


I know I owe you an explanation.

The stuff on the news isn't true.

We're innocent.
Chelsea and I got caught up in some...

It was a crime that...

- There's a dirty cop and...
- What? That's it?

That's what you want to talk about?

You've been gone years
and then you show up

and that's what
you want to tell me?

No, I...

♪ I feel the weight of the world

♪ Like it's bearing down

♪ And I hardly sleep

♪ 'Cause there's so much
to worry about

♪ With everyone looking
for something

♪ To pin their hopes on. ♪

Chelsea, if you're seeing this,
I love you.

I don't know where this is coming
from, but I am here for...

♪ Where do we run to. ♪

You guys hungry?

♪ When everything,
everything's crazy

♪ Who's gonna save me?

♪ Who's gonna save me? ♪

- Hi.
- Hey.

Can I help?

- Yeah, you can open that.
- Sure.

He's still sleeping.

Oh, good. It's what he needs.


- Glasses?
- Ah... I think they're over...

- Over there.
- OK.

- No, no, no I've got...
- No, I've got this.

Ah, just two.
You don't want any?

- I don't drink.
- Oh, sorry.

- What?
- You're cooking.

Yeah, I worked in a kitchen.

- She was a chef.
- I was a cook.

She was going to open
a cafe at one point.

- Really?
- Yeah, well, it was a stupid idea.

Did you like it? Being a cook?

Yeah, I did.

It's funny, it's kind
of creative, you know.

The chef who taught me,
he was pretty patient.

Hmm, why did you stop?

Had to move.

- You had enough?
- Mmm.

Try and get some more rest.

You remember those dumb fetes?

Everyone had to bring a flan.

Old Mrs Pines, you remember her?

She used to screw up her face
every time she had to judge them.

Yeah, well, she never forgave
you for using pre-made pastry.

That's right.

I remember being
really late that day.

We'd run out of baking powder,
so I drove in to town

covered in flour, David in the back.

I was in the supermarket

when I saw a mate of Jackson's.

Kurt McRae.

No idea why he was there.
But he looked at me

and then he looked at David.

And all I...

All I could think was
they're going to come for David.

I couldn't breathe.

I just got in the car
and I drove.

And I kept going.

- I wanted to call you.
- Yeah, well, why didn't you?

Because I was ashamed. I still am.

Oh, bullshit!

You were safe here
until you sabotaged us

like you sabotage everything.

Your dad looked
pretty worried on the TV.

I think he cares about you
more than you know, Chelsea.

It's all for show. It was exactly
the same when my mum got sick.


He was the perfect,
grieving husband in public.

What did happen to your mum?

She had Huntington's disease.

It eats away at your
reasoning and then your body.

And then...

They only diagnose you because
you start acting strange.

It's a - chance
that I have it, too.

There's no cure.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because I don't want you
to feel sorry for me, Lola.

My whole life, everybody's treated
me like I was this very fragile

porcelain doll.

But since I met you, I feel like
I can do things.

I can actually live my life.

That's why I'm here.

Maybe that does make me
a little bit strange.

Hey, you are not strange.

You're a strong, courageous,
unique, young woman.


I know who you are.

I still think you should
call your dad in the morning.

Just to stop him worrying.

- Goodnight.
- Night.



- Hi, Dad. It's me.
- Chelsea, thank god.

- Are you alright?
- Yes, I'm fine.

Actually, I'm really good.

- Where are you?
- New Zealand.

Yeah, well, I know that.
I'm here, too.

Chelsea, tell me where you are,
I'll come and get you.

- No, I can't. Not yet.
- What do you mean not yet?

This isn't a game.

- You're in serious trouble.
- Yes, I noticed that.

Chelsea. It's pretty clear that
you're not well.

- How is it clear?
- Well, normal people don't act

the way you are. Normal
people don't rob shops, they...

No, actually, normal people
do it all the time. I am fine.

Chels, I've got
a plane in Queenstown.

I can fly you over to Australia,

we can surrender to the police
in a civilised way.

Civilised? What... What a bizarre
thing to say. You...

Chels? Chels?


- That's her number.
- I'll start the trace.

Address is Old Mill Road,
north of the lake.

It's a farm kms from here.
Wait for my orders.

No-one is to make contact
until the Armed Offender Squad arrive.

Wait for AOS. Over.


Don't worry, Mum.
I'll make this right.

How are you going to do that?

I'll talk to Morrison then.

And I'll tell him.
I'll tell him we're no threat.

That's the thing, Will.

I still am a threat to him.

AOS will be here within the hour.

Before the Armed
Offenders Squad arrive,

just let me try and talk to him.

Move along the fence line.
If you see any danger, drop them.
- Yep, OK.

We wait here
for Armed Offenders Squad.

Don't get within line-of-sight.

Just secure the back
of the property. Yes, sir.



You sleep alright?

Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the clothes

and for letting us stay.

You know when you ran,

you said it was because of the guy
in the supermarket.

But I think it was because
you were afraid of me.

I was never scared of you, Cliff.

You were scared of what you felt.

Scared it made you weak.


- Hello.
- Chelsea, it's me.


- Are you alright?
- Yes, I'm fine.

- Did you find your mother?
- Yeah, she knows something, Chelsea.

Something that's going
to help us get Morrison.

- Well, what is it? Where are you?
- You have to meet me, alright.

So tell me where you are and I'll
come and get you. Hey, hello?

Chelsea, are you there?

I would've gone anywhere with you, Lolly.
You only had to ask.

I couldn't.

You got your whole life here.

That meant nothing compared
to you and David.

A life in hiding is only half a life.

Well, I've lived half a life.

I dated, but it wasn't you.

I even got married and it lasted
all of two years because I kept

watching that bloody gate
every day, just hoping.

I'm sorry.

Don't be sorry.


- Cliff.
- Just stay.

I can't.

Lola! The police are here.

One thing! You were asked to do
just one thing, stay out of sight.

Dixon here.
Where the hell are AOS, over?

Hinkley, move down the north side
of the property, block the back.

We'll cover the front.
Now, no-one uses their weapons

unless we give the order.
Is that understood?

Copy that.


I'm going out there
and I'm going to talk to them.

No, no, no. Please don't.

Oh. I don't know.

- No, Chelsea!
- What?


Chelsea, this is Detective Levine.

- Josh?
- I'm outside.

What are you...
What are you doing here?

Well, talk to me Chelsea.

What are you doing?
What's happening in there?

Oh, you know, we're just...
We just had breakfast.

Keep away from the window.

Listen, Chelsea. You're acting
recklessly, OK.

And there are
a lot of g*ns out here.

Well, that's stupid because
we haven't done anything.

Here. Tell them to
move away from the house.

Lola, you're surrounded.

Now, we can do this peacefully,
but you've got to help me.

You think I k*lled Ray Stanton, don't you.

I understand if it was self-defence.


Lola, there are more police
on the way.

Come out, very slowly,
with your hands raised.

Lot... (SIGHS)

- What?
- More cops are coming.

Then isn't this the time to stop?
What are your other options?

- No!
- I don't know.

Maybe Cliff's right.

Will said that his mother
knows something about Morrison.

He was trying
to tell me on the phone.

- Something that could help us.
- Well, what?

Well, I don't know.
The police arrived.

We have to find Will, now.

Please, it could be our last chance.
We have to try it.

We have to go.

I'm not going anywhere without David.

I'll be alright.
I've done nothing wrong.

I don't want you to go to
jail so if there's a chance,

you have to take it.

Mum, you don't need
to protect me anymore.

The cops have blocked us
in on both sides.

There's no other way out.

Alright, can you just
try Will again?


What's he doing? David!

Just keep your hands in the air.

- David, no.
- No, no, no, no, no, don't. Stop.

He's doing this for you.

So, if there really is a chance for all
of this to stop, then you need to go.

- No.
- It's OK. It's OK.

I'll look after him.

- Please, Lola. We have to go now.
- It's OK. He'll be safe.

- I promise you.
- Come on. - Thanks.

Male suspect coming to the front
of the house from the north exterior.

Suspect refuses to stop.

Stop! Stop right there!

If you don't stop we will sh**t you.

You keep your hands
where I can see them.

Get down on the ground now!

I've got this one more time.

- Stop! Get down on the ground!
- Lower them.

Fellas, lower your weapons!
Lower your weapons!

It's David right?
David, stay where you are.

David, do you understand me?

These officers are armed
and will sh**t if necessary.

Now stay where you are.

David, I'm going to need you to
kneel on the ground for me. OK?

Mate, get down.

She's innocent.

We can talk about that
when you're down.

You, out!
Where are the others?

Get down! Move!

It's OK, David.

Just do as she says.

Cuff the suspect.

Secure the perimeter,
check the house, and find the others!


OK, I'm pretty sure this
forest backs onto the main road.

How far?

How far is it always, Chelsea?
