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02x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 12/16/21 07:11
by bunniefuu

- Hey!
- It's Dad, he's dead.

You still don't get how this works.

Give me the key, Lola.

I promise you David, I will fix this.
You'll be safe here with Tan.

Someone just opened the box.

It's a g*n.

Might've been used
for something dodgy.

- What? Like a robbery or something?
- Or a m*rder.

Where are you going
to get the money from?

I miss you. I want my family back.
I want my children back.

You lost the women, Kel, and I know
where they are. This is the deal.

I get to the women, you get the thing
you want most in the world.

You're my guy, Ray.

- Welcome to New Zealand, Mr Marsh.
- Thank you.

- Hey, I'm Will.
- I'm Chelsea.

Where's the g*n?

Chelsea? What happened?

That guy from downstairs,
he knew about the g*n.

- Did he take everything?
- Yeah.

What are we going to do?

Find the arsehole
and get our stuff back.

Yes, hi.
I'm looking for Catherine Savage.

She's staying with you.

Oh, sorry, my mistake.
Thank you.

Hi, excuse me. Hi.

Are you a friend of Will's?

Yes, hello. I'm looking
for Catherine Savage, my wife.

I believe she's staying there.

Great. What street are you on?

Well, can you
just tell us where he lives?

What've you got for me?

A b*llet.

It's not what I agreed
with your associate.

Well, this is a new...

Please. He took something
and I need to find him.

There was a police scanner.

Yeah, yeah.

- Is it encrypted?
- Yeah.

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna find ya

♪ I'm gonna get ya, get ya,
get ya, get ya

♪ One way or another, I'm gonna win ya,
I'll get ya I'll get ya. ♪

♪ One way or another,
I'm gonna see ya

♪ I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya,
meet ya, meet ya

♪ One day may be next week... ♪

Oh, my god.

You know how to pick 'em, don't you?

Maybe we should just
let him have the g*n.

Oh, yeah and what about our passports?
Money? My phone.

What if David's trying to call me?

You can call him from a pay phone.
His number is in my phone.

You should have memorised
his number.

- I memorise all my essential numbers.
- Course you do.

My family, my cleaner, my tax agent.

Local hospitals.

Maybe there's a skylight
we can get through?

Force our way into.

Or we could just do that.

Looks like he left in a hurry.


- See our stuff anywhere?
- No, not yet.

Surname's Johnson. Will Johnson.




Why would somebody have that
in their freezer?

- He's a hunter.
- Well, yes.

If I'd known that, I never
would have let him into the room.

OK, who's he been talking to?

I thought you'd be here by now.

Will, you there?



What was the first three numbers?

- .
- Right.

Yeah, that's Middlemarch.
That's about a hundred k's from here.

- How do you know that?
- Um, what was his last name again?

- Johnson.
- OK, read out the whole number.

- .
- Two. There it is.

- So how are we going to get there?
- In a car.

I don't think that
that's how you do it.

Yes, you do.

You put the wire down the gap
here and you pop the button up.

Yes, but the button's there,
it's not over there.

Yes, I know. It's just...

- It doesn't matter, alright?
- I think it does matter.

- Chelsea, this is how it's done, OK.
- Well, I don't think it is, Lola.

- Oh, really? See.
- Hey!

Sorry! Sorry!

Whoops. Oh!


All mobile units,

we have a near
the corner of Stuart and Dunbar.

Car owner has reported two females
attempting to steal his vehicle.

Can we have a unit to the corner
of Stuart and Dunbar? Repeat.

Corner of Stuart and Dunbar.

♪ You can turn up the radio

♪ But you can't drown out the wind

♪ And there's one thing that I know

♪ You never hear a song
the same way again

♪ Nothing in the rear-view mirror

♪ Except a trunk full of reasons
for driving bad. ♪

Excuse me,
when did the last train leave?

Oh, you just missed it.

Were they on it?

Look, I can't give out
personal information.

- Where does this stop?
- Wingatui, Hindon, Pukerangi.

End of the line is Middlemarch.

Thank you.

Whoo! Here we go! Here we go.

Small, small. Small!

Small, small, small.

You know David's going to be fine.

He's got Tan with him.

Morrison's still after him.

Even if I wanted to
go back to Thailand,

I've got no bloody passport.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

How was I supposed to know
he was going to trick me?

Because you looked like
someone who wanted to be tricked.

What does that mean?

Yeah, I've never seen you
like that before.

Like what?

When you came out of that bathroom,

you're all
caked in lipstick and attitude.

It was like a completely different...

Completely different person.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, for a start
you don't wear lipstick.

Yes, I... Some...

- Sometimes I might.
- Yeah, when you steal it.

Big. Big!

Got to be big! Get on big, boys.

OK, big.
Give it to me.


I forgot to ask,
did you get onto your dad?


Did you... Did you warn him?

Yes, I warned him.
He didn't really...

He didn't really care. He seemed more
interested in my current situation.

Yeah, well,

you know you are
Australia's Most Wanted.

It's probably bit of a shock to him.

No, it's not about that.
He doesn't...

He's more worried
about how my recent behaviour

will reflect upon him.

- I'm sure that's not true.
- No, it's absolutely true.

It's always been about making
the right impression and not

embarrassing the family
and making things...

Hey, hey.

That's just parents. You know?

- Yeah.
- They don't always get it right.

Doesn't mean they don't love you.

I'm going to get a coffee.
Would you like one?

Yeah, sure.

The whole lot! The whole lot on big.


- Ray!
- What about him?

Ray Stanton!

- He's on the train!
- What?

What are we going to do?

Lola? Lola!


Attention all passengers.
We're coming up to Taieri Gorge.

The train will be stopping

to allow you to disembark
for a quick photo opportunity.

- Hey!
- What?

Over there.

Get in!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

♪ Every time I think of you,
you get a little smaller. ♪

Hey! Hey!

♪ Sun's getting lower
and the shadow's getting taller

- OK, where are we going?
- Here. Here.

Put that Will guy's address in the GPS.

- How do I do that?
- I dunno. You're the Brainiac.

No, I'm good with numbers,
not with gadgets.


- It's in German.
- Yeah, alright, well...

- Put it into English.
- OK, how do I do that, Lola?

I don't know, Chelsea.
Just follow the instructions.

The instructions are in German!

You have successfully changed to English.

♪ So far away

♪ So far away

♪ When I get there it's gonna be
a better day

♪ So far away

♪ So far away

♪ I'll get there tomorrow
if I leave yesterday




You have my attention.
Who are you?

That's not important.

You're blackmailing me.

It's somewhat relevant.

I have what you want.

This number, New Zealand.
Are you working with the women?

Listen, you have hours.
You put the money into the account.

- Or this goes to the cops.
- How do I know you'll keep your...

- Thank you.
- No worries.

- See you round.
- Yeah.


- Yeah?
- You're in New Zealand.

Well, what if I am?

The key doesn't matter anymore.

- Why?
- Some idiot has the g*n.

It's possible he's
affiliated with the women.

He's blackmailing me
for $ million.

Who is he?

Well, Ray, that's the thing.
I have no bloody idea.


Tell me, Kel, does the name
Will Johnson mean anything to you?

GPS: Your destination
is at the end of the road.

It's got to be
one of those shacks there.

- Hey.
- You made good time.

- Yeah.
- You're not staying?

I bought chops.

No, I got to go
up to the cabin for a week.

Well, I thought
you were coming to see me.

Suppose I can always
freeze the chops.

Yeah, hey, I'll take you out
when I get back. OK?

Shout you a meal.

- Everything alright?
- Yeah. Yeah.

He's speeding up.
We've got to go faster.

Yeah, I can't go any faster, Chelsea.
He'll see me.

He's got to stop sooner or later.


Oh, shit. Where did he go?

Lola, stop! Stop! Down there.

Oh, my god!


- Come on.
- Oh.

- Is he in there?
- Nah. Neither is our stuff.

There's nothing at the back.


- Hang on. What's that?
- What?

Over there.

- Don't move.
- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! OK, OK, OK.

Throw it on the ground. Chelsea!

Now get inside.

- Don't try anything.
- OK, OK.

Now where's our stuff?

- What?
- Chelsea search through the bag.

What? OK.

- Passports. Phone.
- Thanks.

You're not going to get
a signal in this storm.

- Shut up!
- It's not in here.

Where's the g*n?

- Well, you've got it, don't you?
- Don't shit me. Where's the g*n?

It's not in here either.

Shit. Chelsea, come here.

- Hey, I'm going to sit down.
- Hold this on him.

- What? Me?
- No, the other Chelsea. Yes, you.

- Just hold the g*n
- OK, I'm going to sit down, aright.

- If he moves, sh**t him.
- Oi, oi, oi.

- Just watch that thing, OK.
- Shut up.

It's got a hairpin trigger, OK.

So can you just get her to point it
somewhere else?

Shut up and put your arms out.

What are
you, some kind of Girl Scout?

Her son's a sailor. Sorry.

This wouldn't be happening
if you hadn't stolen our shit!

Hey, easy on the ankle. Oh!

Now I'm going to ask you
one more time.

Or what?

You're going to ask me one more time
and then what?



- Where's the g*n?
- I don't know.

OK? I don't know.

It's out there somewhere.
I must've lost it when the ute went over.


Start looking.

Nah, you're cold.



Hey, hey, hey, hey, come on.
No, no. Not the whisky.

- Why do you want it anyway?
- It's single malt.

The g*n, shithead!

Do you work for Morrison?

I thought you did.

Hey, are you alright?

- What are we going to do?
- It's got to be here somewhere.

OK, we'll keep looking.

We've got to get back to the van, or we're
going to be stuck here for the night.

Oh, that's fine. I'll go.
I think I can remember where it is.

Your sense of direction's
worse than your driving.

I'm a very...
I'm a very good driver.

Yeah, on a freeway. Here. Look, just
keep your finger on the trigger.

If he moves, sh**t him in the other foot.
I'll be back soon, alright.



Comms, I have one crashed and one

abandoned vehicle off the Bell
Track. No sign of the occupants.

The crashed vehicle is registered
to a William Harold Johnson of

Thorndon Street, Dunedin. Over.

Copy that.

Confirming two
vehicles located on Bell Track.



I'm sorry.

- Sorry, did someone say something?
- Yeah, no. I'm sorry. I didn't...

I'm just sorry
for taking advantage of you.

You know what?
You're a lying, deceitful person.

And you k*ll beautiful, defenceless
animals for fun.


- It's disgusting.
- Here we go. Here we go.

You're one of
those animal rights type?

- What? What?
- I mean, you're probably vegan, right?

- You're a pig.
- What? So you stick up for animals,

and then you call me
'pig' as an insult?

You tricked your way into my room,
and then you hurt me...

I feel bad. I do.

I like you, Chelsea.

I did. I hated...
I just hated treating you like that.


Um, I might be a liar,
but I don't have a fake passport.

Bridget Poussin.

Well, it's a sexy name.

Um, Chelsea, do you mind getting me
an aspirin, please?

My foot's sore.


- Do you need some water or something?
- Yeah, please.

Oh, well, too bad.


- Yuck.
- Mm. It's good.

You should put something on that,
before it gets infected.


No. It's fine. It's fine.

I deserve it.

Yeah, you do.

Think you could speak some more
French for me?


- What's going on?
- Nothing.

Sorry, I didn't hear the camper.

Yeah, well, there was a cop crawling
all over it.

Did he see you?

- Is this hut registered in your name?
- No.

Can they track you
here from the car rego?

No, no, no. Look, I don't want
them here as much as you don't.

Yeah, right.

- Why do you want the g*n so much?
- Why do you want the g*n?

Morrison kidnapped my son,

m*rder*d my father
and is threatening my sister.

I reckon, if I've got the g*n,
I've got him by the balls.

So... You don't even know
what this g*n's all about?

I know he's k*lled for it.

Yep. And he's k*lled with it.


Why should I tell you?

- Why?
- Yeah.

Because if I break both your ankles,

you'll be tied up in a hut

in the middle of nowhere
with no food, no water, no vehicle.

We leave you here, how long before
someone comes looking for you?

Two days? Three days?

A week?

k*lled a young couple.

- When?
- years ago.



- Why?
- They're just in the way, I guess.

- And you know this because?
- 'Cause I was there.


years ago you would've been...

Five. Yeah, I was five years old.


It's hard to remember stuff at that
age, but... Nah, I remember that.

I remember that night.

Sounds of shouting.

Yeah, Mum's screams.

He k*lled your family?

So, we want the same thing.
His fingerprints are on the g*n, right?

- Yeah.
- So, we take it to the cops.

Wait, wait, wait. You want
to take the g*n to the cops?

No, I want to sh**t him with it.

We have to take the g*n to the cops.
Then we can...

I thought you guys wanted
to squeeze him for money?

I want that prick put away for life.

- Don't you?
- No. Shit, no.

What good is that going to do?
I want compensation.

- You want to blackmail him?
- Yeah. Yeah, course I do!

Course I do. Do you have any
idea what my childhood was like?

The number of homes that
I got shuffled around.

Do you know what that's like?
Never staying in the same place?

- Yeah, I do, actually.
- Yeah, always moving.

Different schools, different faces.

What kind of life is that for a kid?

- It's no life.
- Yeah.

I want what I'm owed.

- Is there a bathroom?
- Is it what? Is there a bathroom?

Is there a toilet?

Yeah, there's a long
drop out there.



- What, Chelsea?
- There's a thing!

There's a...
There's a bug with horns!

Oh, jeez. Well, just squash it!

- I got it.
- It's probably a Weta.

- What?
- Bug with horns. It was...

No. This.

It was in the toilet.
Well, it wasn't in the toilet.

I'm going to reach into...
It was under the floor.

Oh, thank god. Alright, OK.

Tomorrow morning we take this
down to the cops and we end this.

We end it.

Mate, you don't want to mess with
Morrison. Alright?

- Um, I think...
- What?

- I just... No, I don't know.
- What?

He's just... He's been through a

So have we.

I know, but he lost his parents.

What? You think he
deserves this more than we do?

No. I don't know.

He's trying to blackmail Morrison.

No, I know that.
I know, I know, I know.

I feel sorry for David, but there's
nothing we can do to help him.

- Alright?
- David?

You called him David.

- I didn't.
- Yeah, you did.

Just because you fancy the guy.

- I don't fancy him.
- Yeah, you do.

- I don't.
- Yeah, you do, Chelsea.

It's so obvious.


It's my turn.

What time is it?
It's : .




It's alright. She's just walked in.

Where the hell have you been?

It's the middle of the night!
The storm!

I've been calling
neighbours, the police.

What the hell is wrong with you?



I have bad dreams, too

Once the cops have got the g*n,
we'll send someone up to get you.


- Hurry up.
- I'm just giving him some water.

Oh, shit!

- It's Ray.
- Who's Ray?

Hey, who the hell is Ray?

Morrison's son-in-law. He's a cop.

Will, I know you're in there!

Hey, I don't know him.

- I don't know the guy!
- Bullshit.

Lola, Chelsea, I just want the g*n!
That's all I'm after.

No interest in hurting you,
Will, or the women!

What are you doing?

sh**ting him before he sh**t us.

Throw the g*n out
and we can all walk away.

Come on, Will,

you know it's what
your father wanted.


Will, your father gave
Kel Morrison his word.

You said that Morrison
k*lled your father.

Shit, I can't see him.

Lola! Are you OK?

Hey, hey, hey!

- He's got the g*n!
- Will? Are you alright?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.

You are a lying scumbag!


You have one new message.

Mum, it's me. I'm in trouble.