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02x28 - Little Girl Lost, Part 2

Posted: 12/16/21 07:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Superman:

There's nothing out there but death.

A distress signal...

...coming from the edge of the system.

I'm too late.

Maybe not.

Yeah, I saw on TV that lntergang's back.

Oh, yeah?

They're a bunch of hoodlums
with terrible weapons.

Don't even blink.

Children, defend your granny's honor.

A Supergirl?

You called, Granny?

Girls, this ninny-noodle
wants to play rough.

Make her last moments special.

Lashina. Stompa. Mad Harriet.

Tear them apart!

Run, Jimmy!

Poor baby. Let me kiss it and make it worse.

Hands off, gruesome.

Pity we have to k*ll the little dumpling.

She'd be perfect for my Female Furies.

After a little brain surgery.

Nice teamwork, ladies.

Don't just stand there, you ninny doodles.

Finish her!

Hey! We can't let them do that.

Are you nuts? She's dog meat.

And so are we if we stick around here.
Come on, Amy.

But what about Supergirl?

What about her? I'm out of here.

That's it, girlie.

Now I'm gonna have to put my foot down.

So we can expect to see
quite a display...

...from Fleischer's comet
as it passes our orbit.

Not too close, I hope.

Well, two-and-a-half million miles or so.

Quite close in astronomical terms,
but not close enough to thr*aten.

An earthquake in Metropolis?

Sorry, looks like your comet
got bumped off the front page...

...right, Clark? Clark?

Heads up, and off.

I thought I told you
to stay out of trouble.

Who, me?

I'm not in trouble.

And, by the way, it's Supergirl.

See? Super...girl.


Hello, big boy.

Come to help your little friend?

Ain't that a kick.


Stop, or I'll fire!

Play with fire and you might get burned.

Can I cook, or can I cook?

Well done, my darlings.

He'll make an excellent toy for the master.

Take him now.

Drat. I'm such an old pudding head.

Where did I put my Boom Tube controller?

Allow me, Granny.

Thank you, kitten.

Bless you.

Oh, no.

Good morning, sunshine.

Where's Supergirl?

Still on that mud-ball planet of yours.

We throw the small ones back.

What do you want?

No time for idle chatter, pumpkin.

We've got to get you ready
to meet the master.


I still can't believe that Granny
and all this stuff are from another planet.

I'm from another planet. It happens.

Isn't this what brought
that traveling freak show here?

-Looks like it.
-lt opens those Boom Tubes to Apokolips.

If that's where Superman is...

...that's where I'm going.

Supergirl, wait.

-Good luck.

I'm gonna need it.

What a toilet.

Wouldn't wanna meet him in a dark alley.

Got something there, boy?

Oh, great.


...Amy, I just wanted to say thanks.

You know, for helping out.

Well, I helped make this mess.

I figure I should try to square things.

What was Granny doing here, anyway?

What did she want with you guys?

She was always sending us out
to get electronics.

So what did she do with it all?
There's gotta be more than this.

You know, there's a room in the back
she always kept locked.


Granny's been busy.


Dance, monkey-boy, dance!

Show a little more spirit!

The master awaits you.

Hang on, Clark.

Kneel before Lord Darkseid.

I said, kneel, you big meatloaf!

Ever proud, eh, Kryptonian?

I must say, I find it wearying.

What was this bootlicker
doing on Earth, Darkseid?

I thought your business there was settled.

I never settle.

What I cannot have, I destroy.

If you attack Earth, it will be a breach
of your treaty with New Genesis.

I am well aware of our agreement.

However, if the Earth were to be destroyed
by a natural disaster, say...

...a stray comet.

Well, then I could not be held accountable.

That comet isn't coming
anywhere near Earth.

It will now, pork chop.

Thanks to my darling Doomsday Magnet...

...which I built on Earth myself.

An old lady needs her hobbies.

What are you looking at?

It's some kind of clock mechanism.

Don't look at me. I didn't touch anything.

This is not good.

Definitely not good.

What are you doing?

Making up for past mistakes.

Where's a superhero when you need him?

The die is cast.

Within the hour, the comet will collide
with your paltry planet.

The impact will create a dark cloud
that will cover the world...

...snuffing out all life.

Oh, the devastation.

Can you just picture it?

I can.

I've seen one planet die and I'm not
gonna stand by and watch it happen again.

Noble sentiments, my dear.




You've got a lot of guts
coming here, blondie.

And we're gonna
spread them all over Apokolips.

Okay, sugar. The main event.

Most impressive...

...but ultimately futile.

There is no escape.


Maybe not.


The Doomsday Magnet.

You know what this is?

Yeah, it's scrap metal.

Supergirl, don't!

Some fireworks, huh?

Now what'd I do wrong?

I might have been able to use the magnet
to repel the comet back into space.

Now I'll have to do it the hard way.


It's entering their atmosphere.

Nothing can stop it now, master.


Stay back. I'm gonna try to deflect it.

Well, girl, you always wanted to save
the world.



Oh, great and powerful Darkseid.

Furies, teach Granny the price of failure.

No, my precious girls.


Don't hurt your beloved Granny.


You keep staring at your byline,
you'll burn a hole in it.

What? Oh, yeah.

It just looks so good.

It's a big story.

You should be proud.

So tell us, Jimbo,
is she as cute as her picture?

See for yourself.

There she is. Hey.

That reminds me, Jimmy.

My cousin's in town...

...and something tells me
you two would hit it off.