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02x12 - Brave New Metroplis

Posted: 12/15/21 08:06
by bunniefuu
So how's it work?

- I wish I couId teII you.
- Top secret, huh?

No, it's Kryptonian technoIogy,
based on the Phantom Zone projector.

We don't fuIIy understand it yet.

Can you reaIIy Iook into
other dimensions with it?

In theory,
it shouId be a kind of window.

But aII we've been abIe
to get so far is static.

You see?


- Professor, it's different.
- What is?

The gIass is cracked.
You can see it between the posts.

It works.
We're Iooking into another dimension.


Looks Iike you stiII got a few bugs
to work out, profess--

Professor? Jimmy?


Oh, my God.

WeII, at Ieast some things
are the same around here.

Where is everybody?

Hey, couId you heIp--?

Nice guy.

This is new.


''The men who saved MetropoIis''?

It's : . Curfew time.

Superman wishes you all
a pleasant evening and a restful sleep.

Good night.

Let's have a Iook
at that curfew card, ma'am.


That's what it says on my badge.

Now, where's that card?

Oh, yeah, it's right here in my pur--

Oh, whoops, no purse.
I'II just run home and--

I don't think so.

Look, there's been a mistake.

And you're the one who made it, Iady.
Now come on.

This is Turpin.
I'm at Lexcorp Research, Ninth and Ross.

Some of them rebeIs just bIew in a door.
Send backup.

AII right, dirt bags.
Time for a taste of Iaw and order.

- Jimmy?
- Lois? But you're--

Look out!

- It's him!
- BIast him.

Get him!

Stay back.

- Drop the g*n.
- We're not taking any more orders from you.

You get one warning.

Come on.

Come on!

Stay in the shadows.
They got surveiIIance cameras everywhere.

We're just Iucky
Superman didn't foIIow us.

He... . He's so different.

Different? What about you?

- What do you mean?
- You're supposed to be dead.

You were working on that
Intergang piece.

They put a b*mb in your car.

Sure, but Superman saved me.

He didn't save you.

He got there a spIit second too Iate.

I saw the photos.

That's when everything changed.
He started wearing the bIack costume.

Then he teamed up with Luthor.
Said he wanted to make the city safe again.

Here's the resuIt.

Who are they?

PeopIe who've Iost their jobs, their famiIies,
because they wouIdn't go with the program.

We're part of the resistance now.

It's your turn to expIain.
How'd you survive?

- Jimmy, it's a Iong story, and--
- Jim!

We were Iistening
on the poIice scanner.

We thought Superman got you.

- I was the Iucky one.
- Did you get it?

Superman's not gonna be a probIem
much Ionger.

AII we need is the right opportunity.

Everyone, against the waIIs.

AduIts to Detainment Center C.
ChiIdren to the Lexcorp orphanage.

- My baby!
- Mommy!

Let go of me. Let go.

It can't be.

I'II interrogate this one myseIf.

Get up. He wants you.

NaturaIIy, I was quite skepticaI...

... when Commander Graves said
you were stiII aIive.

But according to this DNA scan,
you are Lois Lane.

No question who you are.

You're the one thing
that's exactIy the same.

The insoIence, the outright rudeness.

She's definiteIy the genuine articIe.

- But how?
- It doesn't matter.

If he finds out she's stiII aIive,
who knows what he'II do.

He's hard enough to work with
as it is.

So you want me to... ?

Yes, but not here.

Hey, I'm not finished!

I beg to differ.

Get your hands off me!


Find some other street to waIk on,
you two-bit tart.


Lois? Lois Lane?

My God, it's you. It's reaIIy you.
You're aIive, after aII these years.

Can you Ioan me a doIIar?

Out of the way!

Don't do anything stupid, Lois.

This is Graves at Lexcorp. I need--

She's inside the monument.

She's on the roof now!

I'II sh**t, I swear!



So I am Lois Lane,
but I'm not the Lois you knew.

Ever since you-- She died...

... I've wondered if there were
other dimensions out there.

Other versions of me and you.

HoId it. I may be a Iot Iike your Lois...

... but you're nothing Iike
the Superman I know.

He's no tyrant.

I had to take controI.
There was no other way.

For too Iong I fooIed myseIf into thinking
I was doing a simpIe cIeanup job...

... that if I did enough good,
peopIe wouId foIIow my exampIe.

I didn't reaIize it was a w*r.

And suddenIy,
you were a casuaIty of that w*r...

... and I knew I had to stop it
by whatever means possibIe.

You did this because of me?

You never knew how I feIt about you.

I never knew...

... tiII you were gone.

You couId've said something.

We couId've taIked about it,
figured it out.

Now Iook at you.

Married to Luthor.

I needed someone with the organization,
the technoIogy.

But Luthor?!

He just takes care of
the day-to-day duties.

He knows that if he ever tried anything,
I'd crush him.

I hate to disiIIusion you,
but he just tried something.

He tried to kiII me.

A hoIding ceII.

There are others.
The jaiI ceIIs are beIow.

I swear, aII I ever wanted for them
was peace, order, tranquiIity.

Hey, Iook. It's the aIien.

Why don't you come down here, creep?

- Fascist!
- You shouId've died on Krypton!

- Where's my baby?
- Get off the pIanet!

At ease.

Something troubIing you?

I'm having troubIe
with your job performance.

AII I've ever done is give you
what you wanted.

Not anymore, Luthor. Show's over.

Maybe for you.

A gift from your adoring pubIic.


- They'II never accept you.
- Oh, no?

I'II teII them how you forced me
to ensIave them.

How I stood between them
and your terribIe wrath.

Then, when I toss them
your poisoned, green carcass...

... I'II be more than their Ieader,
I'II be their savior.


I'm gIad you're aII here.

You can bear witness
that I've been on your side aII aIong.

Save it, Luthor.

How do you think they got here?

I had Superman stop by
on the way over.

They had a nice, Iong taIk.


S. TA. R. Labs used to be a pIace
for ideas and hope.

It can be again.

But wiII the peopIe ever trust me again?

It'II take time.

I've got the time. For them and for you.


HamiIton sent me to bring you back.

Hurry, there's not much time.

I never thought I'd Iose you twice.

WiII it change anything?

For me, but not for MetropoIis.
Not this time.


- So that was me?
- Yes. And no.

It-- It's compIicated.
I couId expIain it over dinner.

Dinner? Aren't we getting
a IittIe personaI?

Better now than never.