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01x09 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: 12/15/21 07:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on,
The Other Kingdom.

I want him to like me as
an other, not as a fairy.

Do you think I'll ever
find my Tristan?

I might have a crush on someone.

Wait, who are we talking about?

Is this the part
where we break up?

I wanted to talk to you.

I wanted to get to know you.

You didn't interfere?

No, my Queen, but I worry
you give the princess

too much leeway.

In Athenia, we don't
worry about friendship.

Everyone accepts everybody
else for who they are.

Even Brendoni.

There's no guessing
where you stand,

or wondering what you are,
or what to label it.

Why would you put so much
pressure on yourself?

Because I like you so much,
and I wanted you to like me too.

Being with Tristan last night.

I couldn't tell if he
wanted to be just friends,

or something more.

Ugh, life with others
is so complicated.

Why am I even here?

Look, no hands!

Congrats, you're officially
a ten-year-old boy.

How do others get anything done?

I could do this all day.

Please don't.

Astral, don't look now,
but Tristan is coming this way.

He can't see me with
a spoon on my nose.

He'll think I'm immature.

Hold still.

His vision is based on movement.

You're thinking
of a T-Rex.

Is this your spoon?


Were you balancing
it on your nose?


Would you like it back?

Yes please.


On a scale of one to ten,
how awkward was that?

Not quite as awkward as
seeing your parents kiss,

but more awkward than
seeing them dance.

You said you guys had fun
hanging out the other night.

I thought we did.

But I don't know!

Ugh, why does Tristan always
have to be so mysterious,

and secretive, and gentle,
and funny, and dreamy.

Wait, where was
I going with that?

You know what we need?

Girls' Night!

Girls' Night!


Exactly what we need.

Girls' Night, all night.


What is that?

After Mr. Quince leaves
tonight, we'll do pedicures,

eat junk food.

Oh, I'll bring a
seven-layer dip!

And movies!

No more Rom-Coms.

They confuse me.


Anime it is!

It'll be a blast!


Not on my watch.

My dad left me in charge, which
means this is a no blast zone.

Come on, Dev, we need fun,

Let's mix it up!

Get crazy!

I can be crazy!

I'm gonna order a pizza and
catch up on some back-issues

of Cartographers' Quarterly.

I might even put my
feet on the coffee table.

But don't tell dad.

I could be wrong, but Girls'
Night sounds more fun.


Come on Astral, we have
some planning to do.

Guys, pizza can be fun!

We can get hot dogs
in the crust!


My book!

Don't worry, Dee.

See, all clean.



I can't return sloppy
joe-stained books to

the library.

Think of the damage deposit!

Hey, you don't want me
to make a mess,

invent something
called a Tidy Joe.

I must say, I think
I'm finally starting to get

the hang of Wizard school!

You still think you're
at wizard school?

We're in Athenia,
in the Fairy Realm.

Wizards can't do
what Fairies do.


Can you make wings appear
with a quick shake?

Oh, Honeysuckle!

Look, the point is someday,
when wings finally sprout,

I'll be able to fly!

I'm just a late bloomer is all!

Queen Titania's wings didn't
come in until she was a year

older than I am now,
and she's a queen!

Queens always get
everything first.

Do I honestly look
that gullible?

Actually, you kind of look
like a turnip dressed as a boy.

That was a rhetorical question.

Winston, we're friends, right?

Friends don't lie to each other.

No, and Brendoni told me
I was at Wizard school.

No Winston.

You said you were, and
Brendoni didn't correct you.

No, he almost taught me how
to fly and Versitude told me

if I sit...

Oh Peaseblossom,
I've been a fool.

Let me show you Athenia,
the Seventh realm in

the Second Kingdom,
home of Oberon VIII,

King of the Fairies.

You mean there's more than this?

Stay close.

The trees have eyes and ears.

Mouths too, and arms.

Well, branches.

But they will grab you.

Follow me close.

Anything can happen.

I'm not like other kids.

I guess you could
call me different.

Back home I'm a princess,
but here I can be whoever

I want to be.

Go to school, make new friends,
explore your ways,

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers
isn't always easy,

but my friends help me
when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

Your world, or my home?

Time is running out.

Girls' night is awesome.

We put mud on our faces
and talk about which

celebrity is smooching
which other celebrity.

Unless the words
"corn dog" come out of your

mouth in the next two seconds,
there is no way I'm interested.

Morgan says it's fun.

And you like mud.

Yeah, for wallowing.

And throwing.

And making little mudcastles.

Not for exfoliating.

It's Girls' night.

We need to have fun!

Morgan's counting on it.

Just two of you?


Listen Astral,
if two people is fun,

than fifty people is like...

Forty times the fun.

That's not even close
with the math.

Astral, you're a fairy.

Don't waste this chance.

Show Morgan a classic
Athenian rager.

Ah, thinking about
throwing a shin-dig, huh?

Let me give you some advice:

wait till the guests
actually show up

before you order the pizza.

Unless you're prepared to eat
eight pizzas all by yourself.

Hey, can I ask you something?

If it's why my mom pack
me an egg salad sandwich,

the most embarrassing of all
sandwiches, I have no idea.

Do you think I'm too uptight?








On edge?



BT-Dubs, you
missed a spot.


That's what Brendoni
doesn't understand.

You can't just bite into
an apple willy-nilly.

You don't know where
it's been...

Or how many hundreds of germ-y
people might've touched it

at the grocery store.


You get it.

Devon, this isn't the first time
I've listened to you lecture

on the merits of cleaning fruit.

You haven't missed
a lecture yet.

I miss hanging out with you.

I can change that.

We'll let you be an honorary
member of Girl's night.

I think you'd look great
with braided hair.

I'm more of a perm guy.

Hey Hailey!

How's it going?

Oh, hey Kevin.

She calls me Kevin.

It's kind of our thing.

Anyway, girls' night.

I'm in.

Maybe you should
hang out with Hailey.

You two seem to be getting
awfully close, Kevin.

Hey Tristan.

What are you doing?

Just immersing myself in the
wondrous world of chemistry.

Okay, you got me.

I'm actually doodling a dragon
with guitars for wings.


So, um, any big plans
for tonight?

Might add some laser arms
to this bad boy,

but right now I'm just
chilling with people.



Maybe our people could
hang out together.

That might be fun.



We need fun.

Why don't you bring
your people over?

And they could hang
with my people.

Sounds good.

It'll be a party.

A fun party.

See ya!


Devon's house at .

To the untrained eye,
this just looks like a forest.

Or a jungle where everything
wants to eat you.

But it's all interconnected.

Just as how, once upon a time.

The fairy realm and the
other realm were connected.

Until the others upset our
ecosystem with buildings

and cars and sewage.

Others put the "EW" in sewage.

That's when we brought down the
Veil and created a wall between

us and them.

But Fairies are still protectors
of all things on earth.

That's why you're safe with me.

Dont worry Winston,
I'll protect you

because you're my best friend.

And what do we have
without friendship?

Except sunshine, and dew drops,
and caterpillars, and treesap.

But without someone to share
it with we got nothing.

Are you listening to me?

Because you're the first other
I know who's gotten the tour.

I'm giving you pure gold here.

I was... there was
a... ssss... and it tried to...

Oh, I want to introduce
you to my friend Alan.

He's a snake.

I think you'll like him.


You gotta try this!


I just mopped those floors
and you're dripping grease


You're right.

I should get a plate.

I wouldn't want to waste any
of that delicious grease.

Have you ever
heard of vegetables?

Dude, you are so uptight.

Would someone uptight do this?

You ironed these?

Sometimes you just
gotta treat yourself.


You're like a busted freezer.


I can be cool.

Watch this.

Okay, fine.

I don't know how to be
"zen", "chillax", "YOLO"

or whatever it's called.

I like clean.

It's alright, buddy.

Brendoni's here.

Now I realize why
I was sent to you.

I'm your guide through
the chill zone.

Watch and do nothing.


Aah ah!

What did I say?

The cheese has been on the
floor for seven seconds.

The most grueling seven
seconds of my life...

Whatevs, Devs.

Your first step into the chill
zone is your first step away

from the cheese.

But what if it stains?

No buts!

The only butt you should
think about is the one

you'll be sitting on.

To phase two.

Leaving dirty laundry -
wait for it - on the floor.

But, but the wrinkles...

Listen to me.

No longer will you
scamper to the hamper.

We're going to make you a
real boy one way or another,

lil buddy.

What do you think?

Little toe rainbows.

So cute!

Can I rock this?

It looks like you've been
smooching a blueberry.

You were so right, this is fun.

Who did you have Girls'
night with before me?


Boys get to go to Girls' Night?

Devon did.

He was a boy a girl
could hangout with.

Let's get him up here now?

No way.

He has Hailey on the brain now.


Hailey's no threat.

She's like a dandelion.

At the beginning,
she's pretty and yellow,

but in the end, everyone
will realize she's just fluff.

Ooo, could you do your wind
power trick and blow her away?

I've given it some
serious thought.

It's here!

The pizza with the
hot dogs in the crust?!

Please be the pizza with
the hot dogs in the crust.


I've got enough quarters
to cover the tip.

Hey Devon.

Feels good, huh.

No sense crying
over spilled soda.

You da man, Dev!

What up, my people!!!

We're being home invaded!

There must be some kind of

Remember your training!

We never covered this.


This wasn't in the lesson plan!

This wasn't in the lesson plan!


What's going on?


It's a party!


This is a disaster.

Brendoni, remember
what I'm about to say.


Because they'll be my last
words before my dad kills me!

Your dad's not here, and he's
not going to be back for hours.

Besides, you can't put
toothpaste back in the tube.

Believe me, I've tried.

But Brendoni...

Devon, your dad's always telling
you to be all you can be.

Explore every option.

You're disobeying your dad if
you don't have this party.

I guess if we all just stay
on the ground floor.

And we maintain a paremeter.



House rules.

No going upstairs.

Maintain the perimeter.

Maintain the perimeter!



Great party.

So what do you think
of the surprise?

Fun, right?

What happened to girls' night?

It's still here,
but with more girls.

And boys.

And some of them we
actually know!

What's wrong?

I thought it was going
to be the two of us.

Isn't the saying,
"the more, the merrier"?

Or is it, "the more,
the marionette"?

I always get those confused.

Astral, we were going to hang
out tonight and you blew me off.

No I didn't.

I was trying to show
you a good time.

I thought we were
having a good time.

When Tristan said he was
hanging out with people...

Oh, Tristan.



It's just that now that
you have Tristan...

I don't have Tristan.

Wait, do you think
I have Tristan?

Because we...

You can't stop talking about
him for two seconds?

You know what?

I'm outta here.

Have fun at your party.

Fine, I will.


We've never had this
many people in our house.


What if somebody
breaks something.

What if the neighbors freak?

What if the cops are called?

Then mountain men will sing
songs about you and praise you

as their king!


That's not a bottle opener!

We have to shut this down.


Cool party,

Did you hear that?

That Six-Pack
knew my name!

He called me Dee-vo.

He actually gave me a nickname.

You know what that means?

No, what?

You're king of the party, dude!

But my Dad?

Your dad will have to
bow before his King.

I just got a text from Hailey.

What should I do?

My first instinct is to
just smash the phone.

But that would be wrong, right?

I can't handle this
kind of pressure.

Yes, you can.

This whole party is just one
giant glob of floor cheese.

Now what?!

Up to you.

When Hailey shows,
are you Mr. Uptight?

Or Dee-vo,
The Party King?

Great party!


I feel so much better now that
that secret's off my chest.

What would I do without
my best friend?

No way I could've finished
that last mile without you.

Always got your back, brah.

Friends for life!



Hot dogs in the pizza
crust over here!

Not you too.

We can't both be droopy.

I don't know why Alan
didn't take to you.

He's normally such
a friendly snake.

There's a bit of
history between us.

Now you want to be
careful around here.

The elves planted Jamoodi
trees back when they lost

the Battle of Ardenmore
to the fairies.

They'll swallow you
in one big gulp.

Elves eat people?

No silly, the trees.

Now other than Athenia,
there's Spartania.

They don't like us and
we do not like them.



If anyone ever caught you
talking to a Spartanian?

Let's just say they'd eat
your kippers for breakfast.

Further away there's
Antibia, Thebia,

Corinthia, Cretania,
Laconia - Ugh!

Laconian fairies are so boring,
they make almond milk seem

like a party!

Stand back.

Give the man space!

D-man, for your ultimate test:
this whole crowd is one big,

giant glob of melted cheese.

What do we do with cheese?

Let's party!


Party King! Party King!
Party King! Party King!

Feet are funny things.

They carry you
through your life,

but you never really
think about them.

It's the same with friendships.

It's easy to forget how much
better they make life

just by being around
and making you laugh.

Especially if you get distracted
or confused by one plan.

Or, okay, I admit it,
one person.

There are actually a lot
more things to life.

I don't know if any of it's more
valuable than being a friend.

Or, having a friend.

Friends are what others
are at their best.

I think I lost my best friend.

Over here is my favourite place

in all of Athenia.

And this is the
Summerberry bush.

The most famous plant
in all of Athenia.

Wait, this isn't like that bush

that turned me into
a donkey is it?

Oh, don't be silly.

Summerberries enable anyone,
even those without wings,

to fly.

They're nothing like...

Oh no.

It's dying.

Very sorry, but death is a part
of all plants life cycles.

Isn't it?

No, Summerberry bushes
don't die in Athenia.


This is bad.

Very bad.

You can't party in here, you
have to stay on the first floor.

I know.

You're back.

Not for you, my mom would
k*ll me if I didn't bring

her stuff home.

I'm sorry, Morgan.

I can see why you think
I ditched girls' night.

I was really looking forward to
smearing mud on our face,

and doing cucumber
eyes with you.

And with the whole Devon/Hailey,
you/Tristan thing.

There was no room for me.

Morgan, I am so sorry.

I might have over-reacted
just a teeny weeny bit.

I'm going to make
this up to you.



We can't go down there.

We look scary.

If we had horns,
we could pass as trolls.

What will people say
if they see us?

Who cares.

I'm always proud to be
seen with my bestie.

If there's no pizza left,
I'm going to get ugly.

You mean uglier than this...

No, ugly like this.

Wow, the whole school is here.

Alright, freshmen.

Clear the way, I'm here to stay.


Yeah, and Hailey!

It's a good thing we got here.

What's a party without an
adorable power couple?

Nice look.


Party train coming through!




Party on!

Everybody out!!!


What is going on here?!