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01x08 - Expiration Date

Posted: 12/15/21 07:41
by bunniefuu
I want this to be perfect.

It's the first time
that Tristan and I

have spent any
real time together.

Why worry?

If things go wrong,
just glimmer him.

He'll forget everything
and you can restart.

Glimmering only makes you
forget the last seconds.

It really only comes
in handy if you burp,

or call your
teacher "mom."

Besides, I want him
to like me as an Other.

Not as a fairy.

But you are a fairy.

No one else I know floats.

I could be just
like an Other girl.

I've been doing my research.

"Not Actually Love," "The
Princess Girlfriend,"

and "Awake
in Atlanta."

You watched all of them?



They explain your
world so clearly,

and they taught me that
any problem could be solved

if you have an
unbelievably wacky plan.

Well, I've done
some research myself

and condensed everything
into this handy cheat sheet.


Always Be Interested.

Lots of head nodding
and thoughtful stares.



Very interesting.

Mmhm, mmhm.

Very interesting.

Guys love thinking they
have compelling things to say.


"Small Dog,
Big Reaction."

That's a fun one.

See something cute,
make a big deal of it.

Tristan will think
you're cute by association.


Don't pick your teeth.


It's gross.

You get ready, I've got homework
with the numbskull twins.

C'mon man.

How are we ever gonna become Pro
Skydivers if we don't practice?

One minute, I just need to
fill out some information

for my injury and
accident insurance.

What kind of kid has injury
and accident insurance?

A well-prepared one.

C'mon dude.

Let's bounce.


Not so fast.

We have to build an
ecosystem for biology class.

Sorry guys, but I gotta
wander the wild blue yonder.

Hey Sparkplug,

I signed us all up
as project partners.

This day's ruined!

Who wants pancakes?

You saved my life.

I didn't want to go skydiving.

I can't even dive into water
without my froggy floaties!

Where did he get these?

Who knows.

But don't worry.

No one was gonna let
that troll on a plane.

Who knew my entire
body could fit in here.

Uh... a
little help?

I'm kind of stuck.

It's gonna be a long night.

I wonder,

would it be possible
for you to transform me

back into a full boy now?

It's been a rather trying
few days and I promise,

I've thought long and
hard about my time here.


Rest assured, you won't find

Winston P. Althazar near
any more berry bushes!


For a start.

But you have to
return what you've taken.

You mean the brindlebox berry?

I think it's past
the point of no return.

But please ma'am, I'm
tired of being a donkey.

People keep trying to hook
me up to wagons and buggies.

Excuse me.


The lessons you pick up
here are important ones.

Allow yourself to learn them.

I'm learning quite a bit
about being vague and cryptic!

Oh, how does she do it?

'Stop here,
go no further.'

No sign tells Winston
Percival Althazar what to do.


You're here.


I said I would be.

You're supposed to
say how nice I look.

You look really nice.


This old thing?

I'm so happy you
decided to hang out.

You know, I figured since we're
both new in town and,

y'know, us new kids gotta
stick together, right?

I love new places.

There's so much here
I don't know about.

Yeah, well this is my...

What is it, fourth
school in three years.

So the novelty wears
off pretty quick...


Slow down, Tristan.

We aren't supposed to have
a meaningful conversation

until after the movie.

Actually, about that.

Are you sure you want to see
Alien Devil Hounds Get Real?!

I mean, it seems pretty scary.

And bad...

Totally sure.

The first scary moment
in a horror movie

helps to diffuse the
nervousness we're feeling.

And, according to my research...


Guys love disgusting
and gory things.

Then, I get scared, and
you put your arm around me.





Did you want these?

So, we want to
build an ecosystem

capable of sustaining life.


Just check under Brendoni's bed.

You saw my bugtown, eh?

Those little guys are the
reason I get up in the morning.

Because they
carry me out of bed.

On their tiny little backs.

We need to start
with a layer of sand.

Then activated charcoal.

Then we want to add some soil.

When are we gonna get
some bugs up in this piece?

Let me see this.

We don't need bugs.

Stop being gross.

The more legs, the better.

He's right.

It says, 'You can add an insect
to provide CO for the plants.'

Do we need to catch bugs?

Don't worry.

I know a guy.




We layer everything into
this jar and we're good to go.

You're not gonna wanna use
that jar, it's not clean.

But I just cleaned it.

No, there's a speck
of jam still in it.

It only takes a
speck for mold to grow.

And then it's so-long
ecosystem, hello Mold-Man.

And no one
likes the Mold-Man.


I'll take care of it.

I'm regretting
partnering up with him.

It'd have been nice to work
on it just the two of us.

Come on.

He isn't that bad.

Got it.

Besides, he seems
to know what he's doing.

Those are the instructions!


You gotta eat
jam with something.

Okay, got it.

How do you like that?

Trees don't like when
you mess with their trunks.


Is someone there?

I learned that the hard way.

I was trying to
tickle this Sheltuck tree

and, turns out, they view
it as an act of aggression!

Why were you trying
to tickle a tree?

I'm Peaseblossom.

I know you.

You're that Other, Winston.

Your ears are
longer than I imagined.

But your teeth are straighter

than I thought for
an English boy.

Well, what kind of
name is Peaseblossom?

I know.

It's a family name.

My mother was also
named Peaseblossom.

And my father.

Family gatherings are confusing.

This is quite a
sticky wicket, isn't it?


I may have to live
in these vines forever.

Which isn't so bad.

The only downside is the birds.

You know?

That would be unpleasant.

You think so too?

Wow, we could have been friends.

We can still be friends.

Don't fool yourself, Winston.

You're a donkey-face from
a well-to-do Other family,

and I'm a fairy being
held prisoner by a vine.

Sure, we'd try for a while, say
"our differences don't matter,"

but eventually I would get tired
of you reading the newspaper

and you'd get tired of me

trying to punch that ostrich
that's always runnin' around.

It's destined to fail.

Move on, Winston.

Save yourself.

Or, I could just untangle
you from those vines.


Oooh, a puppy!

That's actually a devil
hound, and he's very evil.

"Small Dog...
Big Reaction."

Oh, he is sooo cute.

Isn't he sweet?


You know, we're not actually
allowed to talk in the movies.

Why not?

They are.

That dog is
eating that scientist.

That is so funny.

Astral, you know how you were
talking about a scary part?

Well, this is the scary part.


Got it.


Time to put your arm around me.



Quiet, young lady.

I'm just explaining to my friend

the nuances of a
boy/girl relationship.

I am so sorry, sir.

Astral, let's just
watch the movie quietly.

How are we supposed to watch the
movie if he keeps interrupting?

That's it, motormouth.


Tristan, are you going to
let him talk to me this way

or are you going
to stand up to him?

Oh no, I'll stand.

Let's go.

Come on.

Why would he make us leave?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe because you talked
through the entire movie,

spilled your popcorn everywhere,

and then proceeded to
make fun of his tiny hat.

Ushers love their tiny hats!

Have you never been
to a movie before?



Like, not even
with your parents?


My parents don't watch movies.

They only watch birds.

Oh, nature types.

I get it.

That must be nice.

My old apartment just
had a view of a brick wall.

It was pretty boring.

I don't know what I'd do
if I couldn't see the birds!

I know all their names.


A.B.I... always
be interested.



What are you doing?

Being interested.


But we were talking about you.

I know.

I'm intensely interesting.

Astral, I think it's
time I take you home now.

Wait, we can't go home.

We haven't done the dinner
part of dinner and a movie, yet.

Come on.

I'm starving.

Now pour the sediment in.


Hey, Betty Boring and
Darren Dull, are we done yet?

We'd be done by now if you
didn't eat the instructions.

I could show you how to make
that eco-system a lot cooler.

We'll take finished over cool.

You think anyone got anywhere
by pouring sand in a jar?




That's how you
make an ecosystem.


I don't think this was
in the instructions.

You're wrecking it!

It's Life!

I've created Life!


(loud thunder and lightnin

I'll get the paper towels.

I thought you were starving.

I am.

Did you want the spaghetti?


What I wanted was for the two
of us to share the spaghetti.

That way we can get that one
really long noodle, slurp it up,

and have that romantic moment.

Like in that dog movie.

What's wrong?


I can tell something's
wrong, Tristan.

I can feel it.

I just want to eat my burger.



I was really excited to
hang out today...

I was excited to hang
out with you too.

Except, it kind of feels
like I'm hanging out

with the different rom-come
that my mom knows by heart.

Is this the part
where we break up,

you catch me just in time
to reconcile at the airport?

I've gotta go.

How do I get to the airport?

Wait a sec...


My ankle!

You'll be okay in a day or so.

How many more smoothie-related
injuries will it take

before they outlaw these things?

I'm sorry about your ankle.

I just wanted all this
to go so perfectly.

I stayed up all
night watching rom-come

so I'd know what to do.

Astral, I wanted to talk to you.

I wanted to get to know you.

Why would you put so
much pressure on yourself?

Because I like you so much.

And I want you to like me too.

And now you don't.

Oh no, he can't remember this.

Let's just go home.

It's nice to have a
quiet moment with you.

We don't really hang
out as much we used to,

with Brendoni and
Astral always here.

Yeah, but it's so much
better now, don't you think?

We're not just two
geeky outsiders anymore.

We're four geeky outsiders.

I guess.

Maybe I just miss...

Hey, just a heads up, a
snake got loose in the kitchen.

Why is there a
snake in the kitchen?

That's just where he got loose.

He could be anywhere now.

I thought he'd be
cool for the ecosystem.

Anyway, I'm making dinner.

Well, now that we might
be poisoned by a snake,

can I ask you something?


What if I said I might
have a crush on someone?

I mean, I...

Just, I didn't really
think about her at all

before, but after the other day,

when she kissed
me on the cheek...


Who are we talking about?


When she came over the other day

for a geography lesson.

Those tectonic plates can
really fire up the emotions.

She just makes the
world seem so alive!

What should I do?

Do whatever you want.

Dinner will take
longer than expected.

Weren't you just making salad?

I know.

Weird, right?

You're really funny, you know.

You know, it isn't polite
to laugh at someone

who is trying to help you.

Well, it isn't polite to
smash your head into the veil,

but you don't see me
making a big deal out of it.

Smash, smash, smash.

Hey, why do you
want to leave anyway?

You don't like it here?


Everyone is so strange

and I'm tired of having
these ears and these teeth.

They make me look like a freak.

Well, I think they
make you special.

They make you look dignified.

And now I'm in the vine.

We're roommates!

First order of business: how do
you feel about bead curtains?


The polite thing would just
be to say, 'no, thank-you.'

You don't understand,

I'm a failure.

I can't do a spell.

I look like a monster.

I tried to get you
out of these vines,

and only got myself
tangled up in it.

I really am
a Loser-ston.

Don't say that.

You'll get us out.

You're dealing with a lot.

You have a lot to chew on.

You can say that again.

We don't chews these
things, they chews us.


It's true.

Chew us out of the vines.

That's it!

I can chew us free.


Looks like those
teeth you thought

were so freaky and weird
and gross and disgusting

actually made you a hero.


A hero?

My hero.

What's happening?!

I'm back to normal!

Winston Percival Althazar, hero.

Well done, young Other.

Well done.

You okay?

Oh, yeah.

I'll ice it when I get home.

I'll be fine.


What are you doing
with those plants?

We needed more
crud for our project.

And also, there's
a snake in the house

and I may have
blown up the kitchen.

Brendoni out!

What else has he wrecked?

Oh no!


They need to get
back into the earth.

I need water.

You can get
yourself home, right?

Yeah, but I'm not in a hurry.

Here, let me help.

The best thing about
nature is that everything

has it's own personality.

Eat your vegetables!!


It's a

Well, it is a pleasure
to meet you, ma'am.

You know, at my old school,

the closest thing we had to
a park was a basketball court.

Seems like you
move around a lot.

Yeah, but it's
just me and my mom,

So I try not to make
a big deal out of it.

I know she feels bad.

I get what you mean.

I'm not sure I
want to go back home,

not after everything
I've done here.

Well, that's why they say
you can't go home again.

At least, that's
what my mom tells me

every time we leave a place.

I wish we had just
come here to hang out

instead of all that other stuff.


What was up with all that?

I thought that's how
it was supposed to go.

I just wanted
everything to be perfect.

Well, it kind of is now.

Well, okay.

Maybe except for that part.

So let me get this straight.

You got Tristan kicked out
of a movie, he hurt his ankle,

and ended the night covered
in dirt and bird poop?

Yeah, that pretty
much covers it all.

And somehow you
still had a good night?

You kids are gonna be alright.

I guess I just had
to stop trying so hard.

It's like...

That time when we
had a fairy mushroom

growing contest in Athenia.

You spend your whole time trying
to grow that perfect, round,

flawless-looking mushroom
just like everybody else's...

But it turns out that sometimes
the mushrooms that are weird

and lumpy and silly
looking are the best ones.

Because they grew naturally.

Do you think I'll
ever find my Tristan?

You know what?

I think he might be
closer than you think.

Maybe even...
under this roof?


I think you might
be onto something.

You should totally
start dating Brendoni.

Ew, gross!

He always has green
food stuck in his teeth!

I think that's actually
the color of his teeth.


Guess what!

Dad's going to be
working late tomorrow night.

So you know what that means?

Pizza for dinner!!

I think we can find something
more exciting to do than that.

No need to thank me.

I finished the ecosystem.

That smells disgusting.

One guy's disgusting is
another guy's fantastico!

Class is starting, everybody.

Oooo, what have we got here?


Don't fight it,

just lean into it.

Get it off!

He likes you!

I don't think I've been cured

from the donkey
curse, Peaseblossom.

I still have the urge
to gallop through a meadow

and wallow in a patch of clover.

Don't worry, Winnie.

I have that effect
on a lot of people.

You're back from the Other
Kingdom sooner than expected.

What was your impression
of this boy, Tristan?

Is he a threat?

On the surface, no.

But she is spending
more time with him.

And despite several
mishaps, I believe the Other

may be developing
feelings for Astral.

You didn't interfere, did you?

No, my Queen.

But I worry you give the
princess too much leeway.

These are her lessons
to learn, Versitude.

We have to allow her to do so

if she is ever going to
return and become queen.

If indeed, my queen.