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01x07 - Cold Season

Posted: 12/15/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Other Kingdom.

Watch the witch melt!

You think your dad will mind
him staying with us for a while?

How much trouble could he be?

Unleash the beast!

We want to make you famous.


I wanted her to get outed,
not become famous!

Astral, you can't do this!

The witch of Theseus high!

How dare you put Athenia and
the Second Kingdom in danger.

So this is the boy that made
you go on your Otherwalk?

Yes, dad, your majesty.

Your dad is the King?

Yeah, I forgot to mention that.

You're reckless, Astral.

You endanger our Kingdom.

That boy is our enemy
and he should die.




Take this Other away.

Off to the Bogs of
Nevermore with you.


Stop them!

Dad, please!







I hope I'm not
calling too early.

Early's good.

I'm all about early.

I love early...

oh gosh!

Tristan, could you forget
what you just saw?

Apparently early doesn't
love me back.

You look fine.

Actually, I just wanted to you
something really quick.




Princess, your love of this
Other is ruining my sleep.

Hey, are you ready for school?

We're going to be late.

I wish I could go,
but I can't move.

I'm pretty sure my
organs have failed me.

Devon, you do this every
time you get a cold.

Cherish your health Morgan.

I can just feel the drama.

That's not drama, Morgan.

That's a fever of . degrees
emanating from my body.


Who's the genius who thought
of getting up early

to learn something that
you're never gonna use?

Brendoni, is that you?

What's his problem?

He gets the smallest sniffle

and he stays home writing
his last will and testament.

I'm willing you my Conclave:
the Rallying cards, Morgan.

Come on, Dev, get up for school.

Mr. Trainer got some
new atlases.

You can be the first
to crack the spine!

Wait, if you're sick, you don't
actually have to go to school?

Hey Brendoni, I called the
student exchange program,

and you're all good
to stay with us.

Aw, still not feeling
good, hey bud?

Let's see.

Maybe I should stay home too.

No dad, you have your
presentation to prepare for.

I'll be okay.

Oooh, oh, I have the
sick too, Mr. Quince.


I'm so the sick.


You too?

At least you guys can
take care of each other.

Call me if you need anything.

And Devon get plenty of rest.

I don't want to catch you up

reading stamp
collecting blogs again.

Ugh, when will this
nightmare end?!

Fake sick to get out of school!

Only here two days and I'm
already changing the game.

Is there a Nobel Prize
for Awesomeness?

Ow that hurts.

What's going on?

Devon has the cold, and your
cousin has a case of the morons.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Careful, you don't
want to catch it.

Don't worry, fairies
don't get sick.

It's just a nose tickle!

Come on.

I'm not like Other kids.

I guess you could
call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess.

But here I could be
whoever I wanna be.

Go to school, make new
friends, explore your ways,

and have some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers
isn't always easy.

But my friends help me
when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

You're world or my home.

Time is running out.

Tristan said he wanted
to ask me something

and then the screen went black.

What do you think he was
going to ask, Morgan?

Why would a boy call
a girl so early?

Oooh, a mystery.

Maybe he wants you
to be his girlfriend!

Or maybe he wants you to
do his math homework.

He wouldn't do that
over the phone...

Would he?

Fruit punch.

There's fruit punch coming
from the fountain.

And they say the public
school system's no good.

It's great!

Astral, this might have
something to do with you.

You should really go
home if you're sick.

No way.

Fairies don't get sick.

Listen to her, Princess.

As a fairy you would
not get sick.

But transformed into this
ungainly and quite frankly,

this repugnant form...

I'm standing right here.

There's no telling how
your body could react.

I have to find out what
Tristan wanted to ask me!

Then I am coming with you.

I will be in your backpack.


Fruit punch in the
water fountain!



It's fine.

Snack time, bro!

Unless it's chicken soup,
I'm not interested.

You sure?

I've got all the food groups.

Salt, sugar, caffeine, and...


Is that a carrot?


Well, now that there's
gas in the t*nk,

it's time to vroom vroom
vroom on outta here.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna seize the
day, muchacho.

You know who said that?

Justin, down at the taco truck.

Wisest guy I know.

Are you sure you
don't want to stay?

I was gonna put some eucalyptus
in the humidifier later.

It might get wild.

The wind's whispering
through the trees

and it's whispering Brendoni.

Go outside, and enjoy
nature while you can.

You don't have to
worry about me.

I'll be fine here.

All alone.


All by myself.

Atta boy.

See ya.


I'll stay for a while and help
you with a couple things.

Can we start with one last look
at my arctic map collection?


We should split up,
cover more ground.

I'm not sure that's a good idea.

You're looking worse.

I'm fine.

I just need to...

She's gonna blow!

False alarm.



Nothing weird happened.

I told you I'm not sick.

I guess you're right.

Now you take this side of the
school, and I take the other.

Text me if you find Tristan.

Hey bud, most people take off

their Halloween costumes
before throwing them out.

Get out of my garbage.

Che Rabbia!

I will get out when
I'm good and ready!

I am ready.

Ah, you must be the
substitute history teacher.


For you I am whatever
you require.

Nice look.

It's good to see enthusiasm
from a sub.

Most of them seem...

how can I put this...

Less interested.

Qué, Qué?

You're a little late,
but it's history

so your students won't mind.

I'm Principal Williams,
by the way.

I am Oswald of Athenia.

Protector of the Second Kingdom,
Knight of the Seventh realm.

I'm from out of town.

Wherever you're from, they're
going to love you, Mr. Oswald.


You're gonna love my soup!

What is this?

Grass, some gravel, a soupçon

of this awesome hairy thing I
found in your rain gutter.

Oh, and some chopped celery.

I can't eat this.

First you don't want to sleep
in the bed I made you,

and now you're bagging
on my soup?

I'm sorry, it just doesn't
look very soothing.

It looks like it's still alive.

This is a delicacy
where I'm from.


Yeah, England.

That place.

And to use an old Englandian
saying, I'd love to stay,

but it's Brendoni time!

You sure?

I think there's a
documentary about

to start on glacial migration.

We could just kick back...

Ooh, yeah dude, that
sounds amazing.

We should do that.





The Napoleonic wars were lies?

No, they happened.

But this textbook leaves
out the romance.

All of the intrigue.

Not to mention...

One very brave dog who played

the greatest role of all.

Mr. Oswald?

I don't know how long
you've been a sub,

but you do realize you don't
actually have to do anything.

Just put in a video

and clap some chalkboard
erasers together.

Whatever teachers do for fun.


I complete every task to the
best of my ability,

regardless of how
unpleasant I may find it.

Now, this book's
greatest mistake

is to totally discount
the contributions

of the Second Kingdom.

Why, I myself poked Napoleon
in his hand with my rapier.

Gaving him gangrene.

This led directly
to his downfall.

Mr. Oswald.

Alas, she speaks!

You really want us to believe
that you're over years old?

I know.

When I don't look
a day over .

Mr. Oswald...

Uh uh, you have used up your
hand raising for today.

Now I respect Napoleon
for his rise to power,

even if he needed a
step-stool to do it.

This is my little joke.

You look terrible.

I couldn't find Tristan

Could you?

No, but it doesn't
matter, you're...

Of course it matters Morgan.

If it didn't matter, I'd
still be in Athenia

watching Brendoni make
music with his armpits!

Astral, you're sick.

Sick people, or
fairies need rest.

Let's get you home.

I'm fine!


What happened to my hair?


You're okay.

I mean, of course you're okay.

But when we got cut off...

Yeah, I'm really sorry about
that, my phone just died.

It's always so sad when
something dies.

Well, you know it just needs
a charge and it will be fine.

But before we got cut off,

I was wondering if maybe
you wanted to...


Is mine an afro?


You turned Tristan into a mouse?


I told you you were sick.

You also told me not to
eat all those jalapenos.

Some things you just have
to learn for yourself.

I can't see Tristan anywhere!

That's because you sneezed
him into a mouse.

And he's about to run
into the air vent.


Everybody out!

This rat has seen
its last sunrise.

It's part food processor,
for obvious reasons,

and part race car.

Because race cars are cool.

Get out!

Where are you?

Here mousey mouse!


How do you eat 'em?

Don't forget that you
helped us settle up.

Yeah, what are
friends for, right?

I told you you could do it!

Anytime, that's what
we're here for.

I love you guys.

Go outside.

Enjoy nature while you can.

You don't have to
worry about me.

I'll be fine.


All alone.



All by myself.

I shouldn't have gotten
extra jalapenos.

We have to get to Tristan
before that maniac does.

You go this way-

I go that way.

Fine, you were right.

I should have stayed home.


Yeah, look at me having
fun all by myself!

Not an ounce of guilt!

Who am I kidding?

Oh joyful mud, where
have you gone?


Go away!

That kid!

And his pathetic face!

His pathetic little face.

Are you sure you haven't
seen a mouse, Vincent?

No, I haven't seen any flies,
don't make this about you!


Why aren't you in class?

Because once you get
a spider talking,

it's hard to shut him up.

Get to class now.

But I...


Such an odd girl.

Principal Williams, I
need to talk to you.

Just once, I'd like you to just
pass me in the hall and smile.

That substitute,
Mr. Oswald;

he's nuttier than a
Christmas cake.

Which he also says he invented.

Really, Hailey.

Vive la France!

Ouvre la fenetre!

Discoteque et pamplemousse!


He's a cuckoo!

He's a loon!

He's a third type of crazy bird!

Hailey, can't you just have
fun like the other kids?

Oh, I have fun.

Just last night I went
to bed without flossing.

It's overrated.

There you are.

I haven't seen Tristan anywhere.

What about you?


You're going to that big cheese
party in the sky, rodent.


Princess Astral!!!


You froze time?

This must be bad.

We've moved far
beyond "bad."

Do you want the Others
to discover us?

Capture us, destroy us?

No I...

Then why disregard Oswald's
orders to stay home?

This Other virus has
warped your powers

to a dangerous degree
and exposed us.

I didn't realize...

That you were risking the
safety of your Kingdom

for some silly infatuation?


I'm taking you home and
you will never return.


Please, Versitude, don't!

Look at him.

His tiny brain has no idea
that with one simple gesture,

he could be crushed
into nothing.

Like so much dust.

Is this worth your Kingdom?

Haven't you ever seen a smile

that makes you go
all tingly inside?

Or hear a voice that
sends you floating

and silences all others?

I know my duty to Athenia,

but am I meant to have
a heart of stone?

If you're to be a great ruler,

the best thing I could
do is watch him fall.

Don't, he's innocent.

You would be wise
to heed my words.

This never ends well.


One day your feelings will
cause you great pain.

But, today will not be that day.




What are you doing?

Where's the mouse?


You're okay.

Astral, I've been looking
all over for you today.

Class, people.

Astral, move along.

Talk later.

My voice!

What happened?

I think I was given
another chance.

Of course you want me to stay.

But I am like the wind.

I blow through affecting
all in my wake.

Impossible to ignore,
but impossible to hold.

And now you want to pin me down
to this monotonous classrooms.

Noooo, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You are a little eccentric, but
I'm willing to put up with it.

Theseus High needs passionate,
dedicated teachers like you.

I am the perfect candidate.

Who else, I ask you, can
give a first-hand account

of every battle for the past
two hundred years.

Now you're moving past
eccentric to crazy...

Madam Versitude!

Oswald, you're no longer
Astral's protector.

But you do not have the
authority to do this.

I do.

You have another assignment.

What could be more important
than guarding the Princess?

Aligning the Kingdoms.

And rest easy, I will be
watching over Astral myself.


Mr. Oswald?

Why are the good ones always
afraid of commitment?

You decided to come back?

Most people usually spread
that on something.

Most people aren't Brendoni.

Believe me, I've checked.

By the way, I got you something.


A half-eaten taco
covered in mud.

Some people might say I went
overboard, but for my friend,

there's nothing's too much.

Go on.

Come on it's good.


Ghost pepper hot sauce, huh?

'Cause I care.

Are you gonna finish that?


Not her!

Madam Versitude is
the King's advisor

and she has all the power
of Athenia at her disposal.

You'll be safe with her
as your guardian.

Just promise me you'll be safe

and won't jump into the
first battle you see?

I am a warrior.

But I have the strongest
reason to survive:

to see you become my Queen.

This is the saddest goodbye
since they took my dog

to live on that farm.

Trust Morgan.

She has the makings of a
great Queen's handmaid.

So I could be a fairy!?

I am so in.



It's Tristan.

What do I do?

I don't know.

Answer it.



Hey boys, how was the day?


Feeling better?

A little.

You're men of many words.


You know what, I actually
am feeling a bit better.

It was probably
the resting nest.

Or the soup.

I hate to say it, but I think it
might have been the mud taco's.

It was probably all my amazing
rubbing off on you.

I'm gonna stick
with the mud tacos.

I guess it's back to school
for both of us tomorrow.


You know, I'm almost

I'm such a perfect
physical specimen,

so I could never
actually get sick.

I'll get the soup.


Hey, I was looking
for you all over today.

I felt like I was running around
in a maze, like a, like a, huh.

I can't think of a metaphor.

That's actually a simile.

You wanted to ask me something?

I had a really fun time
in the gym the other day,

and I was wondering if you
wanted to hang out sometime?

What do I say?

Astral, Are you still there?

Yeah, I say, that's thumbs.


I mean, no.

No, you don't want to hang?


I mean, yes.

I would like to hang.

With you.

That'd be cool.

Great, well I'll text you
and we'll figure it out.


See ya.

Well, that was both exhilarating
and exhausting.


Wait a minute, wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait a minute.

What's wrong now?

I just realized.

I've never "hung out"
with a boy before.



What do I do?