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01x04 - Thanks a Latte!

Posted: 12/15/21 07:34
by bunniefuu

When I think of Tristan and
Hailey together, I wanna barf.

What does fairy barf look like?


Gold sparkles?

No, just regular barf.

Look on the bright side.

I get to keep the gift basket
you were going to give Tristan.

Oh yay, marshmallows!

How do I get him to
like me and not Hailey?

Can't you enchant
him with a love spell?


Fairy rule.

I can't make anyone
fall in love with me,

only with other people.


Magic has more
rules than Monopoly?

I know.

I have to go about
this the Other way.

Oswald was right.

I am always right, see.

You're not always right.

Remember the parrot incident?

That bird had a smart mouth.

I was thinking about
what we talked about...

Doing things the Other way.

What do Others do for fun?

Well, everybody
hangs out at Snugs's.

I like to go there because
they serve hot chocolate

in these giant mugs that make my
hands look tiny, and fairy-like.

And that's fun?


Totally fun!

It's kinda fun.

It's what people do.


Let's do it.

I just wanna go home and
change my outfit first.

I'll meet you at the bus stop.

The bus stop?

I can't wait.

There you are!

Apple, huh?

Stickin' with the classics.

Oh, yeah.

I don't even really like
them that much.

I'm just terrified of doctors.

Loving. This. Banter.

Hey Hailey, you're a girl.

What does it mean if a girl
tells you that you smell?

This is about Astral isn't it?


I don't get why
you're so hung up

on the opening act when the
main event is right here.

There's just
something about her.

You know who there's
something about?


I'm about lots of something's.

And I've been thinking: if
we're going to be on the cover

of Dance High School
Magazine as cutest

Fall Dance King and
Queen of all time...

I mean, if we're going to
get to know each other better,

we need to have
some more spontaneous

school hangouts.

As per my spontaneous
hangout flowchart.


You know, why not?

A hangout could be fun!


How bout we meet
up right about now,

let's go.

Oh, my apple!

Leave it.

You hate apples.


We're learning so much
about each other!

Come on.

Oh, okay.


I can't believe I'm actually
here in the Other Realm.

Just an Other girl.

Going to Snug's to hang
out like it's no big deal!

If I were in Athenia,
I'd probably be saving

Brendoni from himself.

Ah, ah ahh ahhhh!

It's hard being away
from the people I love.

But what makes it easier is
having amazing new friends.

I won't tell anyone.

I'm glad someone else knows.

And being able to
talk to Tristan,

after watching
him from far away.

I really like your flowers.

You like them?


It's a really pretty look.

But the best part of going on
this Otherwalk is finding out

who I am and figuring
out who I want to be.


Gotta go.

Hey, Mr. Quince.

Hey Dev, Morgan and I are
gonna hang out at Snug's,

wanna come?

Ah, not so fast.

Astral, your Geography
teacher just called me...

Ugh. Did he talk to you
about the land bridge?

Once he gets started on that,

you can kiss your
afternoon goodbye.

He said that if you continue
down the track you're on,

you could fail geography.

You can't fail as
long as you try.

Maybe in England, but not here.

Luckily, we've got a
certified Geography genius

right here in this house.

Dad please, I just wanna
live a normal life.

And he's gonna tutor you.

Just so you know,
this was not my idea.

But I am a Geography genius.



That's amazing.

It's so spiny.

Can't we do this another time?

Not with my dad, we can't.

But you don't have to worry.

We'll get your grades
higher than Mount Everest.

That's in Europe, right?

I think we're gonna
need a bigger globe.

I'll meet you upstairs.

So Devon's gonna look
at Oswald, but see me!

How long does that last?

Long enough to have fun!

Astral, before I met you,
the most fun I had

was helping Devon organize
his Geography flash cards.

Look at you now!

King Oberon better
thank me for this.

Who's got two thumbs and
arms too full of study

aids to point to himself?

This guy!

Are you ready?

I was ready when I slayed
the three-headed hydra.

I was ready when I crossed
the Valley of Skulls.

I can certainly handle
a dough-head kid.

What did you just say?

I said, I can certainly
handle a dough-head kid.

Interesting attitude.

I finall

I read online the
bus is a speedy

and efficient way to travel.

I also read that the driver
can not make change

and spitting will
not be tolerated.

It sounds magical.

Uh, that's not how I
would describe it.

Are you excited too, my friend?

Sure, you can have
the window seat.

Astral, you know squirrels
don't ride the bus, right?

Of course I know that.

Where would they
keep their bus fare?

Blow, winds, crack your cheeks!

Rage and blow!

So yeah, that's how you
make a thunderstorm.


I can't wait to start
learning wizard spells

at this wizarding school!

When I return home,

those bullies won't
know what hit them!

Pick on Winston Percival
Althazar, will they!

I'll give them a what what!




Gluteus maximus.

What are you doing?

Sorry, got carried away.

You'll teach me wizarding
tricks though, right?

Sure, I'll teach you.

But just so you know, we
don't call 'em wizards here.

What do you call a wizard?

A dingbat.


I can't wait to be a dingbat.

You know, I'm going to be

the most famous dingbat
in all the land!

You're well on your way, bud!

I'm gonna teach you things
that will make 'em go

"That Winston Percismell
Antsabar is so great!"

Actually that's not my name...


Here's how you fly.

Close your eyes and say, "double
double, toil and trouble."

Send me safely over
this mud puddle."

That's a bit of a soft rhyme.

Are you sure it's going to work?

You gotta believe.


"Double double,
boil and trouble.

Get me safely over
this mud puddle."

What happened?

Pretty sure you weren't
concentrating hard enough.




It's your gateway
to the world of... the world.

Now, a lot of people might
think Geography is boring...

They're right...

but those people
probably don't know about

mnemonic devices.

Fun little ways to
remember things!

We should probably start
at the beginning...

Just skip the song
and dance, friend.

Just give me the b*llet points.

Astral, Geography is a dance.

You can't
b*llet-point a dance.

I could be batteling the
Cyclopes of Corinthia right now!

I curse the stars!!

Wow Astral, you really
hate Geography.

Keep this up and you'll
see my blood boil.

Let's just get through this.

Here's an easy way to
remember the continents.

Eat An Apple As A
Nighttime Snack.

Eat is for Europe,
An is for Asia,

Apple is for Africa,
As is for Australia,

A is for Antarctica, Nighttime
is for North America

and Snack is for South America.

What's this?

It's called a smoothie.

Named after its inventor
Aubret P. Smoothy.


Nah, just fruit in a blender.

Where have you
been all my life?!


Don't drink it too fast or
you'll get brain freeze.

What looks good!

Some things you just
can't tell people.



Belize, Guatemala, El
Salvador, Honduras,

Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.

You nailed Central
America Astral.

You're really getting it!

You have motivated me greatly.

Geography's pretty fun, right?

No, I just want this
unbearable t*rture to cease.

Astral, I'm trying
to do you a favor.

Would it k*ll you to be nicer...

Whoa! What's wrong
with your ear?

The spells wearing off.


Ah I mean, a bee just stung me!

Lemme get you
something for that.

I'm out!


Check out that


That brave man devoted his life

to protect our nation's
shoes stores.

I for one salute him.

Which reminds me, you were in
the middle of being quizzed.

Oh right.

I'm sorry Hailey, look I just
don't think I'll ever know

the difference between a
kitten heel and a wedge.

Well Tristan I don't
have the energy

to explain it for a fifth time.

You're lucky you're cute.


Hey Hailey, I'm
getting a little hungry.

Do you wanna step into Snug's?


I just have to try on
another six pairs of shoes.

Hey Dad?

Dev, your dad is a genius.

That's great, Dad.

But have you seen
my bee sting stuff?

I looked through my salve
drawer and it wasn't in there.

Downstairs medicine cabinet.


How's the studying going?



Learn from my mistake, Astral.

Never eat cantaloupe while
walking past a beehive...


Oh you gotta be kidding me.

By the pricking of my thumb
something Winston this way come.




This transfiguration incantation
is causing me great frustration.

It's a totally simple spell.

I don't understand why
it's not working for ya.

Maybe I just don't have
what it takes to be a dingbat.

Oh Winston, you're
already a dingbat.

Have faith in yourself.

Now, let's try it again, hmm.


Can I get another drink?

But this time I'd like an
iced Mocha-choca-chai-soy-

butter-vanilla-chai latte.

Hold the whip.

Are you sure about
your drink choice?

Maybe you're right.

I should've gotten the whip.

Hey, it's Astral.

Oh, you mean Weirdy
von Strangeington?

Hey, I don't think
she's strange... ington.

She's just different.

Come on let's go say hi.



Hey, guys.

How's it going?


Totally cool.

How are you going?

Good, good.

Okay Tris.

You've said hi, now
let's go get a table.

I'll teach you the difference

between a crew neck
and a cowl neck.

Uh, Tris?!

Here are your drinks.

Sorry, it was nice seeing you!

But Tristan...

Don't mind if I do.


She took my drink!

It's okay.

We'll get you another one.

No, she took my drink!

You don't do that!

It's rude!!



I don't know how you did
that, but I know it was you!

Foooooooood Fiiiiiiiiight!!!

This is kinda fun!



Are you all a bunch of animals?

Animals don't have food fights.

I wanna know who started this!

She did!

Come on,

To the seats come on.

And you'll stay here
until your parents arrive.

Do you know who I am?


Just so you know, I
don't smell anymore.

Who said you smelled?

You did.

No, I told Devon I
liked the way you smell.

I made him smell me for nothing?

I mean... thanks.

I can't believe you
got us thrown in jail.

I can't be valedictorian if this
goes on my permanent record!

Also, I'll look awful
in an orange jumpsuit.

This isn't jail.

It's just a place they put us
in until our parents get here.

How come you're here?

Hailey's my ride.

It's not our fault.

You're the one who started it.

I didn't make everyone
have a food fight.

You were being mean.

Everyone calm down.

Okay we could be
here a for a while.

I can't skip
moisturizing before bed.

I'm on a fourteen day regime.

Well you could always
tunnel your way out.

Or get a cake with a
file hidden inside of it.

Good idea.

I'll put out some feelers.

Does she realize
that this is not jail?

Excuse me, sir, I'm wondering
if you could help me.

I'm looking for a girl.

That's where the trouble starts.

She's about five
feet tall, excitable,

has an unhealthy
hatred of geography?

Look, kid, unless
you're her really short dad,

I can't let her out.

I am not short, okay.

I just haven't hit
my growth spurt.

Are you giving me
lip, Sonny Jim?


No, I just asked
you a question...

Strike two, kid.

What happened to strike one?

That cost me six bucks!

It's all my fault
you're here Devon.

I am so sorry.


First you give me attitude,

when all I was trying
to do is help you.

And now you land me
in the clink?

How am I supposed to
explain this to my dad?

That's Astral's trademark:

getting other people in trouble.

Can we stop all
this arguing please?

We've been in here
for twelve minutes.

Twelve minutes!

That's when societal
norms start to break down.

You've doomed us!

You're being really
drama right now.

Please, fairy us out of here.

In dust we trust.

I blew up five smoothies,
I need a rest.

And honestly, think everyone's
had enough magic tonight.

Are you sure if I eat this
bug I'll become a dingbat?

Of course.

I'm hurt that you
don't trust me.

It's so icky and slimy!

No one said it'd be easy.

Very well.

Here I go...

No, no, no, no, no.

Don't eat me.

Please don't eat me, please...


You were actually
gonna eat Reggie!

But you said...

It was a test, and you failed.

Even bugs have souls.

Others are despicable!

Sorry, Reg.

And sorry to you, pal.

Guess I was wrong.

You flamed out.

Guess you don't
have what it takes.

I'm such a failure.

Why are you crying, Other?

I jumped in mud
one hundred times,

rammed into a tree twenty-two
times, and almost ate a bug...

all to find out I'll
never be a dingbat.

You've been listening to
Brendoni, haven't you?


That's never a good idea.

Back home I'm Winston Percival
Althazar: botanist's son.

But when I return home
from wizardry school,

I will be Winston
Percival Althazar: hero.

Do the Others back home
give you a hard time?

They steal my lunch,
lock me in closets,

and call me

They're dullards.

Because if you think of
it, for the name Loser-ston

to be correct, my actual name
would have to be Winnerston.

But it's, Winston, Winston
Percival Althazar.

You're doing our family a
great service by being here.

So I think I can help.

Come on.

Hey, how you holding up?

I've been better.

I haven't been in this big a jam
since I fell in the jam barrel

at the Honeysuckle Jam Festival.

I feel bad I got you
in trouble though.


It'll take years to get over
being traumatically smoothied.

Give her a break, Hailey.

You look good in smoothie.

Orange is your color.

Thank you.

Now listen up.

I'm thinking about
going over the wall.

You in?

I keep telling you
we're not in jail.

Besides, there's
no wall to go over.

I can't take it anymore!

Let me out, let me out!

Take it easy, kid.

I'll be your snitch.

I'll tell you everything
you need to know.

We'll leave them here for good.

Your dad's here.

Devon, Astral

How did this even happen?!

You were supposed
to be studying.

Dad, I can explain...

Save it. I am very
disappointed in both of you.

Mr. Quince, it
wasn't his fault.

He tried to help me,
but I snuck out.

And even he still
came to find me.

All of this is because of me.

See, I told you!

It's all her
fault we're in jail.

It's not jail!

Well at least you
owned up to it, Astral.

Let's go.

Until I can think
of something else,

studying Geography
all night seems

like a suitable punishment.


That's for sure.

I know emotions are
running high right now,

but let's not make
Geography the scapegoat.

The thing about the continents
is that they're always shifting.

Just like people.

Continental drift...

Sometimes that creates
friction, and that's bad.

She took my drink!


But sometimes, when things come
together in just the right way,

it creates something special.

Hey, how you holding up?

I feel bad I got you in trouble.

And the best part is,

is that you never know
what's gonna happen.

Princess, get your head
out of the clouds, okay.

Your test is tomorrow.

Now let's go over your
mnemonic devices again.


Hey Astral, what's up?

My geography grade, hopefully.

I'm just studying.

Listen, I weirdly had
a good time tonight.


I was wondering, since
it's still early

and my curfew's not for a while.

Do you wanna hang out?

Oh, there you are!

I've been looking for you.

It's time for your
next dingbat lesson.

Stand right there.

Put this apple on your head.

No actually, it's okay!

I figured it out.

Figured out what?


The whole magic thing.

Don't get ahead of yourself.

Magic takes time and skill...

Oh, no, no, no.

Trust me, Brendoni!

Watch this.

Deep concentration, here I go.

Vronti astrapi!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

I did it!

I did it!!

Jolly good!

What just happened?

You chose studying over Tristan?

I don't know if it
did me any good.

I kept calling plate
tectonics "plate tristonics."

How'd you do on the test?

I don't know, I can't look.

I'm too nervous to look.

You look.

You got a D+.

A D plus what?

That's the grade.

Don't worry, I got some
flash cards in my locker.

We can get a head
start on the next test.

Grades are so different here.

In Athenia the best
grades are flowers.

Then leaves, then
twigs, then rocks.

That's is so cool.

All these times I flew
threw through these halls

and now I'm finally here!

Taking tests!

Oooh, I love high school!

Are you floating?

I get so emotional
when I feel things,

I can hardly keep it inside.

Who are you?