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02x03 - Gerry's Return

Posted: 12/15/21 06:31
by bunniefuu
Richard will die in the big house.

- He's free as long as you bring me Walsh.
- Deal.

Looks like you're going to Beacon.

Terminate Walsh. I'll
take care of the traitor.

I noticed I'm missing a finger.

What the [bleep]

This is wrong!

I will find a very special
job for you, Gerry.

Hey, pretty lady. Aah!


I hate getting maced.

Yeah, I know, Gerry, everyone does.

But that's what you get
for creeping up on me...

and at night?

Sorry, but... Oh, yeah, it still hurts.

Yeah, yeah, stay down.

Where were you?

We were supposed to meet at
the diner to talk about us.

Gerry, I showed up.

But I was just at the diner.
And you weren't there!

What? You were there just now?

Yeah. Like we said.

I waited almost an hour.

No, no. Gerry, we were supposed
to meet four days ago.

Four days? No.

If it's been four days,
then my beard would've...

My beard grew.

Lost time.

I lost mother-effing time!

Do you realize what this means?

- You were abducted?
- I was abducted!

We got to get the group back together!

It is back together.

Wow! That's good news.

What a difference four days makes.

Uh, yeah, it is good news for you,

but it's bad news for us...

You know my whole thing about
dating other experiencers...

You don't date other experiencers...

Ohh. I'm an experiencer.


[Electronic whine]





[Mechanical whirr]


Did you get it?

I missed my finger.

Ahh! We should grab a
celebratory burger.

Someone might see you.

I don't care. Nancy,
you're back together!

You're addicted to junk food.

[Laughing] I am! God, I love it so much.


Forgive me, Father, for
I have missed you.

Ch... What're you doing here?

I've been having impure thoughts.

Okay, I'm working.

- I'm sorry, I wanted to see you.
- Yeah, I want to see you, too.

But this is not the time or place.

We need to set up a...
Not here. Not here.

Okay. Um, how about dinner?

Yes, okay. In another town.

- Where no one knows who we are.
- Obviously.

Okay. Uh, go... Go in...
Go in peace, my child.

Make reservations.

[Keyboard clacking]



Where is it?

Hey, do you guys have
any security cameras?

No. Why?

Somebody stole something from my room.

All right, well, did anyone
happen to turn in a missing...

- finger?
- A finger?

Yes. Yep.

Somebody stole your finger?

Not my finger.

A finger.

Well, uh, check out the lost and found.

We got sunglasses, got a
lighter, got a flip-flop.

Sorry. No finger.

[Cellphone rings]

Hey, I got your text.

Yeah, we should get
together and catch up.

I'm starting to feel ready to
show my face in public again.

Let's meet at the abandoned
construction site

on the north side?

The one that's about / mile

from the taco place with
the -foot churros.

I'll text you the time. Great.

I think I'm done.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.


Not bad, Glimmer.

That was fun.

That was my first time ironing a face.


Remember, I get two hours with him,

then you arrest him.

- Sound fair?
- I'm sorry,

was it fair that Walsh
stole thousands of dollars

- from innocent people?
- So an hour?

Was it fair that he lived
on a yacht he bought

with people's life savings?

- Half an hour?
- That's fine.

- Thank you.
- But I have to be there.

All right, but I think you're
gonna be disappointed.

I'm just gonna be talking
to him about alien stuff.

Sure. Whatever. Fine.

I'll set it up and I'll text you later.

"I'll text you later"?

No. This isn't an online date, Ozzie.

I'm sure that line works
with your various "Ambers"

and all your little
"Tiffanis" and whatnot,

but I'm not letting you out of my sight,

until I get Walsh.

Ozzie: If you're gonna
follow me to group,

you might as well
handcuff yourself to me.

I feel like you're flirting
with me right now,

and I want you to know
it's just not the time.

Not flirting. Never the time.


Hey, why's there a cake?

Gerry: I brought the cake.

- Gerry!
- Oh, Gerry!

- Gerry!
- Hey! Gerry's back!

- Yeah. Yep, I see him.
- Welcome.

Gerry, where ya been, man?!

Indeed, Kelly. Where have I been.

Who here has been on a spaceship?

Please show your hands.

Ka-bam! That's right!

I'm officially a member of StarCrossed.

Wow. Gerry, please, sit.

We really honor your excitement,

and... and I don't want
to "dis your bliss."

Sometimes you want something so bad

that you think it's actually real.

Like... Like a hysterical
pregnancy, or...

No, Gina, it's real.

I'm having all the classic symptoms

of an abduction... Headaches.

An uncontrollable craving
for citrus fruits.

Random nosebleeds.

- It's great!
- It seems great,

but if it is in fact true,
then you have a long,

therapeutic journey ahead of you.

Exactly. I'm excited.

Which is why I have to
find a sponsor ASAP.


Kelly, before I cross you off the list,

- can I ask you a question?
- No, just take me off the list.

Very well.

Do you think that we are far
enough away from Beacon?

I don't think there's
anyone we know here.

That's why I made the reservation

under "Susannah Marmalade."

[Chuckles] It's clever.

Should we order some wine,
or are you sick of wine?

Because priests drink a lot of wine.

We... Uh, to be honest,
I'm more of a beer guy.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Oh, see, I didn't know that.

Okay, now you ask me something.

Okay. Um... how did you
meet your husband?

Is that weird?

- No, no, it's okay.
- Are you sure?

Yep. Um...

we met at the Miss Connecticut Pageant.

I was a runner-up.

What was your talent?

Speed painting.

I would've loved to have seen that.

Do you want to hear something silly?

- What?
- Before I was married,

I wanted to become a...

A veterinarian.

Okay. That's not silly.

You'd make a great veterinarian.



Margaret... you're an
exceptional listener,

but your contempt for jam bands

is of concern to me.

That's why you can't be my sponsor.

Well, I just don't know where
the songs begin or end.

Let's not rehash this argument.

Okay. Oh, hello.

Sorry, I don't have you on my list.

Are you a new member?

No. No, I'm... I'm not a member.

I'm a Special Agent with the FBI.

- Alex Foster.
- FBI, huh?

Are you here to
investigate my abduction?

- Who kidnapped you?
- Aliens.

Then no.

No. I'm here to find Jonathan Walsh.

This one thinks that Walsh is
a "white-collar criminal."

But, Gerry, you were right...
He's a reptilian.

I saw his lizardy, reptilian face.

Also, Ozzie and I discovered

that we might all have
been abducted as kids.

- We're lifers.
- We are?

Well, no, no. Everyone but you.

Oh, come on! That's not fair.

I finally get abducted,

and now you're telling me
you guys were, like...

- extra abducted?
- I'm really sorry, Gerry.

- It wasn't our choice.
- No, apology not accepted.

Today is my day, and damn it,

I'm getting the full deal.


Hypnotize me.

- Oh, okay. That's fair.
- I-I can't see anything.

Move. Move over. I want to see this.

Come on.


Well, I had a great time.

Yeah, me, too.


I guess it's good night.

Yep. I guess so.

Gonna get in my car.

You should get in your car.

We'll drive our separate ways.

- Yep.
- Okay.

Okay, so, we'll get a
room and keep talking.

Yep. Just talk.

Gerry, focus on my finger.

Oh, she's really doing it.

You know, hypnosis has been debunked.

I-I'm sorry, but I don't
walk into your FBI office

and tell you how to do your FBI things.

You're right. I'm very sorry.

- Thank you.
- I mean, this is crazy,

and it has been debunked. But go ahead.

I know that you think
that hypnosis is fake,

but it really can unlock
the mysteries of the mind

when it's used by a skilled therapist...
and that's me.

So, prepare to have your
mind blown, Agent Foster.

Yeah... by my mind.

Nine, eight, seven, six...


- Has Walsh texted yet?
- Shh!

Please. Thank you.

Okay, Gerry, where are you?

- I'm in my car.
- Good.

It stopped! Wait.

Oh, no! Bright lights!

Is it a spaceship?

It's a truck.

Someone's getting out. A nice man.

[Ken's voice] Looks like you broke down.

A mechanic. He offers to fix my car.

He takes me to a... cabin.

- Oh, my God.
- I'm sorry, what are...

What are... What are we doing h...

- I'm just... I'm confused.
- I honestly don't know.

It sounds a little more like
the start of a fairy tale.

Okay, you know what? You
have to be patient, okay?

This is a birthing process.

Everybody's story takes its time.

And Gerry's will come
out when it's ready.

Gerry's very fragile
mind is in my hands,

and we really need to focus.

Gerry, what's happening in the cabin?

Gerry: The old man's wife is there.

She brings me nachos.

Don: Delicious nachos.

Delicious nachos for Gerry.

Nachos for Gerry. Nachos for Gerry.

He shows me a board game.

He says, "Would you like to play?"

I roll a .

He says...

You are special.

- Oh, my God. That's... Oh.
- Okay.

- Oh, my God. I got chills.
- That's it. That's it.

- Now we're getting somewhere.
- Why is that a big deal?

Because that's what the
aliens always said...

"You are special." They
said it to all of us.

Richard: Yeah.


Checking in?



Father Doug?

It's me, Kevin Carson.


What're you doing here?

Uh, I'm doing great.
I'm livin' the dream.

What... What dream?

To get out of Beacon.

And you did it.

I'm proud of you.

But what are you doing here?

I'm here for the... baptism.

Oh, okay.

Uh, are you two together?

No, I'm in town for...

a horse surgery. I'm a veterinarian.

And I will be paying in cash.

- Two separate rooms.
- Sure, yeah, I can do that.

Gerry, you're making progress,

but you're still in the cover memory.

What's really going on?

I miss Yvonne.

The people are nice, this game is fun...

but I can't stop thinking about Yvonne,

and how much I care about her.

Okay, so...

Gerry, I'm just gonna ask you right now

if you could just, please,
just focus on the cabin.

Like that time we made love.

It was so tender.

- That...
- That's... specific.

And then we made love again.

Oh, m... Okay.

I have to go to the
bathroom, but I'm gonna...

[Door opens]

Is this normal for you guys,

just sit in a church and talk about sex?

Man on TV: Hundreds
of thousands attended

women's marches around the world...

Okay, Nancy, I'm almost done
with your neural network.

...marching for women's
rights, reproductive rights

and gender equality in the workplace.

It was the largest single-day
protest in America.

I just need to connect this here...

[Electricity crackles, powers down]

Whoops. the strength of our communities.

- The feminist movement is now...
- Oh, that goes there.

Oh, okay, good. I was worried.

But I think I erased
half your programming.

How do you feel?

I feel amazing.

I don't need you to do
anything else for me.

In fact, take your hands off me.

...realizing that only they can
create the change they seek.

Wait, I was just trying to help.
What's come over you?

Women are taking matters
into their own hands...

- Glimmer: Hey. ...And
- advocating for their equality.

Uh, remember when I told you

that I used to have a
lot of gambling debts?

- Yeah.
- Well... Well, they're back.

A-And I just want to say that
I-I wouldn't have done this

unless they offered a lot of money.

What did you do?

"Friend" is not a word
that I take lightly...

- Glimmer!
- I told them where you are.

"Them"? Which "them"?

The bad them.

But I'm giving you a head
start, which is good.

Head start. How much time do I have?

I have a gambling disease, right,

and it's really bad, and
I can't control it...

- minutes.
- minutes!

Starting timer... minutes.

Calculating escape routes.

Probability of survival... %.

Higher if I wasn't wearing heels.


You're coming back, Gerry.

Whoa. That was wild.

What'd I say?

Did I see a Grey? A Reptilian?

Did I get the trifecta?

Uh, I-I don't think that
you got the trifecta.

But it did seem like a cover memory.


- Where's Yvonne?
- Oh! She left...

- Lover-boy.
- What?

Oh, yeah.

[Stage whisper] Everybody
knows about you and Yvonne.

Did it twice.

Ozzie, you told them?

No, you told them when
you were under hypnosis.

I didn't know you guys were
gonna hear all my secrets.


- [Cellphone chimes]
- Ozzie!

You knew about Gerry and
Yvonne and you didn't tell us.

You know what? Hold that
oddly accusatory thought.

Uh, it's Walsh. We got to go...

Thank you, Kevin. Good night, Father.

Good night, Father.

Good night, Kevin.


[Telephone rings]

- Hello?
- Chelsea, hi, it's me.

Um, meet me by the ice machine.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Sorry, but I know

what would happen if I
walked in your room.

Yes. Yes, it would happen.
We wouldn't just talk.

Exactly. If we're going to do this,

we have to do it the right way.

- Mm-hmm.
- Right?

- Mm-hmm.
- No other commitments,

no sneaking around, no hiding.

I mean, we sort of...

we already did it...

Once. We were vulnerable.

The point is how we act
now, moving forward.

You're right. You're right.

You're a good man, Father.


[Indistinct conversations]

I'm sorry I told everybody
we were a thing.

But I didn't mean to! I didn't
know what I was saying!

Yeah, that wasn't great,

but I guess it was gonna
come out eventually.

But, you still think I was abducted?

Oh, yeah. Definitely.

The whole cabin memory is
pure alien bullshittery.

But now that I'm a legit experiencer,

we can't be together.

Gerry, when we were supposed
to meet that night,

I wanted to tell you that I was
ready to gamble on love again.

You love me?

Slow your roll, I said
I was ready to gamble.

Even though I'm an experiencer?

I don't know, you're the type of guy

that thinks about me
during an alien encounter.

And that's pretty sweet.


Gerry Johnson is having a good day!


And we'll take it slow.



Wait, what are... What are you doing?

I'm having a weird hankering for nachos.

Okay, so we came to talk.

We talked.

You proved to me that you
didn't actually stand me up.

So, now we should go back to my place.

I like your idea of slow.

[Laughs] But don't ever stand me up!

- Ever.
- Never.



It's been almost an hour. [Sighs]

Does he normally make
you wait this long?

No. He's annoyingly punctual.

The only time he's late is
if he wants to show off

like he was working out

with the Brooklyn Nets or something.

That's a very specific brag.


When I see him, I'm...
I'm gonna jack him up.

- Just really let him have it.
- Feel free.

Look, he deserves it for
all this alien stuff

he put me through.

Okay, so, wait, you
just are really buying

into this whole alien thing?

Look, I don't want to.
But something happened,

and I can't explain it
and I can't deny it.

Hey, did you guys plant something

in Gina's vacuum to mess with me?

What? No. What... What'd you find?


a fake finger with wires
coming out of it.

Wait. Really? Where... Where is it?
Can I see it?

I-I don't know where it is.

It's missing now.

You really don't know
anything about that?


But hot tip...

Things tend to go missing in this town.

Oh, so, now we're blaming the town?

- Great.
- Look, something happened to all of us,

- and Walsh has the answers.
- [Cellphone vibrates]

Oh, wait. Hold on. Here he is.
Speak of the devil.


Jonathan: Sorry, bud, can't make it.

Going out of town. Business trip.

But you promised we'd meet!

And you promised to come alone.

I told you not to trust the FBI.

Even if she is cute.

Listen to me, Walsh!

This is Special Agent
Alex Foster with the FBI!

You need to turn yourself
in, or you're...


- Walsh!
- [Line beeps]

God damn it! He hung up!

Great. Now he's never gonna talk to us.

And that was my phone.

- Hey!
- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[Keyboard clacking]

You tipped him off.

No. No. W-Why would I do that?

You know me. I'm...

Where is he?

I'm a selfish, greedy bastard.

- I-I...
- Where is he?

I don't know. Just don't k*ll me.

All right? Please.

Ple... Aah!


Heart attack?

Call... Call .

No. I'm not gonna call .

I'm here to...



Thanks for saving me a b*llet.

And a cover-up.


[Door opens, closes]


Not today, lizard boy.

Not today.


When the fives are two, what do you do?




Ah. Nachos.