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03x06 - Gremlin and the Fixer

Posted: 12/14/21 08:25
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Stitchers...
- Why do you like me?

Are you deliberately
trying to sabotage this?

I really think you are
worth taking a shot on.

I don't want to be anyone's shot.

You know, sometimes you can
be a little bit of a bully.

Well, sometimes you can be
a little bit of a stupid.

- So, what's up?
- Ivy. Things were going great,

then all of a sudden, she
started ghosting me.

Stay close to Linus. Make him trust you.

Help us find out where Jacqueline is.

Cameron: Do you know how hard it is

for Kirsten to keep seeing
her mother like that?

And where, exactly, does Kirsten see
Jacqueline Stinger "cooped up"?

Kirsten: She's gone. Her chamber...
the computers,

the monitors... everything.
Stinger must have found her.

Calm down, okay? It wasn't Stinger.

- How could you betray me?
- I didn't mean to.

I just... Can be please talk?
Where you going?

Kirsten: To be with
someone that I trust.


- (birds chirping)
- (knocks on door)

Kirsten: Camille, are you awake?

- Unfortunately.
- Kirsten: Are you alone?

Also unfortunately.



I'm really sorry about yesterday.

I shouldn't have jumped
on you like that.

I was having a... real bad day.

Thanks. Sorry I called you a bully.

(chuckles) That particular shoe fit.

- Cameron screwed me.
- (scoffs) It's about time.

No, I mean he betrayed me...

with Maggie.

Now that's impressive. She's
completely out of his league.

No, I...

He told her something that I'd
shared with him in confidence.

My mother's location.

Uh, hold on. What? You
know where your mother is

and didn't try to tell me about it?

To protect you. Anyone who knows
where to find her is a target.

Well, uh, thanks, I guess. (scoffs)

Cameron was the only person I told,

but then he told Maggie,
and she had her moved...

again, so now I've lost her again.

Okay, uh, I'd say the first
thing you need to do

is break your foot off in Cameron's ass.

I did that already. It wasn't pretty.

And second, you need to
put the screws to Maggie,

get her to tell you where
she moved your mother.

And third, you need to break
your foot off in Cameron's ass.

I thought that was the first.

- You got two feet, girl.
- Mmm.

- Where's Amanda?
- (sighs)

- (rock music playing)
- (g*n firing in video game)

So, Maggie moved Kirsten's mother?

It's not like I knew what she was
going to do with that information.

She ordered me to tell her. I had to.

Of course. Otherwise, she'd sh**t you.

- (Cameron scoffs)
- However...

- There's a "however"?
- you did violate her trust,

- and that's big.
- (sighs)

- Did you start the apology tour yet?
- No, I've tried.

Well, try harder. Say nice things,

- do nice things. Just be...
- Nice?

- So, how are you and Ivy?
- Man, I don't know.

She's acting strange.

There's something going on with
her, but I don't know what.

As they say, women are from
Venus, and men are from Mars.

(eerie music plays)

(ominous notes play)

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪

♪ Take me inside ♪

(muffled chattering)

- We're back to not knocking?
- Where's my mother?

- The less you know, the better.
- I think that's up to me to decide.

It's not. Our mission stays the same.

You keep stitching, we
keep mapping the brain

until we have what we need
to get to the other side.

I get to decide how my story ends.

- No one else.
- Kirsten, wait.

Kirsten: Not for you.

She'll come around,
just give her time.

You did the right thing.

Jake Rowland, ,

an engineer at AVR,

the Aero Velocity Research Institute.

He was found shot

in the Mars simulation chamber.

AVR? That place is a
fortress of awesome.

What does that even mean?

It means they're doing some really
ground-breaking stuff there.

They want to put people on Mars by .

(cell phone buzzes)

Maggie: AVR has high-level
military contracts,

and there is a concern

- that Jake Rowland's m*rder
- _

was an attempt to get
classified information.

- Any security cameras?
- Maggie: All over the place,

but the ones in and
around the Mars simulator

were shut down when Jake was shot,

so we don't have much to go on.

Not until Kirsten stitches in
and tells us what Jake saw...

because we know how awesome
she is at doing that.

(whispers) That's nice, Cameron.


Well, this was fun. (chuckles)

- What's everyone's problem?
- Millennials.

Hey. You okay?

- Girl problems.
- Me too.

(sarcastically) Oh, look, we're twins.

We're all going through stuff.

I could use a friend, I
was thinking maybe you,

but clearly not.

Sorry. (sighs)

Did you, um, hear back from Ivy yet?

She wants to get together later, talk.

Well, clarity's good.

Maybe she'll explain herself... finally.

Com check... one, two, one, two.
Can you hear me, Buzz?

Is that an astronaut reference

or a Toy Story reference?

Let's just... (sighs) do this.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one... blast off.


You really screwed me on this.

Come on. You can fix this.

I don't know how. Just
tell me what you did.

You know I can't do that.

Kirsten: Jake's arguing with someone.

Sounds like he deliberately messed
up something they were working on.

Any ID on the guy?

No. Wait, I'm being
pulled somewhere else.

- (video game noises)
- People are cheering.

- (people cheering, shouting)
- (loud rock music playing)

Some kind of... sports
event or a game I think.

- Do you know where you are?
- No, I can't tell.

It's dark, noisy.

There's a sign hanging
on the wall with a bee

and a lightning bolt logo on it,

"auto parts" written underneath.

Lightning bolt plus bee,
"auto parts." Checking.

To think I used to love you.

Jake: Hey, Zelda, where you going?

He's having some problems
with a girl named Zelda.

She's on the move again.

Looks like Jake got into a fight.
He's got a black eye.

Maybe you're just projecting your
feelings about me onto Jake.

Impossible. He only has one black eye.

Camille: Oh, and at the
end of this round,

it's leggy blonde one, uber-nerd zero.


Kirsten: Back at AVR. Jake's
playing a video game,

and he's at a desk somewhere.

He gets to play
games at work?

No wonder it's taking us
so long to get to Mars.


- (car engine revs)
- (tires squeal)

Kirsten: Jake was shot
while leaving work.

The sh**t just drove off.

- He's dying.
- (heart beating)

Trying to get to a desk?

Police report said a b*llet
hit Jake's cell phone.

Maybe he was trying to
get to another phone?

Was he trying to get to a phone?

I don't know, but he's writing
something in the sand.

Can she see who it is?
The name of the k*ller?

What's he writing?

- (alarm beeps)
- Death moment in three seconds.

Make the bounce.


(whirring down)

Did you see what Jake wrote in the sand?

- No.
- Camille.

Yeah, crime scene photos.
Way ahead of you,

- but you're not gonna like this.
- (beeps)

Blood and sand do not mix.

Kirsten, go to AVR, see
what you can find out.

Take Cameron with you.

Oh, actually, Fisher's
an outer space buff.

- Aren't you, Fish?
- I don't even like Mars bars.

Perfect. I'll go get changed.

Okay, I guess I'll go get the car.

- You don't like Mars bars?
- Fisher: Nah.


Look, I know you said
this will all blow over,

but I'm telling you, I know Kirsten.

It won't. She's at an
emotional simmer right now.

She's steady, but at any
point, she could boil over.

You have to tell her
where her mother is.


- Okay, maybe I wasn't being clear.
- Maybe I'm not being clear.

No matter how much you whine and moan,

I will never knowingly put
any of you in danger.

We good?

Ivy: I know I owe you an explanation.

I'm really not as flaky as
I'm sure you think I am.

If you tell me that you think
we're not good together

or we were moving too fast,
you know, I would get that.

- You're right.
- Look, even a simple "sorry."

You know, "Linus, you're awesome",

"but I just don't see us
happening," that would do.

I wouldn't be happy,
but at least I'd know.

Yeah, I pretty much had
planned to say just that.

But now that I'm with you...

I can't do it.



you are so awesome.

I really do see us happening.

I really want to believe you right now,

but I don't think I can.
I mean, how can I tr...

- (sighs)
- That's a good start.


So, how long is you and Cameron
not talking going to be a thing?

Keep out of this one, Detective Fishy.

Whatever you say, Agent Clark.

You must be the agents from the NSA.

- I'm Mark Fleming.
- Mr. Fleming, this is Agent Clark, NSA.

I'm Detective Fisher, LAPD.

We're very sorry to hear
about Jake Rowland.

We're all devastated about Jake,

but his death brought with it a
very unanticipated consequence.

More unanticipated than his m*rder?

Before Jake died, he took our Mars
communication satellite off-line.

- (hesitantly) That sounds bad.
- Worse than you can imagine.

If we can't get that satellite
back on-line, we can't control it,

meaning we can't steer
it away from space junk,

and if it collides with something,

it will come crashing down to Earth.

Is the government aware of this?

Yes, but their solution is for
us to trigger a self-destruct

before the satellite hits its
zero barrier in hours.

That's how much time we
have to figure this out.

Well, maybe we can help.

- NSA? How's that gonna happen?
- We're more than just a pretty face.


(door opens)

- (people chattering)
- Was Jake unhappy here?

Why do you think he would
sabotage the satellite?

Mark: Well, sabotage was
what he was paid to do.

Fisher: I'm sorry?

Jake was our Mars project gremlin.

His job was to creatively and
deliberately screw with our simulator

so that the rest of our team

could know how to deal
with the unexpected.

I've heard of this. Some companies
hire both a gremlin and a fixer.

Right. He would come in after hours

and work up tests and challenges
for our fixer to solve.

If the fixer could solve them, great.

If not, Jake would tell
the fixer what he did,

and both of them would
work up a solution.

- Who's your fixer?
- An engineer named Kenny Lee.

He and Jake had quite the rivalry going.

Things sometimes got pretty
intense between them.

So, even though it was
Jake's job to sabotage,

you still can't figure out why he
would mess with an actual satellite?

Exactly, but how he did it
is the problem at hand.

Whatever Jake did to the
satellite was brilliant.

Hardware, software... we're at a loss.


Detective Fisher, this
is our fixer, Kenny Lee.

We're very sorry to hear
about your colleague.


What was your relationship
like with Jake?

- Professional.
- You two never argued about work?

No, we never argued. We were a team.

Mark, I really gotta get
AVR-SAT back online.

- Uh, are you making any progress?
- Not at this moment.

Did you know much about Jake?
Relationships, hobbies?

We believe he was involved in
some type of competitive gaming?

- He was into his games, all right.
- What kind of games did he play?

I don't know what he played,
who he hung out with,

or what the hell he
did to our satellite.

Okay, I know you're upset,

- but we're just trying to do our jobs.
- You and me both.

Any idea why if Jake was shot outside,

- he'd crawl back in here to die?
- No.

You said the NSA might be able to help?

We have on our staff

the most brilliant communication
engineer in the entire NSA.

He has all the right security
clearances. He'd be happy to help.

I don't need help. I need
to not be distracted.

Send him by.

We'll take a look at him and see
if he brings anything to the party.

(elevator dings)

Any leads at AVR?

Well, your dream of living
on Mars may have to wait,


Jake took a satellite
off-line before he died.

AVR has less than hours to fix it

before they're forced to
have to self-destruct.

Have they looked at varying trace
lengths based on impedance

to insure there was no sync issues?

That is exactly why
they're expecting you.

- You told them about me?
- Any other leads?

Not unless any of you know something
about competitive video gaming.

- (cell phone beeps)
- (Cameron chuckles)

Fisher: What are
we looking at?

That is Kiyoshi
Otatsume presenting me

with the single-player
strategy category

in the World Series of Online Gaming.

Ugh. Do you do anything cool?

- See?
- (crowd cheering on phone)

- Yo, where is that?
- The Staples Center.

- That is a massive crowd.
- Eight thousand people.

No one is getting k*lled over this.

I want to k*ll myself
watching it, though.

Hey, I found your lightning
bolt and bee logo.

Belongs to an abandoned
automotive warehouse.

Well, I'll follow up on the
gaming angle to be sure.

- Care to help?
- Cameron: Uh, why don't I go with you,

since I know the world and all?

Good luck. Hey, mind if
I go with you to AVR?

- But you don't know...
- Great, you can drive.

- (beeping)
- This is very cool!

(chuckles) Kenny Lee.

This is Dr. Linus Ahluwalia,
Agent Camille Engelson.

They're from the NSA. They're
here to give us a hand.

What do either of you
know about satellites?

Uh, I know they're less complicated
than what we work with all day.

Really? So what do you
think about the quantum

tunneling effect at
smaller process nodes?

With newer technologies,
we've moved to D geometries

on the chip, such as
tri-gate transistors.

Fourteen nanometers
reduces leakage power.

- Obviously.
- VDC through a ohm resistor

- should equal how much voltage?
- None.

It equals current in amps and
power in watts, not volts...

. amps and . watts,

if I'm being exact, which I always am.

How about you?

Sorry, I don't speak pissing contest.

(laughs) Work with them.

- (knocks)
- Come in, close the door.

What I'm about to show
you stays between us.

- Where'd you get these?
- I hired a PI off the books

to follow Ivy for a few days. I
wanted to see what we could see

while also keeping it off the NSA radar.

Well, clearly we have a problem.

Or an opportunity.

- (buzzing)
- Linus: Damn it.

Every time I think I've got
the problem figured out.

You're using the wrong file extension.

You're gonna teach me how to
run system diagnostics now?

Yes, because you're
not running anything.

Hell, you're barely crawling.
You're welcome.


Uh, what was that all about?

- I just needed some air.
- Is that it?

- How'd your talk with Ivy go?
- We're back on track.

She's coming here later. She
wants to bring me dinner.

- Well, can't win 'em all.
- I thought you were past that with Ivy.

You two seemed to get along.

Not as well as you and
Amanda in the kitchen.

- What did you say to her?
- I may have simply put her on notice

about using you to get information
back to Stinger Senior.

Why would you do that?

Because I'm trying to
protect all our asses, Linus.

Who asked you to? And here's something,

you're no genius when it
comes to relationships,

so just stay out of mine!

I'm sorry. I know things
between you and Amanda are...

- What?
- We need her.



(muffled rock music playing)

(people cheering, shouting)

♪ I want to take you,
I want to take you ♪

Woman: Come on! Go! Go, yeah! Come on!

Do it! Do it!

♪ Come on, can you come
and see, just see me? ♪

(shouting, cheering)

Look at this.

- Oh. Blondie, we're home.
- (scoffs)

- (video games noises)
- (shouting, cheering)

Cameron: This game is a top-down
battle arena. I'm great at these.

Kirsten: That's Zelda in
the ring, from the stitch.

I also saw that guy.

Woman: Come on! Whoo!

I'm gonna go poke around.

(music continues, muffled)

(keyboard clacking)

Whoa. I'm in the wrong business.


(music continues)

Hey. Found some interesting
stuff on the backroom computer.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, this place is generating

tens of thousands of dollars a night,

and Jake Rowland was recently on a roll,

winning most of his
matches against Zelda.

Yeah, I'm wondering if the
competition between Jake and Zelda

got a little heated and she k*lled him?

Zelda. Yeah, okay. Got it.

Okay, here's another thing,
there's no Internet access here,

so the entire gaming system
is completely off the grid.

Probably to make it unhackable,
preserve the integrity of the game.

Right. Right. Let's get going,
see what else is on these files.

Well, actually, I think I'm gonna
stick around, see what I can learn.

Uh, okay. You do that.

Hey, hey. Look, look, come on.

- You can't stay mad at me forever.
- Challenge accepted.

(music, cheering continues)

(video game noises)

- (expl*si*n)
- (loud cheering)


Another win for Zelda! Yeah! Yeah!

(wolf whistles)

♪ See I saw you sitting
there on a sidewalk ♪

- Hi. You're new here?
- Huh. Yeah.

- First time?
- Mm-hmm.

(laughs) I can tell.
You've got that look.

- I'm Zelda.
- Apparently.

- (laughs) What's your name, noob?
- Cameron.

- So what's the game?
- w*r Zone.

- Huh. Never heard of it.
- You wouldn't.

- It's not available to the public.
- Really?

- Then who developed it?
- Nobody knows,

- but he or she is a genius.
- Hmm.

That's Rick. He's kind
of a promoting machine.

He put together this whole
underground digital fight club.

What? Do people bet on the matches?

(laughs) Yeah. Money makes
everything more intense.

A guy got his nose broken yesterday.
It was awesome.

All right! It's open competition time!

Five hundred dollars to whoever
can last two minutes against DK!

One thousand dollars
whoever wins their level!

(people shouting)

Hey, you with the hair.

Yeah, you. Come on up.

Good luck, noob.

DK. Line it up.

You're right here, up there.

Let's get it on!

(rock music playing)

(video game explosions)

Come on!

- (expl*si*n)
- (crowd cheering)

- Whoo!
- (Rick shouting)

(music stops)

And the winner is...
What's your name, bro?

- Cameron.
- Cameron!

- Yeah. (laughs)
- DK: What the...?

- Good work, noob.
- No way.

- You cheated!
- (grunts)

- (grunts)
- (crowd murmurs)

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

- (crowd shouting)
- (music continues)

- You kicked ass out there.
- Oh.

Thanks. Does it always
get this physical?

People take w*r Zone very seriously.

Oh. Actually, I heard someone talking

about some guy who died the other day.

Jake... Jake something.
Did you know him?

Uh, yeah. I didn't like him very much.

He was a little full
of himself, but, uh...

we were good in the ring together.

- You guys played each other?
- Yeah. A lot.

(Rick claps)

- Hey, new guy, how's the eye? Eye good?
- Yeah, yeah, it's throbbing,

- but, you know.
- That's good. Look, um...

would you be interested in coming back?

I think you're a natural. You had
this place going nuts tonight.

- Yeah, yeah, game on.
- Great. All right.

Good. Well, get some rest,
and I'll see you soon.


Next time he's in here, find
out what you can about him.

Great work, Zelda.

- (cell phone clicks)
- (line ringing)


- Hey.
- Ivy (on phone): Hey.

Just checking in if now's a good time.

- I'd be there in about .
- Perfect. Uh, just let me know

when you get here, and I'll meet
you outside. Security's nuts.

- Sounds good. Can't wait.
- Linus: Me too.

(phone beeps, clatters)

You know, your father once
paid someone to k*ll me?

Good thing he didn't succeed,

otherwise, we wouldn't be sitting here.

- Well, at least I wouldn't.
- (door opens)

- Ms. Brown.
- You want to tell me why I'm here?

How long have you been in
contact with your father?

I'm not.

We know as well as you do that
you've been seeing Daniel Stinger.

Wherever you're getting your
information from is... incorrect.

- I want a lawyer.
- Yeah, that's not really our thing.

He came to me.

Wanted me to help him. I told him no.

End of story.

That sounds a lot like a story with
only a beginning and a middle.

Not sure I trust the ending.

- What is gonna happen to me?
- Well, that all depends on you.


- What is all of this?
- I realized it wasn't software,

so then I thought the
problem was hardware,

- but I was wrong.
- Best the NSA has to offer, huh?

- Who's this?
- Oh, relax, Ace. She's with me.

Amanda. It's good to see ya.

Is it?

So, this is what we're working with.

Amanda: Yeah, that is
definitely some bloody sand.

- But you see it, right?
- Yeah, I see it.

What do you need?


Mars is all yours.

Ah! Nice of you to show up.

Camille and Linus are
on their way from AVR.

The refractory period is over.
What the hell happened?

Underground video gaming.
It is unbelievable.

It's literally unlike anything
I've ever experienced.

It's better than sex... Excuse me.

Uh, about last night...

Oh. Yeah. This. I discovered
my new favorite, ah, hobby.

Getting hit in the face?

Did Zelda do that to you?

Look, not every girl I know
wants to punch me in the face.

Just you.

Well, did you find
something out at least?

Not yet, but I'm going back there
tonight to see what I can find.

I'm sure you can use your face to
beat the information out of someone.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Come on, aren't you a
little concerned about me?

Of course.

- Please be careful.
- Mmm.

- You're no good to me dead.
- (groans)

Close enough.

Cameron: Tell me what you see, K.

Jake and Zelda are having an argument.

I am not feeling the love here.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Yeah. I'm not seeing any
oxytocin spikes with them.

Quel dommage.

No, you're cheating.
No one is that good.

- You don't understand.
- Zelda just accused Jake of cheating.

We're in AVR. Jake's got
a copy of the game up.

- He beat the game.
- So, he was cheating.

Wait. Zelda said that
the game wasn't public,

so how does Jake have
it on his computer?


Got another memory hotspot coming up.

Stand by, K. Moving
you to another level.

- Hell of a game, Jake.
- Thanks.

Kirsten: Jake just won
a boatload of money...

- Rick: Here.
- Kirsten: but he's...

really being quite awkward about it.

Right, because he was cheating?

He's putting up a satellite
dish of some kind.

- Cameron: Where?
- Uh, I'm not sure.

Rooftop somewhere?

- (beeping)
- Eighteen seconds.

You're lying. I'm tired of
you being so secretive.

I just need you to trust me, okay?

I can't explain it to you right now.

Jake and Kenny are arguing.

So, that's it? You're just leaving?

I promise you, it will
all make sense soon.

Forget it. Just tell me
what you did to the rover,

- or Mark is gonna fire me.
- He's not gonna fire you!

I told you, I'm not
gonna let that happen.

You can do this. Stop
overthinking everything.

It's just a game. Trust me, okay?

(heart beating)

- Time's up!
- Make the bounce!


(breathes heavily)

Kenny didn't k*ll Jake, and they
weren't just coworkers or friends.

- They were lovers.
- Well, why hide it?

Well, AVR has a strict dating policy.
They would've been fired.

Did Jake tell Kenny how
he gremlined the rover?

Not that I saw,

so I doubt he would've told him
how he gremlined the satellite.

But if Kenny didn't k*ll
Jake, then who did?

I've got Amanda working
on that as we speak.

Good timing. I was just about
to run the simulation.

Ladies, gentlemen, without further ado,

I captured the area in
high-def, digitized it,

and by analyzing the
blood-spread pattern,

reversed the shifting sand
and digitally recreated

whatever Mr. Rowland's
final message was.

Let's roll back the sands
of time, shall we?



Cameron: What is that?

Camille: Looks like a
pattern of some kind?

- I thought it would be a name.
- Yeah, me too.

- Zelda.
- Zelda didn't k*ll Jake.

And you know this because
you know her so well?

It's just... it's just
not the vibe I got.

Vibe? We solve our cases by vibe now?

I'm definitely getting a vibe here.

Okay. I'm going back to the warehouse,
see what else I can find out.

Cameron, wait.

Look, we can't keep doing
this to each other, Stretch.

Just me being mad at you, you
being mad at me, it's... (sighs)

It's turning me into someone I'm not.

I don't like being this
mad at you either.

I just... I don't...

- I don't know how to stop. Not yet.
- (sighs)


please don't do anything stupid
while I'm figuring it out, okay?

I'll try.

Oh, good. The amateurs who are here
to help fix nothing are leaving.

I know you're hurting, but
we're all here to help.

What's your skill then, hmm?

Astrophysics? Satellite communications?

- What's your super power?
- Death.

Death is my super power.

Seems like you got this.
I'm gonna head out.

Umm, can I call you later?

I don't think that's a good idea.

I mean, work is work
and I'm happy to help,

but... as far as you and I go...

we're just on totally different planets.

Is this because of what I said?

I gotta go. Take care of yourself.


- What? Let's get back to work.
- What's the point?

We're gonna have to
initiate self-destruct

and blow our bird out of the
sky in a matter of hours,

so this freak show is over anyway.


Jake had another workstation
here, didn't he?

Someplace with a couch?

- How did you know that?
- Show us.

(computers beeping)

He would work down
here sometimes

when he didn't want
Mark to pester him.

Nobody knew about it.

- Except you.
- Except me.

Never gets any easier, does it?

One way or another, we always
lose the things we love.

But if we find it, it doesn't matter.

Because it's worth it.


How did you know Jake's password?

(keyboard clacking)

Well, there's nothing
on here about Rick.

There it is. There's the game. w*r Zone.

Shove. Let me see something.

- (beeps)
- Huh.

Well, there are
iterations of the game.

- Kenny: What does that mean?
- It means Jake created it.

- Shove. Let me see something.
- All right.


Linus: Someone has
been working overtime.

Jake made a recent addition

to the very end of the
final level of the game,

but... it's encrypted.

Okay, so Jake anonymously
created a game,

and then made money
off winning that game

in a competitive underground
gaming circuit?

The computers at the warehouse
weren't connected to the Internet.

How could Jake have altered the
game in the warehouse from here?

I know how.

I know why we couldn't figure out

how Jake gremlined the satellite.

- It's because he didn't.
- Then why is it off-line?

It's not. It's just not
pointed towards Mars.

Well, where's it aimed then?

- There.
- Kirsten: That's the warehouse.

Jake put a satellite dish
on the roof next door.

Which would explain how he was
able to download the game

from here to the closed
system at the warehouse.

Jake gremlined the warehouse, not AVR.

- Let's re-aim that satellite.
- How long do we have?

Two hours before

Look, Jake focused
it there for a reason.

We owe it to him to find out why.

(crowd shouting)

- (video game noises)
- (rock music playing)

- You ready to take me on?
- Absolutely.

- I'll see you out there.
- All right.

(music continues, muffled)

- Hey, what's up?
- He's NSA.

What did you do?

(sighs, chuckles)

I'm sure it's nothing.

Sneak that back to him.


Don't worry about anything, all right?


Like you said, noob...

- (g*n cocks)
- game on.

Kirsten: Cameron.

Oh. Hey, so, did you come to
cheer me on or discourage me?

Inspire you. You have to win this match.

- Why?
- We think Jake coded a message,

and it's hidden at the end of
the final level of w*r Zone,

but it's only accessible
for the next minutes

until we have to
reposition the satellite.

Okay, nothing you just said
makes any sense to me.

Just win the freaking game, and it will.

(rock music playing)

Rick: All right, all right, all right.

The match we've all been waiting for.

The noob versus our very own Zelda!


He knows you're NSA.
Get out while you can.

Not until I win this match.

- Rick: Noob.
- It's your funeral.

Rick: Zelda. Ready?

- And begin.
- (video game noises)

- (rock music playing)
- (crowd cheering, shouting)


♪ Ain't gonna take it slowly ♪

(crowd cheering)

- Bro, she's kicking your ass. Give up.
- Yeah, I think I know that.

How much time do we have
before Kenny and Camille

reposition the satellite?

- A couple minutes.
- (Cameron sighs) Okay.

- Zelda.
- You're going down this round.

- Jake needs your help.
- Don't you mean you need my help?

No, Jake. He's waiting for
us at the end of this game.

He left us a message, and I think
it has to lead to his k*ller.

Why should I believe you?

Because you want to see how
this ends as badly as I do.

Look, w*r Zone was designed

so that one player can't
let another player win.

If I take it easy on you,

the computer's gonna
take over my game play.

Then we have to beat the computer...

- together.
- Rick: All right, final round.

Noob, Zelda, you ready? And begin.

- (rock music playing)
- (crowd shouting, cheering)

- (crowd booing)
- Play, noob.

Rick: Hey, what the hell
are you guys doing?

Play him right now! Zelda!

- (video game noises)
- He's not winning.

Rick: Okay. Everybody, everybody.

(people shouting)

- (expl*si*n)
- (beeps)

Woman: What?

- (crowd murmuring)
- What is that?

That looks like a pattern of some sort.

It's a pattern from AVR.
It's a passcode.

Man: What is this? Come on!


(Rick laughs) What is this?


Jake: If you're seeing this,
then I'm already gone.

My name is Jake Rowland,

and I created the game w*r Zone.

Rick DeToro, he took
advantage of my secret,

he threatened everything
that I cared about...

All right, this is
some kind of a joke.

and turned w*r Zone and me

- into his own cash machine.
- No, no, no, no. This is...

- I don't know what's going on!
- He forced me to play

- and rigged the odds. Well, Rick...
- All right!

my secret's out now.

So is yours.

- (crowd shouting)
- (beeping)

- Okay, stay back! Everybody get back!
- (people scream)

- (grunts)
- Game over!

Well played, DK.


Rick DeToro? You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Jake Rowland.


- Yeah.
- Jake would've liked you.

(acoustic guitar music playing)

♪ Love gives you eyes that cannot see ♪

So, I guess your vibe
about Zelda was right.

Guess so.

♪ I waited all this time ♪

Look, I...

I'm really sorry I betrayed your trust.

- I know.
- I don't want to lose you...

but I don't know how to fix this.

♪ Well, I've been waiting round ♪

Fix us.

Me neither.

♪ And the sky's been falling down ♪

♪ But the world keeps spinning round ♪

- Ivy?
- I need a friend.

Me too.

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting round ♪

♪ And I've been falling down ♪

♪ But the world keeps spinning round ♪

♪ Who are you loving now? ♪

(theme music playing)