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03x03 - Perfect

Posted: 12/14/21 08:24
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Stitchers...

Kirsten: It's foggy.

Ayo: Her oxytocin levels are rising

in response to what she's
seeing in the stitch.

Camille: What was up with
you in the lab yesterday,

your hands were shakin' pretty good.

I'm just trying to be a good scientist.

Good scientist or worried boyfriend?

- I'm looking for the M.E.
- Amanda Weston.

You fully coulda told
me that on the phone.

I know. But then you wouldn't be
here drinking whiskey with me.

I don't know.
It takes me a minute to trust people.

Everyone deserves to be
trusted until proven otherwise.

What are you doin' later,
do you wanna hang out, maybe?

It is a rolling cipher!

- Ha! We did it!
- You did it!

Linus: You really have a super power.

Everyone deserves to be
trusted until proven otherwise?

I need to appoint someone to
take on my responsibilities

in the lab, and the only
person that I think is capable

is Cameron.

- Why Cameron?
- "Everyone deserves to be trusted"?

That is a bad policy.

- It won't bite.
- What?

- Maggie's chair.
- Oh. I know.

I'm just used to seeing
her in the chair.

Sitting. Glaring.

Come here.


- Ooh.
- How's it feel?

- Oh, this is nice.
- (laughs)

Oh, yeah, it's got that back support.

- Oh...
- (laughs)

Ahh. Oh gosh, I could get used to this.

Oh, yeah? Well, let me see.

Mm... yeah, you're right,
it's very comfortable.

Hey, I wanted to thank you
for taking me to your mom.

You didn't have to.

I know, but I'm glad I did.

I just... I didn't... I didn't feel
right about keeping that from you.

- And also...
- What?

It kinda felt like I was taking
you to meet her for the first time.

No, I liked meeting her.

She's a good listener.

- What, too soon?
- Yeah, a little.

- Oh, you wanna get some coffee?
- Sure. Always.

I know where Maggie
keeps her secret stash.


I'm coming.

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪

♪ Take me inside ♪

- (phone chirps)
- God,

please text more quietly.

What's with you?

Number one, nothing,

number two, stop shouting.

Mm. There you are.

Where were you last night?


Well, you look like hell.

Well, your voice is like
fingernails made of broken glass

dragging across a blackboard
made of more broken glass.

- Mmm.
- She's hungover.

I resent the implication.

You texting Ivy?

Ivy? Ohh, did I know
you guys were a thing?

Uh, we're just texting.

Awesome. Let me see that real quick.

- "Hey, Ivy, Camille here."
- (texting)

"Just wanted to let you know
that Maggie bitch-slapped me

for saying I trusted you."


Good. You're just kidding.

Just about the text. Please tell me

I didn't violate my own
judgment and lose a potentially

career-changing promotion

just so you could date the new brunette?

That's not okay.

We're not okay.

(clears throat)

Cameron: Just got the call.

New case. Victim's
name is "Mark Broden."


Don't look at me. I didn't k*ll him.

Well, I know, but this is the time

where you do that thing with the thing,

you know, you...
you run down the case for us.

You mean, when Maggie's in charge,

and she gives me the
case file ahead of time,

so I have a chance to review it

and prepare first?

So... sucks to be you.

(clears throat)


Uh, here's what we know about, uh...
Mr. Broden.

He is .



Uh, there's a, uh, there's a picture

- here...
- Are you connected to the system?


Camille: Hm. Mm.

Well, he's a handsome, sideways fellow.

Yeah, moment.

Oh, God. Give me that.

Do I have to do everything around here?

Sit down, before you break something.

(sighs) Broden. Ehh, shot to death.

In his Beverly Hills penthouse.

Most likely in his sleep.

No sign of struggle.

No sign of forced entry.

The cops came when he
didn't show up for work

or answer his cell.

- What did he do?
- Divorce lawyer who was...

Heh, hashtag irony,
was in the middle of his own divorce

from Barbara Broden, fashion model.

So the ex was a suspect.
Anyone else want him dead?

Only about half the people
on the cases he handled.

Hm. Looks like he represented a
lot of high-powered politicians,

so we should consider that his death
might've been politically motivated.

So, is that it, or...?

Considering the three seconds you
gave me to prepare? Yes... boss.

Uh, okay,
I think we should get ready to stitch.

Let's make this a
quiet stitch, shall we?

Hey. Thanks for making me
look like an idiot in there.

Oh... you didn't need me for that.

Look, I didn't ask Maggie for this,
all right?

I know you want the job,
but you didn't get it. So let it go.

And then maybe you and I could
work together and figure out

whoever k*lled this guy... okay?

Whoo. Nice speech. Am I dismissed?


- Hey.
- Uh, please don't tell me

you're worried about me stitching.

There are things that've been
happening in the stitches

that, yes, worry me.

Can you just... go play with your mice.

Let me do what I do.


Look, regardless of
us, I'm in charge here,

so I don't like what I see,
I'm gonna call the bounce.

(quietly) I could use some support
right now, okay? Not attitude.

Cameron: Lights to percent, please.

I need a go, no-go for
stitch neurosync. Life-Sci?

- Go.
- Sub-Bio?

- Go.
- Engineering?

- Go.
- Communications?

- Go.
- Medical?

- Go.
- Com check, one two, one two.

A full and supportive go.

And... I'm sorry about before.

Thanks for that.

All right, let's button this
up like a Hollywood pre-nup.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one, mark!

How long have you been
screwing her for, Mark?

- It's not like that.
- Don't you lie to me!

Kirsten: I'm in Broden's apartment.
He and his wife are arguing,

she's accusing him of having an affair.

How long have you been
screwing her for, Mark?

I consulted with her,

but I did it for you!

You did her, for you!

I swear... give me a divorce,

or I'm gonna k*ll you.

She just threatened to k*ll him
if he didn't give her the divorce.

- You're overreacting.
- Look at me, Mark, look at me, Mark!

Okay, same place, different argument.

- With his wife?
- No, different woman.

Her face is wrapped in bandages.

- Beat up? Accident?
- The Mummy?

, or ?

' . Of course.

Uh, boys?

You met someone new, didn't you?

- No.
- Didn't you?

She's accusing him of
cheating on her, too.

He was a divorce lawyer.
Fifty percent of everyone he worked with

wanted to k*ll him a
hundred percent of the time.

I'm still at Broden's apartment.
He is with yet another woman.

I'm getting a patchy neurosync again,
just like last time.

Heart rate and respiration
are increasing.

Kirsten, what's goin' on in there?

This is exactly what happened last time.

Yeah, it is.

Broden's memory record shows
his brain flooded with oxytocin.

Ah! The love hormone.

That's my favorite hormone.

No, wait. It's estrogen.

Princess, you okay?


Just, uh...

- Boss?
- I think she should bounce.

I heard that.

No, I'm good. Just trust me.

Okay, who's the woman Broden's with?

I don't know, but there's...
There's something about her,

it's like... he thinks she's perfect.

All right,
I'm moving you to the death memory.

I'm having trouble breathing.

Broden's in bed with Miss Perfect.
He can't breathe.

Death memory in seconds.

Ayo: Respiration is struggling.

(trying to breathe)

Let me help.

You know you can't help me.

Oxygen levels are critical.

Cameron: Kirsten, I want you to bounce.

I haven't seen... sh**t.

Move her.
Move her closer to the death memory.

- She'll get there in seconds.
- She doesn't have seconds.

Linus, do it!

(keys tapping)

(struggling to breathe)

Death memory in two seconds.


Total respiratory failure!

Kirsten, make the bounce!

(gasping for air)

Relax, relax. Breathe. Breathe.


Hey, you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine.

Cameron, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
Did you see who shot Broden?

Broden died of asphyxiation.

Wait. What? He died
and then he was shot?

Someone must really hate this guy.

Unless they didn't know he
was dead when they shot him.

So who did it? The ex?
The Mummy? Miss Perfect?

Or all or none of the above.

Find anything more on Broden?

He was a pit bull. Real workaholic,
impressive string of wins.

Left a lotta angry ex-spouses out there.

None more so than his own.

Are divorce records public?

Not his, was a closed proceeding.

If he was having an affair,
the only ones who knew about it

were Broden and his mistress.

Oh, mistresses.

The M.E.'s still working
up the tox screen,

meanwhile, detectives found a
mm at the ex-wife's apartment.

They're running ballistics now to see if
it matches that b*llet from Broden's body.

Which didn't k*ll him.

Which someone still shot him with.



Say something managerial.

Let's bring in the ex,
see what she has to say.

- Atta boy.
- Oh, was that so hard?

- (elevator dings)
- Camille, wait.

(sighs) I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
I'm just really goin' through it here.

Me, too. That's why I want
you to pilot the next stitch.

Does this have anything
to do with your shakes?

Just do it.

I was never good enough for Mark.
Can you believe that?

Kept trying to... improve me.

Turn me into what he
thought I should be.

My clothes. My hair. My makeup.

I even got a boob job. For him.

Look at these!

They ruined my modeling career. Yeah.

You can stop looking now.

Yeah. (clears throat)

My clothes don't hang right anymore.

I haven't booked work in two years.

I know I did it to myself. But I really
thought it would make Mark happy.

And do you know the thanks I got?

He started shtupping
the plastic surgeon.

Miss Broden, security video places you at
your husband's home the night of his death.

- And?
- And... we found a g*n at your place,

the same caliber as the
g*n that shot your husband.

Are you saying I k*lled him?

What we're saying is that we're running
ballistics on your g*n right now,

and if the results are a match,
and then you decide to confess,

well, the judge will look at that
like you were hiding the truth

until you were trapped.

She still had a key to the apartment,
so she let herself in,

found him alone in bed,
went right up to him and... popped him.

Did she say if he was asleep?

Camille: She thought he was.
But she also said

that he was quiet, which was unusual,

because Broden,
in addition to his other fine qualities,

snored, loudly.

She also said he was having an affair.

With a Dr. Sophia Torres,
plastic surgeon to the stars.

Okay, wait, so the suspects now
are the ex, uh, Miss Perfect,

the Mummy, and Doc Hollywood?

Well, the ex is an ex-suspect,
at least for the potential m*rder.

Could he have died of an
allergic reaction to something?


Maybe. All right,
I'll head back to Broden's apartment,

see if forensics missed anything.

I can follow up on the
poisoning angle with the M.E.,

that would show up on a tox screen.

And I'll set up a meeting
with Doc Hollywood.

Kirsten, can I see you
in my office, please?

Am I being fired?
Give it to me straight, boss.


What's goin' on?

(exhales) Look,
I've got certain responsibilities here

that make things a little...

- Awkward.
- Yeah, I know, but I don't

want it to be, I don't wanna be
walking on eggshells with you.

But I got a job to do.

I know. And I'm sorry about before.

I'm gonna be fully supportive
of you, okay? Don't worry.


Linus: Knock it off, you two! (groans)

- You're right.
- Mm.

This is... This is unprofessional.

What? No. Personally, I
don't care if you guys do it

in the corpse cassette. I mean, knock
it off if you wanna keep on stitching.

Wait... What's goin' on?

I figured out why Kirsten's
having trouble in the stitches.

Why the neurosync is off. Oxytocin.

At first, I thought it was
due to the high oxytocin

levels in the victim's brain record
whenever the stitch got a little, uh...

- you know...
- Steamy?

Mm-hm. But I found out that
it wasn't the victims' steam

that was fogging things
up, it was yours.

The stitches act like triggers. From
what I can see, your brain chemistry

has changed ever since you
escaped your own memory loop.

- It's flooded.
- With oxytocin? Because...

Because of you. You stud.

Oxytocin levels rise within the
first six months of a relationship.

The more physically intimate you
guys are, the more it's gonna mess

with your ability to stitch.

Okay, so then, where does that leave us?

You know, just like, holding hands
and takin' long walks on the beach?

Shorter walks would be safer.

- Well, how do we fix this?
- I can program some kind

of filter that'll make the
stitch a little less wonky.

But if you guys wanna continue stitching,
you're gonna have to slow down.

A lot.

Hold hands.

- Mm?
- Cuddle. Share a bed.

But anything more than a stand-up
double, and I have no idea

what it's gonna do to
your ability to stitch.


(phone ringing)

Camille! I need a decontamination
unit over to Broden's right now.

I think I've been poisoned.

Exploding coconut water.

Broden's cuckoo for coconut water.

Now, the container that
Fisher found himself

on the nasty end of was
injected with a bacterium

called clostidridium botulinim, which is
the toxin used to create, boop, botox,

which ingested, can cause paralysis,
asphyxiation, and sometimes death.


To Fisher.

And his ability to
keep his mouth... shut.

A skill I wish someone
else was better at.

Hm? What?

Is this because I told you and
Kirsten about the oxytocin thing?

What oxytocin thing?

the more intimate Cameron and I get,

the more flooded with
oxytocin my brain is,

and the more impaired my
ability to stitch becomes.

So you two can't...

(chuckling) Hm.

But back to the case. So, uh, Doc Hollywood
put botox in Broden's coconut water?

I mean,
it would explain Broden asphyxiating.

Doc Hollywood slips botox into the
coconut water, Broden drinks it,

asphyxiates, dies,
then the ex sh**t him.

You can't make this stuff up.

W... We don't know Doc
Hollywood did it for sure.

Kirsten and I have a
meeting with her tomorrow.

So do we have the rest of the night off?


(clears throat)

Just... go to bed.

(clears throat) Good night.

Where you goin'?

Home. To take the first in
what promises to be a series

of cold showers.

So how was your night?

Lonely. Yours?

Not great.

We can do this. We have to do this
if we're gonna save my mother.

Oh, I know.

I'm with you.

Please have a seat.
Dr. Torres will be right with you.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Hey, you find it a little odd that
this whole place smells like money,

yet there was no one
in that waiting room?

Slow day?

A plastic surgery place in
Beverly Hills with no patients

is like Arkham without inmates.

What does that mean?

Hello. I'm Dr. Torres.

(clearing throat)

Uh, Dr. Torres, I'm Agent Goodkin,
this is Agent Clark.

We're with the, uh, NSA.

So I've heard.
I also heard what happened to Mark.

Don't expect me to be
all weepy about it.

Uh, so I guess you don't have,
uh, very many fond memories

from when you and Mr.
Broden were dating?

Dating? That would imply
an emotional connection?

I'm not sure Mark was capable of that.

Do you find me attractive?

Excuse me?

Of course you don't.
I'm a latex, botox, g*dd*mn freak!

And do you know who I did this for?

- Mark Broden.
- Why?

He kept pushing me and
pushing me to change my look.

Said he wanted me to be perfect.

He always wanted more.

Your facial surgeries.
You must've been pretty bandaged up.

My whole face.
I mean, you cannot imagine the pain

that I put myself through. All for him.

And now look at me.

Do you really think, honestly, that
somebody is gonna trust a plastic surgeon

who looks like this?

And after you did this to yourself,
he left you?

For someone new.

Someone... perfect.

(phone rings)

Hm, it's uh, the o... office, okay,
I'll be... I'll be right back, sorry.

- Camille, hi.
- How's it going with Doc Hollywood?

Have any work done?
Make your nose a little less buttony?

Funny. Listen, Doc
Hollywood is the Mummy,

and she hated Broden.

She could be our k*ller.

The only thing she's guilty of is
working in an industry that perpetuates

negative body image.

I heard back from the M.E.

There's absolutely no evidence
of botulism in Broden's body.

She may have botoxed his coconut water,
but he never drank it.

Wait, so... neither the ex nor
Doc Hollywood k*lled Broden?

- Apparently not.
- So, what? Natural causes?

Looking into it as we speak.


Don't... move.


Listen, Doc Hollywood,
I'm sure whatever...

- Dr. Torres...
- Shut up!

I had an old copy of the key,

and I went over there last week,

and I injected botox into
that bastard's coconut water.

And you know what? I'm not sorry.

He k*lled me...
the real me, a long time ago.

And now we're even.

He never drank the water.

You're lying.

Here's what's gonna happen:

Me and... Agent "Hair Extensions" and I,
we're walkin' outta here,

Try and stop us, and I swear I
will pump him so full of Botox

he'll be dead before he hits the floor.

Dr. Torres, Mrs. Reece
called to cancel...

- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just gonna need

something for my worry lines.

So, Doc Hollywood, aka the Mummy,
put Botox in the coconut water

last week hoping Broden would drink it.
But he didn't.

So then, a couple days later,
the ex comes over, puts a b*llet

in Broden, only he's already dead,
just not from the coconut water.

So unless it was natural causes
there's really only one suspect left.

Mm-hm. Miss Perfect.

All right. Let's stitch in and see
if we can figure out who she is.

Camille? You're up.

Wait, you're handling this stitch?

Cameron asked me to.

He's got the yips. He's worried about
you and it's getting in the way.

He's been under a lot
of pressure lately.

Yeah, and no way to release it.

Don't worry.
I'm sure he'll be back in the saddle

within a day or two.
And of course I mean the stitch saddle,

not the... saddle.

- You got this, right?
- Absolutely.

Any... Um... any chance you and
Cameron can have a good old-fashioned

platonic date... elsewhere tonight?

You met someone?

Something like that.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Don't you mean "can't" do?

- Ooh.
- No.

Broden's in bed with Miss Perfect.


Oxytocin filter seems to be kickin' in.

I... I'm havin' trouble breathing.

He's... starting to get into trouble.

Okay, Camille, stay focused.

I'm totally focused. Relax, boss.

Let me help.

(struggling to breathe)
You know you can't help me.


Kirsten's oxygen levels
are dropping again.

- Okay, I should take over.
- I got it.

Kirsten, I'm keeping you from flashing
forward this time. Tell us what you see.

Broden's on his feet. Barely.

(labored breathing)

No! No, please don't put me in there.

Mark... please.

He has a hidden space...
hidden behind a painting.

He's forcing Miss Perfect into it.

(struggling to breathe)

- Death memory in seconds.
- Okay, that's enough.

Kirsten, make the bounce.

(struggling to breathe)

Broden kept Miss Perfect hostage
in a secret chamber near his bed.

There's no indication on the police
report of anything like that.

She's still in there.
Camille, call Fisher. Go!

Hold on, miss,
we're gonna get you outta there!


Is she dead?

I'm not sure how to answer that.

she couldn't be the one who k*lled him.

Linus: Not unless she's
the bride of Chucky.

On a very special episode of
The Stitch Lab Gone Wild...

We're just examining her for clues.

Sure, let's go with that.
Kirsten, you saw her in the stitch

and said she was real.

She was Broden's fantasy of a perfect
woman. In his mind, she was real.

Or at least, he wanted her to be real.

And so that's why I
saw her as real, too.

Things are about to get
a whole lot stranger.

She's equipped with audio and
video recording capabilities.

Aw, man,
so he was recording himself with her?

Mmm, that's it, I need a bucket. I'd rather
have a one percent chance with a real human

than a percent
chance with a rubber one.

Guys, Broden was with
her when he started

having trouble breathing. She might've
recorded what happened to him.

Yeah... we got a problem.

We can't view it here.

I don't even wanna know
where you pulled that from.

A slot... from the back of her head.

You see, Miss Perfect here
doesn't save data internally.

It uploads to a
cloud-based storage system.

So who made it? Her? It? Her?

Well, there's a serial
number on the CPU.

Heh! I kid you not.

"Valley of the Love Dolls"?

So, I shouldn't call them love dolls.

- No.
- Sex dolls?

- No.
- So, what do we call them?

I don't know.

Didn't you used to play
with dolls as a kid?

Not this type of doll.

(chuckles) Whoa,
that must've cost an arm and a leg.

What? I thought you found
my sense of humor disarming.

Seriously, Cameron, stop.

Oh, I don't know if I can. This place
is a pretty target-rich environment.

You must Agents Clark
and Goodkin from the NSA.

Yes. You're Mrs. Underhill?

- Julie.
- Mm.

Oh! It's not gonna
fall off on me, is it?

I'm kidding.

- Can you just stop it?
- It was a joke.

Hey, thanks for agreeing to speak to us
about your, uh, sex dolls... love dolls...

Dolls d'amour, shall we say?

We prefer to call them companions.

And we call the company
"Valley of the Love Dolls"

because people seem to
like old movie references.

So, Agents Goodkin and Clark, you're...
you're investigating a homicide?

A possible homicide. One of your
customers died two nights ago,

Mark Broden?

If it was a crime, it's possible that
his companion recorded it, and we'd like

to look at any audio or video
that was uploaded to your servers.

Is that a problem?

We cater to a very elite clientele.

Politicians, celebrities, judges.

They expect us to protect their privacy.

Yeah, Julie's right. We don't want
to withhold information from the NSA,

but, we can't release anything
without a court order.

Just puts us in a very
vulnerable position.

No problem. We'll come
back with a warrant.

Sorry for any trouble.

- That's okay.
- Wanna see how we make our companions?



Sam: I started all of this as a hobby.

But Jules here... she
is the real visionary.

Turning my mad pastime into a business.

Perfect team, huh?

Takes hard work and open communication.

A little jealous devotion helps too.

Julie: Not when it gets
you a night in jail.

Sam: That was a long time ago.

We were at a bar in Tucson.

This creep made some comment about
my looks, and Sam belted him.

I was so angry.

Now I'm just embarrassed.

I need to talk to Jennifer about
adding another enhancement.

- Our employees are artists.
- (no audible dialogue)

You know, they put a lot of time

and creativity into what they do.

So, you know, they can
get a little intense

when customers make last minute changes.

Like Broden did.

He always wanted enhancements,
and then he'd just... change it up,

all over again.

Spun everyone out until
he was finally satisfied.

Anyone, uh, spun out enough to k*ll him?

We're artists. We're not K*llers.

Kirsten: Mm-hm.

Who knew there could
be so many, um, uh...



Well, that's enough
about that for tonight.

- Mm.
- So, what now? Do you wanna stay here?

You wanna go back to your place?

Oh, Camille wanted the house to herself
tonight. She's having "company."

Oh, well. At least someone's...

It's so much harder than
I thought it would be.

What... You thought us

not being together would be easier?

You hear how that sounds, don't you?

What? How could you say that to me?

Do you know how long I waited for you?

Are you kidding me?
Not nearly as long as I was willing

to wait for you,
and I'm still willing to wait for you

- if that's what you need, but...
- Okay, so what do you want from me?

You want me to give up on my mother?

No. I just don't think

your heart is breaking like mine is

over the fact that we physically

- can't be together.
- Really? Is that what you think?

I don't know. You tell me.

Okay. You know, I think we should
take the night off from each other.

I think you're right.


♪ These days I tell
myself "Be open" ♪

♪ Spent too much
nothing but frozen ♪

♪ And always afraid of
crossing any of the lines ♪

Ooh! And she plays guitar, too.

Yeah, it's called, uh,
"Until You Find Me."

- It's very nice.
- But...?

What? No! I... I love the lyrics,

they're so pretty. I mean... I...
I don't think you need the "C",

I think you can, uh, keep it
consistently "E minor" every time around,

but that's just... uhh!

Do you have something you wanna tell me?

- I play a little.
- Why didn't you tell me?

Now I feel so stupid.

No, it's not... It's not really...
something I... share.

Oh, well, that's stupid.

I just feel...
like I'm constantly being judged.

Like my whole life. And I just
needed one thing that's just for me.

You know,
that no one can judge me into hating.

Well, I don't judge.


- Oh, my god.
- Yeah, play.

Oh, god.
You're putting me on the spot, girl.

Uhh. Okay.

Uh... See how good my recall is.
(clears throat)


♪ I couldn't move,
couldn't run away ♪

♪ Standing,
staring at a "Don't Walk" sign ♪

- ♪ These days I t... ♪
- ♪ Tell myself ♪

Both: ♪ Just be open ♪

♪ Spent too much time nothin'
but frozen ♪

♪ And always afraid of
crossing any of the lines ♪

Ugh, well, it's not perfect.

What is?


Are you busy?

(clears throat)

This fancy piece of equipment you're
in is called the corpse cassette.

Although that doesn't exactly
fit your situation, does it?

I'm gonna run a material
analysis on you.

I'll be gentle.


Holy hell.

Give me more.

Come on, dig deep.


It's funny. I remember saying
you could stay tonight,

but I don't remember asking
you to be my personal trainer.

This is good. What is it?

Uh, I don't know what it's called.

Linus ordered it.

Okay, coach. (exhales)

What is your assessment?

Well, I don't believe
that that was reps,

but you're in great shape, and you
need to work on your flexibility.

I am hoping Linus will
help me with that.

- He's coming over. Tonight.
- Oh, really?

So, why aren't you out with
Dr. Scientific American?

Cameron and I had a fight.

We're... mm, going
through a rough patch.

Two words: "makeup sex."

Yeah, well,
we're kinda not doing that right now.

Really? Is it a performance kinda thing?

(laughs) No.

- Mm.
- Mm.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

Is this, um... too soon, us
doing the whole sister routine?


But... I like it.

So do I.

(phone chimes)

Oh. I gotta go.

Thank you, for dinner.

Mm-hm. Well...

uh, I hope everything
works out with Cameron.

Thanks. Me too.


- This better be good.
- This better be better than good.

Ooh, it's way better.

I know who k*lled Broden.


Miss Perfect.

If this is a joke, Miss Perfect
is gonna have company in there.

Broden died from a severe allergic
reaction to Ducoflex ,

the exact latex that Miss
Perfect is made from.

Wait, wait, so it wasn't a
m*rder but an accidental death?

Two real women wanted him dead, but the
fake one is the one that k*lled him.

You... You really can't
make this stuff up.

Oh, kids, well, before we all do

the "case closed" happy dance,

I just pulled up the order form

for Miss Perfect from Broden's emails.

Apparently, she is the second companion he
ordered from "Valley of the Love Dolls."

He returned the first one, because, and
I quote, "she wasn't beautiful enough."

This one was made to his exacting
standards, including that she not contain

Ducoflex . Apparently,
he knew he was allergic to the stuff.

May I, for a second?

Be my guest.

Thank you.

What was the model that Broden
ordered and then returned?

Something called the "Desert Flower."


Sam said Broden made
enemies at the company.

Well, yeah,
but if I'm a chef at a restaurant,

and someone sends back
the Coquille St. Jacques

I'm not gonna go out and k*ll the guy.

Unless you're sleeping with Coquille.


Who does this remind you of?

Fisher: Ooh, no way.

Fisher, what are you doing right now?

Going with you to the
Valley of the Love Dolls?

I'm going too.

I started this with you,
I'm gonna see it through to the end.

Mr. Underhill,
thanks for meeting us so late.

This is Detective Fisher, he's LAPD, he's
helping us with the m*rder of Mark Broden.

Is this about the warrant?

Still working on that.
We think that one of your employees

may have k*lled Mr. Broden.

None of my people hated him that much.

Mind if we have a look around?


Which one of these is the, uh...
"Desert Flower"?

Uh, we don't have that model
in production at the moment.

How about the "Desert Flower"
Broden returned? She around?

We decommission any returned companions.
There's no market for them.

Can't imagine there would be.

Well, what do you do with them?
Throw them away? Melt them down?

We never destroy something as
perfect as the "Desert Flower."

Look if there's nothin' else I really
need to get back home to Julie.

She was the, uh, the body model
for the "Desert Flower", yeah?

We... We just, caught
a peek at the catalog.

There's a striking resemblance there.

You have an eye for
beauty, Agent Goodkin.

- Thank you.
- Yes, Julie was the body model.

She's perfectly
proportioned, so, why not?

- Cameron: Heh.
- Must've really bothered you

when Broden returned her.

Made me very mad.

I can imagine.

I mean, you went all
beast-mode on a guy at a bar

just for making a comment about her.

Can't imagine what you would do
to someone who thought your wife

was so disgusting that he couldn't
stand the sight of even being near her.


Let him go.

This syringe is filled with silicone.

And I will pump it directly
into Goodkin's carotid artery

if you don't do exactly as I say.

- Sam...
- Don't!

No one has ever returned the
"Desert Flower."

See, that's when I knew that Broden,
he had no idea,

he had no idea what real perfection was.

- Got him?
- Yeah, I got him.

He didn't deserve a
companion like Julie.

He didn't deserve to be on this earth.

Take him.



No. More. Jabbin' me. In. The neck!


- Nice shot, Fisher.
- Yeah.

You okay, boss?

(voice on police radio)

Cop: We're comin' back here.

Cameron Goodkin, "armed" and dangerous.

(laughs) Oh, I hate that I didn't
come up with that one myself.


I guess that perfect
couple was far from.

There's no such thing
as a perfect couple.

Not even you and Stephanie?

We got plenty of stuff we're workin'

I mean, we didn't get back together
thinkin' either of us was perfect.

We got back together to find
the answer to the only question

that really matters...

after you get older and
the excitement fades,

will we still be happy to spend
the rest of our lives together?

So what's the answer?

Well, I'll let you know.


But right now, we're
leanin' hard into "yes."

See ya.

You know, I still can't go home.

So where does that leave you?

With my heart breaking
because we can't be together.

(classical music playing on TV)

- Kirsten: That was incredible.
- I knew you'd like it.

Mind blowing.

(TV turns off)

Well, : A Space
is pretty much

the mind blowing Godfather
of sci-fi cinema.


- Thank you.
- No, no, no, thank Stanley Kubrick.

No. Thank you.

For this, for... agreeing
to just, hold off.

Just until I save my mom.

Kirsten, saving your mom's the
most important thing, I get it.

You do, don't you?


How are those oxytocin levels?

Holding steady. Yours?

Cameron: Hm.

(laughs) Never lower.

(theme music playing)

(no audible dialogue)

♪ Take me inside ♪