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03x01 - Out of the Shadows

Posted: 12/14/21 08:22
by bunniefuu
- Guess what's back!
- Previously on Stitchers...

You have a sister. Her name's Ivy Brown.

Ivy: Your mother is still alive.

I shared information with you
that I promised to keep secret.

You are not the only one with
issues at the moment, so back off!

- If something should happen to me...
- Baba!

Samir: I've always been proud of you.

Nina: You need to make a choice.

The girl in your mind or the
girl standing in front of you.

- What do you want?
- I want to be with my mother.

Shh. He can hear you.

Whoever that is, that's not me.

Entanglement. It's the ultimate hack!

Stinger's been running the
anomaly on us this entire time.

Shut it down, Captain.

- Step away from your equipment.
- Tim: Excuse me.

You haven't just crossed a line,
Baptiste. You've crossed me.

- Linus: Kirsten's gone.
- Then get her back!

- Mom.
- Young Cameron: How do you feel?

- Like I'm home.
- Cameron: I want you to hijack it.

No matter how long it takes...

I will never leave you.

Ayo: She's ready.

All right, stand by.
Rebooting all systems in seconds.

If this doesn't work,
how much longer can Kirsten last?

She's not eating, but she's getting
fluids. She could last a few weeks.

Yes, what about her mind?
How long can she stay lost inside of it?

- Maggie: I don't know.
- Blair: Well, what does Goodkin think?

- Maggie: He doesn't
know either.

- Blair: He's had three
days to figure it out.

This is what he's come up with. Rebooting
the entire lab might bounce Kirsten.

Well, for your sake, I hope he's right.

You're all in enough trouble

without also k*lling the golden goose.

Don't make me regret letting you and
your men out of the interrogation room.

It's a good thing for you that you did.

How's your son?

Recovering in Germany at
the Army Medical Center.

I hope I get to see him
before you send me off

to wherever it is you
plan on sending me off to.

That one's on you, Baptiste.

You ready?

Does it matter?

Cameron, when this is
over, win or lose...

they're gonna disappear us.
You know that right?

When this is over,
if Kirsten's dead, I won't care.

Prepping systems to go offline!

Full system reboot on my mark!

In five... four...



one. Mark!

- (electricity crackling)
- Linus: Full system power down!

Blood pressure's dropping. over .

(alarms blaring)

- Not yet.
- over .

Not yet.

- over . She's crashing!
- (medical alarms blaring)

- Cameron?
- Not yet.

- Ayo: She's bottomed.
- Cameron.

- Reboot.
- Systems back online

in three, two, one, now.

(electricity whirring)

Kirsten, can you hear me?

Blood pressure's not coming back up.



(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪

♪ Take me inside ♪


- Ayo.
- Wait.

over . It's coming back up.

Kirsten, come on.

Come on, talk to me, Stretch. Linus!

She's still trapped in the memory loop.

Damn it.

Goodkin, is that it?

I have to find out how
my father is doing.

I talked to Blair about letting
you call out. He won't budge.

- I bet I could make him budge.
- Linus.

I'm going crazy!

I can feel it.

There's something not right with him,

and... I don't know how to explain it,

but I just... I just know.

The bond between parent
and child is like that.

It's... I guess it's like entanglement.

(exhales sharply)

The conference room! Tell everyone!


Quantum disentanglement?

Yeah! So, what do we know?

Our quantum computer's entangled
with Stinger's quantum computer.

They are bonded without
being physically connected,

like the bond between a
child and their parent.

Now, if we could just figure
out how to disentangle them,

then we could take back full
control of Kirsten's Stitch.

Yeah, but we've been through this.

We don't know where
Stinger moved his computer.

It doesn't matter! It could be a
mile away, a hundred miles away.

It could be in the next room!

Entanglement is not
dependent on proximity.

What we need to figure
out is the trigger

Stinger used to entangle Kirsten.

Linus is right.
We don't need to know where he is.

We need to know how he did it.

How do we do that without Stinger?

His daughter, Ivy.
I think she knows something.

No. We already questioned her.

We even hooked her up to a polygraph.
She doesn't know anything.

Well, maybe you geniuses didn't
ask her the right questions.

Where's Fisher?

Under guard in the interrogation room.

He was not being cooperative.

- Get him.
- Nope! He's dangerous.

Get him.
He was there when Ivy was questioned.

He'll know what happened.

Or we can just stand around and
watch your golden goose die.

And that will be on you.

- God, Fisher!
- Quincy, what happened?

I wasn't being... cooperative.

- Are you all right?
- You should see the other guy.

I'm serious. Are you all right?

I'm serious. You should
see the other guy.

Get the handcuffs off of him!

No, no. Can't risk that.

I promise I won't break
anymore of your guards.

My God, I cannot wait until I'm done

with the whole lot of ya. All right.

When Ivy was questioned,
did anyone ask her

exactly how Stinger trapped Kirsten?

No. It was "Where's your father?"
and "Where's his computer?"

Nothing about his methods.

Let's get her in here.
Ask the right questions.

Linus, you handle this.
Find out what she knows.


I don't know where my father is.

I told you. I told everyone!

I don't care about that!

What I want to know is how he
manipulated his quantum computer

to trigger entanglement in ours.

What's a quantum computer?

Would you stop playing me?

What is your problem?!

My problem is that I
am in a situation here!

And the sooner I can
find out how your father

triggered entanglement in our computer,

the sooner I can find out how
the hell my father's doing.

What's wrong with him?

He had surgery a couple days ago.

And since we're in lock-down,
I have no idea how he's doing.

- Can't you call?
- No!

Outgoing calls are restricted
and they took away my cell phone.

NSA g*ons took mine away
when they brought me in too,

except they forgot this.

It has a cellular connection.

Use it. Call.

Find out.

And yes...

I know what quantum computers are,

and how entanglement triggers work.

Now, what is this really all about?


It's about Kirsten.

Maggie: Do you think we can trust Ivy?

I'm not a hundred percent sure,

but at the end of the day,

that is her sister dying in there.

Hijacking the h*jacked
signal does make sense.

You've already done
that. It didn't work.

Not hijacking the anomaly's signal.

Hijacking Kirsten's mother.

That's not a signal. That's a memory.

Well, it's the same thing, sort of.

Kirsten's emotional state is what's
keeping the entanglement active.

If we can isolate Kirsten's
memory of Jacqueline Stinger,

we can manipulate it.

Force a disentanglement
trigger to make her bounce.

So, you're gonna save Kirsten

with an idea you got from the
daughter of the guy who trapped her.

Do you want Kirsten out of here or not?

Because this gamble's
all the gamble I got.


Tell me.


He died.

Two... two days ago.

The funeral was yesterday.

I wasn't even there.

How's your mom?

She's holding up.

Did you tell her...

why you haven't been able to call?

I wanted to, but she stopped me.

She said it doesn't matter.

Whatever I was doing was important,

and that my father would have approved.

I loved him so much.

I know. Come on.

Okay. Stations, everyone.

Technically, this
Stitch is still active,

so there's no go-no-go to call.

Linus and Camille, I'll need
you both to isolate the memory.

Linus, you okay?

He's good.

Okay. Let's go get our girl.

Isolate the signal and
route it to my station

in three, two, one.

- Mark!
- Done.

Got it. Kirsten?

- Kirsten?
- Mom.

Hi, honey. I think it's...

time for you to go now.

(birds singing)

I'm not leaving.

This is no place for you. If you...

stay here, you will die.

I don't care.

I want to be with you forever.

Entanglement is holding.

(whispering indistinctly)

Say it.

Well, I don't want to be with you.

You don't mean that.

Yes, I do.

Now, leave.

Heart rate's up to .

Entanglement is weakening.

Is there any way you can diminish
everything except the mother memory?

Give me ten seconds.


You don't mean that.

What have you ever done for me?

Entanglement is down to percent.

I am cutting background impulses now!

I tried to save you.

Save me?

(crows cawing)

Save me?

You're the reason my
life is the way it is.

Mom. Please, what are you saying?

Heart rate: .

- Really push her.
- What do you think I'm doing?

Push her harder.

Here, take this.

I was happy before you
came into my life...

do you know that?

I had my work, my life...

and then you ruined everything!

That's not true. You
don't feel that way.

You can't feel that way!

Twenty-three percent.

I do, Kirsten. That's
exactly how I feel.

Please, Mom, don't say that.

It's the truth.

No, you love me! I know you do.

You're wrong.

But I love you.

I don't care.

Now leave me alone!

- Mom, please.
- Nine percent.

I don't want to be with you.

- Leave!
- No!

- Leave!
- Mom!

- Go, damn it!
- Mom!



You can't help me if
you're stuck in here.


Get out of my life!

- Mom!
- I don't love you!

- Mom!
- Zero percent. We're disentangled.


(rapid beeping)


(machine powers down)



- Kirsten. Kirsten. Shh.
- (sobbing)

It's okay. That wasn't her.

No. She said things.

No, no. No, that...
That wasn't her, okay?

That was me. I said those things.

- That...
- (gasps)


That was you?

Talking through my
mother the whole time?

It was the only way
to get you to bounce.

(Kirsten crying softly)


Arrest them all.



Hey! Slow down.

How long?

You asleep?

Closin' in on hours.

- Cameron.
- He saved you.

Why are you here? I...

I thought you hated me.


Uh... about that.

I was just mad at you, but...

feels like a pretty long time ago.

Where is Cameron?

Where's Camille?

You know the unctuous guy?

At the NSA,
the one who looks like a sci-fi villain?

- Blair.
- He arrested everyone.

So, you know about the
Stitchers technology.

Yes, and I know my father.

Our father helped build it.

He trapped me inside my own memory.

He's not my father, not anymore.

So where did Blair take everyone?

I don't know.

When you bounced, they ushered
me out of the interrogation room.

How many guards are
sitting outside right now?

None. Blair said you
weren't going anywhere.


Well, he's wrong.

Well, the unsinkable Miss Clark.

Thought you'd have bodyguards to
protect you against rogue agents.

- Budget cuts.
- Mmm.

I am surprised to see you back on
your feet so quickly, Miss Clark.

My sister helped me.

Ah! The sister you're
a fool for trusting.

- That sister?
- Where's my team?

Your small, erratic team

of warrior-scientist friends
are being detained.

- Pending relocation.
- Relocation?

What's that code for? Execution?

Don't be a child, Miss Clark.

Now, please, if you'll excuse me,

I need to prepare for my
meeting with Admiral Decker.

He's my boss.

Everyone answers to a higher authority,
Miss Clark.

What about my team?

I am preparing a new,
more trustworthy team for you,

so the work of the Stitchers
Program will continue.

No, it won't, not without me.


(scoffs) This again?

All right. Come with me.

I would've thought you'd be
ready for a change in your team,

considering how Goodkin used
your mother's memory against you.

Well, it worked, didn't it?
It got me to bounce.

Well, but at what cost? Hmm?

How will you remember your mother now?

How will you react to her
when you are reunited?

Yeah. Reunited.

- You know where she is.
- I do.

Someplace safe.

- I want the truth.
- That is the truth.

Trust me, the NSA needs her hale
and hearty as badly as you do.



(clears throat)

The lab accident that
happened to your mother,

the one when you were eight years old,

do you have any idea
what she was working on?

- Project Grasshopper.
- Yeah, that's the name.

But its purpose? No?

Well, Project Grasshopper's goal

was to accelerate the
evolution of the human brain.

You can't speed up evolution.

Yes, you can.

Why would anyone want to?

imagine if world leaders knew instantly

what other world leaders
felt and thought?

If they could immediately
intuit the wants, needs,

fears, desires of their counterparts.

You tell me. What would that mean?

- The end of conflict?
- Yes. The end of w*r.

Hunger, poverty,
pretty much all the bad stuff

that keeps nice people,
like me, up at night.

Project Grasshopper was a failure.


That depends on who you ask.

The lab accident accelerated
your mother's brain.

She evolved in ways more
complex than we understand.

We tried to recreate it, and we failed,

and that is why we need
to keep your mother safe.

So that after Stitching
technology is perfected,

we can Stitch into her
living, evolved brain

and map it completely,

every neuron,

until we understand her completely.

We're saving the world, Miss Clark.

- Our cases are training missions?
- Yes!

Designed to teach us everything

there is to know about Stitching.

And when we are done...
When we are done...

you get to complete the rescue mission

you started with your
father all those years ago

and finally pull your mother
out of her endless sleep.

Oh, suddenly, I'm not
such a bad guy, am I?

Your mother's alive and well.

One day, you'll be reunited with her,

but not if you quit the program.

- I can't do it without my team!
- Yes, you can!

They're very, very smart people, sure,

but they are just people.

You will stay with the program

if you want to save
your mother, Miss Clark.

You sure it's okay for me to be here?

I stopped caring what's
okay about an hour ago.

- Who's there?
- (gasps)

Jesus. Tim!

- Who's the skirt?
- Who's the ape?

(sighs) That's Tim.

He works here in Engineering.

God, what happened to your hair?

I cut it.
I figured I'm going to prison, why wait?

Why aren't you detained?

I am.

I need to D print some
spare parts for the new team

before I get shipped off.

I hope it's some place
nice like Cleveland.


Are you sure Blair has
no idea Linus has it?


If Linus is half as
smart as I think he is,

he found a way to keep it on him.


What are we talking about?

There it is.

I lent Linus my smart-watch.

He still has it.

This is gonna be harder than I wanted.

That's an NSA facility.

Biometrics, photo ID.

- It's impossible.
- Kirsten: Mmm.

Well, that's what people say

about hacking into the
memories of the dead.

No, that sounds reasonable.

You know how I'm gonna
get them out of there?

Through the front door.

Kirsten: Nora Dublin, years old.

Highest ranking woman in
the NSA security hierarchy.

Got the promotion from
the President himself.

Holds the rank of Security Commander.

Currently stationed in Cairo.

You look good for .

It's clean living.

What about the biometrics?

You don't happen to have Nora
Dublin's fingers lying around, do you?

I'm about to.


I hope this will fool
the biometrics scanner.

I've never printed anything
this thin and flexible.

I have no idea how long it will last.

Hopefully long enough.


(talking indistinctly)

- Good evening.
- Ma'am.

Commander Dublin.

From the Cairo office?

- Yes.
- What brings you to LA?

I'm here to oversee a prisoner transfer

from Detention Block AA- .

We don't have detention blocks.

Well, in Cairo, that's what we
call where the prisoners are held.

If you call it something different here,
that's your business, not mine.

(computer beeps)

It's good.

- Thank you.
- Hold it, Commander.

I need to call this in
because that's my business.

(phone dialing)

Woman: Director Mitchell Blair's office.

Guard: Yes, this is Post E .

Calling in for confirmation
of a prisoner transfer.

Stand by for Director Blair.

This is Blair.

Yes, I'm at Post E .

Is this about the prisoner transfer
from Detention Block AA- ?

- Yes, sir.
- I concur.

- Concur?
- Approve?

She's good. Good to go. It's all good.

Tell Commander Dublin, I say hello.

Will do, sir. Sorry to bother you.

Sorry for the delay, Commander.

- Director Blair sends his regards.
- That's so Director Blair.

Guard: Place your right
hand on the scanner, please.

(beeping rapidly)


(beeping rapidly)


Commander, may I see
your credentials one more time?

When was the last time you
had this scanner cleaned? Hmm?


(beeping rapidly)


In Cairo, we clean our scanners daily.

- Commander, let me escort you.
- That would be lovely.

Here we are, the, uh...

detention blocks.

Thank you.

- I'll take it from here.
- Are you sure?

These prisoners att*cked
a fully-armed NSA unit.

I can take care of myself.

- I'll wait outside. Just in case.
- Mm-hmm.

You got to be freakin' kidding me!

Well, look who finally showed up.

- Camille: Told you!
- (snaps fingers)

Kirsten, what the hell
are you doing here?

Getting you out?

Please tell me you're not cooking.

Yeah, crepes. You want?

I thought you guys were in trouble.
It's like a country club!

We're being reassigned,
not waterboarded.


Okay, well, Blair plans to
continue with the program.

I told him I wouldn't do it without you.

Let me guess. He didn't care?

He... he said my mother's still alive,

and that as soon as we perfect
Stitching, I'll be able to save her.

- He told you all of that?
- That sounds a little crazy.

At least he didn't screw
with my memory of her.

I will explain it when we're outta here.

All right, so what's the plan?

Something that doesn't involve
us getting shot on the way out?

No, I worked up a security clearance,

told the guards I'm
taking charge of you.

It's a prisoner transfer
from Detention Block AA- .

- Mmm! That's my girl!
- Blade Runner?

- Star Wars.
- Darn.

We're gonna walk out of here together,

then we're gonna find my mother,

and we're gonna use that
knowledge as leverage.

Force Blair to let you all
continue with the program.

NSA protocol is that prisoner transfers

require at least one armed guard.

I don't suppose you're carrying a g*n.

You said we couldn't.

Your idea, not mine.

Only one armed guard? Done!

(indistinct radio chatter)

Ivy told me about your dad.

Linus, I'm so sorry. He was a good man.

Yeah. He was the best. Thanks.


- Can we talk about the Stitch?
- I'd rather not.

Look, I'm sorry about what I
did to get you to bounce, but...

It's not that I'm not grateful,

it's just now I'm stuck
remembering my mother that way.

She wasn't real.

She was to me.

(indistinct chatter)

(muffled groans)


Thank you for your cooperation.

(alarms wailing)

- Freeze! Stay where you are!
- Right there!

Guess crepes are back on the menu.

We've had plenty of time to check.

There's no other way out.

- Well, maybe you missed something.
- (line buzzing)

Then again, maybe we didn't.

- You'll be fine.
- I'm worried about everyone else.

Well, we'll be fine too.

I've always wanted to spend more
time in an Arctic weather station.

Joking. I...

I have no idea where
Blair's reassigning me.

Why don't you just quit?

- You could go back to research.
- What?!

And give up show business? Nah.

Maybe if I play nice,
and don't piss anyone off for a while,

Blair will let me back
in the Stitch lab, but...

Why would you even want to?

Because that's where you'll be.

Okay, you need to keep Stitching.

- Not without you.
- Yes, without me!

It's the only hope your mother has.

Look, look, as long
as I know you're safe,

I'll be okay, and...

You know, I am... I am sorry about
what I did to your memory of her,

but that's why you
need to keep Stitching,

so you can save your mother
and make some new memories.

(rapid beeping, buzzing)

(door opens)

We're needed back at the lab.
Something's happened.

(elevator dings)

They showed up about a half hour ago.

What is she doing here?

She helped me rescue you guys.

Camille: So,
this is what rescued looks like?

Oh, hi, Mitch. Great to see you again.

Not now, Engelson.

New case has come in.

years old.

Hit and run...

while jogging downtown.
His name is Nathan Blair.

He's my son.

Mitchell, I am so sorry.

I need to know who did this
and if it was premeditated.

Maybe someone k*lled Nathan to
get to me. I need to know who.

I don't think that this is good for you.

He was my son.



(sighs) Kirsten, come with me.

We have him where we want him.

Negotiate, get pardons.

Make him tell us where my mother is.

"We have him where we want him?"
Is that who you are?

That is his son in there.

Yeah, and I didn't see him
crying over the people I lost.

Me neither.

That man kept me from finding out

that my father had died for three days.

I didn't even get to go to my own
father's funeral because of Blair.

I'm not doing jack for him.

And that is why you two
are better than he is.

- I'm not so sure about that.
- I am.

Go suit up.

Hey! Look, I don't
know how ready you are

to Stitch so soon after...

you know, but first time something
goes wrong, I want you to bounce, okay?


I almost lost you once.
I'm not doing that again.


You're cute when you're
worried about me.

Then I must be cute all the time.

Cameron: All right,
lights at percent, please.

(lights, electricity buzzing)

I need a go-no-go for Stitch neuro-sync.

- Life Sci?
- Go.

- Sub-Bio?
- Go.

- Cameron: Engineering?
- Go.

- Communications?
- Go!

- Medical.
- We are a go.

Comm check. One, two, one, two.

I hear you, Cameron.

All right, mission clock
set to five minutes, please.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
this one's family.

So, let's get it right.

Induce Stitch neuro-sync on my mark.

In three...



- mark.
- (whirring)


Blair: "All that night,
we were in a great bustle"

"getting things in their place...

"boatfuls of the squire's friends,

- "squire's friends..."
- Cameron: What do you see, Kirsten?

Nathan's seven years old, maybe, eight.

Blair's reading to him in the office.

Treasure Island.

Kirsten: Blair's being
very sweet to him.

He loved that book.

"The boatswain sounded his pipe..."

(boatswain's whistle)

"and the crew began to
man the capstan-bars.

And the crew began to
man the capstan-bars."

(boatswain's whistle)

(Blair's voice overlapping)

Located a memory hotspot.

- How hot?
- Molten.

All right, K, you're on the move.

You don't even know her!

The NSA knows her family.

She's not her parents.

Blair: We are all our parents.

That's who we become.

Blair and Nathan are fighting.
It's about a girl.

You think that she's
using me to get to you?

I can't rule it out.

Everything makes sense
when I'm with her, Dad.

God, sentiment like that is proof
you're not ready to get married,

not just to her, but to anyone.

Do not turn your back on me, young man!

You're wrong!

Not all of us become our parents.

That's the last memory
Nathan had with Blair in it.

That's the last time I saw him alive.

Approaching death memory.

(Nathan panting)

- (tires squeal)
- (Nathan groans)

Kirsten, talk to me, Sunshine.

(footsteps approaching)

(Nathan breathes shallowly)

Blair wants to k*ll your mother.

Do not trust him.

Find out where she is,
and find a way to tell me.

Together, we can save her.

I'm counting on you, sweetheart.

- Oh my God.
- Kirsten, what is it?

Cameron: Will you talk to me, damn it?

Cameron. You okay there?

Kirsten, bounce.

And hey, I don't think
you're a bad person

for calling the NSA on me.

Kirsten, Daddy loves you so much.


Death memory in six seconds.

Kirsten, damn it, make the bounce.

(rapid beeping)

- (gasping)
- (machinery whirs)


What'd you see?

Don't play with me, Miss Clark.
What'd you see?

- Nothing.
- What'd you see?!


Sidearm. Now.

- (gasps)
- Blair!

Tell me, or I will sh**t her.

Kirsten, don't tell
this ass-hat anything.

Blair, take it easy.

I would stop moving, right now,
Detective, if I were you.

Mitchell, I know you're upset,
but you don't have to do this.

What did you see?

I saw my father k*ll your son.


He knew you'd make us Stitch,
so he wanted to give me a warning.

He said you're gonna k*ll my mother.

Why would I k*ll your mother?

You tell me.

That son of a bitch...

k*lled my son to tell you that.

I'm gonna find your psychopathic father,

and when I do, I am gonna k*ll him.

That's my warning.

Touch me again,
and I'll rip out your ribcage

and wear it like a vest.

There are several vans waiting outside.

You'll all be held for reassignment.

All except you, Miss Clark.

What makes you think
I'll keep working here

after you take everyone away from me?

I haven't taken everyone away from you.
Not yet.

He used me to make you stay, didn't he?

(sighs) You know, this lab...

it used to remind me of everything
that was wrong in my life.

And now it's pretty much
the only place where...

everything's right.


- I'm so sorry...
- It's not your fault.

And as long as my mom is
out there somewhere, alive,

I'm not done.

What about Blair?

You know, I used to think

I was the smartest person in the room.

But Cameron, Camille, Linus,

even Maggie and Fisher, they're...

they're all so much smarter
than I am in so many ways.


there is one person
that I'm smarter than.

Mitchell Blair.

You got something on him in the Stitch,
didn't you?

Oh, yeah.

Nora Dublin? Credentials, please.

You look younger than I remember,
Miss Dublin.

I apologize, Admiral.

My name is Kirsten Clark,

and I work for a secret
division of the NSA

that hacks into the
memories of the dead.

It's called the Stitchers Program,
but you knew that.

- That's ridiculous.
- You know it's not.

Leave us.

You lured me here by falsely claiming

to be a high-ranking NSA Commander.

I should have you arrested.

I know... but as Secretary of Defense,

I thought you should know
that someone is threatening

to go public about
the Stitchers Program,

as well as your personal knowledge

of the billions of dollars

that have been diverted developing it.

- Who?
- Me.

Kirsten: You know Daniel Stinger,

and you certainly know Mitchell Blair.

That means you know about
the Stitchers Program.

Let's just say for a
moment you're right.

- Why are we here?
- To make a deal.

My colleagues are being reassigned.

I don't want that to happen.

Anything else?

I want Maggie Baptiste to
run the Stitchers Program.

I never want to see
Mitchell Blair again.

(chuckles) Is that it?

No. I'm looking for someone.

And I know you know where she is.

Who are you looking for?

- My mother.
- (inhales, exhales)

Well, I'm not sure what you did.

Not sure if I want to know either,

but well done.

All I can say is that it's good
to have friends in high places.

Speaking of which,
congratulations on your promotion.

Well, just because I've
been offered Blair's job

doesn't mean that I want it.

Sure you do.


May I come in?

- Always.
- (Kirsten giggles)

So... Kirsten Clark saves the day again.

- It was a team effort.
- Well.

Is Nina here?

Yeah, about that.

This was waiting for me when I got home.

"Cameron, I waited three days for you.

"Every time I heard a noise in the hall,

"I would go to the door
thinking it was you coming home,

"but it never was.

"I love you,
but I can't wait for you anymore.

Take care of yourself. Love, Nina."


I'm so sorry.

Are you okay?


I mean, I love Nina, but I...

I wasn't in love with her.

Took me a while,
but I think I finally figured that out.

How long would you have waited for me

when I was trapped in my memory?


Everything makes sense
when I'm with you.

♪ Let's take it slow ♪

♪ Don't be ashamed ♪

♪ Show me what you know ♪

♪ I wanna play your way ♪

♪ Gonna be your man,
but I'm not sure how ♪

♪ Gonna take a train ♪

- Wow.
- (giggles)

Please tell me that wasn't
caused by residual emotion.


Brand-new emotion.

- I like it.
- Me too.

♪ I think I was born
just to meet you ♪

♪ Maybe this isn't
all just a dream ♪

Hey. I was wondering...

when... when you were
trying to get me to bounce,

from my memory...

what did you mean when you said,

I couldn't help you if
I was stuck in there?

I never said that.

But if you didn't say it, who did?