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02x04 - Shrooms

Posted: 12/14/21 06:18
by bunniefuu
[knocking on door]

[knocking continues]

- [Mickey] Hi. [chuckles]
- [Gus] Hello.

How's it goin'?

- Good.
- Good.

I was thinking
we should order some food.

Yeah, sure. Okay.

Yeah. I'm not hungry now,
but I figured I will be soon.

Right. Right, right, right.
Oh, yeah, let's, um...

Yeah. Hope it's not too lame
to just hang out here.

- No, no. It'll be fun.
- Okay, cool.

- Okay. Cool, all right.
- Let's order.


- You wanna order pizza?
- No.

I have menus.

[Mickey] These are pretty good.

I think Silverlake Ramen's
in here somewhere.

- Good.
- Ooh.

[Mickey tutting]

Ye old drug box.

Oh. Okay.

- Should we see what's in here?
- Sure.

Yeah, let's check it out.
I'm curious.

- [sighing] Have a look-see.
- Let's see what we got here.

- Ooh. Edible...
- Okay.


- Ecstasy.
- Mmm-hmm.

Got some cocaine.

Got a real party in there.

Why, you want it?

Are you serious, or...

I mean, not for us to do together,
'cause I have no use for this, but...

Right. Yeah, uh...

No, I'm... I'm good.
Thank you.

Was that bad for me to say?
You can tell me if it was.

No, no, I was just more surprised
that you...

Never mind.
[stammers] I don't know what's, like,

private about your sobriety
and stuff so I'll just...

[inhales sharply]
keep out of it.

No, I... I brought it up. So...

It's fair game. Ask away.

No, I just...

I figured if you had it around,

you'd be tempted to do it or something.

I... I don't know.

Yeah, I mean,
I should throw this shit out.

That's what they'd tell me in AA.
It's definitely...

dumb of me to keep it around.


So, do you think you would, or...

not, or...

Uh, it's just...

I think somebody would pay me money
for all this stuff.

[Gus chuckles]

Whatever. Fine. f*ck it.



All right, there's more.

There's more, okay. All right.

Just gonna throw out all the fun ones.

Got this beauty
from a guy in Venice.

- He makes them with his wife and kids.
- Aw...

There's something really charming about,
like, a family business, you know?

There should be a Ziploc bag
full of mushrooms in the freezer.

- [objects clattering]
- Oh. Okay.

- Did you find it?
- Yeah.

- [inhales through teeth]
- Ooh.

These are some special mushrooms.

I had one of the best days of my life
tripping on these bad boys at Legoland.

One of my best days was at Legoland
and I wasn't even high.

Feels like such a shame to throw 'em out.
Are you sure you don't want 'em?

Nah. I'm not really a shrooms guy.

- Have you ever done shrooms?
- No.

- I know that's lame, but...
- It's not lame.

- I don't care.
- I mean, I almost did them.

My buddies and I were gonna do 'em
on a camping trip,

but then we got rained out...

But I feel like since I'd made
the choice to do them...

- Mmm-mmm.
- [Bertie] Hello?


- Hello, hello.
- [both] Hey.

Uh, where's Randy at?

- I don't know, his house?
- He's not here?

- Randy!
- Maybe he was here earlier, but...

- Randy!
- Yeah, I don't think he's here.


[door opens]


Hey, what's up? [exhales]

Randy, I told you if Mickey comes home,
you have to tell her that you're here.

Sorry, I... I didn't want to bother her.

I was just in the back
reading a book about dinosaurs.

Yeah, it's cool. Just a heads-up
next time would be nice.

[Randy] For sure. Yeah.

Man, I love your guys' place.

It's, like, times nicer than my place.

My place is dank and dirty
and gross. [chuckles]

You guys have towels
and toothpaste...

So what are you guys up to tonight?

I don't know. We're just gonna kick back.

Maybe order some food,
watch a movie...

Kind of a low key thing.

I was in the middle of throwing out
some old shrooms.

Ooh, really?

Just gonna throw 'em out? [chuckles]

- Do you want 'em?
- Yes, please.

I didn't know you were into shrooms.

Oh, well, a few years ago,
I spent a whole summer

taking peyote with some skaters
and it changed my life.

I want that summer.

Last time I did shrooms
I had a bad trip

and I haven't touched 'em since.

- Oh, you swore them off?
- Oh, no way.

I've just been waiting for an opportunity
to do it right.

- I can't wait to take back the shrooms.
- This is perfect.

You three should do shrooms tonight.

Ooh, yes, very cool.

Yeah, I got no plans.
Let's do it.

- Oh, I don't know.
- [Randy] Yeah.

- [Bertie] Cool.
- [Randy] Yeah, that would be fun.

Okay, cool.

- [Mickey] Yeah.
- Very cool. Yeah.

And I can be, like, the sober guide.
Your guru.

I'll set it all up. Make sure you guys
have an excellent trip.

Fantastic. Well, I'm gonna go
get my work clothes off,

- and then we'll get to the magic.
- I am gonna take a bath.

- What?
- What?

- Are you sure you're okay with this?
- Yeah.

This is gonna be fun.

Yes. Should be fun.

Are you scared?

I'm a little scared.

It's totally normal
before your first trip.

Are you thinking, like,
"What if it's a bad trip

and it breaks my brain
and I'm never the same?"

I wasn't thinking that... no,

but I'll gladly throw that onto the pile.

Uh, no, I guess...

Honestly, I just...

I feel a little weird

doing dr*gs in front of you
when you're sober.

It doesn't feel right.

That's so sweet, but,

I never really had an issue with shrooms,
you know?

- It's not like a real trigger for me.
- Mmm-hmm.

And I think everybody should
try them once.

They're incredible.

Like, I don't fully trust someone
who's never tripped.

It's like trusting someone
who still has a Hotmail account.

Oh, yeah. It's like when you meet somebody
who hasn't seen Die Hard.

And you're like... "Who are you?"

- Yeah, everybody's seen Die Hard.
- You haven't seen Die Hard?

[theme music playing]

[Randy] The stems make you trip longer,

but the caps will give you,
like, a deeper trip.

- Is that true?
- Yeah.

And, the thing is, they taste like shit,
but that's great.

They're supposed to.
If it tastes like shit, it's a good thing.

No, there's no reason
why they have to taste like shit.

Take a sandwich.
See, you eat this, it masks the taste

and it provides a good basis
in your stomach for digestion.

- [Gus] Ah, okay. Genius.
- Mmm-hmm.

That's good. Smart.

All right. Down the hatch.

[Mickey claps]



So, like, how long does it typically
take to kick in?

- Ten minutes.
- Like, an hour.

Oh. [chuckles]

Getting conflicting reports there.

Oh, that's normal.

It hits some people quicker than others.
It's all good.

This actually is a really good sandwich.

[mellow music playing]

That's pretty much what you can do
with those things.

[game rattles]

I feel like I don't feel anything.

But if you guys said you were
feeling something then,

then I'm probably
feeling it, too.

- I don't feel anything.
- Nah.

What if we dance? Huh?

- That's a good trick.
- Okay.

[pop music playing]

Get your asses up. Come on.

You gotta do it big
and loud and stupid!

- Bertie?
- Okay, yes.

It gets that mushroom blood
straight to the brain.

I'm gonna k*ll you
if you don't get up now.

[Bertie] Come on, Randy.

Move it. Groove it.


Use your whole body.

[Gus breathing heavily]

How you doing there, bud?

I'm good.

[breathing heavily]
Are they kicking in?

Can't say for sure, but it seems like
they might be kickin' in.

Okay. This is gonna be fun.

Yeah. [exhales deeply]

Are they kickin' in?

Hey... [grunts]


We're free to share
bad thoughts here, right?

I don't want to ruin your trip,

but I feel like if I, like,

keep bad stuff in my head
and don't share it,

then I'm gonna have a bad trip.

- You know what I mean? Like...
- Totally.

It's just like... [sighs]

I look at this house
and I'm like...

"Will I ever own a home like this?

Or, am I just gonna be somebody
who lives in some...

sad apartment his entire life
and then dies?"


I live at the Springwood,
so that's like my entire existence.

If I was gonna do something
significant with my life,

it already would've happened by now.

Right now, in our lives,
we're at that part, in a movie,

when something cool
should start happening, but it's not.

We're over a half an hour
into Jurassic Park...

and the dinosaurs haven't even shown up.

They're never gonna f*ckin' show up.

This candle...

I look at this candle and I think...

we all just want to be warm,
you know?

Everyone on this planet...

we're all just seeking warmth.
That's all we want.

That's true. That's very cool.

I don't wanna forget that I said that,
so can you write that down, please?

My brain's not friends
with my hands right now.

[both laugh]

You wanna go outside? That usually
feels good when you're tripping.

I trust you entirely at this point.

[door opens]

[Randy] Gus, this is a child's toy,

but it is the tool of a man.

[Randy and Gus laugh]

Do you wanna hear
my American accent?


[American accent]
"I think Trask Industries

should invest in the radio market."

- Is that from Working Girl?
- [normal] Yes.

- I'm a huge fan.
- Oh, me too.

I love Working Girl so f*cking much.

Yeah. Han Solo looks great in a suit.

Even after all these years,
human beings are still the same.

Everybody talks about evolution,
but nobody talks about how long it takes.

We're still not evolved.

Really? You think?

We have the brains of barbarians

even though we don't live

- in caves anymore.
- Mmm-hmm.

We've, like, evolved properly
for hunting, for k*lling,

and for sucking the blood
from animals.

- Literally!
- Yes, I... I get it.

- I get it, yeah. I get your point.
- Yes.

I... Not... [stuttering]

I'm not gonna k*ll you,
but if I want to k*ll you,

I could...

I could put my thumbs
through your eyeballs, like that,

- and you'd be dead in a second.
- What?

You know, Bertie, I feel like,
whether it's, like, tonight...

or way, way, way, way in the future,
like, you and me...

- we're gonna be friends forever.
- Definitely.

I knew that when we first met,

when we were just two crazy kids
carrying furniture.

Right. On the lawn there.

We... we were carrying in...

your thing.

- My dresser?
- Your dresser.

Yeah. Oh, my God. That feels
like it was, like, a month ago.

Well, it was like, three weeks ago. Yeah.

We should move something again.
That felt good.

I could take both of my hands
and smoosh your head...

like a watermelon, right now.

'Cause that is something
that's in my blood.

I'm part barbarian,
you know what I mean?

You... What are you doing?

- Oh, my God.
- If I wanted to,

I could put you in a bag
and hit you against a tree.

I get it! You're big and you're strong.
'Kay, guys,

can you please not do that
right now? Please?

- It feels right.
- [Mickey] Well, it's official.

You're all peaking.

Excuse me. [sighs]
I gotta take care of something.

The cavemen weren't even
that different from us.

They grew hair on their face
just like I have on my face.

[Gus and Bertie whooping and laughing]

- [Randy laughing]
- [door opening]

- Hey. Hey.
- Hey.


Seems like you guys
are havin' some fun out there.


- Maybe I should come join you.
- Yeah!

You want to? I was just comin' in
to see if you wanna...

pop on out where we're havin' fun.

Maybe I'll take this little guy.

- You think that's a good idea?
- They're not addictive.

They're not really even a drug.

Right. [sighs]

Right, I just feel like it's not a...
good idea, 'cause, um...

Sorry, it's really hard
to form an argument

when I'm, like,
watching the bedspread swirl.

- Um...
- You know what?

Don't worry about it.
It's fine.

No. Mickey, don't do it.

- I just...
- Okay?

- Oh, I really want to.
- No. Mickey, don't.

It'll be fine. Calm down.

- Don't do it. Don't.
- [grunts]

- Don't, don't, don't.
- f*ck! Gus, what the f*ck?

[gulps and gasps] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to...

Uh, f*ck!

Mickey, why did I do that?

- Am I gonna be okay?
- Yeah.

- Am I gonna die?
- No! You took a small dose to begin with.

probably just gonna have more fun.

[chuckles] Okay.

Come here. Come here.

[sighs] Oh, God.

This tastes, like, so bad.

I, like, totally get why you put it
in a peanut butter sandwich.

[Randy] Holy f*ck. Gus?

f*ck's goin' on out there?

- I don't know.
- There's a creature in the backyard here.

There's a beast in the backyard!


Oh, shit. That's a coyote.

[chuckles] That is... one handsome animal.

Dude, don't go near him.
He can hurt you.

His coat.

He's so majestic.

[breathing heavily]

[clicking tongue]


[Mickey] Hey, that's a wild animal.
How about we leave him alone?

Definitely back off, 'cause its, like,
teeth could rip at your flesh.

Oh, no, no.
He's one of the good ones.

Aren't you, buddy?

You and I aren't that different.
We're both... beasts.

- [whines softly]
- But you are covered in fur.

And I am in flesh.

Neither of you have jobs.

Coyote. Coyote.

Randy. Coyote.

Randy. Coyote.

- Okay, enough with that.
- I can feel his essence.

He's here for a reason.
Don't you guys feel that?

- No... not really.
- [Bertie and Gus] No.

- Hey, let's go back inside.
- [clicking tongue]

- [Gus] Yeah, Randy, I...
- [Randy] Oh, no. No.

- No, Randy. Stop. Oh, shit.
- [Gus] Randy! Randy!

- [Mickey] Dude, come on!
- [Gus] No!

[Gus] They don't like to be chased.

- [Mickey] Randy, stop. Shit.
- [Randy] No. No.

- [Mickey] f*ck! Shit.
- [Bertie] Randy.

[Mickey] Randy, seriously, stop.

Listen to me, I am your guide.

[panting] You're not my guide.

This coyote is my guide.

Randy, why don't you choose
another animal to be your guide?

Like a nice bird or a squirrel?

Yeah, I gotta say, shroom buddy,
this isn't the smartest move right now.

I gotta follow him.

My friend. Wait for me.

- Ugh. I feel sick runnin' so fast.
- Okay, that's common on shrooms.

Try and keep a low center of gravity.

- Okay.
- Okay?

[Mickey] Randy, come back, dude.

You don't get it.
He'll show me my destiny.

Gus knows what I'm talkin' about.

The coyote. My legacy. He knows it.

The coyote doesn't know anything.

The Native Americans say
that they're wise.

- You disagree with them, Gus?
- Oh, now this is getting scary.

He's really starting to scare me.

[groans] Jesus Christ.
I am the worst drug guide ever.


[exhales in awe]


[breathing heavily] This house.

This house is beautiful.

This house is the answer the coyote
was leading me to.

[Gus] I don't know, Randy.
This house is pretty basic.

This is my home.

Stop, Randy.

That's trespassing.

I gotta get in.

[whispers] Randy. Don't, don't, don't.

Come on.
This is starting to feel illegal, man.

There's always more than one opening.

Randy. No, do not go in there. No.

Randy, you're acting like a maniac.

[Gus] Randy, don't.

- [Mickey] Don't do that.
- [Bertie] Stop that, please.

- [Gus] Don't do that.
- [Bertie] Put it back on the window.

Randy, listen to me.
Get away from that house.

- [Gus] Randy. Randy, don't.
- [Mickey] Randy, don't. No.

- [Mickey] Please. Please don't do this!
- [Bertie] Randy, no!

- [Randy grunts] Ow.
- [Bertie] Randy.

[Randy] Wow.
This guy's got a lot of books.

[sighs] I'm gonna go handle this.

I can do this. I'm not that messed up.

Dude, you are super messed up right now.

Your eyeballs are, like,
feet wide.

No, they're not.

- I can do this. I...
- [Bertie] Randy.

Don't run away. Help me.
Pull me in. [grunts]

- [sighs]
- Yeah, I got this.

- [Bertie] Ow!
- [Gus] Bertie, I'm behind you.

- Keep the window open.
- [sighs] Oh, my God.

[whispering] Randy.


[whispering] Randy?


I smell him.

- [whispering] Come on, Bertie.
- Oh, did you see this?

Yes. It's a stove.

- We have to find Randy.
- Okay.

Randy? Randy?

Jesus Christ, man.
Come on. Dude.

[Randy] Why can't I have a bed like this?

It's firm but soft on top.

I love this bed, Gus.

- Okay, all right, Randy.
- Mmm?

Hey, we really shouldn't be here, okay?

The coyote helped you out,
and that's awesome...

but we need to get home now.
Okay, buddy?

I don't wanna get home.
I'm very comfortable here.

- Everything I need is here.
- I know.

I know, but we should get out of here.

- Okay, let's go.
- Randy, please.

- I really don't like what's happening.
- [sighs] Oh, my God.

You are so in your head right now.

What's happening to you
is irrelevant to me.

I'm not going anywhere.

This is breaking and entering,
you idiots.

I'm very happy here.

- Oh, no.
- Shit.

Oh, great, they're home.

That could be anybody.

Oh, Randy, I'm begging you,
please get up.

You know what? We gotta go.
I'll help you, okay?

- [grunting]
- No. You guys can go.


I need to chill here,
and await the next message.

- Help me out here, Randy. Come on.
- Just f*cking hurry. Enough of this.

Let's get the f*cking show on the road.

- [Bertie] Oh, God. Oh, God.
- [breathes shakily] Randy?

You are being a rude assh*le right now.

You're on dr*gs,
and you're gonna f*ck up our lives.

So stop being a rude assh*le!

Yeah, okay.

- Come on. Just leave the blanket.
- [Mickey] Go! Go!

You're gonna leave the f*cking blanket,

[Mickey] Come on, come on, come on.
Okay. Okay, good, good. Oh, shit.

Okay, we gotta go.


[Bertie laughs]

[Gus laughs]

[laughter continues]

[Randy] That was f*cking crazy.

[Gus continues laughing]

Hey, are you still tripping?

Mmm... Not so much.

I mean, I have little pockets
here and there, but...

I think I'm done.

- Mmm.
- Yeah.


I felt, like, I, like,
actually learned, like...

like a really good lesson tonight.

- Oh, yeah, what?
- Like...

It's really fun to do dr*gs?


Not the most profound takeaway,
but I like the spirit of it.

I don't know, it's cool.
It's like, um...

you pushed me a little
closer to the ledge.


And you... you pulled me back from it.

[sighs deeply]

I'd say it's a good team, you know?

- Mmm-hmm.
- f*ck! Shit.


- Sorry, Micks.
- It's cool.

[Gus] Oh.

What's this hot little number?
Huh? Remember this?

You wanna put it on?

I was just gonna ask,
"Could I put it on?"

- Yeah?
- Do it.


It's my kind of weird.

[inhales deeply]

Oh, look.

It's my size.

- Look good?
- Mmm!



[Bertie] Weird night.

[Randy grunts]

I feel like maybe you felt the shrooms
a bit more strongly than me.

- [exhales] They weren't that strong.
- Really?

Randy, you broke into someone's house.

[grunts softly]

Why did you do that?

Coyote, and then Gus said I should go in.

Oh, no, we all said
you definitely shouldn't go in.

[Randy sighs]

I'm so sleepy.

Please, just let me sleepy.

Otherwise... I might have to k*ll you.


Randy? Shut up. [stammers] No, you won't.

I'll squish your head.

I'll k*ll you.

I'll drown you.

I'm part barbarian.


You're so pretty.

- Thank you.
- No, I mean it. Like...

You're, like, beautiful.

In a, like,
a classic sort of way,

like, you look like a movie star
from the ' s.

Like that one who, like,
died in the plane crash.

Who's that?

- I don't know. I forget. [chuckling]
- [chuckles]

I'm just saying, like...

if I saw, like, an old movie
and your face was in it,

like, even if you were, like, in a crowd,

like, way back in the background,

I would, like, notice you
and I would go, like...

[gasps] "Oh, my God.
She's so beautiful."

[chuckles softly]

- Well, I think you're beautiful.
- [groans] Oh...

No, you don't have to say that.

I know I'm not
one of the beautiful people.

I got this...


- It's weird lookin' and big, and...
- Mmm-mmm.

I love your nose.

Thank you, Mickey.

Do you think I'm a f*ck-up?


No, not at all.

Oh, my God, you're...

You're like the opposite of a f*ck-up.

It's like you wake up every morning,
and you, like, face the day.

I wish I could be, like,
as courageous as you, seriously.

I mean, you're beautiful, like,
outside, but also, like...

You have, like, a beautiful soul.

"We are beautiful... in every single way.

Words can't bring us down."

"So don't you bring us down... today."


The wisdom of Miss Aguilera.

[inhales deeply]

[softly] Guidin' us as always.

All right.

- You wanna finish this?
- Yeah, sure.

[Gus grunts]


- You don't wanna take that off, do you?
- f*ck, no.

- All right. Do you.
- [softly] I don't.



- [chuckles] Like...
- Through here.

No, no, no, no! Like this.

[mellow music playing]