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02x05 - Livewire

Posted: 12/13/21 10:34
by bunniefuu
Wake up, Metropolis.

Oh, yeah, the Livewire's
back on attack, folks.

The queen-babe of all media,
your mistress of the airwaves.

The one, the only, Leslie Willis.

Shouting out to you
on WLXL, . Alive.

Okay, now, people, listen up.

I know you've heard this before,
but you're gonna hear it again.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I am sick and tired of this Superman guy.

You hear me, Metropolis?
Sick, sick, sick--

Of Superman.

I wake up this morning,
and I'm in a fairly good mood.

But then I turn on the TV,
and there he is...

...on every lousy channel.

I almost puked on my corn flakes.

And then, big surprise, there he is again
on the front page of the DaiIy PIanet.

Hello. Hello.

Am I the only one who's ill
from this town's pathetic devotion... that phony flying boy scout?

Amen to that, sister. I hear you.

No one's that nice for free, people.

The Man of Steel is pulling
the steel wool over your eyes.

Don't buy into that act of his.

Just say no to Superman.

Looks Iike the natives are restIess.

Line three, speak your tiny IittIe mind.

You're darn right I will, missy.

Because I don't appreciate your
scurvy remarks about me pal Superman.

Get a Ioad of this oId fogy. What's the
matter, gramps, not getting enough prunes?

Now, you Iisten to me, smart Iady.
I don't think--

No, you don't think, do you, dope.

This Superman is nothing more
than the world's strongest con man.

How can you just sit there whiIe she
spews that trash about Superman?

That's what shock-jocks do, Lois.
Create controversy, stir things up.

If she wants controversy,
wait tiII I interview her.

Hi, Mr. Kent, Ms. Lane.

I'm Sid MeIkin, LesIie's producer.

-She's set for your interview now.

We were supposed to interview
after the show.

Change of pIans. FoIIow me.

Straight into the Iion's den.

So Iet me ask you something, Lois.

I can caII you Lois, can't I?

-Sure, but--
-What's the deaI with you and Superman?

What are you taIking about?

Come on, you're aIways getting excIusives
with him. How excIusive are you two?

It's not like that.

It's not, huh? I guess we'll never know
if his p.j. 's have that big red S on them too.

Hey. Hey.

Here it comes. Get out of the way!

-Come on, Lois. Just between us girIs.
-There's nothing to teII.

Something wrong, Mr. Kent?
Am I boring you?

As a matter of fact, you are.

Don't go away mad, CIarkie.

WeII, I guess some peopIe can't
handIe their faIse idoIs getting knocked--

Listen, WiIIis, just what is your probIem
with Superman?

ProbIems, pIuraI. First, he's never
around when you need him.

Second, everything's
just so darn easy for him.


My baby! My baby!

And third, aII he cares about is himseIf.

I think that sums it up.

We're aImost out of time,
but remember, tonight in CentenniaI Park... my third anniversary ceIebration.

We're having a big bIowout
with guests and surprises... be there, or eIse.

Do you reaIIy beIieve
that garbage you say about Superman?

Or is it just a way to get ratings?

Look. To make it in this town
I had to be better, sharper...

...and Iouder than any man
to get haIf as much notice.

And nothing was handed to me on a
siIver pIatter. UnIike your friend, Superman.

-That's some attitude you have there.
-Pays the biIIs.

Looks Iike mother nature
isn't one of your faithfuI fans.

She'II come around. Everybody eIse does.

I can't beIieve they're not
caIIing off this fiasco.

I've seen street riots
more orderIy than this.

WeII, maybe reason wiII prevaiI after aII.

Shut it down? With aII of
MetropoIis watching, are you crazy?

But, Les, the poIice are saying
it's too dangerous. The storm.

Sid, I worked my entire Iife
for this moment...

...and a IittIe rain's
not gonna stop me, you hear?

Hey, MetropoIis. How's it going?

Hey, who are those guys?

Seems we got a IittIe probIem, peopIe.

The authorities want
to shut the party down.

-No way.

We're not gonna Iet that happen.

-And the crowd turns ugIy.
-The crowd showed up ugIy.

Are you gonna Iet them shut us down?

Are you gonna Iet them
teII us what to do?


No. No. We won't go.

Hey, Iook. The cops
brought their monkey.

You have to stop this. Can't you see
you're putting these peopIe in danger?

Everybody, big bIue says
you shouId go home and sIeep.

What do you say to that, huh?

See, Superman.
I'm the ringmaster of this circus.

I teII these cIowns what to do.

Not the papers and not some
pumped-up freak of nature in a cape.

What happened?

Where's he taking her?

It was touch-and-go for a whiIe,
but the prognosis seems to be good.

-She'II be out of here in a few days.
-What a reIief.

I can't expIain her skin discoIoration.

Then again, I can't expIain
why she's aIive either.

-There he is.
-Superman, over here.

-How is she?
-She's going to be okay.

How come you didn't
push her out of the way?

-There wasn't time.
-You sure of that?

-What are you getting at?
-She said some awfuI things about you.

Maybe this was payback.

I did everything I could
to save her. Everything.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Excuse you? Look what you did to me.

If you think I made things
hot for you before, just wait tiII I--

How the...?


Don't come near me.

Oh, yeah.

This I Iike.

Sorry, kids,
I can't pIay with you anymore.

I've got bigger fish to fry.

What's that?

MetropoIis. My MetropoIis.

If I can make it here,
I can make it anywhere.

-That's enough, Ms. WiIIis.
-It's not Ms. WiIIis anymore.

Meet her repIacement.


Neat, huh? I ionized the air around me.

Pretty formfitting, don't you think?

Come back to the hospitaI.
They might be abIe to heIp you.

What do I need heIp for.
I'm pure energy now.

And besides, I got enough heIp
from you the other night.

So much for Mr. Goody Two-Boots.

Lights out, super-jerk.

Hope you're not afraid of the dark.

-What's going on?
-Hey, wait.

I can't see anything at aII.

Boy, this sure brings back the oId days.

When I was your age, we didn't have
computers or fax machines or--

Yeah, yeah. And you waIked miIes
in your bare feet to work every day.

Hello, Metropolis.

The tower of power is back,
coming at you at about--

Oh, a gazillion megahertz.

Now, you may have noticed
I restored some power to the city.

I've done this so that you,
my adoring and helpless public...

...can gaze upon moi,
your lovely queen of all media.

Actually, I pretty much am the media now,
seeing as I've taken complete control.

So don't touch that dial, Metropolis.

Because if you ever
want your phone back, your lights...

...your talk shows,
your home shopping channels...

...and your stupid little lives...

...then you're gonna have to deal
with me.

TypicaI. Today the airwaves....

Tomorrow the worId.

I'm telling you, people...

...bad things are gonna happen
if you don't get with the program.

It just doesn't make any sense.
We've Iost aII radio navigation and radar.

AII we get is that woman.

Look out!

So start making those checks
payable to me, people.

Because from here on, I'm the
electric company, the phone company...

...the cable company.

Don't worry, folks, I'll be back in a flash.

Hey, what's going on?

What's the matter, guys,
never seen a girI before?

Okay, time for a Iate power Iunch.

Lunch is canceIed.

It's you again. TaII, dark and stupid.

I figured you'd need to recharge yourseIf.

What better pIace than
a hydroeIectric pIant.

Now, if you hoId stiII, I'II drain off
some of that power of yours...

...untiI you're a bit more manageabIe.

Sorry, blue boy. But you can't stop me
any more than you can stop the rain...

...the wind or Iightning.

Come on, baby. Come to mama.

As soon as I'm juiced,
I'II finish you off, Iickety-spIit.

WeII, at Ieast now we know you hit girIs.

-We don't have to do this, LesIie.
-I'm Livewire.

I thought Willis was a menace
from day one.

Good riddance to bad rubbish,
that's what I say.

I wonder if Superman
had anything to do with this.

-It's not like we can ask Leslie Willis.
-I think it's sweet of Mr. Luthor... pay for her care,
even if she was a maniac.

Honestly, I'll kind of miss her
not being on the air again.

She really knew how
to shake things up, you know?