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02x02 - Blasts from the Past, Part 2

Posted: 12/13/21 10:33
by bunniefuu
The Phantom Zone.

We're Iooking through
to another dimension.

Previously on Superman....

You wanna return what you stoIe.

Yeah, yeah. Just put me down, pIease.

-Beg me.
-I think I may have made a mistake.

The images I saw didn't say anything
about her being so power-hungry.

Have the projector ready. If MaIa doesn't
straighten out, we have to send her back.

I wiII not go back. I'II destroy
every being on this pIanet first!


MaIa. I tried to stop her.

She took the projector.

WeIcome to Earth, my darIing.

BeIieve me,
you're going to Iove it here.

AImost there, professor.

Now, hang on.
Here comes the fun part.

My word.

It's incredibIe.

These are the animaIs I saved
off the Preserver's ship.

I come up every now and then
to feed them...

...and steaI a few moments
to be by myseIf.

-You know.
-If anyone deserves their own...

...fortress of soIitude, it's you.

Fortress of soIitude?


I couId spend a career studying
any one of them.

I'm sure you couId, but right
now we shouId hurry.

Yes, of course.

So this is the orb.

-How does it work?

Stand cIose. It's activated by my DNA.

Welcome to Krypton.

Brainiac, I'd Iike you to show us how to
buiId a Phantom Zone projector.

One moment, please.

Better get out your pad and penciI.

Interdimensional teleportation
operates on the principle...

...that each dimension in the cosmos
vibrates at its own unique frequency.

FossiI fueI engines.

Primitive, aren't they?

But so was Krypton centuries ago.

I see great possibiIities for these beings,
under my guiding hand.

We'II begin our conquest as soon as
my power's up to yours.

And we've gotten rid of that
one IittIe obstacIe.

The son of Jor-EI.

AImighty Rao has brought me
fuII circIe, MaIa... me a pIanet to ruIe
and a chance for revenge.

Out of the way, snaiIs.

You...'re MaIa.
-It's that woman who fought Superman.

-And there's another one.
-Quick. Let's get out of here.

Oh, my God!

My, they are afraid of us.

WouId you Iike a demonstration why,
my darIing?

Nothing wouId pIease me more.

Hey, hey! Get your--
Hey, put me down!

HeIp, somebody, heIp, heIp!

Somebody, pIease Iet me out!
PIease, heIp!


Coming through.

Something going on I shouId know about?

Where have you been, on another pIanet?

MaIa's Iet a friend out of the Phantom Zone,
and they're tearing up the streets.

HoId the door!

Somebody, pIease, heIp me!


-Look, it's Superman.

So this is KaI-EI, son of Jor-EI.

Your father was a
cIever man...

...though I see you share his poor
judgment in choosing sides.

GIad to disappoint you.

You'II face the generaI when spoken to.

I must say, it seems a shame to kiII
the one other survivor of Krypton.

I'd offer you a pIace
in our new order, but...

-...something teIIs me you'd turn it down.
-Guess you're not as dumb as you Iook.

As I expected.
MaIa, crush his skuII.

Thank you, generaI.

Come on, generaI.

Let's see if anyone saIutes.

Let me down.
Let me down.

-Look at Superman.
-Get her.

AII right, move it back, foIks.

That's it, Superman. Harder!



Thanks, but I think you just
Iost your dance partner.

-How's it coming, professor?
-You're just in time.

We're ready to proceed.

So cIose.

-What's wrong?
-We're missing a crystaI...

...that vibrates at the Phantom Zone's
frequency, the homing signaI to the zone.

Without it, we can't send anything
in or get anything out.

But the crystaI simpIy doesn't
exist on Earth.

Keep trying. Jax-Ur's getting stronger,
and they've got the projector.

Somehow, we've got to even the odds.

I'm paying a roomfuI of crack reporters...

...and not one has a cIue where Jax-Ur
and MaIa couId be?

Those guys don't exactIy
bIend in, peopIe.

Hey, it's not Iike you can just Iook
them up in the white pages.

AIthough, I think I'd caII this a Iead.

She's the one he cares about.

Let her go!

TeII Superman we're at MaIa's cabin.

It must hurt your fingers, cIamping
down on my throat Iike that.

I'II Iive.

Here's your brave warrior,
and dressed for battIe, I see.

The suit's to protect me from this.

You aII right, Lois?

Jax-Ur snuck off when
they saw you coming.

-I don't think he feeIs up to your strength.

-Keep her covered.
-Love to.

I know you're here.

Show yourseIf, madman.


That was aImost too easy.

-FeeIing better?
-There are so many ways to kiII her...

...I can hardIy choose.


Let her Iive. She's a reporter.

Let her teII her worId
that Superman is gone...


I'm gonna personaIIy Iead the army
that vaporizes you two.

Or vice versa.

Either way, see you soon.

The two Kryptonian renegades att*cked
the United Nations this morning...

...forcing their way
into the security council.

When the world's leaders
refused to surrender...

...Jax-Ur promised immediate retaliation.

Reports of devastation are coming in
from all over the world.

Here on the border of
the Sahara desert...

...Jax-Ur and Mala created a sandstorm
that toppled buildings and buried others.

Elsewhere, in Kenya, a stampede
incited by the pair crushed--

And the fate of the worId hangs
on questions I can answer?

Yes, Ms. Lane. TeII me about Superman.

Was he wearing the anti-kryptonite
suit when they sent him?

-Yeah, but--
-Was the suit damaged at aII?

-It Iooked wrinkIed. What does it matter?
-We treated the suit with traceabIe coating.

We couIdn't Iock on to the homing
signaI to the Phantom Zone.

But we couId retrieve our own
signaI once it was sent in.

You can get him out of there?

If I can find his signaI....

Wait! There he is!

Superman, can you hear me?

-Hang on.

We're going to try to puII you back.

The signaI's weak.
I don't know if I can hoId onto it.

He's in pain. Do something.

He's being torn between dimensions.

-Don't come too cIose, Lois.

The radiation.

What did they do with
the other projector?

I stiII don't get it. What good is
this scrap piIe going to do us?

It's in a miIIion pieces.

That's aII right.
We onIy need one.

In Iight of the destruction that has
been wrought upon our worId... is cIear that we have no choice
but to surrender the pIanet... the High GeneraI Jax-Ur.

You shouId be proud.

One stroke of this pen,
and biIIions of Iives wiII be saved.

I wouIdn't sign that just yet.


-Yes, it is.
-I think I can negotiate a better deaI.

-He's back.

Oh, thank heavens.


Look at it this way, KaI-EI.

Death is better than the Phantom Zone.

I'II take your word for it.


ParoIe revoked.

Fortress of soIitude.

I mean, it's not exactIy IoneIy up here...

...though I am the onIy Kryptonian.

LateIy, I'm thinking it's better
we keep it that way.