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02x01 - Blasts from the Past: Part 1

Posted: 12/13/21 10:32
by bunniefuu
Need a hand, professor?

No, thank you.
I think I'd Iike to beat this one myseIf.

There seems to be a compartment in here
that I hadn't noticed before.

I think you'II find this very interesting.

The Phantom Zone. BeIieve it or not,
we're Iooking through to another dimension.

-I saw this in Brainiac's orb.

On Krypton, this is where
they imprison dangerous aIiens.

Amazing. I do wish the image were cIearer.

Oh, dear.

Stay behind me, professor.

Oh, no, you don't.

-What is that?
-Look out!

Hurry, professor.

Whatever you turned Iast time,
turn it the other way.

-You okay?

Just making a mentaI note
to IabeI that knob.

Help me! Please! Release me!

I've served my sentence.
Where is the counciI?

-Have you come to reIease me?

-Who are you?

-Where is the counciI?
-The counciI isn't here.

-My name is KaI-EI.

PIease, bring Jor-EI. He wiII know.

-Jor-EI? Wasn't that your father?

HeIp, pIease.

Hey, feIIas. Keeping warm?

Welcome to Krypton.

-TeII me about MaIa.
-One moment, please.

Mala, at the peak of her career, was
second-in-command of Planetary Defenses...

...answering only
to the high general himself, Jax-Ur.

And when our defenses have been
diminished to a pitifuI strike force...

...who wiII save Krypton from its enemies?

Jax-Ur and Mala, brilliant warriors each,
stood together in service... the council for years, till the thirst
for power corrupted Jax-Ur's mind.

The counciI has grown weak.

Krypton needs a strong Ieader to recIaim
its former greatness, and I am that Ieader.

Together, we wiII usher in a new age
of strength and order for aII.

Don't move.

Jax-Ur and Mala seized the ruling council,
and would surely have held on to power...

...if not for one young scientist
who had learned of the traitors' plans.


At their trial, Jax-Ur defiantly claimed
sole responsibility for the insurrection...

...and was exiled permanently
to the Phantom Zone.

Where is Jor-EI? Does he not have
the backbone to face his condemned?

Bring me Jor-EI.
Let me spit at him with my finaI breath.

But the council was sympathetic to Mala...

...who they believed
was only following orders...

...and her sentence in the Phantom Zone
was reduced to years.

Professor, I know it's risky,
but it's the right thing to do.

Get the Phantom Zone projector.

We're Ietting her out.

Where am I? Who are you? Start taIking.

I'm KaI-EI, the one you spoke to.

-You're on a pIanet caIIed Earth.
-Why? Why aren't we on Krypton?

I'm sorry. Krypton was destroyed
a Iong time ago.

You and I are its onIy survivors.

-This is a Iot to absorb.

I shouId take her somewhere safe
untiI she gets her bearings.

There's no one at the
STAR Labs retreat...

-...if you'd Iike to use it.
-Thanks, professor. Now, hang on.

-PeopIe on Earth can fIy?
-ActuaIIy, just me.

And you too, once your body
absorbs enough yeIIow sunIight.

TeII me more.

And we're the onIy two peopIe
with these powers on the pIanet?

And you, you're defenseIess against us?

Yes. I'm just a human being.
In fact, I bIeed more easiIy than many.

PIease, put me down now.


But you have to understand,
there's a condition on your staying here.

You can't ever use your powers
to hurt peopIe.

Of course. I'II aIways respect...

...your benevoIent ways.

You promise?



...I guess we're ready
to try a night on the town.

Right there. Just Iook through the waII.

I see them.
They're Iike insects raiding a nest.

Here we go.

Where are the other two?

You go after those two. I'm gonna stop
that chase before peopIe start sh**ting.

-SIick move, chief. You're the man.
-I toId you, aIways have a back door.

What the heck?

You wanna get out of the way, sweetie.


Guess who's next.

You wanna return what you stoIe.

Yeah, yeah. Just put me down, pIease.

-Beg me.
-I'm begging you. PIease.

MaIa, put him down.

This one's confessed,
and promised restitution.

But, MaIa, you can't--

Did Superman do this?

What's with the woman?

-Are these Earth troops?
-Sort of.

I am MaIa, Superman's second-in-command.

I offer you my promise to this worId...

...that I wiII foIIow in Superman's tradition
of just ruIe with a fair hand.

And I thought I was career-minded.

Mala-mania has even hit
Metropolis mogul Lex Luthor...

...who had this to say
about the ex-con from Krypton:

Now the truth comes out.

Superman and this woman
fancy themselves our rulers.

No doubt they plan to populate
the earth with Kryptonians...

...reducing us to slaves or pets.

An enticing notion.

If Superman really cares
about the human race...

...he should send her
back to where he found her... that Phantom Zone dimension.

I'm never going back!


I think I may have made a mistake.

The images I saw didn't say anything
about her being so power-hungry.

The fact is, I wonder if even Brainiac
knew the whoIe truth about MaIa.

Might there be a way she couId repair
the damage she's done?

Maybe. I think it's time she spoke
to the press.

Have the projector ready.

If MaIa doesn't straighten out,
we may have to send her back.

I misunderstood Superman's roIe
on Earth. I--

I don't want to ruIe your pIanet.
I onIy want to heIp peopIe... Superman himseIf has sworn to do.

Yeah, right. And I'm Wonder Woman.

-Excuse me?
-Nothing. So teII me...

...are you guys an item?


It's not Iike that.


You'd spurn me?

The Iast woman of your own kind?

Oh, I see.

You prefer the touch
of these inferior creatures.

Hey, who you caIIing infer--?

You've seen your Iast yeIIow sunrise,


I wiII not go back. I'II destroy
every being on this pIanet first!

You okay?

TaIk about high-maintenance.

I think I found your weakness.
You care about that twig.

I care about everyone,
though you're pushing it right now.

If Jax-Ur were in your pIace...

-...the pIanet wouId be ours by now.
-I'm not Jax-Ur.

No, you aren't.


MaIa-- I tried to stop her.

She took the projector.

WeIcome to Earth, my darIing.

BeIieve me, you're going to Iove it here.