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02x06 - It's No Fun If It's Easy

Posted: 12/12/21 08:42
by bunniefuu
If the FBI were a private corporation,

the agent responsible for a raid
would get a piece of the pie.

What you really want
is revenge on the FBI.

- What are you proposing?
- You raid that money before the FBI does.

We'll do all the work for you.

Have you guys figured out
where the cash is hiding

in your nightclub?

Well, you certainly can't be
going into this raid blind.

All we know is that
half a million dollars

in illegal cash is
hiding somewhere inside.

You won't last one hour
without getting read.

Not if you help me look right.

If I help you and you pull this off,

I get % of whatever you're
stealin' from that club.




If he's a lying sack of shit,

she can figure it out without your help.

We are stealing this money,
we're giving it to Lashever,

then we're going to pick up Jacob.

We searched everywhere,
sir, but there was no money.

It's okay, boys.

You learned a very valuable lesson.

Next time, maybe you'll accept
guidance from your superiors.

In the meantime, I hear
they're hiring mall cops

down at the Asheville Pavilion.

$ , . I said I would be back.

You wanna pick up Jacob

and then you want to steal $ , .

We don't have a choice.

It's only an hour and a half from here.

It's not even out of the way.

- What?

Suddenly, you have a rich
grandmother I've never heard of.

- So?
- So we're about to pick up Jacob.

We should not bring him
along while you steal $ ,

from this... grandmother.

We're not stealing it.
We're just getting it.

You are scheming something. I know you.

Not very well if you don't
even know I have a grandmother.


She's Estelle's mom.
She's real. Trust me.

And she's just going
to give you $ , ?

Yes, because she's insanely rich.

Then we'll give Lashever the money,

this will all be over, and
we can go back to Tybee.

- And then what?
- And then...

we live.







Let's just get Jacob now.

We are still a half hour early.

When I Facetimed with Jacob,

he said Sean and Bethenny
were having a weird party.

What kind of a weird party?

I don't know. But if
we surprise them early,

they might not have time
to hide whatever it is.

Knowing Sean, he's probably
cooking meth in the basement.


- You're early.
- No traffic.

Uh, Jacob isn't packed yet.

No problem. We'll wait.

Such a cute house.

- Bless you.

Oh, I meant to say sorry
about the dog thing.

I forgot you were allergic.

No worries at all. He's so cute.

He's in the laundry room in
the travel cage we got him.

He's all ready to go.

Is Jacob almost ready to go?

Uh, Jacob?

JACOB: I'm finishing packing!

He didn't expect you so early either.

Oh, we bought him all those
books he needed for school.

$ for school books.
You can Venmo me the $ .

Keep the change.


Who are those people?

Members of our church.

We hold prayer meetings out there.

Letty. Letty! Wait!


♪ Hard time forgiving ♪

♪ Even harder forgetting ♪

♪ Before you do something ♪

♪ You might regret, friend ♪

♪ Bricks are caving in ♪

♪ Oh, how sweet this sin ♪

♪ I left you the keys ♪

♪ You won't let me in ♪

♪ Hard time forgiving ♪

♪ Even harder forgetting ♪

♪ Before you do something ♪

What the hell? You're
sh**ting porn again?

That's actually what our
production company's called.

With Jacob under your roof?

Oh, no. Jacob doesn't
know anything about it.

Jesus Christ, Sean.

Please, don't use the
Lord's name in vain.

- Are you serious, bitch?
- Well, it's all completely legit.

Okay, okay, please, everybody.

Calm down.

Porn Again is just our home business.

We make adult films
for Christian couples.

Wait. Is she serious? Porn Again?

It's... it's a play on words.

Oh, no, I get it.

That's why Eve was
just about to blow Adam.

It's Mary and Joseph.

[LAUGHS] I can't. I just can't.

I know it might seem unusual,

but we are doing our
fellow Christian families

a great service.

The videos are an aid

to keep sex exciting

between married couples,

to help keep them on
the straight and narrow.

I'll bet. Has Sean ever
told you about how we met?

Make sure he tells you the whole story.

It's really sweet. He
taught me so many things.

Like how to sh**t myself up with heroin.

I remember it so well because
it was my th birthday present.

Oh, and you might wanna Google
his porn name... Johnson Biggs.

You get it?

He was pretty famous in his day.

But first, go get my f*cking son.


Hey, Jacob. Did you decide on his name?

- Fred.
- I like Fred.

Jacob, did you...

Did you ever see what was
going on in Sean's garage?

Yeah, but it's not real porn.

What do you mean it's not real porn?

They don't have real sex like
normal porn on the Internet.

How do you know about normal...

So Sean and Bethenny told
you what they were doing?

They let you in the garage?

No. They thought I didn't know,
but it was kind of obvious.

Why didn't you call me and tell me?

I don't know. I keep your secrets,

so I figured I should
keep their secrets, too.

How long till we get
back to the beach house?

Oh, I have a surprise for you.

We're making a stop on
the way so you can meet

your grand-grandma, Alice.

I didn't know I had a great-grandma.

Neither did I.

- Is this a plantation?
- No.

I think it's a plantation.

No. They don't have plantations anymore.

Don't worry.



There you are!

Welcome to Rolling Oaks Plantation.

Hello there.

Alice Jasper.

Nice to meet you.


I've missed you.

I missed you, too.

And this must be my great-grandson.

- Are you Nana's mom?
- Sort of.

Yes. She is. At least biologically.

- And you've brought your dog.

And he looks like a winner to me, huh?

Royce Jasper. Everyone calls me R.J.

- Letty.
- I know. I've heard a lot about you.

- Huh. It's all true.

Javier... and Jacob, hmm?

Yeah, Alice has given
me the whole rundown,

and I'm good with names.

Well, come in, come in.

- Will the dog pee everywhere?
- Maybe.

I'll stay outside with Jacob and Fred.

We can't stay long anyway.

ALICE: Nonsense! You just got here.

- R.J., could you?
- Yep, yep, yep. Come on, boys.

- Let's go take a bathroom walk, huh?

You need to see the house.

We just use it to make people jealous.

When was the last time
I saw you, Leticia?

Oh, yes, I remember.

It was right around the time
my Porsche went missing.

Well, I learned from the best.

♪ I snatch that gas
and rise from the ash ♪

Don't even think about it.

I've already locked away
the really good stuff.

It's no fun if it's easy.

That's my line. Steals everything.

There's something at the
house almost every week.

Big fundraiser tonight for
Alzheimer's or something.

Can't remember.

Javier is big into philanthropy.

I used to be a fundraiser...
for celebrities.

But it was a crazy life.

The straw that broke
the camel's back was, uh,

- Gwyneth Paltrow.


If that isn't the biggest
pile of Letty Raines bullshit

I've ever heard, I don't know what is.

- It's better when I tell it.

Excuse me.

Well, he is gorgeous.

Your accent is terrible.

Are you a cotton farmer?

[LAUGHS] No. No, no, I'm in finance.

But my ancestors, they
were cotton farmers.

During the w*r of Northern aggression.

You mean the Civil w*r.

Oh... yeah.

You know something? This
could all be yours one day.

That's okay. I'm good.

And then we took a ride with that guy.

- Oh, my God!

Oh, no. No, wait!
Wait, it was that yacht.

It was that yacht on Biscayne Bay.

- Don't you remember?
- Yeah.

With the ugly strippers.

And that rapper guy
Master Z or something.

- And the boat started taking on water...
- Yes!

So we got in that rubber
dinghy with a quarter million

of his gold chains.

And we never took our high heels.

What were we thinking?

Oh, Letty. I miss those days.

Well, it wasn't all fun and games.

We almost got ourselves
k*lled a couple of times.

Well, it's no fun if it's easy.

Are you ready?


Oh, my God. [LAUGHS]

I have one just like this,
but I had to dye it black.

Can I borrow?

Oh, you never borrowed
anything in your life.

- I'm sorry about the Porsche.
- Yeah.

Thanks for not sending me to jail.

Well, I thought about it.

But as it turns out,
you were already there.

Glad you got out.

Good behavior.

- Sounds boring.
- So boring.

But really, what's
with the British accent?

[SCOFFS] It's so bad.

God, I know.

Well, when I was introduced
to R.J., it just came out,

and now I'm stuck with it.

These old Southern blue bloods

love it, though.

get to bury my backstory

in British nobility nobody can disprove.



What's your story these days?

I'm just, you know, trying
to do the normal thing.

Raising Jacob.

It's not easy.


Which is why I'm here.

- How much?
- $ , .

- For what?
- Raising a kid.

- When do you need it?
- Like, now.

We can't stay.

Oh, Letty, come on. You just got here.

I'll come back another time
and we can hang out for real.

I just... we just need
to get out of here.

So do I.

But it's not that easy.


I know R.J. is screwing around
on me, but I can't prove it.

So just leave. That's your whole thing.

No, it's different with
R.J. With R.J., I get %.

I mean, of everything.

It's the ultimate payday.
But only if he cheats.

No. No way.

I am not seducing another
one of your husbands.

But it worked so well that one time.

That was a million years ago.

Things are different now. I'm a mother.

[SIGHS] Jesus, Alice, I'm on a deadline.

For what? Getting school
supplies at Staples?

Just please give me the money.

Nothing in life is free, babe.

You're the one who taught me
everything in life is free.

Well, not this time.

I've never had any problem
getting men to divorce me

for %, but R.J. won't do
that no matter how impossible

or crazy I get.

No way. No way.

He ain't hard to like.


You don't have to sleep with him.

You just have to get him to try.

I need proof.

No. You and Sofia
cannot come live with me.

Just call your mom.


Well, then you have to
tell me where you are.

Now, my great-great-great uncle,

he... he fought in
the Battle of Antietam.

You heard of the Battle of Antietam?

My great-great-great-great-great

- was in the Civil w*r, too.
- Now, you don't say.

Yeah, his name was Robert Smalls.

He was a sl*ve who
freed himself, his crew,

and their families from
sl*very by commandeering

a Confederate transport
ship in Charleston Harbor

and sailing it to the U.S. Blockade.

He was a hero.

Very impressive.

Well, hi, Mom.

Oh, that reminds me.
It's time for cocktails.

See you in a few.

It's only : .

That's not true about Sean's ancestors.

I know. They're from Canada.

Robert Smalls was a guy
we learned about last year

- during Black History Month.
- Why did you lie?

I don't know. I was kind
of tired of listening to

a white guy talk about
his sl*ve-owning relatives.

Okay, well, unfortunately,

we have to stay here a
little longer than I thought.

Why is your grandma from England?

Will you give us a second, Jacob?



- Everything okay?
- No.

Daniela and Sofia ran away.

They're mad at Ava. It's
something to do with Teo,

but the reception kept cutting out.

- Where are they?
- The bus station in Savannah.

- They want to come live with us.

- Holy shit.
- I know.

I told them to wait
there, so we need to go.

- Did you get the money?
- Not yet.

- Why?
- It's tricky.

You said she would just give it to you.

She will, but I can't look
like I just came for the money.

I have to find the right time to ask.

Now is a good time. I
have to go to the girls.

I know. Okay, you go. I'll stay
with Jacob and get the money.


I'll get it by the end of the night,

and then we're home free.




Mm. It's your girlfriend.

- She's not my girlfriend.

- Her name is Letty.

Stop defending her.

You better be standing outside
with a trunk full of cash.

- Can you see what I'm wearing?
- No.

A seafoam green bridesmaid's dress.

Remember that bachelorette
video in the Sprinter?

My sister Mary Ann is getting
married to some... nugget

from New Jersey.

- Wedding is tonight.
- That's nice.

No, not nice.

Did you ever see a
-year-old Bridezilla?

It's a shit show.

- Where is my money?
- That's why I'm calling.

We got most of it, but I can't
bring you the whole amount

until tomorrow.



Will you take ? I
can get that to you now.

This is not the William Morris Agency.

You don't get %.

Please, just one more day.

I swear, I'll have
it to you by tomorrow.

Aren't you at the
wedding tonight, anyway?

Tomorrow by : , and
don't think I don't know

exactly where you are.

Okay, yeah. Thanks.
Have fun at the wedding.

Why can't it be our wedding?

Why can't... What?

Why not us get married?

Yeah, I know what this is.

- This is that thing you do

where you lead me down a
path, and I believe you,

and then you smack me down
with peals of laughter.

Obviously, we're not getting married.

Oh, so romantic.

I propose.

And you doubt my intentions
with foul language.

Why do you have tuxedos
for kids just lying around?

Well, when you have as many
black-tie affairs as we do,

you need backups.

I Googled your ancestors.

I found out your great-great
grandfather owned slaves

and died of something called syphilis.

Well, those were different times.

You look very handsome in that tux.




You're really up shit's creek.

That money isn't for Jacob.

It is, in a way.

If I don't get it, I'll
never see him again.

I'll be in prison.

Well...[SCOFFS] That
doesn't make much sense.

Yeah, look, you don't
want me to explain it.

So if you get the money, what then?

Off to the next scam? No.

We have a house.

Jacob starts school next week.

Javier has a job.

He's a cook.

And what are you going to do?

Be Jacob's mom.

Letty, look at me.

Do you remember how good I was?

Alice Lewis. One of the
great uncredited jewel thieves

in American history, and in the ' s,

I had a pretty good
run in Europe, to boot,

but it wasn't all talent.

I was young and I needed that high.

And it let me get away
with things I could never

get away with now... Things
you're getting away with.

Eventually, I had to switch it up.

So I'm just wondering,

what is your game plan?

To have my own family.

To raise Jacob into a good person.

Why are you making me
work so hard for this?

Because working is how
normal people make money.




Oh, my...

My God, it's been so
weird not seeing you.

I know. It's been weird for me, too.

We missed you.

And I'm sure your mom
misses you right now.

- No, she doesn't.
- She's probably scared to death.

No, she's not.

She hasn't noticed we're gone.
She hasn't even called us.


- Don't make us go back.
- He can't make us go back.

No one can make us do anything.

This is America.


Let's get some food.

You don't get it.

That Teo guy literally moved in.

To our house.

Your mother must've
wanted him to move in.

Obviously. He clings to her
like a leech and she loves it.

Doesn't sound like your mom.

That's what we're trying to
tell you. She's not herself.

And she can't even see it.

Sometimes it's hard to see yourself.

But she can't even see how gross he is.

He thinks he's our dad.

The guy showed up, like, days ago,

and now he's our dad
and lives in our house.

Have you talked to your mom about this?

We can't even make eye
contact with her without him

staring back at us.

Does it seem like Teo's doing dr*gs?

I mean, if you told me
he was a major druggie,

I would be like, "Okay."

Is he?

Maybe that explains the Wifi thing.

What Wifi thing?

He changed the password
to the Wifi in our house

and then wouldn't give it
to us for, like, three hours.

Thank you. Thank you.


I still have to call your mom.


This will all be okay. I promise.

- Sofia, I need your phone.
- Why?

She won't pick up if it's him.


Thank you.

SOFI TUKKER: ♪ I think
that I'll keep loving you ♪

Where's the bar?

Is drinking and driving a good idea?

If by driving, you mean
trying to... your husband.


Ooh, thank you.

♪ That's the way it goes ♪

♪ It's just us two, it's déjà vu ♪

♪ It's what we know ♪

♪ That's the way we like it ♪

♪ Don't complicate ♪

♪ No need to fight it, just invite it ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I think that I'll keep loving you ♪

♪ Way past ♪

♪ We made a language for us
two we don't need to describe ♪

♪ Every time you call
on me, I drop what I do ♪

♪ You are my best friend and
we've got some shit to sh**t ♪

wanna see what this is worth?

[GASPS, VOICE ECHOING] Total steal. Right?

That's worth at least grand.

Vodka martini, bruised with a twist.

MAN: Yes, ma'am.


I told you, I'll have the cash tomorrow.

It's me... Christian.

- It's me... Christian.
- Hi, Lefty.

Are you okay?

Guess what?

I got married.

No, you didn't. You're drunk.

You're at Lashever's sister's wedding.

I know, but we got married on the way.

You can...[LAUGHS]

You can congratulate us tomorrow

when you bring me my money by : .

Or... or no more Mrs. Nice Guy.




Can I actually get
another one? For a friend.

MAN: No problem.


- Oh, come on!
- Oh!

- No, no, no...


Don't waste your time.

He's obviously sleeping with that girl.

Miss Savannah Sperm Bank?


You don't think I already
barked up that twat?

I need real intent to penetrate.

Fine. But if I can prove
she's sleeping with him,

then I don't have to.

However you get the job done,
but she beats him at tennis.

You're off your game, babe.

Having a kid'll do that.

♪ The sun went down, but we stayed up ♪

- ♪ We could never get enough ♪

And stiff as a board.

- [LAUGHS] Never that, never that.

Oh, Letty, come on over.

- Everyone, this is my...
- Oh, no blood relation.

Hey, hands off, bitch.

R.J.'s mine.


Me, but on "Southern Charm."


So you're an actress?

Mm? No.

It's a reality show.

Oh, so you're on a reality show.


R.J. and my granddaddy were
best friends growing up.

And ever since my granddaddy died,

R.J. has been nothing but good to me.

- Mm, mm, mm.
- Mm.

I love him more than,
like, anyone in the world.

- Oh.

Maybe they should auction you off.

Not a chance.

He's priceless.


Is there any way you could
get me another champagne?

- Sure.
- Thank you.


Isn't she a doll?

- You're a doll.


Let's go. In the car now.

- Oh, my God. Chill out.
- Now.

Hi, Dad.


Well, goodbye forever, I guess.

Not forever.


You moved into my sister's house.

You accused me of k*lling Silk.

Are you doing coke again?

I've been clean years.

Why did you change the Wifi
password in Ava's house?

Because, speaking of cocaine,

have you noticed those
girls on their phones?

Social media addiction is
an actual chemical thing.















And I... I don't judge.

I know your life has
been... complicated.

But I'll take care of Ava and the girls.

You take care of Letty and Jacob.

How do you know his name?

Ava told me.

You're lucky to have a
new family of your own.

Go be with them.

Ava will always be my family.

Of course she will.

But you need to give her time.

And you need to give me a chance.

Please stay away.

You do understand who you are, right?

I do.

I'm the person people hire

to k*ll people who have f*ck with them.

Or hurt someone in their
family that they love.

I'm very good at it.

And they never, ever see me coming.

You can go now.


Everybody, this handsome
lad is my grandson.

- Great-grandson.
- Yes, quite so.

Great-grandson. Isn't
he the sweetest fellow?


Shall we play some make believe?

Actually, he's from Zimbabwe.

My granddaughter adopted him
from one of those villages

with all the flies.

It's just like Angelina Jolie.

WOMAN: What's his name?


I love it. What does it mean?

Oh, oh, no, no, no.
He... he just got here.

He doesn't speak much English yet.

But he's going to learn, isn't he?

Of course he is.

Well, I can't sit here all
night or Alice will k*ll me.

- No.

- Well...[KISSES]
- Bye, R.J.



Okay, be honest.

About what?

You and R.J.

He's a real sweetheart.

And rich.

So rich.

I mean, it's kind of obvious
what's going on between you two.

Don't worry, I'll keep your secret,

but you might want to
tone it down a little.

Between me and R.J.? [LAUGHS]

Who have you been talkin' to?

No one. I've been sitting here.

Honey, my family owns
half of South Carolina.

I don't need some old man's money.

He's sweet, and we flirt,

but it's the South,
babe, it's what we do.

That can't be all you do.

You're right.

I also go to him for financial advice.

He's not my type.


That's my type.



What happened? Are the girls okay?

We'll talk later. Let's go.

Did you get the money?

No. Not yet.

- Almost.
- Almost?

So when Letty telephoned
from Africa, I said,

"You have got to adopt that little boy."

WOMAN: She saved that boy's life.

Do you know what? He
saved us right back.


- I'm taking Jacob out of here.
- Great.

Hey, Jacob. Let's go. I need
to talk to you for a moment.

[WHISPERS] You have one hour.

The boyfriend. They're thinking
of changing his name to Jacob.

But I like Imamu.

♪ Must let ♪

♪ Me ♪

♪ Help ♪

♪ You ♪

No more champagne.

♪ You ♪


[NO ACCENT] That necklace
was donated by Bitsy Caldwell.

It was an heirloom.

[SCOFFS] Whatever.

They'll blame it on a cater waiter.
My purse? Are you accusing me?

MAN: Oh, absolutely,
and you know what...

R.J. isn't cheating on you.

Not with Savannah, anyway.

I told you that.

Jesus, Letty!

I give you a simple g*dd*mn job to do.

I did a better job.

I don't need any jewelry.

I need to get out of here.

It's worth $ , . You
can have it for $ , .

I'm not playing with you, girl.

You just don't get it, do
you? I am done with all this.

This is my last job.

No more acting, no more lying.

Just g*dd*mn tired.

I want my own life back.

Just me, myself, and
a villa in Portofino.

And you're just gonna leave
R.J. with only % of his money?

He'll be fine.

[SCOFFS] You're heartless.

Everyone has a heart.

But I know mine.

It's just like yours.

It's only so big.

And it wears you out.

It wears other people out.

And there's not a shot in hell

Javier won't bounce when
you finally wear him out.

I don't need a lecture.

Well, then, get back to work.

- Yes.


You know, Jacob, that was
wrong of Alice to make up

- that story about you.
- It's okay.

I think she just wanted
those people to like her.

And it's fun to pretend
to be someone else.

Yeah, I know, but lying
just leads to more lies.

You should always tell
the truth if you can.

Everybody lies.

Not everybody.

You do.

I, uh...

sometimes, yeah.

We all do sometimes.

But once you start to lie, believe me,

it is very difficult to stop.

But if you stop now, you can
have a life that is truthful,

a life where you can
be proud of who you are,

where you don't have to
pretend to be someone else.

So now I can use my real name
when I start my new school.

Let's talk to your mom about that, hmm?

- Been what? Illegal.
- Absolutely.

Letty. Later, gentlemen.

Let's go for a walk. I haven't
seen the rest of your property.

Just us.

I don't think Javier would like that.

I'm not married to Javier.

But I'm married... to Alice.

- I'm... I'm sorry. I gotta go.
- Hmm.

Letty, I know what you're trying to do.

And I know Alice put you up to it.

She's been trying to leave me
since the day we got married.

Oh, come on.

That British accent?

Then why are you with her?

'Cause I love her in spite of it all.

Maybe I love her because of it all.

And it doesn't bother you

that she's trying to
take all your money?

I haven't held on to
my money all these years

by being some silver-spooned idiot.

I've always had my pick of
women because, well, you know,

money and good looks.


But there's nobody like Alice.

She's a blast.

She's the woman I want
to finish this life with.


And if you found someone that
feels the same way about you,

don't you throw him away.

Oh, what's wrong?

Alice was paying me to
get the goods on you.

It's money I need to get
out of some deep shit.

How much?

$ , .

Cash okay?


All right. Come with me.

- That was fun.
- [SIGHS] Yeah.

You're getting to be a very good player.

You're pretty good, too.



- [g*n COCKS]
- Ow, ow.










- [THUD]

- [g*nsh*t]

- [g*n COCKS]


It's okay, it's okay. Jacob,
listen to me. It's okay.

It's okay. You're okay now.

Jacob, listen to me, that man,

he was just trying to steal our car.

- Did you sh**t him?
- Yes. Just a little. Yes.

Look at me, Jacob. It's okay.

I'm gonna call your mom
to come get you, okay?

And we're gonna call the police.

It's okay. We'll sit for a minute.

Let's just sit for a minute.

Sit here for a minute,
that's it. That's it, buddy.

That's it. It's okay. It's okay.

I know.

I know.



I gotta hand it to you,
you got me on this one.

- Well, we're the same.

Not completely.

Right. You're years older.


You really were like a mother to me.

Oh, sweetheart, let's be real.

I recruited you into
going on crime sprees.

It doesn't mean I don't love you,

but I was nothing like a mother.

I've never told you this
story because, frankly,

it's one I'd rather forget.

But it was .

I was living with this guy

who may or may not be your grandfather.


And I was / months
pregnant with your mother.

But it didn't show much
and I hid it really well,

so nobody knew.

We were living in a van. [LAUGHS]

And we had run out of party money,

so we decided that we would
stick up a liquor store.

But the owner didn't mess around
and he started sh**ting at us

with a double-barreled shotgun.

He caught Andy in the
thigh, I trip over a curb...

Andy's the guy who might
be your grandfather...

And I went down hard, and
it put me right into labor.

But when I had Estelle, I...

I didn't give a second
thought about giving her up.

I knew I couldn't raise her.

Even though she would hate
me, and I knew she'd hate me

the rest of my life...
And the rest of hers.

I knew I couldn't
give up chasing that...

That rush of adrenaline.

I couldn't give up the fun.

I couldn't give up myself.

And neither can you.

We chose this life. Estelle didn't.

And neither did Jacob.

You can't drag him around
with you while you and Javier

do whatever the hell it
is you guys are doing.

- I don't wanna hear this.
- But you have to.

[VOICE BREAKING] No, I love Jacob.

He's the most important
thing in my life.

Love isn't always enough.

I'll tell you who ended up

being a good mother... Your mother.

Of all people.

Jacob belongs with her.

And I think you know it.

Go to hell. You didn't even
try to be a good mother.

At least I still have a chance.

There's more than one
way to be a good mother.

And if you think for one minute
you are ever going to have

the last word with me...

think again.




Where are you guys?





Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Are you okay?

He saw me sh**t that guy
who tried to steal our car.

[CRYING] Okay.

Okay, I got you. You're all right.

The police are on their way.

Just take him back to Alice's house.

I'll come get you when I
finish here with the police.

















♪ What in the world are we doing here? ♪

♪ What is the meaning of it all? ♪

♪ To fall in love, to make a life ♪

♪ That's calm and stable ♪

♪ Or just to find a
place where I belong? ♪

♪ All that I know ♪

♪ All that I see ♪

- Where are we going?

♪ Inside of me ♪


♪ All that I've done ♪

We're taking you home.

♪ There must be more to this ♪

♪ Wonderful ♪

♪ Terrible ♪

♪ Beautiful ♪

♪ Life ♪