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08x23 - Aunt Bee's Big Moment

Posted: 12/11/21 09:55
by bunniefuu
These look just
wonderful, aunt bee!

Oh, they're really
very simple to make.

Well, I suppose they are if
you've got the knack for baking,

which I haven't.

Oh, sounds like
the athletes have returned.

We've timed it just right.

Hi. We are back.

Hello, Howard.
Hello, goober.

Coffee's all ready.

Hey, that's for me.

Now, how was the bowling?

Well, we didn't exactly
rip up the alley.

No, it was just one
of them off nights.

I remember in the third frame

I was way off stride.

I reached out to throw...

Aunt bee?

Opie, you're interrupting
Mr. Sprague.

Oh, I'm sorry.

What'd you want?

How do you spell "renaissance"?

Why don't you look it up?

I can't find the dictionary.

Oh. Oh, well, um...

Uh, r-e-n...

Uh, r-e-n-a...

Oh, boy.

Well, certainly,
miss crump should know.

Oh. Uh, renaissance:



I thought it was r-e-n-i-s...

Opie, miss crump is
your teacher.

Oh, sorry.

Also a state
spelling bee champion.


No kidding?

I was in the eighth grade,

but I think they
spell it the same.

Yeah, I guess so.

Well, thanks a lot.

Hey, that must have
been something.

Not everybody's done that.

Oh, it was a thrill.

I'll certainly
never forget that.

Like the time I won
the pancake-eating contest

at the county fair... pancakes
with syrup and butter.

Can't eat like that anymore.

Well, I guess we've all

got things like that
to look back on...

Kind of high points
in our lives.

I'll never forget
how proud you were

the first time
you were elected sheriff.

Oh, I got to admit
that was something.

Thing I remember most is
when you caught the winning

touchdown pass against
mt. Pilot high... fourth quarter

four seconds to go, fourth down.

I was fourth-string end.

You were the hero of the day.

They carried you off the field
on their shoulders.

Had to carry me off, too,
after eating them pancakes.

I'll bet.

Yeah, the big highlight
of my life

was that time I moved
to the Caribbean.

I'll bet that took
a lot of nerve to do.

Oh, it was an adventure,
all right.

'Course, I didn't like it
well enough to stay.

Some cookies, Helen?

Oh, no, thank you.

"Hors d'oeuvres"...
That's the word I won on.


Sure was beautiful down there,

all those palm trees.

Yeah, I'll bet.

Howard, some more coffee?

No, thanks.

Great weather, too.

Sun all the time.

You don't know
what my secret was?

Secret for what?
Eating the pancakes.

Starved yourself for a week?

That's where you're wrong.

The idea is to stuff yourself

for a month or two.

It stretches your
stomach muscles.

See, I eat and eat...

You were kind of quiet tonight.

No, I was just listening.

You should've joined in.

It's a lot of fun to
brag at one another.

I suppose, if you've got
something to brag about.

Oh, well... we
were just talking.

I know, but I didn't
have anything

to add to the conversation.

Well, of course, you did.

Oh, no, I didn't.

What have I ever done?

Well, aunt bee,
that's ridiculous.

You went to Mexico City
for two weeks.

Oh, well,
that's no accomplishment.

All you need is a ticket.

Now, wait a minute, aunt bee.

I can't think of anybody

who's led a richer, Fuller life
than you have.

Oh, I know.
I've been very happy.

I wouldn't trade it with anyone.

It's just that I've never
done anything really on my own...

You know, nothing really
important, no real high point.

I wouldn't call goober
eating a bunch of pancakes

a high point.

Well, it is to goober.

It's just that I'd like
to be able to say

I did something that
not many other people have...

Something... different.

Here's something different
in this ad.

Oh, what's that?

You could take flying lessons.

Oh, come on.

You better go to bed.


I'm gonna read a while.

Flying lessons.

At my age?

You're going to do what?

I'm going to look
into those flying lessons.

For yourself?

Well, of course.

Hey, great!

You can't do that.

Why not?

Well, because...

Oh, oh, all right,
go ahead and say it.

You think I'm too old.

Oh, no, no, it's not that.

Well, you happen to be wrong

because it says right there

"you're never too old to
fly." "...Too old to fly."

I see that. I see that.

But you might not like it.

Sure, she will.


Well, maybe I will
and maybe I won't,

but I'll never find out
just standing here.

It only costs five dollars
for a demonstration flight,

and... I'm going to have one.

Well, I guess a thing
like that's up to you.

I'll get my purse.

Oh... Andy, could you drive me
out to the airport?


You know how nervous I get
when I drive out on the highway.

Oh... oh, excuse me.

Oh, yes, ma'am?

We saw this ad

for a demonstration flight
for five dollars.

Right. So you're interested
in flying?

Oh, it's not for me.

It's, uh,

for her.

Wonderful. Would you like
to go up right now?

Right now?

Yes, I was just going up
for a spin.

Uh, well, um...

If you've changed your mind...

No, no.
Aren't you going to do it?

Well, of course, I am,
it's just that if you're busy...

Oh, not at all;
That's my business.

I'll be right back.


Well... here you go.


Boy, it sure is
a neat-looking plane.

Yes. It certainly looked
bigger in the picture.

Hey, Andy!

- Hey...
- Hi.

Hi, goob. What are
you doing here?

I had some auto parts
airfreighted in from Detroit.

Hey, goob, guess what?

Aunt bee is going to
take flying lessons.

Well, I'll be doggoned.

Oh, I'm just going for a ride

to see if I like it.

I'll bet you'll be doing
the loop-de-loop.

Well, I hope not.

You'll be zooming and turning

doing barrel rolls
and tailspins...

All set?

Well, all right.

You take the pilot's seat.

Oh, I can't fly.

Well, I know that.

I thought you might like
to sit over there.

I'll fly from this side.

Come on, lady;
You're going to love it.

Ain't this something?

Boy, it sure is.

Well, I never
would've believed it.

What ever give her
the idea for this, Andy?

Well, goob,
it's kind of hard to explain.

Looks like
they're all ready to go.


Good flying!

Watch out for the red baron!

We're up now.


Oh, I didn't know
we'd go up so fast.

These little babies
move right along.

Oh! What happened?

Just throttled back
to reduce the r.P.M.


Say, uh, how would you like
to fly over your house?

Oh, that'd be fun.

Where do you live?

Well, it should be over...

Oh... my goodness.

Boy, wait'll I tell Arnold

we're going to have
a pilot in the family.

I wouldn't tell
anybody just yet.

Don't you think
she's going to do it?

No. I don't even think
she wanted to go up.

She just got out here
and couldn't get out of it.

Maybe she'll love it.

Once she gets her feet
back on the ground,

she'll love that part of it.

She's coming in!

I wonder how she liked it.

We'll see.

But whatever you do,
don't kid her about it.

Well, she looks okay.

Oh, ho-ho...

How was it, aunt bee?

Oh, my goodness...
Did you have fun?

Just a minute;
Let me get my breath.

Would you like to sit down?

No, no! You know,
we went up over , feet,

and Mr. MacDonald
took a steep bank

and when he dropped his wings...

Flaps, ma'am, flaps.

Yes. Oh... oh, it was
quite an experience.

Well, don't worry about it.
At least you gave it a try.

See you Monday morning.


Monday morning?

Yes. To start my flying lessons.

Hey, great!

Hot dog.

Now, aunt bee...

I want a big moment in my life,

and I'm going to have one.

After all, Helen won
the spelling bee contest

and you caught
the touchdown pass...

And I am going to solo.


Fly alone?


Shall we go?

♪ Off we go

♪ into the wild blue yonder

aunt bee, aunt bee, aunt bee...

Are you sure this is what
you want to do?

You've already
accomplished something

in just flying in a plane.

Oh, Andy, I'm determined
to solo!

Well, it may be harder
than you think!

Well, I don't care!

The challenge is important.

And I'm late!

♪ Off we go
into the wild blue yonder ♪

If we fly over the courthouse,

we'll waggle our wings at you!

Good luck.

I'm checking the gas.

Remember, when you pre-flight
your plane,

you always check
the gas visually.

Leave nothing to chance.

Check gas visually.

That's right.

Now we check the oil.

Good, mm-hmm.

Next we drain the fuel sump.

Oh, it's leaking!

No, no, I did that.

You're always supposed to check
a little of the gasoline

to make sure there's
no water in it, see?

To make sure there's
no waternext, we check the prop

for nicks or damage.

Just a minute, please.

Now, we check the gas visually

and we check the oil.

Then we check the fuel dump.


Fuel sump...

For water,
and then we check the prop.

Is that all?

Oh, no... then we check
the other gas t*nk

then the hinge pins
on the ailerons

and we check
the elevator and rudder.

Oh, dear.

Turn-and-bank indicator,

air speed, directional gyro,

horizon, tachometer,

oil temperature,
manifold pressure,

oil pressure,

carburetor air temperature,
cylinder-head temperature,

altimeter, fuel gauges,
rate-of-climb indicator.

Oh, dear.

You suppose she'll enter
the powder puff derby?

Goober, she's just taking

her first flying lesson.

But she'll be soloing
before you know it.

Yeah, floating around up there
in the wild blue yonder.

I heard it gets
to them pilots after a while.

Raptures of the sky.

You're just jumping
to conclusions.

She may decide
not to go through with it.

Ah, don't be a killjoy.

Hey, maybe she'll
give us a ride.

Hey, yeah. I can just see us
up there flying now

with aunt bee at the controls.

Well, uh... I wouldn't want
to impose on her.

No, it wouldn't be right.

Now, look, fellas...

Hey, maybe that's
her now. Come on.

Hey, that's the plane
ain't it, Andy?

It looks like it.

Yeah, yeah, she's
wagging her wings.

She said she would.

Well, just try to keep
the wings level.

Well, I'm doing the best I can.

Well, take it easy;
Take it easy.

That's all right.

Take it easy.

All those dials
and switches and regulations.

I'll never remember them.

There's just too much to learn.

I imagine there is.

There must be two
dozen instruments

and the only one
I recognized is the clock.

You looked like you
were doing fine

with the flying.

We saw you wagging
your wings at us.

Oh, I was wagging my
wings from the moment

we took off till
the moment we landed.

You don't have to do this.

Well, I want to.

You don't have to prove
anything to anybody.

It's not that important.

Well, it's important to me

and besides, I can't quit now.

As my instructor says:

I've already flown further

than Orville Wright.

Okay, just try
a gentle turn to the right.

That's it.


Now to the left.

Hey, that's it.

Just a little more rudder.

You're doing fine.
That's it.

Well, this isn't so hard.

Whoa, keep your eye on the road.

You're dropping your wing.

Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Whoo.

Hey, those last landings
went pretty good.

I'm beginning
to get the feel of it.

I think so, too.

You've had about
lessons, right?

That's right.

I think it's about time then
for you to solo.


Tomorrow should be a good day.


Oh, hi, aunt bee!

How was your
flying lesson today?

Aunt bee?

Hmm? Oh, oh. Fine, fine.

I-I'm supposed to solo tomorrow.

Hey, great.

Get to go up
all by yourself, huh?

Yeah, that's the plan.
Are you nervous?

I knew you wouldn't be...
Wait till I tell the guys!


Mixture rich.

Carburetor heat.

Switch to fullest t*nk.

Now, turn the base...

Whoops. The flaps.

I forgot the flaps.


Now, where was I?

Now, where was I?

Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

Where's the platter?

You washed it.

Oh, oh, yes, so I did.

Aunt bee...


You don't have to solo.

If you're uneasy about it,
just forget it.

I'm not uneasy about it

and I don't want to forget it.

It's just that I had

some other things planned
for tomorrow.

I wanted to bake a cake for Opie

and I have to find a speaker
for the garden club.

Oh, that's important.

No, I'm not making any excuses.

Well, I know you're not.

Yes, I am.

Oh, Andy, I'm not ready to solo.

Oh, then don't do it.

But Mr. MacDonald
says I'm ready.

Then do it.

But I'm not ready.

I-i-i-i don't know what I am.

I think I'd better go
for a walk.

Hi there, aunt bee.

Oh, hello, Howard.

Hey, Opie tells me

you're going to be
soloing tomorrow, huh?

Huh. Well...

Bet you can't wait.

Must be pretty exciting.

Well, it's a big moment,
all right.

Yeah, I got to hand
it to you, though.

You seem pretty calm about it.

Night before I left
for the Caribbean,

I had knots in my stomach,
couldn't sleep a wink.

You did?

Yeah. Of course,
I dreamed up

a million excuses
why I couldn't go.

You did?

'Course, I'm not like you.

I-I get very nervous

when I have big
decisions to make.

But you went.

Oh, you're darn right I did,

and I'll never regret it.

Biggest thing in my life.

The stupid thing
was all that time

I spent worrying about it.


Well, good luck
tomorrow, aunt bee.


Night, Howard.

Flaps down.

Turn base.

Watch air speed.

Flaps down.

Turn base.

Take her away...
You're on your own.

Oh. Oh, one more
practice, please.

Don't worry.

You'll do just fine.

Just circle the field
and land, okay?

This is it, she's going up!

Sure looks like it.

I never would have believed it.

She isn't moving.

Well, give her time.

Is something wrong?

No. She'll go
if she feels ready.

That may be the problem.

She's up. She's up;
Helen, she's up.

Just tell me when she lands.

Here she comes!

She did it! She did it!

I told you she could do it.

Well, miss Taylor, here you are.

Proof that you soloed.

Oh... thank you.

Thank you very much.

You going to have
it framed, aunt bee?

Well, of course, I am!

Andy, I did it.

I soloed.

I believe she's
mentioned that before.

Only about times.

Congratulations, aunt bee.

Thank you.

You going right on now
for your pilot's license?

Well, maybe I will,
but I've had my big moment.

That's all I really cared about.

I know just how she feels.

Just like the time

I landed that big marlin
down in St. Petersburg.

pounds, it was.

That's about how heavy I felt

after I ate them pancakes.

Sure was pretty
out there in that Gulf.

If you want to see blue waters,
you ought to see the Caribbean.

Well, yes,
the ocean is beautiful

but if you ask me,
the sky is the prettiest

especially when you're up there
all by yourself, like a bird...

With the whole world
at your feet.

Here you are, Andy.
Oh, thanks.

I wonder if she'll
every fly again.

Oh, it's hard to tell.

I don't think she's made up
her own mind yet.

Well, she's had her thrill...

That's the important part.

Yeah, it's that one
big time that counts.

I know in my own case,
them pancakes,

it was strictly a one-shot.

That right?
Yeah, once I ate them that was it.

I suppose a lot of guys would go
on and try to beat their record.

Yeah, I guess some guys would.

Not me, though... I got no urge
to do it at all.

None at all, huh?

Nope, when I go into
a restaurant now

to have pancakes, I just have
a normal portion of or .
