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08x04 - Andy's Trip to Raleigh

Posted: 12/11/21 07:05
by bunniefuu
How's that?


Somewhere out there,
there's a buyer for this baby.

You really think you're
gonna sell that thing?

Andy, everything doesn't have to
be up-to-date and modern.

This thing has values
of its own.

Like what?

Well, it's rich in yesterdays.

It's lived.
It's survived.

Doesn't that grab you a little?

Not too much.

I got mine.

Have you been
to mt. Pilot already?


Well, the dance isn't
till tomorrow night.

I wanted to make sure I got
the right size this year.

Last year I waited too late

and all they had left was a .

You looked a little bit baggy.

Yeah. I spent
most of the evening

dancing on my cuffs.

You get yours yet, Andy?

I got one reserved.

This year I don't have
to rent any cuff links.


Got my own now.

How do you like 'em?


Notice they're

in the shape of a truck tire?

One of the big tire companies

are givin' 'em out
to all their customers.

I've been saving them
for this occasion.

There's no more important
occasion than the harvest ball.

Whose orchestra are they using?

Casper tice
and his Latin rhythms.

I can't do them kind of dances.

Just do the regular box step.

Hey, yeah.

Say, Andy, I was just
in your office.

Sarah's holding

a long-distant call
for you from Raleigh.

Oh, thanks.

My new cuff links.

Well, I've got an important
engagement tomorrow night.

Yeah, but Raleigh's
over miles from here.

Well, I think judge conley
is asking an awful lot.

Well, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Now, what's the law...
What's the lawyer's name?


Elm street.

Right. All right.

I-I'll be there.


Trouble, Andy?


Helen was really looking forward

to going to that dance.

Oh, and you have to
go to Raleigh, huh?

Yeah, I do.

You remember that time

when the bulldozer
got loose and hit that car?


Well, the owner of the car
is reopening the case

and suing the county
for all kind of damages

and I have to see a lawyer
and go over my testimony

and that always takes forever.

Oh, yeah, I know.

Gee, that's too bad.

Yeah, well...Helen
will be mad, I guess.

I don't know what to do.

She'll just have to be mad.

Hey, Howard?


You still planning to go stag

to the dance tomorrow night?

Yeah, I sort of thought
I'd play the field this year.

Would you do me a favor
and take Helen?


You see the bind I'm in.

Well, gee, Andy,
I'd be only too happy to.

As a matter of fact

I'd consider it
an honor and a privilege

but don't you think
you ought to ask Helen first?

Oh, well, after all

she'd be going
with the best dancer in town.

Maybe yes and maybe no.

I've never danced
to Casper tice before.

Well, Helen has, and I know
she'd be tickled to death.

Oh, Andy, how could you?

Well, it's not my idea
to go to Raleigh.

You could have tried
to get out of it.

I did. I tried,
but the judge insists

that the lawyers have
everything ready by Monday.

And don't forget

this lawyer's
going to be working

on his day off, too.

Well, he wasn't supposed to
take me to the harvest ball.

Well, don't you...

Don't you think that
I'm disappointed, too?

I'll be driving and working

all day tomorrow,
stay over in some motel

and have to drive
back on sunday.

Well, if that's
the way it has to be.

You'll have a good time.

Howard's a great dancer.

He'll have you out on the floor

every second.


Uh...pardon me.

I'm not sure I have
the right address.

Sheriff Taylor?


You're expected.

Please come in.

Oh. Oh, thank you.

Sheriff Taylor to see you.

Sheriff, it's good of you

to come down here
on your day off.

I appreciate it.

Oh, I'm supposed
to meet a lawyer

by the name of...

Lee Drake.

That's you?

That's me.

Oh, well, I thought...

Don't be embarrassed, sheriff.

I fool a lot of people.

Well, I wasn't,
uh, expecting to...

To, uh, see a lawyer
in a bathing suit.

I mean, you know, a...

A woman lawyer.

We ar kind of rare.


And the name
is always confusing, too.

Yes, it is, Lee.

Sheriff, I'm sorry there's
such an urgency to this matter

but the court insists.

Oh, I understand.

And our office
is closed on weekends

so I thought, well,
if I had to work

I might as well get some sun
at the same time.

I don't blame you.

Sheriff, make
yourself comfortable.

Go on.

Well, thank you.

It's going to get awfully hot

over there, sheriff.

Wouldn't you prefer to sit
under the umbrella?

Oh, well, to tell you the truth,
I've been in the office all week

and I'd kind of like
to sit here in the sun.

Here's the transcript
of the first day's testimony.

That's as good a place
to start as any, isn't it?

Oh, here, sheriff.

Will these help?

Oh...thank you.

Yeah, here we are.


Do you mind if I cool off a bit

while you go over that?

Why...why, no.

You'll notice some check marks

here and there

where I questioned the
plaintiff's testimony.

Yes, I see.

For instance, here...

Oh, sheriff, I'm sorry.

I'm getting you all wet.

Say, sheriff,

wouldn't you like
to take a swim yourself?

There's some trunks
in the bathhouse.

Oh, I don't think so.

Oh, really?

We have a lot of work to do.

It's going to get a lot warmer.

I...i like heat.

Oh, another thing...

If you don't have
any other plans

you will stay for dinner?

Oh, no. I'll just get
something somewhere.

Oh, don't be silly.

We're going to be working
probably right up to : .


Yes, miss Drake?

Sheriff Taylor
will be staying for dinner.

I hope you like lobster.

I love it.

Don't let me get
you wet, sheriff.


Oh, that really cools you off.

Can you make any sense
out of that transcript?

To tell you the truth

I haven't really
gotten into it yet.

It seems to me that they're
completely contradicting themselves.

For example,
in the first day's testimony

they made no mention
whatever of bodily injury,

but here, now they claim
that as a result of the crash

the victim is complaining
of all sorts of things.

You know as well as I do

it's only because
the county is the defendant.

Where did, uh, you say
those bathing trunks are?

You know, I could hardly
stay awake in church today

after being up so late
last night.

Me too.
Say, I think that was

one of the best harvest balls
we ever had.

Everybody in church

was complimenting me
on my cuff links.

What'd you think of that sermon?

Well, to tell the truth, I'm
getting tired of that subject.

Every sunday for the last month,

he starts off on another one
of them

the seven deadly sins.

Yeah, well, he ain't
getting to me.

Some of them sins I never
heard of, never mind commit.

Like what? Like the one he
threw at us today... sloth.

That's a new one on me.

How am I supposed to
guard against it

if I don't know what it is?

It means laziness.

Oh. Well, maybe things

will pick up next sunday.

What sin we got coming up?

I think it's gluttony.

Oh. Well, at least I'll know
what he's talkin' about.


Andy's back.

Hey, Andy.

Hey, we missed you last night.

Had a great harvest ball.

You get all your business
finished in Raleigh?

Yep, all finished.


What are you talking about?

Well, your face.

You're not going to tell us
you got that sunburn

sitting in a lawyer's office?

It so happens I worked
all day yesterday.

At what?

A beauty contest at the beach?

Now, wait a minute...

It's okay, Andy.

Your secret is safe with us.

What really happened in Raleigh?

I told you I spent
the entire day with a lawyer.

And how I got the sunburn...

It's okay, Andy.

We understand.

No, you don't.

We do so.

What are you going
to tell Helen?

You'd better cook
up something fast.

He means something
besides your face.

I don't have
to cook up anything.

You'd better make it good, Andy.

Women are suspicious
to start with.

I'm so glad
you found them, Howard.

You left them on
the seat of the car.

I was wondering
where I could have lost them.

I thought you'd be concerned.

Oh, pardon me.



Hi, Andy.

Hi, Howard.

You got a sunburn.

You know, my face
is a little warm.

Wow, that really is a burn.

How'd you get it?

Well, it's so silly.

I had aunt bee's car, see,

and I drove all the way home
from Raleigh with the top down

and I guess the sun
was really beating down on me.

Gee, that's strange.

Coming back from Raleigh

I'd think the sun would be
behind you on your back.

Oh, that...I meant
going to Raleigh,

not coming back.


So how was the dance?

Oh, very enjoyable.

We had a real fine time.

You get all your work
taken care of?

Oh, all wrapped up.

The lawyer and I worked
right up to : .

Say, Andy, I know a couple
of lawyers up there in Raleigh.

Was it Alvin barrows,
by any chance?

No, Howard.

So you had a fine
time, then, huh?

Oh, just fine.

Good. Good. Nice.

Uh, George brookfield?

No, Howard.

What was his name?

Lee Drake.

Oh, yeah, Lee Drake, Lee Drake.

Yeah, a little short
fellow with a bald head.

No, Howard, I wouldn't say that.

Oh. Well,
no matter.

I got to be running along.

I'll see ya.

Your back, too?

Just a little.

You mean you drove
with your shirt off?

No, Howard.

I had a flat tire,
and it was hot

and I took my shirt off
while I changed it.


Well, I burn easily, Howard.

Yeah. Well, I'll see you.


Oh, thank you for
the gloves, Howard.


So you did have
a nice time, then?

Oh, yes, very.

Oh, good, good, good.

I tell you what.

Tomorrow afternoon
we go up to Myers' lake,

have a nice picnic.


it's a school holiday.

Well, yes, but what about you?

Well, I'll take
the afternoon off.

I spent my entire weekend
in the line of duty.

That'd be wonderful.

That's great.
We'll just forget

all about court cases
and lawyers and everything.

But, Mr. Forsythe,
I'm only asking

for a few days postponement.

Well, I do have
the case prepared

but I need some additional
testimony from sheriff Taylor.

Well, I suppose
that's the only thing to do.

Mm-hmm. Bye-bye.


Yes, miss Drake?

I'll have
an early breakfast tomorrow.

I'm driving to Mayberry
first thing in the morning.


Ooh. Come in.

I got her all gassed up.

You about ready?

Oh, just about.

I've got to run back
to the courthouse...

Here's the most
interesting article.

All about that case
you've been working on.


It even mentions
Lee Drake, the lawyer.

It does?

It says right here

that she's handling
the whole case.

She is?
I didn't know that.

I didn't even know
Lee Drake was a woman.

Didn't I mention that?

No, you didn't.

I wonder how I managed
to leave that out.

Very neatly, as I recall.

Probably slipped my mind.

Oh, of course it did.

Women lawyers
are so commonplace.

There must be two or three
in the state.


Why are you making
such an issue?

Well, I was just wondering

why you went to such pains

to hide the fact
that this woman was a woman.

I didn't go to any pains.

Like, I didn't say
Lee Drake's a man.

Well, no, you didn't.

No, no. I didn't
say that.

Helen, you shouldn't
be so suspicious.

I mean, a woman lawyer?

It-it slipped my mind.

She was a woman
about, oh, in her s,

kind of heavyset
and businesslike.

You know, grim.


Yeah, kind of grim.

Oh, okay.

Helen, between you and me

there should be complete trust.

Well, you're right,
of course, Andy.

You say everything's
about ready?

Oh, all but the chicken.

Oh, well, while
you finish that up

I have to run back
to the courthouse

just for a little while.

Would you pick me up in the car?

Of course.

Oh, good, thank you.

There you are.


I wonder if you could tell me

where I might find
sheriff Taylor?

That's a nice sunburn
you got there.

Thank you.

Look, do you know
where sheriff Taylor is?

Raleigh license plates, huh?

Yes, that's what we use
in Raleigh.

I'm in a bit of a hurry.

Is sheriff Taylor expecting you?

I don't know
what possible difference

that could make to you,
but, no, he isn't.

Look, do you know where he is?

Uh, as a matter of fact,
he went to New York yesterday,

then he said he might go
to Alaska from there.

I don't know
if he'll ever be back.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

Be with you in a minute, honey.

Take your time, dear.

What are you doing here?

Oh, thank goodness I found you.

Some nut told me
you went to Alaska.

Sheriff, we're not finished
with this case yet.

We're not?

I need some more testimony
from you.

Well, I was just leaving.

Oh, I'm truly sorry

but it's just that
it is so urgent.

Well, ordinarily, I, uh...

Uh, oh, why don't,
why don't you...?

Why don't you go-go through,
go through these files

and I'll be right back?

There, there.

Uh, don't get out

because, uh, I still got
a little bit to do.

Oh, well, I'll wait
inside with you.

No, because you'd be bored.

I tell you what to do.

Uh, take the car
and have the tires checked

so that we'll be safe,

and then when you come back

everything will be finished.

If you say so.



Oh, excuse me.

Those must be

the wrong files, sheriff.

They don't pertain

to the case at all.

I'll be right with you.

Who's that?

Some lawyer.

Lee Drake?

Well, aren't you going
to introduce us, sheriff?

Helen crump... Lee Drake.

How do you do?

Andy's told me so muc about you.

We were going on a picnic.

I didn't mean
to spoil an outing.

Oh, not at all.

It's not every day
a person meets a woman lawyer.


You know, people have
the strangest notions

about women lawyers.

They think of them as being
fortyish, heavyset, grim.


Oh, well, I hope I don't
look like that.

Oh, not a bit.

Miss Drake's very attractive,
isn't she, Andy?


And what a beautiful tan.

Don't you wish
you could tan like that, Andy?

He burns so easily, doesn't he?


Uh, I think
I'll go get a sandwich.

If you'll excuse me.

Now, Helen...

Let's not start
raising our voices.

I'm not raising my voice.

Before you jump
to any conclusions

I want you to know

that things are not
what they appear.

I couldn't agree with you more.

And what a shame.

Instead of going on a picnic

you're going to be
cooped up again

all afternoon with
that "grim" woman.

It wa grim!

We worked for hours in Raleigh.

I'm sure it was exhausting...

Putting up the umbrella,
fighting waves.

It was at her house by her pool.

But it was work.

It was work, boy,
and that's the truth.

And how was that
you described her?

Fortyish, heavyset,
grim, businesslike.


That's the way she impressed me.

Oh, of course, she did.

You just don't want

to believe anything
I say, do you?

Well, why should I?

You've been lying to me.

Well, maybe, maybe
I have been lying.

Maybe I have,
but there's a reason.

It's because of your
suspicious nature.


Well, I'm not suspicious of you.

Well, why should you be?

You went out
with Howard sprague.

Well, you arranged it.

There. There.

Now, now, you want
more trust than that?

Just look at it this way:

I trust you
because you don't lie to me.

I lie to you
because you don't trust me.

Now, just a minute.

Can't you, can't you
just trust me?


Andy, there's some...

Andy there's some person
in town from Raleigh

looking for you.

Some feller from Raleigh.

I tried to steer him off, but...

Maybe you and Helen
ought to get right out

on your picnic.

Well, it seems you have
a whole network of spies

working for you.

Seems you have work to do.

Far be it for me to interfere.

Boy, that was close.

Whew! I tried
to get over here

and warn you as fast as I could

but these three
customers drove in

and then this gal drove
up with this tan...

Go somewhere, goober.


Go somewhere.


Come on in, Andy.

Make yourself comfortable.



I'm sorry I was so long
with the, uh, lawyer.

That's perfectly all right.

Duty's duty.

I, uh, I brought you some candy.

Oh, how sweet.

Thank you, Andy.

Hey, that's some sunburn.

Oh, uh-huh.

Oh, what did you, uh...?

Did you go on up
to Myers' lake anyway?

Oh, yes.

We had a wonderful time.



What did you, uh...?

Oh, Andy, they're beautiful.

Have some.

Oh, thanks.

You run into somebody
up there, did you?


Anybody I know?

Mm. I don't think so.

These chewy ones are marvelous.


'Course, I know just about
everybody in Mayberry.

He's not from Mayberry.

Try this one.
I think it's buttercream.

Uh, this, this party
that you ran into...

Was he from mt. Pilot?

He didn't say.

Oh, this sunburn.

These things can be painful,
can't they?

Yes, they can.

What kind of looking fellow
was he?

Well, let's see.

He was fortyish, heavyset...

But then, of course,
you know how hard it is

to describe a person.


Uh, what did you talk about?

Mostly we talked about trust...

Complete, unquestioning trust.

Maybe I will just try
one buttercream.

Hello, goob.


Saved your life yesterday,
didn't I?

What do you mean, no?

I come over here and warned you,
didn't I?

About the lady lawyer
bein' in town.

Goob, when you got here,

she had already been here,
met Helen, and left.

No foolin'.

I bet there was plenty
of fireworks.

Goob, everything's fine now.
Why don't we just forget it?

I'm just trying to be helpful.

No fireworks?

What'd the lawyer say
when she found you here?

She said some nut told her
I went to Alaska.

She did?

Well, you talk about
a coincidence.

That's the same thing
I told her.

I wonder who that nut
could've been.