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03x18 - School of Jack

Posted: 12/11/21 06:43
by bunniefuu
All right, guys.

This is what we've been practicing for.

This defining moment will
make or break our band.

Milton's right.

We gotta play like we've
never played before.

[Classical music playing]


What are they doing?

The school cut funding for their
club, so they're trying to raise money.

They'd probably make more
money if they stopped playing.

Guys, you are not gonna believe it.

Donnie Parker is moving.
Do you know what that means?

Yes, I do. He's not gonna
be living here anymore.

No, it means the coolest band in school,

the Gutter Rats, are gonna
be looking for a new member.

They're the favorites to win
next week's Battle of the Bands,

and I'm auditioning to be
their lead guitarist tomorrow.

You know, I might audition too.

Jerry, you can't play the guitar.

And you can't dance,
Kim, but that doesn't stop

your little freak show
every year at The Prom.

All right, guys. Let's
see how much we made.


cents, two apple cores,
and a note that says...

"Please don't ever play music again".

Kids can be so hurtful.

That was from our music teacher.

[Rock music playing]

- ♪ Don't...
- ♪Don't...

- ♪You...
- ♪You...

♪Get all tough with me!

♪I'm saying...

- ♪Won't...
- ♪Won't...

- ♪You...
- ♪You...

♪Come kick it with me?

♪And we could have a
ball, run up the wall!

- ♪That's just how we do.
- ♪Come on!

♪And no matter how much I chop and punch
it's not as cool as kicking it with you.

♪Here we go, let's start the party!

♪Chop it up like it's karate.


- ♪Don't...
- ♪ Don't...

- ♪You...
- ♪You...

♪Get all tough with me!

♪I'm saying...

- ♪ Won't...
- ♪Won't...

- ♪You...
- ♪You...

♪Come kick it with me?

♪And we could have a
ball, run up the wall!

- ♪That's just how we do.
- ♪Come on!

♪And no matter how much I chop and punch
it's not as cool as kicking it with you.


[Instruments tuning]

We have to figure out a way to raise
money for our classical music club.

I know. We desperately
need new instruments.

That piccolo used to be a piece of plumbing
from the sink in the faculty lounge.

All right, guys. Clear out.

Time for some real
musicians to use the room.

Uh, for your information,
we are real musicians.

Then why is he playing something
that used to be part of a toilet?

[Gasps] You said it came from the sink!


Hey, Jack. Why are you here?

I'm here to audition for the Gutter
Rats. Why don't you stick around?

Oh, I'm not allowed to. My mother says rock
music will give me the naughty thoughts.

But good luck.

Okay. Let's do this.

Jack Brewer, you're up first.

You got seconds
to blow me away, dude.

[Guitar riff playing]

Okay, thanks, Jack.

You can leave.

Oh, so I should probably just go then?

And when you get out there, tell
the rest of those guys to go home.

Because you're our new lead guitarist.

What?! Oh, dude, are you kidding me?!

- That's awesome!
- Dude, dude.

You're a Gutter Rat now.

You gotta be cool.

[Low voice] I mean, yeah.
That's... that's pretty cool.

With your help, we're gonna win the
Battle of the Bands and the $ , prize.

Plus, we just found out the celebrity Judge
is Izzy Gunnar from Kung Fu Lightning.

Izzy Gunnar, I know him!

[Low voice] I mean, whatever, dude.

♪ Kickin' it with you!

Rudy, calm down. You're
overreacting. It's just a typo.

The ad you sold me in your school newspaper
was supposed to read "special rate;

Lifetime membership for three people".

Uh, what does that say?

"Lifetime membership for free, people".

Well, dude, you trusted me with
spelling, words, and numbers.

What good could come from that?

High school almost ruined my life
once. I'm not gonna let it happen again.

I need my squeezy stress balls.

Rudy, Rudy, I took care of it.
I got down to the school at :

this morning and grabbed every
newspaper before they went out.

You see that, Rudy? There's
no problem. Kim got every copy.


Not every copy!

I'm here for my lifetime
membership for free, people.

And that's gonna be a while.

My grandpa's , and
he lives with his father.



You don't think the
snorkel's a little overkill?

No, I don't, Milton.

You know, a person can drown
in three inches of water.

I danced with death last summer
in my grandmother's bird bath.

Oh, Carol and Darcy are back again.

- They don't even have bikes.
- Well, they're not here for the bikes.

They're here for the g*n show.


[Rock music playing]


Look at those nerds.

Let's hit them with some dirt bombs.

I can't do that. One of those guys
is my friend, and he's not a nerd.


Okay, well, I do see your point.

I'm not gonna hit him with a dirt
b*mb. And you guys aren't either.

You know what? You're right.

Jack, here's a donation.

Go put it in their bucket.

Thanks. You see? Fellow
musicians. That's more like it.

Oh, thanks, Jack.

Oh, no, man. It's not from
me. It's from the Gutter Rats.

- Oh.
- And so is this.

- Ow!
- Oh!

[Shouting, grunts]

Oh, and Jack?

You're out of the band.

- Hup.
- Rudy?

- Good job, guys.
- Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy.

- Again. Again.
- Rudy Rudy Rudy Rudy...

He's a little busy, Albert!

I want him to watch me hit the fake man.


Bah! [Whimpers]

I think I'm getting better.

- You're really not.
- Oh, really?

Well, watch what I
can do with a Bo Staff.

- Albert, Albert.
- What?

Look, maybe karate
just isn't your thing.

Well, not yet, but...

I've got plenty of time to learn
because you're my Sensei for life.

Which means I'm here
until one of us dies...

Please let it be me! [Cries]

♪ Here we go, let's start the party.

♪ Chop it up like it's karate.

Hey, why are you guys packing up?

We didn't raise enough money to
save the classical music club.

We only made bucks
from Carol and Darcy,

which by the way, made me feel
dirtier than the dirt bombs.

You're not a quitter, Milton.
You guys aren't gonna give up.


What if you guys had , bucks?

Well, that's what the winner
of the Battle of the Bands gets.


Battle of the Bands? [Cackles] Us?

Come on, Jack. Sidney plays the toilet.

It's true. It's true.

All right, laugh all you want.

If that's what that is.

The Gutter Rats don't
deserve to win. They're jerks.

And when it comes down to it, you guys
are probably better musicians, aren't you?

Well, yeah.

Well, I'm gonna turn
you guys into rock stars.

Who's in?

Rock and roll on three.

One, two, three!

[Apathetic] Rock and roll.

Come on, guys.

Pretend you're playing Swords
and Magic with a Hobbit, a robot,

and a Warrior Princess
in a golden bathing suit.

[Energetic] Rock and roll!

♪And no matter how much I chop and punch
it's not as cool as kicking it with you!

I don't know why we can't just
use the instruments we have.

Instruments are like animals.

And yours are the boring
ones at the petting zoo

like the bunny or the little lamb.

- I'm gonna be a lamb for Halloween...
- Sidney.

All we have to do is make a few
adjustments to turn you guys into rockers.

Teddy, you play the kettle drums, so we're
gonna stay in percussion and give you...

A rock drum kit!

- Whoa.
- Ooh.

Now, Sidney, we're gonna
turn your cello on its side

and replace it with its
cooler, hipper cousin...

The bass guitar.

It's bedtime, Cecelia.

I don't want her to see this.


You can play the piano, so we're
gonna put you on the electric keyboard.

[Plays piano riff]

I feel so...


Now, Oliver, you've been
classically trained to play the lute.

So you're gonna get...

Uh, the cowbell.

- The cowbell? But...
- Cowbell!

I'll play lead guitar and sing.

And that's all it takes for us
to become a winning rock band?

No, there's one more thing. Every
rock star has his signature move.

For example, Mick Jagger has his strut.

David Lee Roth has his kick.

It's what makes them
different from everybody else.

Oh, we got this.

Well, you know what? Maybe we'll be one of
those cool bands that doesn't move so much.


boom-shalla. Come on, yeah!

boom-shalla. Boom boom boom!

boom-shalla. Boom boom, yeah!

boom-shalla. Boom boom boom!

- Take it, Kim!
- No!

boom-shalla. Come on, yeah.

Kim. Did you know that
he eats in the shower?

I found half a turkey
leg in the soap dish.

Oh, good. [Chuckles]
I was looking for that.

[Whispers] Guys. Guys. Come here.

Albert said he wasn't gonna leave
here until he mastered karate.

So I'm gonna make him a Grand Master.

He'll think he has nothing
left to learn and he'll leave.

- That's brilliant.
- I love you, Rudy.

Uh, Albert?

- Yeah? What?
- Albert...

- Huh?
- Can I please speak with you?

Is this about me barfing in your locker?

You barfed in my locker?


I was reviewing your progress, and
it has exceeded my expectations.

So I've decided to
make you a Grand Master.


That's the highest of the high.

Surely there is nothing
left to teach him.

You are a Grand Master now.

You are a leader.

Now you must go forth and lead others.

We shall miss thee, oh great one.


Grand Master Albert's
not going anywhere.

It is my duty to lead
the people of this dojo.

Rudy, go clean my puke
out of your locker.

Jerry, put a bucket of
ribs in the shower for me.



♪Let's spar it up.

Now listen up, guys.

I got us this gig as a little
warm-up for the Battle of the Bands.

We're gonna go out
there and kick some butt.

I think I sneezed one of
my whiskers off on the bus.

Yeah, I don't know if I have
the neck muscles for this wig.

This is a lot of hair for a little boy.

Guys, you look great. You ready to rock?

Yeah. Let's do this.

When we walk in there, we
walk in like rock stars.

Here we go.

All right, Seaford, this is a group we put
together we call ourselves the Wolver...

The Wolverines.

Get ready to rock, Seaford.

One, two, three, four.

♪Nighttime is daytime
without the light.

♪The only thing to fear
here is the fear of fright.

♪Wolverines of the night
sky, a muddy river flow.

♪Bandages of hope and fear,
there's still nowhere to go.

♪Where is the exit,
where is the exit?

♪- Nowhere to go.
- Where is the exit?

♪- Nowhere to go.
- Where is the exit?

♪- We're staying right here.
- Do you see the exit?

♪- Because there's nowhere to go.
- Is there no exit?

♪Where is the exit,
where is the exit?

♪Where is the exit?


Whoa! [Shouts]


Where is the rest of the band?

They're in the parking lot trying to
de-wedge Milton's shoe from the bass drum.


- Hey hey.
- What's happening, man?

- It's been a while, mate.
- Yeah.

God, your hair looks good.

Tough gig, though.

You saw that?

Unfortunately, I did.

But fortunately, I hadn't eaten yet.

It's not your fault, Jack. You were
on stage with a bunch of posers.

They're actually really great
musicians, man. I just...

I tried to make them into
something that they're not.

I once tried to turn a
weasel into a lap dog.

Don't do it.

I'm still missing part of my lap.

So you're saying if they're weasels,
then I should just let them be weasels.

Most rock stars are trying to be
what you say those guys already are.

Great musicians.

- Thanks, man. That's great advice.
- I know. Oh! One last thing.

Your voice is...

How do I say this nicely?

It's horrible.

Yeah, it's like wretchedly bad.

Just like... [gags]

I thought you said
you were gonna be nice?

I was.

But your voice made me...

Hate my ears.

Cheers, mate.

♪ Not as cool as kicking it with you!

You guys okay?

No, we're not okay.

It's over.

We failed.

You guys didn't fail.

I did.

I tried to change you
guys into rock stars

instead of letting you
guys be who you really are.

And I believe that we can
win the Battle of the Bands.



Come on, Jack.

You want us to go up on stage at Battle
of the Bands looking like a bunch of nerds?


Yes. In fact, that's exactly
what I want you to do.

And all we need is a singer now.

- Jack, I thought you were our singer.
- I can't sing and we all know it.

- That's true.
- You're horrible.

- You stink.
- Terrible.

Well, I could sing.

You can sing?

Yeah. I've never done it in front of
people because it's a little scary.

But if we're being who we
really are, then let me bring it.

Okay. And if you want, I can
do a little backup singing?

Not gonna happen, Jack.

- I could just harmonize.
- He said no! So back off, hair bag.

♪ Kickin' it with you!

Do you think Rudy's
new plan's gonna work?

As Grand Master, it's Albert's
responsibility to protect the dojo.

So when Rudy shows up dressed like
a ninja, it'll scare Albert so bad,

he'll run away and never come back.

Nice commitment.

Oh, no! A ninja!

[Both scream]


Not in my dojo!

I got this, guys.

Go away.



I hate karate!

It's the Devil's yoga.

I'm never coming back!

Rudy, that was awesome.

Did you see the look on his fa...

Where'd Rudy go?

[Exhales sharply]

Where's Albert?

Uh, Rudy?

How did you get outside?

What do you mean?

A second ago, a ninja
fell through the ceiling,

beat the tar out of
Albert, and ran him off.

Well, that wasn't me.

Oh, boy.

I gotta call the exterminator.

I think our ninja's back.


Announcer: Yeah! That
was the Gutter Rats.

Now for our last act!

Help me welcome to the stage Milton
Krupnick and the Treble Clefs.

[Classical music playing]

- [Audience chattering]
- What are they playing?

[Guitar playing]

[Rock music playing]

♪Nighttime is daytime
without the light.

♪The only thing to fear
here is the fear of fright.

♪Wolverines in the night
sky, muddy river flow.

♪Bandages of hope and
fear. But still nowhere to go.

♪Nowhere to go.

♪Nowhere to go. We're
staying right here!

♪- Because there's...
- Nowhere to go!



Announcer: I think we have our winners.

Keep it going for Milton
and the Treble Clefs!

- Yes!
- Whoa!

Oh, dude, did you hear that?

They really like us!

That was great. You guys
are like real rock stars.

Hey, do you know
"surfing the lightning"?

- Uh, yeah.
- Of course we do.

Good. Because it's like
the only song I really know.

[Rock music playing]

♪Surfing the lightning,
surfing the lightning!

♪Our senses are heightened
because we're surfing the lightning.

♪Surfing the lightning,
surfing the lightning.

♪Our love is all right because
we're surfing the lightning.

♪Surfing the lightning, lightning.


♪You want to give
everyone something to see?

♪Surf the lightning with me!


You got a pretty good
voice there, Milton.

How'd you hit the high note
during "surfing the lightning"?

Oh, that was easy. Sidney did a spin move
with his cello and nailed me in the crotch.

I'm sorry you got stuck with us instead
of being in a real rock and roll band.

Are you kidding me, dude? We
are a real rock and roll band.

Oi! What are you guys doing?

Well, we're celebrating the victory.
You know, having a little party.

No. This is not a party.
You guys are rock stars now.

You gotta party like them.


We're gonna play Swords
and Magic with a Hobbit,

a robot, and a Warrior Princess
in a golden bathing suit.

All: Rock and roll!