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02x07 - Little Boxes

Posted: 12/10/21 20:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Big Sky"...

You really think that creeper
was trying to help us?

HARPER: I could tell that
he wasn't a bad guy.

- [g*nsh*t]
- Run!

And now I'm worried that
something happened to him.

Help... me...

One coffee to go. Cream
and sugar, like you asked.

CASSIE: Something doesn't sit right.

I think it might be my
babysitter's friend.

How can you just play along like this?

He's keeping you away
from your daughter.

He promised to reunite us.

If I start a w*r, we're gonna
lose a hell of a lot more

than half a mil.

These people stole from us.
We need to make an example.

I know what I'm doing,
Jag. Stay out of it.

TRAVIS: If Dietrich found out about me,

it's gonna be bad news for both of us.

DIETRICH: Let's go for a ride.


We're gonna go meet Smiley,
clear the air between us.

You been stealing our product, man?

I-I can give it back to your boss,

or we can sell it ourselves.

I'm in. Come by my place tomorrow.




LINDOR: I have an address
for Legarski's brother.

I'm gonna pay him a visit.



WOLF: Well, hello again.

See, I was trying to be cordial
before, wonderfully so,

but this is coming very
close to trespassing.

What can I do to appease you

that I haven't already done, Marshal?

What do you keep in there?

Violent ones.

The really, really bad, no good dogs.

Open it.

We have nothing to hide here.





Have a look.

What the hell?!

Doesn't feel good to
be in there, does it?

I had this chow chow that would
lunge and gnash at the door

for hours and hours until
his mouth was bloody.

Left teeth in the wood.

Let me out or I start sh**ting!

- Now!

Back up! Back up!

What the hell was that?


Well, you come in here
without a warrant,

I'm well within my rights
to protect myself

and my property by any means necessary,

which I thought I would
illustrate in a [CHUCKLES]...

a funny, albeit harmless way.

Yeah, it was hilarious.

Still, I am very sorry
that you didn't find

what you thought you might.

Now, if I could escort
you from my property.




- Stop it! Hey. Stop!
- Tell him to stop.

Oh, my God, turn it off!


You bitch!







What happened?

- AGATHA: He was trying to run.
- And you k*lled him?

- You... You have to help him!
- Be quiet.

He was trying to alert the Marshal.

Planning a little escape, were we?

- No, no, Wolf, I promise I wasn't.

- He got up and then...




No, stop!

Enough, enough.



Next time... I won't stop her.


Geez. You scared the hell out of me.

Dietrich took Travis.

I-I was right there.

He p*stol whipped him, and then
just shoved him into a truck.

Did you tell Tubb?

Cassie, you know I can't. [SIGHS]

I've been driving around
all night trying to find him.

He... Travis doesn't
have anything with him.

He doesn't have his phone,
his g*n, n-nothing.

Did you try Dietrich's hang-out spots?

The Boot Heel maybe?

I drove by there.

The door was locked.

Yeah, that doesn't mean he's not inside.

How good are you at picking locks?

Got a crowbar in the car.

[SCOFFS] Even better.


I'm starting to hate this place.




I know I should call it in, but... I...

Could you open it?




It's Smiley, not Travis.

Smiley, the... the guy
you beat up last night?

What are you doing, huh?

I don't get it.

Well, it's a sawed-off hand in a box.

I'm not sure I want to get it.

No, Dietrich told Travis

they were gonna meet
Smiley to clear the air.

There's something in his hand.

I'd say that's a message.

From Dietrich or the cartel?

- Careful, blood.
- Okay, I see.

Put this aside over there.

Bring me the bag.


You chose to be here, you know.

It could be you inside this bag.

By the way, this...

this better not be one of
those plant-based bags,

'cause this feels cheap.

I bought exactly what you wrote down.

The box, the markers.
I even got you a notebook.

They didn't have monkeys.

Horse'll do.

But in the future, I prefer monkeys.

Got it.

So, how long we gonna sit here

before you tell me what we're doin', D?

Look, man, I-I don't know
what Smiley's been saying...

Smiley's supposed to meet us.

You know he's a drug addict, right?

- Where we going?



Today. Oh, yeah.


Whoo! Let's make some money, baby.

Smiley, it's me, the T-Lock!

Wake up!


We doing this or what, bro?





- ♪ Been hard, but I'll make it through

This heart is almost faded

Tough love gonna leave a bruise

But I'm not done

I'm not done runnin'

MADISON: Oh, my God.

I need your help.

He's bleeding.

- I don't know what to do.
- I'll get Bridger.

We need to call Max.


Yo, Smiley!

- DIETRICH: What did you do?
- I didn't do this, man.

D, I swear, man!

What the hell is going on, man?

Smiley was... he was skimming, man.

Smiley told me I couldn't trust you.

So you better whisper some
sweet nothings in my ear.



His name's Creary, and
we have to help him.

He saved our lives.

- Guys, this is insane.
- Our parents left...

lawyer's conference. We're good.

He needs a hospital or...


No hospitals.

They'll call the police.


What about Pete?

You mean Hot Pete?

- His name is not Hot Pete.
- Maddie has a major crush on him.

His dad's, like, a major
doomsday prepper.

They have, like, a ton of medical stuff.

Can we trust him?

I mean, do we really have a choice?

DIETRICH: Stone, get in here.

What is it?


See, Madge, what you wanna do is
put some of your money into gold.

I mean, it's not called the
gold standard for nothing.

Anywhere you go, it has value.

I'm allergic to it. Rashes.

Maybe you should lay off
the apple cider vinegar.

Maybe you should leave me alone.

Top of the morning, Hoyt.

Thought you'd be at the bar.

Severed hand seems like your thing.

Forensic's already there.
Nothing for me to do.

You could drop a severed hand 'gram.

Your jokes aren't landing.

I'm helping Cassie out.

I need you to run this for prints.

- It's a coffee cup.
- Cool.

How does this relate to the hand?

- It doesn't.
- Okey dokey.



That's him. That's him. Go, go, go.



Yeah, ah-ah-ah, yeah

I can feel you.

Do you have a minute?

An old man

This looks important

- and also boring.
- ♪ Turned


Nothing good comes in
a binder, by the way.

Um, this is not good.

It's great.


Now I'm nervous.

No. Deep breath.


You're clearly here
doing important work.

I don't know about that, but okay.

I think I found something
you'd be interested in.

I take it this is the
legitimate business

that you've been hawking.

Businesses, yes, but also land.

- Land?
- It's finite.

"Not making any more of it,"
as my dad would say.

You know what my dad would say?

"Not good enough"...

my grades, posture, piano recitals.

You play piano? Me, too.

Showtunes mostly, and Tori Amos.

Chopin. Not the same thing.

Yeah, of course.

Okay, sorry. Land?

Yes, uh, I think you
should invest in some.

- So you've done some research?
- I have.

I'm seeing a ranch later today, in fact.

It's acreage outside city limits,

mineral rights, the works.


Donno, what do you have to pitch me?


Well, Tonya here is
already showing initiative.

We're gonna buy a ranch.

I need to talk to you.

You, go.

Case of the grumpies here.


- It looks great.
- Thanks.

- Good job.
- Thank you.

- What is it?

I tracked that number you found,

last one Harvey called.

Skip to the good part.

There is no good part.

It was registered to a Chuck Ryan.

He's a lawyer.



- Madison Ryan.
- Hey, Pete.

What's up? Selling cookies or something?

[CHUCKLES] Cookies. Uh, no.

I need your help with something.

It's medical in nature,

and I know your dad is... prepared.

Right, right. Say no more.

Um, we talkin' Band-Aids
or major surgery?

Maybe all of it.


But, uh, I need it to be a secret.


What are you doing?

You've tried this before.
Running without a plan?

I'm getting the hell out of here.

I'm not gonna wait around
for them to k*ll us!

Don't yell at me, Ronald.

They are not gonna k*ll us, okay?

And that was a U.S. Marshal

you were trying to get the attention of.


So, he would've arrested you.

Well, it's better than being stuck

with these people locked in this box!

And I escaped that Marshal once,

- and I will do it again.
- What about my daughter?

That's not a chance

either one of us should
be willing to take.

Where is Phoebe, huh?

They told us she's... she's
on another part of the ranch.

She's... She's fine and she's happy.

She has ice cream and go outside
and we're gonna be together...

Would you listen to yourself?

Don't be so stupid, Scarlet.
They're lying to you!

If Phoebe was on this ranch,

they would've let us see her by now.

How are you gonna sneak out anyway?

Wolf never leaves the ranch.

It's better we try for something

than live like caged animals.


Boiler still out?


Cassie's dad is gonna come fix it,

install some new deadbolts,

'cause if I hear about one
more neighborhood break-in,

I swear to God, I'm moving.

In the meantime, thank
God for heated blankets.

Yeah, uh...

So, did you find Wolf Legarski?

Yeah, I found him, all right,

and all of his dogs
and goats and chickens.

Chickens? Who's got chickens?

Cassie. I tracked down Wolf Legarski.

And? Did you get anything?

There's something off about him.

But, uh, nothing concrete.


You told me to keep you out of this.

Shouldn't have have come here with this.

- Sorry.
- No, it's fine.

I just... Look, I've... I've got a cagey
babysitter, a hand in a box.

To top it off, I'm late for
a property walk-through.

'Cause my dad wants to buy a
ranch, which is a whole thing.

And so, we can talk
about this later, right?

Yeah, yeah. Later it is.



Hey! What did you do to Smiley?

This is a mistake! [GRUNTS]




You ditched the van?

Yeah, yeah... a neighborhood over.

It's their problem now.

But, um, there's...
there's something else.

- Well, that's Seth Creary.
- Yeah, Seth Creary.

The kid who drowned at Holter Lake.

Oh, my God, Harp.

That's his dad.

Are you Seth's dad?

So that's why you've been following us.

Trying to be some sort of protector?

I should've been with him.

- I couldn't save him.

Madison's back?


SAMANTHA: We're home!

- Bridger?
- No way.

- Madison?
- It's my parents.


- Bridger? Madison?


Wha... What are you doing home?

Oh, flight got canceled.

Try to hide your excitement there, bud.

[CHUCKLES] Blessing in disguise.

I didn't want to go to that
damn convention anyway.

Just stuffy lawyers.


Hold on, wait.

Before you go down there, uh...


Hey... Mr. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan.

Bridger was just helping
me with some homework.

Yeah, pre-calc, am I right?


Rules still apply while
we're gone, buddy.

Uh, yeah. Can I help you with your bags?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Of course I can.

Thank you, sweetie.

- Where's your sister?
- BRIDGER: She ran out.


I know where I'm coming when
the end of the world happens.

Let's make it quick. My dad'll
freak if he catches us down here.

How bad is your friend injured?

Um, pretty bad, I think.

I know you said no questions,

but maybe a hospital?

No hospital.


All right, first-aid kit on steroids.

Um, wound prep,

hydrogen peroxide, a suture kit.

Painkillers. But you
didn't get these here.



I got to get going.

Thank you so much.


What the hell did you do to my nephew?


- Aah!
- You k*ll him?

[COUGHS] I didn't.

I didn't, I swear.

I don't... [GAGS] I don't know!


What exactly did Smiley
tell you about us, huh?

Lo juro por Dios.

I don't know nothing!
I'm... I'm nobody, man.


- Yeah.

All right, sit tight.
Keep your mouth shut.


Cops are all over the bar.

What the hell for?

No idea. I got to deal with it.

It's a burner.

Wait for my call.

Put him in the hole.


What do you think?

It's so beautiful.

The owner's ready to move on.

Wants to be near his
grandkids in Florida.

Well, thank you again for
letting us take a last look.

- Big decision and everything.

Yes, it is.


KAI: Grandpa.

Can we pet the horses?

You can go down, but remember,
you know how to act around horses.

Don't touch till we get down there.



I haven't seen Kai this
happy in a long time.

MAN: Yeah, it's a good horse. Go ahead.

Waited my whole life to have
a chance at a place like this.


My next appointment's here.

We got competition?


- Thank you.
- Sir.

Good luck.

Tonya. What's... What's
going on? Why are you here?

I'm here to see the ranch.

By yourself?

I'm here on behalf of my new boss.

It's a new job.

Sort of a personal assistant,
or executive assistant maybe.

Who do you work for?

She values her privacy.

I gotta go. It was nice seeing you.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me.

Hi. Tonya.

- Hi, Tonya. Luke.
- Nice to meet you.


Give us the room.

So, what happened to your associate?


He's my nephew.

He's a good kid.

Who knows where they dumped
the rest of his body?

And in the box... dr*gs.

Seems like a message.

The cartel?

Could be. I don't know
what he was tied into.

Did they grab anybody
else from your crew?

- I don't have a crew.
- Cut the crap.

I know what you do.

Did the cartel grab your other guy?

The one who put a g*n to my head. Stone.

I don't know.

But you might want to ask Ren Bhullar.

She's the one the cartel sent.

Where is she?

WOLF: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. No, no, no, no.

Of course, of course, that's fantastic.


Uh-huh, sounds fantastic.

I'll, uh, see you in the morning.

[CHUCKLES] That was Leanne!

She wants to meet about the new book.

[GRUNTS] This... I knew
she'd come around!

This is as important for
them as it is for me.

For... For you, for us, for
the whole world, really.

You're gonna leave me
alone with them, Wolf?

Scarlet showed her teeth last night.

And you proved you could
control them, didn't you?



Aggie, we are so close.

This book could change everything.

A-A-A comprehensive reformation

of the monsters of this world.

My opus!

What's wrong, Scarlet?

Where's my daughter?

You said that she was safe and close

and that we would be together again.

Why haven't I been allowed to see her?

Phoebe is an important
element to the process,

a pivotal piece in your healing.

I want to see my daughter.

Is she on the ranch?

Yes or no?

I have been honest with both of you.

Haven't I?

She's losing patience.

Perhaps we should tell her the truth.



is with my sister in Helena,

in a nice, safe little place

that's called Nuevo Nirvana.

On the river.

Heaven for children, animals.

Totally safe.

When can I see her?

After last night, you haven't
earned that reward, have you?

I'm sorry that I lashed out.

I didn't mean to scare you.

Is there anything else?

People that deserve the truth...

I think I have something
to say about this.


- How is he?
- It's not looking great.

Pete gave me some supplies.

He says we need to clean the wound,

then dress it, and then we
can give him some antibiotics.

- This is crazy.
- Hey.

We can do this.

Nothing like rapid development, huh?

It's cookie cutter, if you ask me.

But then again, it's good
for my property value.

Shut up, I know.

Pretty sure this is where Cassie
talked to that woman that night.

Which night we talkin' about?

What woman?

The night of the cafe m*rder.

Oh, do I need to call backup?

I mean, these cartel types.

Drones, tanks, machine g*ns...

- It's scary stuff.
- We're just asking questions.

[SIGHS] Yeah. Somehow, that has
a way of escalating with you.

Just sayin'.

So, how did you say
you got my name again?

An informant.

Oh. Exciting. [CHUCKLES]

- Ms. Bhullar...
- You can call me Ren.

Okay, Ren.

Who do you work for?

Wait, who did you hear that I work for?

A drug cartel.


What my colleague means to say

is that she's curious
about your line of work.

Not to pry, but...

but it would be helpful if we
knew your connection to town.

Well, she's definitely
prying, but if you must.

I am in the real-estate business.

I'm going to build the next
great American subdivision.

Or is that against the law
in Montana? [CHUCKLES]

No, but front businesses are.

So is m*rder.

That's some big allegations
for a small town.

We found a severed hand at a bar today.

I believe you know something about that.

A severed hand?


Do I look like the severed
hand kind of gal?

There's also another man missing.

A guy named Stone.
You ever heard of him?

Like I said...

I'm in the real-estate business.



But I'll let you know
if I branch out into...

mutilations, kidnapping, et cetera.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I do need to get to a
very important meeting

with a lawyer.

If you have any other wild
accusations to throw my way

or Deputy Friendly here wants
to throw some cuffs on me...

You wanna cuff me?


I'm sure we're gonna see
each other very soon.


Is she for real?


What the hell is going on here?

Tonya works for me.

Or is that against the law, too?

He's gone.

It's now or never.

Phoebe is with Agatha's sister,

on a ranch called Nuevo Nirvana,

outside of Helena, near the river.

I told you she wasn't here.

Come. I have a surprise for you.

You have to get off the ranch.

- Let's go together, now.
- No, I can't come with you.

If they find out, Agatha
will warn her sister,

we'll never get Phoebe.

How are you going to explain the lock?

Do you trust me?

I do now.

I had my doubts.

Do you love me?

For ever and ever.


I'll distract Agatha while Wolf is away.

Go get my little girl and
bring her back to me.

And then what?

[CHUCKLES] I have a plan, Ronald.


Take this. Dig under the fence.

- I love you.
- I love you.


- Go.
- I'll be back with Phoebe.



Smells delicious. Who's it for?

My mom used to cook
when she was nervous.

I'm not nervous.

You're worried about her.

- Ren's gonna be fine, Donno.
- You don't know anything.

We should have heard something
from Dietrich by now.

Do you really hate me working
for you guys this much?

It's not work.

It's a life.

Well, I didn't have a life before.

Can I ask you something?


Do you like k*lling?

I'm good at it.

Working for Ren...

will I have to k*ll people?

You should've asked that before.


Good evening, doll.

I'm looking for, uh, Ren Bhullar.

- Who are you?
- It's Ren's brother.

Heya, Jag.

Uh, I don't think so, brah.

Don't know where those fists have been.

Dhruv. My man.


Just tell me where my sister is.

Sunshine opens up my day

Well, the salmon was great, Mr. Ryan.

Oh, thank you, Max.


Well, uh, we're off to hang
out in the basement, right?

- Chemistry awaits.
- Oh, pre-calc!

Pre-calc. It's all the same.

- Okay.
- Wait a sec, pal.


Take the trash out first.

We don't want the whole
house to be stinking like fish.

Of course.

And I'm happy to just to be alive


What do you think?

I mean, she didn't strike me as
cartel-ish, but you never know.

Read an article, says a whole
new breed's coming in, so maybe.

- Either way,

I-I don't like where this is going.

Me neither. Hello?

TRAVIS: Jenny. It's me.

Excuse me.

Travis, where are you?

I-I-It doesn't matter.

Look, I-I'm okay.

- Look, I need to know what's...
- Jenny...

Jenny, will you just listen to me?

Look, no matter what happens, um...

... I love you.





- Go.

Go ahead. Open it.



- Come on!




- _



I saw your car was still here.

That sounds creepier than I meant it.

- Um...


Come in.


It's a clean mug, I promise.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Mm, sorry I clipped us off earlier.

I had to run. Just...

It's all right.

How'd it go at the ranch?

My dad has his heart set on it.

But there's a late buyer
who wants to make an offer.

Oh. Yeah.

This market... sharks in the water.

Yeah, and there's a personal angle.

Oof. It's complicated anyway.
That's not why you're here.


Legarski's weird twin.

Something was off.

That's not why I'm here.

- Um...

I've been thinking about what you said,

about us, and, um...

I think sometimes,
with people in the field,

wires get crossed.

I always hated that, crossed wires,

because I like to keep my
wires nice and tidy, but...

You really do talk too much.


You okay?

Yeah. Yeah.

♪ Little boxes on the hillside ♪

♪ Little boxes made of ticky tacky ♪

♪ Little boxes on the hillside ♪

♪ Little boxes all the same ♪

♪ There's a pink one and a green one ♪

♪ And a blue one and a yellow one ♪

♪ And they're all made
out of ticky tacky ♪

♪ And they all look just the same ♪

♪ And the people in the houses ♪

♪ All went to the university ♪

♪ Where they were put in boxes ♪

♪ And they all look just the same ♪