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07x20 - Free Love

Posted: 12/10/21 08:16
by bunniefuu
First year?

Uh, your folks didn't drop you off?

Dad's military.

- No kidding.
- Colonel.


- Here you go.
- Thank you.


What a jerk.

Uh, whatcha reading?

Heller. Catch- .

Is it good?

I don't know yet.

I like to get to the end before making up my mind.

Make love, not w*r, man.

Got it.

A lot of that going around campus.

How's it look?


- I'm, uh, David. David Quinn.
- Annabelle Bennet.

Cornell, huh?


No, I'm sure you'll be fine.

I'm an idiot, telling you how scared I am when you're going...

I-I hear they have great beaches over there.

Besides, I'll... only be gone for a year.

David. Good luck.


You, too.

Listen, if you need someone to write...

Come home safe...

Tell me how it ends.

I'll do that.

You'll probably forget me as soon as you get to base.

No, no, I'm stubborn like that.

Why did you enter the basement without backup, Agent Yates?

A man was down. Shepard had already taken his wife hostage.

Why not wait for a hostage negotiator?

Claire Shepard was in imminent danger.

There was no time to wait for a negotiator.

The suspect emerged with a facial contusion.

That part of the negotiation?

He must have fallen.

After Shepard was detained, did you or Detective Rush strike him in any way?

Absolutely not.

The suspect indicated he was hit.

Paul Shepard m*rder*d nine people.

Feel free to add "liar" to his resume.

years on the job, one thing I've learned...

Every pat on the head brings a knife in the back.


Yeah, that's how the game is played.


I think you know what this is.

You get accolades while I get reprimanded.

SAC wants you to cool your heels in the applicant squad until the OPR finishes the investigation.

No. I'm gonna take some AL time instead.

Mom's been admitted to the hospital back in Philly.

I'm sorry to hear that.

If there's anything I can do...


You watch yourself, huh?


I'd like to pick your brain.

About what?

Tell me, what do you know about Woodstock?

Great music, tie-dyes, brown acid and mud.

This some kind of test?

Three people died during Woodstock.

One OD'd, another run over by a tractor, third was a homicide.

GI shot to death.

I'd like to get your read on it.

I jumped through your hoops, let your team debrief me.

- I got to get back.
- Come on, it's Friday.

I'll have you back by Monday.

We'll get you a car, the U.S. Marshal will deputize you.

And you get to hang out with me a little more.

But I don't really like you.


Look, I want to see what you got.

Any new information or leads?


There must be some reason you're looking into this now.

It came down from the director's office.

I get results, gives me a yank at HQ.

And this involves me how?

Could mean a job for you.


Federal cold case unit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the elevator.



Anybody want this?


Asked for an Americano, and I got a triple Macchiato with two pumps of vanilla.

I detect some nutmeg.

What was that?

We work together.

Don't mean I got to discuss beverage choices with him.

Yeah, but I thought you two had a thing going.


Moving on.

Decent guy, good job, chemistry.

See why you'd want to throw that away.

He's all yours.

Hey, boss, French four-letter word for "fencing sword."


It's a three-vowel go-to word.

Think I'll stick to the Word jumble and Family circus.

Restricted duty doesn't mean you're anchored to the desk, Nick.

Chicken soup for the soul, huh?

Yeah, Mike in patrol said it changed his life.


Long time, no see.

Five years, Nicky.


I-I'm so sorry barging in here like this.

Our house got broken into. The cops came, they didn't do anything, and it's just been a really, really bad week.

Yeah, uh, have a seat.

So, what happened?

Well, we came home from dinner, the guy's in the house.

Roy chased him away.

Roy-- that's the husband?

Ten years this July.

What's missing?

Earrings and a necklace my mother gave me.

She got married in them.

I'll see what I can do.


I got some downtime between cases, so...

David Quinn, years old.

Volunteered for his first tour of duty in ' .

Was a spotter. Worked with sn*pers.

Got called back-- orders to report to Fort Dix for a second tour in ' .

Shot in the abdomen with a . .

M.E. say when he died?

Approximately August -- last full day of the concert.

Any idea how he got to the festival?

Ford Galaxie.

Car was never recovered.

Any leads?

Well, here's where the bureau comes in.

Reuben Harris, founder of PRS-- Progressive Revolutionary Society.

Some kind of anti-w*r organization?

Credited with bombing a draft board office.

Witnesses say that he and David had a confrontation first day of Woodstock.

Huh, so what's our beatnik up to now?


Author, professor.

Made a career as a guru to the counterculture.

What's a straitlaced soldier doing with half a million hippies?

Let me see that crime scene photo again.

Zoom into that necklace.

She a member of PRS, too?

One mention of a daisy in the group, no last name.

Well, I got an idea of who might know.


G-men get better looking every year.

This is Detective Rush.

I'm Agent Cavanaugh.

Been doing some reading.

Well, it's always nice to meet a fan.

This guy a fan, too?

Witnesses say you had a conflict at Woodstock.

Woodstock wasn't about conflict.

It was about melding hearts and minds.

How about melding your mind to the question?

Well, I tell you the same thing I told the men, back in the day.

I'm a pacifist.

Pacifist whose organization bombed a draft station?

t*rror1st task force could snap on some gloves...


I'm guessing you gotta little more to lose now, Reuben.

All right, maybe I had words with that GI.

It doesn't mean I laid a hand on him.

This about daisy?

She your girlfriend?


It was free love, man.

Only GI Joe wasn't hip to that.

One, two, three, four! We don't want your stinking w*r!

Want your stinking w*r!

One, two, three, four!

One, two, three, four! We don't want your stinking w*r!

...want your stinking w*r!

One, two, three, four! We don't want your stinking w*r!

One, two, three, four! We...


Want to know how it ends?


What are you doing here?

I went to your dorm. Your roommate said I could find you with this group.

You came all this way to find me?

I told you, I'm stubborn.

I got called for a second tour.


Three days.

Hope to spend 'em with you.

You know this square, Daisy?

He's a friend, Reuben.

This place is about peace, you dig?

Just talking to a girl.

Want to help stop the w*r, you know where to find us.

Daisy went to hand out pamphlets.

I lost her sometime between Richie Havens and Swami Satchidananda.

Any idea where she went?

Well, I figured that she split with, uh, soldier boy.

David called her Annabelle?

Yeah, well, she was trying to leave her past behind.

Annabelle have a last name?

You guys got a file a mile long on me, and you're telling me that you don't know who she is?

Humor us.

Annabelle Bennet.

The honorable congresswoman from New York.

- Congresswoman?
- I didn't know.

And your director just happens to open the case?

Listen, the director's motives are over my pay grade.

Feel free to back out any time.

Oh, I don't cut and run.

Uh, Detective Vera, Detective Valens.

Wow. Two of you for a break-in.

Well, it's a slow day for homicides.

Roy, honey, nick's the one I...

One of your high school sweethearts?

Which one are you? The, uh, hockey player or the A/V guy?

Uh, hockey. A/V guy?

I'd love to stroll down memory lane, but...

Looks like he punched it in.

Jewelry the only thing missing?

As far as I can ascertain.

Tell us again what you saw.

Well, we came home from dinner.

Wednesday's our date night.

Only if you promise.

I promise.

There's somebody in the house.

Stay here.

Guess I scared him away.

You heard glass breaking after Roy entered?


That sound right, Roy?

All happened so fast.

Probably just a crime of opportunity.

Easy there.

We'll get some, uh, crime scene techs down here to...

dust for prints, take some pictures of the door.

You can't go in there.

Excuse the intrusion, congresswoman.

So the FBI just barges in now?

When you keep us waiting an hour.

Uh, should I call security, ma'am?

We just need a moment of your time.

Agent, do I need to get your assistant director on the line?

Sorry, but it can't wait... Daisy.

I chair the subcommittee that votes on bureau funding.

You think that you're the first agents to land on my doorstep?

Congresswoman, I'm a Philly homicide detective, and I could care less about your political affiliations.

I'm here to solve David Quinn's m*rder.

What happened to him?

That's what we're here to find out.

David cut through , people to find you.

Not too many guys do that.

He was stubborn.

And I was foolish enough to believe in love at first sight.

No matter how much we'd changed.

Found your note... at the info booth.

How'd you like it?

"Anything worth living for is worth dying for."

"And anything worth dying for...

is certainly worth living for."

I must have read it times.

I got home, needed to get my head straight.

A month turned into two.

Can't imagine what it was like.

You hear these stories.

Whatever you've heard, it's worse.

What happened to you?

Well, now that I've found you, I...

I'd rather not waste time talking about it.

Oh, man, I think that's Joan.

You want her, you got her. Come on.


The most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I know what you mean.

We're getting drenched.

Come on, let's get out of here.

We ran until we found a barn, and slept there.

Never met anyone else like him.

That's the last time you saw David?

Went to check in with some friends the next day.

Um, got back, and he was gone.


Do you remember the name of the farm?

It was a dairy farm, I think.

Past a fork in the road and a windmill.

I ran into some kids the next day who told me they tried to shack up there.

Farmer chased them off with a g*n.

What's happening?

Jimmy Mota-- that piece of garbage who att*cked your mother.

Yeah? What about him?

Took a deal.

Three to five, sent him to Graterford.

Oh, you got to be kidding me.

Could be out in months on good behavior.

Thought you should know.



Prints back on that burglary job.

Most belong to the homeowners, except for these.

Shelly Hewit.

Teaches AP math over at Jefferson High.

Got an AFIS hit off her mandatory background check and fingerprints.

And she's got a few shoplifting charges on her resume a couple of years back.

Megan works over at Jefferson.

Maybe they're friends.

Must be special friends 'cause the print concentration was on the bedposts and the headboard.


Pop quiz, Shelly.

What didn't you disclose on your job application?

Kleptomania was a by-product of my depression.

My therapist said it made me feel alive.

It work?

Till I got caught.

Do you know Megan Easton?

Teaches history.

Just "hi" and "bye" in the break room.

Ever been to her house?


Help us out.

Megan's house was broken into.

Jewelry taken.

What does your therapist say about breaking and entering?

I didn't take that jewelry.

But you were in her house, right?

Your prints are all over.

Headboard and bedposts, to be exact.

See, what I can't figure out is why someone would break into someone's house, play Patty-cake with the bedposts and then just steal some jewelry.

Okay. I was in the house.

But not to steal.

What the hell are you doing here?

I've been calling.

You said you were going to leave her.

My... my wife is outside. Shelly, please.

She's probably calling the police right now.

I wore something special for you.

Look, um, we'll-we'll say there was a break-in, Okay?

The-the guy took the jewelry, Okay, and, uh... and, um...

And I chased him away, Okay?

Don't you love me?

Of course. Of course I do, baby.

Yes. Of course.

Of course, baby. Look, um, we'll go away somewhere nice.

- Do you mean it?
- I promise.

Okay. You pack a bikini, all right?

So, let's get out of here before the cops come, Okay?

Out the back. Please, all right?

- I'll call you.
- Okay.

"Bikini." Took me to Cleveland for a mortgage broker conference.

Let me guess-- Roy still plans on leaving his wife.

We're in love.

You keep drinking that kool-aid, honey.

So hard to find a good guy, you know.

Do you still have the jewelry?

Roy wanted me to pawn it, but I...

I couldn't do that to Megan.

Thought you could use some company.

Well, I've got a U.S. News & World Report from ' and a Highlights Magazine.

We don't have to talk.

What else are we going to do?

I meant...


want to be alone. I get that.

How's your mother?


They're not sure if they caught it in time.

They let you in to see her?


Didn't know what to say.

I mean, here's this woman who raised me.

All I can see is this person I spent my whole life trying not to be like.

I resented her for being a housewife.

Most of all, I resented how proud she was of her life.

So tell me...


What have I got to be proud of?

So this is Woodstock.

There's the fork in the road.

Annabelle said there was a windmill.

Let's check it out.

Can you believe that soldier came all the way out here to find her?

I guess he thought she was the one.

What about you?

What about me?

Well, I just figured you had a guy back in Philly.

Let me guess--

a cop.

And your last girlfriend was a -year-old paralegal, right?

- Twenty-five.
- Oh.

Grad student in biology.

And she was my fiancee.


What happened, she remove you from her profile?

Head-on collision...

two years ago.


I certainly know how to k*ll a moment.

No, I...

it's good to know who I'm lost in the fields with.

- Aah.
- We're not lost.

Look, there's the barn right there.

Come on, we're getting soaked.


Hold it.

You always point a g*n at everyone that comes on your property?

I got a right to bear arms, protect my livestock.

You want to tell me what this is all about?


Milk trucks couldn't get through for days 'cause all the love buses they had blocking the roads.

A soldier-- David Quinn-- he might have stayed in your barn?

What happened to this kid?

He was shot and k*lled.

Ever own a . ?

No, ma'am, just what you see there.

Said his name was David.

He was hooked up with some of them bohemians, but this kid wasn't like the others.

I trusted you, Daisy. How could you?!

Reuben, you're upset. You knew about Xavier.

You were the only one I told.

It's time for you to beat feet, pal.

Baby k*ller's a part of it, too.

Admit it!

Stop it.

Stop it, David, please!

This is who you want?

Reuben, wait.

Got to talk to him.


Made a mess of my barn.

You think those tags are a joke?

Men die for the honor of wearing those.

No, sir.

I earned these the hard way.

First infantry.

Big red one.

Why didn't you say so?

st airborne.

Tiger force.

He helped out around the farm.

Bucked hay, mended a fence.

Sounds like a good army man.

I wouldn't expect anything less.

I was in 'Nam myself.

Picked up a packet of shrapnel and...

Damn w*r did a number on all of us.

David ever mention this Xavier?

No, he just took off to find his girl.


What, did you get a break in the case?

Sit down before I knock you down.

All right, look, um, I made some mistakes.

Save it.

And before you try and throw Shelly under the bus...

I know the whole break-in thing was your idea.

No, i-it wasn't my idea.

Look, things just got out of hand.

What got out of hand was you banging your girlfriend in Megan's house.


Oh, I get it.

What, you still got a thing for Megan, huh?

Listen to me, scumbag.

You got one shot to make this right.

You take that jewelry and you get it back to Megan and you tell her the truth.

You remember what that is, right?

Now, get out of here before I lose my appetite.


I got it.

You, uh, want to run it under hot water...

...Tap it and twist.

You with the advice.


Veronica has been seeing her dad...

every other weekend.

Not my place.


she seems, um...


That's good.


Come on, give it up.

I might have underestimated you.

Well, wouldn't be the first time.

It never sat right--

the way we left things.

Well, you went to New York.

I didn't want to be the gal who slept around the department.

Is that how it was?

Come on, John.

We wound up together-- any promotion I got would have been suspect.

Never thought of it that way.

Men don't have to.

I wanted to be taken seriously.

Don't you find what you were looking for?

Yeah, I thought I did.

Now they're going to take that from me.

'Cause of the Shepard case?

I don't retire, they're going to just pack me up to Anchorage.

You gonna go back to New York?

Don't know what's going to be left for me here in Philly.

What do you got?

Lenny "Xavier" Franklin--

Reuben's second in command-- was arrested two days prior to Woodstock for attempting to b*mb a courthouse.

This from the PRS file?


Back in the day, we had a rat in every camp.

You're saying someone clued the FBI in on Lenny's plan?

Bureau safeguards the informant's identity by assigning them a series of classified numbers.

So who has access to these numbers?

Well, the informant's handler and supervisor...

...And now us.

Meet RM # .

Annabelle wasn't a hippie chick.

She was working undercover for the bureau.

So she was informing on Reuben.

Could be David got in the middle.

This comes out, our liberal congresswoman's image will be tarnished for good.

Welcome to the FBI.



Uh, the cop, guy in Philly-- he's...

undercover... somewhere.


Yeah, just the way it is.


I'm sorry about your fiancee.

You know, in some ways...

you remind me a lot of Yates.

Well, without the...

Chip on her shoulder?

And the foot in her mouth.

You'd make a good agent.

Two more beers.

- All right.
- All right.

Then I say... Hold on a second.

Lose something?

No, no.


The keys.

I'm sure they're back in the restaurant.

Uh, they're right there.


Okay, let's see, uh, wet roads this time of the evening.

Ah, I'd say it'll take AAA about three hours to get here.

You know, I had a blind date once who locked his keys in the car on purpose...

because he thought he'd spend more time with me.

Oh, yeah?

Did it work?



Maybe we shouldn't drive.


Gambling with your career, you better be damn sure you know what you're doing.

Feeling lucky, like I have the winning numbers.


Sound familiar? Your old informant ID.

Here's another number for you-- FD- -- FBI advice of rights form-- just in case we have to arrest you at the conclusion of this interview.

Perhaps I need to speak to my lawyer.

Well, that's your prerogative.

Of course, the press might have her file by then.

Left wing democrat informing on an anti-w*r organization?

That's a front-page scandal.

I got busted for pot in my dorm.

The FBI saw an opening.

Promised me they could get the charges erased.

If you informed on Reuben and his organization?

I didn't want to disappoint my father again.

What happened after you left Reuben?

Did you see David again?

Truth is, I was lost.

Only thing that made sense was him.

That guy, Reuben...

You love him?

I got people in trouble.

Narced on Reuben, his friends.

Betrayed him.


Had no choice.

At least that's what I thought.

I don't know what to believe anymore.

You know, the other night with you--

that's the first night I've slept in a year.

I did things over there...

Things I can't ever undo.

You had to survive.

I fulfilled my obligation.

Volunteered the first time.

I don't want to go back.

That farmer...

he's going to buy my old beater.

And the money will be enough to get us to Canada.

You're asking me to run away with you?

We can start all over.

Get things back to like they were on the bus.

- It's not that simple.
- Yes.

Yes, it is.

Wait for me here.

I don't know, David.

It's Okay.

I do.

I waited around a couple of hours...

until I realized how crazy it all was.

David came back for you.

I don't understand.

He crawled through the woods and died under that tree.

I had a chance.

I didn't take it.

I never felt that way again.

Director instructed us to keep your involvement out of the press.

Thank you.

- Hey, Jimmy, give us a minute.
- Okay.

What's up?

- You talk to Roy?
- About what?

That son of a bitch.

Is this about the break-in or Roy?

He's cheating on you, Meg.

The investigation took a turn, and it...

turns out he's having an affair.

Who is it?

Does it matter?

What does the break-in have to do with my husband cheating?

She was there that night.

I'll spare you the details, but long story short, your...

genius husband staged that robbery to cover it up.

Guess I should have seen it coming.

I want to know who you were texting.

It was business.

Business that couldn't wait?

The-the Peterson deal is cratering.

Can we go inside and talk this out?

Talk what out?


Hey. Hey, hey. Look.

I don't want to fight anymore, baby.


How about we go away next weekend?

I'll leave my phone at home.

Only if you promise.

I promise.

There's somebody in the house.

Stay here.

I just...

kept thinking he was going to change.


You can't blame yourself here.

Nothing's turned out like I thought.

What am I supposed to do now?

For starters, you get rid of that bum.

I'm years old.

Tough just to... start over.

Things haven't gone exactly according to plan for me, either, so...

Oh, Nicky.

Never even asked how you're doing.


Hey, you can't be in here.

Got a sneak and peek warrant.

We're taking a quick look around.

I already told you, I had no beef with that soldier.

I've got nothing but respect for anybody that served.

See, that's what we don't get, Al.

Why is a respectful vet like yourself getting into fights with other GIs?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Well, it says here you got into a brawl at an anti-w*r rally, brained a veteran against the w*r with a tire iron.

Those men turned against their own.

Like David? Hey. Listen.

- Hey, listen. He...
- He was going to run off to Canada.

He helped me out, and he left.

Well, then, how do you explain this?

It's a Ford Galaxie.

David Quinn's car.

Looked at your army records, Al.

Wounded in a Shau.

Board decided you weren't fit for duty...

dismissed you.

But you wouldn't give up.

I can drive a tractor sunup to sundown, plow acres of open fields, and I'm not fit?

David was fit for duty...

but he didn't want to fight anymore.

Look, you got to understand, I would...

I would have died to go back.

I tried to tell that kid, but he...

He wouldn't listen.

Tell him what?

How much I love my country.

I couldn't understand how another soldier would betray it.

Going through my stuff?

Says you're due back at Fort Dix at : .

Didn't tell me you were going back to 'Nam.

Gonna hitch a ride back to base.

Got the money for my car?

Do you one better-- I'll give you a lift.

No, really, don't sweat it. I insist.

I'm not looking for a problem here.

You a coward, boy?

What, are you... you going to force me to go back?

You have a duty.

A duty to what? w*r?

You must have seen stuff, too.

What are you talking about?

Oh, come on, man. Tiger force.


You were up close and personal.

You don't know what I saw.

Know what I saw?


ripped apart by b*ll*ts, women dragged into...

into huts to do god knows what.

Things I can't... I can't get out of my head.

A little girl screaming in her... in her dead mother's arms.

- Shut up.
- Grip so tight, I have to...

have to break her forearm just to get her free.

Shut up! Shut up!

I don't want to see that face in my dreams anymore.

My girl's waiting.

You got to go.

- Honor your commitment!
- Why?

Why? Why do I got to go, huh?

Tell me why!