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07x08 - Chinatown

Posted: 12/10/21 07:24
by bunniefuu
So, is that a maybe yes?

Or a maybe maybe?

It's a... maybe yes.

Maybe Friday night then?

We're not talking about when.

We're still on different types of maybes.

I've known you since I was .

Maybe I can confuse you, speed things up a little bit.


Don't kiss me so close to your father's store.

Don't worry. He's not the jealous type.

I know exactly what your father thinks of me.

If my father knew you, he'd like
you even more than he likes me.

You're just trying to change my "maybe yes" into a "yes yes."

Is it working?

I got to go.

They're starting without me.

You coming tomorrow night?

You've been practicing all week.
I'm not going to miss it.


Look out. Your cousin's coming.

Hey, Jack, I just won $ .

They let you in the casino?

I was outside playing dice.

You're supposed to be watching your little sister.

Hey, watch where you're going.

Have a good day.

Hey, pop.

Thank you.
This orange tree will bring us luck.

Why do you bother buying the tree?
Why don't you just give them the cash?

The tree brings us luck.

It brings us flies.

You're already late.
Haven't you insulted me enough today?

Come on, I was kidding.


Hope you're kidding about that girl.

Dad finds out, he'll have a stroke.

What's he going to do when I marry her?

Don't talk about that. Marriage...

- is serious.
- Is serious.

You're a little punk.
You need to grow up.

Why, 'cause you make it seem like so much fun?

The usual, John.

Don't tell me.

Nobody saw anything and nobody knows nothing.


People call in sick all the time.

You see my other shoe?

You know, the boss don't care.

When's the last time you called in sick?

Oh, I don't know.

You know what?

He'll buy it.

Then what, just--
stay cooped up in here all day?

If you want to go out,
all you have to do is say the word.

Oh, got it.

Yeah, I can hear it in your voice.

You're definitely coming down with something.

Thanks, doc, but I--I got to go.

Duty calls.

Hey, hey, hey.

Let me look at that face again.

Hey, boss, there's a woman here says her son Chao Lu...

was shot and k*lled in ' . He's your case.

Jack Chao Lu.


A young kid in Chinatown


She got something new?

Well, won't say till she talks to you.

Mrs. Lu, I'm Lieutenant Stillman.

Do you remember my son?

I do.

I remember you as well.

Then I apologize for the last time we saw each other.

Mr. and Mrs. Lu, I know that this is a difficult time...

Leave us be.
We have nothing to tell you.

It's important I get information
about your son as soon as possible.

My husband wouldn't allow us to talk to the police.

I respected his wishes.

Recently he passed away.

And now you want to talk?

Jack was not in a g*ng.

He was in love with this girl from Vietnam.

It was very shameful for both kinds.

Both kinds?

My husband and I are from China.

Her family are Chinese,

but they came from Vietnam. No good.

You think dating this girl got your son k*lled?

In our culture we take tradition very seriously.

Mrs. Lu, who else knew that Jack had a girlfriend?

I kept it a secret.

My husband was very traditional.

But for me, they were just kids in love.

What's the girl's name?

Tam Sung.

She was very beautiful.


She was shot and k*lled three
months before my son was m*rder*d.

You thought-- Jack's m*rder was related to
another k*lling and,

you didn't say anything about it for-- years?

I know you don't understand, but I had no choice.

Mrs. Lu, this information would've
helped the investigation back then.

Am I too late, Lieutenant?

Jack Chao Lu, years old.
Shot by a nine-millimeter.

Two in the back, one in the head, close range.

I see why you went with g*ng execution.

Chinese gangs were at w*r back then.
Lot of casualties.

This kid was a good student.
I couldn't find the connect.

Which g*ng came out on top?

Dragon Boys.

g*n-toting punks prided themselves on having no limits.

Extortion, kidnapping, m*rder....

Well, they still running things?

Far as I know.

Not much you can do when no one will cooperate or testify.

, years of culture says,"Don't talk to police."

Hard to fight that.

We started hiring cops in the late ' s
that spoke Mandarin, some Cantonese.

I'll talk to the Asian g*ng
Unit, see if we made any progress.


This the girl Jack was dating?

Tam Sung, .

g*ng sh**t during a street festival.

Caught in the cross-fire.

No witnesses, no leads?

Looked like a stray b*llet.

Assigned didn't get much further than that.

Three months later, Jack winds up dead.

Rotten coincidence.

Compounded by Tam Sung's father.

Registered a g*n in .


Tam was my only girl.

She wanted to be a dancer.

Was she dating anyone?

No, she was too young.

But very beautiful.

I knew when she grew up, I'd be in trouble.

Still got that nine-millimeter you bought in , Joe?

I don't understand.

Do you have new lead on who k*lled my Tam?

Answer the question, Mr. Sung.

I have the g*n, locked up at home.

Mind if we take a ride with you to go get it?

What's going on?
Why did you bring me here?

You remember a kid named Jack Lu?

Do you think I would k*ll someone
else's child after losing my Tam?

I would never hurt this boy,

no matter what his family think.

How do you know what they think?

I had no problem with Jack, huh,

but his father looked down on my daughter.

So you knew she was seeing Jack?

I knew he was interested in her.

- After she died, did you confront him?
- No.

After the funeral, my wife and I went to Tianjin to be with family.

Gone six months. Look for yourself.

Don't worry. We will.


Then look into the m*rder of my daughter.

We are, but we need your help.

I can't help.

I was right there.

The sh**ting started, and
I couldn't do anything.

I'm here. You-you're Okay.

You're Okay.


No, no.

God, no.

- We got to get out of here.
- Go without me.

- The police are coming.
- I saw 'em--

three guys with masks, dragon tattoos.

One of them had an U*i.
We've got to tell somebody.

- Keep your mouth shut.
- We got to tell somebody.

No, keep your mouth shut.
Get up. Come on. Let's go.

Get up. Get up. Let's go.

I didn't know how much he loved her.

Those tattoos--

it was the Dragon Boys did the sh**ting?

I didn't see, but we all knew.

After the sh**ting, did Jack mention going to the police?

We never spoke again.

I saw him at Tam's funeral, but
I was too upset to reach out.

Wish I had.

All right, call me back. Bye.

Thinking Jack might have reached out
to the police about Tam's m*rder.

Ray Bianchi, worked the Chinatown narcotics unit back then, said he'd never heard of the kid.

I'll run Jack's name through NCIC, see if anything pops.

Yeah, the Chinese go to the tong
with problems, not the department.

The tong?

Local Chinese merchants, lot of money, power.

Fund the Chinese Trade Alliance.

The CTA gives out scholarships,
helps immigrants get jobs, loans.

Sounds good.

What am I missing?

Well, Kim Sing tong also controls the Dragon Boys.

Money from the heroin trade.

g*ng moves the dr*gs, runs the brothels, casinos.

The tong gets rich, but never gets their hands dirty.

So, a bunch of old businessmen control the gangs?

Tong's like Chinese Mob.

Only harder to crack.

The tong never deals directly with the gangs.

Always through a go-between Chinese call the Dai Lo.

Department can't touch the tong 'cause--
we never knew who the Dai Lo was.

Yeah, we still don't.

It took years for Jack's mother to come forward.

Let's find out what the brother knows.

Detectives Rush, Valens, Homicide.

I'll be right with you, Detectives.

You don't need to close.
We just want to ask you a few questions.

It'll be easier to talk without customers coming in and out.


You know your brother had a girlfriend?

I was with him when Tam got k*lled.

I had no idea my mother knew about her until
she said she was going to the police yesterday.

You don't think she should help find your brother's k*ller?

You don't understand.
My father didn't want us talking to the police.

Well, you're right. We don't understand.

Think you'd want justice.

American justice doesn't work for people in Chinatown.

Well, it definitely won't if you don't
tell us what's going on; that's for sure.

All right. Say I get robbed
and I tell you who did it.

You arrest them; they get out
on bail and burn down my store.

Who pays to rebuild?
Not the police.

Jack feel the same as you-- about talking to cops?

Jack thought he was American, not Chinese.

I'm getting the impression you two didn't get along.

We were different, but I loved my brother.

Wish I'd tried to understand him when I had the chance.

Did Jack say he knew who k*lled Tam?

He thought it was the Dragon Boys.

Didn't know which one so he was angry at them all.

Thank you. This tree will bring us much luck.

We don't want your orange tree.

Your pop already paid me.

See you next week.

I said we don't want the stupid tree!

You're kidding, right?

- Jack!
- I apologize for my son.

We're not paying for your junk anymore!

What's going on here?

Bo-Lin, we are fortunate you came when you did.

My son thanks you.

Jack could've got us all k*lled.

You know who the thug was?

Dragon Boy named Danny Yo.
Long dead.

Who's this Bo-Lin?
Sounds like Danny Yo was terrified of him.

Terror is different than respect.

Bo-Lin Chen is a very respected man around here.

Chinese Trade Alliance.

That's right. My father was a businessman.

Jack have a problem with Bo-Lin Chen?

No, I don't think so.
Bo-Lin was a great friend to our family.

Do you have any chrysanthemum tea here?
I look for it everywhere.

We ran out. Um, just ordered some more.
Try the jasmine.

Hey, you knew Jack Lu?

He's my cousin.

Guess I'll just have to come back then.

Danny Yo was shot and k*lled in .
No witnesses.

No leads.

But he was bailed out three times.

Bail slip always signed by Mr. Bo-Lin Chen.

Ling didn't say Mr. Do-gooder was
involved with a thug like Danny Yo.

Could be scared of him.
Today Chen is the president of the CTA.

But back in ' , he was on the front lines.

Racketeering, heroin trafficking...
charges all dropped.

Witnesses never made it to trial.
Two to the body, one to the head.

Just like Jack.

Bo-Lin was the connect between the tong and the g*ng.

Looks like we found our Dai Lo.

Detectives, how can I help you?

Jack Chao Lu.
You remember him?

Hmm, yes, of course.
Hong Lu's son.

Got k*lled by street gangs, I think.
Very tragic.

We're looking at the Dragon Boys.
I'm sure you're familiar.

Gangs are horrible for Chinatown.
I've always tried to get rid of them.

That why your name is on a dozen of their bail slips?

Putting bangers back on the street
your idea of cleaning up Chinatown.

No, you misunderstand.

I run the CTA scholarship fund.
We try to help children who lost their way.

All right, drop the act, Bo-Lin.
We know that you were the Dai Lo back in .

If Jack was targeted it went from you.

I'm just a local businessman.
I want to help, but I don't know anything.

Just tell us who had a problem with Jack.
We'll leave you alone.

Otherwise we gotta start looking into your affairs.

It's your time to waste, Detective.

I've been a friend to the department for many years.

That's what you'll find.

This ain't going away, friend.

Have a nice day, Detectives.

Yeah, I'm looking for Emil Parker.

Okay, do you have his new number?

Look, he's not in any trouble. I just need to
talk to him about something he saw at the--

Dayley's parking lot.

Ma'am? Hello?

Uh, who's printing five trees of paper?

What are you looking for?

"Chapter . Some elevator repairman
found her rolled up in an old throw rug,

"fair-skinned and raven-haired."
Is that yours?

What a man prints is his own business.

Oh, sorry, just trying to do a little police business.

What'd you find?

Jack talked to a cop after all.

Two months before he died someone
logged him in as a ped stop.


I'm trying to print that out,
but now it's in all this mess.

Ray Bianchi, narcotics.

Didn't-- Boss say he asked Bianchi
about Jack back in the day?

- Said he'd never heard of the kid.
- Aw.

I'm sorry, John. I want to help, but, uh,

that was years ago.

All right, let me refresh your memory.
Jack Chao Lu.

You stopped him outside the th Street casino.

June , .

You know how many Chinese kids
I stopped outside that casino? Come on.

Back then you and me both had a seat
at Jimmy's Thursday night game,

seven-card stud. Remember that?

Of course, ti-till the wife shut it down.

One night at the table I asked you.
You said you never heard of him.

If that's what I said, then-- I guess I had my reasons.

I was working a homicide, Ray.

Okay, look. I was on a joint task force with the Feds.

Heroin trafficking. It was big.

I beat my head against the wall on this case.
It was cold before the kid was in the ground.

Believe me, anything I had on him wouldn't have helped you.

That was my call to make, not yours.

I'm sorry, John.

I couldn't out myself even after the kid got k*lled.

He was an informant?

No, he was just a young kid-- looking for revenge.

Move out.

You, drop the knife.

Get up.

You are one dumb kid.

They had g*ns and you arrest me for a knife?

I am not arresting you.
I'm saving your ass.

What the hell were you thinking?

Just want to know which one of them did it.

Did what, kid?

My girl got shot.

And nobody cares.

Going after some Dragon Boy won't make a difference.

You're just like the rest of them.
You accept it's how it is, and you don't do anything.

No, the department is going after
the guys that run the street gangs.

The heroin smugglers.
And you, I want you to stay away from those thugs.

You hear me?

Then tell me what to do.

I gotta do something.

Had a flophouse out in Fairhill.

Paid the kid a few bucks to come
out once a week and translate tapes.

God knows we needed the help.

The Feds had translators.
You didn't need to get Jack involved.

One guy spoke Cantonese.

Came down from New York twice a month.

What was on those tapes?

Not much.
Couple small drug busts, that's it.

I want the transcripts.

Feds got that stuff, if they even still have it.

Call who you gotta call.

Where are we?

I got all day.

Uh, I'll call you back.

Detective Rush?

I brought you that tea that you like.

Well, thank you.

Here, have a seat.

Is there a place we could, uh-- talk?

I'm gonna make some of this tea.
Want some?

I worked at Hong Sheng Long since I was a kid.

Stock shelves, deliveries, whatever they need.

It sounds like you gave your life to that store.

I owe them at least that much.

Why's that, Warren?

You know, coming in here took courage.


I'm not that kind of person.

You're here, aren't you?

I used to want to be like the Dragon Boys.

You know, not afraid of anything.

But it was Jack who had the real courage, not me.

They took Stacey, Jack.
I couldn't stop 'em. They had g*ns.

Calm down. Just tell me what happened.

Supposed to watch my sister so I figured I'd take
her to the arcade, just-just for a little while...

Which arcade?

One near the Tenth Street casino.

- Oh, my God.
- I know, I screwed up!

Bunch of Dragon Boys-- they told me--
told me to bring money to this address.

They're going to k*ll Stacey.

- Just let me think.
- What am I going to do?

All they want is the money.
They're gonna give her back.

Said they want $ for luck.

Warren, look at me.

Go home, Okay?
I'll try to bring her back to you.

A van-- dropped off Stacey few hours later.

Then what happened to Jack?

I found out the next day he was dead.

You ask Stacey what she saw?

She didn't talk for a week.

Made her promise not to tell anyone what happened.

She never trusted me again.

We'll need to talk to Stacey.

We don't talk anymore.
She never comes back to visit.

If I could just go back-- I would
have brought the money myself.

Hey, gorgeous.

What's that you said, I never take you out?

No. Not like that.

What's the matter?
You don't like Italian?

Food or the car?

I know this great little place down the Shore. Come on.

The Shore?

How fast is that car?

I'll get you home before sunup.

Haven't done this in a while.

What, skeeball or the go-carts?

- Watch the sun come up.
- Oh, yeah.

It's good.

I'm sorry I got us kicked out back there.

You ran a ten-year-old kid off the track.

Hey, him or me.

Yeah, well, punk tried to box me in.

Should see me on the bumper cars.

So the wine, the food...

the Maserati?

Then what, you don't think I can rock that?

I know what you make.

Gotta play the part sometimes.

I thought you might get a kick out of it.

Oh, no, I did.

It was fun.


Figured diamond studs might seem
a little too forward, you know.

Oh, yeah, this is much more subtle. Hm.

It's not a rental.

Figured since you're my girl and all.

It's-it's beautiful.

Um, I can't wear this around.

Not on my salary.

Hold on to it till the next time we go out.

Let me guess.
No returns or exchanges?

You don't like it?

No, I-I didn't say that.

Just don't throw it in the Schuylkill.


Thank you.

- But... what?
- You lied.

Said you'd get me back before sunup. Come on.

You don't mind, I'll give that
back to you when we're done here.

I don't mean to be rude, but I've
got a condo showing at : ...

When was the last time you saw your cousin Jack Lu?

I'm not sure.
He died when I was just a little kid.

You remember being kidnapped?

I'm sorry. I don't know what you're talking about.

Your brother said Jack went off to pay your ransom.

You came home a few hours later, but he never did.

Warren said that?

He wants to help us find out what happened to Jack.

Listen, maybe I went missing a few
hours, but I don't remember specifics.

Anything you saw or heard could be helpful.

I was six years old.

I'm sorry. May I have my phone back now? I...

When I was five I was playing outside.

Neighbor's father had a heart attack, right in front of me.

I remember the sound when his head hit pavement.

I can still see his mail blowing into the street.

I remember everything.

I was five.

Jack saved your life.

Don't you think you owe him anything for that?

There was this...

dripping pipe.

I'll never forget that pipe.

Cut it out, stupid.

Don't hurt her. I got the lucky money. $ .

Hand it over.

I'd be honored to give it to Mr. Bo-Lin Chen myself.

Just give it to me.

Please, I just want to talk to Mr.
Bo-Lin Chen. I'll cause no trouble.

Mr. Bo-Lin Chen, huh?

Stand still.

You're gonna get your wish.

Bo-Lin will be the last person you ever see.

Let's go.

Some guy brought me home.

Spent the rest of my life trying to erase it.

You know where you were?

Think it was underneath Shah-Lo Restaurant.

Saw a bunch of take-out boxes and stuff like that.

But they took him somewhere else.

To see Bo-Lin Chen.

I don't know where.

But I never saw Jack again.

- What can I do for you, Detectives?
- You can sit down.


You own the Shah-Lo Restaurant, Mr. Chen?

I have many business interests.

Like kidnapping for ransom?

Is this some kind of joke?

In a little girl was held against her
will in the basement of your restaurant.

That never happened.

Well, she remembers it pretty good.
Knows your name.

Lots of people know my name.

If she saw me commit such a horrible
crime, you should arrest me.


I didn't think so.

- I'd like to leave now.
- Take a seat.

Just need to confirm the last time you saw Jack Chao Lu.

Already told the lieutenant.

I want to help your investigation,
but I don't see how I can.

Well, stop jerking us around, for one.

What'd you call yourself last time we talked?
Friend to the department?

That's a joke.

I serve as a liaison.

Long as the tourists are safe the police
don't care about the people in Chinatown.

Oh, and you do?

They come to me when they need help.

No, you thr*aten them so they won't talk to us.

Exploit them in sweatshops, casinos, brothels.

That all ends today.

What are you talking about?

We're shutting it all down.

Not mine, but what's the point?
You shut 'em down. Other ones pop up.

Maybe. But between now and then
you'll lose a lot of money.

I tell you what I know,
you leave Chinatown alone?

August , . Jack Chao Lu.

Jack grew up in Chinatown, but
didn't understand how it works.

I just tried to put some sense to him.

Look, don't hurt Stacey Lee, please,
all right. I've got your money.

There's been some misunderstanding.

But I appreciate this token of your respect.

What is this about?

- You cooperate with police?
- I know what you are.

I'm a businessman.
And friend of your father's.

He'd be so ashamed if he saw how you
speak to me, with such disrespect.

Businessman, my ass. You smile in our face. You s*ab us in the back.

No, no, no, no, no.
You got it wrong, son.

You want criminal, look at your cop friend.

He's too busy lining his pockets
with my money to arrest anyone.

That's not true.

You've got a lot to learn about the world.

Jack left angry, but he was alive.

Angry with you.

With the police department, of course.

They let him down.

You're the one who buys cops.

It's not bribery if the cop takes the money. It's extortion.

I'm the victim here.

Then file a complaint.
Give us the cop's name.

I can't do that. I'm being extorted,

afraid for my life and so on.

You seem to be smart.

You'll figure it out.

Anything on Bianchi?

Found some financial discrepancies.

All three of his kids went to private colleges.

On full scholarships paid for by
dummy corporations, foundations.

Traced back to the CTA.

Maybe Jack confronted Bianchi.

Had a lot to lose.

Pension, for sure, probably jail time.

Get him in here.

CTA scholarships are the tip of the iceberg, Ray.

We're going through your tax
returns and bank statements now.

I'm retired, John.

You're going to call the rat
squad without even talking to me?

They even think you got a kid's m*rder on your hands.
Bribery's the least of your problems.

You know me years.
You got to know I would never hurt that kid.

You gave his name to Bo-Lin Chen.
What do you call that?

No. No way. That kid didn't need
no help to get himself into trouble.

I was in a tough spot.

You put yourself in a tough spot
when you took money from Bo-Lin.

We make deals, John.
It's how Chinatown works.

We got to take the gifts,
or the Tong won't even talk to us.

Don't say "we."

Fine. I got Bo-Lin to stop
the g*ng sh**t-outs over turf.

In exchange for what?

Letting him smuggle dr*gs,
run brothels and casinos?

What was I supposed to do?

Let tourists get k*lled while they're
eating their sweet and sour chicken?

Jack Lu reached out to the department for help, Ray.

He went against what everybody told him,

and he trusted a cop. He trusted you.

What do you want from me?

Start with the truth.

I can't give you Bo-Lin.

Do you have proof that he's the doer?

No. There's not gonna be none.

He never got within a foot of the really dirty work.

Then it's on you.

I couldn't protect that kid.

He had his own set of keys to the flophouse.

Hey, kid.

What you doing here?
It ain't Thursday.

What's up?

I just want to know one thing.

Do you know who k*lled Tam?
Have you known all along?

Hey. What's wrong?

Answer my question.

There were rival tongs.
One sh**t up the other's festival over turf.

All right?

No, you got to let it go.

That's why you're going after the heroin smugglers, right?

Bo-Lin Chen. So you can stop that kind of v*olence?

Look, I told you we're gonna get those
guys, but first, we got to build a case.

How you gonna do that when Bo-Lin Chen is paying
you to make sure he doesn't get arrested?

Who told you that?

No wonder everything's so messed up around here.

Good guys are the same as the bad guys.

Went in the room, and...

whole place was torn apart.

Jack got the other tapes.

What other tapes?

I held back the ones with Bo-Lin's voice on them.

It was my insurance policy.
Jack got 'em all.

- And where are they now?
- Gone.

Bo-Lin probably destroyed them
when he took Jack out.

You could have made a case against Bo-Lin
with everything you saw and did, Ray.

It doesn't matter.

It's the tong.

You cu-You cut off one head of the
dragon, the other one grows back.

Then you go after that one, and
you go after the one after that.

You get the guy that did the crime, Ray.
That's the job.

I'm gonna need that phone now.

Call my delegate.

You might want to call your wife first.

If Jack went back to Bo-Lin,
he'd destroy those tapes.

Not to mention Jack.

Unless the kid got smarter than that.

I can't listen anymore.

It's important you ID the voices.

Please don't ask me to do this.

Mrs. Lu,

your son Jack was very brave.


He deserves better.


One of them is Bo-Lin Chen.

And the other voice?

Ling, my eldest son,

selling his soul to the devil.

Hong Sheng Long Market has two trucks.

Can easily move shipments without being stopped.

What about your father?
He's not the type that can be bought.

Don't worry about him.
He trusts what I say.

He'll never know.

Anything you need.

I'm sorry, Detectives.
I don't recognize either of the voices.

Oh, it's you and Bo-Lin.

No, no, you're mistaken.

Your brother found this tape.
Probably listened to the whole thing.

If I was him, I'd be pretty
disappointed in my older brother.

He was a naive little kid.
Didn't know anything about responsibility.

He cared about doing the right thing.

Doesn't count in your book?

Jack just cared about himself.

In our culture, we honor and
protect our family above all else.

Think your mother felt the same way.

Excuse me?

Well, you said that you weren't
on the tape, but she heard it.

Told us herself.

Well, I think a mother recognizes her own son.

Is she here?

No, she's gone home.

But she did want us to give you this.

What's it say?

"You have brought shame to your father,

"and to our family name."

That's why you had to stop Jack.

He never understood.

He never understood.

Jack never understood.

What are you doing here?

You're using Dad's trucks to ship heroin.
I know when and where.

I'm just making a little extra money for the store.

So Dad knows?

We already pay hundreds of dollars a week to those punks.

Why shouldn't we get a piece of the pie?

Because they're lowlife criminals, and we're not.

Bo-Lin Chen asked for my help,
and is very generous in exchange.

I can't believe you'd touch money from his pockets.

You're a ridiculous little child.

I'd be a sucker if I didn't take an opportunity
handed to me on a silver platter.

So, Dad's a sucker?

He's very traditional, and there's no point
getting him confused with more business affairs.

I'm taking over the store.

Not yet, you're not.

Just leave this alone.

Everybody around here wants to leave it alone.
That's why nothing ever changes.

What do you want to change, Jack?

Your buddy Bo-Lin ordered the Dragon
Boys to sh**t up the summer festival.

He didn't care who got hurt.
I'm going to make him care.

You've lost your mind, little brother.

Not me, Ling.

They k*lled my Tam, and I got proof.

Where are you going?


Jack, you're not going to tell Dad about the truck?

You did this to yourself.

He'll disown me. You know that.

You're not my brother.





♪ "Every breath you take" by The Police ♪

♪ Every breath you take ♪

♪ And every move you make ♪

♪ Every bond you break, every step you take ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ Every single day ♪

♪ And every word you say ♪

♪ Every game you play, every night you stay ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ Oh, can't you see ♪

♪ You belong to me? ♪

♪ Now, my poor heart aches ♪

♪ With every step you take ♪

♪ Every move you make ♪

♪ Every vow you break ♪

♪ Every smile you fake, every claim you stake ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ Since you've gone, I've been lost without a trace ♪

♪ I dream at night, I can only see your face ♪

♪ I look around, but it's you I can't replace ♪

♪ I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace ♪

♪ I keep crying, baby, baby, please ♪

♪ Oh, can't you see ♪

♪ You belong to me? ♪

♪ Now, my poor heart aches... ♪

♪ Every step you take ♪

♪ Every move you make ♪

♪ Every vow you break ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪