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07x01 - The Crossing

Posted: 12/10/21 06:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on cold case :

Celeste.... my wife's name.

We have a daughter maggie
and a son finn.

They want
to meet you.

I don't like you, John.

You ever mess with someone
under my command again...

What you gonna do, John ?

I will beat the ever-
Loving crap out of you.

Are you asking me out
on a date ?

What do you say ?

You going to feed me first ?

Got you, Moe.

Took another look
at those campus car records.

It was you who checked out
one of those cars.

You put that girl
in a box !

I put you there, too,

You panicked
when my partner got too close.

Ran her off the road
in that same car.

" I got a woman"
by Ray Charles.


Look at her, Grace.

She's bigger
than all of south Philly.

It's not too late to
change our minds, darcy.

You kidding ? Two weeks
sipping wine in france,

a trip back on her last
atlantic crossing ever.

This is going to be
the adventure of a lifetime.

- Henry ?
- Darcy, wait.

What are you waiting for ?

Henry, what are you doing here ?

Couldn't just let you go.
Come on, let's talk about this.

- We already talked.
- I just thought

maybe if you saw this...

Even had it engraved, see ?

"D.C. from H.S."

Henry, I-I can't, I...

Keep it. You'll come to your senses once
you get this dumb trip out of your system.

I've got to go.

You've never been
outside of Philly.

All of a sudden you're
shipping off to Europe ?

- You think you're the queen of England ?
- Good-bye, Henry.

Darcy, wait.

I'm done waiting for you.

Did you actually ever see
my client

at the wheel of the vehicle

that you claim ran
your car off the bridge

on may , ?

- No.
- So your accusations are based

solely on circumstantial

Well, the evidence being
three speeding tickets

for Moe Kitchener on the
school-owned vehicle,

neighbors testifying he parked
the suburban at his house every night

- except the night he was dumping...
- Your Honor...

- ... Kate Butler's body in Germantown.
- Your honor !

Paint scrapings and dents
are an exact match

to the damage on my car,

not to mention the stitches
on the back of my skull.

Your Honor !

The school may have owned
the vehicle on paper,

but it was your client's car,

- and everyone knew it.
- Your honor,

move that detective Rush's last two
statements be struck from the record.

You opened the door,

- I do all right ?
- Tore that jackwipe a new one.

- Nice job, Lil.
- Should have seen the look

on major Moe's face
when you went off like that.

Knocked that smirk
off his ugly mug.

You did good.

Well, it'd be better
if we had you up there.

Yeah. I begged the D.A.
to let me have it,

but attempted homicide
on a police officer in bucks county

carries more weight
than the Philly charges.

What the hell
is he staring at ?

to life with any luck.

Come on.

SS Americana.
They called her "the Big A."

Fastest ocean liner ever built.

Thing's been rusting away
on the pier long as I can remember.

Decommissioned in ' .

Before jets took over,

this was the way
to travel to Europe in style.

Styling or not,

couldn't drag me out
on a boat for that long.

- Never got your sea legs, Scotty ?
- I'm seasick just thinking about it.

New owners are working her over,
trying to refit her for service again.

Came across this last night.
Bag of bones in a red dress.

Salvage operations stripped
everything else down to the metal,

but this engine room was
sealed off years ago.

Navy-built state secret.

So nobody gets in or out.

Till now.

Take a look at her neck, Lil.

"D.C. from H.S."

D.C. Matches a passenger
named Darcy Curtis.

It was reported she jumped overboard
during the ship's final crossing.

Missed the water
by a few hundred yards.

Big A was known as
"the su1c1de ship."

The jumpers would leave their shoes
on the deck. Nobody really knows why.

No shoes here.

Master-at-arms found them
against the "su1c1de rail"

morning she went missing,
couple hours before they docked.

Shoes on the deck, body
stuffed in the engine room.

su1c1de ship's starting to
look more like a m*rder ship.

M.E. report's back.

Dental records confirm
remains are darcy curtis.

- Broken neck from the fall.
- It's a remote area of the ship.

Somebody would have to know their
way around pretty good to find it.

This the whole file ?

Captain's incident report
from the su1c1de investigation ?

Passenger lists, crew reports,

all in private hands now.

It's weird leaving
shoes like that.

Nice kicks.
Shame to get them wet.

Telegram sent from the ship to Darcy's
boyfriend in Fishtown, Henry Speck.

"I can't."

Can't what ? Swim ?

Speck gave a statement,
said he thought it was Darcy

saying no to his marriage proposal.

Till he heard she disappeared.
Died in ' .

The telegram had a time-stamp.
Sent at : am.

minutes later, she's reported
lost at sea by the master-at-arms.

Her traveling companion,
Grace Stearns,

confirms she was missing later
that morning.

Id'd her off the shoes.

Lil and scotty are
talking to her now.

We knew each other
from when we were kids.

Morning Darcy disappeared,
you remember when you last saw her ?

Night before.

I had gone to bed early.

Darcy was more the
life of the party.

But she never came
back to our room.

Darcy's boyfriend, Henry Speck,

got a telegram morning
she was k*lled. Says "I can't."

It's the only thing he had
to go on all these years.

Trying to figure out
why she did it.

I guess it's not
a su1c1de note anymore.

- Henry had proposed to her ?
- In a telegram,

while we were on the ship.

I was so excited for her.

My late husband, Chester,

he was Henry's cousin.

- But she said no.
- Why's that ?

She meet another guy
on the ship ?

There was a man she was after
on that ship.

Just not in the way you think.

"We don't see eye to eye"

Since you got that telegram,
you've been nothing but doom and gloom.

Darcy, what is it ?

I've just been thinking.

How beautiful Paris was.

The art, the people
who live there.

Everyone with their hand out
waiting for a tip.

I mean, Chester was right.

The french
are completely ungrateful.

Here, read it yourself.

"Marry me."

Darcy !
Henry finally proposed !

Yeah, in a telegram.

Well, who cares ?

All you have to do now
is say yes.

Aren't you happy ?

It's what you always wanted.

I know. That's what I keep
telling myself. And then...

You don't see any of those parisian women
waiting around for a man.

They're off at museums, reading,
talking to friends in cafe's.

Not more of that
feminism jargon.

We are from Philly, Darcy.

France is... France.

"Captain's ballroom"

I don't know, Grace.

Do you ever just...

feel like you could do better ?

Darcy, listen to me.

Henry is one of the
last good men.

They don't come along every day,
and when they do,

you gotta snap them up
and be grateful.

Like you and Chester ?

He let me come along here
with you, didn't he ?

Darcy !

Darcy, come back !

I don't know what
she did to that man,

but she came back a few minutes later
with the necklace.

She say anything
about how she got it ?

Said she just
flat out demanded it.

It sounds like he knew
his way around.

Is it possible
he worked on the ship ?

Well, he wore those,
uniform pants

and those shoes
they all wore.

Rough-looking guy.

When did this happen ?

Day after we left Southampton.

Didn't faze Darcy,
but me,

I-I never left
the room after that.

Ship enthusiast

wants a court order
for me look at any of her stuff.

Took all the charm I got just
to talk her out of this box.

Looks like you hit the big a mother lode.

Every passenger manifest,
crew list,

captain's log from the SS Americana.

Check it out.

Kitchen worker : Cotter Doyle,

picked up by the sergeant-at-arms
on the final voyage.

Petty theft, stealing cash
and jewelry in tourist class.

Detention in quarters
the last day of the trip.

Doyle's quarters are on the
same deck as the engine room.

So Darcy reports the guy;
suddenly he's cooling his heels

feet from where
the body's found.

Judge is back.

All rise.

Bailiff, bring in the defendant.

- What's he doing in street clothes ?
- What the hell ?

Not good.

Given the defendant's lack of
previous legal entanglements,

his stature in the community,

and his lengthy and
laudable military service,

the commonwealth's request
for bail at $ million

seems excessive.

In light of these facts,

and major Kitchener's
perceived lack of flight risk,

I'm going to grant defense's
motion for bail reduction.

Trial date to be determined.

The defendant is released,

sign own bond.

Bailiff, uncuff the major.

Thank you, Your Honor.

He's walking.

Had the son of a bitch
on the ropes.

Pritchard and the judge
are both ex-military.

May be a case for judicial bias,

but it's bucks county's call.

Should have done it in Philly,
kept it close to home.

All misdemeanors in philly.
He'd be walking anyway.

You said they had the case to
keep him in jail till the trial.

We have any recourse ?
File a motion, something ?

We got nothing. He's out
till they get a conviction.

What kind of chance
we got of that now ?

Come on, guys. You can't control
the judges. You know that.

All I know is the guy who tried
to k*ll me is on the street.

Bad day ?

Matter of fact, yeah.

But let's try and keep my bad
day from becoming your bad day.

- Either way, it beats working.
- Working.

A -something-year-old bellboy.
That's a stellar career track, Doyle.

Rehabilitative opportunity.

Mind my ps and qs,

maybe I get to stay
on this side of the bars for a while.

Booted off the big a
for sticky fingers in ' .

You got theft counts
on your record since.

What the hell's
the matter with you ?

It's medical. I got a condition.

Pathological kleptomania.
I can't help myself.

That what happened with Darcy
Curtis back on the SS Americana ?

Who ?

I don't know any Darcy Curtis.

No ? 'cause we got a witness putting you
in her stateroom

with your condition.

Now, she came after you.
A day later, she winds up dead.

feet from where you were
"detained in quarters."

m*rder*d ?

They-they said she jumped.

Yeah, off a landing
in the engine room.

Walk me through this, Doyle.

All right. She files a report
against your thieving ass,

- and it stirs up a mess of trouble...
- No report.

She didn't want trouble.

But there was something
she wanted.

"What'd I say"
by Ray Charles.

Give it.

What, are you crazy ?

It's just a hunk of silver to you.

All right. No hard feelings then ?

I ought to turn you in.

I'm hooked in on this ship.

- Anything you want, I can get it.
- Really ?

Tickets to a show ?
Private tour,

extra towels ? You name it.

Captain's ballroom.

Oh, you want to go shake it
with the mucket-mucks.

I can get you
in the busboy entrance.

- When ?
- Tonight.

So I just... show up ?

Lady, all you need are
the right shoes

and the right attitude.

Miss thang.

She had the attitude covered.
That's for sure.

You saying
she didn't turn you in ?

You can ask
the first class head steward.

Commodore tightass.

Gave me hell
for sneaking her in there.

Know where she got
the snazzy shoes ?

Nope. But if she had been wearing
those in the captain's ballroom that night,

she would have never got caught.

Come here.

You defended me.

- What ?
- Bucks county courthouse, : pm.

You defended me.

- No I didn't.
- You totally did.

What's your point, Curtis ?

Nothing. Just, you won't go out
on a second date with me,

but you will go to bat for me
in front of your crew.

I didn't say I wouldn't
go out with you again.

You're just not returning my calls.

I thought you didn't use voice mail.

Come on, Kat.

I thought...

I thought we had
a good dinner.

Good conversation.

- Great wine.
- Right ?

- ' bordeaux.
- Perfect with the filet.


So, what the hell happened ?

You took me home

and you didn't even...

I mean, I thought we had a thing,

and then I wasn't sure.

And I just... Look, I don't have
a lot of time. .

I got a kid, and so do you.
You know, I don't know..

So ?

What do you say ?

Uh, yeah.

All right, then.


Um, got to go.

What's up with Miller ?

Good question.

- What do you got ?
- Those shoes left on the deck ?

Turns out they're
Gloria marks.

- What, designer ?
- One of a kind. Very expensive.

Exclusively sold two places :

a boutique in Milan
and on board the SS Americana.

Too rich for Darcy's
steerage budget.

Question is, who bought
Cinderella her slippers ?

Found our first class
head steward.

Crew log has him
as Geoffrey Manning.

He's standing right next to Darcy.
Opportunity to spare.

Knew the ship,
the engine room...

Works as a maitre D'
at Gibbs steakhouse

on Rittenhouse square now.

Gibbs ? Same family that owned
the liner company that ran the Big A ?

The one and only.

I've been trying to get a
reservation there for years.

They're always booked.

I got this one.

Go get' em, tiger.

Allow me to check
our reservation book

I'm sorry, sir,

but that night is
completely booked, as well.

I'm so sorry. Right.

What can I do for you,
detective ?

- That obvious, huh ?
- It's the shoes.

You remember this lady ?
Name's darcy curtis.

You want to look at it ?

Or is that like your little trick with
the nonexistent reservation book ?

I'm sure you can see
that I'm very busy.

Falling all over yourself
keeping the Gibbs family happy.

- First on their ship, now here.
- It's called loyalty, detective.

And it's a two-way street.

Well, I ain't in a hurry.

I'm just going to call up
a few of my...

Cheap shoe-wearing buddies,

knock back a few at the bar.

Carpet's treated for fluids, right ?

I remember her.
Mixed-up girl.

She jumped overboard
on our last voyage.

- Very sad.
- Found her yesterday

in the engine room,
her body stuffed under a stairwell.

Heard you booted her out
of the captain's ballroom

night before she died.
Same night as that picture.

Well, I did see her that night,

but I wasn't the one
who gave her a problem.

Where did you get this outfit ?
It's perfectly obscene.

Those shoes.

I know who you are.

You-you do ?

They told me the
Countess of Montpensier

was travelling incognito.

Oh, don't worry. No one will
recognize you in that.

Your secret is safe with me.

There you are, darling.
I've been looking all over for you.

- You're with the countess ?
- Duke...

of wilkes-Barre.
Now, if you'll excuse us...

That woman is
an insufferable gossip.

I figured I'd spare you,
seeing that you're...

- New to the scene.
- I beg you pardon.

Didn't you hear ?

I'm a countess.


That's not going to save you
from that officious steward

headed over to boot you out
on your royal ass.

Piano, quick.

- Think you can keep up ?
- Please.

Don't you read
your society pages ?

"People will say we're in love"
by Ray Charles.

Grace ?

After that, I didn't have the heart
to kick her out.

Things had been going so well
before her friend became...

- chemically inconvenienced.
- What about this "duke" ?

- Piano man got a name ?
- Not sure.

Ship had no shortage of
eligible bachelors that night.

Miss Curtis's singing
made quite an impression.

You ever see her again
after that night ?

She left a few minutes later.

I never saw her
or her charming friend again.

Heard about what happened
in court today, Lil.

He smiled at me.

The bastard smiled at me, boss.

You let it get personal,
Lil, it could get messy.

It's already messy.

Guy ran me off the road.
And now he's walking.

Just do your job.
Let the rest work itself out.

- I'm not sure I can do that.
- Well, find a way.

You've got to get
past this, Lil.

Moe will get his day.

Were you a happily married

back in ' , Grace ?

Well, of course.

Chester was one
of the last good men.

You ever cheat on him ?

What kind of question is that ?

We heard about you hooking up with
some tosspot casanova from first class,

slinking down to his room.

Oh, my God.

I can see why you
didn't bring that up

- last time we talked.
- That wasn't me.

That was the liquor.

It's the first time
I ever drank like that.

You worried about Darcy
keeping a lid on it ?

Afraid she'd tell Chester
about your night of romance ?

Darcy didn't judge me for it.

She said I was hard enough
on myself.

I was so ashamed.

The guy darcy was hanging with
at the party,

- you ever catch his name ?
- No, she never told me.

But whoever he was,

he was trouble.

"Hide nor hair"
by Ray Charles.

"Dear countess of Montpensier..."

Thank you.

"...the duke of Wilkes-Barre
requests the honor

of your presence at dinner for two
on the ship's private deck."

Oh ! Isn't it romantic ?

I can only wonder
what he wants in return.

Oh, please, Grace.
Let me enjoy this.

Oh ! If only it were that easy.

Where are the seasick pills ?

What are these ?


Birth control pills ?

Darcy, is this what you were bought
at the pharmacy near the champs d'elysee ?

So what if it is ?

Times are changing, Grace.

I can tell.

Just not sure
if it's for the better.

Of course it is.

The first time in my life that
I feel like I have a choice,

and I like it.

I just hope that you're thinking
this through.

I'm not.

And that's what feels
so damn good about it.

Isn't it beautiful ?

Maybe she was right.
I don't know.

And this is the night
Darcy disappeared ?

She put on those clothes
and she went to meet him.

Oh, it's the last time
I saw her,

and I was so petty
about her stupid pills.

Sure you weren't jealous,

all that attention Darcy was getting ?
- Well, sure,

who wouldn't want to be
Cinderella for a night ?

There's a ledger
from the onboard boutique.

A big order on the account
of Tucker Benton.

Five dresses, six pairs
of shoes... expensive.

"Tucker Benton."

Name wasn't on the passenger list.

That's because
he wasn't a passenger.

He was an employee
of Gibbs shipping lines.

Took care of the first-class service.

Just got this from the library.

Tucker Benton was engaged
to the boss's daughter.

Heiress apparent
to the Gibbs family fortune.

Explains how he got
the cush job,

living the life of Reilly
on that ship.

Where's he today ?

Lives on a boat down at Penn's landing.
Long John Stillman

is on his way with Scotty,
see what's what.

Excuse me.

So, those wingtips
you clunk around in,

how much they set you back ?

Well, if you gotta ask,
you don't wanna know.

All right, look...

Talk to my man.
He'll set you up.

Beat it.

You got it, didn't you ?

The trial date.

Oh, uh, looking at may .

Eight months ?

Guy's gonna be out there ?



I'm sorry about all this.

I'm not the one
you should be sorry for.

Chris craft, ' .


Sparkman Stevens design.

Winter in Grenada. Gotta move quick
before the weather gets fresh.

Nice ride, but it doesn't hold a candle
to the big a, though, does it ?

What's this about ?

The great thing about sailing,
there's no laws out there on the high seas.

- You can get away with anything.
- Like with Darcy Curtis.

What are you talking about ?


- Jumped overboard.
- They found her body on the ship

wearing a fancy dress. Any idea where
she might have gotten it from ?

I bought it for her.

My God,

what happened to her ?

You give a statement
when she disappeared ?

No, no, I didn't.

It's strange, seeing as you were
with her that night, right ?

Are you saying that I had something
to do with hurting Darcy ?

You had a lot to lose, anyone
found out about the affair.

Thinking about your fiance
in particular.

Millie and I...
our engagement was a mistake.

I called it off the day
we docked. Ask her yourself.

I will.

Until Darcy came along,
there was only one lady for me :

the SS Americana.

This is the romantic spot ?

Gotta say, duke... your castle
kind of smells like engine oil.

This... is the most beautiful
spot on the ship.

All those gorgeous lines
topside, all that finery,

it's nothing
without this room,

this fire in her belly
pushing her on.

- I sound like a lunatic.
- Stark Raving.

You know, it's...

it's the same thing
I see in you, Darcy.

Beautiful, but that
same fire inside.

"Careless love"
by Ray Charles.

Let me, let me guess. Some handsome
Joe back home gave this to you, right ?

- It's not what you think.
- What is it, then ?

It just...

reminds me of who I was.

Well... at least, who I think I was.

- And what kind of person is that ?
- The kind who falls in line,

accepts things
the way they are.

Doing what everyone expects just because
they expect it just feels...

It feels...

Like giving up.

I know what you mean.

You do ?

I'm engaged, Darcy.

I should have told
you earlier.

It just doesn't
really seem real.

Do you...

do you love her ?

I thought I did.

But now...


all I know is that
her family wanted it to happen,

and... and then
that was that.

It's crazy. She...

she hates boats.

She gets seasick
the second she steps on one.

And I would be just as happy
never to set foot on dry land again.

Hell, I'd even get
married out here.

That's the most romantic thing
I've ever heard.

Tucker, wait.

I mean...

we can't.

- Can we ?
- We have two hours until we dock.

Wow, we decided to get married
right then and there.

I told her I didn't come from money.
So without the Gibbs,

there'd be no more fancy dresses
or parties.

Didn't care. Said all she wanted
was me and the open sea.

Crazy as it was,

at that moment we were clear
about what we wanted,

right then.

We wanted each other.

You together the rest of that night ?

No, no, she went down to change

into one of the dresses I bought her.
I told her to meet me on the bridge.

But the captain was so excited.

He said that he would open
the ballroom for us.

I sent the head steward down
to tell her

to meet me there instead.

Head steward. You talking about
Geoffrey Manning ?

I drove him crazy with
questions when he came back.

What'd she say ?
What was she wearing ?

What'd he tell you ?

He told me she was wearing
a red dress.

He called it
"a bold choice,"

just like her.

I waited in the ballroom until
the sun came up, but she never showed.

I never saw her in it,
but to this day

I picture her
in that red dress.

Beautiful as a sunrise at sea.

Where was she
when you found her ?

The same place
as your last date, Romeo.

The engine room ?

I can't let you sail off
into the sunset just yet, Captain.

Manning lied to us.
Knew exactly who "the Duke" was.

Uptight SOB saw Darcy in the dress
she was wearing when she died.

Tucker was getting ready
to break off his engagement with Millie.

embarrass the Gibbs family.

Wonder how far his loyalty went.

The night Darcy Curtis died...

you told us you didn't see her.
You wanna change that story ?

Quiet a long time ago,
hard to recall.

You don't remember stopping by
her room to check on her

see what's she was wearing
for the wedding ?

Discretion, detective.
Afraid it's a part of job description.

Gibbs' clan was very forthcoming
with their family history, Manning.

Your father was the family butler
since like always...

- Gentleman's gentleman.
- An his father before him.

I grew up on the Gibbs' estate.

Lived in the same house with them.

Job description included
making sur Tucker Benton

didn't step out on line,
embarassed the family ?

Break Millie Gibbs' heart ?

The Gibbs family never instructed me
to keep an eye on miter Benton.

Not maybe in so many word, but
you expected to do it anyway.

Anticipate your masters needs
without haven't been told.

That was a different time,

Tucker was about to run off
with some ??????

- You have to step in.
- Damn right I stepped in.

I did what I had to do.

"Drown in my own tears"
by Ray Charles.

Geoffrey Manning, Miss.

Mind I have a word
regarding M. Benton ?


is Tucker changed his mind ?

Please, Miss Curtis.

You know, here on the ship,

it's quiet commun to feel
that you're in your own world,

that anything is possible.

And that's wrong ?

I fell how you feel

all too deeply,

behond my grasp...

for a woman I have
no hope to attain.

In the end,

I conceided,

as you must,

that it was not meant to be.

Meaning you give up.

Meaning I recognized
there are things more important

than my selfish desire.

I put my feelings aside
and I did what was right.

Well, this is right.
I know it is.

Life no fairytale, Miss Curtis.

Some point, you have
to give back the sleepers.

It's different for us,
Mister Manning.

- It's a different time.
- Listen to me...

It only ends in pain for you,

for Mister Benton and
for everyone involved.

Is that what you want ?

M. Benton is prepare to sh**t himself
in a foot over you.

Please, think about what I said,
before he pulls the trigger.

I have long ago realised
that my love for her was an impossibility.

Millie Gibbs.

You grew up together.

I couldn't bear
for her heart to be brocken.

Even if she wasn't mine.

I told Darcy the facts,
left the decision up to her.

Lot of crap.

You didn't trust her
to make the right decision,

so you drag her
to the engin room,

and you make the floor.

Far worse, detective.

I found her shoes on the deck
that morning.

- And I didn't report it.
- Hold on.

Captain's report said
that the master-at-arms

found the shoes at h am.

He wasn't the first person
to found them.

Is this the shoes you saw ?

That's right.

About h ...

- give it or take a fex minuts.
- So at h ...

Darcy was already dead.

You remember waking up the ship's
telegram operator

at h in the morning, Grace ?

I would be asleep at that hour.

he remembers you clearly,

waking up in the middle
of the night,

and forgot to tip him.

One lousy buck could have save you
lot of trouble, Grace.

Hey, you want to ask him
about it ?

- He's right here.
- No, stop, look, I know what you're doing.

I would never hurt Darcy.

- She was like family.
- She would have been

if she had married
Chester's cousin.

Darcy and Henry were a good couple,
they would have been very happy.

Like you and Chester ?

Cumberland street.

You know that adress ?


???? with Chester name on it.
January .

Now why would Chester had
a appartment


You don't understand,
he didn't leave there.

His mail forward,
dmv records.

Does Chester leave you, Grace ?

Had he already left you
when you took that trip with Darcy ?

No, no, no, no...

- We were working things out.
- Come on, Grace.

- It wasn't over.
- I spoke to his family.

He was stepping out on you
pratically from your wedding night.

But you couldn't admit it.

Either way, why you still hanging
on that wedding photo.

I didn't have her courage.

And misery loves company, right ?

If Darcy had just married Henry,
like she was supposed to,

There would have been
another wedding.

Chester would have remember
what it was like to "be in love"

But Darcy wasn't going
to marry Henry, Grace.

Darcy grew wings.

And I was all alone.

But she didn't care what
other people thought anymore.

She was gonna take this situation
into her own hands,

and you didn't like that.

The steward found
Darcy's shoes at : AM.

Never say anything until today.

This was send half a hour later.

After Darcy was dead, Grace.

Darcy's su1c1de note...
you wrote it.

You send it.

Was it only
one reason to do that ?

I never meant to hurt her.

No, you didn't, Grace.

It's time to tell us what happen.

I followed her to the engin room.

I just wanted to confort her...

To tell her we could
work things out together.

But she didn't care.

Darcy, I'm sorry.

Once we dock,
you'll forget all about that dandy.

You'll marry Henry,
You'll settle in,

and the four of us will have
so much fun together.

- Like we dream when we were kids.
- No, Grace...

He was right.

The reason I came back her...

that really is the most beautiful
spot of the ship.

The fire in the belly.

What are you talking about ?

I'm gonna do it.

I'm gonna marry him.

- Righht now.
- Wait !

- What about me ?
- Be my maid of honnor.

- Stay by my side.
- Darcy, I can't.

Yes, you can. I saw the way
you were looking at those dresses.

Put one on and stand by me.

But this is a fantasy.

That man is using you.

You belong at home,

with me, with Henry
and with Chester.

With Chester ?
Grace, do you hear yourself ?

We'll start planning
the wedding today.

And we'll go to Charles Garden
and we'll get you a dress.

- And Father Concane will talk to Henry.
- Chester left you !

What ?

He's gone.

You don't have
to keep waiting for him.

You have a choice.

- Shut up.
- He's not coming back.

Everyone konws it but you.

How dare you...

"What would I do without you"
by Ray Charles.

♪Don't deceive me ♪

♪Please don't leave me ♪

♪What would I do without you ♪

♪To see me through ♪

♪If you leave me, ♪

♪If you grieve me ♪

♪What would I do without you ♪

♪To see me through ♪

♪What would I do ♪

♪Say I want know ♪

♪What would I do ♪


♪Where would I go ♪

♪How you please me ♪

♪When you squeeze me ♪

♪What would I do without you, ♪

♪to see me through ♪