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03x07 - Sleep Over Suite

Posted: 12/09/21 08:11
by bunniefuu
Dude, this statue of london
is freakin' me out.

Its eyes...They follow
you everywhere.

As opposed
to the real london,

Whose eyes just stare
blankly into space.

Come on,
let's go, let's go.

London's paying us
to dog sit, not dog brush.

I have to brush
ivanna times.


Ah, good enough.

What's ivanna gonna do?

Call london in scotland
and complain?


[cell phone rings]

London: Hello? Ivanna?


, --

You know what?
This is stupid.

No dog wants to be
pampered like this.

Right, ivanna?


Madam, your filet tidbits
and your sheep hoof.

Ok, but I still
say ivanna's a dog,

And dog's love to fetch.

Ivanna, ivanna, ivanna.




You busted london's bust.

You think she'll notice?

Oh, we are
so in trouble.

What do you mean "we"?

Hey, you were here.
You're an accessory.

You're an idiot.

Then you're an accessory
to an idiot.

Look, we've got
to get this fixed

Before someone
tells london.

[ivanna barks]
london: Hello?

Ivanna? Hello?

R-orry, r-ondon.
Wrong r-umber. Ruff!


♪ here I am in your life ♪

here you are in mine

yes, we have
a suite life

♪ most of the time ♪

♪ you and me,
we got the world to see ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ just me and you
know what to do ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ it's you and me ♪

♪ and me and you ♪

♪ we got the whole place
to ourselves ♪

♪ you and me,
we got it all for free ♪

♪ so come on down ♪

♪ this is the suite life ♪

♪ we've got a suite life ♪

Oh, I assume
you're here

For the barbershop
quartet convention.

♪ yes ♪
♪ yes ♪

♪ yes ♪
♪ good guess, genius ♪

Ooh, good guess!

That is wonderful!

I love
barbershop quartets.

Excuse me, pardon me.


We need a new microphone
for the lounge.

Oh, pish posh.

There's nothing
wrong with this one.

[chipmunk voice]
oh, yes, there is.

Now, fix it, cheapskate!

Alright, alright.

I'll see
what I can do.

But first I
have to check in
the mellow notes.

♪ hello ♪
♪ hello ♪

♪ hello ♪
♪ hello ♪

Oh, very cute.

Do you sing
everything you say?

All:♪ it gets annoying,
doesn't it? ♪

♪ bah-doh-doh ♪

All: ♪ ooh-we-ooh ♪

Maybe a little.

♪ ooh-we-ooh ♪

♪ bah-doh-doh ♪

♪ ooh-we-ooh ♪

♪ ooh-we-ooh ♪

barbershop quartets.

Oh, good.

You see them, too.

Ooh, I also
see stacey from school.

Man, she's cute.

Well, why don't
you ask her out?

Well, I tried that once.

But I was so nervous,
all that came out was...


And a little bit of gas.

I'm terribly sorry,

But we're
completely booked
for this weekend.

But I really wanted
to have my birthday
slumber party here.

I know,
I am so sorry.

You know what?
Have a complimentary
tipton pen.

Why is there a girl
with a bikini on it?


Ok, wrong pen.

There you are.

Happy birthday.

Poor stacey doesn't
get her sleepover.

Actually, she does.

Don't you see?
This is perfect!

We can rent stacey
london's suite

And use the money
to fix that statue
we broke.

We broke?

Ok, the ball broke.

I don't know.

Your last plan
ended us up in a vat
of marshmallow topping.

You say that
like it's a bad thing.


You give stacey
her birthday party,


She'll be
I'm in! Really grateful.

Hey, scehi, guys.

Look, we heard
for your birthday.

Cody here can
totally hook you up!


That is
so fantabulous!


Mom, guess what.

the suite for me.

But the manager

Oh, th how

but the manager
since you are the junior
activities director...

I amuh, yes.

Yes, I am!

I'm the senior junior
activities director.

Her sleepover party
this saturdaytaco wi be having

In the london suite.

Which, as you know,
is vacant.

Because you, yourself,
are a tween at heart.


ifou pay with cash.



[passes gas]

Girls, welcome to
the london suite.

[all gasping]

Now, there are just
a few ground rules.

If you would just--
oh! Ooh! Hey!

No, don't touch
that painting!

Ladies, please. This
is a high-class hotel,

Not a bouncing room.

You should
see the closet!

It has more clothes
than the mall,

And an escalator!

Um, you see,
about that--

Why are someone
else's clothes in here?

Uh, well...

It's, uh...Part of
the sleepover package.

Yeah, the dress up option.

You mean we
can try these on?

Why not?

bucks a head.

, , thank you, thank you.

Thank you.

I'm hungry.

Let's order room service.



Uh, you can't
order room service.

Uh, that's my job.
What do you want?


Baked alaska!

Uh, you're getting pizza.

That's good.
Works for me.


Come on, cody.

There's one
cute girl waiting
upstairs for you.

And waiting for me.

Look, stacey
will not be impressed

Unless these pants
are properly pleated.

Yeah, 'cause
chicks dig pleats!

[telephone rings]



What uh-oh?

Don't uh-oh!

What's the uh-oh?

The girls want
to order pizza.

We don't
have enough money
to buy pizzas.

What are we
going to do?

Get me my pizza apron.

And my pants.

♪ hello, carey, hello ♪

Thought I ditched--
left you guys
in the lobby.

What are
you doing here?

♪ boom-boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ we're here
to ask you ♪

♪ to dinner tonight ♪

♪ boom-boom-boom-boom ♪

♪ the moon is up and the
feeling's just right ♪

♪ boom-boom-boom-boom ♪
♪ ooh ♪

♪ and when we see you,
we feel so alive ♪

♪ let's get a table
for one ♪

♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Oh, gee, guys,
I'd love to.

But seriously, I've got
to make dinner for my kids.

You know, without me,
they wouldn't eat.





♪ a delicious
blend of garlic ♪

All: ♪ oregano ♪

♪ pine nuts, basil,
olive oil ♪

♪ a little sprinkle
of romano cheese ♪

♪ yum ♪
♪ yum ♪

♪ yum ♪

All: ♪ why don't
we eat here? ♪

Both: No!

I'm sorry guys.

I can't have dinner
with you tonight.

It's family night.

We're goin' out.

Thank you.

Look, you haven't
had a date in years.

And now you got at once.


Keep her out
as late as you want.

She's old.

Wait, wait, wait.

♪ we promise this date ♪

♪ will really be tops ♪

♪ if I'm not back ♪

♪ by , call the cops ♪

Should we be
worried about mom?

Nah, we got
problems of our own.

This is great.

You're going
to get your money,

And I'm going
to get my girl.

Zack, you are a genius.

Oh, hi, guys!

I'm back
from scotland.

I hate you.

Now, move your
wee little hand

So I can go
up to my suite.

No! This is your floor.

No, it's not.

Uh, yes it is.

While you were gone,
they changed all
of the floor numbers.

It's a metric thing.

Take your floor
and subtract .

Oh, ok.

Room service!

Girls: I'm starving!

Easy girls, easy, easy.

There's plenty to go around.

And I'm not just
talking about the pizza.

This is no time
for flirting.



look, we have
a small problem.

London's back.

We gotta get rid
of these girls
right now!

Uh, ok.

Don't worry.
I've got it covered.

Um, time to play
hide and seek!

Ugh, I don't want
to play hide and seek.

That's a baby game.

I like hide and seek.

You callin' me a baby?

No, ma'am.
Then hide.

We'd better
start cleaning.

[keys jingling]

That's london!

Quick, act natural.

They did not change
the floor numbers.

What's been
going on in here?

Well, to tell
you the truth...

We took advantage
of you being gone,

And all of us
threw a pizza party.

Oh, anyway...

♪ I'm home ♪

Hello, marble me!

Where's marble me?

Uh, we sent
out your bust.

To get buffed.

In buffalo.

Oh, thanks!

Uh, no, no.

We'll take
that for you.


What was that noise?


Uh, rat roaches!

Half rat,
half roach,
all vicious.

[girls laughing]

They giggle
before they attack!


Oh, my gosh!
What will we do?

Um, uh, don't worry.

We called an exterminator.

Why don't you stay
in our suite tonight?

You'll be safe there.

[girls giggling]

Oh, we better hurry.

, ,

, .

Good. Now, zack,
draw my bath.

Ok, but I'm better
at drawing fighter planes.

I already drew it.

Remember, always
swim with a buddy.

Oh, I love duckies!

Ok, guys.

We have
a big problem.

Great, because everything
was going so well before.

Stacey and the girls
want ice cream sundaes.

Then they'll have it.

Nia, get me
my ice cream smock.

Zack, keep london
in the bath.

Great, I'll go
grab my snorkel.

Nice try, dork-el.

London: I need a loofah!
Oh, wait.

I'll just use
this one on the stick
by the toilet.


Oh, wait.

No, london, wait.
No, don't.

Cody, these sundaes
are fantabulous.

Are you going to
stay and watch me
open my presents?

Of course!

And I got a little
present for you, too.

[doorbell rings]

Um, could you get that?

I'm too busy
counting my money.

Our money.

I'll give
you your present

Right after
I answer the door.

Mr. Moseby, um...

Ivanna's done
with her petty-petty.

Thanks, you know.

a little something
for your troubles.

I'll take ivanna
from you now.

But why are you--
thank you, bye.

But I--could I just--
[door slams]

Something for my troubles?
What--ooh, lunch!

You got me a puppy?

That's so

I'm going
to call you noodles.

Um, no, wait.

Wouldn't you much
rather have this

Lovely charm bracelet?

You can't cuddle
a charm bracelet.

Huh, I can.

I'm still not sleepy.

What else can I do?

I gave you
a glass of water,

I massaged
your big toe,

And I read you
good night, yacht.

I need
my white noise machine.

It makes all
these soothing sounds
to fall asleep to.

And you're telling
me this because...

Be a tropical rainforest.

[imitating monkey]

[imitating bird]

[yelling like tarzan]

Too ape man.

Do wave sounds.



Too hawaiian.
More french riviera.

Le whoosh!

Le crash!


This isn't working either.

I need to go up to my suite
and get my emu feather pillow.

Uh, no, no.

What about the rat roaches?

You're right.
I'll take you
as bait.

Will you hand
me that napkin?

Oh, no!
The dog is rabid.

You know what?
I'll take him back
and get you a new one.

Silly, that's
just whip cream.

Right, noodles?

Cody, we got a...

Hope you're
havin' a good time.

Remember, we accept tips.

Excuse us.

London's coming.

And she'd be here already,

But I spun her around
a few times in the elevator.

Ok, I just
sent the girls

On a scavenger hunt
in the closet.

No, london's
about to go in there
and look for something!

Ok, but she's got
to pay the $ entry fee
like everybody else.

Did you say
london tipton is here?

Uh, yeah!

She might be
in the closet.
Take a look!

She's worth , points
if you find her.


Ok, I'll we got
to do now is keep
london out of there.

Oh...Ok, is the room
spinning, or is just me?

Why is my room
even messier than before?

Uh, because I just
fought off a pack
of rat roaches.


No thanks necessary.

I'm ok.

Wow, that is
a big closet.

Did you know
it has a gift shop?

Who's that?


She's one of your

She's a kid.

No, she's just small,

So she can get into
the tiny places.

Oh, that makes sense.

Wait, why is she wearing
one of my dresses?

Because if she wore
her exterminator outfit,

It'd sort of tip off
the rat roaches.

They're wily.

Wily? My name is betsy,

And the only reason why
I'm here is just for--



Why did you just kiss
one of my exterminators?

Because she might
never come back.

[dog barking]
oh, no!
They've got ivanna!

Oh, you can't go in there.
It's not safe.

That's my baby in there.
Mommy's coming!

This could be a problem.

Stacey: I found her!

That's , points.

You saved ivanna.

Oh, thank you,
little exterminator person.


My doggie's name
is noodles.

You're noodles if
you think this is your dog.

London, I heard
you were back--

What happened in here?

Rat roaches.

It's disgusting.

But don't worry--
the exterminators
are here.

Although one of them is
trying to steal my dog.

I can't find
anything on this list.

This is
the worst party ev--


Betsy, your boyfriend
just kissed me.

Betsy: Ugh!


It's over!

Man, these chicks
are meaner than
the rat roaches.

All right,
what is going on here?

Guys, hide me!
I'm having the worst
dates of my life.

The quartet started
a fist fight over me
in the restaurant.


You broke up
the mellow notes?

They're the beatles
of barbershop quartets!

Oh, I hardly--

♪ you're the ♪

All: ♪ most beautiful girl ♪

♪ in the world ♪

Guys, I can't date
all of you.

♪ then pick me ♪
♪ me ♪

♪ me ♪
♪ me ♪

All: Shut up!

All right.



I found the priceless
pearl necklace!

No, I saw it first!

Oh, no, I did--

[nia gasps]

Pearls! I got 'em!

You know,
I'm starting to think

These rat roaches
might not be real.


All right, I want
the truth now.

So do I.

Ok, the truth is

We were playing fetch
when we broke london's bust.


So when we heard stacey
wanted a sleepover birthday,

I thought I could impress
her by getting nia's help
to rent out london's suite.

But then london
came back early

Because she couldn't
the key to her castle,

So we made up
the rat roaches
to get london out,

And stacey thinks that
cody gave her ivanna
for her birthday

And named her noodles.


You lied to me
and made my birthday
completely unfantabulous.

I'm sorry, miss tipton.
We'll leave now.

I love slumber parties!

[gasps] let's go do
each other's makeup.

Meet you in lipstick land!

Girls: Whoo!

Well, I'm glad
that worked out.

Come on, cody, let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Bup, bup, bup!

And no tv,
no oven for a month.

You'll also return
all of the money
that you made tonight.

As will you.
I cannot believe
you got involved

In a scam like--
actually, I can
believe it.

I can't believe
I blew it with stacey.

I hope you learned
your lesson.

Yeah. When you lie
to impress a girl,

All you wind up with is
pesto on your pizza apron.

I thought the lesson was

"only kiss
one girl per party."

Unless the first one
goes home.

I thought
the lesson was

"all kids belong
in military school."

You always think
that's the lesson.

And I pray one day
you'll learn it.

♪ carey ♪

♪ carey ♪
♪ carey ♪

♪ carey ♪

Oh, no.

♪ bum, bum, bum, bum ♪

All: ♪ we're here
to tell you
the greatest news yet ♪

♪ the mellow notes
you love ♪

♪ want to be a quintet ♪

♪ ooh... ♪
guys, guys,
I keep telling you,

It's not going to
work out between us.

I mean, I'm a virgo,

And you're
an aquarius, capricorn,
libra, and pisces.

♪ we don't mean you ♪

All: ♪ you're not
getting this hat ♪

♪ meet the new
mellow note ♪

♪ they've asked me
to scat ♪


♪ good luck with that ♪