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04x08 - Fire and Rain

Posted: 12/08/21 15:54
by bunniefuu
It's the good stuff, fellas.

Hey, okay.


Buen provecho.

You were amazing, Elliot.

- Buen provecho.
- Muchas gracias, amigo, eh?

De nada.

That's how you say it, right?
You're welcome?


I wish you all the best of luck.

May your dreams come true.

ALL: Salud.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Happy birthday, Dougie.


Hey, Tiff, what's up?

Okay, see you soon.

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Traffic on the BQE was brutal.


Sure you weren't having a good night

with one of your special lady friends?

I was in bed by : , alone.

If you say so.

How come you never have
a girlfriend, Scola?

Wow. Isn't even : a.m.

- I'm serious!
- I have no idea.

Come on, try harder.

Okay, fine. I have intimacy issues.

I already knew that.

Great, then there's nothing left to say.

Mystery solved.

- Come on, dig deep.
- That's not really my thing.

So you're just happy
being blissfully superficial.

That is exactly what I am.

How you doing? Special Agent Scola.

This is Agent Wallace.

Detective Valdez.

So what do we got?

Homicide. Male, white, age .

Got sh*t in the house, crawled outside.

Found two nine-millimeter
casings on the floor.

Neighbor going for a walk
sees him bleeding out,

calls it in.

Also sees a blue Toyota
zipping down the street

a few minutes before he spotted the DOA.

- They catch a plate?
- Only the first letter, K.

But that's not why we called.


♪ ♪

Looks like he was sh*t right here.

Thought it was just another homicide.

Until we saw this.

♪ ♪

All right,
so the victim's name is Elliot Young,

he was ,
unemployed auto mechanic, army vet,

former EOD technician.
Means he's a b*mb expert.

Yeah, he had chemicals, fuses,

and homemade blasting caps.

So our b*mb team is analyzing now,

but based on what they saw, they think

that he likely made

one large ammonium nitrate b*mb.

Which was not found in the house.

So that means the k*ller likely took off

with said b*mb. The question is, why?

Why k*ll Young? Why not just pay for it?

You know, why draw police scrutiny?

Signor Moran, you have anything done?

Yeah, I've been digging
through his financials,

and he definitely has some problems.

He defaulted on his home mortgage,

and he's over days
delinquent on two credit cards.

Okay, so maybe he's making bombs

to make money, not to further a cause

or political agenda.

- Hey, I just talked to DHS.
- Yeah.

There's no chatter about the sh**ting

or any imminent t*rror1st att*ck.

If the sh**t is a t*rror1st,

and the b*mb was taken to support

some upcoming terror event,

it's most likely a small group,

a splinter organization off the radar

of the intelligence community.

ERT says they didn't find
any hits on the DNA

or the fingerprints
recovered at the scene.

So we're nowhere.

Which is a sub-optimal place
to begin the investigation,

but I have a feeling somebody in here

is going to flip the script
and find me a lead.

Just got a video hit on the blue Toyota.

Matches the description
the neighbor saw.

Can you read the plate?

No, nothing.

But we know it begins with the letter K.

Okay, in the tri-state area,

there are exactly six

late-model blue Toyota Corollas

that have license plates
that begin with the letter K.

Okay, next candidate.

Hannah Thompson, .

Administrative assistant
from Wellington Moore.

Sure sounds violent.

Yeah, just like the last
two people we talked to?

Opera singer at Staten Island?

Metaphysical life coach
from Brooklyn Heights.

Give me a break.



FBI, anybody home?

Hannah Thompson, you there?

Hold on. OA, check out this car.

Hey, check this out.

- Is that blood?
- [SIGHS] Yup.

♪ ♪




Drop it and show me your hands.

What happened? What's going on?

We're gonna take a ride to Fed,

that's what's going on.

I don't even have my clothes on.

Can I get dressed?

Hannah Thompson.

Born in Longmeadow, Massachusetts.

She moved to New York in .

Was married for five years
before her husband d*ed

in, uh, in .

September , .

She's worked
as an administrative assistant

at Wellington Moore
for the past nine years.

Fact remains, her car was seen

leaving the crime scene,
and we recovered

blood from her vehicle, so.

Hey, did you find
any evidence at Hannah's place?

No, nothing.

Uh, well, that's not really true.

We found an extensive
collection of marmalade.


Sounds like a delicious discovery.

All right, let's take
a run at Ms. Thompson,

see if we can't figure out
why and how she's involved

- in this, um, jam.
- Ooh.

- Yeah, Jubal.
- Yeah.

You mind if Tiff and I talk to Hannah?

Yeah, sure.

I told you, I have no idea
what you're talking about.

You must have the wrong person.

But the blue Toyota that's
parked in front of your house?

The one that's registered in your name,

it was seen leaving the scene
of a m*rder last night.

Well, there are a lots
of blue Toyotas in this city.

But only six that have a license plate

that starts with the letter K.

I'm sorry. I wish I could help, but I...

Where were you
last night around : p.m.?

Having dinner in Queens
with my cousin Cindy.

I took some selfies,
they're on my phone.

Definitely had dinner in Queens.

Definitely took a lot of pictures

of this artisan pizza that
you ordered with cousin Cindy.

But your car was still spotted
at a crime scene.

And there was blood
on the passenger-side door.

Does anyone have access to your vehicle?

Family or friends?

A neighbor?

Only my boyfriend, Alberto.
He has a key.

He uses it sometimes.

♪ ♪

Alberto Villaneueva.

hits in the tri-state area.

But don't see any matching

the description the suspect provided.

There's lots of photos
of this guy on Hannah's phone.

Here, let me send you one.

Yeah. Yeah, run him.

Got a hit. Felix Ramos, .

From Venezuela.

And a known t*rror1st.

Part of extreme socialist group

Marxist Revolutionary Party.

Wait, so this guy... This t*rror1st

is Hannah's boyfriend?

Everything okay? Can I go now?

No, not just yet.

Why not? What's going on?

I answered all your questions.

We have a few more questions
about your boyfriend, Felix.

- You mean Alberto.
- No.

Name's Felix Ramos.


He's a known t*rror1st.

Now this is getting really crazy.

I feel like I'm on one of those shows

where they try to trick you

and then people start laughing.

This is not a TV show, Hannah.

And no one's laughing.

When did you meet this guy?

I met him six months ago
on a dating app.

We started talking, exchanging photos,

then he came to New York.

Said he was thinking of moving here.

- When was this?
- A few weeks ago.

And how often do you see him?

A few times a week. Maybe less.

He's busy all the time. He's a director.

He makes movies, documentaries.

That's nice.

But we think that he was involved

in the m*rder of a man
named Elliot Young.


That name ring a bell? Elliot Young?

No, I've never heard of him.

But... but I think
you guys must be mistaken.

Alberto is a really nice guy.


Nice guy or not,

the blood on your car matches
that of the m*rder victim.

Just got a text confirming that.

We're gonna need
to talk to Felix right away.

Yes, of course.

Okay, call him.

If he picks up, just make small talk.

You're at work, just wanted to say hi,

something like that.

♪ ♪

He's not picking up.


Okay, you ever met any of his friends?

Only one, Ernesto.

He's his partner
in the production company.

I'm supposed to meet him
later this morning.


To give him some money.

I'm investing in their new business.

- How much?
- , .

They need it to make a short film

to attract investors

so that they can make longer movies.

That's what they told me, anyway.

And you were planning to meet Ernesto

and give him that money today?

I actually was supposed
to do it yesterday,

but I had a hard time getting the money

out of my k.

Took longer than I thought.

Alberto was really upset.

He needed the money to make a deposit

on a studio space he was trying to rent.

Upset over being a day late.

Must be a reason.
Maybe there's a clock on this.

Maybe it's tied to an event...

- Anniversary or holiday.
- Yeah.

What time you supposed
to meet his partner Ernesto?

: .

Poor woman is blind.

But what is this grand about?

I mean, was Felix just looking for cash

to help finance the movement?

Or finance the purchase of a b*mb.

That's probably why he was so mad

about the money being late.

Why not wait another day?

- Because he couldn't.
- Why not?

It looks like the att*ck
was tied to the birthday

of another Venezuelan t*rror1st,

Ilich Ramirez Sanchez.

- Carlos the Jackal?
- Yeah.

Today is his birthday,
which is probably why

Felix couldn't wait.
He knew the clock was ticking.

And what better way to celebrate

the Jackal's birthday than to blow up

a symbol of American capitalism.

So now what?

Now we let Hannah take that
business meeting with Ernesto.

Just stay calm, okay?

Hand Ernesto the money,
and we'll arrest him.

I still think you're wrong.

There's no way Alberto
could have k*lled someone.

Or is a t*rror1st.

Look, his real name is Felix.

Okay? That much we know for sure.


We also know he's a member

of a violent socialist organization,

that he used your car
to commit a m*rder,

and that he is now in possession

of a highly destructive
expl*sive device.

Okay? We're not guessing here.

So the sooner you get on
board with this, the better.

Look, I know this is difficult.

But Agent Scola is right.

The man you thought you knew,
Alberto, he doesn't exist.

It's very important
that you understand that.

I do.

- It's just that...
- It's gonna be okay, Hannah.

Just stay nice and relaxed.

All you need to do
is hand Ernesto the bag.

That's it.

♪ ♪

You good? Can you hear us?

Yes, I'm good.

I see him. He's coming toward me.

All right, just stay nice and calm.

There's nothing to worry about.

We have agents nearby just in case.

Hi. How's it going?

Hey, I'm good.
It's nice to see you again.

Where's Alberto?
I've been trying to call him.

He's busy.

He told me to say hello,

and that he'd call you later.


You still feel good about investing
in our company, right?

Yeah, sure.

Oh, here.

Thank you. Chao, chao.

FBI! Do not move.

- Hey! Hey!


- Let her go!
- I'll k*ll her.

No! No, please, no.

Put the g*n down and let her go.

I want a car right now,

- or I'll sh**t her. I swear to...
- [g*nsh*t]


♪ ♪

All right, so these messages

were sent from Felix
to Ernesto this morning, yeah?

All right, first one says,
"Delivery went well,

"everything is in place.

"Still waiting on Hannah

to give us the cash
so we can leave the country."

Second one reads,

"We will celebrate victory tonight.

They will remember our names
for eternity."

Okay, so sounds pretty straightforward.

The b*mb has been planted.

It's gonna be detonated
either later today or tonight.

The question is where, right?

Or what?

What symbol or location
do they plan on destroying?

Well, symbol part is easy. Capitalism.

But as for institution, who knows?

There's a capitalist landmark or image

every ten feet in this city.

We need to locate Felix.
We find him, we find the b*mb.

Yeah, Elise, where are we on his phone?

- Is it still on?
- Yes.

But the location services

have been intentionally disabled,

so there's no GPS signal.
Can't track him.

Yeah, but Felix's phone
can still receive

- calls and texts?
- Correct.

I got an idea.


"Never met up with Hannah,

"thought police following me.

Gonna lay low for a few hours."

Okay, perfect.

"That's okay, I will text this...

This bitch myself."

All right, he should be hitting up

Hannah's phone any second.

"Meeting got cancelled, mi amor.

"Free the rest of the day. You around?

Would love to see you."
This guy is disgusting.

"Sounds good, should I bring the money?"


"Yes, wonderful.

"Meet me at the café,
Greenpoint and Meserole.

So excited to see you."

Okay, Hannah, this is the break

we've been waiting for.

We're gonna need your help
one more time.

I'm not sure.

Your friend Felix has planted
a major expl*sive device.

We know this to be true.

We can't let this b*mb go off, Hannah.

We just can't.

♪ ♪

My brother d*ed on / ,
just like your husband.

People like you and I...

We have an obligation

to make sure that something like that

never happens again.

♪ ♪

You're right.

Okay. Good.

All right, Hannah. Same drill as before.

Just stay calm,

- and ask questions.
- Ok, I will.

How was your day?

When are you gonna
start that short film?

You know,
the kind of questions you'd actually ask

if you didn't know
who he really was, that is.

And stay put inside the café.

Do not leave with him,

and do not get in a car with him.

♪ ♪

He's approaching the restaurant,

but it's not Felix.

Hello, Hannah. How are you?

- Where's Alberto?
- He couldn't come.

Okay, I guess I should go then.

No, don't leave. Not yet.

It's all right, Hannah.
Just stay calm, all right?

Stick around and talk to him.

I came to see Alberto.

So let me take you to him.

I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.

No, that's okay.

He couldn't come.

There must have been a good reason.

He had a meeting with a few investors.

But he told me to come here,
take you back to his apartment,

so you guys can be together.

No, I... I don't want to do that.

You want us to move in?

Is that the money, chica?

Yes, but I... I wanted...

I wanted to give it to him.

Just let it play out for now.

You did say that you wanted
to invest in the new business.

All right, Hannah, you can
leave the café with him.

Just tell him that you don't have time

to see Alberto.

Give him the money, let him drive away.

Sounds good.

Let's go see Alberto.


♪ ♪

You know, I don't really have time

to see him right now.
I've gotta get back to work.

So here's the money he asked for.

Thanks, but you're coming
with me, chica.

I... ow! I said that I couldn't...

FBI, get your hands off her right now.

You're under arrest.

You okay?


Nice to meet you, Carlos.

Or would you prefer
I call you, uh, Mr. Velez?

You can call me anything you want,

won't make a damn difference.

The mercenary financial system
of the United States

is a scourge that must be eradicated.

Then, and only then,

can global financial equality
and prosperity occur.

That's a hell of a speech.

So what, just redistribute the wealth,

and then wham-o,

world's one big happy family?

Look, Carlos, we need your help.

Now, if you cooperate with us,

and tell us what you know
about Felix Ramos

- and this b*mb...
- I know thousands will die.

So you do know
where this b*mb is planted.

And that's good for you, Carlos.

That means you have something to trade.

So tell us everything you know,

and you might just walk free.

All I know is that this b*mb,

this event,

is gonna make / look like a picnic.

Yeah, I'm gonna suggest
you think this one through.

You really want to spend
the rest of your life in a cage?

That sound like a good time to you?

You got a lot
of good years ahead of you.

Do yourself a favor.
Tell us what you know.


What I know is that in this country,

if I ask to talk to a lawyer,

you gotta stop talking to me.

With that in mind...

I'd like to see a lawyer.

♪ ♪

[SIGHS] Son of a bitch.

What's our next move here?

Uh, we don't really have
much of a choice.

We need to turn this punk over

to our friends
in the intelligence community.

- No, that's not gonna happen.
- Okay, fine.

Then turn him over to me.
Let me talk to him offline.

Just him and me.

That is not an option either.

So we're gonna do nothing?

We're just gonna stand around,

let thousands of Americans die?


I know this case is emotional for you

and you just want to help. We all do.

But we are not crossing lines here.

We have to do this the right way.

The right way?

What does that even mean?

It means we need to notify

the Venezuelan embassy that we have

one of its citizens in custody.

Then we need to figure out

where the hell he planted this b*mb.

♪ ♪

Hey, looks like Carlos got a job

at a local delivery company last week.

XDS Logistics.

They deliver packages, equipment...

We put a call in to the manager.

Okay, good.
What else do we know about him?

Not much.

His phone has been off
for the past two days,

but we're scrubbing his texts now.

So far, nothing interesting.

- Okay, keep at it.
- Okay.

Elise, the metro card
we found in his wallet,

any luck tracking his movements?

In the last week, he's made

several round trips
from Red Hook to Wall Street.

Okay, Wall Street.

Let's assume the target location
is somewhere down there.

Let's start pulling surveillance video

outside all major landmarks...

One World Trade Center, Federal Reserve,

New York Stock Exchange.

And let's start pulling video

outside the subway stops
down there, yeah?

We're trying. No visual hits so far.

Okay, keep looking.

And you know what, we should be digging

into the return trip as well.

I'm guessing Carlos was staying

somewhere in Red Hook,
so find me a video.

Traffic cams, bus cams...
Let's find this punk!

- Got something!
- Yeah, talk to me.

A visual of Carlos
in Red Hook, two days ago.

Great, throw it up.

Walking east on Wolcott street.

Yeah, yeah, yeah! All right!

Keep looking, keep tracking.
Find me an address.

- FBI!
- Federal agents!

Moving left, moving left!


♪ ♪

All clear.

Some nine-millimeter amm*nit*on.

Same caliber used on Elliot Young.


I got something.

What is it?

So Maggie found these blueprints

in the apartment we believe
Carlos has been staying in.

The address has been redacted,

but it appears to have floors.

We can also assume
it's in the financial district,

accessible from
the Wall Street subway exit.

Okay, there's only one building

with floors
in that immediate vicinity,

Maiden Lane.

Wellington Moore building.

Where Hannah works.

Look, Hannah,

I've tried to be
very lenient here, okay?

of what you're going through.

Overlooked the stupidity...

But I swear to God,
if you're lying to me...

I am not.

I don't know anything about this.

Felix must have stolen my card.

♪ ♪


It's motion-activated.

See this tube?

It's a victim-initiated switch.

If the b*mb tilts at all,
the mercury hits the wires,

and that'll trigger it.

Can't risk trying to move it.

- Can we defuse it?
- Not sure.

We'll have to x-ray it.
It looks pretty sophisticated.

minutes left on the timer.

We need to evacuate
this building immediately.

♪ ♪

Just got confirmation
that the b*mb has been planted

in the basement of your office building,

so you need to give me
something meaningful here.

Something that will help us
deactivate this thing.

A code, a sequence,
a safety deposit box.

I don't know anything about any code.

That is too bad for you.

- I did nothing wrong.
- You were helping t*rrorists.

- I fell in love.
- Grow up.

I know it sounds crazy,
but it's the truth.

I would never help a t*rror1st.

I could never do that.

You know, my husband,

I never even got to say goodbye.

He woke up early one day
and went to work.

Just another Tuesday.

♪ ♪

Look, I get it.

I believe you.

I need you to tell me
everything you know about Felix.


Every meeting, phone call, conversation,

friend, relative... Doesn't matter

if you think it's relevant or important,

I need all the information
you can provide.

I understand.

All right, let's start at the beginning.

Tell me about
the first time you two met.

Where you were, who he was with,

and if he have any family in New York.

Hey, dig into Hannah's Snapchat account.

Felix was sending her
all kinds of photos.

That's how the bastard
kept her on the hook,

pretending he was in love with her,

sending sexy pics, that kind of thing.

Okay, the photos
are automatically deleted,

but we should be able
to get up on the server.

Okay, I have the most recent photo.

- Okay, pull the geotag.
- Geospatial metadata?


Just find the address
the photo was posted from.

♪ ♪


Recon back doors.

FBI! Stop!

He's on the move, on the move, let's go!

Contact down the east stairwell.

Go! Contact! He's getting away!

He's jumping out!

- Roof. Take the roof!
- We'll take below.

♪ ♪

Let's go, let's go. Back downstairs.


- Felix Ramos, freeze.
- What's the code, Felix?

- What code?
- The code to deactivate the b*mb.

We're on the verge of glory.

The world will soon know our name.

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Stuart, calm down!


Don't ruin your career
over this guy, okay?

Not over this.

This is exactly what you risk

ruining your career over.

We searched the studio,
didn't find a damn thing.

Some food, some booze, that's about it.

- Phone?
- Wasn't there.

Or on his person.

Hey, I took a run at Felix,
he's not talking.

Okay, so we got nothing.


I'll reach out to NYPD
about the evacuation.

We have minutes
until the b*mb detonates.

Let's go.

Where are you going?

Hannah told me something.

I'm going to check it out.

♪ ♪

That's right, keep moving.
Away from the building.

Please, please, I beg of you,
let's keep going.

- Keep walking, people.
- This way, folks.

- Keep moving.
- No need to panic. Let's go.

Hey... excuse me.

How many more people are inside?

Hard to say. maybe .

Jubal, we're going as fast as we can,

but there's so many people
inside these buildings.

♪ ♪

Hey. Your name Pablo?

Yeah, why?

I'm gonna need you to come with me.

Hey, what's going on?
What are you doing?

I don't know anything about this b*mb.

- I know you don't.
- So why am I here?

Clock's down to eight minutes.

There's nothing we can do,
so you need to turn around...

We're, good, thank you.

You want to be a hero,

that's on you, but I'm telling you,

there's nothing left to do.

♪ ♪

Scola, where the hell did you go?

All right, Tiff,

find Felix now, bring the phone.

What are you doing?

Tiff, just do it, please.


I told you, I'm not talking.

That's fine, you just
have to look and listen.

I'm in the basement
where you planted this b*mb.

Then you're going to die.

That might be true,

but someone else is gonna die too.

♪ ♪

Your brother.


What the hell is going on?
What's happening?

He planted this b*mb,
that's what's happening.

Please, Felix, if you can help...

So what's it gonna be, Felix?


Are you gonna spend
the rest of your life

knowing that you k*lled your brother,

the one decent thing
in your sick little life?

You really want that to be your legacy?

♪ ♪

In w*r, one must make sacrifices.

Oh, please.

You got six minutes.

So what's it gonna be?

♪ ♪

Okay, I will give you the code.

Tell me what to do.

Hit the pound sign.

Now enter the code.

Six, six, nine,

eight, nine, six,

four, one.

♪ ♪



You can go.

So you're letting me go?

We believe you.

We know you weren't a part
of that m*rder

or the attempted t*rror1st att*ck.

I must look like a fool, huh?

I know that Felix is a terrible man,

and that he was using me

and the whole thing was a charade.

But I actually felt something.

For the first time in years.


♪ ♪

Good luck, Hannah.

I hope things work out.


Scola. We need to talk, now.

Okay, that's fine. All right?

But I did what I had to do.

Okay, I was not gonna
let that b*mb go off,

I just wasn't, so I did
what I thought was best,

whether that was on book or off book.

I am not so sure I would take that tone

with the deputy director.

He just left me a very agitated message.

Wanted to know what the hell happened

and if I authorized it.

Scola, this isn't just about you.

My ass is on the line here, too.

Hey, it's okay.

It's all good.

What does that mean, "all good"?

I just talked to the deputy director.

I told him it was my call,

that I backed Scola's decision,

that it was the only play we had.

You're good.

If anyone's ass
is on the line, it's mine.

What you did was selfish and stupid.

And it sure as hell doesn't make you

some kind of hero.

You got lucky.

That is the only reason
why you're still here.

Hey. This seat taken?

Bourbon, please.

I still can't believe what you did.

You ever, um,

talk to anyone about this?

About what?

Your brother.

And / .

I did the therapy thing for a few years.


It's a hell of a thing.

Losing someone you love like that.

I mean, look at Hannah, right?

She was so lost,

couldn't see the elephant in the room.

Yeah, she was definitely struggling.

But you know, I gotta give her credit.

She pulled herself out of that hole,

tried to feel something again.

Maybe you ought to try
to do the same thing.

♪ ♪

You know, I haven't talked

to my brother's wife and kids
in five years?

We were supposed
to play tennis that morning.

And I stayed out late the night before.

And I got drunk.

- If I hadn't canceled...
- No.

That's not the reason he d*ed,

and you know that, Stuart.

If I can be honest?


I think you're using
your brother's death

so you can avoid making real connections

with real people.

And maybe it's time to move on.

Time to engage in the here and now.

♪ ♪


How you doing, Audrey?

I'm good.

It's been awhile.

Yeah. It sure has.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪