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02x34 - Health And Fitness

Posted: 12/08/21 06:24
by bunniefuu
Chef paolo, after you.

Might as well get
your cholesterol
checked before me.

Thank you, mr. Moseby.
That's very nice of you.

Oh, ladies first.
Go ahead.


Ah, is the big man scared
of a little needle?


No, I'm just being

So am I. After you.

I insist.

I decline.


What's going on?

Cholesterol test.

Probably the only test
zack could pass.

Would you boys like to
go in front of me?

Mr. Moseby's afraid.

Oh, pish posh.

I laugh
at that needle.


Well, here's your chance.
It's right there.

♪ here I am in your life ♪

♪ here you are in mine ♪

♪ yes, we have a suite life ♪

♪ost of the time ♪

A m♪ so come on down ♪
we got the worldse

♪ this is the suite life ♪

♪ we've got a suite life ♪

Hey, maddie.
What are you doing?

don't care.

I'm hosting a junior
fashion show at
the tipton.

Do go along with
health and fitness week.

We're raising money
to get kids
free infections.

You mean free injections?


I'm gonna look great.

You wanna be in it, too?

I'd love to.

Ok, come by
the ballroom later,

And pick out the outfits
you want to wear.

Get there early

Because francesca
grumman will be there.

I thought you couldn't
stand her.

I can't. She is
a horrible person.

She's nasty, catty,
and rude.

Well, then why did you
invite her?

Because she's one of
my best friends.

[swallows] ah...

You know, this
health questionnaire
is really interesting.

I'd like to show you,

But you might eat it.

Not unless it's made
of chocolate.

Zack, do you realize
that kids who eat
too much sugar

Increase their risk
of getting diabetes?

So we'll compromise.

I won't put sugar
on my cake anymore.

This is serious,
young man.

We're changing
your diet.

What are you, my mother?

Starting today,
no more sugar.

Instead, you'll be having
servings of fruit,

servings of vegetables,
servings of dairy,

And servings of
meat, fish, or poultry,

Oh, that sounds expensive.
I better go cut
some coupons.

This is all your fault.

They better make
fish and vegetables.

Mom's right, zack.

The eating habits
we develop at our age

Are the ones that will
carry us through life.

I'm pretty sure
you're not my mom.

Look, I eat a lot
of chocolate.

What's the worst thing
that can happen?


Chef paolo, what's wrong?

It's my blood test.

It did not turn out
so good.

Come on, chef.
How bad can your blood be?

They found bacon bits.

Maybe you should change
your eating habits.

According to this chart,

A man of your age
should take in

About , calories
a day.

I eat more than that
before breakfast.

So stop eating breakfast.

I can't. I'm a chef.

Look at my hat.

I have to taste my food
to make sure it
turns out right.

Well, I'll taste
your food for you.


You don't taste.

You inhale.

I'll do it.

Thank you,
my little protegé.

It's so kind of you
to help me on my diet.

We will start next week.

Why not now?

Because now, I'm hungry.

You smell chocolate?


Maddie, I want you
to meet francesca.

Oh, this is your
poor friend.

[speaking slowly]
it's so nice
to meet you.

Ok, people, pick out two
of your favorite outfits.

What do you think
of this one?

Oh, it's hideous.

I think it's gorgeous.

Thank you, but we really
don't need an opinion
from the help.

I'm not help.

You're telling me?

I ordered a mocha frappe
minutes ago.

And nothing.

Oh, I'll give you a frappe.

Look frappechesca,

Remember what we said
before you came here?

We can only criticize
people that we pay.

Fine. Your butt is huge.

And you have chicken legs.

That's the best bucks
I ever spent.

Ok, I never thought
I'd say this,

But she makes you look sweet.

Why do you think
I hang out with her?

You don't think
I'm too skinny, do you?


My butt's not
too big, is it?

Absolutely not.

I think I'm gonna go for
a little -mile jog.

I think I'm going to get

A double double

With fries.

And a shake.


Very good.

You're sure there's
enough butter?

Enough cream?

I love cream.

Snap out of it, big guy.

I do think it could use
a little more parmesan.

You go get it.

I don't trust myself
alone with the cheese.

What happened
to the soup?

I reduced it?

We're trying to reduce you.

I am sorry.

Oh, by the way,
you were right.

It did need more

Chef, drop it.

Drop it.

Look, I know it's hard
to quit cold turkey.

Cold turkey.

With hot gravy.

Oh, mama mia.

All I've had so far today
is a baby carrot

And glasses of water.

I need food. Now!

I just made a cheesecake.

Don't you know I'm dieting?

I need to look perfect
for my fashion show.

Now feed me something yummy
that makes me shrink.

Oh, the eternal quest.

The double fried chicken
ala paolo was great.

So am I starting to get
that full figured look?

Your right hip
looks a little bigger.

Ooh! Oh, wait.
That's my bus pass.

Well, I guess I better
have some dessert.

What you got?

Chocolate chip cheesecake
with fudge sauce
ala paolo.

Cody, doesn't this
look great?



Mmm. Thanks.

You two should be
ashamed of yourselves.

Cody's right.

London: Yeah.

There's still some
chocolate left
on his face.

Let's lick it off.

Dibs on the forehead.

Back off. Back!

I'm telling you,
I'm not afraid
to use this thing.

it's awfully late.

What are you still
doing here?

The fashion show's tomorrow,

On dress more, with

And she needs to fill out
her dress less.

That's right.
Less talking more chewing.


Ok, this is ridiculous.

put down the food.

London, you need
to stop right now.

Oh, give, give, give...

Stop, stop, stop.

Give me that back!

Look, girls,
this is ridiculous.

Now, if you want
one man's opinion,

I think you are both

Two very beautiful
young women.

You really think so?


And you don't need
to change the way
that you look.

Thanks, moseby.

You're the best.

Good night.
Good night.

Good night.

He's gone.

I'm very proud
of you, chef paolo.

You made it through
your first day

Without cheating
on your diet.

Thanks to you.

And it was much easier
than I though.

Well, gotta go.

What's that?

I have no idea how that
chub of salami got there.

I swear.

Let me get that.

Who put that cheese
in my hat?

What, no dessert?

Whatever you do,
don't pat me on the butt.

I don't understand,
chef paolo.

You were doing so well.

I'm weak.

I'm weak.
And the worst part is,

I have a refrigerator
at home with a giant
ham inside.

All night, she will be
calling me.

Paolo. Paolo, come to me.

You know you want me.

You know what?

I have a way
to shut that ham up.

Oh, great.

But what will you do
about the pot roast?

Cake is dessert.

Ice cream is dessert.

Fruit salad
is not dessert.

It's not even salad.

What the heck is it?

I don't know
why you're making

Such a big deal out of this.

Lots of kids love eating
fruits and vegetables.

Why can't you be more
like them?

I thought
you didn't want me

To give in
to peer pressure.

Honey, you have a problem.

I do not.

I found licorice
in your underwear drawer.

Mom, can I have a friend
sleep over?

Sure, honey. Which one
of your little friends is it?

Hi, chef.


Um, would you mind
waiting there for
just one moment.

Family conference.

Not at all.


What were you thinking?

I was thinking that a friend
needed my help,

And that you always
taught me

To go out of my way
for people.

That's a good answer.

It's just for one night.

If we can show chef paolo

That he can get through
one night

Without breaking his diet,

He'll see that he can
do it on his own.

Honey, I am so
proud of you

For wanting
to help a friend.

But I think
you're blowing this

A little out of

I'm sure chef paolo
has some self control.

Or some leftover shrimp
hanging out of his mouth.


cannelloni, can-

I can't sleep!

"chef paolo, here's your
midnight snack.

"one chocolate chip.

"remember, you can enjoy
things in moderation.

Your little protegé, cody."

I save the rest for later.

It's later.

[footsteps approaching]

Mmm. Right page.

You wanna share?


I looked everywhere
for a piece of candy.

Where did you hide that?

In one of my mom's

She'd never look there.

Please, can I have one,

Teensy weensy little bite?

Ok. Here.

That was the biggest
teensy weensy bite
I ever saw.

Let me make it up to you.

There's a -pound
block of chocolate

In the kitchen downstairs.

Then what the heck
are we doing up here?

Come on, we can get
into the kitchen

Through the air vents.

Maybe you can.

Why don't we just go in
through the front door?

Ok. You want to take
the easy way.

Just don't tell anyone.

'cause I have
a reputation, you know.

Hey, zack. You ever
dip chocolate in gravy?


Well, you're not
gonna be able
to say that anymore.

Oh, cool.


Mmm, you know,
the fat from the chocolate

Really compliments
the fat from the gravy.

You got
some good palate.


Uh, london,

I guess
you're wondering

What we're doing
down here.

No. Don't care.
Have you seen maddie?

I'm right here.

Do I look shapely now?

I don't know.
Stand up.



You don't share?
Come here!


Girls: See ya.

What are you doing
with ice cream
all over your face?

I...Threw myself
into the vat.

To prevent chef paolo
from eating it.

It was quite
heroic actually.

Do you still think
you don't have a problem?

I'd like to point out
that I'm not the one

Wearing the ice cream


But you are the one

Who was licking ice cream
off the floor.

Ok, maybe I do have
a small problem
with sugar.

And maybe I didn't
help you out too much

By making you quit
cold turkey.



Honey, the last thing
I wanted

Was for you to feel like
you had to hide sweets

And then pig out.

Yeah, that's not really
working for me.

So what do you say
we work together

On eating healthier foods

And then enjoying
sweets in moderation?

Good plan.


By the way,

I hid some caramel clusters
in your sewing kit.

That would explain
the sticky thimble.

Good night.

Not so fast...

Chef paolo.

I'm very
disappointed in you.

You know, it's not
so easy to stay on a diet.

Don't think of it
as a diet.

Think of it as
a lifestyle choice.

It's not my fault.

It's the gravy.

She calls to me
like a siren song.

What food
doesn't call you?

Brussels sprouts.

But if you smother it
in four kinds of cheese

And then bake them
in a lasagna--

That's it!

I was trying to help you
because I care about you.

And that I want you to be
around for a long time.

But if you want to eat
yourself sick, go ahead.

Just don't ask me to watch.

Ok, it looks like
we're almost
good to go.

I'm not ready.

Could someone help me
with my zipper.


I'll help you,


It seems to be
a bit tight.

Oh, good. It'll make me
look more curvy,

[zipper rips]

Oh, unfortunately...

You didn't gain the curves
in the right places.


Could you please stop
insulting maddie.

Her life is pathetic
enough without you.

Don't say I never
defend you.

Can I say you never
defend me well?

I'll go get something
to cover that up.

I'm so hungry, I'm dizzy.

And I keep smelling

That's me.
I'm sweating beef juice.

I just want to get
this thing over with.

What is wrong
with you girls?

Just a couple
of days ago

You were all excited
and full of energy.

We still are!

Yeah. Let's go wow them.

I'm thinking thin.

And I'm thinking...

And I'm thinking
this can't go well.

[loud burp]

This is not
what it looks like.

Yeah. It looks like
you got a chest cold.


Wait a minute.

Are you sure
you can handle
coming in here?

It's ok.
Mom said it's all right

If I stand next to
the icing and breathe deeply.

I just hope chef paolo
isn't mad at me

For being so hard on him.

Cody, my little protegé.

I think he's gonna eat you.

You're just
in time to try

My new delicious
but healthy menu.

I call it

Delicious and healthy
food ala...


But you never
name your dishes

After anyone except you.

That is because
I've never been
so inspired

By anyone before.

Don't tell my mama.

So you're finally
going on your diet?

It's not a diet.

It's a lifestyle choice.

Here. Try it.

This is delicious.
What is it?

Mixed vegetables.

No, seriously.

It is vegetables.

With...Honey glazed ginger.


A hint of fresh
pineapple juice.


And a dash of cinnamon.

Actually, a pinch.
But you were close.

Thank you so much,
my little protegé.

You're welcome.

I'm so proud of you,
my big protegé.

Ah, but getting smaller
every minute.

To think, I didn't
even want to go
to a fashion show.

Yeah. And now we're
on a date with
a couple of models.

You girls are both
so gorgeous.

You sure you don't think
I'm too skinny?

You're perfect.

And you don't think
I'm too...Not skinny?

Heck no. We'll go
get the car.

What were we thinking?

Starving and stuffing

I know. It was
so unhealthy.

And we didn't even
need to do it.

We should just be happy
with the way we look.

Well, I should.

My point is, next time

One of your snarky friends
makes a comment,

Let's remind each other

That we're perfect
the way we are, ok?


I guess moseby's
right after all.

He always is.