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04x11 - Think Warm Thoughts

Posted: 12/06/21 21:19
by bunniefuu

Previously on ER...

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

You were involved in a very serious
automobile accident days ago.

Do you understand?

And I think it would be great
if she were to marry me.

- God!
- What?


I don't have to defend
my wasted life in medicine.

- Do you have a son?
- Yeah.

When the SPG Attendings
start backing you up next week...

we'll make your job a lot easier.

You're preaching to the choir.
Less work is fine with me.

If you're reinstated,
you'll let the matter drop?


"Think Warm Thoughts"

I'll be back by .
Have you seen my gloves?

I got an idea.
Why don't we set a date?

I gotta be at the clinic at .
Quit joking with me.

- I'm not.
- I'm halfway out the door...

- ... and you wanna talk about that?
- Right. We got a lot of time.

Oh, what are these?

What is up with you? What is that?

- Doug.
- I just wanted to get a quick size.

I'll get you a rock that'll
knock your eye out.

- Doug, I don't need a ring.
- Sure you do, to make it real.

A ring doesn't make it real.
It's real because we say it's real.

- You do wanna marry me, don't you?
- Of course I wanna marry you.

But I did the whole ring
and the setting the date.


That's not what I want.

I am so happy right now.

This is so perfect. Why can't we just
be two people who are getting married?

Cheap date.

- Talk about prepared for anything.
- I've been wanting to use these on you.


You haven't already?

- I got this, Kerry. Go inside.
- No. I'm fine.

I hope this isn't an omen for my day.

When Anspaugh sees those figures,
he is gonna wanna bury your children.

It's not the first-month figures
I'm worried about.

- Go inside. It's freezing.
- Synergix taking over makes sense.

If you can't convince Don Anspaugh
of that, I'm telling you I can.

We could just disappear.
Go to St. Barth's.

Let them all freeze to death.

Go in the car.

Think hot thoughts.



That is the filthiest thing
I have ever heard.

With the possible exception of this:

Kerry Weaver, you are
a bad, bad girl.

Lizzie, is this your Mustang?

Yes. I'm leasing it.

There's nothing like a good,
American-made muscle car.

If I'd known this was your car,
I'd sniff the tail pipe.

Excuse me?

I thought we were talking about sex.
Is Allison Beaumont ready for the O.R.?

We were talking about sex?

Lizzie, does she know what's
happening this afternoon?

I'll get her consent for the surgery.
Allison's ready for whatever.

Good attitude.

But she's been rather down about
her vocal-cord paralysis.

Remind me and I'll tell her
about collagen injection.

I've told her about medialization
therapy. She'd like us-

My head-and-neck consult
doesn't do that.

But David Kotlowitz is right
across town at Northwestern.

Insurance won't cover it.
Collagen injection is standard.

Couldn't it be worked out?
Medialization is permanent.

I'll explain it to Allison. You stay
focused on the fibular transfer.

Damn it!

- Do something about this crazy cr*cker!
- Give us all a break, Carlene, please.

I'm in pain, for your information.

You need to put a sign on this thing.
It just took my money.

Will you sit down and be quiet?

- I'm thirsty.
- A water fountain's down the hall.

Forget it. You know, I do want
my cents back, though.

- I put some money in there too.
- Nice try, Carlene.

I've been sitting here for minutes!
Ain't no nurse ask me what's wrong!

- Got any more gum?
- Nicotine gum.

- Quitting?
- Never should've started.

Yeah. You shouldn't have.

- Dr. Swift.
- How are you doing?

- You're the SPG Attending?
- To lighten your load.

I saw you in that documentary.
You got a lot of face time.

Mark, you looked a little haggard.

Are you letting this job
get to you?

Help me!

- Oh, look at that idiot.
- Oh, boy.

- Dr. Greene, help me!
- We need some help in here!

- I'm okay.
- You look it.

- I'm tired of your mouth.
- Just take it easy, all right?

So looking ahead to your third year,
you stand at the crossroads.

You have an opportunity in clerkships
that will be both...

...challenging and inspiring to you.

I hope I did justice presenting what
is rewarding about Emergency Medicine.

Now, with the time we have left,
anybody have any questions?

Don't ask me about the heat. I have
no idea why this room is freezing.

Do people come into the ER with
objects stuck in their rectums?

That's not the kind of info
people are here for.

- I wouldn't mind hearing.
- Come on.

Okay. Yeah, yeah.
Sometimes it happens.

What's the weirdest thing
you ever took out of there?

Bowling trophy.

Now let's move on to something
more substantive. Yeah?

- Did you ever k*ll anybody?
- Okay. That's substantive.

The answer is yes.

An elderly man.
I was a surgical intern.

And while tapping his chest...

...I accidentally lacerated his liver
and he died in surgery.

You left Surgery for
Emergency Medicine?

How come?

In the Emergency Department...'re seeing a lot of different people
and doing a lot of different things.

You're making a difference
right on the spot.

Can you make a career out of that?
Do you see yourself still in ER...

- ... , years from now?
- Fifteen years? Fifteen years.

Yeah. Hey, sure. Why not?
Next question.

If we have this impact in a limited
role, why not overall management.

You can take off your tap shoes,
Dr. West.

From when we met, I assumed your
goal was to take over the ER.

I'm surprised only by your timing.
Can I have a moment with Kerry?


It's a part of my nature to move
quickly when something feels right.

I gotta say, Don, I've been just
blown away by these numbers.

- What do they say in the trenches?
- I haven't heard any complaints.

Mark would support them taking over?

- It'd change how you do business.
- We haven't discussed it.

The feelings of the staff
are something I'd need... find out before
telling the board.

I thought it was a Ponzi scheme.

But I've been with SPG a year and
a half, and I'm having a great time.

shifts a month, days off.

- No kidding?
- Beats my schedule.

Let's see the other leg.
Regular hours.

And when p. m. comes...

...and that door hits me in the butt,
I live a real life.

- Your knees are fine.
- What about my ankle?

- Want a portable?
- Call Radiology.

No. Hold on a second.

Do me a favor. Walk for me.

Take a few steps.

SPG uses practice guidelines.

And here I've been skating by
on medical judgment.

Know how much money
is wasted on X-rays?

If you're quitting,
detoxify your body.

Colon irrigations.

Hello, Allison.
Your laptop coming in useful?

Looking for love on the Internet.

There's a form of new technology
where I'm way behind.

I could be e-mailing plenty of folk.

Correspondence will always mean...

...lovely stationery and
writing on it by hand.

I'm a blabbermouth.
Two-hour phone calls.

Let me explain
what we' re doing today.

I have a consent form for you to sign.

We' re taking you back to the O. R.
to revise your fibular transfer.


Type it out, Allison.

Vocal-cord surgery?

Yes. Dr. Romano would like to talk
to you about various options.

But right now our main concern
is with your leg.

I'll come back again
this afternoon, okay?

I want my voice back, Dr. Corday.

I would have no life
for the next six years.

Surgery demands that commitment.

But not everybody's willing
to make that sacrifice.

- Got some hard thinking to do.
- Yeah.

- You were on the PBS documentary.
- Yes. I am. I was. I'm Dr. Carter.

Laura Brown. It got me thinking
about Emergency Medicine.

- You should come to a session of mine.
- Actually, it's next on my list.

Dr. Benton, great presentation.

- Thanks. Take care.
- Thanks.

- She'll be something.
- So we're both stuck, eh?

Romano shanghaied me.
This is a total waste of time.

You can't tell kids about it.

Most won't know until they're in it,
and then it'll be wrong for them.

I got a bunch of stiffs in
my session this morning.

- They just ask if you k*lled anybody.
- What do you say?

Just med students.

- Can I ask you something?
- We're a little swamped down here.

- Can you see some patients?
- Absolutely.

The board may consider granting SPG
an overall management contract.

- It's happening pretty fast.
- Think so?

Attending coverage is one thing.
But hopping into bed with them?

- It might make life easier-
- I don't know.

I want to keep decision-making
when it comes to patient care.

You won't have to give that up.

This is about Synergix taking over
functions like billing, collections-

- What's Anspaugh's take on it?
- He's for it.

It's something to think about.

Christmas cookies!
Freshly-baked for everybody.

- No, thanks.
- Homemade?

- I don't want the holidays to be over.
- The best part of winter's finished.

Not if you don't want it to be.

- Isn't he nice? He's so nice.
- These are so good.

I need medical attention.
How long am I supposed to wait?

It's a busy day.
Be patient, all right?

You don't look busy, Miss Chiquita
Banana, eating cookies.

Nobody minds if you're
in here where it's warm!

- But why can't you just be quiet and-?
- I can't understand you.

- Why don't you talk slow? In English?
- Yeah?

Can you believe me walking out
after that thing fell on me?


...I'm sorry I gave you a hard time
over a lousy cents.

I got over it.

My name's John.
Think I can give you a call sometime?

I gotta tell you up front,
because I believe in that...

...and if it makes a difference,
then so be it:

I spent time in prison.

One mistake,
had nothing to do with v*olence.

But I got a good job now
moving furniture.

And I think me and you
could have some fun together.

- Prison, huh?
- Yeah.

- I'm Randi.
- Randi.

Your fasting blood glucose is .

- You're watching your diet?
- And exercising too.

I wish everybody was that good
about controlling their diabetes.

That's just Mikey.
Don't be scared of him.

He likes it in there. It's warm.

Okay. Bye-bye, Mr. Roussakoff.

Mom, what are you doing here?

- Doug came to see me this morning.
- What?

- To ask for your hand in marriage.
- What?

He said he wanted my permission.
He was very polite.

- Tell me this is a joke!
- It's not a joke, Ma.

- How long have you been with him?
- Eight months.

- Did you plan to tell me?
- When the time was right.

- So you intend to marry him?
- At some point, yes.

See, even you know
this will never happen.

We'll talk about it later.
I gotta get back to work.

I took care of you the last time
he broke your heart!

- He's not gonna break my heart.
- Men like him don't change!

- What did you say to him?
- I told him nothing. I came to see you.

Do you know where Mark is?

Yeah, he's right here.
I've been talking to him about SPG-

This concerns another matter.

Not a good idea to put
the space heater in the bed with you.

- Dr. Greene, may I have a moment?
- Yeah. Sure. Excuse me.

What's up?

Mark, I haven't wanted it too
widely known around the hospital...

My son Scott was treated
for B-cell lymphoma months ago.

- Oh, no. I'm sorry.
- No.

He's fine. The chemo was successful.
But I just... a phone call from his school.
He's complaining of abdominal pain.

I told them to send him here
by taxicab.

It's better to be safe.

He didn't get along with
his previous doctor.

I'd like you to look after his
care personally when he arrives.

I'm sorry to hear he's sick.
How old is Scott?

He's almost .
He's handled it all quite well.

- I'll stay out of your way.
- Don't worry.

- Page me when he arrives.
- Mark.

Can you-?

- Was he talking to you about SPG?
- No. His son is coming in.

- Really?
- I didn't know they had any kids.

He has a daughter too. I can clear
Curtain . Do they need a Trauma room?

I think he just wants me to see him.

Right. Of course.
Let me know if I can help.


- Jeanie, can you hang with me?
- Yeah, what's up?

Anspaugh's son is coming in
with abdominal pain.

I doubt he'd want me
anywhere near his son.

The boy was treated last year
for B-cell lymphoma.

So he's probably not too happy
to come here. There he is.

Just another friendly face.

Hey, Scott? Hi, I'm Dr. Greene.
How are you feeling?

- Just have an upset stomach.
- Yeah?

Why don't you let us check you out.
This is Jeanie Boulet.

- Hey.
- There's nothing wrong with me.

Well, we just wanna be
absolutely sure. Okay?

So listen, it's no big deal.

Tell my dad it's no big deal.

The whole school was looking at me
when I got in this damn cab.

Listen, Scott, we're freezing
our butts off out here.

Why don't you just come in
and just talk to your dad, okay?

I can walk.
I don't need that wheelchair.

All right.

Doug, pick up. It's me. Hello?

I don't know where you are.
But when you get this... call me right away.
You can run, but you cannot hide.

- This last room on the left.
- You doing okay?

- I just have a stomachache.
- All right.

Scott. Scott, I'm here, son.
Where's the wheelchair?

- He wanted to walk, which is fine.
- Dr. Greene's one of our best doctors.

He's gonna take good care of you.

Why can't I have
a stomachache sometimes?

- Have you been vomiting?
- Just once.

Crappy seafood restaurant
last night, Dad.

That's why I'm sick.

- Gone to the bathroom?
- My bowel's not obstructed.

- Been able to pass gas?
- Yes, I said.

Let me feel your belly.

Tender? Okay, let's get a CBC,
Chem- and abdominal series.

No, damn it! No needles!

You better not even try to stick
me with another needle! Hear me?

All right. All right.

No needles.

Not right now.

I'm trying to locate Dr. Kotlowitz.
I'm Dr. Corday from County General.

- Dr. Corday?
- Yes.

I just wrote you a note.
I'm sorry you came all this way.

I'm going on a consult.
David Kotlowitz.

Elizabeth Corday.

If I can have a minute,
I'd like to persuade you.

- I'll give you two. Walk with me.
- That's terrific.

My heart goes out to Miss Beaumont.
It was a devastating accident.

Allison's quite lucky to be alive.

She has extraordinary spirit.

Which is why I asked you simply
to see her. Examine her.

And agree to do a free
medialization thyroplasty.

Well, her insurance won't cover it,
apparently. So...

- ... yes, that is what I'm asking.
- And why would I do that?

If you meet Allison,
you'll want to do it.

Well, I'm headed to your part of town,
but I don't have privileges at County.

But any bureaucratic matters, I'm sure
Dr. Romano can help straighten out.

You're speaking on Romano's behalf?

No. I'm speaking on
Allison Beaumont's behalf.

It's not frostbite, but we
should put it in some warm water.

- What is that?
- It sounds like a Tamagotchi.

A what?

Some kid must've dropped it.

A white one! I collect them.

- What is it?
- It's a pretend pet you take care of.


It's probably hungry. Whoever left
it behind must not care too much.

Can I have it?

No, I gotta take it
to lost and found.

When the kid gets back,
it'll be dead.

What do you mean, dead?

- I'll give you bucks for it.
- No!

Can you tell
what's wrong with it?

I just saw a report on TV.
I don't know.


If someone comes by looking,
just say you never saw it.


- Scott.
- What?

I understand you not
wanting to be stuck.

I made a $ bet with your dad
that I could stick you...

...and you'd never feel it.

- So?
- So I'll cut you in on the deal.

You let me draw some blood,
and you got it.

Stop talking to me like I'm a kid.

I've had so much chemo that my veins
have been sclerosed.

So you just get the hell out of here.

We gotta find out what's causing
your stomachaches.

If you don't want it easy...

...they'll hold you down
while you yell and scream.

And they'll draw it the hard way.

Sit down, turn your head.
I promise you won't feel it.

How about I stick you?

The smell.

It makes me sick.

It's in.

How'd you do that?

Because I'm the best. Now you know.

- Hey, Cynthia?
- Yeah.

- You know about these?
- It's a virtual pet.

- Mark got one for his daughter.
- Wait.

Someone left it in Exam . Did
anyone call about it or anything?

It won't stop.

I think it pooped.

- What?
- Yeah.

You see that pile there?

- You're supposed to clean it up.
- How?

- I don't know. Want me to call Mark?
- Disgusting. I can figure it out.

- Wait...
- You know what?

I liked toys when we were kids.
My Barbie van was awesome.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God, look!

- It stopped. I'm so happy.
- Yeah.

If someone calls,
it's in lost and found.

Actually, why don't I just
take care of it for a while.

Anne Reilly?

This is Mrs. Reilly.

I'm her Meals on Wheels person.
One of them at least.

- What's your name?
- Susan McFarlan.

Some days she's confused. But today,
she was definitely more out of it.

- She usually has her hair combed.
- She complain of anything specific?

No. But I took a peek inside.
I don't think she's been eating.

There were untouched plates of food.
At least a couple of days' worth.

- Do you think she's had a stroke?
- We'll check her out.

- Hi, I'm Carol Hathaway.
- Hello.

- What's your name?
- Anne Reilly.

You look so pretty today.

Well, thank you. How are you feeling
today, Mrs. Reilly?

- Fine.
- What month is it?

Well, it's August.


We'll have to wait before we can
get her a room. Can you stay?

- Sure.
- Mrs. Reilly...

...we'll talk again
soon in a few minutes.

You look just the same.

Oh, just like when you were a baby.


Maybe more of those
would make a difference.

I had a hard-enough time
getting this one.

I'm one of those people
that's always early.

What presentations did you hear
besides Benton's?

None. I mean, what? Dermatology?

Can't see myself sitting in an office
all day popping pimples.

No. For me, it's either Surgery
or Emergency Medicine.

Or Internal Medicine because
they have the sickest people.

But I doubt it's for me.

- Think you can sell me on the ER?
- I haven't been selling well so far.

Never boring, is it?
There's always something?

No, sometimes it's slow, but you're
usually thankful for the break.

I can't wait.

Jeanie's gonna wait up in Radiology
with Dr. Anspaugh's son, okay?

- She should stay with him.
- Did you lose something?

I thought I brought
an extra pack of gum.

Going through them pretty quickly.
I brought you an extra pack.

In here somewhere... the Bermuda Triangle.

It's not like I need it.

The nicotine. It's just...

Do you think Dr. Anspaugh's son will
be okay? He's had cancer once.

We have to worry about recurrence.

I never saw him as much of a family
man. His wife was only .

What are you doing?

- There's just a few pills missing...
- Yeah?

Well, I mean, shouldn't
there be some more?

My pills are in your bathroom
in your bag. This is an old pack.

Oh, okay. Okay.

- What are you thinking?
- I don't know. I mean, you know.

- I don't wanna get pregnant.
- I know. We wanna be careful.

Yeah. Oh, bingo.

You are great. Thanks.

You're so grown-up now.

She's tachy at .
BP's low, / .

- There's skin tenting.
- Tenting?

She's dehydrated. When I pinch
her skin, it stays pinched.

Let's get her a gown. Start an IV
and send off for a CBC, Chem- .

- You want to cath her urine?
- Yeah. And get a chest film.

We're gonna change you into a gown
so we can do some more tests.

- Does she have any family?
- She mentioned a daughter.

- I don't know where she is.
- Carol, Doug on two.

I'll get this.



Guess who stopped by. My mom.

What are you on? dr*gs?

No. I just would've liked
to have told her myself.

How do you think she's reacting?

Doug, I gotta go.
I'll call you back.


I'll take it from here. Could you escort
Susan to Chairs and please find Mark?


Can you stay a little while longer?

Yeah, I don't have any classes
today anyway.


Mrs. Reilly...

...did someone hurt you?

- Detective Weller.
- Dr. Greene.

- This is Carol Hathaway.
- Hi.

I'm waiting for Detective Muncie.
But I'd like to talk to the victim.

- What's her name?
- Anne Reilly.

- In here.
- Her mental status is altered.

She's not responding to questions.

- Could that be from the trauma?
- Maybe, or she could have Alzheimer's.

She's also dehydrated. We need to
fluid-resuscitate her first.

And also still do a r*pe kit.

Were her hands bound?

There is some bruising, but no signs
of duct tape like the other one.

She also had a lower-left-rib fracture
and multiple contusions.

One to the back of her head.
You're assuming it's the same r*pist.

I don't want two like this.

So you're making some
public announcements?

It's a departmental decision.

- You guys gotta stop this person.
- That's what we intend to do.

I'll start with the girl.

She's very fond of Mrs. Reilly.
She doesn't know about the r*pe yet.

- All right. Thanks.
- I'll show you.

- Carol?
- Yeah.

Yosh told me he moved Mrs. Reilly
so he could see clinic patients.

- He can't handle them all by himself.
- Dr. Ross came in. He's helping him.

I think he thinks you're mad at him.

- Is this the abdominal series?
- This is Scott Anspaugh.

- Any relation?
- I'm his son.

We'll take some pictures
of your belly.

KUB or upright first?

We'll start with the KUB.

- The tumor's back.
- What'd you say?

I don't need X-rays to know.

Don't move.

If it's bad news, you can worry about
it then. Think about something else.

Like what? Rainbows and dandelions?

What do you like?
What's your favorite thing?

John Woo movies.

His Hollywood movies or
the Hong Kong stuff?

- What do you know about John Woo?
- How much time do you have?

Hey, you're still around?

I sat in on a Pedes introduction
for the heck of it.

Pedes. Very rewarding field.

I wanted to talk to you before
you left about a favor.

- Sure.
- When you're on duty...

- ... can I come by and hang out?
- My words didn't determine your career?

You're good. You're not that good.

- I have a shift tonight.
- That'd be great.

If you'd like, I was thinking
we could get some dinner first.

- Yeah. I'd like.
- Yeah?

But on one condition: I buy.

The ER is your treat.
Dinner will be mine.

- Do you like Thai food?
- Yes, I do.

- How'd it go?
- Well, I didn't sugarcoat it.

I didn't expect you to. Weed out
the losers early. Thanks, Pete.

Dr. Romano.

It's "Peter. " You called me "Pete. "

- Nobody's ever called you Pete?
- No.

"Pete Benton. " It sounds so natural.

Peter. Just Peter.



- Kotlowitz!
- Dr. Romano, perfect timing.

- Robert Romano!
- What are you doing here?

You know each other?

You've got quite a protégé.

She's convinced me to waive my fee
and perform a Silastic medialization.

It still needs to be ironed out.

- You wanna operate on my patient?
- She's ideal, yeah.

Unless there's a problem with that.

It'll be a chance for us
to put our heads together.

You'll be in touch with me, right?

- Oh, let me walk you out.
- If you have a moment, stay with me.

- Rocket, good to see you.
- Take care.

What's the matter?

Shut the door.

What did I say about that procedure?

- If the fee's the barrier-
- It's not the only one!

Kotlowitz can't operate here.
And we are sure as hell...

...not going to move her for vocal-
cord surgery with her leg as it is.

Anspaugh's granting him privileges.
He's a great fan of Dr. Kotlowitz.

So now you're planning my patient's
treatment with the Chief of Staff.

He was in the hall.
This is great news for Allison.

I will decide what is
in her best interest.

- This is in her best interest.
- It's an unnecessary trip to the O.R.!

No. It's not.

I don't know what's between you and
Dr. Kotlowitz. I couldn't give a-

Allison wants her voice back. And it's
incumbent upon us to bring that about.

Are you questioning my commitment
to this patient's best interests?

- No.
- Good.

Because that is not something
you wanna be doing, Lizzie.

Okay. This time, just make sure that
he takes all of the antibiotics.

All of the medicine until it's gone.

All the medicine until it's gone.

Even if he's feeling better.

Okay. Hi.

I'm Dr. Ross.

- I'm Sherry.
- Hi, Sherry. Now...

You've been here before. Are you
still going to the prenatal clinic?

- Yes. I'm going to have a baby.
- What can I do for you?

They cut my food stamps.
It was dollars.

Now it's .
is less than .

- Yes, it is.
- So, what do I stop buying?


"Milk is $ . . Eggs, $ . .
Peanut butter, the cheapest one... "

Who wrote this for you?

Nurse Hathaway helped me
make my food chart.

Did they say why they
cut your food stamps?

Okay. Well, Sherry, there
are a lot of agencies that can-

That can help you out. I'm gonna...

I'm gonna get...

...some numbers. I'll call them.

I'll be right back.

Three-centimeter laceration to
the vaginal wall at o'clock.

- Am I going to be all right?
- Yes, Mrs. Reilly. Don't worry.

Is the baby going to be okay?

The baby'll be fine.

Contusions to the labia majora

- Scant purulent discharge.
- Do you want cultures?

- Yeah. GC and chlamydia.
- How about HIV?

Well, we need to find out
who has legal consent.

- Any word on family?
- I haven't heard yet.

I didn't have nearly as hard
a time with you.

I don't think I did.

You're doing very well, Mrs. Reilly.
Won't be much longer.

Let's give her a gram of ceftriaxone
to cover for STDs.

Oh, wait.


I'm not going to have a baby, am I?

No. But you are in a hospital and
we'll take very good care of you.

Oh, I know you will, darling.

Mrs. Reilly?

Do you know why you're here?

You remember anyone coming into
your apartment recently?

People don't stop by much anymore,
do they?

Okay, Mrs. Reilly.
You can just relax now, right here.

Let's give her another cc's.

And let the detectives know that
she'll be a little longer.

She's not gonna be any help.
She doesn't remember.

It's probably a blessing.

A woman came in with her daughter
looking for her Tamagotchi.

- I told her that you'd found it.
- Okay.

I had to steal time away all day
to feed it and play with it.

Why does it have wings now?

Oh, my God.

- He's dead.
- Oh, like a little angel!

How can he be dead?
When he bleeped, I took care of him.

I guess they just die sometimes.

But if he was sick,
I would've done something.

You did your best.

I'm sorry. But...

Hello, Jeanie.

Dr. Anspaugh, how are you?

I'm well.

I wanna thank you for your help today.

Well, I can imagine what
Scott's been through.

Can I ask about the abdominal films?

There's a partial obstruction.
We've admitted him.

It could possibly be adhesions...

...from the previous surgery.
We're gonna wait and see.

Scott's faced a lot of adversity
already in life.

But whatever comes,
he can handle it.

I like him.

Well, I just wanted to say thank you.

- We can get a cab over on Michigan.
- Or we can walk off the coconut curry.

- Are you crazy? It's degrees.
- Come on, John. It's three blocks.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I don't want you to think that
I'm cursed with indecision.

I just need to be excited.

- Hey, I understand.
- Are you like that?

Am I like that? Well, you know...

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wait, wait! Hey!

What's going on?

Wait! Hey! Hey!
Wait, wait, wait!

- I'm a doctor.
- We saw this guy over here.

I don't know if he's dead.

I sent my buddy to get help.

- I'm barely getting a pulse.
- What should we do?

- Go get a cab. I'll stay.
- Come on. Let's go.

- Taxi! Taxi!
- Hurry it up!


Dr. Romano.

Go ahead and schedule
the Silastic medialization.

- Really?
- I'll work it out with Anspaugh.

- Can I tell Allison?
- Yeah, sure.

I'll do it right now.
It'll lift her spirits.


Personal feelings shouldn't
get in the way.

It was good that
you stayed focused on the patient.


I'm no good at apologizing. Let's let
that be the last thing said about it.

And you and I, we're all right?

Lizzie, you and I are
a match made in heaven.

I got a homeless guy here
with hypothermia.

- Get me warming blankets.
- Heated humidified O- ?

And could you pop a couple of
liters into the microwave too?

- Is the ER always this exciting?
- Pretty much.

Dr. Carter?

This guy was unconscious over
by the medical school.

Be careful. I don't wanna
give him an arrhythmia.

One, two, three.


- You are?
- I'm Laura Brown.

I'm observing Dr. Carter.

- Second-year med student observing.
- BP's palp. Pulse is .

Let's get a core temp,
CBC and a -lead.

Let's prep for a pleural lavage.

Come on. Every second counts.

- Pleural lavage?
- Active core rewarming.

It's degrees outside.
He's a Popsicle.

- We still on for dinner?
- Sure. I just wanna finish this up.

- Get an Attending to cover for you.
- I want to see this through.

I'm heading over to Greek Islands.
If you finish, join me.

- Warm saline.
- If it's not too hot...

- ... run in another liter bolus.
- Worried about shock?

No, not if we provide circulatory
support with a cardiopulmonary bypass.

- A bypass in the ER?
- Sure.

It's an excellent way of warming
the blood. Or we could do dialysis.

I wanted to check on her.
I'm leaving.

She was awake a while ago.

She was more coherent, which
means the fluids are working.

But she doesn't know why she's here.

I want to say goodbye to her. It's
inconceivable what the police are saying.

I don't know if I can go back
to that building.

Am I a horrible person?

I consider Mrs. Reilly my friend.
I want to be a friend to her.

You are a good friend.
You brought her here.

But I'm afraid to bring her meals now.

They'll catch this man. You just
go home and get some rest.

- Tell her I'll call her, all right?
- Sure.

Man, it's cold! Did I miss Swift?

- His shift ended minutes ago.
- Oh, sh**t.

Are you ready to celebrate?
I got reservations at Rosebud.

Or we can stay in. That's fine.

Sounds better to me.

- Are you tired?
- No.

Anspaugh say something
about the proposal?

His son came in today.

He's got a partial bowel obstruction,
history of B-cell lymphoma.

And Anspaugh went to Mark Greene
to take care of him.

- Well, he knows how busy you are.
- Maybe he's forgotten I'm a doctor.

Sometimes I almost forget.

That's the best reason yet
to let SPG take the load.


What'll it be? Your place or mine?

Your place has room service.

Damn it. It presented like
a classic case of hypothermia.

Except for his temperature, which
was three degrees below normal.

What's wrong with him?

Well, he's drunk.

- That's it? There's no bypass?
- No. Not a total wash, though.

Here's how to administer a banana bag.
We give these to all drunks...

...everyone that comes in drunk,
to prevent Wernicke's encephalopathy.

The yellow color is the result of
adding a multivitamin to the fluid.

- No bananas-
- Dr. Benton?

Remember me? I'm Laura Brown.
I was in your lecture today.

- Oh, right.
- I was observing Dr. Carter.

But this looks more interesting.

We're putting a chest tube in
before he goes to surgery.

He has a hemopneumothorax, which
is a bleeding, collapsed lung.

- What kind of animal does that?
- She's feeling better.

I wonder about the human species.

I'd personally volunteer
to castrate this guy.

Make a copy of these
wound-care instructions.

- We're ready to wrap this up.
- You bet.

Thanks for coming in today.

My pleasure.

- It's amazing what you've done here.
- Really?

Well, five shifts a week,
the clinic...

It makes a difference.

I'm sorry I yelled at you
over the phone.

I'm actually glad you spoke
to my mom. It's a relief.

I don't know what I was waiting for.

The other shoe to drop.

Dumb, huh?

You off?

Have to wait on a Psych consult.
Might take a while.

I'll wait.

Finally got an I.D. on our ice man.

He lives in a shelter on Price Street.
They're picking him up.

I thought your student
was gonna stick around.

She went to go watch Benton
operate. I think she got bored.

Well, we're not here
to entertain, Carter.

You know, she seemed so interested.

I was supposed to inspire those
students. But I didn't.

- Inspire them? How?
- Through our passion...

...for what we do.

- Passion?
- Yeah. You know what I mean.

You come here every day.

Sometimes you're really cooking,
and sometimes you're not.

But you're here every day
doing your work.

One day you'll look up...

...and maybe years will have passed.

It'll be the sum total of
what you've done that counts.

Not the passion.

Wanna review some of these charts?


She's an awfully sweet girl,
Susan, isn't she?

She was very worried about you.

She reminds me of my daughter.

I feel so silly.

Such a nuisance, having to bring me
here for a little bump on the head.

- This darn thing's caught.
- Let me help you.

You feel so useless when
you get to be my age.

I've already gotten a bit forgetful.

The other night, I came home and left
my keys hanging in the front door.

I don't think that has anything to
do with age. I do the same thing.

I left my keys in the door.

I left my keys in the door...

...and a man walked
into my apartment.

Mrs. Reilly?

Then he put his hand up over my mouth.

Then he made me get down
on the ground.

Oh, God!

- Mrs. Reilly?
- Oh, my God!

- It's okay. You're gonna be okay now.
- I left the keys...

- ... in the door.
- I know.

I know. It's okay.

Oh, my God!

It's okay.