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04x08 - Freak Show

Posted: 12/06/21 21:11
by bunniefuu

Previously on ER...

- Are you firing me?
- Jeanie, I'm sorry.

Oh, jeez! Your clinic proposal.
That's tonight, isn't it?

Yeah, Oak Park, : .
That's what we said.

Your husband lied
to you about his condition!

He's going to die!

Peter Benton, Rocket Romano.

Dr. Benton. Hey, Lizzie's
talked about you.

I don't usually do this kind of thing.

Sure. That's what they all say.

My family has a few bucks
and everything changes?

A few bucks? Is that what it is to you?

Freak Show


Man, look at you! I hardly sleep
a wink on the redeye...

...and you're jogging and smiling.

There's nothing like a visit with the folks
to make you appreciate home.

The staff will be thrilled.

You haven't been too high
on the popularity list lately.

- I've been kind of a jerk.
- Worse.

- Pain in the ass?
- Keep going.

- Total schmuck.
- Bingo.

We all understood. It's just
we're glad you're getting over it.

You know, that meant a lot to Doug,
you showing up like that.

It meant a lot to me too.

I almost forgot.

I found this when I unpacked.

- "CH"?
- Yeah. "Carol Hathaway. " It's from "DR. "

- Did you read it?
- No. But I was tempted.

Anna? Can you come in here
and give me a hand?

- What have you got?
- A shoulder reduction on a boxer.

Coach made him take ballet.

I'll do traction.

Then I will give you countertraction.

Thanks, Lily.

- So how have you been?
- Fine.

On my count. One, two, three.

- Seen any interesting cases?
- No. Not really.

- Done any interesting procedures?
- Nope.

- You wanna grab some breakfast?
- I'm not hungry. Thanks.

- What? Are you still angry?
- I'm over it.

You sure?

Can we just focus
on the patient, please?

- Hey! Cute little bugger.
- Thanks.

I bet he keeps you pretty busy.

Actually, he lives with his mother.
So I see him when I can.

What about you? You got any kids?

None they've been able to pin on me.

You know, Peter, you've been
on my mind lately.

You made the short list for my team.
You still interested?


- I just have a couple of reservations.
- Reservations?


I need a team player. Someone who is
compatible with Lizzie Corday.

Now, word has it you and she have had
a couple of run-ins.

We've had our differences,
but we've worked them out.

Differences can be healthy.

Can you keep up with her?


Do you have the time?



We'll do a trial run,
see if we're all compatible.

And then I'll make my final decision.

What's going on?

Mark, when did you get back?

Hi. Late last night.

- What are these people doing here?
- They're patients for your new clinic.

No. The clinic doesn't open
until next week.

You said to put the announcement
in for today.

No. I said next week.

Oh, man!

Oh, I'm really sorry.

Is there anything that I can do?

Start giving out numbers.

Hey, everybody, listen up.

I need volunteers
to come back next week.

You'll get on the front of the line.

No? Then everyone
has to be really patient.

Tell that to my boss.

- Bryan, baby.
- Oh, miss...

...I can't keep standing like this.
I've got the gout.

Take a chair.
Anyone else need a chair?

Stop jumping up and down.

Wait over in Chairs.
Take a number.

Twenty-seven? I might as well
be waiting six hours in the ER.

Go ahead. That would
help me out a lot.


Kerry, hi. Did Mark tell you
about the scheduling snafu?

Very unfortunate.
I need to talk with you.

I'm a little busy now.

Weren't you scheduled
to work the ER?

I had to take the day off
to run the clinic.

- Could you spare anyone to help?
- When I signed off on the clinic... promised to find
your own personnel...

...and it wouldn't impinge
on your regular duties.

I could turf the runny noses,
BP checks over to the ER...

...and have your personnel
handle them.

- Okay. I'll give you Yosh Takata.
- Who?

Nursing Administration.

Excuse me.
Transfer from upstairs.

Why don't you talk to my friend
at the Gay and Lesbian Defense Fund?

They represent people with HIV
and AIDS who have been fired.

Maggie, thanks for your concern,
but that's not what happened.


You're the best P.A. we have.
I just hate to see you give up.

I'm not giving up. I'm moving on.

Al's in Atlanta checking out leads
and a couple of construction jobs.

But it's illegal for them to fire you
for being HIV-positive.

- You think that's why they fired me?
- You don't?

No. They could've done that last year.
It's because of the budget.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- I missed you.
- Me too.

You did? Because you didn't call.

Well, we were on the road
the whole time but...

So I wasn't able to wrap it.

What's this?

Oh, it's beautiful! Thank you!
I love it!

Oh, my-!
Would you latch it for me?


The guy at the shop said that
it is a genuine diamond.

A real diamond.

No one has ever gotten me a real
diamond before, Mark. I love it.

- Pardon us.
- Welcome back.

There's no place like home.

This coffee's terrible.

I'm really awful in the kitchen.

I think it tastes really good.

- What do we got?
- Twelve-year-old boy.

Hit-and-run on his way to school.
GCS . Got routine blood work.

Chest and abdominal films, C-spine.
BP's funky, palp.

Gave him two units O-neg. The name
on this notebook says Rodney Price.

There's a mass in the upper left
quadrant. Abdomen is distended.

Crit's falling, .

Bleeding internally. I'll hang
another unit on the rapid infuser.

- He ruptured his spleen.
- Biggest spleen I've ever felt.

- Got the wet reads.
- Great.

Here's the shadow.

That's the hematoma pressing down
on the splenic flexure.

- Looks like a rupture.
- No, no.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

The film's mislabeled.

The gastric bubble is under the right
diaphragm instead of the left.

But with a splenic rupture,
the gastric bubble can be displaced.

No, no, no.
Not that much it can't...

Whoa, whoa, wait a minute!
That's not his spleen. That's his liver.

The liver's in the wrong place.

- Backwards?
- His abdominal organs are reversed.

That's remarkable.

Let's get him up to Surgery! Move!

Ever do a case like this before?

No. This is one in a million.

All right, everybody. Page Romano!

- You have previous clinic experience?
- A little.

- Where would that have been?
- Chart Review.

You don't see many patients
in Chart Review.

No. But I know a lot about them.

We'll have to double up
on patients in here.

- Be with you in a minute.
- You said that an hour ago.

Sign in patients, start a chart,
and check their vitals.

- Where?
- Out here.

If anyone seems the least bit emergent,
take them over to ER Triage.

Can you handle that?

- If I have any questions, I'll holler.
- Great. Mark!

Oh, bring the kid out here, please.

- Do you have a sec?
- I gotta get to Radiology.

But I got a triple failure otitis media
that needs a scrip for Augmentin.

All right. How's it going, Carol?

You know, I would've been
organized by next week.

You couldn't help me at all today?

Well, it's a little busy
not having Doug here.

- But I'll see what I can do.
- All right. I appreciate it.

- I think Carol's mad at me.
- No. She's just got a lot on her mind.

That hospital lawyer dropped off
these papers for you to sign.

They're urgent,
about the civil rights case.

- File them in my box.
- Along with the others?

Yeah. I'm not gonna let
these bastards get to me.

The man of the hour's arrived.

- This is the situs inversus?
- It sure is.

Fantastic case, Peter. I've never
seen one in the flesh before.

It's worth considering a case report.

I'm actually thinking of running
a literature review.

I took the liberty. There's nothing
on abdominal situs inversus in Trauma.

I can be the first to write about it.

I just heard the good news.
You've got a nose for sniffing out zebras.

I wish I could take credit,
but he landed it.

- Finders, keepers.
- Peter won't mind you scrubbing in.

- Give us a chance to work together.
- I think he might.

No. No. Of course not.


You both can run it.
I'll hang out on the sidelines... case I have to take one of you out.
Shall we scrub?


Don't you think it's time
we called a truce?

I am not at w*r.

I feel terrible.
I didn't mean to mislead you...

- ... about my family.
- It's not that big a deal, okay?

- No hard feelings?
- No.

Excuse me, John.
I hope I'm not interrupting.

- Henry! What are you doing here?
- I wanna thank you...

...for giving me time
to finish my brain blots.

- Grab the end of that, please.
- The end?

The results are so promising, I got
a Howard Hughes Research Fellowship.

- Glad I could help.
- You did.

I was wondering if you might
do me one more favor here.

- Favor, huh?
- See, I'm not able to- Excuse me.

I can't start a new rotation until you
remove these UEs from my evaluation.

So if you could just...

"Unable to evaluate
physical examination.

Unable to evaluate technical
and procedural skills.

Unable to evaluate interactions
with the health care team. "

Yeah. You can't just pass me?

No. You barely showed up.

Then the registrar says that I need
to repeat this clerkship until I pass.

Anna, you don't have a student,
do you?

Don't need one.

Well, then, I guess
it's just you and me.

Jeanie, I've been looking for you.

Well, you found me.

Good news.

Atlanta Memorial called.
They're very interested in you.

I faxed an excellent recommendation.
You should be a shoo-in for a position.

Thank you.

Jeanie, if there were any way I could
change things, believe me, I would.

- I'm gonna miss you.
- I know.

There is no way we can take
these people today.

Come back next week,
they get priority.

You refuse to give
the homeless physicals?

I am not refusing. We don't
have any more appointments for today.

But I called two hours ago and a lady
said that this was a walk-in clinic day.


Did you give permission
to bring in these people?

I figured it would be okay.

Are you a complete idiot?
Can't you see we're swamped already?

- I'm sorry.
- What's going on?

She invited the entire Hazelton Shelter
for free physicals.

Carol, can I talk to you?

So there was miscommunication.

If you have a problem with Cynthia
or any employee in the future...

...speak to them privately. Don't dress
them down in front of the entire ER.

- Anything else?
- No.

Liver's lacerated.
Excise the left lateral aspect.

- Which anatomically is the right lobe.
- Correct.

I don't know about you,
but I'm getting dizzy.

- We should put a mirror on the ceiling.
- We could operate from my bedroom.

Get a photo from the other side.
Peter, expose the gallbladder.

- Found any family on this kid yet?
- Not last I heard.

Get on it. I wanna get
releases for these photos.

Liver's still bleeding.

- You ever use an argon beam coagulator?
- No.

Why don't I do the Pringle maneuver?

Go for it.

My colleague would love to get
some blood samples from this kid.

Suction, please.

All right.

Here we go. All right. Heads up.

Have Pathology pickle this. Bet no one's
ever seen a backwards liver.

- We can play "Stump the Med Students. "
- Not to mention publishing.

- We discussed that.
- Are you up for it?

- I'm game.
- So am I.

Excellent. We'll fight over whose name
goes first on the papers later.

It's a wrist.

That's definitely
a fracture of the wrist.

Yeah. But there are eight bones
in the wrist. Which one?

What are the odds
of catching TB in this place?

Henry, which bone is broken?

- It's the lunate.
- No. That's over here.

Here. Remember this, would you?
It's a mnemonic.

Never Lower Tillie's Pants.
Mother May Come Home.

Maybe you boys should talk privately.

No, I'm just...

...teaching Henry
the bones in the wrist.


"M" for "Mother" is
the greater multangular.

You call that the multangular?
I was taught it was the trapezium.

- Really?
- I call that the scaphoid.

- What do you call it?
- Navicular.

So my little mnemonic
wouldn't work for you.

- That's okay. I have my own.
- Really? Let's hear it.


Scared Lovers...

...Try Positions That They Can't Handle.

- Go with Anna's.
- He already learned yours.

I like yours better.

I don't think that I need either.
I'll just...

...memorize the names.

Excuse me.

If Dr. Anspaugh calls, tell him I'll
have this budget in his hands today.

- Do you know who left this note?
- No.

- "CH". That's me.
- Dr. Weaver?

You drive a Plymouth?
Your lights are on.

That's hard to believe.

Herb Spivak, snakebite
to the upper left torso.

- Know what the venom is?
- No.

It has feet like a piranha,
and a head the size of a papaya.

Can you take this non-venomous
snakebite to the left thorax?

- I left my car lights on.
- Sure. Curtain Area .

Can you sign off on this budget?
Anspaugh's expecting it.

- Where?
- Below my signature. I'll be back.

How did this happen?

I was feeding his python. It bit me.

What do you expect?
You spilled soup.

- Who are you?
- Gary Lomax.

Owner of Jungle Gary's Reptorium.

- He spilled chicken soup on himself.
- What?

Pythons love chicken,
so I dipped the rat in my soup.

It spilled on my jacket.
Bingo! The guy got me.

Python thought he was
the world's biggest chicken.


Fancy meeting you here!

Security said my lights were on.

A little ruse to get you out so I could
thank you for getting us the contract.

- Anspaugh approved it?
- Ink's still wet.

Synergix is now supplying extra
Attending coverage to County General.

- All because of you.
- Why didn't you come into the hospital?

I wanted to avoid suggestion
of preferential treatment.

It's not preferential treatment.
It's good business.

We have that in common. It's good
business for me to say thanks.

- Thanks, Kerry.
- Phalaenopsis.

Ellis, you shouldn't have.

- You know phals?
- I love them.

Something else we have in common.

Great job. You really drained
the hell out of that liver.

Once I got my bearings, it wasn't
difficult. I'm glad it came along.

Me too. But a compass
would've been helpful.

Check the crits and coags. Make sure
the Jackson Pratts don't clot off.

Catalog the photos and dig up...

...every article you can find
on situs inversus viscerum.

I'll watch the temp. If it drops below ,
I'll use a warming blanket.

I'll alert the Genetics Department,
if they want to consult.

Dr. Romano, this is Mr. Price.
Rodney's father.

The school called.

Told me there was an accident,
to come right over.

How is my boy doing?

We removed part of his liver
to control the bleeding.

He's in serious condition
but he came out of surgery well.

Aren't you...

...Peter Benton?

- From Collins High?
- Yeah.

Isaac Price.

You two were classmates?

Yeah. Class of ' .
Peter was on that college track.

Nose to the grindstone.

It paid off. Your son had
an excellent surgeon.

Isaac, is your son on any medication
or allergic to any dr*gs?

I don't know.

He lives at his mother's.

Listen, is Rodney gonna be all right?

You know, we're doing our best, man.

Damn it. Damn it.

- Can I help?
- No. You've done plenty. Thanks.

Carol, move your patients
out of the Admit area.

We could get cited
for blocking fire exits.

Dr. Doyle, did you want
your December meal tickets?

- Who has time to eat?
- I'll take them.

- They're for the residents.
- You heard. Who has time to eat?

You're going to need
a tetanus booster, antibiotics.

And I'll have to extract
those python teeth.

- Okay, doctor.
- Malik, can you get me some Betadine?

I brought Flora along...

- ... in case you wanted to swab her.
- Flora?

- She's actually quite gentle-
- When she's not hungry.

How do you know?

- She's harmless except for mouth rot.
- You think we should get a culture?

I love her dearly.
But her mouth's a cesspool.

Malik... wanna give him a hand?

I don't think so.

Just grab her middle. Don't let go.

This next case of situs inversus...

...apparently shows
no cardiac involvement.

Dr. Benton.

This is a great teaching case.

I discussed it with the residents
and students.

Dr. Benton and Dr. Corday
performed the surgery.

Photographs were taken.
Everybody would love to see them.

We need to change
the patient's dressings.

No problem. We'll come back later.

This is great work, Peter.
Don't forget those photos.

- Anspaugh's impressed.
- Yeah. Here.

- How's the kid doing?
- He's stable. Here.

Lucky break, the father knowing you.

Should make it easier to consent him
for blood tests.

Genetic breakthroughs are hovering in
the winds. You'll talk to the family?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, great.

- Peter, is something wrong?
- No.

- I'd be happy to talk to the father.
- Why?

I thought it might be more comfortable
since you know him.

I don't know him.
What difference would it make?

It's tough if you have
a personal connection.

I don't have a personal connection.

I don't want him to think
we're using his kid.

We've treated him as best we can,
haven't we?

- Yeah.
- Then you've got nothing to worry about.

- Excuse me.
- My fault. I'm not used to the floor plan.

- I don't think we've met. I'm Jeanie.
- Yosh Takata. New R.N.

The new R.N.?

How'd you get past the hiring freeze?

I didn't know there was one.
I put in for a transfer to the ER.

- How long you been here? Do you like it?
- Two years. I do.

It's good to meet you. I gotta run.

- How did you get these scars?
- Defending a cave diver.

We got caught in a kelp forest.
Do you dive?

- No.
- Oh, spectacular.

When did you start handling snakes?

He's defending me in a lawsuit.

- Oh, you're an attorney.
- Yeah.

Flora ate his neighbor's
Jack Russell terrier.

Obviously, they have
no case whatsoever.

They're not recognized
by the American Kennel Association.

Gary offered to help me work with
snakes in exchange for legal counsel.

How could I refuse such an offer?

Sure, Al. I know.

I know. Okay. I love you too. Bye.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Just Al. Foreman job
in Atlanta fell through.

I'm sorry. Does he have
other possibilities?

Al always does.
Let me give you a hand.

- Thanks.
- How's it going for you?

Lousy. I don't know why I thought
I could run a clinic with no supplies.

- I can't even write a scrip.
- P.A.'s can write them.

But Kerry Weaver won't let me
use any of the ER staff.

What's she gonna do? Fire me?


You are so romantic.

I am?

Hiding that note under the charts.

My heart skipped a beat
when I saw my initials.

- What?
- On the envelope. "CH"?

What you wrote was really sexy.

- Did you mean it?
- Yeah, sure.

Well, then my answer is yes. I will.

Everything okay?

Well, we just got some labs back.

Rodney's crit is okay.
But his platelets are falling.

We're concerned that his blood
might not clot properly.

Is he gonna pull through?

Well, he...

He may need to have a transfusion. But
don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him.

Thanks, Peter.

I know you're doing
everything you can, man.

All the doctors have been in,
making sure he's all right.

Isaac, are you aware that Rodney
has a rare genetic syndrome...

...that caused his abdominal organs
to be reversed?

Is that why he's so sick?

No. But when he was hit by the car,
his liver was severely injured.


If it had been in the proper position,
the prognosis might be better.

Listen, I...

I know it's not easy at times
like this to ask, but...

...we'd like permission to draw
some of Rodney's blood...

...along with yours and your ex-wife's
to do a genetic study.

Yeah, okay.

I'll do anything if it'll
help Rodney get better.

Here. You need to sign the consent.

On a scale of one to ,
how would you rate your pain?

Oh, I don't know.

When you push like that,
it's a nine or an eight.

But it could be a six or a seven.
I'm not sure.

Ask him to describe
the quality of the pain.

Mr. Kottmeier, please describe
the quality of your pain.


Is it dull? Is it sharp?
Is it crampy? Is it constant?

It's crampy, all right.
But sometimes it's sharp too.

When it's not dull. I'm not sure.

I'm a double Libra.
You know how that is.

Not that I believe in horoscopes.

That appears sharp to me.

We're dealing with diverticulitis.
What do you wanna do?

Well, that could be surgical or not.

Order an abdominal ultrasound
or maybe get a CT. I'm not sure.

Why don't we just start
with a history and a physical?

Can you write me a scrip
for erythromycin ointment?

I got a kid with conjunctivitis.

Having you here today has been
a saving grace to me.


You worked hard to get this
going. I wish I had your guts.

You gotta fight
for what you believe in.

What if you don't have
the amm*nit*on?

Look for it.

- That won't hurt him, will it?
- No.

Give me units of platelets and FFP.
units of heparin! Move!

- Peter, what's wrong?
- His blood's not clotting.

- What's going on?
- Oh, my God!

He went into DIC.
I'm bolusing of heparin.

He's bradycardic.

Lungs are wet.
Put him on % oxygen.

His stats are falling!

- Pulmonary hemorrhage.
- Get him on his stomach.

Here we go, people. On my count.

One, two, three!

What's happening here?

His lungs are filling with blood.

- Jesus, please.
- Isaac, you gotta stand back.

You've gotta stand back, man.


He's in asystole! Amp of epi!
We gotta get him turned back over.

Here we go. On my count.
One, two, three, move!

Gotta start CPR.

- Connie, have you seen Cynthia?
- She's on a break.

- Do you know if she left her purse?
- I don't know.

She really likes you.

Oh, yeah. We're just having fun.

You gave her a diamond.
That's serious fun.

What are you doing?

- Nothing. I just lost my pen.
- Here.

- You sign off on the budget?
- I found an error.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Here it has your salary
dollars more a week than mine.

That's remuneration for my
taking over administrative duties...

...until Morgenstern returns,
God willing.

$ , a year?

You signed off on this three months ago.
Why didn't you say something?

I guess I just wasn't paying attention.

Hey, Jeanie, have you seen
a chart for Kottmeier?

- No.
- Guess I'll start a new one.

And have you traveled
anywhere recently?

I just did.
Louisville, to visit the in-laws.

And then to...

Time to wrap up. History
and physical just took minutes.

Shave an hour off, you'd be
in passing range for this clerkship.

There's a rectal abscess in
with your name on it.

Mr. Kottmeier,
someone will see you shortly.

- It would've gone faster if my allergies-
- Take an antihistamine.

Hi, Mr. Kottmeier.

I'm Dr. Del Amico.
I'm gonna examine you.

Boy, when they said shortly,
they mean shortly!

This new clinic's a godsend.
I work part-time. No benefits.

So thank you.

No. Thank you for saying that.

There you go, Hector.

That shot will keep you
from getting sick.

If it's not too much trouble,
could you look at his chin?

He crabs about it,
but I don't see anything wrong.


Okay, Hector.
Does it hurt when I do this?

I can't feel it.

- You don't feel me pressing on it?
- No.


Okay, I'm gonna go see
if I can find a doctor.

High-dose epi! Seven cc's, one to
a thousand! Another mg of atropine!

We got a blip!

- Was it a pulse?
- No pulse.

Maybe he's got fluid around the heart.
Pericardiocentesis needle.

Flatline. An epi can cause
a few transient heartbeats.

Damn! No blood.

All right. Epi drip wide open
and more platelets. Let's go!

Peter, it's been minutes.



Time of death, : .

Get him up to CT. Keep the C-collar on
until Radiology clears the C-spine.

- You want films?
- No. The neurosurgeon will take them.

- Kerry, I'd like a minute with you.
- Sure. Jeanie, what is it?

I wanna take a look at the budget.

- The ER budget?
- That's right. Yeah.

I've told you.
It's nothing personal.

I tried everything to try and keep you
here. The numbers don't support it.

If I'm being fired,
I wanna see the numbers...

...not hear your interpretation of them.

I've gone over them
with a fine-tooth comb.

It's not fair,
but that's the way it is.

How do you justify
hiring a new nurse?

Yosh Takata was hired to replace
two nurses who've left.

What about giving yourself a raise?

Salaries are confidential.

I sure as hell know why.

- Jeanie, I'm sorry I can't help you.
- I'll find someone who can.

Hey, Carter.

Have you had a patient complain
about his chin falling asleep?

Heads up, Henry. No.

I'm sure if it's contagious,
he'll catch it.

- Where are you going?
- Mr. Kottmeier's my patient.

Then why did I do a physical on him?

I'm quite fond of all of you.

You did remember to sign him out
on the board, didn't you?

- Was I supposed to?
- Where are you taking him?

To the surgical ward. Mr. Kottmeier
has an inflamed diverticulum...

...that perfed into his mesentery.
He needs a colectomy.

Hold on. Have you
considered medical management?

Treat the abscess with a course of Flagyl
and Cipro before jumping into surgery?

- I'm willing to give it a shot.
- No, no, no, wait.

Do you agree because
you think I wanna hear that?

Or do you really believe that?


I don't want you agreeing with me
just to please me.

I'm not. I've already considered
several alternatives to surgery.

- You have?
- Shut up, Henry!


If you have a problem
with my salary, come to me.

Don't bring it up with the staff.

Do you have any idea how many
hours I work every week?

What are you talking about?

- You disclosed our salaries to Jeanie.
- No, I didn't.

- You didn't?
- No.

What happened to all
the patients in your clinic?

I gave them meal tickets and
stashed them in the cafeteria.

Stressful day for you, huh?

- Tell me about it.
- Anything interesting in Doug's note?

I wish I knew.

- I lost it before I got to read it.
- That's too bad.

- How are you on Medline searches?
- Why?

I did one on submandibular
paralysis and I came up with zilch.

I'm not surprised.
I've never heard of it.

I've got this kid complaining
of a numb chin. What should I do?

Why don't you try "numb chin"?

"Numb chin. "

That sounds a little too,
you know, easy.


There you go.

I'm sorry, Isaac.

Can we have a word with you
in the hall?

I don't wanna leave my boy.

We'd like your permission
to perform an autopsy.


Well, because it could be useful.

Did something go wrong?

He started bleeding when
you stuck him.

No. His blood wouldn't clot
because of the liver injury.

- Then why do you need to do an autopsy?
- For research.

It could be helpful.

That's why you're so interested.
Not because he was hurt.

No, no, no.
We were trying to save his life.

When you took his blood and mine,
were you trying to save his life?

- No-
- We'd like to study his condition.

I don't want him studied.

We understand how you-

Look at him! Don't you think
you cut him up enough?

- Isaac, I'm so sorry.
- No!

I don't want you cutting up my son!

You're right. I'm sorry.

I'll leave you alone.

Focus, Henry. What do you hear?

- I'm not- I'm not sure.
- What do you hear?

He has a pneumothorax.
We'll put in a chest tube.

I'll grab a tray.

- It hurts.
- Yeah. I bet it hurts.

Hang on there. Everything will
feel better in a minute.

Okay. Henry, the first thing that
you wanna do is feel for the ribs...

...along the midaxillary line
locating the fifth interspace.

Can I get some Betadine?

Where you make the incision.

- I'm not feeling so good.
- What?

I'm not feeling so good.

Sit down.
Put your head between your knees.

Lily, give me the Kelly.

How are you doing, Henry?

Lydia, do me a favor and
slide Henry out of the way.

- Carter, he's a little cyanotic.
- What?

Can't get a pulse on the banger!

Lydia, call an Attending!

Change the dressing twice a day. Think
twice before defending any skydivers.

Thank you, doc.

We need you in Trauma .

Anna, Malik, we may need your help.

- What happened?
- Banger had a tension pneumo.

- Henry passed out.
- All right. I'll finish the chest tube.

Get your student into Trauma .

Okay. Henry, you're gonna be
just fine.

Everybody grab hold.

On my count. One, two, three.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I showed him how to put in
a chest tube and he fainted.

- Go on the other side.
- Wheezes bilaterally.

Pulse ox is .

I need to intubate.
Get me a laryngoscope.

- Let's go!
- Did he complain of feeling sick?

He always does.
He's a hypochondriac.

- Is he on any meds?
- Not that I know of.

Okay. Let's get a CBC, Chem- ,
and a tox screen.

All right, I'm in.

- Bag him.
- Pulse ox is worse. Down to .

What? Get a blood gas.

- Pressure's crashing!
- What the hell is going on?

His wrist and his left hand
are red and edematous.

Right hand's also swollen.

Oh, my God!
He's allergic to latex. Okay.

He's in asystole!
Amp of epi, IV push!

ET tube cup has latex.
We've got to extubate.

Lily, get me an ET tube
from the latex-free cart.

Wash your hands first.

Chuny, get me a basin of water.

- Found a non-latex ET tube.
- A mg of atropine and of Benadryl!

Laryngeal edema.
I'm having a hard time getting in.

- How long has he been down?
- seconds.

- Watch his teeth. Can you see the cords?
- I know. Barely.

All right, Malik. Hi-dose epi.
Seven cc's.

You're doing great.
Just keep sliding it in very gently.

- I'm in.
- Great.

Good job.

Got a pulse.

Everything okay here?

Everything's under control.

Peter, I'd like to speak to you.

I'd like to speak to you as well.

I've been reconsidering the possibility
of joining your team.

I understand Mr. Price refused
an autopsy on his son.

Did you try to convince him?

He doesn't want us carving his boy.

Did you explain how research
might benefit others?

He doesn't want it.

Give him some time. He's emotional.

I don't feel comfortable doing that.

How do you think we made advances
in heart surgery, in transplantation?

By refining procedures on patients
and studying the results.

That kid was a freak of nature. And we
have a responsibility to do research.

That "freak" was a boy
named Rodney Price...

...whose father doesn't understand
why he lost him.

All you want to do is cut him
despite his father's wishes.

We're scientists, Peter.

We're not allowed sentimentality.
Now, you go back and get consent.

- Because I want it.
- No. You get somebody else to do it.

I just got a lab report back on
one of my patients, a -year-old.

Turns out he's got
acute lymphocytic leukemia.

A doctor should speak to the mother.

- How did it present?
- Kid's complaint was a numb chin.

I checked in the computer,
ran some tests.

The mom knows you. Talk to her.

Call me if she has any questions.

And then I plea-bargained her down
to a misdemeanor...

...not two weeks after
she shot a guy!

You could've saved yourself a whole
bunch of urgent phone messages...

...if you'd told me Herb was on board.

- I didn't know you knew each other.
- Yeah.

I served on the Trial Lawyers'
Banquet Committee.

Herb was our speaker.

I've been filling him in
on that Law family suit.

You got yourself
quite a little mess.

I've decided to ignore
the whole thing.

Oh, wrong impulse.
You'll get slaughtered.

You had better file this right
away to avoid a summary judgment.

Mark, the hospital's board of
directors is gonna be very relieved... hear that you have
such excellent representation.

You know, you came about
this close to losing your job.

Herb, if you have any questions
at all, please just give me a call.

I shall. I shall.

- Take care of yourself, Alan.
- You too. Mark.

Why did you let Alan believe
that you're representing me?

Honestly, doc, he's a lousy lawyer.
He jumps to conclusions.

Nevertheless, I could represent you.

Your fee would be a little
too steep for me.

an hour with
$ , retainer fee.

- I figured.
- But, honestly, I don't need the money.

I'm bored.

I'm looking for new challenges.

Here's the deal.

Let me shadow you.

You throw in a few procedures.
Nothing big.

Maybe a couple of stitches
here and there.

And I'll make your little lawsuit
vanish just like that. Gratis.

I got an autopsy consent
on the Price boy.

The father just needed more time.

Why didn't Rocket send you?

I refused.

That was a ballsy move.

It wasn't a move.
I told him what I felt.

Well, it worked. Take a look
at tomorrow's surgery schedule.

You're scrubbing in on a lap
splenectomy at a. m.

Rocket's team.

He's partial to residents
with backbone.


Yes, Henry?

What happened?

You went into anaphylactic shock
from latex.

I was near death.

- Yes.
- And you were there.

Yes, Henry. I was there.

And so was Anna.

It was like a dream.


Hey, Henry.

It was the most amazing thing.

I remember being drawn...

...toward this bright light.

And then suddenly I was floating...

...up above you...

...over there in the corner...

...watching as the two of you...

...enveloped in a blue glow...

...worked together, united... save my life.

Thank you, John.

Thank you, Anna.

You are my angels.

You brought me back to the living.

Good night.

Good night.

Can't be a chart you're writing.


And from the way
you're covering it up...

...I'd say it's something personal.

Yeah. It's a...

It's a love letter.

The sentimental kind...

...or the "I'd like to
rip your pants off" kind?

Definitely the latter.

I'd like to be writing one of those.

Pity I broke up with Jeremy.

- Could've been more fun, long-distance.
- Someone from home?

A self-possessed dermatologist.

I'm afraid I broke his heart.

Well, it's : .

And since you're writing rather
than living out your prose...

- ... I'd venture to say you're alone.
- Yeah.

Fancy grabbing a drink?

I would love to.

It is an unenviable job
running the ER...

...and making difficult
cost-cutting decisions.

I got your message.

Jeanie came in quite upset
about the budget.

And I was just explaining that... appears that you treated her
honestly and fairly.

She gave herself a $ , raise.

That's from the administrative budget.

I understand that's your story.
But I don't buy it.

Something else is going on.

And what would that be?

My HIV status.


I believe that's why I'm being fired.

I see.


Let's not do anything rash.

I am late for a dinner at the moment.

But tomorrow I can give the budget...

...another more thorough review.

We've been over these figures
a dozen times.

You told me we had to cut P.A.s.

Why don't you give Kerry and me
another day to recheck our figures?

Thank you, Dr. Anspaugh. I will.

Jeanie, you're really gonna use
your HIV status like this?

I call it as I see it.

I tried everything to keep you here.

Then I bent over backwards
to help you get a job in Atlanta.

It just isn't fair, is it?

I've never discriminated against
you because of your HIV status.

I fought to keep you here.

Kerry, like you said before,
it's nothing personal.

- To your health!
- Thank you.


- What have we here?
- What have we here?

Another present?

It's beautiful. Should I try it on?

You can try it on later.

I dream of the taste of your neck and
the smell of your hair on my pillow.

You do?

No, silly. You do.

Did you mean everything
you wrote?

Yeah. Yeah, I did. It was...

I was homesick.

Do you remember this afternoon
when I said that I will?

I changed my mind. I won't.

You won't?

Not unless you go first. Lie back.