07x28 - Big Brother

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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07x28 - Big Brother

Post by bunniefuu »

Don't you guys
have something to do?

We're readin'.

Yes... improving our mind.

We can all still learn things,
you know.

Well, look, fellas,
I happen to be busy.

Hi, fellas.

Hi, Howard.

I've been thinkin' over
that project you mentioned,

and I'm real high on it.

I'm ready to start
any time you need me.

Well, great, Howard.
What project's that?

Just a little something
I mentioned to Howard.

Well, that doesn't shed
much light.

All the sheriff's departments

are starting
a big brother movement

like they have
in the cities.

Big brother movement?

You never heard of it?

I'm an only child.

Well, goober, you see,

it's where an adult
takes an underprivileged child,

or one who needs some guidance,
under his wing

and sort of
helps the boy along.

I would do it,

but I have to stay
pretty close to the office,

so Howard has volunteered
his services.

Ooh, that sounds like
wonderful work.

If you need more volunteers,
you can count on me.

Me too.

Uh, thanks, fellas.

The boy of today
is the man of tomorrow.

Build a better boy today,

and we'll have
better tomorrows.



Did... did you talk
to the principal yet?

Yes, I...

Give a boy a helping hand,

and you're giving a helping hand
where it helps.

That's a good one, Floyd.

Thank you, goober.

You were saying, Andy?

I spoke to Mr. Tracy,
and he has a boy in mind

that could use
this kind of help,

and I'm going over to the school
later and meet him.

Oh. Well, I'll check back
with you.


Ah. Here we are.

Tommy Parker, huh?

This boy has potential, but
he's just not going anywhere...

No discipline,
no direction.

If you think we can help...

I definitely do.

I've had quite a few talks
with him,

but what a principal says
sometimes falls on deaf ears.

This boy has a sharp mind.
He has a very high I.Q.

Unfortunately, though,
he isn't interested in studying.

He can give you baseball records
and football records,

but you ask him to explain
Archimedes' principle,

and he'll just stare at you.

Like I'm doing now?

Do his folks still travel
with the carnival?

Yes, months
out of the year.

He lives
with his older sister.

She works nights
at some place up in mount pilot.

I talked the big brother idea
over with his sister.

She's all in favor of it.

Come in.


You know sheriff Taylor,
don't you?

Sure. He's, uh, chased me off
the street a few times.

Not chased, Tom...
It was a little late,

and I suggested you go home.

Tom, the big brother idea
I talked to you about...

Sheriff Taylor has a very fine
gentleman, Howard sprague,

who would like
to become your friend

and help you where he can.

What do you say?

Sure, if it'll make everybody

That's, uh,
that's not the point, Tom.

See, you have the ability to be
a fine student.

And maybe with Mr. Sprague's
help and guidance...

Look, I'm not fighting it.

Wait a minute.

Maybe with his help
and guidance,

you can learn
to help yourself.

Doesn't the idea
make any sense to you, Tom?

Well, like I said,
I'm... I'm not fighting it.


Since you're not fighting it,
shall we give it a try?

Okay. We'll give it a try.


What do you say, Howard?

Hi, Andy.

You're workin' kind of late,
aren't you?

Oh, yeah.

I'm studying up for taking
that civil-service exam,

trying to upgrade myself.

It's a lot of hard work,
but it's gonna be worth it.

I could end up
with a very important job.

I expect.

Listen, I saw the principal
this afternoon.

Oh, and the boy?

Yeah, yeah, I met him...
Tommy Parker.

He's a sharp kid, but he
sure could use some guidance.

I'm ready, Andy.


I made you an appointment...
About : tomorrow evening.

After dinner, you can stop over,
and you'll meet him.

He lives with his sister,
and you'll meet her, too.

Now, the most important thing,
as I understand it,

is to become his pal.

The whole
big brother movement

is based on trying
to place yourself

on the same level
with the boy,

and that's why
it's important to become pals.

I understand...

Hi, pal.

Oh. Hi.

I'm your big brother,
Howard sprague.

So I hear.

Well, have a seat.

Thank you.

Well, Tommy, old boy,

I certainly hope
we become real pals.

We can give it a try.

Yeah, yeah.

Uh, you like sports, Tommy?

I'm kind of a baseball fan.

Baseball! Me too.
Oh, yes.

Oh, I've been a real fan
for years.

Who's your favorite team?

The Dodgers.

Well, now,
that's a coincidence.

The Dodgers...
That's my favorite, too.

St. Louis, huh?

No. Los Angeles.

That's right.

St. Louis is the orioles.



Guess I got my birds mixed up.

Well, uh, uh, Tommy,
getting down to business,

what I wanted to discuss
with you

is your attitude
towards your schoolwork.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I... I know.

I'm not doing as well
as I could.

So I understand.

Now, you know, Tommy,

if any of us expect
to get anywhere in this world,

we gotta work for it.

Set a goal for ourselves
and try to reach it, right?

Right, right.

Now, I've been doing
a little studying myself

to reach my goal.

I'm studying
for a civil-service exam

in hopes of improving
my lot in life.

No kidding.

And it occurred to me
that it might be a good idea

if, when I came over here
in the evenings,

we study together.

Sort of work
shoulder to shoulder.


Three nights a week.


Oh! Hi.

I'm Tommy's sister,
but don't let me interrupt you.

Oh, that's all right.

His principal
told me all about it.

I think it's just fine.

Well, we always like to have
the cooperation of the parents,

or in this case, the sister.

Well, you go right ahead
with what you were doing.

All right.

Have fun.

Oh. Where were we there?

Uh...oh, yeah...
The St. Louis orioles.

Uh, we... we passed that.

Oh, yes. So we did.

Yes, we were talking about
studying three nights a week.

Yeah... three nights a week,

Yes, sir, and it's really
gonna be terrific.

Don't let me interrupt.
I just wanna get a vase.

That's all right.

Where'd I put it?

Perhaps I could help...

Oh, no.
Ah! There it is.


A pleasant interruption
is always a welcome one.


Uh, well,
shall we get started?

I've got my books
right here.

Where's a good place
to work?

Oh, well, any place is...

Well, this table
looks fine.

You've got your books handy?

Yeah. Sure.

Good lighting, you know,
is very important.

It prevents eye strain.

Hi. It's me again.

Oh, my.
Those are very lovely flowers.

Some catcher sent them to me.
I met him where I work.

Uh, where's that?

Embassy dance hall,
mount pilot.

Oh, a dance hall.

Now, don't you go
raising your eyebrows.

It's perfectly respectable.

I like to dance,
and it pays good.

Besides, it's fun for now,

Well, it's always nice
to like one's work.

They certainly are
beautiful flowers.

The blue ones match the color
of your eyes.

Why, thank you.

Hey, how are you two
getting along, anyway?

Oh, fine, fine.

We're gonna be studying

Together? That's cute.

Well, I guess
I better be getting to work.

The bus again, huh?


Boy, she's got
a murderous bus ride.

She has to get off
in syler city,

wait for another one.

Oh, golly.
That sounds kind of rugged.

I'm getting used to it.

It's too bad she hasn't got
somebody to drive her there.

But then, that's how it goes.

Yeah, yeah.

Well, I'll be seeing you.
Study hard.



Mr. Sprague...

Pal. Pal.

Pal...you know,
this studying

is a pretty good idea,
after all.

Well, now, that's the kind
of talk I like to hear.

Okay, pal.
Let's get started.

Right. Let's get started.

Hi, guys.

Hi, Howard.

We was just talkin'
about the project.

How'd it go
last night?

I just came in to report
everything went real fine.

Took my civil-service materials
over there

and studied right along
with the boy.

Hey, that's great.

That's the way
to start things out.

We're gonna be studying together
three nights a week.

Three nights a week?

Real good!

Brothers who study together
stay together.

Another good one.

I'm gonna be studying with him
again tomorrow night.

Well, you must have really
gotten through to him.

Did you meet his sister?



Oh, yeah.
Yeah. I met her.

Seem all right?

Oh, yeah.
She seemed fine, fine.

Anyway, I told Tommy that
the most important thing...

What kind of girl is she?

Oh, she's, uh...

You know, just a regular girl.

Anyway, I told Tommy...

Works up in mount pilot?

Yeah, I think
that's what she said.

Anyway, I told Tommy...

Where's she work up there?


Can you give me a haircut?

You just had one
three days ago.

Well, just a trim, you know.

You know, Mr. Sprague...



This studying
isn't such a grind, after all.

Well, see?
I told you it wouldn't be.

Improving one's mind
is never a grind.

You know, this is meaning
a great deal to me.

Hey. Groovy.

Look, we've been at it here
for about a half an hour.

What do you say
to a little break, huh?

Sort of step out
of the old batter's box

and have a little

and speaking of baseball,
it's amazing to realize

that Stan musial
of the St. Louis cardinals

had a lifetime batting average
of . .

How'd you know that?

Oh, I happened to be reading
a sports magazine

and noticed it.



Oh. There's some chicken
in the kitchen

if you two want a snack
later on.

Oh, well, thank you.
We're most appreciative.

Oh, forget it.
Well, I better go catch my bus.

Oh, that old bus again, huh?


She's gotta come home on it,

Real m*rder.

I can imagine.

I'd be most happy to take you
myself, but as you can see,

we're all tied up
with our studies here.

Don't be silly.

If you wouldn't mind
taking Betty to work...

Oh, Tommy.

You wouldn't have to worry.
I'd be studying.

You know, Tommy, our deal
was that we'd study together.

And besides, you'd be doing
Betty quite a favor.

Oh, Tommy, I don't want
to impose on Mr. Sprague.

It certainly wouldn't be
an imposition.

You're sure you can go it alone
now, Tommy?

Would I tell you I could
if I couldn't?

Well, I'm glad to hear that,

Shall we?


Stick with it, pal.

Oh, and just stack my books
anyplace there.

Right, right.

See ya.

Bye, Tommy.

Well, it was really nice
of you

to wait around
and bring me home.

Oh, it was my pleasure.

Well, I guess I better go in.

I hope it wasn't too much
of an imposition.

Oh, no, no, no.
Not at all.

This big brother movement
serves in all directions,

and, well, when I stop by,

as long as Tommy's hitting
the old ball with the books,

well, I'd be glad
to take you up anytime.

I thought you were supposed
to be studying

for your civil-service exam.

Oh, well, there's no big rush
about that.


Allow me.

Hi, Floyd.

Hi, Howard.



Hi, Andy.

Oh, hi, John.

I was just passing by,
and I saw your lights.

Sorry I couldn't return
your call.

I was in
a school-board meeting.

I just wanted to check up to see
how Tommy's getting along.

Just about status quo.

No improvement at all?

No. He still seems to be
sloughing things off.

Well, Howard's been working
with him three nights a week.


Well, these things
take time.

You'd think with all that work,
there'd be some improvement.


Well, maybe he'll shape up

At least, we all hope so.

I'll see you later.

Okay, John.

Sara? Uh, would you ring
Howard sprague?

He should be...

What do you mean

do I want him paged
at the embassy dance hall?

Every night this week?

No. No.

Never mind. No.

I believe they have the best
selections on that jukebox

of any place I've ever been.

You're getting
to know the place real good.

Well, I got a whole bunch
of tickets.

May I have the next dance?

Oh, gee, Howard,

I better dance the next one
with someone else.

The boss gets mad if we dance
them all with the same fella.

Oh. Well, I'll just go over here
and get right back in line.





W-w-w-w-what are you doing

Oh, I just happened by.


Well, it's a real,
real nice place, isn't it?

Yeah. Seems to be.

Yeah. It's very well-run.

Yeah, it must be.

I guess you wanna know
why I'm here.


Uh, it's very simple, really.

Uh, very early in my meetings
with Tommy,

I was able to impress upon him
the value of study,

and he's been able to make
a real good go of it alone.

Is that so?

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

And it's always been
my belief

that educational methods
should never adhere

to a strict form in regard
to any one individual student.

Do you follow me?

I'm working on it.

And so, you see,
the reason I'm here is...

Is also part
of the big brother movement.

You see, Tommy's sister,

Betty Parker...

Tommy explained to me
she had this real rugged ride

to and from work on the bus,
you see,

and this caused a certain unrest
within Tommy.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Hi, Tommy.

Hi, sheriff.

What can I do for you?

Well, uh...

My sister said you were up
at the dance hall last night

with Mr. Sprague.

That's right.

And, uh, well,

I kind of got the idea
you might be sore at him.


Well, I, um...

I just want to tell you
it's not exactly his fault.

It's mine.

Your fault?

How do you figure that?

Well, Mr. Sprague's
a real nice man,

and he was trying to be a pal
and everything,

and he told me about having
a goal in life...

That kind of stuff.


And I like him.



I got tired of studying,
so I conned him into...

Well, into taking my sister
to work.

I see.

Anyway, he started to do
the same things I was doing.

He gave up his whole idea

about taking
the civil-service exam.

Well, I just got to thinking,

if a man like that
lost sight of his goal...

Gee, I don't know.


well, I just had a talk
with Tommy,

and it looks like
you got through to him,

because he's all full of vim
and vigor about studying hard

and sticking to his goal
and everything.

Hey, that's great to hear.

It's gratifying to learn

the educational methods
you've chosen

have proven to be
the right ones.

I don't think
that's the thing

that turned the trick,


It was something else
you showed him.

What was that?

Like a grown man
neglecting his own work,

like not taking
his civil-service test,

flipping for his sister,

and forgetting
about everything else.

If you don't mind...

Howard, I am not knocking

but a man your age ought to have
a little sense about him.

Now, just a minute!

That kid is a sharp kid,

and he's got a lot of larceny
in him,

and he outfoxed you.

He wasn't studying
when you weren't there,

and you made yourself believe

that everything
was under control.

Now, you wanna blow your top,

or do you want to admit
everything I said is true?

Aw, gee, I don't know.

I guess all along

I've been trying
to rationalize this thing, huh?

I feel terrible about it.

I just don't know
what came over me.

Well, at least Tommy's okay.

He realizes
what he's been doing,

and he's really gonna get down
and study hard now.

Well, that's good news.


I guess I don't have much
to show

for the last couple of weeks,
though, do I?

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

I guess now you're about
the best dancer in town.

Come in.

Oh, hi, sheriff.

Hi, Tom.


I just came over to give you
my personal congratulations.

I just saw Mr. Tracy.

He said
your grades are improving.

You're doing real good.

He says if you keep this up,
you could be an honor student.

Thanks, sheriff.

Not bad.

Where's, uh...

Where's Mr. Sprague?

Oh, he's out with my sister


No, no.
It's not what you think.

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