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06x21 - November 22nd

Posted: 12/06/21 18:00
by bunniefuu
the following story is fictional
and does not depict any actual person or event


Aw,come on. Of all the sh*ts
you leave me with; cross side.

I'm screwed.

You know,so-called
experts stroll in here,

"Hey,angle this,angle
that." Blah,blah,blah.

You know what pool is most of the time?


And I definitely don't have it!

Thanks a lot,cue ball.
I don't need to win.

Why don't you lay smack
next to the eight there?

Right where you want him,Duke.

Would you look at that?Boy,oh,boy.

Bartender,couple sh*ts of Jack
for me and the hustler over here.

Come on. Let's roll again.

What do you say,$ ?

$ for the rack?

$ ? Oh,I don't know.

All right,forget it.

You know what? Why not?

I'm feeling lucky,like you said.

Oh,by the way,

let me introduce myself. I'm the Duke.

I know who you are.

So many to choose from.



What the hell,cross bank?

I am just so damn lucky.

By the way,Duke,

my name's Patrick Lennox.

And you can tell all the other yuks in
Mayberry that they gotta come see the r*fle.

sh**t fast,never misses.

Think you're top dog
at the table,do you?

Yes,ma'am,I do.

The great Baltimore
Red's got nothing on me.

I'd get going,I was you.

My friends,I bid you adieu.

As we told you a moment ago,

President Kennedy was
assassinated in Dallas,Texas today.

He was shot in Dallas at :

as his car proceed through
the crowded streets of Dallas.

From John John to his
father: a last salute.

Gamblers with sticks,

it's a dangerous combination.

New owner's got evidence
on a Patrick Lennox,

a pool hustler,k*lled
the same day as Kennedy.

Lennox was known as "The r*fle."Cut down before
getting his picture on Whitey's wall of fame.

Gonna see your mug up here,Boss?

Don't I wish.Fats,Wimpy
Lassiter...Back in the day,

Whitey's was famous for
pool,gambling,and police raids.

Who's that?

It's Baltimore Red.

Any of 'em have real names?

Legend was he'd run racks in
Hoboken,then do it in Skokie a day later.

Nobody knew where he was
from,who he was. Real mystery man.

They say Lennox was supposed to play him
right here at Whitey's night before he died,

but neither of 'em showed.

Scotty,Lil,Tom Puckett.

He's bringing Whitey's back to life.

Open next week.That's,of course,if
my liquor license comes through...

Let's see what you got first,buddy.

Found it shoved way back in a cue holder

When I saw the date on the newspaper
it was wrapped in,I figured...

. snub nose.

Excuse me for a second.

ME report says this "r*fle"
was k*lled with a. .One shot.

Got a spent casing.

Fired once.

"Kennedy Shot In
Dallas,November , ."

Papers ran five or six extra
editions the day of the assassination.

This one went out at : p.m.

It matches up.ME listed time
of death approximately : P.M.

He was k*lled in Chestnut Hill.

What's a pool hustler
doing over in la-di-da land?

There's nothing in the file.

Why's no one say squat
about it for years?

Hustlers and cops,Scotty.Not
exactly bosom buddies.

Maybe the r*fle hustled the wrong shark?

And it earned him a b*llet.

Patrick Lennox. Early
s. No next of kin.

g*nsh*t wound to the back.

It was a. caliber round recovered.

Ballistics says body b*llet
matches the revolver from Whitey's.

Got our m*rder w*apon.

And surprise,surprise-- no
registered owner on the g*n.

I'll contact the manufacturer.
Maybe they know who the dealer was.

A motel key in Lennox's pocket led
assigned to the Broad Street Motel.

Manager ID'd him from the registries.

No address listed.

Bunch of train ticket stubs on him:

Detroit... Pittsburgh... Trenton.

All about a month apart.

Arrives in Philly November .

Gets a match with this
Baltimore Red on the st.

Supposed to happen at
Whitey's,but neither of 'em shows.

Body found hours
later in Chestnut Hill.

Police canvassed the
neighborhood.There were no witnesses.

It was broad daylight.
No one sees nothing?

Half hour after Kennedy's shot?

Everybody was glued to their TVs.

In three g*nshots,the ' s begun.

I was playing touch football at recess.


Thought you were,like,
when that happened.

You're thinking of
when Lincoln was shot.

Keep it up.See what happens.

Boss was right.

Whitey's was the raid capital
of Philly back in the day.

Lennox was busted there for
bookmaking November , .

Couple weeks before he was m*rder*d.

Could be related.

Check this out.

Clerk listed a local guy,John
Norwood,bailing him out.

Puckett says this Norwood guy was a fixture at
Whitey's in the day; he coached younger players.

We get a line on him?

Living it up at Green Acres Retirement.

Vera and Minnesota Skinny are
on their way to see him now.

John Norwood?

Sure am. Who's asking?

Philly Homicide.

You hung out at Whitey's in ' ?

In ' ,

' ,' . Place was a goldmine.

How about Patrick Lennox?


Never heard of him.

You got a habit of bailing guys
out of jail you never heard of?

Oh,that guy.

I bailed him out,sure.

Kid had the mortal nuts.

A great stick with no fear.

But his game was
flawed.Shame he got k*lled.

What can you tell us about that?

Nothing,really. It was a long time ago.

Well,maybe you can remember
where you were when JFK got shot?

Am I a suspect in that,too?

Ain't decided yet.

Look,I was at Whitey's
watching Cronkite all day.

Give you names,you don't believe me.

After you bailed Lennox out,you
straighten his game out,too?

No,that kid was more
trouble than he was worth.

You see Red,you tell
him the r*fle's in town.


See how you got your nickname.

But you bring that
crap to Baltimore Red,

he'll knock you all over the felt.

You talking to me...Doctor?

I's looking at you,ain't I?

You know Red?

That ain't the point.

He strolls in,you better be ready.

He's the one who better be ready.

You don't have the
game to back the hustle.

You're gonna get your ass kicked,and
I don't mean in the abstract.

You're the guy who's
been watching me sh**t.

Your name Norwood?

I like "Doctor" better.

You bailed me out.

Look at the table.

What's your third shot?

Can't even answer that,huh?
You gotta think bigger.

You know what happens when
you see your third shot?

I don't care,you bag of wind.

I'll get there when I get there.

You stubborn bastard.Stop drinking like
a boiled owl and clean out your ears.

The only thing that kid
left me with was a nickname:


Who's the guy that turned
Lennox into a ghost?

"Monkey" Mack.

Why was Lennox running from him?

They were partners
years before in Philly.

Story was they hustled the wrong
stakehorse for a chunk of change.

And after that,Lennox left town?

Left the stakehorse with two
arms to break instead of four.

Where's Miller with the g*n?

Manufacturer sold it
to a traveling g*n show.

Still in business.She's
checking to see who bought it.

- *****
- Thanks,Lenny.

Can't be a harder find
than this "Baltimore Red."

You check Baltimore?

Yeah,good idea.

Nobody uses that alias in
Baltimore or anywhere else.

How 'bout a little hoagie
with that Tabasco sauce?

Better than that bologna
situation you got going on.

Least mine's got taste.

Not that you would know. Inhale
the whole damn thing anyway.

All right,all right.

That Monkey Max,a real tool:

burglary,as*ault,you name it.

Sounds like a regular dumpster fire.

Gets better.Genius was
busted with a. three times.

- Where's he now?
- Same place he spent half his natural life.

A name like "Monkey," life behind bars,

kind of a self-fulfilling
prophecy,ain't it?

Heard 'em all before.

Not from Philly Homicide.

Understand you had a score to settle
with Patrick Lennox,November ' .

Been settling scores my whole life.

One with Lennox ended with
a. ,your w*apon of choice.

Patrick ditched Philly after
some dame broke his heart.

The punks that he screwed
over-- they took it out on me.

Got any names?

Yeah,Jagoff One and Jagoff Two.

Hoping they're both dead by now.

Remember where you were
when Kennedy got shot?

Praying to a porcelain god,

hung over like a sheet on a clothesline.

Not much of an alibi.

You heard Lennox was back in
town.What happened when you found him?

Offered me a few sh*ts of
Beam,spotted me five on a rack.

It's water under the bridge.

Besides,I wasn't the
only one looking for him.



To the jerk who swore
he'd never be back.

I heard Red was here last week.

Baltimore Red?Yeah,right.

Think he's ever going to play you?

I'm tracking him down.Prove I
ain't like these other pool bums.

Always got to be the best.

Thought this was a "bad luck" town.

Yeah. When I beat him,

I ain't going to have to
sweat a measly thou anymore.

Still dodging that debt?

Rumor is Red only runs two grand a game.

You know what? I'll
make that up in no time.

Ain't you heard? I'm the r*fle.

miss. No kids allowed.

Kid? I look older than you,buddy.


But I'm here to see my dad.

Oh,yeah? Which one of
these princes is your dad?


What? Sorry. Me?

So,what,you have a...
You got a screw loose,kid?

You're Patrick Lennox,ain't you?

I'm Hill.Hillary Rhodes.


That's Sandra.

Here are the letters you wrote her.

Knocked her up right before you
guys took a drive to splitsville.

Found them few months before she died.

- She's dead?
- Six months ago.

She never told you about me?

This really is a bad luck town.

Sandra. The gift that kept on giving.

Lennox take her in?

Saw him sh**ting a week later.

Kid was still hanging on his sleeve.

Well,sit tight,Monkey. Might be back.

Well,Lennox comes back to find Baltimore
Red,but Hillary finds him first.

Two weeks later,he's dead.

Maybe his bad luck had
nothing to do with pool.

Not many people know Patrick was my dad.

He teach you to play?

Laid a foundation,I guess.

Dads are tricky.What they leave us with.

Take what you can get,right?

Still...Best two weeks of my life.

You were with him the day he died?

The night before,until he left the
motel.I waited for him to come back.

But he never did.

So I went looking for him.

He was shot as he took
part in a motorcade.

which was driving him to the Dallas...

The word we have is that he is dead.

He was shot by an assassin

at the intersection of
Elm and Houston Street.

Sounds dumb.

I thought they were
all crying for my dad.

You know where he was headed?

Heard a couple days later he
had a match with Baltimore Red.

The match go down?

Don't know.Split soon as the cops
started sniffing around our room.

Anyone else you can think of
might have been angry at your dad?

Guys he owed money to,maybe?

Not guys.

Was the opposite sex who
wanted his head on a platter.

{a }*****

I like this hotel.Can we stay here?

Motel.Don't get used to it.

Too late.

You're only here till
I get a run at Red.

And then I'm gone.And
you're on your own.

You've been saying that every
five minutes since I got here.

Admit it: you like me.

What I like is that a hustler sees you
and thinks I'm some sap ham-and-egger,

lets his guard down.

So where's my cut?


All you did was yell
at me,"You stink,Dad!"

And besides,I still need
bucks before I can play Red.

Going to need me to get it.

Five bucks?

I would do cartwheels if someone
gave me five bucks at your age.

You sticky-finger this
at the five-and-dime?


Well... stealing is bad.

Pittsburgh's a drag.

Next time we got to land a mark ain't
such a chatterbox like The Duke...

Who's the brat?

His daughter. Who's the tramp?


You buy that for her,Patrick?

No,she stole it.

Don't lie,Daddy.You got it at
Wanamaker's after you won today.

- Give me that.
- Don't pick on the kid.

- Give it back.
- It's mine.

I sat on a Greyhound for six hours.

Thought you had a lead on Red.

This isn't Pittsburgh,Blondie.

Your good looks are not going
to distract a sh**t like Red.

And neither will a scamp kid.

She was mean.

Ready to take me out
over a two-dollar trinket.

Catch a name?

Sharon something.He called
her "Blondie," mostly.

She was a poor man's Marilyn
Monroe,fake mole and everything.

- He ever see her again?
- Don't know.

But if she did that to me,

I can only imagine what she would've
done to my dad for cutting her out.

Not bad.

We got this case.

A guy was k*lled practically
the same time as Kennedy.

I was .

Remember it like it was yesterday.

Where were you?

On a construction site.

Then there was Ruby and the funeral.

Thought the world was ending.



Hour or so.



They don't know about me?

My family?

They do. Just not,uh...

It's complicated.



I got to go.



Baltimore Red. Wimpy
Lassiter. The r*fle.


Every banger I tracked had
some kind of nickname,too.

This one,Snoopy.

Searched every doghouse,outhouse...Guess
where I found him?

On-line dating?

Dude was pumping gas next to me,big
old Snoopy medallion around his neck.

I'm beginning to wonder if this
Baltimore Red really exists.

Like hunting down Godot.


Guess that one passed
you by.It's a play.

Since when did you start reading plays?

Since Ms. Kipplebottom told me I'd never amount
to anything if I didn't ace my final exam.

Served you well.Since the police test
is chock-full of theater questions.

Miller,got something for you.

A traveling g*n dealer faxed you a name.

Larry Sidorski.

Bought his. at a
show in Maryland in ' .

Couldn't be our
doer,though.Talked with his ex.

He was on a ship for the Merchant
Marines when Kennedy was shot.

So it was stolen or
he gave it to someone.

Well,I'll hit up A*F and Staties
in Maryland,help track him down.

You guys talk to any
Sharons while you were out?

Rush is looking for the poor
man's Marilyn,mole and all.

Sharon Lertola.

Picked up in a raid ten
days before the m*rder.

Do you rember November , ?

I can barely rember my
orders from this morning.

Day Kennedy was shot.

I went to a picture.

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

And the usher came in halfway
through and made the announcement.

You hustle your way into that theater?


I'd given that up by then.

So why'd you show up at Patrick's
motel room two weeks earlier?

Well,we were still
road agents at the time.

I would get the men to ante up,

and Patrick would take them down.And
then we'd meet up in another town

if Patrick found action.

Good honest living.

We saw the world the same way.

One big joke on all of life's pigeons.

It made us great
partners while it lasted.

- Two of you romantic?
- Oh,no. Strictly business.

Patrick was top dog at the table.

I wanted to cash in as long I could.

So why'd you trade it in?

Eh,lifestyle gets old.So I quit.

Way we heard it,Lennox was
the one cutting you out.

Who told you that,his kid?

I know I'd be pissed,I
got bumped like that.

Best thing that ever happened to
me,splitting from that two-bit.

- How so?- Patrick always said
that Philly was a bad-luck town.

Truth is,it was Patrick
who was bad luck.


Could have ran it if you
cornered me few sh*ts back.

That's my whole bank.

Now it's my bank.

I like your style,Mr. r*fle.

Check his heel.

Three bucks?That's all you got?

Life of the hustle catches up
with everyone sooner or later.

- Who was the thug?
- Ben... Scavo.

But I don't know who his flunky was.

He the guy Patrick owed grand to?

I don't know.

But I do know Patrick wasn't the
first one he'd wiped the floor with.

Found Ben Scavo,the thug
who took down Lennox.

Boxer over at Mason's Gym.

Stroked out five years
ago,but look at this.

Scavo's ring name was "Lightning."

And that right there is Monkey Mack.

Scavo's cut man.Well,he'd sure as
hell know where Lennox kept his stash.

Sends "Lightning" after
Lennox,retribution for the broken arms.

Problem is three bucks ain't going
to get a Monkey off your back.

Can't stand prosperity,can you,Monkey?

About to make parole...

And you lie to us.

What're you talking about? I never lie.

Said the last time you saw
Lennox,things were all good.

Left out the part how you set him
up to be pummeled by your boy Scavo.

You didn't ask about that.

Don't hustle us,Monkey.

My life's a hustle,Detective.

Cry me a river.

You send Scavo back in for the knockout
when he only gets you three bucks?

I didn't need to.

I got paid in the end.


It's not enough for you getting
busted up,but it's gonna have to do.

I never want to see your face again.

Why do you play pool?

Well... there's nothing
more important than pool.

What about swimming pools?

I'll tell you what,Hill.

When I beat Red,I'll take you
swimming in the biggest pool there is.

See,I told you you liked me.

Are you scared when you play?

Why you ask silly stuff like that?

I know you got beat up,Dad.

That's no way to live.

All's you care about is
beating this Baltimore Red guy?

You're solids.

What's your third shot?

Know what happens when
you find your third shot?

You see your fourth,your fifth,your
sixth,your seventh,and your eighth.

Four ball.

That'd be my third shot.

You know,I really loved your ma.

I know.

Last thing she said to me,letting you
go was the worst mistake of her life.

Why do you look over
your shoulder like that?

And what is with
this face--this...?

That's what you do.

Even when you win,you look
like you're mad as hell.

Why'd your ma name you Hill?

She won money off of Hill Gail in the
Kentucky Derby couple weeks before she had me.

Said I was lucky.Lucky Hill.

That horse was a boy.

She wanted a boy,okay?

You sure it was the Derby?


Never mind.

Take your shot.

Seemed like a cool kid.

Even Whitey didn't
care if she hung around.

This technique he was teaching: third
shot,looking ahead--that his thing?

He must have learned that somewhere.

Really picked up his
game the last few weeks.

He working with anyone you knew about?


Only saw him with the kid.

Acted like he didn't give a rat's ass,

but she really got to him.


I was wondering if you could teach me
one of those trick sh*ts you mentioned.

It would be great to impress the crew.

I got one for you.

This will make 'em flip.

Hit the cue right here,hard.

You'll clear the table.Bend your knees.

Well,it takes practice.

What is it,three sh*ts ahead?

Then you see your
fourth,fifth,and sixth?

Figured this wasn't just about pool.

You coach Lennox. He
beats Red. You get a cut.

How did you convince him to take you on?

Didn't.He came to me after
losing to some house player.

His whole outlook was different.

And you set the match up with Red?

No.Somebody contacted Patrick,

said,"Be at Whitey's. Red wants a match.

Two-grand stake."

Who fronted the money?

Don't know.Don't think
Patrick did either.

Whole thing was a mystery.

Why did you lie about working with him?

My only job was to coach him.

And I crossed the line.

Table's slop.Tap the cue off
the rail,jaw it behind the two.

{a }*******

You don't safety it,he'll run you.

Try it again. It ain't easy.

Everything good,Paddy?

Yeah.I was thinking about Red.

Master the safeties,he
won't know what hit him.

Match is at midnight,Paddy.
Told you,no distractions.

Hey,I thought we were
gonna get some burgers.

Get lost,kid.

Get lost,kid. You get lost.

I mean it.Get out of here.

- But,Dad...
- I'm done playing dad.

Leave me alone.

The look in that kid's eyes.

It was me who told him--
either the kid or the game.

This was the afternoon of the match?

November st.

The last time I saw him.

Not a day goes by I wouldn't give my right arm to have
someone around who loves me as much as that kid loved him.

Want to sh**t a quick one?

Maybe another time,Doctor.

- Finished it already?
- Halfway.

Liked it that much,huh?

If I was by a bush waiting
for you or Nick,I'd just leave.

You do know they're
waiting for God,right?

Is that what Ms. Kipplebottom told you?

Figured out why Lennox might have ditched the
kid,and it had nothing to do with Norwood's advice.

Kentucky Derby?

Race Hill Gail won two weeks
before Hillary was born.

Check the date.

May , .

But Patrick left Philly for
the Coast Guard in June of ' .

That's an -month difference.

Kid wasn't really his daughter.

No,Hillary Rhodes was more of a
hustler than the r*fle himself.

Got your birth certificate
from Vital Records.

Want to read that date to us?

May ...


months after Patrick
Lennox entered the Coast Guard.

Reason a lot of people don't know
he's your father,Hillary: he isn't.

- You working your own scam on him?
- What? No.

-year-old kid,someone put you up to
it?Distract him before the big match?

I would never have done that.

You'd just lie about him being your dad.

- What aren't you telling us,Hillary?
- Nothing. I swear.

I just wanted a father.

But he didn't want me.

Lied to us once.

Please,what do you want from me?

- The truth.
- I was gonna tell him. I was.


Ten years from now?

That crap you fed me about your ma--
she never said one word about it,did she?

Did she?!


Yeah?Sure.I'm on my way.

It was the only way you'd stay with me.

Please don't leave...

You don't be here when I get back.


I got nowhere else to go.

He drove away.

I never saw him again.

- Who was that on the phone?
- I don't know.

Dads are tricky.

What they leave us with.

Right,Detective Rush?

Least I know why he did it.

I drove him away.

You all right?

I don't need this.

Give it to someone else.


I've never been one for the spiritual
mumbo-jumbo.Save it for one of your kids.

Wait a minute.

I'm going to tell them,Lil.I'm
not trying to hide anything.

You think I care?

I'm not asking you to throw
some kind of reunion picnic.

Things don't happen
overnight. It takes time.

For what?

I'm not a mistake you have to hide.

It's not that simple.

Forget it.You're a good
guy,and I wish you the best.

Don't you just walk away now.

- No,that's your act,remember,Dad?
- Oh,here we go.

You left me with her!

You know what that was like?

You bet I do.

Then why didn't you take me with you?

I did what I thought
was best for everyone.

You did what was best for you.

You give me some stupid medal.

Play a couple of games of chess.

- Give me a break.
- Look,you came to me.

You want to have a relationship?At
some point we got to put this behind us.

If this is how you want to do
it--your head in the sand,no,thanks.

You're talking about years ago.

You want me to dredge it all up?

That what you're asking here?

Well,I'm not going to do it.

There are things,some things,that
are not your damn business.

I'm not giving explanations.

Worked a long time to get where I am,and
I'm not going to dredge it all up,you hear?

Your mother-- damn it,if
that's what you're looking for!

Just say it!

You were wrong.

You want me to change the past?

What happened happened.

Well,it happened to me.

Looked up Rolls-Royce
registrations in ' .Two hits.

One in a car museum and one owned by
an Al Soddenheim.Guess where he lives.

Chestnut Hill.

Let's take a ride.

Al Soddenheim?

May I help you?

I'll be damned.

Baltimore Red lives in Chestnut Hill.


On the job.

I never let that stop me.

You know why we're here,Red?

Well,let's see.

Two homicide cops,

an unsolved m*rder from years ago.

I was a betting man I'd say it
has to do with Patrick Lennox.

We know you picked him up at the
Broad Street Motel in your Rolls-Royce.

That was my driver.

- Lennox was coming here to play.
- Why didn't you play at Whitey's?

Well,once the word of the match got out,Whitey
could've hung up a sign saying "Raids Wanted."

So,what happened?

Lennox give the great Baltimore
Red more than he could handle?

I can tell you one thing
about Patrick Lennox.

He had some tricks up his sleeve.

- Thirsty?
- Nah.Let's just sh**t.

One game.

, .

Standard eight-ball.

That's a nice shot.

Double or nothing?

You know,I must say,never seen
a man up , look so damn mad.

Kid's right.

Excuse me?

This ain't no way to live.

What are you doing?

I'm done.

I didn't call this match.

I won,Red.

I won.

I walk now,

I take , over the you owe
me.And nobody hears about this.

Where do you have to be that's
more important than this?

Told somebody I'd take them swimming.

You forgot your cue!

Only cue that ever beat me.

- You set up the match yourself?
- No,no.

I received a sealed envelope from Whitey
with an anonymous note.Stake was inside.

What'd it say?

Oh,something about,uh,

top dog making me look silly.

Bold,but prophetic.

I had my own road partner once.We
took off on his bike,didn't look back.

Slept where we stopped.

Made whatever coin we could.

The world was our oyster.

It wasn't like that with
me and Patrick; we were...

Strictly business.
Sure,that's what you said.

But it went deeper than that,didn't it?

A bond you develop with
someone on the road.

At least till that kid
came skipping along.

Crazy thing is,

Hillary Rhodes wasn't even his.


You didn't know?

Yeah,she was just looking for a daddy.

Guess the old r*fle was
looking for a kid,too.

The question is,where'd
that leave you,Sharon?

I was done with him anyway.

Say,how'd you describe Patrick again?

"Top bird at the table?"


Top dog.I feel like I heard that before.

Oh,in the note staking Patrick's
match with Baltimore Red,wasn't it?

Thought you didn't have
that kind of cash,Sharon.

I didn't. I...

I mean... I didn't write any note.

A lot of money,two grand.

Don't know how you got it.But
it couldn't have been easy.

My money?

You thought if you scored that match for
him,let him see he was top dog for himself,

you could win him back.

You believed in him.I loved him.

Remember a guy named
Larry Sidorski,Sharon?

Told us you hustled him
out of his. revolver.

It's the same g*n that
k*lled Patrick,Sharon.


Name's in the theft
report.Got it right here.

I never wanted to hurt him.

But he wanted out.

He was done with the life.

Wanted to be some
sap ham-and-egger.

But you couldn't leave the hustle.

There was nothing else for me to do.




What are you,uh...
what are you doing here?

I've been waiting all night.

Saw you get picked up,hopped in a cab.

Did you beat him?

Where's your cue?He won your cue?

I beat him for , .

I knew you were top dog!

I only took .

Gonna pay my debts,start clean.

Start clean?Where you going?

Back to the motel.

What's at the motel?

- Hill.
- The kid?

This ain't no life for her.

What about me?

I'm tired of checking ticket
stubs to rember where I slept.

But you make fun of all those dull
clock-punchers with nothing to live for.

- The joke's on them.
- The joke's on us.

We're the ones who got nothing.


The kid's part of the package.

I can do that. We'll hit the road.

Come on,Blondie.You don't got
a maternal bone in your body.

Look,I'm taking her
away,finding something better.

But you're the r*fle.

Not anymore.

Who the hell you think
set up that match?!

You put up the money?


I did what I had to.


take five thousand.

You're not walking away from this.

Go back and finish the game!

The game's over,Sharon.

As we told you a moment ago,President
Kennedy was assassinated...

Somebody shot him!

I can't believe they shot him!

...As his car proceeded through
the crowded streets of Dallas.

He died minutes
later in the Dallas...

* The very thought of you *

* Makes my heart sing *

* Like an April breeze *

* On the wings of spring *

* And you appear In all your splendor *

* My one and only love. *
