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06x18 - Mind Games

Posted: 12/06/21 17:48
by bunniefuu
the following story is fictional
and does not depict any actual person or event

. .


You've got to hide,Pete.

They'll find you,and you'll burn.

Don't let them have the map.


What are you doing here?

Do you have the map?

You trust me.


You're safe now,Pete.

I want you to hear something.

("Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon playing)

I don't understand.

Close your eyes

Have no fear Remember what I told you.

Focus on one instrument.

Do you still hear Exley's voice?

He's gone.


You're doing good,Pete.

The Inner Plane hierarchy must be in flux
I think... I think that's why he left.

Well,maybe he's not a
John Lennon fan like us.

Can you play the wheels song?

Sure.That's your favorite.

Dr. Ramierez,I don't understand
why they want me to burn.

I didn't do anything.

I know you didn't,Pete.I know.


- Yeah.
- Nice to see you went all out.

They're educational and entertaining.

Any word on Will?

Out of the hospital tomorrow.

How about we sign our names
to one and keep the other?

What he doesn't know... can't hurt him.

Help you?

I'm looking for the detectives
that work on old cases.

You got one.I'm Detective Rush.

Steve Wiegan.It's about my
college roommate,Pete Scanell.

Brilliant guy with big dreams.

("Imagine" by John Lennon playing)


- It's really good.
- Thanks,man.

Pete was gonna be a mechanical engineer,until
he started saying the TV was talking to him.

He was m*rder*d?

No.I mean,I don't know for sure,but
I think he may have k*lled someone.

Disappeared at the end
of our freshman year.

Thought he went back to
Oregon until yesterday.

I volunteer at a shelter downtown.

There was this homeless guy sitting out
front,scribbling into a notebook,mumbling.


Couldn't believe it.

I said his name,and he
started freaking out.

He took off,but he dropped this.

Check out the page I marked.

"Dr. Ramierez had to burn. It started
with the curtains,they litp like paper.

" I Googled the name.

There was a Dr.Julie Ramierez,therapist
specializing in schizophrenia.

k*lled five years ago
when her house burned down.

Yeah,part of a string of
arsons.A man was convicted.

I saw that.But Pete's
description,I mean...

- You think he did it.
- I don't know.

But if he did,he's still
out there,Detective.

Vera: richard kiesel.

Consecutive lifes for
starting two fatal fires.

Remind me not to invite
you to a barbecue.

The houses were supposed to be empty.

Prosecuted on five counts
of arson,convicted on two.

It was never my intention to harm.

Part of your plea was they
dropped the ramierez charge.

'Cause that wasn't mine.

I picked buildings i could watch burn.

That house had no vantage point.

How is the vantage point in here?

Is that,uh...

May i?

Gas was my accelerant.

If it was me,you'd see a black char
across the floor like a skid mark.

Maybe you felt like switching it up.


This is amateur hour.

See the charring around the windows?

Point of origin?

Ten to one,this thing
started with the curtains.

And prior to discharging your w*apon
three times at a -Year-Old boy

,is it true you were required to
attend counseling for another sh**ting

I don't see how that's relevant.

- Yes or no,detective.
- Yes.

And did you fulfill your obligation
as required by the discipline code?

Yes,i did.

You went to every session?

The doctor signed the release.

I'll take that as a no.

And when you shot little gabriel ariza,did you
say,"i don't need an excuse to take you down?

He was sh**ting at us.

- He had just shot another cop!
- Is that what you said before you shot and k*lled george marks?

How about an objection,counselor?

- That scumbag was way out of line.
- Sorry,excuse me a minute.

Well,that was a hell of a show
you put on back there,rosie.

Funny how you brought up
the,uh,discipline code.


Well,you get pinched on a dui last year,call me to make
it go away,and this is how you treat one of my detectives?

Well,that was personal.I'm
providing a defense for my client.

The kid shot a cop.

Don't get much more
personal than that to me.

Relax,curtis.Let the judge kick this back down,try
ariza as a juvie,and i'll give up appellate rights.

Let me think.

- No.
- Get real.

I got a kid with a low iq and no priors.

You've got a shady statement
coerced by a quick-Shot cop.

She's been a cop for over years; of
course she's been involved in a sh**ting.

- Hell of a shot,too.
- She's also got a temper on the stand.

And after i subpna her internal affairs files,we
both know that that confession's getting thrown out.

Okay,you want to roll the dice,let's go.

First degree felony m*rder,that's,uh--
Wow,that's-That's mandatory life.

- See you in court.
- Come on,curtis.

Kid will die in prison.

Okay,so he pleads to third degree.

to for sh**ting jeffries.

Still gonna give him a chance to get
out before they carry him out in a box.

That,and you apologize
to the good detective.

like you mean it.


Nice doing business with you,rosie.

Thank me later.Buy me lunch.

Valens: hey,how was court?

Laugh a minute.

Any luck finding pete scanell?

Got uniforms checking the shelters and a stakeout
at the soup kitchen where the roommate works.

Dr.Julie ramierez.Phd from temple.

Grew up poor in el centro.

Both parents now deceased.No siblings.

Well,she worked the tranquility house,a
board and care for the mentally ill.

You try and get a copy of her
patient records on pete scanell?

Was an uphill battle,boss.Patient
confidentially laws are a bitch.

Case closed.

The traydens did it.

"The traydens poisoned the
air, made electric wind.

" I took a flame-Ship that
blasted me into the inner plane.

" Here's a map if
anybody cares to visit.

Check it out,see if any of the
details match the crime scene.

Vera: boss,this guy's cuckoo pants.

Agents from the inner
plane want to k*ll him.

I'll do it.

Screen grab from pete's myspace page,hasn't
been updated since he dropped out of college.

Lot of friends and hobbies.

And bong relay was his favorite sport.


His father in oregon.Wasn't too chatty.

Got the feeling they
hadn't spoken in years.

Check credit cards,phone records.

See if dr.Ramierez had problems
with anyone,pete or otherwise.

Everyone here at
tranquility felt her loss.

Julie went the extra
mile for her patients.

She having trouble with any of them?

Kind of goes with the territory,but
nothing out of the ordinary.

Remember a patient of hers,pete scanell?

You know i can't discuss that.

A patient's confidentiality
is sacrosanct.

If you could just tell us if he was
staying here the night julie died.

I'm sorry.Unless you
have a court order...

Do you have a lockdown time
here for patients like pete?

Each patient is treated individually.

Some are on lockdown,some
are free to come and go.

The kid's a m*rder suspect.

We know he was here,we
clear him of being a suspect.

Again,unless you have a court order...

Your employee was m*rder*d.

We're asking for your help.

Is there anything you can tell us about
when he wasn't legally a patient here yet?

Were you at his intake?

Look,i'm breaking the rules.

I can tell you this much...

("Mind games" by john lennon playing)

what day is it,pete?

If i said it was monday,you'd
tell exley i said it's tuesday.

I know the fbi has this room wired.

I'm not a fool.

Think about hurting yourself,pete?

I hurt,and i think,and
i watch,and i think.

I'm just watching the wheels go round.

I love to watch them roll...


Who's your favorite beatle?

My favorite beatle is john.

They'd talknd she'd have pete
listen to john lennon music.

- Julie thought music was a genuine therapy.
- It's not?

Music works well with brain trauma,but
studies are inconclusive with schizophrenia.

Honestly,i thought it
was a waste of time.

Was she like that with all her patients?

She had a unique perspective.

Her mom was an
undiagnosed schizophrenic.

su1c1de when julie was .

I think when she was with a patient,she
was trying to understand her mother.

You notice anything
going on the day she died?

Just that she didn't show up for work.

I left a few messages for
her,but i never heard back.

Who was this caseworker,the
guy with tats?

Juan salazar.Good guy.

He left a couple of years ago
to work with recovering addicts.

Well,thanks for all the
info on pete scanell.

Big help.

You know,contrary to popular myth,most
paranoid schizophrenics are timid.

Pete fit that profile.

He was a good kid who was severely ill.

An illness that makes you violent.

I'd rather be trapped with a paranoid schizophrenic
than a bipolar or a borderline personality disorder.

You never met the homeless guy
that att*cked me with a hacksaw.

Said mr.Spock made him do it.

Most voices are
harmless,especially at the onset.

It's usually a friend
or a family member.

I struck out with the judge.

No access to julie's patient
records on pete scanell.

I'll talk to bell.Maybe
he can call in a favor.

Got a possible sighting
of pete at kemble park.

Took off when he saw the uniform.

Police can't look too
friendly to a paranoid kid.

I'll swing by with valens.Maybe
he'll come back around.

Vanessa quarterman came
forward at the fire scene.

Said she had dinner with
the victim the night before.

See what she knows.

Julie and i were kappa
sisters,real close.

I named my daughter after her.

Still can't believe it.

Was she acting different in
any way,upset with anyone?

No,we had a great time.

She seemed busy,but happy.

You two worked together?


I got into investment banking for the
money,and she was always a do-Gooder.

We were quite a pair.

Was there a boyfriend in the picture?

I tried to set her up,but
she was devoted to work.

She was always writing about
patients in her journal.

She keep this journal
at home or at work?

You got me.

Did she ever talk about a
patient named pete scanell?

I only visited there a few times.

One too many former thugs working
at tranquility,if you ask me.

She ever mention a
caseworker,juan salazar?

The scary guy with
tats?He gave me the creeps.

He giving her any trouble?

She didn't say.But julie told me that dr*gs
were always disappearing from that place.

Thanks for your time,vanessa.

Look,julie was special.

If there's anything i can do to
help,please don't hesitate to call.

this is a quadrant four security check.

I've seen an increase in
trayden activity around here.


they're coming for us next!

are you pete scanell?

fourth quarter,two minutes
to go in a tie game!

We just want to talk,pete.

Pete,we don't want to hurt you.

Get up. come on.

Please don't hurt me!

I don't have the map!


you had a heart,the
traydens would release us.

The map shows the way
to the safety quadrant.

It's where they k*lled the ethereal body
when the poison reached their skulls.

Pete,can you hear me?

They sent out a ray of energy from the inner plane
that helps the listening devices in the clouds.

Thank you.

Do you have y soda?


The first trayden agent i met was a nice
man.He said quadrant was the safest.

The inner plane map
will tell you everything.

It shows all the hiding places
from the destructive energy.

Do you remember dr.Ramierez?

I heard you were a friend of hers.

She's a doctor.Everyone says i'm sick.

When did you last see her?

She couldn't stop the screams.

are we sure we can trust her?

I think she's dangerous.

I thought you might be here,pete.

Are you all right?

after the rain stopped,a trayden rainbow
appeared.Rainbows can be used for etheric travel.

Is that right?Well,could
you trust dr.Ramierez,pete?

You ever want to hurt her?

Exley knew the danger signs.

He calls me and he
tells me when it's safe.

This exley...He another
patient of dr.Ramierez?

Exley's the ensign for
the inner plane soul force.


Did exley want to hurt dr.Ramierez?

You're one of them,aren't you?


I should have guessed.

How stupid do you think i am?

- It's okay.
- No,and you are a trayden whore!


no.I can't talk right now.

It's not safe.

You never told me you turned
tricks for the traydens.

I checked the weather
the morning she died.

It was raining.

It's a coincidence.Nothing
he said made sense.

Well,maybe he saw something.

- Like himself k*lling her?
- Galton said pete's not violent.

That guy's a spin doctor
for the mentally ill.

Look,doer or not,pete's a
sick,scared kid who needs his meds.

And we need answers about julie.I
think this kid could have them.

He don't know what day it is,lil.

How did you do with pete scanell?

He might be our guy,but he's
making no sense,he's real bad off.

Well,vera got a hit on julie's
gas card the night she died.

: pm she gassed up
her car in southwark.

Got to be ten miles from her house.

Nowhere near tranquility.

Well, scanell.Get
him with social services.

Boss,we do that,we'll never
get another shot at him alone.

And if he goes off,we
all end up in a jackpot.

Kick him to the shrinks.

what,you couldn't have
told me this before?

'Cause i was supposed to see h in her
play.Now she's gonna think i forgot.

We'll talk later.

Son of a bitch.

Tough case?


My ex-Wife,aka soulcrusher.

Keeps trading visitation
days with my daughter.

God only knows what she's
telling her about me.

Still owe you that lunch.


So,um,how's it going with scanell?

Well,the judge is playing hardball
with dr.Ramierez's patient records.

You ask for her personal notes yet?

Is there a difference?

Yeah.They're not covered
by confidentiality laws.

What about journals?

And the wisdom to know the difference.

Courage and grace to you all.

Good meeting.Keep it clean.

Clean and sober.

Juan salazar?

Detectives vera,miller.Phly homicide.

You worked with julie ramierez?

Sure,yeah.Julie was an amazing soul.

You clean when you were at tranquility?

I was a caseworker.Helping others.

You mean,helping yourself to tramadol?

Miller: got popped for possession of
painkillers two days before julie died.

I had a relapse.

You know,the journey's always
how we plan it,detectives.

Well,we're going to be taking you on a
journey downtown,you keep lying to us.

Julie find out,thr*aten to
turn you in?Get you fired?

No,and i would never hurt that angel.

She got me back into rehab.

I was in arizona when she died.

At hope waters,you know,finding
the sober road.You can check.

You were pete scanell's caseworker.Julie
having a tough time with him?

Hell,no.She worked
miracles for that kid.

("# dream" by john lennon playing)

i think the music's
helping.He's opening up.

He taking his meds?


Five,two and two dose.Like clockwork.

I'm listening to lennon.

# dream.

Beautiful song.

It makes me feel like i'm
floating when i hear it.

It makes me feel...

feels like what,pete?

Like i'm getting better.

Took a walk down the street
you are getting better.

Thing is,schizophrenics
don't get better.

Maybe music helped calm him,but all you can
really do is medicate and contain relapses.

Ever see pete get violent?

No.The key for a schizophrenic
is finding someone he can trust.

Pete had that in doc ramierez.

Well,we will check on your sober
road at hope waters,salazar.

Keep it real.

You kick pete?


Boss finds out,it's your ass,not mine.

Salazar lookgood?

Nope.New age douchebag's
alibi checked out.

Someone else's didn't.

Rush: vanessa quarterman.

Try rachel liebowitz.

Multiple personalities?

Hr rep at that investment bank
said she was just a secretary.

And a pathological liar.

Check fraud,insurance
fraud,shoplifting.Busy woman.

Company made her go into mandatory counseling
for harassing another female employee.

And julie was her doctor at tranquility.

The night julie died,you said you
were at home with your daughter?

The one you named after julie?

She just started kindergarten.

She can do the whole alphabet except "w.

" Always forgets that one.

Damn,you're good,huh?

Except w.

that's a great detail.

- I don't understand.
- Let's cut the crap.

Your daughter's real
name is "don't exist.

" You've been in trouble
since you were a kid.

Rachel liebowitz,west
philly high dropout.

kappa my ass.You were julie's
patient at tranquility.

You were stalking her.

I would never hurt julie.

I had an unhealthy obsession called
"transfer neurosis." It's in the dsm iv.

And you're about to spend the night in an unhealthy
place if you don't drop the psychobabble lies.

Julie was a goddess.

I would've walked into
that fire to save her.

Her problem was not with me.

dr.Jack galton.

Man was a vindictive blowhard.

And we should believe you why?

I don't care what you believe.

Guy was in the pants of half the
nurses.He was all wrong for her.

You're saying that was the cause of
the fight?They were more than friends?

I think she was gonna finally dump him.

Last time.Where were
you the night julie died?

I really was at home.i was just alone.

That'll be all,geneva.

sorry to barge in,doc.Got a
couple follow-Up questions.


You called julie the night she died?

I did.

Where were you?

I was here working late.It
wasn't like her to not show up.

She didn't answer the phone?

No.I wish she had.

See,it was a...

minute call.

You really just co-Workers or
there something more going on?

- More?
- Yeah,more,

like she dumps your sorry
ass,you just can't let her go.

You fight on the phone,drive over...

We were colleagues.Nothing more.

Of course we had
professional disagreements.

Disagreement turn into a funeral pyre?

We were talking about a patient.

I can't discuss it.

Right.Court order.

Well,how about you not discuss
it on the way to the roundhouse?

I was trying to protect julie's memory.

She was misguimusic
therapy for schizophrenia?

It's...It's absurd.

Yeah,but pete was doing better.

He had started cheeking.

- Cheeking?
- Not swallowing his meds.

He'd lie to her about it.

She'd turn a blind eye to it.

pete,calm down.Relax.

What's wrong?

Trayden spy!Exley said you
stole his sector five document!

Give it back!

I thought you said pete was timid.

A small percentage of schizophrenics
are more prone to v*olence.

I had to use an extraordinary amount of
mication to calm pete after that episode.

That why julie was mad at you?

She thought i was gorking him.

Gork?Speak english,doc.

him into a zombie.

The meds have side effects.

The alternative is worse.

Pete scanell disappeared
the day before julie died.

You saying pete went after her?

Schizophrenics are always looking
for a safe person,a safe place.

He know where she lived?

That morning i...

I found him in her office,searching
her purse,going through her mail.

See,this is the sub-Portal
transport design.

It'll be a gateway to the inner plane.

Is the inner plane a
safe place for you,pete?

If the vibrations aren't in
flux,i can travel there safely.

Was dr.Ramierez's house
a safe place for you?

Pete,when you saw the rainbow,did you
go to her house?Did you have a key?

We should not be discussing
this.It's dangerous.

Did dr.Ramierez ever
go to the inner plane?

No!No,she didn't have
clearance!Exley has clearance.

God,how many times do i
have to tell you people?

Did she know mr.Exley?

- Let's take a break,lil.
- She never met exley.

I gave her a picture of him and me.

She kept it in her
journal.It was strange.

What was strange?

When i gave her the picture...

She started to cry.

Exley does not like to be photographed.

He understands the
danger.And this is dangerous.

- Dangerous!
- Lil...

It's okay,pete.We're done.

you keep this guy any longer,he's
liable to hurt himself.

I seen it,lil.

A guard's watching.

Well,he needs a doctor.

I need to see her journal first.It was
important enough for pete to mention it.

So you get notes on the inner
plane?Picture of a guy who isn't real?

He had no reason to k*ll her,scotty.

Well,maybe julie set him off.

I mean,he assaulted galton
over trayden documents.

We figure out where he went that day,we
put him at the scene or rule him out.

Holdindesk tells me you still
got pete scanell downstairs.

I just need a little more time.

- I told you to him.
- Yeah,sorry,boss.

It was my idea.We're getting close.

- To what?
- The truth.

: a.M.I want him gone.

will's back.Welcome back.

Get lost on the way home,will?

I'm back to work.

No,not today,soldier.Get some rest.

There'll be a nice,comfortable desk
waiting for you when you get back.

What the hell am i
gonna do at home,john?

Besides,it smells like vera.

there you go.

Ramierez's journal.

the judge owe you one?

Just solid case law,my friend.

Requisitioned from a
storage room at tranquility.

Messengered it over.

Thanks.I owe you...

A new kitty sticker.

Yeah,my daughter's going
through a sticker phase.

Been awhile since i last saw
her.This thing's barely holding on.

Never made it to that play?

Uh,no,no.The ex wouldn't budge.

It's like i'm watching a home movie
of her growing up,only i'm not in it.

Sorry to hear.

Yeah,she'd be happy if i walked away.

Just gave up,you know?

What about your daughter?

No,never wanted to
start a tug-O-w*r.What?

Never seemed like the kinda
guy to give up without a fight.

exley's real.

Come on,lil.

Julie was trying to understand
what triggered pete's illness.

Some kind of trauma,right?

She figured it out.See,when pete was six,he was
trapped in a house fire with his older brother.

Brother died in a fire?

This was clipped inside her journal--
Pete and his brother michael.

Looks like a happy,healthy kid.

But brother's dressed
exactlylike pete described exley.

Well,galton said the voices a schizophrenic
hears usually start off as a friend.

Or a family member.It gets better.

The inner plane?

Check it out.

it's a jungle gym.

His safe place when he was a kid.

Maybe he had one in philly.

Last entry,the day she died: i think i
know where pete ran.It's his safe place.

The gas station where julie filled
up at-- Gotta be a park nearby.


Valens: julie found him here.

Maybe she told him exley wasn't
really the ensign of the inner plane.

What's that matter?

She thought if she talked to pete
about his trigger,it would help him.

She was fighting his delusion.

Tried to take him away from
the park,the jungle gym...

His safe place.

He got upset...

I was wrong about pete.

So was julie.

I just got off the phone with the cia.

They want a full report about
the fire at dr.Ramierez's house.

The cia?

You were right,pete.

There's been an influx
of trayden activity.

The traydens are an fbi
detail.Strictly federal.

No,no,this is bigger than you imagined.

We need your help,pete.

Can you do that?Can you help us out?

I want to help.

You told me you were sitting with
exley when you saw the rainbow.

Dr.Ramierez walked towards you.

Exley didn't trust her.

He was right.

Did dr.Ramierez take you
away,try to trick you?

- This is dangerous.
- I know it is.

You need to be strong.

You trust me,right?

- I do.
- Then tell me what happened.

She said exley wasn't real.

If you deny,you're part of it.

I didn't want to hurt
her,but the traydens are evil,

and their soul force cannot be extinguished
by just any manner of death.They have to burn.


Why would she betray me?

Pete,julie was already on the
living room floor when you walked in.

- Yeah.- Well,pete,how did you
hurt dr.Ramierez-- Did you hit her?

I don't remember; i was tired.

This is important,pete.

Remember.Close your eyes.You can do it.

She found you at the park...

And took you home with her.

To listen to music.

We were talking about the picture.

The picture.That one with your brother?

He came back to me in college.

He used to help me,give me advice,but...

Then he went away.

You used to go to the park together?

We used to play on the jungle gym,watch
the other kids on the tire ride.

watching the wheels.

That's my favorite john lennon song.

Yeah,it's a good one.

So you didn't get mad when
she talked about your past?


It just makes me tired.


I didn't want to hurt her.

But i got the call.

From exley?

Do you remember what time exley called?

I hung up at : .

Saw it on the phone.

Were you on a phone like this?


Dr.Ramierez gave me her cell phone when she found
me at the park,said call her if i got lost again.

Then that call was real.

What did exley tell you?

he said...Dr.Ramierez was evil.


That her soul had to be extinguished.I
burned the house.I hurt her.

You didn't hurt
anyone,pete.You understand?

What time was galton's
phone call to julie?

: to : .

This doc had some kind
of personal beef with her.

Or professional.

What else do we know
about the good doctor?

Valens: i appreciate
you coming in,doctor.

Anything to help.

Man,this psychology stuff.

All these...Disorders,it's
pretty complex.

I've published a number of books
that are easy,for the layman.


I might have to borrow one.

Uh,i mean,you guys got a
pill for every little problem.

There's one called...

Man,these medical words.



Yeah,yeah,what is that?

It's a neuroleptic.Helps
alleviate numerous symptoms.

From what i get,it's
basically an antipsychotic.

That's not bad-- I've
been reading this thing.

I'm not sure i follow.

We're looking into the medication
that was stolen from the clinic.

Uh,burglary report filed
by tranquility in ' .

Antipsychotics went missing,too.

- You know anything about that?
- No.

Pete was on haloperidol.

It's used to help treat schizophrenia.

Thing is,it could also help
with,uh,narcissistic personality disorder.

- You familiar with that one?
- Of course.

Would you mind,uh,reading
the definition out loud?

'Cause i'll just mess up the words.

"symptoms of npd are a pervasive pattern
of grandiosity" "and need for admiration.

patient has a sense of entitlement,is exploitative,"
"and takes advantage of others to his own end.

shows arrogant behaviors...Or attitudes.

" That sounds like a fancy way
of saying someone's a horse's ass.

It sounds like someone who'd
make his patients wash his car.

Someone who'd diinto their money.

And hire former patients like geneva to be
at his beck and call,treat him like a king.

Kind of sounds...

Like you.

- What the hell is this?- You stole
pete's meds to do a little self-Medicating.

That's why he was pissed at you.

Give it back-- He was
talking about his pills.

So what,you're-You're...You're
a doctor now?

No.But julie was.

So she diagnosed you with...

Ah,narcissistic personality disorder in her
complaint to the ama-- Care to read that one,too?

- I don't have to listen
to this.- Of course not--

You're the executive director of
the pennsylvania medical group.

Diagnosed by a woman who'd only
been practicing three years.

You've written books...

That sold copies.

You know,maybe she was
right.Incompetent,arrogant and abusive.

You sure you went to med school,doc?

Julie'd be running that place
by now if she were still alive.

But unlike you,she actually cared
about her patients,about lping people.

I care deeply.

You people have no idea...

The good work i do.

I have won countless grants and honors.

I have set therapeutic goals for patients
that julie was too narrow-Minded to comprehend.

I have patients that
admire and respect me.

Me!Not julie!Me!

So you went to her house
to straighten her out.

- You bet i did.
- But she wouldn't listen to you.

She had to be stopped.She was sick.

i called you earlier,and...

Pete scanell answered.

What's going on,julie?

I gave him my cell phone,just in case.

You gave him your phone?When?

He can't be on the street,dr.Galton.

So,you brought him home with you.

He's...He's asleep in the
basement.He needs a place to stay.

So you think he's better
off here than at tranquility.

He said he ran away because you
took something from his room.

This from a kid who
hallucinates on a daily basis.

I believe him,jack--
You took his meds.

He has no concept of reality.The
disease eradicated it.

The disease didn't eradicate
his sense of honesty,his soul.

He's a good kid,and i believe in him.

- And you say i cross lines.
- Excuse me?

The complaint you filed
against me with the ama.

You didn't think i'd find out
about that,the people i know?

- Please,keep your voice down.
- Don't tell me what to do.

I've seen with my own eyes
how you treat the patients.

Tomorrow you will call the ama
and tell them you made a mistake.

I'm sorry,jack,i can't do that.

You will do what i say!

I think you need help.

Dr.Kellerman is expecting your call.

gonna analyze me?

You're sick,jack.

Sick?I treat the sick.

You're not helping them.

You've got to help yourself first.

You know nothing!

Pete.It's exley.

there's a problem i
need you to take care of.

Good news,pete.

I found a caseworker who pulled some
strings,got you in a board and care.

They'll get you back on
your meds,take care of you.


And i want you to know...

Julie beeved in you.

You understand?



This place...

You've done a sweep for listening
devices-- It's safe,right?

It's safe,pete.

("Watching the wheels"
by john lennon playing)

* people say i'm crazy
doing what i'm doing well,*

* they give me all kinds of
warnings to save me from ruin *

* when i say that i'm okay well,they
look at me kind of strange surely *

* you're not happy now you
no longer play the game *

* i'm just sitting here watching
the wheels go round and round *

* i really love to watch them roll no
longer riding on the merry-Go-Round *

* i just had to let it go ah,people
asking questions lost in confusion...*

* well i tell them there's
no problem, only solutions *

* well they shake their heads *

* and they look at me
as if i've lost my mind *

* i tell them there's no hurry *

* i'm just sitting here doing time *

* i'm just sitting here watching
the wheels go round and round *

* i really love to watch them roll no
longer riding on the merry-Go-Round *

* i just had to let it go *